<p>These notices are not individual documents – you must extract the relevant part and change/use it as you see fit.</p><p>Notices written by hand are more personal with the human touch. They have just as much potency as keyboard created documents or even more so according to Karl Lentz apparently. Oath to the barons. First step. No need to serve notice on Buckingham Palace.</p><p>TO:</p><p>FROM:</p><p>DATE: SENT BY RECORDED DELIVERY (as evidence to my standing under constitutional law). Dear (put in the name of Baron you are sending too, we recommend Lord Rutland). In full knowledge of treason being committed in Parliament, by delivering the Sovereign Peoples of this Common law land into the hands of foreign powers, in understanding of some wrongs done by the present holder of the office of Sovereign, from whom I now transfer my allegiance, do willingly and wholeheartedly enter into lawful rebellion, and I solemnly swear upon my Oath to obey the lords of the baron's committee whom invoked lawful rebellion, and continue to stand in the defence of the constitution in accordance with Article 61 of Magna Carta until such times as redress of these present wrongs is achieved.</p><p>Sworn and subscribed on...... </p><p>Sign your name ... ……………………….. </p><p>(witnesses optional)</p><p>(Your birth name is fine to use, you are revoking all presumed legal fiction status to unlawful Acts, Statutes and Directives by this act alone, effectively taking all reference to the legal fiction away from you the man or woman).</p><p>NB. The Oath of allegiance is sent to one of the individual barons whom stands by the constitution in service to us the sovereign peoples. We are not handing all of our rights away to some dodgy barons. They are in service to the sovereign peoples. They invoked the 'security clause' (Article 61) for the benefit of the people to use. This is our chance to use Magna Carta once again which has NEVER failed our ancestors in the past. According to John Hurst (Magna Carts society) it has been used successfully without fail over 30 times. Lest we forget.</p><p>______(Notice of Conditional Acceptance for any demands made is the honourable way to proceed. Honour is very important in law. We accept all demands made on us as long as they are LAWFUL demands. If the individual making such demands is not standing under Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 in lawful rebellion, you have no lawful right to do business with him/her, they are acting in treason, remember ignorance of the law is no defence. This is a way to provide your evidence of intent to stand under constitutional law by issuing a copy of your Oath of allegiance).</p><p>TO: </p><p>From: </p><p>Sent by recorded delivery. </p><p>Date. NOTICE OF CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE. Notice to principle is notice to agent, notice to agent is notice to principle.</p><p>Dear Sir/Madame (use the name of the person making demands on you if you have one), doing business as (whatever capacity). This is a lawful notice. It informs you. It means what it says. Any reply to this Notice is required to be made stating your full name and, on your full commercial liability and penalty of perjury and, within seven (14) days from the delivered date and therefore your acceptance of this 'Notice of conditional acceptance'. </p><p>I Conditionally accept that I will comply with (whatever demand i.e. fine, summons etc) made upon the legal fiction or myself the living wo/man, on evidential proof under common law that the demand is entirely lawful. </p><p>Whereas I stand under the constitutional tenet of Magna Carta 1215, by its invocation on 23rd March 2001, according to constitutional law I, cannot lawfully adhere to a treasonous administration of governance, which is evidenced to be in effect today. I enclose a copy of the Oath of allegiance as evidence of my intent and lawful standing.</p><p>If I receive no reply in 'substance' to this Notice of conditional acceptance' (which means addressing precisely the points made herein in full) it shall be taken to mean by all parties involved in this matter (including any 3rdparty interlopers) that you/they are in absolute agreement with the points I have made herein and, that no further claims are therefore being made against myself or the legal fiction. I hereby attest and affirm that all the above is the truth and is my lawful understanding and, my conditional acceptance to the facts. </p><p>Without malice, vexation, frivolity or ill will and on my full commercial liability and penalty of perjury and, with all my natural, indefeasible, unalienable rights reserved. </p><p>Sincerely,------</p><p>(enclosed, a copy of my Oath of allegiance).</p><p>(3 signatory witnesses) </p><p>------</p><p>(This Notice of lawful objection can be used on the Police. If you are confident and rebellious enough to want to stop paying road tax or anything likely to be enforced by the policy enforcers, then put them on notice of your lawful standing as a preventative measure. This is the honourable way to proceed as you are attempting to prevent misunderstandings and possible breaches of the peace by your actions. We are also helping to wake up the police whom we need on our side, 'Lobby the Bobby' we call it, to give our intent the correct sentiment, they are not all bad guys. </p><p>I went for the head of roads traffic policing over de-registering my truck. By putting the head (principle) on Notice, you are also putting notice on all under his/her direction/command. This means that 'locally' you would have all police constables (agents) under official notice of your standing). To put all police constables in the country on Notice serve Notice on the Home Secretary (Teresa May).</p><p>To: (police)</p><p>From:</p><p>Date: </p><p>Sent by recorded delivery.</p><p>NOTICE OF LAWFUL OBJECTION Notice to principle is notice to agent, notice to agent is notice to principle.</p><p>Dear sir/madam, doing business as the chief inspector for roads traffic policing for (whatever) constabulary. Please be fully aware that this is a lawful instrument and may be used in evidence. Whereas I, a sovereign wo/man standing in lawful rebellion, am by law (article 61 of Magna Carta 1215), obliged to stand in defiance of the treasonous RULES that today govern this country under the direction of evil traitors in Westminster using E.U. directives and, that I have a duty to inform you personally, to put you on Notice of the fact of my lawful standing, of which I provide the proof of herein, with an enclosed copy of my oath of allegiance to the barons' Committee. (exhibit 'A'). </p><p>The evidential invocation of Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 occurred on the 23rd March 2001 reported in the Daily Telegraph on the 24th March 2001 (https://www.facebook.com/notes/practical-lawful-dissent/the-complete- process-of-notices-required-to-stop-demands-against-you-not- advice-/686330421452332 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1327734/Peers-petition- Queen-on-Europe.html) and, which is also evidenced by researching the letters available on the internet between Robin Janvrin and the Committee of the Barons at the time, which means that I, along with all peoples of this realm have a lawful duty under common law/constitutional law, to stand by the invocation of said Article 61 and, whilst remaining a lawful and loyal sovereign man, I, take full responsibility for my actions and, I hereby notify you of my standing to a), to avoid confrontation between myself and police constables and b), to inform you of the fact that you also have the same duty to serve and protect the constitution according to your Oath, and to stand by the said Article 61 yourself. </p><p>Whereas I am a peaceful man and, that I seek to conduct my duties lawfully and honourably, I hereby serve you with this 'notice of lawful objection' and request from you any objections you may have to my common law rights to stand in 'lawful rebellion'? Whereas you have a 'duty of care' to protect and to serve the peoples according to constitutional law, under a constitutional monarchy, which has been usurped by criminals in public office for over 40 years. I urge you to investigate this criminality as a matter of urgency. On November 1st 2014 the Nice treaty will come into effect if we do not prevent it, and by doing so it will destroy the constitutional laws of the entire realm of Great Britain and the commonwealth. This is an act of treason at common law and must NOT be allowed to occur. The Nice treaty was the grievance that the committee of the barons were referring too with the petition to the office of sovereign on the 7th February 2001.</p><p>You are required to respond to this Notice of lawful objection within Twenty one (14) days from your receipt of this document. If however there is no reply in 'substance' or otherwise to this 'Notice of lawful objection' then it shall be taken to mean that you (nor any other interested parties) have no objections whatsoever to my lawful standing and, that I will not come into conflict with ANY police constables under your command, nor will they make ANY demands on me unless they comply with Common law. Common law is 'of' the laws of God (commandments) and constitutional law.</p><p>Any reply to this 'Notice of lawful Objection' MUST be made on your full commercial liability and penalty of perjury and, responded too in substance with regard to the very serious matter raised herein.</p><p>Sincerely and without ill will, vexation or frivolity and, on my full commercial liability and penalty of perjury. With no admission of liability whatsoever and, with all my natural, unalienable common law rights reserved.</p><p>I, a Sovereign wo/man -printed name- as opposed to the legal fiction.</p><p>(signed)</p><p>(enclosed a copy of my oath of allegiance. Exhibit 'A'). (3 signatory witnesses)</p><p>(Once the first notice is served and evidence of its posting and acceptance has been collected, along with a copy of the oath of allegiance, and you get no reply, or you get a reply but that does not address the matter in full, you will need to serve another Notice giving a chance to make good (to cure). This is to remain in honour and to do due process of law without intent to deceive or manipulate. This process is all done under duress of circumstances and as a defensive measure not offensive. peace).</p><p>To: From: Date Notice served:</p><p>Sent by recorded post.</p><p>NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND OPPORTUNITY TO CURE. Notice to principal is notice to agent, notice to agent is notice to principal. Dear (their name) doing business as (whatever capacity they are employed as a public servant).</p><p>This is a lawful Notice which puts you on Notice of my standing and the lawful facts. Do not ignore this Notice unless you agree to acquiesce to the facts, therefore agreeing in full with the lawful points that I made within the previous Notice served on you dated: (enter previous notice date). </p><p>If you fail to respond in 'substance' or within the reasonable time limit afforded to you herein this Notice, and points raised within previous Notice(s) served, it shall be taken to mean by all parties that all points and concerns raised herein/therein are true and indisputable lawful fact and, that you agree to them entirely and without exception. That any further action taken against myself as a living man or legal fiction would be deemed by all interested parties, to be unlawful harassment or coercion to commit offences under common law.</p><p>I, over the age of twenty one years, competent to witness and with first hand knowledge do say the following, that: STATEMENT OF FACTS</p><p>(Write in your personal circumstances here, keeping things factual and evidential where possible. Being the second Notice to be served use this Notice as a reminder of first preceding Notice served, and the fact that it was either ignored or not answered according to the points raised within it - in substance. Absolutely nothing but the facts are to be entered here. Keep things as short and concise as possible).</p><p>Allowing for a reasonable time limit for you to respond to this 'Notice Of default and opportunity to cure' I provide a further Ten (10) days for you to reply in substance from your receipt of this document. I hereby offer you this further opportunity to rebut or confirm my understanding of the common law as referred too in my previous Notice dated: for you to remain in honour and, thus by doing so, enabling an opportunity to remedy this matter or to provide clarification of the lawful facts as to my standing in 'lawful rebellion'.</p><p>OPPORTUNITY TO CURE</p><p>I trust a mistake must have been made for your acquiescence of said previous Notice and evidence served on you date: You have a duty of care to respond in full, and on your full commercial liability and penalty of perjury.</p><p>By your default,you are deemed to be in bad faith, violation of public trust, bond,and/or ministerial duty to do that which is right, that you have a duty of care to act observing the rule of law as a public servant with an oath of office.</p><p>TAKE NOTICE THAT; This matter is urgent and may bring into effect a permanent and irrevocable estoppel by acquiescence or by lack of substance, by any failure to respond in to this 'Notice of default and Opportunity to Cure'. </p><p> I reserve all rights and waive all privileges; The law of STATUTES is the law of CONTRACT. And we as free men and women of the land, have the right not to contract, Statutes do not apply, a STATUTE is a “legislative rule of society given the force of law by the consent of the governed” – I do not give my consent tacitly or otherwise. We are all equal in law however knowledge separates the governed from the masters. If we are all equal, do we not have the status as sovereigns or diplomats if we so choose ? We cannot give to anyone or anything any power or authority we do not have. This document is not part of a negotiable instrument. My law is the Bible. “ If righteousness is not made profitable, then corruption will prevail “.</p><p>DISCLAIMER: Any Action taken by I, a sovereign wo/man (acting under duress as an interested third party - as the living wo/man) with regard to this matter, which can ONLY be lawfully/legally enacted upon by my self as a wo/man under 'duress of circumstances' with 'lawful excuse' at this time thus, any presumption of consent/contract by I, and/or usage of any Maritime administrative principles/rules/doctrines or whatever with regard to any or all, past, present and future communications with regard to this matter, will be an entirely FALSE presumption. I do not stand under legalese definitions of the law societies treasonous legislation at this time, nor European Union directives and never have (knowingly with my full consent), and never shall I willingly do so.</p><p>Furthermore, everything that I state or has been previously stated, or assert, herein/therein is capable of being checked out and thus proven as 'factual'. Thus I am not stating opinions, but verifiable fact. (I can supply links to references where necessary, however they are not supplied herein). </p><p>I trust my understanding to be the lawful TRUTH and well researched verifiable Fact. I give you (as said) 10 days to respond in Substance and on your Oath of Office to this 'Notice Of Default and Opportunity to Cure', before I may invoke a Permanent, Irrevocable Lawful estoppel and proceed with this matter in accordance with the Laws of the Land.</p><p>With all my natural Inalienable, indefeasible rights reserved. Without vexation, malice or ill will and, on my full commercial liability and penalty of perjury and, whist standing as potentially liable without any admission of liability whatsoever.</p><p>(Printed name) the living wo/man.</p><p>Signed.</p><p>(3 co signatory witnesses)</p><p>------(Then if no reply, or still no reply in substance, then a further Notice is required. A 'Notice of lawful estoppel' may be mentioned within notices, as a warning to shut down the matter and to proceed against the individual under common law (we are all individually liable for our actions or and omissions under the law), but I may not use one. I can simply use the Default Notice followed then by a treason Notice, once due process of law has been done. A notice of permanent lawful estoppel just reads very simply that 'after attempting to gain clarity by observing due process of law, and after finding no remedy or clarity by this process, the matter is now closed with no dishonour on your part. That can be the final notice if you are not willing to use the treason notice. Putting the individual on notice of treason would make them guilty of high treason if they still make demands on you, which they are unlikely to do. Please create your own if you are intent on using an estoppel Notice. Use what you have available to create it, i.e. the templates herein).</p><p>To: </p><p>From:</p><p>Date of Notice served: </p><p>Sent by recorded post. </p><p>NOTICE OF DEFAULT </p><p>Notice to agent is notice to Principal, notice to Principal is notice to Agent. Dear (the individuals name), (DBA) Doing business as (their employment position).</p><p>This 'Notice of Default' is a lawful instrument and may be used in evidence in my defence. Whereas I have not received any rebuttal/reply to the previous Notice(s) served on you, in 'Substance' and, by your acquiescence to the 'Notice of Default and Opportunity to Cure' sent to you and dated: , nor to the previous 'Notice of Conditional Acceptance' dated: , you are now in DEFAULT and DISHONOUR and in breach of your obligation as a public servant and, neither are you standing in compliance with the constitutional laws of the British Isles, which is a very serious criminal offense indeed. </p><p>This matter is of the most serious nature, as by your acquiescence you are an accessory to the facts. You can be held liable for your omission to the common law which every man and woman of this realm must, by law protect, by standing under Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 now, and since the 23rd March 2001 when it was clearly invoked according to constitutional law.</p><p>If you continue to ignore my lawful assertions and standing whilst continuing to harass me or the legal fiction in coercive measures, to effectively force me to breach my Oath of allegiance to the constitutional laws of the land via the Barons' Committee that I solemnly took, and have supplied herein as evidence to my standing. I will be forced to seek redress as to my constitutional, unalienable rights. I demand that you CEASE AND DESIST in any further action against I, the wo/man or legal fiction, whilst ignoring my previous Notices that sought remedy and to inform you, or to provide me with clarification to any misunderstanding I may have.</p><p>By your further acquiescence to the evidential points of common/constitutional law that I refer too in previous documents served on you, any further communication from you addressed to the legal fiction or myself the wo/man maybe ignored with no dishonour on my part. ANY further demands made on I, will be an act of Treason or Misprision of Treason at common law. You have hereby been notified of that fact. Also be Notified that the 1795 Treason Act and the death penalty for high treason were NOT lawfully repealed by the Blair administration in 1998. To attempt to repeal said Act is an act of Treason at common law.</p><p>Without vexation, ill will or frivolity, without any admission of liability whatsoever and, on my full commercial liability and penalty of perjury and, with all my natural, unalienable, indefeasible rights reserved. I waive all benefits and privileges presumed. </p><p>(Printed Name) – The living wo/man.</p><p>Signature.</p><p>(enclosed, a further copy of my Oath of allegiance).</p><p>(3 co-signatory witnesses).</p><p>______(Now for the final touch. You may need to acquire the evidence of treason by downloading the document or writing to Albert Burgess to purchase them. He has a website named acasefortreason.org which has been experiencing problems, however there is a link if I remember correctly? The evidence can be found quite easily with a little bit of research. The truth that treason is an unproven claim cannot be denied as no claim has proven it to be a fact within the judicial system. The fact remains that no treason claims have been heard because they have all been ignored. The people demanding the matter is heard according to the laws of the land is the only way to achieve this. It has to be done en masse - (yes that means by YOU)</p><p>There is evidence of treason within the letters to Robin Janvrin by the Barons petition to the (so called) queen. </p><p>TO:</p><p>From: DATE OF NOTICE BEING SERVED: </p><p>Sent by recorded post. </p><p>NOTICE OF UNDERSTANDING OF MISPRISION OF TREASON AND INTENT. </p><p>Dear (The individuals name) (DBA) Doing business as (their public service position).</p><p>Please read the following 'notice' thoroughly and carefully. It is a NOTICE, a LAWFUL DOCUMENT and EVIDENCE. It informs you. It means what it says. The information herein is of the UTMOST URGENCY and requires your IMMEDIATE and URGENT ATTENTION. </p><p>Please be aware that failure to act on this LAWFUL NOTICE in accordance with the 1795 Treason Act, which being the (UN-REPEALED) current law of this realm contravenes the lawful duty of every/any British sovereign man/woman within or without the realm of the British Isles and Commonwealth and, is an OFFENCE under the 'misprision of treason Act 1795 SECTION 1'. </p><p>Whereby;...it is an offence at common law for any person(s) who knows that treason is being planned or committed, not to report the same as soon as he/she can to a justice of the peace. Also please be aware that the penalty for committing 'misprision of treason' in this day is life imprisonment, and that my sole intention of informing you of this fact in law is one of duty and not malice, menace, frivolity, vexation nor ill will. </p><p>However, whereas you have made UNLAWFUL DEMANDS on myself/legal fiction, and/or you have advised me to comply with unlawful statutes by threat of enforcement and, that you are acting for a 'corporation' (Crown Corporation) who has no jurisdiction over my sovereign being whatsoever and, that the crown corporation is committing high treason against the sovereign peoples of the British Isles and Commonwealth at this time and, that I cannot lawfully nor morally support financially or in any other way a treasonous regime of governance, Indeed our constitutional law FORBIDS ME TO DO SO. </p><p>It is to my understanding that you must now, by the common law of this realm, with the evidence herein supplied, CEASE AND DESIST in all actions pertaining to the will of your peers in light of the evidence herein entrusted, which must be reported to a justice of the peace as soon as is reasonable to do so, and/or once the evidence herein has been verified to be a true statement of facts. Failure to do so would be an Act of 'misprision of treason at common law'. </p><p>THEREFORE, where it is to my understanding and evidenced herein that: </p><p>1.) A long range deception strategy to create a single Federal European state with the erosion of each nation's sovereignty, currency and the powers to determine its own laws and affairs, was finalized by the Geo-political centre of the third Reich in Berlin 1942. This was done with the effect that should the Nazis lose the war, militarily, they should continue their plans for a European dictatorship economically, through corporatism (aka fascism), and political subversion. Their future shape of Europe is detailed in the seminars entitled 'Europaischewirtschaftsgemeinschaft' (public document worldcat. OCLC number31002821). Translated into English as 'European Economic Community'. The chapter headings of this Nazi document were replicated almost verbatim in the 1992 Maastricht Treaty. 2.) Since the end of the war diverse treasonous persons, groups and movements with this ideology, have conspired to build on this agenda which has become known as the European Union. 3.) The involvement of the United Kingdom in this agenda began in 1948 with the formation of the European movement. This was a state funded Anglo-French pro-federal European lobbying body posing as a non-governmental grass-roots pressure group. The documentation evidencing these events are present on the discs FCO 10/ 3048 herein provided. 4.) The said movement is still publicly active today lobbying for total European integration and a European constitution. 5.) The first move toward a federal Europe did not involve Britain directly, it was the signing of the treaty of Rome in 1957 by Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. 6.) Meticulous research has uncovered a wealth of official, archived documents from the period 1970- 72 which shows the deceit perpetrated by the ruling elite at the time and these documents have been released after the thirty year rule. 7.) The common law applies to all sovereign living breathing men and women and dictates that we are all born free to do whatever we choose for ourselves provided we do not cause harm, injury or loss to anothers life, liberty or property or their rights to life, liberty or property. 8.) England, within the United Kingdom of Great Britain is a common law jurisdiction and British parliament has no lawful authority ever to breach, surrender land or transfer, even temporarily, sovereignty except when conquered in war. 9.) No man (neither monarch, nor prime minister, nor any prelate, politician, judge or public servant) is above the common law of Great Britain that forms the British constitution (Magna Carta 1215), The Declaration and Bill of Rights 1688/89, the Coronation Oath Act 1688 and the Act of Union succession and settlement 1701-1707. 10.) The Declaration of Rights 1688 is an un-rebutted claim of Right by the people and therefore beyond the reach of parliament and still stands to this day. The Declaration includes the clause: No foreign prince, person, prelate state or potentate hath or ought to have any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence or authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm. This is mirrored in the Bill of Rights 1689 which still stands as legislation. 11.) Treason in statute law was redefined by the Treason Act 1795 for the principal forms to include; a) compassing the death or serious injury of the sovereign or his/her spouse or eldest son; b) levying war against the sovereign in his/her realm, which includes, any insurrection against the authority of the sovereign or of the government that goes beyond riot or violent disorder; c) giving aid or comfort to the sovereign's enemies in wartime. 12.) Treason at common law is the offence of attempting to overthrow the Government of a state to which the offender owes allegiance; or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power. 13.) Sedition at common law means overt conduct such as speech and organization that is deemed by the legal authority as tending toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition includes the subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent (or resistance) to lawful authority. 14.) The evidence presented in the 'Shoe horned into the E.U.' files shows that the Heath Government of1972 was well aware that an essential loss of national sovereignty would occur within thirty years with the passing of the European Communities Bill and knew it would, in all likelihood, be rejected if brought to the people, which of course it was not. This in itself is an Act of Sedition at common law. 15.) The passage of the European Communities Act in 1972, establishing the principle that European law would always prevail over British law in the event of a clash, thereby overthrowing the supremacy of the British parliament, was a criminal Act of Treason at common law by the Heath administration. 16.) The signing of the single European Act in 1986 reducing Britain's independent decision making powers further by extending majority voting in certain areas of policy making, was a criminal Act of Treason at common law by the Thatcher administration. 17.) The signing of the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, based on the original EEC Berlin document 1942, surrendering sovereign powers of the Queen in parliament to an unelected body in Europe, this was an Act of Treason at common law by the Major administration. 18.) The signing of the Amsterdam Treaty in 1997 increased the European Unions powers for action at community level. This included further European integration in legislative, police, judicial, customs and security matters and strengthened Europol. This was an Act of Treason at common law by the Blair administration. 19.) With the full knowledge of this Treason and to escape prosecution, the Blair Government repealed the Treason legislation in section 36 of the 'Crime and Disorder Act 1998.' abolishing the death penalty. This included the repealing of the Treason Act 1795. However, the crime of Treason at common law still stands as common law has primacy. 20.) The signing of the Nice Treaty in 2001 and the E.U. Constitution in 2004 were further Acts of Treason at common law by the Blair administration. 21.) In an attempt to further protect themselves against criminal prosecution, the Blair Government removed the word 'sovereignty' from the oath of office of constables in the police reform Act 2002 (section 83), and also modified the legislation to enable non British nationals to become officers (section 82). These are acts of both Sedition and Treason at common law by the Blair administration. 22.) The signing of the Lisbon Treaty in 2008 surrendered further control of policy including that relating to immigration and borders. This was an Act of Treason at common law by the Brown administration. 23.) The present Prime Minister David Cameron, by denying the British peoples right to a referendum on the European Union, and by surrendering further powers to the E.U. for direct taxation on the British people, and by allowing the EU to end the British rebate via further proposed treaties is evidence to prove that this is an Act of Treason at Common Law by the Cameron administration. </p><p>24.) The treasury department of the European Community has never allowed an independent audit by professional accountants of their books in the last 15 years. One year of non- publication is a criminal offence. In fact, its financial accounts have been disapproved by the E.U's own court of auditors for the past 15 years running. This crime has already been reported to the UK Serious Fraud Office by former MP Ashley Mote.They are in possession of the evidence and have confirmed to him that the remittance of British taxpayer's funds into the hands of this criminal enterprise is, of course, a criminal offence. 25.) The six European Treaties since 1972 are all unlawful and should be struck completely from the statute books. 26.) Some of the documented evidence pertaining to these allegations can be viewed on the 'Shoe horned into the EU' discs herein. Namely the Sedition and treason committed by the Heath administration.</p><p>The evidence submitted herein is to my understanding precise and factual and is in no way whatsoever intended to deceive, mislead, cause mischief or as an act of frivolity, vexation or ill will. </p><p>Our constitutional law demands that we ALL stand by the constitution in lawful rebellion and to compel those that refuse to do so (as to the terms and conditions laid down under Article 61 Magna Carta 1215, “we will compel those unwilling” the royal 'we' being observed), which was Invoked by the barons' committee in 2001 and, which still stands to this day as the lawful position of the British Isles and commonwealth. </p><p>I now AFFIRM that all of the information is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and that I am of lawful age and competent to serve this 'Notice of misprision of treason'. </p><p>TAKE NOTE. I serve this 'Notice of Misprision of Treason and Intent' with prejudice. Meaning that I will use this document as evidence at a future hearing convened under common law jurisdiction, as to my defence of 'lawful excuse'.</p><p>I hereby affix my sovereign name to all of the affirmations in this entire document with explicit reservations to all my natural unalienable Rights and Habeas Corpus, and to my specific common law Right not to be bound by any contract nor obligation which I have not knowingly, willingly, voluntarily and without misrepresentation, duress or coercion entered into, and that any hearing with regard to this matter is to be heard under the jurisdiction of the common law of the land, in open forum, as this matter is of course in the public interest and, that this is in accordance with my common law rights. To be denied due process of law would be an act of treason at common law.</p><p>Without Malice, vexation, frivolity or ill will with all my natural unalienable rights intact, and on full commercial liability and penalty of perjury. </p><p>Printed Name – The living wo/man. Signed: </p><p>3 co-signatory witnesses.</p><p>Evidence enclosed: File Discs (2 discs) Documents entitled FCO 10/ 3048 ' Shoe horned into the EU.' Exhibit A. </p><p>Maxim's in law:- “Any Act done by me against my will is not my Act.”</p><p>______</p><p>This is a letter that can be copied or downloaded to send to local police. They need to wake up and soon! we all can do our bit without hostilities. There are many unaware serving constables, many are aware but need support. The people are the support under the law of this land. We are the people we have been waiting for, when enough real-eyes that fact this will be done and dusted. Peace.</p><p>MESSAGE TO BRITISH POLICE CONSTABLES EVERYWHERE August2014. On 1st November 2014, our Parliament will have no rule. We will be ruled by the EU. The EU will have the say on policing and Great Britain will have a small vote on each issue. Votes will be based on a majority! </p><p>This is an Act of Treason at common law. You are being used by the criminal fascist cabal who have imposters in place in government, who are evidently hell bent on destroying our freedoms and chance to live long and decent lives, in peace with justice available for all. Please remember your oath. Remember how your uniforms have changed over the years, fits in with UN troops do you think?</p><p>The treasonous treaty of Nice will destroy the rule of law in this country and indeed the entire commonwealth if you allow it, the same common law that you have been forced to ignore for decades, and this occurs in on November the 1st if we do not protect the rule of law of this land. They will then make the UN's Agenda 21 mandatory which is a genocidal plot. It has been banned by 9 states in the USA already and other countries across the globe. The Sheriffs in the USA are standing against the cabal and for the constitution, it’s about time our police officers did so too. Do you want to be ruled by a massive unelected corporation, which is answerable to no one? This is not democracy. Avon and Somerset police constabulary for example are owned by IBM who own 'South west one'. The Chief Constable for Somerset sits on the board of directors, do some investigations please, and do something about this matter, please get together on it. We are seeing a dictatorship being installed in Great Britain and we need our good police constables to uphold their sworn oath to stop this. If we allow a new order to become the rule, the old order will be deleted. Remember the night of the long knives?! There will be NO GUARANTEES as to what will occur!</p><p>You are being used and will be either absorbed into the Europol ('Eurogendfor') ranks under the dictatorial rules of the Lisbon treaty after or on November 1st or you will not be in service! The Brown shirts became excess to requirements, and please look at the second commandment of the 'Georgia Guidestones' (Google it). Remember when you swore to solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that you will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness,integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people, and that you will, to the best of your power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property, and that while you continue to hold the said office you will to the best of your skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law? Please learn the law of the land, real laws, common law, the First Statute of Westminster, Magna Carta 1215, Declaration of Right 1688 and Bill of Rights 1689 and, the Coronation Oath Act 1688. Please do not be deceived by the propaganda and deception being perpetrated upon you as well as us. The 1795 Treason Act was NOT lawfully repealed by the then Prime Minister Tony Blair. It was an act of Treason at Common Law to attempt to do so. Millions upon millions of people died under dictators and you are being used to help install another one, a New World Order, your own lives and those of your loved ones will be in severe danger too. The psychopaths within the UN and governments worldwide are depopulating the world. All it takes is one decent bobby who observes his or her oath of office and, that he or she acts in service to the people according to the laws of this land, which cannot be denied without committing treason, observe your obligations to the constitution as well as too your own lives. Have you noticed any rise in sickness absences in your colleagues? The TETRA communications equipment you are now using is causing you harm. The little ear peace you use is damaging the calls in your brain. Anything with the word “smart” attached is dangerous. And they are knowingly harming you by making you wear and use equipment emitting microwave technology. Search EMF (Electro Magnetic Fields) and hear Barry Trower on You Tube. Do it now, before it’s too late. Do you really think they didn’t know about this major health risk they are forcing upon you?</p><p>We mean no disrespect and we admire you for doing your job, but we need you to wake up to the puppet-masters using you in their bid for total dictatorship. Have you ever really looked into the London bombings on 7th July 2005? And the fact that Tony Farrell was kicked out of his job after exposing the government as the real London bombing terrorists? John Hill and his film '7-7 ripple effect' THAT A JURY SAW who then declared him to be "not guilty" of attempting to pervert the course of justice, after he had sent the film that he had made into a crown court hearing in defence of 3 other Muslim guys they were attempting to stitch up, after shooting dead the other 5 patsies, 4 at canary wharf and Charles Demenzes on the underground?</p><p>As a way to consider how we are all being ‘governed’, look at fluoride in tap water. Really look at it. We are asking you to do this in the hope you become aware of the true agenda of our present and previous Governments. They may wear different colours, but their Agenda is the same.</p><p>You have a duty under our Constitution and a duty to observe the Constitution despite what the corrupt Government tells you.</p><p>Get the picture of the creeping privatisation of everything? </p><p>It’s time to wake up and smell the tyranny.</p><p>We need you to protect the people. The people of Britain need you. Please do not let us down.</p><p>Our criminal Government is planning to form a new Magna Carta. The original Magna Carta is now being used by the people. It has been in force for 800 years, despite the Government lying about it being repealed. They can ONLY repeal Magna Carta 1297, which they ALWAYS refer too.</p><p>Are you aware of the citizens’ arrest of a judge in Birkenhead? The Police constables didn’t know what to do. Many were very interested in the facts.</p><p> Are you aware of the number of bailiffs acting unlawfully? or the number of local Councils issuing fixed penalty notices – unlawfully. or the number of people being evicted from their homes due to a fraudulent actions of banks? (You Tube Guy Taylor) or the number of children stolen from families via unlawful secret family courts and social services, police acting unlawfully in civil cases? </p><p>The people are waking up, please join them. We are peaceful, lawful but defiant and sincere in our address to this matter. We are many and there are many of our ilk within the regime that has been built up slowly over the past 41 years (European Economic Communities Act signed in 1973 By the Right Dishonourable Edward Heath). </p><p>The acts of sedition and treason by the Heath Administration is evidenced within the compilation of public records documents collected by David Barmby and known as FCO 10/ 3048 'Shoehorned into the EU' – a 2 disc set of nearly 500 signed and often sealed documentation of these crimes. We urge you to investigate this as a matter of URGENCY. </p><p>The Lawful Rebellion Movement Britain.</p><p>(This is the process that I used to good effect that made it a crime of high treason for the individual to make any further demands on me. I served other notices including an Affidavit of truth and 5 notices in one document that can be viewed here http://jforjustice.net/download/Affidavit_of_truth.html I also served a Notice of non jurisdiction on the (NOT) court of law (which can be viewed in the files) after the Affidavit and 5 Notices which was more demanding and aggressive in its sentiment. Gradually we can honourably become more demanding as the process unfolds. We tend to give shorter times for the individual to reply also i.e. starting with say 14 days, the next 10 days, then 7 days. You can demand a reply to the Notice of misprision of treason if you like? you can state that if he/she does not respond then it will be taken to mean that their lawful obligation and duty to report the Treason matter is being ignored and that you will report them to the police for allegedly committing misprision of treason. You will have to have reported (or attempted to report) the treason matter yourself to remain consistent and not hypocritical. You would need to do this with witnesses or to film it as evidence.</p><p>Be creative with your lawful documents, the above are only templates to give you some idea of what is required. They can be improved upon no doubt (I am a layman as to the law myself) and personalized of course. We suggest you try to educate police without making demands on them but do so if they will not adhere to the evidential truth of the common law and the crimes being committed against it. Peace.</p>
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