<p> ILAN ALON, Ph.D. Professor, Director and Endowed Chair at Rollins College Harvard Kennedy School Visiting Scholar Home Address Work Address 4273 Anissa Ave Rollins College Orlando, Florida 32814 1000 Holt Ave. - 2722 United States of America Winter Park, FL 32789-4499 Cell Phone: (407) 913-8842 United States of America [email protected] Work Phone (407) 646-1512</p><p>OBJECTIVE Be a leader in international business by utilizing my educational background, research skills, communications abilities, global experiences, and contacts around the world</p><p>CAREER HIGHLIGHTS Published in top journal and with leading academic presses: Numerous publications in ranked journals: Journal of International Marketing, Management International Review, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Cato Journal, Thunderbird International Business Review, Journal of Small Business Management, Business Horizons, etc. More than 20 books and edited journal volumes; Publishers include Palgrave McMillan, Edward Elgar, McGraw-Hill, Greenwood, ME Sharpe, Praeger, Kluwer, among others; books received positive reviews Award winning/best selling cases in Ivey Publications appeared/translated into Chinese, French, Greek, Bulgarian Established the China Center at Rollins College (2005), which holds conferences and receives national recognition Taught in prestigious academic institutions in America, Europe, and Asia Obtained teaching and research distinctions, awards & grants Became Endowed-chair Professor at Rollins College at 35 </p><p>EDUCATION Ph.D., Business Administration, Kent State University, 1998 Dissertation: The Determinants of International Franchising M.A., Economics, Kent State University, 1996 M.B.A., International Business, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1994 with Honors B.Sc., Marketing, Fairleigh Dickinson University (Honors Program), 1993 Magna Cum Laude</p><p>ACADEMIC TEACHING & RESEARCH EXPERIENCE </p><p>Rollins College International Business Department, Crummer Graduate School of Business, & Rollins China Center Rollins College is the oldest college in Florida and the #1 ranked College in the Southeast USA according the US World & News Report. The Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College is ranked by Forbes magazine #1 MBA program in Florida and 35th in the US. U.S. News & World Report ranked the part-time MBA program among the top 25 nationwide. George D. and Harriet W. Cornell Chair of International Business, 2009-Present Professor of International Business, 2007- Present Jennifer J. Petters Chair of International Business, 2005-2009 Associate Professor of International Business, 2002-2007</p><p>Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government Asia Programs Visiting Scholar, 2007-Present</p><p>State University of New York (SUNY) Assistant Professor of International Business, 1998-2002</p><p>1 Kent State University Instructor of Marketing and Economics, 1994-1998</p><p>ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE</p><p>Rollins College Director of Rollins-China Center, 2005 – Present Established a China Center at Rollins College that engages in exchange agreements, international conference, faculty led seminars abroad, visiting scholars and student outreach across the three colleges at the school Director of Crummer Graduate School of Business Global Consulting Program, 2003-2006 Led classes in Italy, Spain, Germany, France, UK, Ireland, Japan, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Vietnam, & Malaysia</p><p>VISITING GLOBAL EXPERIENCES</p><p>EUROPE ASIA OTHER REGIONS</p><p>EM Lyon, France, 2007 China Europe International University of New South Wales, Business School (CEIBS), China, Australia, 2002, 2005 2004 MIB School of Management, Jiao Tong University, China, 2004, Bilkent University, Turkey, 2007 Italy, 2005, 2006, 2009 2007 University of Ljubljana, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, Hebrew University, Israel, 2006, Slovenia, 2004 2005 2008 University of Rijeka, Croatia, Institute for Integrated Learning in Ben-Gurion University of the 2004 Management (IILM), India, 2005 Negev, Israel, 2006-9 International School of City University of Hong Kong College of Management, Israel, Management, France, 2006, 2008 (CityU), China, 2008 2006 Moscow State University, Russia, East China University for Science MacEwan College, Canada, 2009 2009 and Technology, China, 2005 Potsdam University, Germany, Shanghai University for Science 2008, 2009 and Technology, China, 2000-4 University of Macerata, Italy, Shanghai University, China, 2007 2009 Renmin University, China, 2003 </p><p>SKILLS AND ABILITIES Develop and lead Academic Centers of Excellence Create international partnerships with overseas educational institutions Enhance the curriculum through internationalization initiatives for students and faculty Organize international conferences/workshops and conduct global educational programs Publish with colleagues in various prestigious outlets around the world Teach a broad range of courses in International Business, Marketing & Management Develop new graduate and undergraduate courses and seminars Utilize Internet-based technologies and applications and experiential learning models Direct student research, honors theses, independent study, and graduate student projects</p><p>RESEARCH INTERESTS Topics: International Entrepreneurship, Global Franchising, Chinese MNE, Political and Country Risks, Business & Management Education Markets: Emerging Markets, East Asia, China, Middle East, Russia Industries: Education, Retailing, Restaurants, Hotels, Professional Business Services</p><p>2 COURSES TAUGHT International Business – Breaking into New Markets (DBA), International Management (MBA), Business in the Global Environment (MBA), Doing Business in Emerging Markets (MBA), Global Consulting Projects (MBA), International Study Trip/Global Research and Study Program (MBA), International Business Theory and Practice (MA), Environments of International Business, International Management, International Economics, International Finance, International Marketing, Comparative Marketing Systems Marketing/Management -- Global Franchising (MBA), Marketing Theory and Practice (MA), International Marketing, Comparative Marketing Systems, Sales Management, Logistics, New Product Development, Industrial (Business-to-Business) Marketing, Advertising Economics -- International Trade & Economics, Principles of Economics, Macroeconomics </p><p>BOOKS</p><p>Authored Books</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2010), Franchising Globally, New York: Palgrave McMillan, (Forthcoming). </p><p>Alon, Ilan and Eugene Jaffe (2010), Global Marketing, Chicago: McGraw Hill, (Forthcoming).</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2005), Service Franchising: A Global Perspective, New York: Springer. </p><p>Alon, Ilan (1999), The Internationalization of U.S. Franchising Systems, New York: Garland Publishing. </p><p>Reference Books</p><p>Zhang, Wenxian and Ilan Alon, eds. (2010), A Guide to Top 100 Companies in China, Singapore: World Scientific (Forthcoming).</p><p>Zhang, Wenxian and Ilan Alon, eds. (2009), Biographical Dictionary of New Chinese Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders, Edward Elgar Publishing.</p><p>Edited Books</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Julian Chang, Marc Fetscherin, Christoph Lattemann, and John McIntyre (2009), China Rules: Globalization and Political Transformation, New York: Palgrave McMillan.</p><p>Alon, Ilan and John McIntyre, eds. (2008), The Globalization of Chinese Enterprises, New York: Palgrave McMillan. Reviewed in: Chinese Management Studies (2008), vol. 2, no. 3, 229-231; French Center for Research on Contemporary China, www.cefc.com.hk/pccpa.php?aid=2343; Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies (2008), Vol. 46, No. 1, p. 91-94.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2006), series ed., The New Global Society, Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers:</p><p>1. Globalization and Development (Eugene D. Jaffe) 2. Globalization and Human Rights (Alma Kadragic) 3. Globalization and Labor (Peter Enderwick) 4. Globalization and Poverty (Nadejda Ballard) 5. Globalization and the Environment (Howon Jeong) 6. Globalization, Language, and Culture (Richard Lee) </p><p>Alon, Ilan and John R. McIntyre, eds. (2005), Business and Management Education in China: Transition, Pedagogy and Training, Singapore: World Scientific. Reviewed in: International Journal of Emerging Markets (2006), 1 (2), pp. 190-193; T + D (November, 2006), pp. 31. </p><p>3 McIntyre, John R. and Ilan Alon, eds. (2005), Business and Management Education in Transitioning and Developing Countries: A Handbook, Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe. Reviewed in: Reference and Research Book News, (2005), p. 132; BizEd, Nov/Dec (2005), p. 54; Journal of Education for Business (2006), Jul/Aug, 81 (6), 345-6.</p><p>Alon, Ilan and John R. McIntyre, eds. (2004), Business Education and Emerging Market Economies: Perspectives and Best Practices, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Reviewed in: BizEd (2005), March/April, p. 56. </p><p>Alon, Ilan, ed. (2003), Chinese Economic Transition and International Marketing Strategy, Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers. Reviewed in: Thunderbird International Business Review, (2004), 46 (4), 481-486; Going Global Career Guides: China, (2004), 19- 36; Knowledge, Technology and Policy, (2005), 18 (1), 116-118.</p><p>Alon, Ilan, ed. (2003), Chinese Culture, Organizational Behavior, and International Business Management, Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers. Reviewed in: Thunderbird International Business Review, (2004), 46 (4), 481-486</p><p>Alon, Ilan and Dianne Welsh, eds. (2003), International Franchising in Industrialized Markets: Western and Northern Europe, Chicago IL: CCH Inc. Publishing. Reviewed in: Franchise-Chat.com (2003)</p><p>Welsh, Dianne and Ilan Alon, eds. (2002), International Franchising in Industrialized Markets: North America, Pacific Rim, and Other Developed Countries, Chicago IL: CCH Inc. Publishing.</p><p>Alon, Ilan and Dianne Welsh, eds. (2001), International Franchising in Emerging Markets: China, India and Other Asian Countries, Chicago IL: CCH Inc. Publishing. Reviewed in: Franchising World, (2001), 33 (4), 54-56 (reprinted by www.britanica.com); International Franchising, (2002), (Summer), 8; Legal Alert, (2002), 21 (5), 14; Franchising World, (2002), (July/August), 55; New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, (2003), 6 (1), 63; www.yochevedgolan.com (2005).</p><p>Welsh, Dianne and Ilan Alon, eds. (2001), International Franchising in Emerging Markets: Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America, Chicago IL: CCH Inc. Publishing. Reviewed in: Franchising World, (2001), 33 (4), 54-56. (Reprinted by www.britanica.com); Legal Alert, (2002), 21 (5), 14; International Journal of Service Industry Management, (2002), 13 (3), 303-308; New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, (2003), 6 (1), 63.</p><p>JOURNAL EDITOR OR CO-EDITOR</p><p>Alon, Ilan, John Child, Shaomin Li, and John McIntyre (2009), Globalization of Chinese Enterprises, Management Organization Review (MOR), (Forthcoming). (Special Issue) Social Science Citation Index Ranked Journal (SSCI-ranked)</p><p>Alon, Ilan , Julian Chang, Marc Fetscherin, Christoph Lattemann and John McIntyre (2009), China Goes Global, Chinese Management Studies, 3 (1), 1-75. (Special Issue)</p><p>Alon, Ilan, ed. (2008), Business and Entrepreneurship Education: Global Critical Perspectives, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2 (1), 1-102. (Special Issue)</p><p>Alon, Ilan and John McIntyre, eds. (2008), The Globalization of Chinese Brands, International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management, 1 (4), 359-508. (Special Issue)</p><p>REFEREED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS</p><p>Revise and Resubmits</p><p>4 Leung, Thomas Ricky Y.K. Chan, and Ilan Alon, “An Online Loyalty Model - The Differences between U.S. and Chinese Users,” (Third revision: Journal of Retailing). Social Science Citation Index Ranked Journal (SSCI-ranked)</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Miri Lerner, Susanna Kavul, “International Entrepreneurship in China: Lessons from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor” (Second revision: Management Organization Review). Social Science Citation Index Ranked Journal (SSCI-ranked)</p><p>Li, Shaomin, Marc Fetscherin, Ilan Alon, Christoph Lattemann, Kuang Yeh, “Corporate Social Responsibility in Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC),” (Second revision: Management International Review). Social Science Citation Index Ranked Journal (SSCI-ranked)</p><p>Johnson, James, Ilan Alon, Marc Fetscherin, “The Export Competitiveness of Global Industries in Asia,” (Second revision: International Business Review) Social Science Citation Index Ranked Journal (SSCI-ranked)</p><p>PAPERS IN PROGRESS</p><p>The following papers in various levels of development: 1. Adithipyangkul, Pattarin, Ilan Alon and Tianyu Zhang, “Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility in Hong Kong,” (target: Management Organizational Review/Corporate Governance) 2. Jiao, Hao, Ilan Alon, Koo Chun Kwong, and Yu Cui, “Moderating Effects of Entvironmental Dynamism on the Relationship Between Dynamic Capabilities Strategy and New Venture Performance in Emerging Maket,” 3. Shoham, Amir and Ilan Alon, “Changing Cultural Clusters,” (target: cross cultural management). 4. Jiao, Hao, Ilan Alon, Koo Chun Kwong, “Moderating Effects of Environmental Dynamism on the Relationship between Dynamic Capabilities Strategy and New Venture Performance in an Emerging Market.” 5. Li, Shaomin, Ilan Alon, “Why Governance Matters?” (target: Sloan Management Review) 6. Clarkin, John, Marc Sardy and Ilan Alon, “Entrepreneurship Franchising Using PSED” 7. Littrel, Romie, Ilan Alon, “Regional Differences in Preferences for Managerial Leader Behaviors in China</p><p>Accepted & Forthcoming (2009/10)</p><p>Adithipyangkul, Pattarin, Ilan Alon and Tianyu Zhang, “Executive Perks: Compensation and Corporate Performance in China,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, (Forthcoming. Social Science Citation Index Ranked Journal (SSCI-ranked)</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Romie Littrel, and Allen KK Chan “Branding in China: Alternative Brand Strategies” Multinational Business Review, (Forthcoming).</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Ted Veit, and Halil Kiymaz “Returns of ADRs in Emerging and Developed Markets,” Thunderbird International Business Review, (Forthcoming).</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Marc Fetscherin, and James M. Johnson, “A Framework for Industry Export Competitiveness: Evidence from the Alcoholic Beverages Industry,” European Journal of International Management, (Forthcoming) Previous version of paper was also accepted to MIT Sloan Industry Studies Working Papers Series. 2008. (WP-2008-24) Social Science Citation Index Ranked Journal (SSCI-ranked)</p><p>Alon, Ilan and Craig McAllaster, “Measuring the Global Footprint of an MBA,” Journal of Studies in International Education, (forthcoming).</p><p>Alon, Ilan and Marc Sardy, “The Globalization of Chinese Management Education,” International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, (Forthcoming,, Invited Paper). </p><p>Sardy, Marc, Mark Munoz, James Sun and Ilan Alon (2009), “Dimensionality of Business Ethics in China,” Competitiveness Review, (Forthcoming).</p><p>5 Dana, Leo Paul and Ilan Alon (2009), “International Business by SMEs: Empirical Findings from New Zealand,” Journal of International Business and Economy, 10 (2), (Forthcoming). </p><p>Bowers, Michael R. and Ilan Alon (2009), “An Exploratory Comparison of U.S. and International Academically Based Entrepreneurship Centers,” International Journal of Business and Globalisation, (Forthcoming). </p><p>Lattemann, Christoph, Marc Fetscherin, Ilan Alon, Shaomin Li, Anna Maria Schneider (2009), “CSR Communication Intensity in Chinese and Indian Multinational Companies,” Corporate Governance: An International Review, (Forthcoming). Social Science Citation Index Ranked Journal (SSCI-ranked)</p><p>Rogers, Donald P., Thomas D. Lairson, Ilan Alon, Marc Sardy, Cecilia McInnis-Bowers, and Sharon Agee (2009), “Branding Pragmatic Liberal Education with an International Business Programme: The Rollins College Experience,” International Journal of Management in Education, (Forthcoming). </p><p>Fetscherin, Marc, Ilan Alon, and James Johnson (2009), “The Globalization of Industry in the Context of Asian Markets,” Asian Business Management, (Forthcoming).</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Christoph Latteman, Marc Fetscherin, Shaomin Li and Anna-Maria Schneider (2009), “Usage of Public Corporate Communications of Social Responsibility in Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC),” International Journal of Emerging Markets, Forthcoming. </p><p>Alon , Ilan and Theodore T. Herbert (2009), “A Stranger in a Strange Land: Micro Political Risk and the Multinational Firm,” Business Horizons, 52 (2), 127-137.</p><p>Vianelli, Donata and Ilan Alon (2009), “Travel Agents’ Perceptions of Cruise Tourism in Croatia and Slovenia,” International Journal of Global Management Studies Quarterly, 1 (1), 1-22. </p><p>Sardy, Marc and Ilan Alon (2009), “Understanding Chinese Management Needs Through Ancient Chinese Philosophy,” International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 3 (2), 207-213. </p><p>2008</p><p>Alon, Ilan and John Van Fleet (2008), “The China Challenge,” BizEd (AACSB official journal), (May/June), 36-41.</p><p>Dolansky, Eric and Ilan Alon (2008), “Religious Freedom, Religious Diversity, and Japanese Foreign Direct Investment,” Research in International Business and Finance, 22 (1), 29-39.</p><p>Ballard, Nadia and Ilan Alon (2008), “Going International? Alternative Modes of Entry for Entrepreneurial Firms,” International Journal of Family Business, 5 (1), 81-95.</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Marc Fetscherin, Marc Sardy (2008), “Geely Motors: A Chinese Automaker Enters International Markets,” International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management, 1 (4), 489-498.</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Mirela Alpeza, and Aleksander Erceg (2008), “Development of Franchising in the Emerging Market of Croatia,” Management Online Review, (Feb), 1-13.</p><p>Alon, Ilan and John McIntyre (2008), “Business Education in Emerging Economies,” International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2 (1), 5-27. (Invited Paper)</p><p>Ferreira, Tatiana and Ilan Alon (2008), “Human Resources Challenges and Opportunities in China: A Case From the Hospitality Industry,” International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 1 (2), 141-150.</p><p>2007</p><p>6 Feng, XiaoBing and Ilan Alon (2007), “Chinese RMB Exchange Rate and Local Currency Stability in ASEAN,” China Economic Review, 18 (4), 417-424. Social Science Citation Index Ranked Journal (SSCI-ranked)</p><p>Herbert, Theodore T., Ilan Alon, J. Mark Munoz (2007), “The Globalising Chinese Business Enterprise: The Role of Strategic Fit,” International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management, 1 (1), 4-21. (Invited Paper). </p><p>Johnson, James P., J. Mark Munoz, and Ilan Alon (2007), “Filipino Ethnic Entrepreneurship: An Integrated Review and Propositions,” International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 3 (1), 69-85.</p><p>Sardy, Marc and Ilan Alon (2007), “Differences Between Nascent Entrepreneurs and Franchisee Entrepreneurs,” International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, (3), 403-418.</p><p>Vianelli, Donata and Ilan Alon (2007), “Opportunities and Risks of International Franchising in the Italian Hotel Sector,” Mercati e Competitività, (3), 73-98. (Official Journal of the Italian Marketing Association – Società Italiana Marketing, Milano)</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Theodore T. Herbert, J. Mark Munoz (2007), “Outsourcing to China: Opportunities, Threats, and Strategic Fit,” Zagreb International Review of Economics and Business, 10 (1), 33-66. (Invited article)</p><p>Drtina, Ralph, James Gilbert, and Ilan Alon (2007), “Using the Balanced Scorecard for Value Congruence in an MBA Educational Setting,” SAM Advanced Management Journal, 72 (1), 4-13. (Lead Article)</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2007), “Master International Franchising in China: The Case of the Athlete’s Foot,” International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 1 (4), 41-51. </p><p>2006</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Matthew Mitchell, Rajesh Gurumoorthy, Teresa Steen (2006), “Managing Micro-Political Risk: A Cross Sectional Study,” Thunderbird International Business Review 48 (5), 623-642. </p><p>Alon, Ilan and Craig McAllaster (2006), “The Global Footprint,” BizEd (AACSB International Journal), (May/June), 32-35. Reprinted in: AIB Insight (2006), 6, 17-20.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2006), “Market Conditions Promoting the Use of Master International Franchising,” Multinational Business Review , 14 (1), 1-16.</p><p>Welsh, Dianne H. B., Ilan Alon, and Cecilia M. Falbe (2006), “An Examination of International Retail Franchising in Emerging Markets,” Journal of Small Business Management, 44 (1), 130-149. Social Science Citation Index Ranked Journal (SSCI-ranked)</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2006), “Executive Insight: Evaluating the Market Size for Service Franchising in Emerging Markets,” International Journal of Emerging Markets, 1 (1), 9-20 (Leading Article, Inaugural Edition). Among the most downloaded article in journal with over 3129 downloads (July, 2007).</p><p>Alon, Ilan and Ralph Drtina (2006), “Chinese Currency Forecasts and Capital Budgeting,” Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 10 (1), 218-226.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2006), “Key Success Factors of Franchising Systems in the Retailing Sector,” SCMS Journal of Indian Management, (January-March), 29-36. (India)</p><p>2005</p><p>Alon, Ilan and James Higgins (2005), “Global Leadership Success through Emotional and Cultural Intelligences,” Business Horizons , 48 (6), 501-512.</p><p>7 Adopted by: Harvard Business Online Top 5 most downloaded articles from Business Horizons (Oct. 2005 – Sept. 2006) </p><p>Alon, Ilan and Gregg Chase (2005), “Religious Freedom and Economic Prosperity” Cato Journal, 25 (2), 399-406. “Cato Journal is America's leading free-market public policy journal. The Economist has called it ‘the most consistently interesting and provocative journal of its kind.’ Cato Journal's stable of writers include James M. Buchanan, Milton Friedman, Alan Greenspan, and Douglass C. North, among others.” Reprinted in: Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI) reference book Prosperity Index: Assessing Growth Anew (2008)</p><p>Krbec, Denisa and Ilan Alon (2005), “The Effect of Developing Collaborative Learning Activities in Business Education and Practice,” Archive of Marketing Education, 1 (October), American Marketing Association Online.</p><p>Ballard, Nadia and Ilan Alon (2005), “The Globalization of Shanghai Garment Trade Association: A Case Study,” Journal of International Business Education, 2 (1).</p><p>Alon, Ilan and Ke Bian (2005), “Real Estate Franchising: The Case of Coldwell Banker Expansion into China,” Business Horizons, 48 (3), 223-231. Adopted by: Harvard Business Online</p><p>Anttonen, Noora, Mika Tuunanen, Ilan Alon (2005), “The International Business Environments of Franchising in Russia,” Academy of Marketing Science Review, (5), 1-18. </p><p>Alon, Ilan (2005), “Forecasting University Enrollment,” Academic Exchange Quarterly, 9 (1), no.2885-5w.</p><p>Jelen, Jonathan, and Ilan Alon (2005), “Internet-Mediated Distance-Learning Education in China as an Alternative to Traditional Paradigms of Market Entry,” Knowledge, Technology and Policy (KT&P), 17 (3/4), 124- 139.</p><p>Ahmed, Zafar U., Abdul Jumaat Majar, Ilan Alon (2005), “Malay Entrepreneurship: Historical, Governmental and Cultural Antecedents,” International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 5 (3/4) 168 – 186.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2005), “Forming International Alliances: A Case Study of the Global Packaging Industry,” Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 18 (1), 1-20. (Lead Article) Reprinted in: Small Enterprise Research (2006), 14 (1), 95-113. (Reprint)</p><p>Alon, Ilan and David L. McKee (2005), “Country Risk Spillovers in the Middle East: A Prelude to the Road Map for Peace and the War on Terror,” Economic Research (Ekonomska Istrazivanja), 18 (1), 1-13. (Lead Article). (Croatia)</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2005), “International Economic Experience and Practice: The Economic Impact of Franchising - A Study of a Medium Size City in the United States of America,” Narodnostopanski Arhiv (National Economic Archive), 8 (1), 8-17. (Translated to Bulgarian)</p><p>2004</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2004), “Global Franchising and Development in Emerging and Transitioning Markets,” Journal of Macromarketing, 24 (2), 156-167. </p><p>Alon, Ilan and Le Lu (2004), “The State of Marketing and Business Education in China” Marketing Education Review, 14 (1), 1-10. (Lead Article)</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Rozenn Perrigot, and Gerard Cliquet (2004), “Affiliated Networks: The Case of Best Western Internationalization,” Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 2 (1), 78-87.</p><p>8 Alon, Ilan (2004), “International Market Selection for a Small Enterprise: A Case Study in International Entrepreneurship,” S.A.M. Advanced Management Journal, 69 (1), 25-33.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2004), “Service Learning and International Business Education,” Academic Exchange Quarterly, 8 (1), no.2369-4w.</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Rozenn Perrigot and Gerard Cliquet (2004), “The Internationalization of French and American Franchisors in the Hotel Sector,” Sasin Journal of Management, 10 (1), 4-18. (Lead Article) (Thailand)</p><p>Lu, Le and Ilan Alon (2004), “Analysis of the Changing Trends in Attitudes and Values by the Chinese: The Case of Shanghai’s Young & Educated,” Journal of International and Area Studies, 11 (2), 67-88. (Korea)</p><p>Alon, Ilan and Ke Bian (2004), “Franchising Profile and Practices in the People’s Republic of China,” IBAT Journal of Management, 1 (1), 98-117. (India)</p><p>2003</p><p>Alon, Ilan and Rozenn Perrigot (2003), Marks & Spencer et son échec à l'international, Décisions Marketing, 30, Avril-Juin, 41-50. (France)</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2003), “Experiential Learning in International Business via the World Wide Web,” Journal of Teaching in International Business, 14 (2/3), 79-98.</p><p>Alon, Ilan and Min Qi, (2003), “Do International Banks’ Assessments of Country Risk Follow a Random Walk? An Empirical Examination of the Middle East,” Journal of International Business Research, 2 (1&2), 125-141.</p><p>Alon, Ilan and John Spitzer (2003), “Does Religious Freedom Affect Country Risk Assessment?” Journal of International and Area Studies, 10 (2), 51-62. (Korea)</p><p>2002</p><p>Toncar, Mark, Alida Kuhn, and Ilan Alon (2002), “Assessing the Movement Toward, and Identifying the Impediments to, Standardized Print Advertising,” Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 14 (4), 91- 113.</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Mark Toncar, and Lu Le (2002), “American Franchising Competitiveness in China,” Journal of Global Competitiveness, 10 (1), 65-83.</p><p>Alon, Ilan and Dianne Welsh (2002), “Global Franchising in Emerging and Transitioning Economies,” International Journal of Business and Economics, 2 (1), 332-343.</p><p>Chase, Gregory and Ilan Alon (2002), “Evaluating the Economic Impact of Cruise Tourism: A Case Study of Barbados,” Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 13 (1), 5-18. (Lead Article) (Turkey)</p><p>2001</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2001), “Interview: International Franchising in China with Kodak,” Thunderbird International Business Review , 43 (6), 737-754. Reviewed in: Strategic Direction, (2003), 18 (7), 15-19. Reprinted in: Nanjing Business Review (2006), 7, 242-253.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2001), “The Use of Franchising by US-Based Retailers,” Journal of Small Business Management, 39 (2), 111-122. (Lead Article) Social Science Citation Index Ranked Journal (SSCI-ranked)</p><p>9 Alon, Ilan, Min Qi and Robert Sadowski (2001), “Forecasting Aggregate Retail Sales: A Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks and Traditional Methods,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 8 (3), 147-156.</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Barry P. Warren, and Jeramie Barber (2001), “The Economic Impact of a College: A Regional Analysis of SUNY Oneonta,” New York Economic Review, 32 (Fall), 46-60.</p><p>2000</p><p>Alon, Ilan, and Moshe Banai (2000), “Franchising Opportunities and Threats in Russia,” Journal of International Marketing, 8 (3), 104-119. Reviewed in: Booz Allen & Hamilton (2001), Strategy & Business Journal, 23 (Second Quarter), 140-141. </p><p>Alon, Ilan and Nancy Cannon (2000), “Internet-Based Experiential Learning in International Marketing: The Case of Globalview.org,” Online Information Review, 5 (24), 349-356. (Lead Article) Social Science Citation Index Ranked Journal (SSCI-ranked)</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2000), “The Organizational Determinants of Master International Franchising,” Journal of Business & Entrepreneurship, 12 (2), 1-18. (Lead Article)</p><p>Bowers, John S., and Ilan Alon (2000), “Globalization of U.S. Small Technology Firms: A Practitioner Perspective on Selected Electronics-Related Sectors,” Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship, 8 (2), 97- 111. (Malaysia)</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Mark Toncar, and David McKee (2000), “Evaluating Foreign-Market Environments for International Franchising Expansion,” Foreign Trade Review, 35 (1), 1-11. (Lead Article) (India)</p><p>1999</p><p>Alon, Ilan and Edmund Kellerman (1999), “Internal Antecedents to the 1997 Asian Economic Crisis,” Multinational Business Review, 7 (2), 1-12. (Lead Article in a Special Issue on the 1997 Asian Crisis)</p><p>Alon, Ilan, and David L. McKee (1999), “Towards a Macro-environmental Model of International Franchising,” Multinational Business Review, 7 (1), 76-82.</p><p>Alon, Ilan, and David McKee (1999), “The Internationalization of Professional Business Service Franchises,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 6 (1), 74-85. </p><p>Alon, Ilan (1999), “Organizational Determinants of International Franchising in the Hotel Sector,” Journal of Global Business, 10 (18), 55-62.</p><p>1997/8</p><p>Alon, Ilan, and Matthew Martin (1998), “A Normative Model of Macro Political Risk Assessment,” Multinational Business Review, 6 (2), 10-19.</p><p>House-Midamba, Bessie and Ilan Alon (1997), “An Exploratory Analysis of the Factors which Promote Black Business Success: A Pilot Study of Cleveland, Ohio,” Ohio Journal of Economics and Politics, 11 (1), 21- 28.</p><p>CASE STUDIES</p><p>Spirgarelli, Francesca, William Wei and Ilan Alon (2009), “A Speed Race: Benelli and QJ Competing in a Global Arena,” Working Case Study, with Teaching Note. (</p><p>10 Howard, Kimberley and Ilan Alon (2009), “Succession Planning: Surviving the Next Generation,” Ivey School Publishing House (#9B09C015), with Teaching Note (#8B09C15).</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Mike Henry, and Kimberley Howard (2009), “MacEwan Goes Global: Internationalization at a Canadian School of Business,” Ivey School Publishing House (#9B09M020), with Teaching Note (#8B09M20).</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Mirala Alpeza, and Aleksandar Erceg (2008), “San Francisco Coffee House: An American Style Franchise in Croatia,” Ivey School Publishing House (#9B08A013), with Teaching Note (#8B08A13). Adopted by: Harvard Business Online Adopted by: Entrepreneurship, 3rd Edition,( Barringer and Ireland, 2009)</p><p>Kupetz, Allen and Ilan Alon (2007), “Ruth’s Chris: The High Stakes of International Market Selection,” Ivey School Publishing House. (# 9B06A034) (Teaching Note Included # 8B06A34). 3rd Most sold case in Ivey in 2007-8 Selected for inclusion in Strategic Management Formulation: Implementation and Control, 11th Edition, authored by John Pearce and Richard Robinson.( McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2008); Selected for inclusion in Global Marketing: International Trade and Foreign Investment Strategies 1st Edition, authored by Czinkota, Ronkainen, Farrell, McTavish ( Nelson Thomson Education, 2008); Selected for inclusion in Marketing Management: Knowledge and Skills, 9th edition, authored by J. Paul Peter and James H. Donnelly Jr. (McGraw Hill, 2008). Adopted by: Harvard Business Online Translated to: Chinese</p><p>Alon, Ilan and Amber Xu (2006), “Master International Franchising in China: The Case of the Athlete’s Foot (Part A (#9B06M054), Part B (#9B06M090), and Teaching Note), European Case Clearing House (ECCH) and China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) Case Center. Selected for inclusion in CEIBS Case Research book featuring the decade’s best contributions on entrepreneurship in China to be published by Zhejiang People’s Publishing House; Published as an article in a refereed journal; Translated to Chinese; Selected for the textbook Entrepreneurship, 4th edition, by Marc J. Dollinger (Marsh Publications, 2007)</p><p>Currie, David M. and Ilan Alon (2005), “Estimating Demand for Kodak Film (with a Teaching Note),” Ivey Publishing House (9B04D015, TN 8B04D15). </p><p>Alon, Ilan (2000), “Marks & Spencer: A Case Study in International Retailing,” (with a Teaching Note), Cyber Case Collection at the European Case Clearing House (ECCH) at Babson and CIBER Kelley School of Business/Indiana University. Selected by the 21st annual Concordia MBA International Case Competition (MBA-ICC) which includes 30 business schools from around the world; Selected for inclusion in Global Marketing (Houghton Mifflin, 2003). Translated to: French and Greek;</p><p>Alon, Ilan (1999), “The Internationalization of Custom Electronics,” (www.globalview.org). An experiential online case study program designed for International Business.</p><p>BOOK CHAPTERS </p><p>Alon, Ilan, Robert Moore, and Wenxian Zhang (2009), “Doing Business in Asia,” in Handbook of Research on Asian Entrepreneurship,” Leo Paul Dana, Mary Han, Isabell M. Welpe,eds., Edward Elgar (Forthcoming). (Reprint).</p><p>Welsh, Dianne H.B. and Ilan Alon (2009), “Global Franchising and Other Forms of Entrepreneurship,” in Global Entrepreneurship, Carraher, S. M., Welsh, D. H.B, eds., Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company (p. 183-212).</p><p>Ballard, Nadia and Ilan Alon (2009), “Going International? Alternative Modes of Entry for Entrepreneurial Firms,” in Global Entrepreneurship, Carraher, Shawn M., Welsh, Dianne H.B, eds., Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company (p. 213-226).</p><p>11 Alon, Ilan and Gregory Chase (2008), “Religious Freedom and Economic Prosperity,” in Prosperity Index: An Introduction,” Joshi, Asha B., ed., Hyderabad, India: Icfai University Press (Reprint).</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Robert Moore, and Wenxian Zhang (2007), “Doing Business in East Asia and the Pacific Rim,” in Communicating Globally: Intercultural Communication and International Business, Schmidt, W., Conaway, R., Easton, S. & Wardrope, W. eds., Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. </p><p>Alon, Ilan and David L. McKee (2006), “Country Risk Spillovers in the Middle East: A Prelude to the Road Map for Peace and the War on Terror,” in Corporate Strategies under International Terrorism and Adversity, Gabriele Suder, ed., Edward Elgar Publishing (Reprint). </p><p>Alon, Ilan (2004), “Internationalizing the American Franchise System: The Value of Resources, Agency Capabilities, and Strategic Intent,” in Transformative Organization: A Global Perspective, Vipin Gupta and GLOBE India Investigator Network, eds., New Delhi: Response Books (Division of Sage Publishing), 323- 339.</p><p>Welsh, Dianne, and Ilan Alon (2004), “The Internationalization of Franchising Systems into Industrialized Economies,” In L.P. Dana (Ed.), The Handbook of Research on International Entrepreneurship. London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 655-666. </p><p>Welsh, Dianne, and Ilan Alon (2004), “The Internationalization of Franchising Systems into Emerging and Transitional Economies,” In L.P. Dana (Ed.), The Handbook of Research on International Entrepreneurship. London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 667-687. </p><p>Alon, Ilan (2002), “Web-Based Experiential Learning in International Marketing,” Great Ideas in Teaching: Marketing (Sixth Edition), Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F. Hair, and Carl McDaniel, eds., Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western, 77- 81. </p><p>Kellerman, Edmund and Ilan Alon (2000), “Analyzing Cultural Factors That Led to Risky Antecedent Conditions and the 1997 Asian Economic Crisis,” in International Finance Review: Asian Financial Crisis (Volume 1), Jay Choi, ed., JAI Press/Elsevier.</p><p>PUBLICATIONS IN EDITED JOURNALS/VOLUMES</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2006), “Opportunities for Restaurant Franchising in China,” Franchise-Chat.com; Updated version reprinted (2007) in China Currents, http://www.chinacurrents.com/spring_2008/cc_alon.htm</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2005), “Economic Outlook for Franchising in Russia,” Kupi Brand, 2 (April), 26-27. (in Russian)</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2005), “The Global Practicum as an Innovative Pedagogical Tool for Learning International Management,” Insights (an AIB publication), 5 (1), 8-9.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2005), “The Meaning of China: A Newly Powerful Neighbor Has Japan in Fear and Fascination,” American Chamber of Commerce Japan (ACCJ) Journal, (July), 24-29. (Japan)</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2005), “China vs. Japan: Who Trumps Asia?” Insights (an AIB publication), 5 (3), 13-16. (Reprint)</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2003), “Japanese Corporate Management in Transition: Will It Converge with the US? Insights (an AIB publication), 3 (1), 3-4.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2003), “Experiential Learning in International Business via the World Wide Web,” in Digital Technology in Teaching International Business, Lloyd C. Russow, eds., Binghamton, NY: International Business Press, 79-98. (Reprint) </p><p>12 Alon, Ilan, Mark Toncar, and Le Lu (2002), “Opportunities for Restaurateurs in China,” International Franchising, (Summer), 6-7.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2002), “Economic Potential of International Franchising in Emerging Markets,” Employment and Business Journal (www.ebjonline.com), (Reprint). </p><p>Alon, Ilan (2001), “Economic Potential of International Franchising in Emerging Markets,” Franchise Update (World View: The International Section of Franchise Update Magazine), 4th Quarter.</p><p>PUBLISHED BOOK REVIEWS</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2005), “Digital Technology in Teaching International Business,” Journal of International Business Education, 1 (2).</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2005), “Global Networks and Local Values,” Knowledge, Technology, & Policy, 18 (2), 148-150.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2004), “International Political Risk Management: The Brave New World,” Washington, DC: The World Bank and MIGA,” Journal of International Business Studies Online. </p><p>Alon, Ilan (2003), “Patterns and Trends in Entrepreneurship/SME Policy and Practice in Ten Economies by Lois Stevenson and Anders Lundstrom,” Knowledge, Technology & Policy, 15 (4). </p><p>Alon, Ilan (2003), “Knowledge and the Innovation in the New Service Economy by Andersen et al.,” International Journal of Service Industry Management, 13 (5), 512-514.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2001), “Peer to Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies Andy Oram (Ed), O’Reilly,” Knowledge, Technology & Policy, 13 (4). </p><p>ORGANIZED CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS AND SYMPOSIUMS </p><p>Alon, Ilan (with Marc Fetscherin, John McIntyre, Julian Chang, and Christoph Latteman) (2009), China Goes Global, Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge, MA.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (with the American Association for Chinese Studies AACS) (2009), Annual Meeting, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (with William Wei) (2009), East vs. West: Competition or Cooperation, MacEwan College, Alberta, Canada. </p><p>Alon, Ilan (with Marc Fetscherin, John McIntyre, Julian Chang, and Christoph Latteman) (2008), China Goes Global, Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge, MA.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2007), “Association of Colleges of the South: China Program Leaders,” Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida. </p><p>Alon, Ilan (2006), “China Center Directors Association – Inaugural Meeting: Academic Centers of Excellence: Vision, Strategy and Cooperation,” Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (with John McIntyre) (2006), “The Globalization of Chinese Enterprises: The Advent of a New Age Multinational Enterprise,” Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (with James P. Johnson and Allen Kupetz) (2005), “Internationalization Initiative: Technology, Law and International Business,” Crummer Graduate School of Business, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida. </p><p>13 Alon, Ilan (with Don Rogers) (2005), “Internationalization Initiative: Outsourcing to Asia,” International Business Studies, Rollins College (Co-Sponsored by Georgia Tech, Rollins MHR, World Trade Center Orlando), Winter Park, Florida.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2004), “Internationalization Initiative: Chinese Culture and Economic Growth,” Crummer Graduate School of Business and Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (with John McIntyre) (2003), “China’s Business Practices and Environment: Creating Opportunities for US firms in the World’s Fastest Growing Economy,” Co-sponsored by Georgia Tech and the University of Florida CIBER, Atlanta, GA.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (with John McIntyre) (2003), “Business Education in Emerging Markets: Curricular Development and Pedagogical Innovations,” Co-sponsored by Georgia Tech and Rollins College, Atlanta, GA.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (with John McIntyre) (2003), “The Lay of the Land--Navigating Emerging Franchise Markets--Strategies and Pitfalls,” Invited Speaker to an International Franchising: The Big Emerging Markets Symposium sponsored by the Coca Cola Corporation, Georgia Tech, and The Southeast Franchise Forum, Atlanta, Georgia.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2001), “Chinese Cultural Diversity in the Age of Global Interdependence,” Co-sponsored by the State University of New York and the Rochester Chinese Association, Rochester, NY.</p><p>REFEREED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS</p><p>Ni, Liqiang, Ilan Alon and Rajiv Dant (2009), “US-based fast food restaurants: Factors influencing international expansion of franchise systems,” Proceedings of the EMNET conference, Sarajevo. </p><p>Sardy, Marc, Mark Munoz, James Sun and Ilan Alon (2008), “Emerging Dimensions of Ethics in China,” Annual Association of the American Society for Competitiveness, Orlando, Florida (Nov. 6-8). Distinction: Paper Received Best Paper Award in the Conference and given a priority review in the forthcoming journal of the association, Competitiveness Review.</p><p>Rogers, Donald, Thomas Lairson, Ilan Alon, Marc Sardy, Cecilia McInnis-Bowers, Sharon Agee (2008), “Blending Pragmatic Liberal Education with an International Business Program: The Rollins College Experience,” Proceedings of the Academy of International Business – Southeast, St. Pete, Florida (Oct. 29-31).</p><p>Kiymaz, Halil, Ilan Alon, Theodore Veit (2008), “Examining the Returns of American Depository Receipts: Evidence from Emerging and Developed Markets,” Proceedings of the Academy of International Business – Southeast, St. Pete, Florida (Oct. 29-31). </p><p>Fetscherin, Marc, Christoph Lattemann, Anna-Maria Schneider, Ilan Alon (2008), “CSR in China,” Research Symposium on Corporate Governance, Virginia Beach, VA (Oct. 24-5).</p><p>Lattemann, Christoph, Marc Fetscherin, Ilan Alon, Anna-Maria Schneider (2008), “Chinas’ Interpretation of Corporate Social Responsibility,” 3rd International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility at Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin (October, 8-10).</p><p>Fetscherin, Marc, Ilan Alon and James M. Johnson (2008), “Measuring the Global Competitiveness of the Automotive Manufacturing Industry,” Proceedings of the Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meetings, Milan, Italy, (June 30-July 3).</p><p>Sardy, M.J, Alon, I., (2007) Challenges and responses of Chinese Management Education in 21st Century, Proceedings of the CLADEA, Miami, November.</p><p>14 Vianelli Donata and Ilan Alon (2007), “Travel agent's perception of cruise tourism in Croatia and Slovenia. In: Chadraba P., Springer R. (edited by). Marketing and Business Strategies for Central & Eastern Europe. Nov 28th - Dec 1 Vienna: Univ. of Econ. & Business Administration, Austria, p. 518-539. </p><p>Alon, Ilan, Mirela Alpeza and Aleksandar Erceg (2007), “Implementation of Franchising as a Business Model in Croatian Business Context,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Economics and Management of Networks, Erasmus University, Rotterdam (June 28-30).</p><p>Leung, T.K.P., Ricky Y.K. Chan, Ilan Alon, Tam Tsui Wa (2007), “An Online Loyalty Model: The Differences between U.S. and Chinese Users” Proceedings of the American Association of Chinese Studies, Richmond, USA.</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Mirela Alpeza, and Aleksandar Erceg (2007), “Opportunities and Threats Regarding the Development of the Franchising Business Model in Croatia,” 7th International Conference on Enterprise in Transition, Split, Croatia. </p><p>Sardy, Marc and Ilan Alon (2007), “Exploring the Differences Between Franchise Entrepreneurs and Nascent Entrepreneurs” 21st Annual International Society of Franchising Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.</p><p>Littrell, Romie F., Ilan Alon and Ka Wai Chan (2006), “Regional Differences in Preferences for Managerial Leader Behavior in China,” 5th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Tokyo, Japan.</p><p>Dolansky, Eric and Ilan Alon (2006), “Religious Freedom, Religious Diversity, and Japanese Foreign Direct Investment,” Proceedings of the 6th Global Conference on Business and Economics, Harvard University, MA, USA.</p><p>Littrell, Romie F., Gary D. Gregory, and Ilan Alon, (2006), “Personal Values in Urban China and South Korea: Modern Confucian Societies in Transition,” Proceedings of the Academy of International Business Conference, Beijing, China. </p><p>Alon, Ilan, Theodore T. Herbert, and J. Mark Munoz (2006), “Assessing the Potential for Chinese Global Integration,” Proceedings of the Academy of International Business Conference, Beijing, China. </p><p>Alon, Ilan (2006), “Market Conditions Favoring Master International Franchising,” Proceedings of SAM International Business Conference, Orlando, Florida. </p><p>Drtina, Ralph, James Gilbert and Ilan Alon (2006), “Value Congruence and the Balanced Scorecard in an MBA Educational Setting,” Proceedings of SAM International Business Conference, Orlando, Florida.</p><p>Alon, Ilan and Keith L. Whittingham (2006), “Accounting for Success in Sports Franchising,” Proceedings of the International Academy of Business Disciplines, San Diego, California. </p><p>Alon, Ilan and J. Mark Munoz (2005), “A Comparative Examination of Outsourcing Opportunities in China and the Philippines,” Proceedings of the Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Manila, Philippines. </p><p>Alon, Ilan (2005), “Exploring the Effect of Price and Price Expectations in the Service Sector,” Proceedings of the 8th Annual Fordham University Pricing Conference, New York, NY.</p><p>Alon, Ilan and J. Mark Munoz (2005), “Executive Insights: Analyzing Market Opportunities for Franchising in the Philippines,” Proceedings of the International Society of Franchising, London, UK (CD Rom). </p><p>Alon, Ilan (2005), “Forecasting University Enrollment: An Historical Case of a College of Business in Northeast United States of America,” Proceedings of Applied Business Research (ABR) & Teaching and Learning Conference (TLC), Orlando, Florida (Best Paper Award). </p><p>15 Drtina, Ralph, James Gilbert, Ilan Alon (2005), “Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Maps for Core Value Congruence on the Graduate Student School Selection Process,” Proceedings of Applied Business Research (ABR) & Teaching and Learning Conference (TLC), Orlando, Florida.</p><p>Alon, Ilan and David L. McKee (2004), “Managing Political and Country Risks: A Historical Examination of Interrelatedness in the Middle East,” Proceedings of the Western Academy of Management, Shanghai, China (June 8-12).</p><p>Welsh, Dianne, and Ilan Alon (2004), “Franchising Around the World in Developed Economies: A Historical Development,” Proceedings of the United States of Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Dallas, TX (January 15-18).</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2004), “Case Study: A Qualitative Study of International Entrepreneurship in Malaysia,” Proceedings of the Southwest Academy of International Business, Jennifer A. Pope, eds., Orlando, Florida, 15, 398-413.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2004), “Franchising Economic Impact,” Proceedings of the Association for Collegiate Marketing Educators, Uday Tate & Craig A. Conrad, eds., Orlando, Florida (CD Rom). </p><p>Alon, Ilan (2004), “Social Implications of Global Franchising,” Proceedings of the Southwest Academy of International Business, Jennifer A. Pope, eds., Orlando, Florida, 15, 206-216. </p><p>Chase, Gregory and Ilan Alon (2004), “Religious Freedom and Prosperity: Is there a relationship,” Proceedings of the Southwest Academy of International Business, Jennifer A. Pope, eds., Orlando, Florida, 15, 117-122. </p><p>Alon, Ilan (2004), “Key Success Factors in the Franchising Sector in the Retailing Sector,” Proceedings of the Southwest Academy of Management, (45th Annual Meeting) Orlando, Florida (March 3-6). </p><p>Gurumoorthy, Rajesh, Teresa Steen and Ilan Alon (2004), “Micro-Political Risk Assessment: A Comparative Study of Strategies & Techniques for Energy, Financial and Automobile Sectors,” Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Research Seminar, Mina Baliamoune-Lutz, eds., University of North Florida (February 13). </p><p>Alon, Ilan, Ralph Drtina, and James P. Gilbert (2004), “The Impact of Franchising on the Return on Equity of Chains in the Restaurant Sector,” Proceedings of the International Society for Franchising, Las Vegas (CD Rom).</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2003), “International Business Alliances: A Practical Perspective from the Packaging Industry,” Proceedings of the Academy of International Business Southeast (USA) Annual Meeting, George Nakos and John Rushing, eds., Clearwater, Florida (November 12-14), 245-252.</p><p>Lu, Le and Ilan Alon (2003), “Business Education in China’s Higher Education Institutions,” Proceedings of the Academy of International Business Southeast (USA) Annual Meeting, George Nakos and John Rushing, eds., Clearwater, Florida (November 12-14), 120-129.</p><p>Alon, Ilan and Ke 'Bianca' Bian (2003), “International Franchising in the Real Estate Market in China: An Interview with Coldwell Banker,” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) and the 8th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Region of DSI, Shanghai, China (July 4-8).</p><p>Welsh, Dianne and Ilan Alon (2003), “Franchising Networks in Selected Developed Economies – A Look at Canada, the United States, the Pacific Rim, and Other Countries,” Proceedings of EMNet Conference on Economics and Management of Franchising Networks, Vienna, Austria (June 26-28).</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Gerard Cliquet, and Rozenn Perrigot (2003), “Affiliated Networks: The Case of Best Western Internationalization,” Proceedings of EMNet Conference on Economics and Management of Franchising Networks, Vienna, Austria (June 26-28).</p><p>16 Alon, Ilan (2003), “Choosing Foreign Markets for Expansion,” Proceedings of the 17th Annual USASBE National Conference, Hilton Head, South Carolina, CD-Rom.</p><p>Bian, Ke and Ilan Alon (2003), “A Survey of Franchising in China,” Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Society of Franchising, San Antonio, Texas (Feb 14-16). </p><p>Alon, Ilan and Nadia Ballard (2003), “International Business Education: Learning by Doing,” Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives, Jerry Biberman and Abbass Alkhafaji, eds., p. 242-246. </p><p>Alon, Ilan and Dianne Welsh (2003), “International Franchising in Western and Northern Europe,” Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives, Jerry Biberman and Abbass Alkhafaji, eds., p. 247-251.</p><p>Bian, Bianca and Ilan Alon (2002), “A Survey of Franchising in China-Practices and Perspectives,” Proceedings of the Fourth West Lake International Conference on Small & Medium Business, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, China.</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Mark Toncar, and Lu Le (2002), “Restaurant Franchising in China: A Field Study of Shanghai,” Proceedings of the Academy of International Business (AIB) South East Asia and Australia Regional Conference, Shanghai, China.</p><p>Perrigot, Rozenn, Ilan Alon, and Gerard Cliquet (2002), “Comparing International Strategies Between European and American Hotels,” Proceedings of 31st European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), University of Minho, Portugal. </p><p>Welsh, Dianne, and Ilan Alon (2002), “Franchising Around the Globe,” Proceedings of the 47th International Council for Small Business (ICSB), San Juan, Puerto Rico.</p><p>Alon, Ilan and Dianne Welsh (2002), “Global Franchising in Emerging and Transitioning Economies,” in the Proceedings of the International Society of Franchising, Orlando, Florida, Tab 27.</p><p>Perrigot, Rozenn, Ilan Alon, and Gerard Cliquet (2002), “Comparing Franchised-Hotel Chains in France and the U.S.A.,” in the Proceedings of the16th International Society of Franchising, Orlando, Florida, Tab 18.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2001), “International Franchising in China: An Interview with Kodak,” in International Diversity in Franchising: Towards a Global Understanding, International Society of Franchising, Lorelle Frazer, editor, Los Vegas, Nevada, Tab 4. </p><p>Welsh, Dianne, H.B., and Ilan Alon (2001), “International Franchising in Emerging Markets: A Review and Summary,” in International Diversity in Franchising: Towards a Global Understanding, International Society of Franchising, Lorelle Frazer, editor, Los Vegas, Nevada, Tab 5. </p><p>Alon, Ilan, and Min Qi (2000) “Do International Banks’ Assessments of Country Risk Follow a Random Walk? An Empirical Examination of the Middle East,” Conference Proceedings of the European International Business Academy, Maastricht, Holland.</p><p>Cannon, Nancy and Ilan Alon (2000), “Librarian and Faculty Collaboration in Teaching Students to Locate Information on International Markets,” SUNY Conference on Instructional Technologies, Syracuse, New York.</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Mark Toncar, and David McKee (2000), “Evaluating Foreign-Market Environments for International Franchising Expansion,” International Society of Franchising Annual Conference.</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Mark Toncar and David McKee (1999), “The Impact of Environmental Factors on International Franchising,” Association of Global Business Conference Proceedings, Robert D. Goddard III, editor, Los Vegas, Nevada, 333-340.</p><p>17 Toncar, Mark, Ilan Alon and David McKee (1999), “Cultural Determinants of International Franchising: An Empirical Analysis of Hofestede’s Cultural Dimensions,” Seventh Annual Cross-Cultural Research, Scott Smith, ed., Cancun, Mexico. </p><p>Alon, Ilan (1999), “Organizational Determinants of International Franchising: A Comparative Study of Three Industries,” Global Business in the Age of Technology, Calingo L., Kaynak E., Arbelaez H., Cordell V., McLean G., eds., Eighth Annual World Business Congress, Monterey, California.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (1999), “International Franchising Modes of Entry,” in Franchising Beyond the Millennium: Learning Lessons From the Past, John Stanworth and David Purdy, eds., Society of Franchising 13th Annual Conference. (Finalist for the “Best Applied” paper)</p><p>Alon, Ilan, and Mark Toncar (1999), “Franchising Opportunities and Impediments in Russia,” in Franchising Beyond the Millennium: Learning Lessons From the Past, John Stanworth and David Purdy, eds., Society of Franchising 13th Annual Conference.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (1998), “Should Cheating Be Allowed?” in Ninth Annual Teaching Economics Conference, Bobby G. Dudley eds., Robert Morris College and McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 9-11.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (1998), “What Marketing Students Need from an Introductory Course in Economics,” in Expanding Marketing Horizons Into the 21st Century, Joseph Chapman eds., Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, Charleston, South Carolina.</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Matthew Martin, and David McKee (1998), “Political Risk Spillovers in the Middle East,” in Annual Research Volume: Global Competitiveness, Aleta Best, eds., American Society for Competitiveness, 19-25.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (1997), “The Association Between Political Risk and International Franchising Mode of Entry,” in Expanding Marketing Horizons into the 21st Century, David L. Moore, eds., Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, Jekyll Island, South Carolina, 433-440.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (1997), “Forecasting Aggregate Retail Sales: the Winters’ Model Revisited,” in The 1997 Annual Proceedings, John C. Goodale, eds., Midwest Decision Science Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, 234-236.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (1996), “The Nature and Scope of Political Risk,” in Marketing Moving Toward the 21st Century, Elnora W. Stuart, David J. Ortinau, and Ellen M. Moore, eds., Southern Marketing Association, Rock Hill, South Carolina, 359-364.</p><p>PROFESSIONAL/ACADEMIC PRESENTATIONS</p><p>Ni, Liqiang, Ilan Alon and Rajiv Dant (2009), “US-based fast food restaurants: factors influencing international expansion of franchise systems,” EMNET Conference, Sarajevo (July). </p><p>Shoham, Amir, Miri Lerner and Ilan Alon (2009), “Linking Factual and Normative Cultural Values with National Entrepreneurial Activities,” 3rd Israel Strategy Conference, Be’er Sheva, Israel. </p><p>Ni, Liqiang, Ilan Alon, Rajiv Dant (2009) Semi-parametric modeling: Factors Influencing International Expansion of US Fast Food Franchise Systems, International Conference on Financial Statistics and Econometrics, July 2009, Chengdu, China. </p><p>Alon, Ilan (2008), “Governance and Sustainable Development in the Russian Federation,” Keynote Speech for the Annual Conference of EuroMed, Marseille, France (Nov. 17).</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2008), “Competitiveness of Emerging Markets in a Globalized World,” Panel Discussion in the American Society for Competitiveness, Orlando, Florida (Nov. 6-8).</p><p>18 Brock, David, Ilan Alon (2008), “Learning and Growing – Fit, Resource, Environment,” Academy of International Business – Southeast, St. Pete, Florida (Oct. 29-31).</p><p>Boniface, Dexter and Ilan Alon (2008), “The Reverse Linkage Effect? Assessing the Impact of Chinese Integration on the Democratization of Hong Kong,” Harvard’s Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies (Oct 22) and Harvard Kennedy School (Oct 23), Cambridge, Mass. </p><p>Alon, Ilan (2008), “Comparative Environments in BRIC: CSR perspectives,” Yale University, School of Management and School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Millstein Center for Corporate Governance and Performance, New Haven, CT.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2008), “International Licensing and Franchising,” Enterprise Florida, International Trade & Business Development Representatives, Orlando, Florida. </p><p>Bowers, Michael and Ilan Alon (2008), "International & U.S. Academically Based Centers for Entrepreneurship: A Comparison of Similarities & Differences", presented at the 2008 IntEnt Entrepreneurship Education Conference, July 18, 2008, University of Miami (Ohio).</p><p>Shoham, Amir, Ilan Alon, Shaomin Li (2008), “Changing Cultural Clusters,” 2nd Israel Strategy Conference, Tel Aviv, (Dec. 28-30).</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2008), “Evolving Business Environments for Manufacturing in China,” Friction Materials Standards Institute Annual Meeting, Sarasota, Florida (June 7-9). </p><p>Van Fleet, John and Ilan Alon (2007), “Globalization of Business Schools: The China Factor,” China Executive Leadership Academy: Leadership Forum,” Shanghai Jiao Tong, Shanghai, China (October). </p><p>Alon, Ilan and John D. Van Fleet (2006), “Establishing a Chinese Footprint for Your Business Program,” Global Management Education Conference, Shanghai University, Shanghai (October).</p><p>Alon, Ilan, Theodore T. Herbert, and J. Mark Munoz (2006), “Globalizing the Chinese Business Enterprise: A Model of Organizational Alignment Requirements,” Interactive Session in the Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia (August).</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2006), “Business Education in Emerging Markets: A Teaching in China Tutorial,” Production and Operations Management Society, International Conference, Shanghai, China (June).</p><p>Alon, Ilan, John McIntyre, and Anne Fuller (2006), “Teaching the Chinese about International Business: Cross- Cultural Dimensions,” CIBER Business Language Conference, Atlanta, Georgia (April 6). </p><p>Alon, Ilan (2006), “China: Past, Present and Future” The Enzian, (Opening for The White Countess), Winter Park/Maitland, Florida (February 22). </p><p>Alon, Ilan and Craig McAllaster (2005), “The Globalization Footprint of Business Schools: The Case of the MBA,” Invited Speakers to AACSB International Graduate Programs Conference, Tampa (November 19).</p><p>Alon, Ilan and Craig McAllaster (2005), “The Globalization Footprint of Business Schools: The Case of the Undergraduate,” Invited Speakers to AACSB International Undergraduate Programs Conference, Tampa (November 19). (Repeat Presentation)</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2005), “Investing in China: Opportunities and Threats,” The Financial Luncheon Group of the University Club of Winter Park, Winter Park, Florida (Nov. 2).</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2005), “Global Franchising and International Business Modes of Entry,” Graduate Seminar to the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (Sept. 21). </p><p>19 Johnson, James P. and Ilan Alon (2005), “Master Franchising and Classifications of International Franchisors", Academy of International Business Conference, Quebec City, Canada.</p><p>Krbec, Denisa and Ilan Alon (2005), “The Effect of Developing Collaborative Learning Activities in Business Education and Practice,” Association for Global Business Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, vol. 17, Miami, Florida. </p><p>Alon, Ilan and Matthew Mitchell (2005), “The Internationalization of Business Education: An Examination of International Educational Experiences,” Fifth Annual International Business Research Seminar (Cosponsored by Warsaw University and the University of North Florida), Jacksonville, Florida.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2004), “Integrating Technology Utilization in the International Marketing and International Business Classroom,” Society for Marketing Advances, St. Pete Beach, Florida, p. 333..</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2004), “Leadership and Human Resource Development in China,” Renmin University Human Resource Management Conference, Beijing, China.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2004), “Technology Development and Economic Transition in China,” Sino-US Symposium on Human Resources and Hi-Tech Development, Fifth Conference of Federation of Associations of Chinese Professionals in Southern USA, Orlando, FL.</p><p>Alon, Ilan and John Spitzer (2003), “Does Religious Freedom Affect Country Risk Assessment,” American Society for Competitiveness, Conference on Competition in a Dynamic World, Falls Church, Virginia.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2003), “Franchising Research: Where Do We Go From Here?” Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship Symposium of the Southern Management Association, Clearwater, Florida.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2003), “Managing the Chinese Organization: Business Culture Problems and Strategic Opportunities,” in China’s Business Practices and Environment: Creating Opportunities for US firms in the World’s Fastest Growing Economy, Atlanta, GA.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2003), “Marketing in China During Times of Economic Transition: Best Practices and Cross Industry Analysis,” in China’s Business Practices and Environment: Creating Opportunities for US firms in the World’s Fastest Growing Economy, Atlanta, GA.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2003), “Global Communication: Standardization or Adaptation,” Annual Conference of the Chinese Marketing Association, Hangzhou, China.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2003), “A Review of Franchising in India,” the 9th Georgia Tech Global Business Forum, Atlanta, Georgia. </p><p>Bowers, John and Ilan Alon (2002), “Globalization and Small High-Technology Firms: A New Model for the Identification of International Markets for High-Technology Products,” Presented in the IEEE International Engineering Management Conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2002), “International Franchising: A Research Discourse,” Invited Speaker to the University of New South Wales/Australian Graduate School of Management Research Center, Sydney, Australia.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2002), “Evaluating the Economic Potential in Emerging Markets,” Invited Speaker for the International Resource Group, Rochester, New York.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2002), “Country Risk Stability in the Middle East,” Invited Speaker in Global Risk Management Conference: Evolving Issues and Approaches, Cleveland, Ohio.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (2001), “Ten Questions Every Exporter Needs to Know?” Invited Speaker for the International Business Council Export Meeting, Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce, Rochester, New York.</p><p>20 Bahr, Kathleen A., and Ilan Alon (2001), “Cultural Implications of Franchising in China,” 15th Annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Lexington, Kentucky.</p><p>Bowers, John S. and Ilan Alon (2001), “The Internationalization of Small High-Technology Firms in the United States,” Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives (Volume 8), Jerry Biberman and Abbass Alkhafaji, eds., International Academy of Business Studies, 102-105. </p><p>Bowers, John S., and Ilan Alon (2000), “Globalization: A Review of Factors for U.S. Small Manufacturing Enterprises in the Aircraft & Spacecraft, Electrical Machinery, and Instrumental Sectors,” Academy of International Business Conference, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Obi, C. Pat, and Ilan Alon (2000), “Agency Costs and Valuation Effects of International Franchising,” 12th Annual Conference of the International Academy of Business Disciplines, Las Vegas, Nevada.</p><p>Cannon, Nancy and Ilan Alon (2000), “Librarian and Faculty Collaboration in Teaching Students to Locate Information on International Markets,” SUNY Conference on Instructional Technologies, Syracuse, New York.</p><p>Kellerman, Edmund and Ilan Alon (1999), “The Interest Paid By Borrowing Trouble: Cultural Factors in the 1997 Asian Economic Crisis,” Academy of International Business Conference, Philadelphia, PA.</p><p>Alon, Ilan, and David McKee (1999), “The Impact of Crime and Corruption on Russia’s Potential for Global Economic Integration,” in Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives, Jerry Biberman and Abbass Alkhafaji, eds., International Academy of Business Studies, 375-379.</p><p>Alon, Ilan (1998), “A Conceptual Model of the Internationalization of the United States Franchising Systems,” in Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives, Jerry Biberman and Abbass Alkhafaji, eds., International Academy of Business Studies, Michigan, 350-354. </p><p>Alon, Ilan and Matthew Martin (1998), “Political Risk Assessment of Host Country Investment Climate,” in Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives, Jerry Biberman and Abbass Alkhafaji, eds., International Academy of Business Studies, Michigan, 365-369. </p><p>House, Bessie, and Ilan Alon (1997), “African-American Businesses, Economic Development, and the Puzzle of Success: A Pilot Study of Cleveland, Ohio.” Presented in the Political Science Colloquium at Kent State University.</p><p>PROFESSIONAL SERVICE</p><p>Advisory Boards</p><p> World Trade Center, Orlando, Advisory Board, 2007-Present Advisory Board, AducAsian, Living and Learning Center, Shanghai, China, 2005-Present Panel Advisory Member, McKinsey Quarterly Online Executive, 2004-Present Planning Advisory Committee, International Foundation for Advancement of Management Education (IFAME) and Global Business Schools Network (GBSN), 2004-Present Scientific Advisory Committee, International Conference on Economics and Management of Networks (EMNET), 2004, 2006, 2007</p><p>Editorships</p><p> Editor, Insight, the official Academy of International Business magazine, Forthcoming. Senior Editor, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, (SSCI-ranked journal), 2010-Present Co-Editor, Academy of Management, International Management Development Newsletter, 2004-2008</p><p>21 Editorial Boards</p><p> Editorial Review Board, European Journal of International Management, 2009-Present Editorial Review Board, Journal of Emerging Knowledge on Emerging Markets, 2009- Present Editorial Review Board, World Journal of Business Management, 2009- Present Editorial Review Board, China Management Review, (National Central University, Taiwan), 2009-Present Editorial Review Board, The Review of Business, 2009- Present Editorial Review Board, Competitiveness Review, 2008-Present Editorial Review Board, Thunderbird International Business Review, 2007-Present Editorial Review Board, Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM), 2001-Present Editorial Review Board, SAM Advanced Management Journal, 2005-Present Editorial Review Board, International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2007 - Present Editorial Review Board, International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management, 2006- Present Editorial Review Board, World Journal of Entrepreneurship, 2006-Present Editorial Review Board, World Journal of Business Management, 2006-Present Editorial Advisory Board, International Journal of Emerging Markets (IJEM), 2006-Present Editorial Review Board, Prabandhan (a bilingual Indian journal of IILM), 2007-Present Editorial Review Board, Journal for Global Business Advancement (JGBA), 2006-Present Global Marketing Section Editor, Global Marketing and Business, Marketing Education Review, 2000–2005 Advisory Board, Global Knowledge Economics Council, Journal of Knowledge Economics, 2001- 2005 Lead Professor, Association Global View (AGV), Internet-Based Global Case Program, 2000-2002</p><p>Professional Memberships Academy of International Business (AIB), Academy of Management (AoM), International Society of Franchising (ISOF), World Trade Center (Orlando), American Marketing Association (AMA)</p><p>Manuscripts reviewed for Journals: International Business/Marketing/Management: European Journal of International Management (2009), International Business Review (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009), Journal of Business Ethics (2008), Asia Pacific Journal of Management (2008), International Journal of Management Education (2007), Journal of International Business Studies (2006), Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Asia Pacific Marketing (2005), Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (2005), Journal of Marketing Channels, International Journal of Service Industry Management, Multinational Business Review Entrepreneurship: International Entrepreneurship Management Journal (2006), International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Small Business Economics, International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development (2007); Journal of Enterprising Community (2007) Economics/Policy/Finance: World Development, International Journal of Production Economics, European Journal of Finance, Economic Research Journal, New York Economic Review, Knowledge, Technology & Policy Book Publishers: “Advances in Business Education & Training” Springer/Social Sciences (2007), Edward Elgar Publishing (2006), The McGraw-Hill Companies, Chelsea House Publishers, Marsh Publications, Addison Wesley Longman Ph.D. Dissertation: External Examiner for “Australian Franchising Regulations” University of New South Wales (2008), External Examiner for “Organizational Guanxi and State Owned Enterprises in South-West China,” the University of Western Australia (2005) </p><p>Chair, Discussant, or Reviewer Discussant and Chair, Harvard University, China Goes Global, 2008 External Reviewer, Promotion Committee, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2006 Track Chair, Business & OM Management Education, Production and Operations Management Society (International Conference, Shanghai), 2006</p><p>22 Reviewer, Academy of International Business, 2006 Discussant, SAM International Business Conference, 2006 Reviewer, Academy of International Business, 2006 Reviewer, Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) World Conference of the International Council for Small Business (ICSB), 2005 Reviewer, International Society of Franchising (ISOF), 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Discussant, AIB Southeast, 2003 USASBE Workshop evaluator, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, 2003 Reviewer, Seventh Cross-Cultural Research Conference, 1999 Reviewer, Academy of International Business, Charleston, 1999 Chair and Discussant, New York State Economic Association, 1998 Discussant, Southern Economics Association, 1997</p><p>Rollins College Service Chair, Rollins China Center Committee, 2005-Present Develop and direct the Rollins-China Center, a campus-wide international initiative, www.rollins.edu/chinacenter, 2006-Present Member, Internationalization Committee, 2006-Present Instrumental in developing internationals strategic alliances/exchanges with schools in Italy (2006), France (2006), China (2007/8) Advisory Council Member, Jewish Studies Program, 2004-Present Led and directed the Global Consulting Projects Program, Rollins MBA, 2003-2006 Committee member, Robert T. Guillem Leader of Tomorrow Memorial Scholarship, 2003- 2006 Supervised four MBA student research projects that resulted in presentations or publications, 2002-2004 Obtained a $25,000 educational program in International Business for Chinese executives, 2004 Taught in Rollins College, Crummer Executive Education Program, 2003, 2004 Created a new elective course in Int’l Business including a week cultural immersion in Shanghai, 2004 Created an International-Business web site (http://web.rollins.edu/~ialon/home.htm) Chairperson, college-wide China committee 2003-Present Crummer MBA Curriculum Committee, Crummer Graduate School of Business, 2003-2005</p><p>Public and Community Service Advisory Board, World Trade Center Orlando, 2006-Present Hebrew Day School, Marketing Committee, 2009-Present Represented Rollins College in a variety of events in the community, Enterprise Florida, Economic Development Commission (Metro Orlando), Financial Luncheon Group, etc., 2002-Present Regularly interviewed in the media on issues relating to international business, China and the Middle East, 2002-Present Assisted in developing a Student in Free Enterprise (SIFE) chapter in Shanghai, China, 2001; University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST) team won the national competition, 2003 Advisory Council, Student in Free Enterprise (SIFE), international and community outreach, 2001-2002</p><p>Grants External Grants: Project (2007-2010)"China Goes Global" in cooperation with Harvard University and Postdam University financed by TransCoop Programme from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation ($90,000) Rollins College Awards: Arthur Vining Davis Award, Research Distinction (2009), The McKean Grant Award ($10,000), 2003 (The first business school faculty member to receive this prestigious grant in the history of the college); Crummer Graduate School of Business, Summer Research Grant Award, 2003, 2004 State University of New York (SUNY) Awards: Scholarly Incentive Award, 2002; Better Community Coalition (BCC) Grant, 2001; UUP Individual Development Award, 2001, 2002; Faculty Research Grant, 2000; Faculty Research Grant Program, NYS Graduate Research Initiative and SUNY Research Foundation, 2000; Quality of Working Life (PDQWL), United University Professions Grant, 1999; Walter B. Ford Research Grant, State University of New York, 1999</p><p>23 Rochester Chinese Association Sponsorship, 2001</p><p>HONORS AND DISTINCTIONS</p><p>Research Distinctions Arthur Vining Davis Award, Research Distinction, 2009 Profiled in Contemporary Authors, (Gale, 2006) Published by Thomson Gale since 1962, this reference book series provides information on approximately 112,000 writers from all over the world and in a wide range of media, including fiction, nonfiction, poetry, journalism, drama, and screenwriting. Research Professor of the Year, Rollins College, Graduate School of Business, 2005 Best Paper Award, Applied Business Research and Teaching and Learning Conference, 2005 Hugh and Jeannette McKean Award, Largest and most prestigious research award at Rollins College, 2003 Chinese Marketing Award, “Golden Tripod Award for Chinese Marketing Excellence and Chinese Marketing Forum,” Hangzhou, China, 2003 & Society for Marketing Advances (USA), 2002 MBA competitive case writing award, John Molson School of Business, 2002</p><p>Teaching Awards Professor of the Year by Rollins College graduate school of business students, 2003, 2006 Teaching case recognized online at www.merlot.org as a distinguished, high-quality source of learning material (MERLOT Community), 2002 Professor of the Year Award, State University of New York Oneonta, 1999</p><p>Honorary Societies & Awards Phi Zeta Kappa, Phi Omega Epsilon, Beta Gamma Sigma, Omicron Delta Epsilon (International Honor Society in Economics) University Honors Fellow (Kent State University), University Honors Program, University Merit Scholar (Fairleigh Dickinson University)</p><p>Who’s Who Strathmore’s Who’s Who, America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals (2003, 2004, 2009), Prestige International Who’s Who Registries of Outstanding Professionals (2006/7/8), Marquis Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders (2007), Marquis Who’s Who in American Education (2007), Continental Who’s Who (2007), Who’s Who in the World (2006), Who’s Who in Finance and Business (2006), International Who’s Who Historical Society (2005), Marquis Who’s Who in America (2004, 2005), Marquis United Who’s Who Registry Among Executives and Professionals (2005), Madison Who’s Who (2004, 2005), Who’s Who in Business Higher Education (2003)</p><p>CONSULTING EXPERIENCE</p><p>Internationalization (Aftermarket Brakes), 2009 Nucap Industries, Toronto, Canada Developed strategies to combat cheap competition from low-cost countries</p><p>Cross Cultural Training (Restaurant Industry), 2009 Darden Restaurants, Orlando, Florida Trained various levels of management on cross-cultural intelligence and Asian business practices</p><p>Chinese Business Education Consultant (Consulting Industry), 2008 Primary Insights, New York Provided expert advice on the market for Chinese education software, and possible M&A</p><p>International Business Expert (Business Consulting), 2006 - Present Gerson Lehrman Group, Beijing/Shanghai Ad-hoc advisor on doing business in China</p><p>24 Franchising Expert Consultant (Government Consulting), 2006 USAID/Nathan Associates, Croatia Advised Croatia on the development of franchising entrepreneurship in the country Trained the trainers, consultants, lawyers and bankers on global franchising</p><p>Consultant to the Board of Directors (Non-Profit Performing Arts), 2006 Festival of Orchestras, Florida Examined the efficiency and funding of the organization and recommended methods to increase the profitability and the connectivity of the organization in the community</p><p>International Business Development (Corporate University/Training), 2006 Petters Group Worldwide, Minnesota Developed a business plan for the development of a corporate university in Shanghai</p><p>International Business Consultant (Medical Devices, Public Company, ticker: ARRO), 2005 Arrow International, Pennsylvania Led teams of MBAs to construct market entry plans for Japan</p><p>International Marketing Consultant (Cruise Industry), 2005 Costa Crociere SpA, Trieste, Italy Developed an international marketing roadmap for expanding business into Eastern Europe</p><p>International Marketing Consultant (Marketing/Management Consulting), 2005 Spenor Group, Shanghai/Suzhou, China Benchmarked Spenor marketing consulting against leading marketing consulting firms</p><p>International Business Consultant (Business Process Outsource Industry), 2004, 2005 Dynetech Corporation, Orlando, Florida Developed an international strategy for expansion into the Euro-Zone area and China</p><p>Strategic International Business Consultant (Financial Industry), 2004 CNL International, Orlando, Florida Analyzed foreign markets for entry using a variety of market indicators</p><p>Strategic Marketing Planning Consultant (Recreational Vehicles Industry), 2003 Florida RV Association, Tampa, Florida Developed templates for analyzing the strategic positioning of the Florida RV Association</p><p>International Business Consultant (Garment Industry), 2002-2003 The Garment Trade Association, Shanghai, China Provided competitive intelligence to the Shanghai Garment Trade Association</p><p>International Business Alliance Consultant (Packaging Industry), 2001-2002 Global Packaging Alliance (GPA), Rochester, New York Developed an international business alliance structure for a medium-sized company in the packaging industry</p><p>Strategic International Business Consultant (Electronics Industry), 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Custom Electronics Inc. (CEI), Oneonta, New York Developed a strategy for expanding into a number of foreign markets</p><p>Economic Advisor (Educational Industry), 1999-2000 Center for Economic Development, State University of New York Oneonta Utilized IMPLAN software to estimate the economic output and employment multipliers of the college on its vicinity</p><p>25 Marketing Consultant (Restaurant Industry), 1999 Phoenix Cafe, Oneonta, New York Organized marketing-student groups to develop a marketing plan for a local company seeking expansion</p><p>Auditing Consultant (Real Estate Industry), 1998 PM Consulting, Brighton, Michigan Audited corporate tenants in the Cleveland, Ohio area for a large real-estate owner</p><p>Marketing Consultant (Educational Industry), 1994 Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, New Jersey Developed a forecasting model for full-time, first-year undergraduate students</p><p>PERSONAL DATA Languages: Fluent in English and Hebrew; Moderate in Russian and Chinese Family Status: Married to Anna Alon, MBA/CPA, currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Accounting; two daughters Citizenship: USA</p><p>REFERENCES</p><p>1. Dr. John R. McIntyre Professor of International Management & Executive Director for the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) College of Management, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) (404) 894-1463 [email protected]</p><p>2. Dr. David L. McKee Professor of Economics Kent State University College of Business Administration (330) 672-1096 [email protected]</p><p>3. Dr. Barry Render Charles Harwood Distinguished Professor of Operations Management Rollins College, Crummer Graduate School of Business (407) 646-2657 [email protected] </p><p>26</p>
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