<p> 802 North East St. Alturas, CA 96101 2014-15 Summary/Evaluation of Programs</p><p>*First 5 Modoc Strategic Plan 2015/2020 Focus Areas & Funds Spent Improved Child Development $119,266.72 Improved Family Functioning $ 84,023.32 Improved Child Health $ 17,044.00 Improved System of Care $ 20,483.00 </p><p>Formal Grants Public Health “Healthy Beginnings” $59,254.32 Focus Area: Improved Family Functioning Continue a home visitation program, focused on strengthening and improving positive parent- infant interactions, healthy infant development and parental competencies. Strategy Activities Outcomes Utilize the Nurturing During home visits Nurses One hundred nineteen home Parenting curriculum during will assess each family for visits were made and three home visits to provide parents parenting needs. For families formal referrals were made to with strategies they will be who would benefit from a TEACH, Inc. Nine families able to use in order to have group setting, referrals will attended the formal classes healthy interactions with their be made to TEACH, Inc. for held. The second series of children. formal parenting classes classes were cut short due to when available. Nurses will staffing issues. One on one coordinate with TEACH, Inc. parenting support continued on the schedule of classes and during the home visits for method of referral. For families unable/unwilling to families who are unable or attend the formal parenting unwilling to take formal classes and the nurse also classes, the nurse will provide attended the formal parenting an alternate form of parenting classes for reinforced support class in the home. Selections of participants who could from the Nurturing Parenting attend. Handouts and/or curriculum will be made that worksheets from the most benefit the family based Nurturing Parenting on their specific needs. curriculum were discussed at each home visit. Provide nutrition and oral During home visits, nurses Nutrition assessments were health education to families will conduct nutrition completed. Nutrition through brochures, videos, assessments within three information was provided by and meal planning guides. months of intake. Based on SNAP Ed, First 5, and My family needs, education will Plate. The follow – up be provided. A follow–up assessment resulted in about assessment will be completed 50% of families stating the with a goal to show that nutrition information was parents will show positive helpful. changes in their children’s Oral health education diet. continued during home visits. Nurse will assess the oral Most of the educational health needs of the family. material was provided by the The nurse will provide CDC and the National education on proper dental Maternal and Child Oral health, good oral hygiene, Health Resource Center. Oral and the importance of regular health assessments were visits to the dentist. The completed on all families. nurse will assist in the This resulted in fourteen coordination of dental care children attending a dental and encourage participation screening and/or receiving a in the free dental screenings dental exam. Referrals and/or offered at various locations in appointments have been made Modoc County. for the remaining families in the program. Collaborate with partner Nurses will collaborate with Forty three case management </p><p>2 agencies by facilitating case agencies to create a schedule meetings were held with management meetings with of meeting dates. Meetings partner agencies. This far Early Head Start, Child will be held at each partner exceeded the goal to meet Protective Services, and agencies at least five times five times per year with each Behavioral Health. throughout the year. The agency. In addition, the nurse team will collaborate to continued their support of create a case management participants by attendance to plan for families. the TEACH, Inc. Nurturing Parenting classes with participants. Continue to provide Provide transportation Total number of gas vouchers transportation assistance to assistance for enrolled provided were twenty one. medical, dental, mental participants, ensuring Voucher amounts were based health, and alcohol and drug families have access to on distance to appointments. appointments. necessary medical, dental, Ten Sage Stage passes (parent and behavioral health and child) were given, and appointments. eight transports were provided. There were fourteen less gas vouchers provided this year. 42 children and 37 parents/guardians were served. </p><p>MCOE “School Readiness in State Preschools” $58,127.72 Focus Area: Improved Child Development Continue a School Readiness program in Modoc County preschools. Research confirms children who attend a high-quality education program are better prepared for kindergarten. “The RAND research reports preschool offers one of the highest returns on any public investment. Children have stronger language skills, less likely to repeat a grade or drop out of school.” Strategy Activities Outcomes Improve Child Development A minimum of three The outcome to provide three by attending high quality professional development professional development preschools. trainings will be completed trainings was exceeded. using the Preschool Learning Nine professional trainings Foundations and Framework were given and there was an and ECERS-R assessment average attendance of 89%. tool with 80% of staff This was a 14% increase over attending each of the (3) attendance last year. trainings. Teachers identified goals Trainings will be observed from the various trainings and and evaluated. each classroom was observed Each child will receive a three times on their DRDP assessment to ensure integration of the framework the child is meeting and foundations in the benchmark developmental classrooms and in the goals. completion of ECERS-R assessment. Each preschool teacher developed goals from their trainings. Each child received the DRDP assessment and the </p><p>3 outcome was successful with 84% meeting their benchmark developmental goals. A 2% increase over last year. Improve Family Functioning Hold monthly parent Monthly parent meetings by providing a Family meetings covering topics such were held with 100% parent Support Worker to build as health, safety, nutrition, attendance. Weekly relationships and provide parenting skills, and observations were completed support to preschool teachers preschool learning with 100% of observations and parents. foundations. shared with parents. All five Complete weekly preschool sites had monthly observations in the classroom presentations covering the with a minimum of 75% of appropriate topics. This the observations being shared outcome continues to remain with the parents. stable. Monthly presentations at the preschools on health, safety, and nutrition 12 children and 19 providers were served. </p><p>Alturas State Preschool</p><p>TEACH, Inc. “Tulelake/Newell FRC” $23,480 Focus Area: Improved Family Functioning $16,436 & Improved Health $7,044</p><p>4 Providing Family Resource Center Services and activities to the families of Siskiyou and Modoc County. This program collaborates services with First 5 Siskiyou. Strategy Activities Outcomes Provide parenting workshops Provide a minimum of 7 Six parenting workshops seven times annually. parenting workshops, on were held with 100% of Provide a 7-week Nurturing topics requested by parents, parents showing an increase Parenting series. i.e. literacy, nutrition, in understanding of child nurturing, brain development, development and on their discipline and school knowledge of resources readiness, will be offered available to them. Nurturing throughout the year. In the Parenting classes were held spring a 7-week Nurturing during the fourth quarter. Parenting series will also be The goal to increase the offered. number of parents requesting information about early childhood development by 20% was successful. Last year 30% requested information and this year there was an increase to 47%. Help promote self-sufficiency Through case management, Six families received case in families. provide life-skills and management this year. advocacy to families. Families showed a 100% increase in participation in family activities offered at the FRC, as well as socialization skills, community events, and volunteer opportunities. This was a significant success as the target outcome for improvement was 80% Provide health care, Medi- Ongoing application The goal to serve thirty Cal and food stamp assistance during FRC hours families with increased application support. in both English and Spanish. medical services was a Advertisement will continue success with sixty one on what direct service options families receiving assistance are available at the FRC. and fifty receiving benefits. This exceeded the outcome of 75% with 82% receiving benefits. This is a 4% increase in benefits received over last year. The goal to have forty families receive assistance with food stamp application support was a success with sixty one families receiving assistance. This was an 18% increase over last year. Injury prevention education Car seat safety and bicycle The outcome to have eight </p><p>5 workshops. helmet classes will be offered individuals attend a car seat monthly. One bicycle rodeo safety class was successful will be held annually. with ten in attendance and ten distributed. The outcome to have ten children attend the bicycle rodeo was successful with eleven in attendance and eleven helmets distributed. Although exceeding this year’s targeted outcome this was an 18% decrease from last year. 61 children and 39 parents were served. </p><p>Modoc County Office of Education Playgroups</p><p>Mini Grants Modoc Joint Unified School District “STEAM” $4,152.73 Focus Area: Improved Child Development </p><p>6 Enhance the Transitional Kindergarten classroom at MJUSD by providing early access to enriching opportunities where early learners engage in STEAM activities. Strategy Activities Outcomes STEAM learning with New student learning in The outcome to have students various topics. science, technology, show a 30% growth in new Parent involvement through engineering, arts integration, home theme concepts was a informational gatherings, and math. success with an average 50% field studies or in-class New high academic growth. activities, and home-school vocabulary. The outcome to show a 30% communication folders and Parents participate in field growth on class learning reading logs. study, in-class project or give represented on the K-W-L feedback in weekly chart was a success with an communicator folder. average 60% growth. The Parents/family participate in outcome to have 30% growth weekly lunchtime or alternate in recognition of new time for informational thematic vocabulary for each gatherings to inform on new thematic unit demonstrated student thematic learning and was a success with an average vocabulary, Second Step 53% growth. Social-Emotional training, The outcome to have 80% of parenting, and ‘make-it-take- students retell key it’ projects to use at home. information on themes, using new vocabulary, was a success with 89% growth. The outcome of 30% parent participation in field studies and class projects was successful with an average participate rate of 46%. Return of communicator folders and homework was very successful at 91%.</p><p>18 children and 18 parents were served.</p><p>I SOT Canby Clinic “Prenatal Care Program” $10,000 Focus Area: Improved Child Health</p><p>7 Provide a prenatal care program in partnership with Cascade East in Klamath Falls, OR and Northeastern Rural Health Clinic in Susanville, CA in response to prenatal care needs in Modoc County due to there being no hospitals in Modoc County licensed to deliver babies. Strategy Activities Outcomes Improve the quality of our Purchase a portable ultra The portable ultra sound prenatal care services sound machine. machine was purchased in program improving the health Train provider and staff to May 2015 and training was and wellness of pregnant use the machine. completed on May 29, 2015. women and children and Advertise the program to To date four pregnant women increasing the number of inform public of services have been served in the women receiving prenatal offered. program and two healthy care in the first trimester and babies have been born. Two continuing through delivery. patient surveys have been returned showing patients are very satisfied with the program and provider. Program is ongoing and results will continue to be monitored. 4 parents and 2 children were served. </p><p>Surprise Valley Joint Unified School District “Increase Access” $8,390 Focus Area: Improved Child Development Increase access to early childhood education for lower income or children of poverty. The program is offered to lower income homes not eligible for subsidy. Families supported have a 0% share of cost. Program did not operate a complete year. Outcomes reflect operation for three quarters. Strategy Activities Outcomes Provide a high quality* child Increase accessibility of Currently outcome successful development environment. educational child care in with two children able to Surprise Valley for at least access care due to program. *High quality is defined as two to four more families. DRDP’s were completed on following Title 22 Increase parent involvement the children and used to help requirements and provides an in parenting classes. parent’s transition children to educational environment their next educational setting. rather than just care. Each child saw improvement on their individual results with the consistency the center provides. Both parents participated in the two parenting classes held covering topics on the cold and flu season and nutrition and physical activity. Instead of a formal parent meeting at the end of the year the center held a dinner with parents. It was extremely well received. All participant families attended as well as nine other </p><p>8 families. </p><p>2 children and 2 parents were served. </p><p>Surprise Valley Joint Unified School District “Share of Cost” $4,688 Focus Area: Improved Child Development Increase opportunity and access to early childhood education through the Share of Cost Program for middle income families. Families supported have a 60% Share of Cost. Program did not operate a complete year. Outcomes reflect operation for two quarters. Strategy Activities Outcomes Provide a high quality* child Increase accessibility of Currently outcome successful development environment. educational child care for at with four children able to least two to four more access care due to program. *High quality is defined as families. DRDP’s were completed on following Title 22 Increase participating parent children and used to help requirements and provides an involvement in parenting parent’s transition children to educational environment classes. their next educational setting. rather than just care. Five parents participated in the parenting classes covering nutrition and physical activity. Instead of a formal parent meeting at the end of the year the center held a dinner with parents which was extremely well received. All participant families attended as well as nine other families. 4 children and 5 parents were served. </p><p>TEACH, Inc. “Child Care Initiative” $5,000 Focus Area: Improved Child Development The program goal was to enhance the quality of licensed family child care by supporting the recruitment, training and assistance for new and current licensed family child care providers. Strategy Activities Outcomes Support the Child Care Provide monthly trainings Based on the six trainings Initiative Project (CCIP); that include supplies and provided the outcome was a Recruitment, Training and educational materials for the success with 50% of Assistance for new and providers with the purpose of participants implementing the current Licensed Family implementing the topic of new concepts and educational Child Care Providers. This training directly to children. material in their classrooms. project enhances the quality Offer an incentive that This was tracked by quarterly of early child care supports new provider evaluation of participants. professionals. participants and the children The outcome to have an </p><p>9 they serve. increase in participation in CCIP trainings slightly increased with an average of ten participants attending. Last year there was an average attendance of nine. The feedback from participants was great overall with the music training receiving the best feedback. 10 (averaged) participants were served.</p><p>TEACH, Inc. “Nurturing Parenting” $8,333 Focus Area: Improved Family Functioning The program goal was to conduct two 12-week Nurturing Parenting classes for parents and their infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Strategy Activities Outcomes Utilize the Nurturing Administer the AAPI-2 to The first 12-week series of Parenting Curriculum, in a participants prior to the classes was a success with group setting provide parents parenting series and focus the parents showing a 25.33% with strategies to develop and parenting series based on the increase in five parenting maintain healthy relationships needs indicted by the AAPI-2 constructs on the post AAPI- with their children. test results. 2 assessments. The second Provide nutritious, low cost Administer the AAPI-2 12-week series was meals for families after posttest to participants at the incomplete due to a loss in parenting classes end of the parenting series. staff. 8 of the 12 weeks were Collaborate with Modoc The parenting coordinator completed. The post AAPI-2 County Public Health and child care provider will results on the 8 weeks “Healthy Beginnings” home prepare meals to be served completed are not yet visiting program and other family style. available. agency staff, as appropriate. The parenting coordinator The family style meals will collaborate with Public produced an increase in Health staff, and other agency parent knowledge on portion staff, by attending case size, hygiene, and nutrition management meetings. and food safety as evidenced by the parent educator observations. The meal time received positive feedback from parents. They felt this time was a positive experience with their children. The parent educator attended eight collaborative meetings. 25 children and 21 parents were served.</p><p>10 Micro Modoc County Office of Education “Children’s Fair” $1,000 Focus Area: Improved Systems of Care It is estimated there were over two hundred families that attended the Children’s Fair this year. A discovery tent was sponsored and manned by a collaborative of local preschool and early education programs, providing developmentally appropriate activities. This is the 29th year of the Children’s Fair. It was started years ago to celebrate children, give families a place to enjoy each other drug/alcohol/tobacco free, give families’ low cost/no cost activities and give agencies a way to provide these activities along with educating them on services available in Modoc County. </p><p>Surprise Valley State Preschool</p><p>First 5 Modoc “Signature Program”</p><p>11 State matching grants to County Commissions</p><p>First 5 Modoc CARES Plus $38,908.27 Focus Area: Improved Child Development CARES Plus is the first signature program to be released from First 5 California. The purpose of CARES Plus is to build upon the past success of CARES and continue the successful partnership with the California Department of Education’s AB 212 Program. CARES Plus is a statewide professional development program for early educators designed to improve the quality of early learning programs by focusing on increasing the quality, effectiveness and retention of early educators. There were eighteen total participants. Twelve were CARES Plus and six were funded by AB 212. Ten of the CARES Plus participants were able to complete all qualifying requirements to receive a stipend. This year we had two CORE Participants, one of which also participated in Component B earning an additional twelve college units. Four Component A participants earned 108 professional growth hours. Two Component B participants achieved thirty three college units. We had two teachers chosen for the “My Teaching Partner”. Our teachers were very pleased with the program and disappointed they will not be able to participate in future years. They felt the video feedback and mentor guidance was a much better way of learning. Stipends averaged $1,384. </p><p>Evaluation Resources First 5 Modoc continues to monitor and evaluate programs throughout the year. Programs are required to submit quarterly PEDS data, Project Outcomes Charts, and Expenditure Reports. Staff review and monitor the results to insure programs are working toward, or meeting their strategies and outcomes. The CARES Plus Consortium monitors the needs of CARES Plus and recently became a part of the Local Childcare Planning Council. They will continue to work as the local consortium for QRIS and the First 5 Impact program. Yearly staff completes an evaluation of programs that is presented to the First 5 Modoc Commission and forwarded to First 5 California after the local review process. The administrative budget reflected expenses of 26% ($28,141) on evaluation and 18% ($19,483) on policy and broad system-change efforts and organizational support.</p><p>*First 5 Modoc Strategic Plan Focus Area-Improved Child Development FY 13-14 fund adjustment of ($2,337.65) reflected on annual report and audit.</p><p>12</p>
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