300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Functional Specification)

300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Functional Specification)

<p> IRIS User Group Development IRIS-ENH Acord Placing Message Mapping SN-300122959</p><p>Current Location & Status File Location D:\Docs\2018-04-04\09d873f9f77a757b5d06308a8ed068c2.doc Document Owner Daryl Yeats Status</p><p>Authorised By</p><p>Name Authorising Role Date Signature Alan Chisham Development Manager Daryl Yeats Project Manager Rob Locke Support Director John Colwell Financial Director</p><p>Prepared by: Jan Burton Project Manager Daryl Yeats Office: 34 Leadenhall Street, London, EC3A 1AX</p><p>Issue Date: 30.01.08</p><p>© Xchanging Global Insurance Systems Ltd. 2008</p><p>All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Xchanging Global Insurance Systems Limited (Xchanging).</p><p>This document contains information which is confidential and of value to Xchanging. It may be used only for the agreed purpose for which it has been provided. Written consent is required before any part is reproduced. </p><p>Trademark Information Company, product, or brand names mentioned in this document, may be the trademarks of their owners. Document Control 300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Functional Specification) Revision History Version Description/Reason for Change Date 01 First Issue 30/01/2008</p><p>Circulation List Name Business Area For For Agreement Review Sign-off to proceed A. Chisham Development X X X D Yeats IS X X Rob Locke IS X X X John Colwell IS X X X IUG Client X X X</p><p>XPERT Release 2 Stage G Page 2 of 18 300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Functional Specification)</p><p>Document Purpose</p><p>This document is the Functional Specification for the ability to automatically import Acord Placing messages into IRIS and the generation of new quotes or skeleton policies. It has been compiled in accordance with the Xchanging XPERT package Implementation Methodology. </p><p>This initial development will consist of the ability to create new IRIS quotes or skeletons from Acord messages, with possible later phases that will allow for existing risks to be amended. This development phase will cover the current Acord messages with their limited content (‘skinny’) but will be designed with possible further future development in mind.</p><p>XPERT Release 2 Stage G Page 3 of 18 300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Functional Specification)</p><p>Contents Page</p><p>1 Overview of requirement...... 5 1.1 Business Requirements...... 5 1.1.1 Acord Message Data Mapping...... 5 1.1.2 Acord Viewer IRIS Quote/Skeleton Creation...... 5 1.1.3 IRIS Policy Input – Quote/Skeleton...... 6 2 Functionality...... 7 2.1 IMEX Definition...... 7 2.2 Acord Viewer IRIS Quote/Skeleton Creation...... 7 2.3 IRIS Policy Input – Quote/Skeleton...... 8 2.4 Business and Functional Requirements Matrix...... 8 3 Functional Details...... 9 3.1 IMEX Definition...... 9 3.1.1 New IMEX Formats...... 9 3.1.2 IMEX Message Mapping...... 9 Acord Message to IRIS Field Map...... 9 New IMEX Maps...... 11 3.2 Acord Viewer...... 12 3.3 Policy Input...... 15 4 Test plan...... 16 5 Assumptions & limitations...... 17 6 Costs...... 18</p><p>XPERT Release 2 Stage G Page 4 of 18 300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Functional Specification)</p><p>1 Overview of requirement</p><p>The Acord Message Viewer, a separate application from IRIS, was recently completed and demonstrated successfully to the IUG. The next phase of this development is to automatically generate IRIS quotes and skeletons from Acord messages, which have a link back to the Acord Message from the IRIS quote / skeleton. See the business requirement document ..\01 Business Requirements\IUG- 300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping-Business Requirements.02.doc.</p><p>The enhancement will be developed in IRIS-ENH and will involve changes to the Acord Message Viewer, IMEX, and Policy Input.</p><p>1.1 Business Requirements</p><p>1.1.1 Acord Message Data Mapping BR1) A means to specify how the structured data elements in the Acord placing message should be mapped to IRIS data elements on IRIS quotes and skeleton policies will be required. This will need to support as a minimum… a) Direct value mapping (i.e. for plain text or amounts) b) Code Value Cross Reference (i.e. to map Acord coded values to the equivalent IRIS values) c) Conditional Data Mapping (e.g. if Msg Value=’X’ Then IRIS Field Value=’Y’ Else IRIS Field Value=Msg Value; such as might be required to define what product code should be used for the message)</p><p>1.1.2 Acord Viewer IRIS Quote/Skeleton Creation BR2) From a list of Acord placing messages (e.g. the main Acord Viewer message list) provide an option to allow the creation of an IRIS quote or skeleton policy for a selected message.</p><p>BR3) On the successful creation of a quote or skeleton policy from an Acord placing message record a “Risk Created” type action will be recorded in the history/audit trail for that message.</p><p>BR4) Record the quote/skeleton policy reference of the generated Quote or skeleton policy against the placing message which should be viewable to the user both in the message processed and any subsequent messages for the same unique market reference.</p><p>BR5) Having created either a quote or skeleton policy for a given unique market reference the system should prevent the generation of any subsequent quotes or skeleton policies for the same unique market reference.</p><p>XPERT Release 2 Stage G Page 5 of 18 300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Functional Specification)</p><p>1.1.3 IRIS Policy Input – Quote/Skeleton BR6) When viewing or amending a quote or skeleton policy within IRIS, if the quote/skeleton policy was created from an Acord message then the quote/skeleton should display an additional new tab or form that displays the message details (equivalent to the Acord Message viewer) a) Details that are viewable should include access to the attachments on that message.</p><p>XPERT Release 2 Stage G Page 6 of 18 300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Functional Specification)</p><p>2 Functionality </p><p>The functional requirements can be broken down as follows</p><p>2.1 IMEX Definition FS1) A quote format will be required in IMEX, this will include all fields available when entering a Quote via Policy Input, and will be used as an initial template format, modifiable in IMEX as required by each client. (BR01)</p><p>FS2) A skeleton format will be required in IMEX, this will include all fields available when entering a Skeleton via Policy Input, and will be used as an initial template format, modifiable in IMEX as required by each client. (BR01)</p><p>FS3) A source XML format will be required in IMEX, this will include all fields available in the Acord message, and will be used as an initial template format, modifiable in IMEX as required by each client. (BR01)</p><p>FS4) It will be possible to map Acord message code values to their equivalent IRIS code values by the use of a lookup table. This lookup table will be an IRIS reference file so shall be updatable using the IRIS Reference Files utility. It is currently possible to conditionally map a field using IMEX. (BR01) </p><p>FS5) Two data mappings will be required, one between the source dataset and the quote dataset, and the other between the source dataset and the skeleton dataset. These will be used as an initial template for mapping the fields from the Acord message to IRIS fields, and will be modifiable in IMEX as required by each client. (BR01) </p><p>2.2 Acord Viewer IRIS Quote/Skeleton Creation FS6) A new menu option will be available in the Acord Message viewer file menu entitled ‘Select IMEX Import Data Map’ which will allow the user to select the IMEX data map’s to be used for Acord Quote creation and Skeleton creation. These names will be stored in the Acord configuration file. (BR02) </p><p>FS7) Navigation options will be available from main Acord Viewer message list to a. Create a new IRIS Quote. b. Create a new IRIS Skeleton. (BR02) </p><p>FS8) The navigation options to create a Quote / Skeleton (see 7above) will be disabled if the message's message Market Reference already has a policy linked to it. (BR05) </p><p>FS9) The navigation (see 7above) will call the IMEX data mapper which will run, creating the quote or skeleton for the selected message. The quote / skeleton will be presented to the user giving them a chance to correct any errors or add any additional information. Once done, pressing ‘Update’ will save the quote / skeleton and complete the import. (BR01) </p><p>FS10) Once the import has completed successfully the Acord Message Viewer will record the action “Quote/Skeleton Created” in its message history audit trail. (BR03) </p><p>XPERT Release 2 Stage G Page 7 of 18 300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Functional Specification)</p><p>FS11) Once the import has completed successfully the Acord Message Viewer will record the policy reference created against the message Market Reference. a. A read only policy reference field will be available on the message detail screen to display the information. b. If the user changes the Market Reference on a particular message then the policy reference field will also be updated to show the Policy Reference linked to the new Market Reference, or blank if the new Market Reference is not linked to a Policy Reference. (BR04) </p><p>2.3 IRIS Policy Input – Quote/Skeleton FS12) When viewing or amending a policy (including quote or skeleton) within IRIS, a new Policy Input function will be available which will show the same details as the Acord viewer, including listing the attachments. a. The availability of the function will be controlled at a product level from IRIS Business Customisation. b. The policy input function will be able to be embedded as a new tab or opened via a menu or toolbar option. c. The information displayed in this screen will be taken from the message itself. d. The screen will include a list of the message attachments. A button will be available to view the selected attachment which will open it in its default application as specified on the user’s PC (i.e. if the Attachment is a Word document it will attempt to be opened in the application on the user’s PC that is associated with Word documents - e.g. MS Word). e. If the PC the user is using does not have access to the network path the Acord message is stored at, or the Acord message has been moved, the function will still be displayed but the details will be blank, and a message shown indicating the Acord message could not be opened. f. The same applies to message attachments, i.e. if an Acord message attachment has been moved and IRIS can no longer access it a message will be displayed to the user when they try to view it. (BR06) </p><p>2.4 Business and Functional Requirements Matrix BR01 BR02 BR03 BR04 BR05 BR06 FS01  FS02  FS03  FS04  FS05  FS06  FS07  FS08  FS09  FS10  FS11  FS12 </p><p>XPERT Release 2 Stage G Page 8 of 18 300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Functional Specification)</p><p>3 Functional Details</p><p>3.1 IMEX Definition</p><p>3.1.1 New IMEX Formats Three IMEX formats will be required, defining the different data types that can be part of the import. These will be pre-defined in IMEX as part of this enhancement. . Quote (1 . Skeleton (2 . Acord Message (3</p><p>On a client by client basis, it is anticipated the Quote and Skeleton formats will not need changing but the Acord Message format may need modifying depending on the layout of the Acord messages the client receives. This can be done using current IMEX functionality to edit XML based formats. The following screen print shows the IMEX screen to define a set of fields from an XML data file.</p><p>3.1.2 IMEX Message Mapping</p><p> Acord Message to IRIS Field Map The following table lists the fields displayed in the Acord Viewer, and their proposed default mapping to IRIS fields based on the standard IRIS configuration. Message Field Sample Value Maps To Main Details Sender broker Receiver serviceprovider UUID 36779614-6108- 44d6-add2- 79b0f7c1ede4 Broker Reference ME000037Z</p><p>XPERT Release 2 Stage G Page 9 of 18 300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Functional Specification)</p><p>Message Field Sample Value Maps To Creation Date 10/09/2007 Sent Date 10/09/2007 Contract Date 10/09/2007 Quote Req By 01/01/0001 Placing Function quotation_request Placing Stage quotation Contract Details Cedent Ref Unique Market Reference B0895ME000037 Market Reference (POMKRF) Z (in the event a message is received without a unique market reference then the system will construct one for itself in the format Bxxxxyyyyyyyyyy where . xxxx is the Broker ID . yyyyyyyyyy is the Broker Reference. Using the sample value column the Market Reference would contain B0895ME000047Z</p><p>Broker Agency lloyds Broker ID 0895 Broker/Source Code (POLBRC) Contact Martin Eves Cover Type facultative_non_p Product (POP#CD) roportional This is not a direct mapping. </p><p>For an IMEX quote, this will map to an IRIS Product (the equivalent cover type from the message is shown in brackets) of . Quote XSL . Quote PPN . Quote L/S . Quote FAC (facultative_non_proportional)</p><p>For an IMEX skeleton, this will map to an IRIS Product (the equivalent cover type from the message is shown in brackets) of . XSL SKEL . PPN SKEL . L/S SKEL . FAC SKEL (facultative_non_proportional) High Level Ref 01 Contract Name Casualty Contract Name (PSPONR) Broker Reference ME000037Z Broker Reference (POBRRF) Inception Date 01/01/2007 Inception Date (POICDT) Expiry Date 31/12/2007 Expiry Date (POEKDT)</p><p>XPERT Release 2 Stage G Page 10 of 18 300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Functional Specification)</p><p>Message Field Sample Value Maps To JVC Class Of Business Casualty Branch Code (POBHCD). This is not a direct mapping but will be populated using a cross reference (so for example ‘casualty’ could map to a branch code of ‘C’) Country Territory (POTACD). This will be populated using a cross reference. Policy Form Report Level section_level Coverage (see note 1) Coverage Type sum_insured Description Sum Insured Amount 1000000 TSI (PATSHP) where coverage type = ‘sum_insured’ Currency GBP Policy Currency (PAOGCU) Basis each_and_every_ Limit Qualifier (PATSHQ). This will occurence be populated using cross reference.</p><p>Note 1 The IMEX Skeleton import will be keyed by Policy Number (PHPONO), Sequence (PHPOSQ), Year (PHUGYR), Declaration Number (PHDANO) and Currency (PAOGCU). IMEX Quote import will be keyed by Quote number (PHQPMU), Year (PHQPMY) and Currency (PAOGCU) thus if more than one coverage type amount and currency is in the message IMEX should be able to create different currencies for each message currency.</p><p> New IMEX Maps Two new maps will be required to define how the Acord message will map to IRIS fields. These will be created as part of this enhancement. . Acord Message Format to IRIS Quote Format (5 . Acord Message Format to IRIS Skeleton Format (5</p><p>The field map table (see defines the initial mapping that will be done. These will require modifying on a client by client basis depending on the layout of the Acord messages the client receives and how they wish to map this to their IRIS configuration. Editing the map can be done using the IMEX field mapping screen, from where it is possible to . Remove current field mappings . map fields directly . Map fields conditionally (using an IRIS script to define the mapping rule)</p><p>XPERT Release 2 Stage G Page 11 of 18 300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Functional Specification)</p><p>In order to map fields indirectly (i.e. fields which have one value in the Acord Message but should have a different value in IRIS) a new iSeries file will be used. This will be accessible from IRIS Reference Files (4 and will allow the user to define the . IRIS Field . Acord value . IRIS Value. </p><p>So for example, using the mapping in the above field map table (see Branch Code (POBHCD) might contain a record in this file as follows Field Name Acord Value IRIS Value POBHCD Aviation M POBHCD Casualty C POBHCD Marine M (where the IRIS set up is such that branch code C is casualty and the branch code M is Marine & Aviation)</p><p>3.2 Acord Viewer In order to create a Quote or Skeleton the Acord Viewer needs to know which IMEX map it should run. Accordingly a new screen will be available, accessable from the File menu. It will allow the user to enter a Map name for Quote Import and a Map name for Skeleton Import to IRIS (6.</p><p>Right click navigation will be available from the main Acord Viewer screen to start the Import to IRIS (7. The navigation options will be disabled if the message (or a different message with the same Market Reference) has already been imported into IRIS. The Market</p><p>XPERT Release 2 Stage G Page 12 of 18 300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Functional Specification)</p><p>Reference will be determined in the Acord Viewer by concatenating the Broker Reference and Broker ID (8.</p><p>On selecting one of the Import navigation options, IMEX will be run, using the data Map specified in the Acord Viewer to create the Quote or Skeleton and present it to the user giving them a chance to correct any errors and add additional information. </p><p>Once the user is happy with the information they can press Update and the import will complete. (9</p><p>The Acord viewer will be updated with the policy reference of the quote or skeleton created (PHUSRF) and this will be shown in the message viewer detail screen (10. It’s action history will also be updated to reflect the change (11. </p><p>XPERT Release 2 Stage G Page 13 of 18 300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Functional Specification)</p><p>The Policy reference will be linked to a particular Unique Market Reference (if the message does not include one then one will be generated by combining the Broker ID and Broker Reference) and will be displayed against any message with the same Unique Market Reference. If the user changes the Unique Market Reference the Policy reference will be updated to show the reference of the quote or skeleton imported against the new Market Reference, or blank. (11</p><p>XPERT Release 2 Stage G Page 14 of 18 300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Functional Specification)</p><p>3.3 Policy Input A screen similar to the above Acord Viewer details screen will be available as a Policy Input Ancillary function. It will show details taken from the Acord message. </p><p>All the information on the screen will be read only.</p><p>A button will be available allowing the selected attachment in the list to be viewed in it’s default application (e.g. a .doc file would be opened in MS Word). It will be possible (as with other IRIS ancillary functions) to have this embedded on the main policy details form (e.g. as a specific tab)</p><p>This function will be available at a product level within IRIS Business Customisation.</p><p>XPERT Release 2 Stage G Page 15 of 18 300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Functional Specification)</p><p>4 Test plan No. Test Expected Results 1 IMEX 1.1 Open IMEX and open the Quote The format will be available and updatable. IMEXIris Format 1.2 Open IMEX and open the Skeleton The format will be available and updatable. IMEXIris Format 1.3 Open IMEX and open the Acord The format will be available and updatable. XML Format. 1.4 Open IMEX and open the Acord The map will be available and updatable. Quote Data map. 1.5 Open IMEX and open the Acord The map will be available and updatable. Skeleton Data map. 2 Acord Viewer (pre Import) 2.1 Open the Acord Viewer and select The Option is available and the quote and the menu option to specify the skeleton data map can be specified. IMEX Data Map. 2.2 From the message grid, Right click Right click options will be available to create an a message and initiate a Quote IRIS Quote or Skeleton. import into IRIS. The import will be automatically run presenting the Quote to the user to fix any error or enter additional information. On pressing ‘Update’ the import will complete. 3 Policy Input 3.1 Examine the quote created. The quote will contain values from the Acord message as defined in the IMEX map. 3.2 Open the Acord Message ancillary The function will show the original XML message function. including any attachments. 3.3 Select an attachment from the list The attachment will open successfully. and open it. 4 Acord Viewer (post Import) 4.1 Open the Acord Viewer and open The message detail screen will show the Quote the message previously imported to Reference. an IRIS Quote. 4.2 Open a different message with the The message detail screen will show the Quote same Market Reference. Reference as previous test. 4.3 Change the Market Reference on The Quote reference will be removed. the open message (by changing the Broker Reference or Broker ID). 4.4 In the Acord viewer, right click on Navigation to import to IRIS will be disabled. the message already imported into IRIS In the Acord viewer, open the A new action will be recorded for the message Action History screen. Import into IRIS. 5 Skeleton Import 5.1 Repeat steps 2.2 to 4.4, but in step As previous tests 2.2 Import to an IRIS Skeleton.</p><p>XPERT Release 2 Stage G Page 16 of 18 300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Functional Specification)</p><p>5 Assumptions & limitations 1) Each client will define their own IMEX message map based on the default template created as part of this enhancement.</p><p>2) A client will beta test the software prior to it being released generally to the client base.</p><p>XPERT Release 2 Stage G Page 17 of 18 300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Functional Specification)</p><p>6 Costs</p><p>Based on the Business Requirements set out in this document and on the Technical Specification, we estimate that our price for completing the development of this enhancement will be £72,576. </p><p>This estimate is valid for 90 days</p><p>Any arrangement (including price) that is agreed as a result of this proposal is subject to the Constitution of the IRIS User Group.</p><p>The estimate includes the following:-</p><p>Further detailed software design Programming Unit testing Peer testing Database upgrade Documentation upgrade Help Text upgrade Project management Delivery and load instructions Incorporation into System test</p><p>This enhancement will form part of the standard IRIS package and will be covered by the existing maintenance agreement.</p><p>If you wish to proceed with the specification, you should provide authorisation in written form, for example by email.</p><p>XPERT Release 2 Stage G Page 18 of 18</p>

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