.7 / / .U.S.' Bombs Silence Robot Bases ~ • mßmimi nivahh Ijb ih BBH \ 11,7 v ',">l *•,* -- 4’ 7r |<" j r‘J V1 ! 7 m l^S 1 * I 888 M|bb B . ¦ B B I fl£H|j| Bfl B B||lt|fp See a B-29 Engine at Air Show Collapse Flight Of Finland Record Big Yank DETRWPS^SPFffoIESOnly Detroit Sewgpeper Carrying Both International News Service and United Press 8 STAR Year, Of Bombers 44th No. 262 C Detroit 31, Mich., Tuesday, June 20, 1944 5 Cents COMPLETE WANT ADS Expected Rip (INS— Guns STOCKHOLM, June 20 Red army troops today occupied Viipurk second largest city in Fin- Blasts Reich land. whose fall in the “winter Cherbourg “There Are No Stores in Anzio Beachhead!” war” brought hostilities to a close. LONDON Juno 20 (INS> A tremendous armada of some 3 <*oo ALLIEDSUPREME HQ.. LON- By JOHN CREECY MOSCOW, June 20 (UP) American warplanes, including f DON, June 20 <UPi American war bond buyers are represented in this pic- —Russian vanguards .today the largest formation of t’ S. assault forces, closing in for the v* - mm* THREEture. were at the outskirts of Vii- heavy bombers ever to take off kill, drove to within five miles or who, us - They three people most of would agree, - * are * from soil, . ., , ™'!F s, gateway Finnish savagely , V.-vi,?. puri, to the British struck less of Cherbourg today at a pace t t Jr!aW have already given so much that they might be excused at ; ; by daylight today vital targets that threatened to engulf the big 'v r'.''7’\,", >: r ’ mainland, as Helsinki dis- in Germany and 7 from the patriotic duty of bond buying. pilotless plane port w ithin perhaps 48 hours. ’,v patches via Stockholm re- launching sites in France. 9 ‘7 Wr <*>• The gold star in the wdndow represents Lt. Lloyd The assaults* apparently ham- The retreating Germans ap- Swan. He gave his life. ported impending Finnish the seciet peared so disorganized and de- < - ¦v;- . * mered enemy's weapon mBl The girl Mrs. Swan. peace moves, through a new into silence, at least tcm|>orarily. moralized that they may never, is being While the Nazis fired their new make their anticipated stand in The baby, who will never see his father, is Lloyd Finn cabinet formed bumblebomhs the channel over long prepared defenses in hills Swan Jr. today. earlythis morning, they lapsed Finnish quarters in Stockholm into complete silence after the and woods on an eight to 10-mile It was just a few days ago that a letter came to Mrs. American formations struck the arc some four miles from Cher- W ” fiM 7* Swan, who lives at 18060 Blackmoor, from her husband forecast the fall of Viipuri within area anH at a late hour this aft- bourg who was with a field artillery unit in Italy about to start 48 hours. Helsinki dispatches said ernoon had failed to resume their American medium artillery and the push on Rome. trucks and buses had been rushed attacks. giant Long Toms already were at observation from Helsinki to speed the evacu- The same area centering around Risking his life daily a front line post, raining shells into Cherbourg and H’ Loan ation of Viipuri. - hadn’t been too busy to plan for the Fifth War the Pas de Calais strip of coastal the enemy's whole defense struc- yfL he France, also was hit five times' in at the northern tip of the drive. Week by week, he had been sending back money CABINET BHAKEUP yesterday and last mghL many peninsula seemed to for it. ... - (Reports from the Finnish 1.500 HKAVV BOMBKKS HIT be crumbling “You should now have enough to buy one SSOO capital indicated that a new An estimated 1,500 FORCES MELT AWAY bond and four SIOO bonds when the drive opens," he cabinet list would probably be fortresses matter hours, •nd Liberators—the greatest wrote in that letter/ available in a of force The estimated 30.000 Germans shakeup resulting the of daylight heavy bombers ever to trapped by the American break- And he added some advice about taking care of the the from hit continental formed through conviction in Helsinki that the EUTOfM to the west coast two baby— his three-month-old image that he had never seen is much too the backbone of the attack. ago away Russian offensive They days were melting by —and some words of love and encouragement for his powerful for Finland and that were escorted *by 750 fighters the thousands. Many were cap- from the Eighth Air wife, Dolores. the Germans could not be Force and an tured outright and others were on for any equal number from the Ninth cut off by the swift series of "I have an idea that I may be home sooner than counted substantial ? help. INS reported. command. American flanking advances. «r-' you think," he said. And, though not a drinking man, In addition to blasting the Pas Some German officers who fell had added: "When the day comes, I want you to (Even President Risto Rytl he said de Clais area, the hig planes into American hands said they one a rum was to have arrived at this meet me with the baby in arm and bottle of conclusion. Neither Premier rocked oil tanks and aircraft fac- had no idea of what had become iWg other, the will really blow the tory sites within the Reich. of their men. Other* prisoners Wm^zm . :- • p^ppf: in the and three of us Edwin Linkomies nor Minister top of Finance Vaino Tanner was A dispatch from Stockholm said said they had not eaten for sev- r&wz'fWt-r * off the town." 36 American Liberator bombers eral days. It’s a tough job, this business of carrying on the expected to be a member of the had made forced landings near Front dispatches said the : - ' .dl#/ responsibilities of fatherhood from halfway around the new cabinet Tanner is believed Malmoe, southern Sweden, after enemy has been carrying out to be influenced to a high de- ' w-orld, but Lt. Swan had done his best, out of a limited gree by Marshal Baron Carl daylight Cherbourg \ » attacks on Germany demolitions in for mB r^BbS and abilities brand new babies. today. more than a week. knowledge of the needs of Mannerheim, and the Russians 'J V ' IF* "I don’t think milk’s enough for him," he wrote in are understood to be absolutely OIL TARGETS HIT STAGE NEW DRIVE i earlier letter, when Lloyd was just a couple of unwilling to negotiate with an Jr. Linkomies.) Oil targets were blasted in the The Americans ushered in the weeks old. "You’d better feed him some vitamin pills Hamburg. Hanover. Magdeburg the invasion by dferi - c third week of . ... juice, too. It’s good for the eyes." BAY BLOCKADED . and Politz areas. An ordnance driving north all the way across and carrot | tank depot was hit at Konings- the 23-mile-wide peninsula and And, somehow, he got hold of a baseball and a pair Widening their breach in the bom. near Magdeburg, and an achieved their deepest penetra- of boxing gloves and sent them as his first presents to Mannerheim Line Jo at least 31 aerial factory was bombed in the tions almost due south of Cher- H ¦bp- his son. miles, the Red army drove across Brunswick area bourg "I would like to buy you and Junior some more the outer approaches of Viipuri, It was understood that a con- Ninth Division veterans of Finland’s third largest city, with siderable percentage the presents,” he wrote, "but there are no stores in the increasing momentum while of 1.500 (Continued on Page 2, Col. 1) So- bombers was to the at- beachhead." viet artillery, warships and planes devoted Arm) I* Anzio tack on Pas de Calais from where Air Show Krw Dolores, just 21, kept up her share of the corre- clamped a tight blockade on Vii- the Nazis continued to send out Photo by Tlmra Bt®ff Photoyraphrr Edward C.> Nold puri Bay. pilotless craft during the night MRS. SWAN, LLOYD AND DADDY’S STAR (Continued on Page 2.) One Soviet column captured and early today, 10 Allied Fliers Freed Rokkala, 10 miles southwest of An exploding robot blasted a Viipairi at the entrance to Viipuri children's hospital in one dis- From Nazis by Tito . Bay. paving the way for an am- trict, but no casualties were re- 7 Golf Club phibious thrust across the mouth there. Casualties occurred. NEW YQRK. June 20 JINS)— Withholding Army AirShow on to the north coast, thereby out- Yugoslav reported Tax Trout Mound Eortedowever. in another district Partisans were flanking Viipuri from the west where residences were damaged. by a communique from Marshal ——- LIKE 1940 STRATEGY t.ytrj Day !• D-llsy la larlnrif*— Tito’s headquarters to have freed Takes Fire 10 Allied airmen in an assault on Has B-29 Engine A similar drive across the ice German positions in the Nevesinje Case Settled In Twilight Game The main clubhouse at the ex- in 1940 brought the fall of Viipuri More Farm Machinery district of Herzegovina. and, with it, Finland’s surrender r the The “heart” of the B-29 superbomber, which clusive Plum Hollow Golf Course, All Nazi isitions in district! A warrant charging William M. Paul (Dizzy) Trout will pitch after the short lived “winter were erased, the communique recently Japan, Eight Tolle, 39. of 3446 Lakeshore. owner raided is on display at the Army for the Tigers against the Indians Lahser road between and war.” Approved by WPB said.
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