Table of contents 2 Welcome 4 Overview 8 Presentation of Reports 12 Meetings 14 Agenda › 6 December morning 19 Agenda › 6 December afternoon 28 Agenda › 7 December morning 34 Agenda › 7 December afternoon 38 Exhibitions 42 Speakers 47 Organisations 51 General Map 52 Development Village Plan 56 EDD 2010 OFF Programme 1 Welcome European Development Days is a landmark event in Objectives the European development calendar. It is Europe’s fore- The objective of European Development Days is to most platform for dialogue and discussion on develop- encourage a policy dialogue, where the development ment issues. In bringing together the global development community can exchange ideas on how to tackle community, European Development Days presents an challenges, and debate how best to get the most unmatched opportunity for key development actors to from the added value of development aid and its cost- share and develop ideas and debate the EU’s policies effectiveness. Europe’s development policy has to address for tackling poverty worldwide. The event, organised a variety of challenges to achieve “higher-impact” aid. jointly by the European Commission and the Belgian These challenges – many of which are highlighted in the Presidency of the European Union, will bring together Commission’s Green Paper on Development Policy to be Heads of State, representatives of national govern- published ahead of EDD – include the issue of ensuring ments, Members of the European Parliament, European more inclusive growth, as well as fairer, more effi cient and development fi nance institutions, key civil society repre- more environmentally sustainable development policies. sentatives, NGOs, as well as Business Europe and the Two essential prerequisites are effective cooperation and International Finance Corporation, to name but a few. partnership among stakeholders and recipient countries, and coherence between development and other policy Context areas such as trade and migration. Indeed, collaboration At the start of a new decade, development cooperation between development policy specialists is at the heart of is at a crossroads and Europe has to consider its role European Development Days’ pursuit of these objectives. in a changing world. Several of the largest developing countries are enjoying unprecedented growth and To guarantee the effectiveness of long-term policies on have emerged as major actors on the world stage, the MDGs and beyond, a variety of different challenges while the risks from climate change are increasing, and will be addressed in the various panels and discussion worldwide economic interdependence has taken on a fora during European Development Days. new signifi cance in the wake of the fi nancial crisis. These global political and economic realities call for change and Democracy, governance and a coordinated, modern approach to development. human rights On the 15th anniversary of the European Instrument This fi fth edition of European Development Days also for Democracy and Human Rights, several events will comes at a decisive moment in European development focus particular attention on the horizontal issues of policy-making. The Lisbon Treaty has put new emphasis democracy, better governance, domestic accountability on poverty eradication, aid effectiveness and policy and human rights. The European Parliament will invite coherence. Furthermore, less than two months after the development practitioners to look ahead to development UN High Level Summit on the Millennium Development issues affecting the next generation and children’s rights Goals, and one week after the formal creation of in development policy. the European External Action Service, European Development Days will come at the ideal time for The panel on the Lisbon Treaty will discuss the evolution stakeholders to refl ect on how new policy instruments of the different components of EU external action and, and initiatives can make concrete contributions to among other issues, the role of the EU in supporting tackling the MDGs with renewed vigour. Democratic Governance. A session will be held on better service delivery through improved governance. 2 Welcome Through a seminar on domestic accountability, attention Launch of Reports and Awards will be given to the strengthening of the accountability of European Development Days will serve as a launch pad state systems to their citizens with a view to improving for a series of reports and studies published in 2010. governance in developing countries in a sustainable These include: manner. Discussions on how to combat poverty through • the European Report on Development 2010; better gender equality will be held, as will a debate on • a study on private sector development; essential issues such as the role of local authorities. • a set of best practices in the fi eld of culture; Another panel will look ahead to children’s rights in • a report on “Enabling Increased Investment into development policy. The specifi c situation of children African Rural Electrifi cation. working in the cocoa industry will be illustrated in a seminar focusing on the exchange of best practice. On 6 December, the Lorenzo Natali Prize will be awarded for the best journalistic coverage of development-related Brainstorming ahead of 2011 issues. international summits European Development Days will facilitate policy brain- Presentation of Initiatives storming and stimulate forward-looking recommenda- European Development Days will provide a platform for tions ahead of key international summits in 2011. The the discussion of new or recent initiatives undertaken by special needs of the Least Developed Countries will be a wide variety of European stakeholders. Dfi D and the addressed in anticipation of the United Nations Summit Nike Foundation will be highlighting their best practices on the LDCs in Turkey. The challenges of a global health in the fi eld of gender equality. Following the Cotonou approach will also be discussed ahead of the general Appeal against counterfeit drugs in 2009, the Chirac assembly of the World Health Organization in May. Two Foundation will underline the importance of action being years after the adoption of the Accra Agenda for Action, taken in the fi ght against fake medicines. A group of key actors will assess progress made and challenges for academics, led by Paul Collier and sponsored by the the future in advance of the next High Level Forum on aid Mo Ibrahim foundation, will be launching a natural effectiveness in Busan, South Korea. resource charter that presents a set of conditions for the sound and sustainable management of natural resources. The European Commission will also discuss its new access to energy initiative with key partners. All these initiatives are set to make European Devel- opment Days a landmark fi xture on the international development agenda. AndrisAndris Piebalgs,Piebalgs, CharlesCharles Michel, European Commissioner for Development Dev BelgianBelgian PresidencyPresidency ofofth thee CouncilCouncil of the European Union, Minister for Development Cooperation, Belgium 3 Over view GOLD HALL - 1200 pax COPPER HALL - 400 pax SILVER HALL - 300 pax AUDITORIUM 300 - 90 pax 9.00 OPENING CEREMONY 9.15 9.30 9.45 6 December 10.00 10.15 10.30 THE POST-LISBON LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT FOR AID EFFECTIVENESS – WOMEN AT THE CENTRE: 10.45 DEVELOPMENT THE NEXT GENERATION OBJECTIVE KOREA 2011 GENDER EQUITABLE LOCAL 11.00 AT A CROSSROADS CHILDREN’S RIGHTS IS THE EU COMMITTED TO MAKE DEVELOPMENT 11.15 IN DEVELOPMENT POLICY CHANGE HAPPEN? 11.30 11.45 DECENT WORK AND 12.00 WOMEN’S RIGHTS 12.15 12.30 12.45 SPECIAL ADDRESS 13.00 H. E. SALAM FAYYAD DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION 13.15 PRESS CONFERENCE IN THE NEW EU MEMBER STATES 13.30 EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 13.45 14.00 DEMOCRACY AND 14.15 HUMAN RIGHTS: CLICHÉS, 14.30 NEW POLICY CHALLENGES HOPES, AND CYNICISM AID EFFECTIVENESS FROM REVENUE WATCH INDEX 2010 14.45 LESSONS FROM 15 YEARS A LOCAL GOVERNMENT TRANSPARENCY: GOVERNMENTS 15.00 OF EU SUPPORT PERSPECTIVE AND THE OIL, GAS AND MINING 15.15 INDUSTRIES 15.30 15.45 POLICY COHERENCE TOWARDS 16.00 THE GOOD GOVERNANCE 16.15 OF NATURAL RESOURCES 16.30 16.45 17.00 GENDER EQUALITY: ENABLING FACTORS BETTER SERVICE DELIVERY 17.15 ESSENTIAL TO COMBATING FOR PRIVATE THROUGH IMPROVED 17.30 POVERTY SECTOR DEVELOPMENT GOVERNANCE CAN INSURANCE MECHANISMS 17.45 CONTRIBUTE TO REDUCING 18.00 VULNERABILITY TO NATURAL 18.15 HAZARDS? 18.30 18.45 19.00 19.15 LIGHT COCKTAIL 19.30 19.45 Music against Poverty 20.00 “Trad” for Development 4 ARC AUDITORIUM - 140 pax AUDITORIUM 400 - 250 pax MEETING ROOM 201 - 72 pax MEETING ROOM 204 - 56 pax MEETING ROOM 202 - 42 pax 9.00 9.15 9.30 6 December 9.45 10.00 10.15 THE FUTURE OF CAN NEW TECHNOLOGY FEED THE WORLD DEVELOPMENT 10.30 EU BUDGET SUPPORT A HUNGRY WORLD? REPORT 2011 10.45 CONFLICT, SECURITY AND COORDINATED, 11.00 DEVELOPMENT COMPLEMENTARY AND 11.15 COHERENT ACTION 11.30 HOW CAN INNOVATIVE IN FRAGILE SITUATIONS 11.45 PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS THE VIENNA 3C 12.00 END MALNUTRITION AND ACHIEVE CONFERENCE (invitation only) 12.15 THE MDGs? 12.30 12.45 DOMESTIC ACCOUNTABILITY FOOD SECURITY STRUCTURING DIALOGUE: 13.00 AND AID EFFECTIVENESS WHAT ROLE FOR LOCAL COOPERATION OF NON STATE 13.15 AUTHORITIES IN LEAST ACTORS AND GOVERNMENT 13.30 DEVELOPED COUNTRIES? ACTORS FOR INCLUSIVE AND 13.45 EMERGING FROM THE GLOBAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 14.00 HEALTH AS SMART INVESTMENT CRISIS – MACROECONOMIC 14.15 CHALLENGES FACING 14.30 BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS FOR LOW-INCOME COUNTRIES 14.45 REACHING THE HEALTH MILLENNIUM 15.00 CONTINUING
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