rst With The News! F* Value-Shop The Ait ,.„ Astride All The Activities Th« Urfttt And B«»t Shop! And J,f The Town With Your Swvkw In Th* Area Ara Our Home-town Paper XXVII-NO; 6 CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1948 PRICE THREE CENTS ,i Repeat Legion Auxiliary Officials See Poppies Made Crowning Adult Education, Recreation Will Checl Programs Planned By Teachers [Jons' Show Fete Hefe ("ARTKRF.T A rerrenllnn and educational protnun f*r adalU Vandalism Is being planned l>v thr Frdrratlon n( Carteret Twirhem, It w»» annonnred todaj. On Sunday The profram w.ll herin in the fall. Mm. Lorcita Alionine, At Schools in Sunday apflktaman for thr «rnup, »ld a wrlra at Ifftnres la planned on health, home tinning and baby care, aim flints, folk dineint |H Will Be Use.! Sacrc«l Heart r.hurch and movie*. j Board to Ask Police The wope of the program will depend upon the demand, Mrs. pro(,, Sodality Arranges Algottlne said. If enough Interest U manifested, other aetlvltle* to Keep Closer Eye will l>e Included |\ Here Appropriate Program on All Schools rl,:HFn—All roads will lead CARTERET Under the direc CARTERET — Police will "V n(Rh School Auditorium tlon of Rev. Larllslaus J. Petrlck, Firemen Get Field For Rodeo; asked to aid checking vandalism 1 « o'clock Sunday night, final iirranurments have been school property. ct Lions Club will completed bv the Young Ladles At the request or School Com-- ,is- minstrel and variety Sorinllty of the Sacred Heart Strict Rules On Use Are Set mlssloner Ster/hen Fedlam, .. i.iMi rfas warmly ac- Churfh for the annual May a w CARTERET •- Fire Company 2, to the rodeo must be strictly ad- district clerk will write to v/hrn presented here last c owning to be held In the churcl at 3:30 P. M. Hundny. has been grnnled permission to hered to,' Chief George Bherldan. Jr., Mr. Morris told the board of luD has decided to give hold its rodeo at the Walter B. that radio patrol cars check Miss Elennor Prokop will be "the trouble" he had with the i,,,, pn formance In an effort Overholt Stadium, June 10, but crnwner. Her attendants will be with reservations. firemen. property during their rounds'. ,ir muds for a boy,* refugee Misses Mary Oaydos, Lorralm Fedtam revealed that there ,, „„* a student at the Holy Krissak and Dorothy Lauder. Oer When the application ol the "They don't care anything about firemen came before the Board of the Board of Education or the en considerable damage ,h iMiochlal School. The boy, aldine Ciko will be crown bearei i,,,s been adopted by the and her entourage will Includi Education Wednesday night, Dis- stadium. All they want is the school property. Windows, hw trict Clerk Charles Morris asked rodeo" Morris said, 1 N(,» wearing bractrs which Janet Maskulin. Jnan Ciko, Karen been smashed, screens broken, thiU the "board give the matter Morris who passed on the vote kfs ,i difficult for htm to navl- Brechka and Elsie Perenc. Also edges damaged and lawns i,, needs a wooden leg. participating will be members of serious consideration" before act- said that if it happens to rain a lr ing on the request. led, T1;(H, who attended, the nrevl- the Senior nnri Junior sodalities. few days before the rodeo comes, 1 Seven new members will be ac- In agreeing to the flremenVi "the stadium won't be fit for a "Some of the vandallsts don Wi[(irmance» found the ((Ho* ly attention to the cepted into the Senior Sodality. request, the board authorized Mr. ball game for a month." mil ohfetody and sub- idlam said. Morris to write to the firemen He asked: "How would you like i IVIt Acaln stlgea undw the Festivities will begin at 3 P. M. to have horses trample all over Mr. Fedlam asked for si •reel inn of sttnlej S«yba, the when the groups will assemble at that the ball field Is not to be ill have Loil Btebner, Sr., touched and that section assigned your lawn?" Ions for a playground at the ohurcii auditorium for the Cleveland School, so that bids mif; lixuto procession Into the church,. In x received. rninplete program follows: the line of march will be the chil- iThf FORDS—That "Poppy Ray" Is not far away superintendent of the home; Mrs. Maurice Evans, On recommendation of Walter: i _ NiptIT Cl.UB StRNI*. dren and Sisters, first holy com- Plan to Abandon !,,,, Matter »f Coremonlpe can be seen by the picture above showing the state poppy chairman, and Mrs. Benjamin Sun- municants. Sodality girls, priests No Raise or Bonus lemlec. president, who presided^ ,.,. MAI'AM Z-A2A, Kan veterans at the Menlo Park Soldiers Home put- shine of Fords, state hospital contact chairman he board approved a grant of $lWJ'-: j , "in.l her Heuutlful-Chorus and altar boys and crown bearer : ting together the traditional crepe paper flowers for the American Legion Auxiliary. The sale of owards the purchase of a projec- 1 iv-t of t he'World do W." and attendants. for Teachers Seen Station Weighed I '"! i:,,k,,vli'. Avciimptnliid by which are sold throughout thr imlion in honor poppies Is conducted by the Legion Auxiliary or. as requested by the Columbus* of the country's hero dead and to help "those fur The sermon will be preached by .,.,MI qimrlet. and Legion and VFW Posts ' throughout the Rev. George Belas of the Colum- 1eveland-P.T.A. ), M,,i,i(.nin, Julo* and Andrew whom the wars arc not yet over." Lookinc at the Delegation in Harrington at Hearing Commissioner John Scally an> •|l,,« SIIDII. llli'hanl MlKli"*. popples brim; held by one of tlR veterans, from lcition from Ma.v 24 to 2!) inclusive. Members of bian Fathers, Nebraska. M iirnr NOVKIC; I'renontliifs the ^arteret legion and V. F. W. Posts and Sunday morning, at the 8 Fights R. R. Proposal; lounced that registration for kin- ,., i Jr., Clismplun Hoy left to right, lire Mm. Ilarry'lllcekiipr of Cii(teret, That no Such Proviriion lergarten classes will be held Juitt \ in' Not Work: H(B Vniir volunteer hospital worker; William Thompson. Auxiliaries will hold their sale May 28 and 29. o'clock mass, the chlldern of the , ,II-III- Uurul; FrtfoiitliiK parish will receive their first holy Available in Budget Board Studies Plea , 2 and 3 from 1 to 3 P. M. Grad>ffj in.I Wenliy O»trl, l-'nul communion. The PTA will tender latlon dates for elementary! . niiytlini: H«ren»dc of tln- CARTERET'-- Public Utilities ehools will be: Washington. June'; i.,,it,i Holly*: Apnl« Blo«- Cartvrvl Tax Rate a communion breakfast In their CARTERET — Teachers of the ,MIIIK <>lg» Holowctiuk ami Draft Final Plans honor and the committee in public schools have been told by Commission has taken under ad- 0; Cleveland, June 11 and Colum-* , i ;,,;•'„: Cuddle Up A l.ltllc Boy Scout (Chiefs visement the application of the bus, Nathan Hale, June 15. ', \.[.mii'H Kenrn«y,' PreiMMil- far'48 is $8.13 charge includes Mrs. Prank Krls- the Board of Education that they ,, r» Pride Trio, Sotif?», sgk, Mrs. Gabriel Nepshinsky, Mrs. cannot expect a raise or bonus at Jersey Central Railroad to aban- Commissioner Michael Shutello M.nliiili. JOMPII W*dl»k, Plan Wider Scope CARTF.RET — Carterct's tax for Memorial Day Rose Kutney, Mrs. Margaret For- this. time, because there are nodon the West Carteret railroad asked the board to «o over ths Jli rate for 1118 has been set at nadel and Mrs. Catherine Novo- provisions in the current budget station. contracts for transportation fie- Hi' I:|I ul lloaven," "Itnlhiti $8.13. hjlsky. The only encouragement for a At the hearing held In Newark :orc making awards. He wants a ,! . T.L: ' M.irnuerlte In«ra»slo. New UuitH nr«' IManned Observance May !ll; Wednesday, Borough Attornej ciioHim Announcement of the rate has Members'of the Sodality enter- possible bonus came from Com- clause (guaranteeing each pupil , ,n 'l.ivihm, Kurotliy Kales. for (iarteret; Hoar been made by the Middlesex Plan Special Services tained their mothers at dinner missioner John Ciko, who said B. W Harrington, In behalf o: free transportation, if the classet ., iinwik. Audrey Ward, Juan County Board of TaiaUon. held in the church hall Sunday. that the board will have a "wind Carteret and other organization! are out earlier or late. He said i» . Wiih.im Nnry, Afnm C«|)lh on Sunday, May 2it voiced strong objections to the K,IC••! I'.inipbell, Jo a (• p li I n r. of Leaders The rate is a 50 point drop The children of the school pre- fall of $24,000" from the cigarette some Instances, drivers would not n-k li;in I'.irlsK, Wllllillll Ma from the previous year. The sented a play under the direction tax, which can be used for current railroad plans. pick up children who have been, i •! n r I'lill, J«»n Kutihiir, CAKTERET- New Cub packs, CARTERET — Final arrange- Edward T. Osborne. State High dismissed earlier unless they paid country board reported that of the nuns. t expenses. The money will not be MI. K i knv William VHrga, Boy Scout Troops and Senior ments are beini; dnifted by the way Department engineer testlrltt a nickel carfare. i' MilLiii. Tcilrty HaymlmrHKl, Carteret showed the greatest de- Carteret veterans to pay homagq The oldest mother present. Mrs. available until November 1. the :n-' ) 1'iny, .AKrtiil* Kotllrmkl.
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