<p>Cell Host Microbe. 2008 Oct 16;4(4):337-49. Specific microbiota direct the differentiation of IL-17-producing T- helper cells in the mucosa of the small intestine.</p><p>Ivanov II, Frutos Rde L, Manel N, Yoshinaga K, Rifkin DB, Sartor RB, Finlay BB, Littman DR.</p><p>Source</p><p>Kimmel Center for Biology and Medicine of the Skirball Institute, Department of Microbiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY 10016, USA.</p><p>Abstract</p><p>The requirements for in vivo steady state differentiation of IL-17-producing T-helper (Th17) cells, which are potent inflammation effectors, remain obscure. We report that Th17 cell differentiation in the lamina propria (LP) of the small intestine requires specific commensal microbiota and is inhibited by treating mice with selective antibiotics. Mice from different sources had marked differences in their Th17 cell numbers and animals lacking Th17 cells acquired them after introduction of bacteria from Th17 cell-sufficient mice. Differentiation of Th17 cells correlated with the presence of cytophaga-flavobacter-bacteroidetes (CFB) bacteria in the intestine and was independent of toll-like receptor, IL-21 or IL-23 signaling, but required appropriate TGF-beta activation. Absence of Th17 cell-inducing bacteria was accompanied by increase in Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Treg) in the LP. Our results suggest that composition of intestinal microbiota regulates the Th17:Treg balance in the LP and may thus influence intestinal immunity, tolerance, and susceptibility to inflammatory bowel diseases. Supplemental Content</p><p>Intestinal bacterial colonization induces mutualistic regulatory T cell responses.</p><p>Geuking MB, Cahenzli J, Lawson MA, Ng DC, Slack E, Hapfelmeier S, McCoy KD, Macpherson AJ.</p><p>Source Maurice Müller Laboratories (DKF), Universitätsklinik für Viszerale Chirurgie und Medizin Inselspital, Murtenstrasse 35, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland. [email protected]</p><p>Abstract</p><p>Mammals harbor a dense commensal microbiota in the colon. Regulatory T (Treg) cells are known to limit microbe-triggered intestinal inflammation and the CD4+ T cell compartment is shaped by the presence of particular microbes or bacterial compounds. It is, however, difficult to distinguish whether these effects reflect true mutualistic immune adaptation to intestinal colonization or rather idiosyncratic immune responses. To investigate truly mutualistic CD4+ T cell adaptation, we used the altered Schaedler flora (ASF). Intestinal colonization resulted in activation and de novo generation of colonic Treg cells. Failure to activate Treg cells resulted in the induction of T helper 17 (Th17) and Th1 cell responses, which was reversed by wild-type Treg cells. Efficient Treg cell induction was also required to maintain intestinal homeostasis upon dextran sulfate sodium-mediated damage in the colon. Thus, microbiota colonization-induced Treg cell responses are a fundamental intrinsic mechanism to induce and maintain host-intestinal microbial T cell mutualism.</p><p>Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Supplemental Content</p><p>Semin Immunol. 2011 Apr;23(2):146-53. Epub 2011 Feb 3. Microbiotal influence on T cell subset development.</p><p>Atarashi K, Umesaki Y, Honda K.</p><p>Source</p><p>Department of Immunology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.</p><p>Abstract</p><p>The mammalian alimentary tract harbors hundreds of bacterial species that constitute the indigenous microbial flora. The indigenous microbial flora has long been appreciated for its role in host immune system development. Recent reports suggest that components of the microbial flora differentially affect the proportion and number of functionally distinct subsets of T cells in the intestine. Substantial changes in the composition of the microbiota are associated with inflammatory bowel disease. This review will discuss the importance of individual species of microbial flora in the induction of T cell subsets, particularly Th17 cells and regulatory T (Treg) cells in the intestine.</p><p>Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Supplemental Content</p><p>J Immunol. 2010 Jun 15;184(12):6799-806. Epub 2010 May 19. Downregulation of Th17 cells in the small intestine by disruption of gut flora in the absence of retinoic acid.</p><p>Cha HR, Chang SY, Chang JH, Kim JO, Yang JY, Kim CH, Kweon MN.</p><p>Source</p><p>Mucosal Immunology Section, Laboratory Science Division, International Vaccine Institute, Seoul, Korea.</p><p>Abstract</p><p>Retinoic acid (RA), a well-known vitamin A metabolite, mediates inhibition of the IL-6- driven induction of proinflammatory Th17 cells and promotes anti-inflammatory regulatory T cell generation in the presence of TGF-beta, which is mainly regulated by dendritic cells. To directly address the role of RA in Th17/regulatory T cell generation in vivo, we generated vitamin A-deficient (VAD) mice by continuous feeding of a VAD diet beginning in gestation. We found that a VAD diet resulted in significant inhibition of Th17 cell differentiation in the small intestine lamina propria by as early as age 5 wk. Furthermore, this diet resulted in low mRNA expression levels of IL-17, IFN regulatory factor 4, IL-21, IL-22, and IL-23 without alteration of other genes, such as RORgammat, TGF-beta, IL-6, IL-25, and IL-27 in the small intestine ileum. In vitro results of enhanced Th17 induction by VAD dendritic cells did not mirror in vivo results, suggesting the existence of other regulation factors. Interestingly, the VAD diet elicited high levels of mucin MUC2 by goblet cell hyperplasia and subsequently reduced gut microbiome, including segmented filamentous bacteria. Much like wild-type mice, the VAD diet-fed MyD88-/-TRIF-/- mice had significantly fewer IL-17-secreting CD4+ T cells than the control diet-fed MyD88-/-TRIF-/- mice. The results strongly suggest that RA deficiency altered gut microbiome, which in turn inhibited Th17 differentiation in the small intestine lamina propria. Supplemental Content</p><p>J Exp Med. 2009 Feb 16;206(2):299-311. Epub 2009 Feb 9. Th17 cells and IL-17 receptor signaling are essential for mucosal host defense against oral candidiasis.</p><p>Conti HR, Shen F, Nayyar N, Stocum E, Sun JN, Lindemann MJ, Ho AW, Hai JH, Yu JJ, Jung JW, Filler SG, Masso-Welch P, Edgerton M, Gaffen SL.</p><p>Source</p><p>Department of Oral Biology, School of Dental Medicine, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY 14201, USA.</p><p>Abstract</p><p>The commensal fungus Candida albicans causes oropharyngeal candidiasis (OPC; thrush) in settings of immunodeficiency. Although disseminated, vaginal, and oral candidiasis are all caused by C. albicans species, host defense against C. albicans varies by anatomical location. T helper 1 (Th1) cells have long been implicated in defense against candidiasis, whereas the role of Th17 cells remains controversial. IL-17 mediates inflammatory pathology in a gastric model of mucosal candidiasis, but is host protective in disseminated disease. Here, we directly compared Th1 and Th17 function in a model of OPC. Th17-deficient (IL-23p19(-/-)) and IL- 17R-deficient (IL-17RA(-/-)) mice experienced severe OPC, whereas Th1-deficient (IL- 12p35(-/-)) mice showed low fungal burdens and no overt disease. Neutrophil recruitment was impaired in IL-23p19(-/-) and IL-17RA(-/-), but not IL-12(-/-), mice, and TCR-alphabeta cells were more important than TCR-gammadelta cells. Surprisingly, mice deficient in the Th17 cytokine IL-22 were only mildly susceptible to OPC, indicating that IL-17 rather than IL-22 is vital in defense against oral candidiasis. Gene profiling of oral mucosal tissue showed strong induction of Th17 signature genes, including CXC chemokines and beta defensin-3. Saliva from Th17-deficient, but not Th1-deficient, mice exhibited reduced candidacidal activity. Thus, the Th17 lineage, acting largely through IL-17, confers the dominant response to oral candidiasis through neutrophils and antimicrobial factors. Supplemental Content</p><p>J Clin Invest. 2010 May 3;120(5):1762-73. doi: 10.1172/JCI40891. Epub 2010 Apr 1. IL-17 is essential for host defense against cutaneous Staphylococcus aureus infection in mice.</p><p>Cho JS, Pietras EM, Garcia NC, Ramos RI, Farzam DM, Monroe HR, Magorien JE, Blauvelt A, Kolls JK, Cheung AL, Cheng G, Modlin RL, Miller LS. Source</p><p>Division of Dermatology, UCLA, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA.</p><p>Abstract</p><p>Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause of skin and soft tissue infections, and rapidly emerging antibiotic-resistant strains are creating a serious public health concern. If immune-based therapies are to be an alternative to antibiotics, greater understanding is needed of the protective immune response against S. aureus infection in the skin. Although neutrophil recruitment is required for immunity against S. aureus, a role for T cells has been suggested. Here, we used a mouse model of S. aureus cutaneous infection to investigate the contribution of T cells to host defense. We found that mice deficient in gammadelta but not alphabeta T cells had substantially larger skin lesions with higher bacterial counts and impaired neutrophil recruitment compared with WT mice. This neutrophil recruitment was dependent upon epidermal Vgamma5+ gammadelta T cell production of IL-17, but not IL-21 and IL-22. Furthermore, IL-17 induction required IL-1, TLR2, and IL-23 and was critical for host defense, since IL-17R-deficient mice had a phenotype similar to that of gammadelta T cell-deficient mice. Importantly, gammadelta T cell-deficient mice inoculated with S. aureus and treated with a single dose of recombinant IL-17 had lesion sizes and bacterial counts resembling those of WT mice, demonstrating that IL-17 could restore the impaired immunity in these mice. Our study defines what we believe to be a novel role for IL-17-producing epidermal gammadelta T cells in innate immunity against S. aureus cutaneous infection. Supplemental Content</p><p>J Exp Med. 2009 Feb 16;206(2):299-311. Epub 2009 Feb 9. Th17 cells and IL-17 receptor signaling are essential for mucosal host defense against oral candidiasis.</p><p>Conti HR, Shen F, Nayyar N, Stocum E, Sun JN, Lindemann MJ, Ho AW, Hai JH, Yu JJ, Jung JW, Filler SG, Masso-Welch P, Edgerton M, Gaffen SL.</p><p>Source</p><p>Department of Oral Biology, School of Dental Medicine, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY 14201, USA.</p><p>Abstract</p><p>The commensal fungus Candida albicans causes oropharyngeal candidiasis (OPC; thrush) in settings of immunodeficiency. Although disseminated, vaginal, and oral candidiasis are all caused by C. albicans species, host defense against C. albicans varies by anatomical location. T helper 1 (Th1) cells have long been implicated in defense against candidiasis, whereas the role of Th17 cells remains controversial. IL-17 mediates inflammatory pathology in a gastric model of mucosal candidiasis, but is host protective in disseminated disease. Here, we directly compared Th1 and Th17 function in a model of OPC. Th17-deficient (IL-23p19(-/-)) and IL- 17R-deficient (IL-17RA(-/-)) mice experienced severe OPC, whereas Th1-deficient (IL- 12p35(-/-)) mice showed low fungal burdens and no overt disease. Neutrophil recruitment was impaired in IL-23p19(-/-) and IL-17RA(-/-), but not IL-12(-/-), mice, and TCR-alphabeta cells were more important than TCR-gammadelta cells. Surprisingly, mice deficient in the Th17 cytokine IL-22 were only mildly susceptible to OPC, indicating that IL-17 rather than IL-22 is vital in defense against oral candidiasis. Gene profiling of oral mucosal tissue showed strong induction of Th17 signature genes, including CXC chemokines and beta defensin-3. Saliva from Th17-deficient, but not Th1-deficient, mice exhibited reduced candidacidal activity. Thus, the Th17 lineage, acting largely through IL-17, confers the dominant response to oral candidiasis through neutrophils and antimicrobial factors.</p><p>Comment in</p><p> J Exp Med. 2009 Feb 16;206(2):269-73. Supplemental Content</p><p>Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2009 Jul 21. [Epub ahead of print] The Role of Th17 in Neuroimmune Disorders: A Target for CAM Therapy. Part III.</p><p>Vojdani A, Lambert J, Kellermann G.</p><p>Source</p><p>Immunosciences Lab., Inc., 822 S. Robertson Boulevard, Suite 312 Los Angeles, CA 90035, USA. [email protected].</p><p>Abstract</p><p>Abundant research has mapped the inflammatory pathways leading to autoimmunity and neuroinflammatory disorders. The latest T helper to be identified, Th17, through its proinflammatory cytokine IL-17, plays a pathogenic role in many inflammatory conditions. Today, healthcare providers have a wealth of anti-inflammatory agents from which to choose. On one hand, pharmaceutical companies market brand-name drugs direct to the public and physicians. Medical botanical knowledge, on the other hand, has been passed down from generation to generation. The demands for natural healing therapies have brought corresponding clinical and laboratory research studies to elucidate the medicinal properties of alternative practices. With a variety of options, it can be difficult to pinpoint the proper anti- inflammatory agent for each case presented. In this review, the authors highlight a vast array of anti-inflammatory medicaments ranging from drugs to vitamins and from botanicals to innate molecules. This compilation may serve as a guide for complimentary and alternative healthcare providers who need to target neuroinflammation driven by Th17 and its inflammatory cytokine IL-17. By understanding the mechanisms of anti-inflammatory agents, CAM practitioners can tailor therapeutic interventions to fit the needs of the patient, thereby providing faster relief from inflammatory complaints. Supplemental Content</p><p>Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2009 Jul 21. [Epub ahead of print] The Role of Th17 in Neuroimmune Disorders: Target for CAM Therapy. Part II.</p><p>Vojdani A, Lambert J.</p><p>Source</p><p>Immunosciences Lab., Inc., 822 S. Robertson Boulevard, Suite 312, Los Angeles, CA 90035, USA. [email protected].</p><p>Abstract</p><p>Decades of research went into understanding the role that Th1 autoreactive T-cells play in neuroinflammation. Here we describe another effector population, the IL-17-producing T- helper lineage (Th17), which drives the inflammatory process. Through the recruitment of inflammatory infiltration neutrophils and the activation of matrix metalloproteinases, IL-17, a cytokine secreted by Th17 cells, contributes to blood-brain barrier breakdown and the subsequent attraction of macrophages and monocytes into the nervous system. The entry of cells along with the local production of inflammatory cytokines leads to myelin and axonal damage. This activation of the inflammatory response system is induced by different pathogenic factors, such as gut bacterial endotoxins resulting in progressive neurodegeneration by Th17 cells. Through the understanding of the role of bacterial endotoxins and other pathogenic factors in the induction of autoimmune diseases by Th17 cells, CAM practitioners will be able to design CAM therapies targeting IL-17 activity. Targeted therapy can restore the integrity of the intestinal and blood-brain barriers using probiotics, N-acetyl-cysteine, alpha-lipoic acid, resveratrol and others for their patients with autoimmunities, in particular those with neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. Supplemental Content Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2009 Jul 21. [Epub ahead of print] The Role of Th17 in Neuroimmune Disorders: Target for CAM Therapy. Part I.</p><p>Vojdani A, Lambert J.</p><p>Source</p><p>Immunosciences Lab., Inc., 822 S. Robertson Boulevard, Suite 312, Los Angeles, CA 90035, USA. [email protected].</p><p>Abstract</p><p>CD4(+) effector cells, based on cytokine production, nuclear receptors and signaling pathways, have been categorized into four subsets. T-helper-1 cells produce IFN-gamma, TNF-beta, lymphotoxin and IL-10; T-helper-2 cells produce IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-13, IL-21 and IL-31; T-helper-3, or regulatory T-cells, produce IL-10, TGF-beta and IL-35; and the recently discovered T-helper-17 cell produces IL-17, IL-17A, IL-17F, IL-21, IL-26 and CCL20. By producing IL-17 and other signaling molecules, Th17 contributes to the pathogenesis of multiple autoimmune diseases including allergic inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune gastritis, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis and multiple sclerosis. In this article, we review the differential regulation of inflammation in different tissues with a major emphasis on enhancement of neuroinflammation by local production of IL-17 in the brain. By understanding the role of pathogenic factors in the induction of autoimmune diseases by Th17 cells, CAM practitioners will be able to design CAM therapies targeting Th17 and associated cytokine activities and signaling pathways to repair the intestinal and blood-brain barriers for their patients with autoimmunities, in particular, those with neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. Supplemental Content</p>
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