<p> Southside Elementary School Comprehensive School Improvement Plan SCHOOL ASSURANCE REVIEW SCHOOL YEAR 2007</p><p>Site Base Council Members</p><p>School Name: Southside Elementary School </p><p>Council Address Completed Trainer’s Name Member Name Training DeAnna 106Education Dr YES Robert Barr Murdock Cynthiana, KY 41031 Mara Gant 106Education Dr YES Christy Hogan Cynthiana, KY 41031 Stacy Smiley 106Education Dr YES Christy Hogan Cynthiana, KY 41031 106Education Dr YES On-line Training Melissa Partin Cynthiana, KY 41031 Kim True 106Education Dr YES On-line Training Cynthiana, KY 41031 Steven R. Fowler 106 Education YES On-line Training Drive Cynthiana, KY 41031 The Southside Elementary school council and school planning committee reviewed the Assurances in the Kentucky Comprehensive Improvement Planning Guidebook (2004 and on-going) prior to approval of our plan. </p><p>Plan Approved by the School Council: October 22, 2007 Date</p><p>School Council Members: DeAnna Murdock Teacher Mara Gant Teacher Stacy Smiley Teacher Melissa Partin Parent Kim True Parent Steven R. Fowler Principal</p><p>Note: Although the Assurance Certification is not included in the school’s improvement plan, the assurances for the categorical programs listed on the previous page should be reviewed by the school council and the school planning committee prior to approval of the plan by the school council. The Assurances for 2003-2004 are in the Comprehensive Improvement Planning Guidebook (2003-2004) and can be downloaded from the Web Page at: http://www.kde.state.ky.us/olsi/conp/Emanual/default.asp EXECUTIVE SUMMARY</p><p>MISSION STATEMENT</p><p>We believe that community, parents and educators working together can create a school in which all learners can achieve and succeed. The mission/vision of Southside Elementary School is to promote the development of all students as self-motivated learners by providing an enthusiastic, interactive, challenging, and secure environment.</p><p>PROCESS OF DEVELOPING THE CONSOLIDATED PLAN</p><p>How Planning and Needs Assessment Teams Were Organized</p><p>SBDM Standing and Ad Hoc committees were charged to fulfill tasks which provided feedback and work products to identify needs, goals, and strategies to meet those needs. The committees and groups who were involved are as follows:</p><p> School Planning Committee Assessment Committee Core Content Study Groups SBDM Council Southside Certified Staff Southside Staff Southside Classified Staff PTO Family Resource Center Staff</p><p>How the Needs of the School Were Determined:</p><p> CATS Test Scores Analysis of Scrimmage Test Results Analysis of Student Planning Survey Analysis of Parent Survey Analysis of Parent Planning Survey Analysis of Teacher Strengths and Challenges Survey Analysis of Staff Planning Survey (Classified and Certified) Analysis of Lesson Plans Analysis of Open Response Items Used For Assessment On All Levels Analysis of Student Questionnaires in CATS Testing Central Office Needs Assessment Parent, Student, Staff PAR Surveys</p><p>How Goals and Strategies Were Decided Upon:</p><p>Initially, Core Content Study Groups analyzed test results and reported to the SBDM Council and the Assessment Committee. The Southside Faculty analyzed survey results and identified growth areas. The Assessment Committee reviewed the recommendations of the Study Groups and Faculty and made recommendations to the Council. Content Committees made suggestions and revisions in 2004. The Technical Assistance Team studied SBRR and wrote a plan to address Reading and Literacy in our building. This study was used to write the Literacy/Reading Component. The SBDM Council approved the plan.</p><p>What Implementation of the Plan is Expected to Achieve:</p><p> Improved CATS scores as we strive to meet state goals Attainment of Annual Yearly Performance Goals/ NCLB Equity for all students Increased parental involvement and a more informed “parent body” Professional development that is meaningful and effective SBDM Policies that drive effective instruction and encourage “best practice” Implementation of a curriculum that meets state standards for success</p><p>What Process Was Used for Internal Review of the Plan:</p><p>The School Planning Committee and School Principal will monitor the plan and make recommendations each semester in a report to the SBDM Council</p><p>How Public Comment Was Secured and What Response Was Made:</p><p> Through Parent Surveys Through Staff Surveys Through Student Surveys Through Staff Discussion and Work Sessions Through Open Committee Meetings Through Association with the Kentucky Association of School Councils Through meetings with District and School Staff </p><p>How Consolidated Planning Will Be Ensured in the Future:</p><p> Through the development of the Consolidated Plan as Mandated Through Internal Review of the Plan Through Amendments to the Plan</p><p>COMMUNICATION PLAN:</p><p>How will the Consolidated Plan and Other Important Information Be Shared With Stakeholders?</p><p> Copies of the action component pages will be placed in the school Office, Library, Teacher’s Lounge, Central Office and the Community Education Center and will be made available upon request Individual copies will be made for SBDM members and staff A copy of the plan will be available on the Southside Elementary website How Will Input Continue to be Gathered from Stakeholders?</p><p> Input from the stakeholders will be gathered from representatives on The School Planning Committee and in the open forum of the SBDM Council and other SBDM committee meetings Parent, student and staff surveys will be developed and used as Needed to secure feedback Action Component: LITERACY/ READING </p><p>District Name HARRISON Component Manager: Steven R. Fowler</p><p>School Name: SOUTHSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Date: FALL 2007</p><p>Priority Need Goal (Addresses the Priority Need)</p><p>While writing a Reading First Grant in the Fall of 2003 our Technical To establish a Literacy Team and design a Literacy Plan which will Assistance Team identified deficits in our Literacy Program based on align with the National and State Literacy Goals. In our 2008 CATS our intense review of Scientific Based Reading Research. In 2007 Studies Reading results we will obtain: CATS Studies Reading results found: An index of 92% or more An index of 91% (Total index) 4% novices (Total index) 9.2% Novices 10% Free and reduced lunch novice 15% Free and reduced lunch novice 6% ESS students at novice level 19% ESS students at novice level</p><p>Causes and Contributing Factors Objectives with Measures of Success</p><p>A. Southside’s Literacy Team will be maintained and continue to A. In September 2007 Southside’s Literacy Team met and develop a literacy plan annually to drive reading instruction. developed the 2007/2008 Literacy Action Plan (LAP).</p><p>B. During the 2006/2007 school year Southside developed a B. Southside’s struggling readers have not had a consistent, strategic plan to provide equitable assistance to all primary intervention. classrooms. Two qualified reading assistants will help provide the three tiers of reading instruction. (Core, C. Our comprehensive School Reading Program is based on SBRR* supplemental, strategic intervention) and is consistent across grade levels. However, the program is newly implemented. C. In 2006 a new program was purchased and implemented throughout the school based on staff input and SBRR*. *SBRR – Scientific Based Reading Research Action Component Amendment: LITERACY / READING </p><p>District Name: HARRISON Component Manager: Steven R. Fowler</p><p>School Name: SOUTHSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Date: FALL 2007</p><p>Strategies/Activities Objective Strategy/Activity Expected Impact in Responsible Start End Estimated *L Label Terms of Progress Person Date Date Resources and *R and Success Costs *S</p><p>The SBDM Council will A1. continue the Literacy Team Southside Elementary SBDM 7/04 On- -0- L as an Ad Hoc Sub School will have an Chairperson going Committees in SBDM Policy identified Literacy Team. and will review the membership of the Team annually.</p><p>A2. Southside’s Literacy Team The LAP will focus on will develop a Literacy students needs as indicated SBDM 7/04 On- -0- L Action Plan annually. by CATS, DRA, and Scott Chairperson going Foresman Baseline assessments. Parents will be better A3. Literacy events will be informed re: strategies to offered each semester at the help their child in the area SBDM school to encourage parents of reading. They will learn Chairperson 7/04 On- -0- L to be more involved with the what resources are available going school and their child’s to them. They will establish reading progress. home/school connections with school staff.</p><p>A4. The Literacy Team will The SBDM Council will report bi-monthly or as have a clear understanding Literacy Team needed to the SBDM of the progress of the Chairperson 9/04 On- -0- L Council. Literacy Team and Plan. going Reading Assessments will document improvement in reading comprehension.</p><p>Activities to promote Principal/ A5. The Literacy Plan will literacy will be School include activities to promote coordinated with the Librarian/ 9/04 On- L/R/S collaboration with SWFRSC, First Steps, and SWFRC going community resources in the Public Library. Students, Director/ area of Reading/Literacy Parents, Teachers will School receive support for their Reading efforts from these Coach agencies.</p><p>A6. A Summer Reading Primary students will Academy will be held to participate in fifteen days Principal and meet the needs of students of intense reading District 6/04 On- $2,000.00 who are at risk in the area of instruction based on Instructional going E.S.S. Funds Reading. Scientific Based Reading Supervisor L Research during the summer.</p><p>L B1. DRA and Scott Foresman Students identified for Classroom Baseline data will be used to ESS will be given the teachers/ESS 09/06 On- identify and refer struggling GRADE two times during director/ESS going readers for ESS. the school year. provider Each primary classroom, 1st- Each 1st-3rd primary B2. 3rd, will receive 40 minutes of classroom will provide assistance from a qualified supplemental reading Reading 08/07 On- reading assistant instruction in a small Assistants going group setting.</p><p>B3. Each primary grade level, K- Primary students being 3rd, will receive an additional served in all three tiers of 40 minutes for explicit reading instruction will Reading 08/07 On- reading intervention make gains in reading. Assistants going instruction for those at-risk readers. </p><p>A lending library was Teachers will have access Reading established and will be to a larger pool of Assistants, maintained providing manipulatives and Literacy B4. resources for reading classroom sets of trade Team, 09/04 On- L/R/S instruction. books to aid in reading And Principal gong instruction.</p><p>A resource library was Teachers will have current B7. established to provide SBRR research available Principal and 09/04 On- $1,000.00 L/R resources focusing on to them when planning Literacy Team going PD Funds Reading and SBRR. reading instruction and 3M Grant prescribing intervention Title I Funds plans.</p><p>C1. In August 2006 we secured Since implementing the Principal, 08/06 On- and began to implement the Scott Foresman reading classroom going Scott Foresman Reading series it is unclear how the teachers, Street program in grades K-5. CATS scores have been reading affected since we have not assistants, had a 4th grade class been special needs through the entire Scott teachers Foresman program. We expect to make substantial progress.</p><p>C2. PD will be secured for the We expect to utilize Scott Literacy team, 09/07 10/08 Scott Foresman Reading Foresman materials more Principal Street program in the areas of efficiently and consistently assessment and technology. from grade to grade.</p><p>Action Component: MATHEMATICS </p><p>District Name: HARRISON Component Manager: Steven R. Fowler</p><p>School Name: SOUTHSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Date: FALL 2007</p><p>Priority Need Goal (Addresses the Priority Need)</p><p>In our 2007 CATS studies Math results, we found: In our 2008 CATS studies Math results, we will obtain: An index of 80.6% An index of 85% or more 17% novices <10% novices 24% free and reduced lunch scored novice 13% free and reduced lunch novices in 5th Grade 25% ESS students at novice level 15% ESS students at novice level</p><p>Causes and Contributing Factors Objectives with Measures of Success</p><p>A. Focus has been placed on finishing Saxon lessons rather than A. A. Our curriculum and adopted programs will be fully on covering core content. More emphasis needs to be placed aligned with state standards. on math programs. B. Support programs will be created and implemented to B. Data on sub - groups show that more of these students are not advance noted sub – groups. Student’s progress will be noted meeting math performance standards. on the AYP NCLB Report marked at 100%Achievement gap goals will be met by 2014. Action Component: MATHEMATICS </p><p>District Name: HARRISON Component Manager: Steven R. Fowler</p><p>School Name: SOUTHSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Date: FALL 2007</p><p>Strategies/Activities Objective Strategy/Activity Expected Impact in Responsible Start End Estimated *L Label Terms of Progress Person Date Date Resources and *R and Success Costs *S</p><p>In grades K-4 we will Since we implemented continue to use Saxon, but Saxon Math we have seen only lessons that emphasize improvement in CTBS the core content. Additional scores. CATS Math A1. materials will be used to scores have not been Math 2/02 On- 7,000 L,S supplement. 5th grade will consistent at grade 5. We Instructors going be core content centered hope to see an increase in utilizing adopted textbooks the Math CATS index. as a resource.</p><p>Kindergarten and Fifth A representative from Fifth grade team members will Kindergarten Grade and Kindergarten will reach consensus on a Math and Fifth Grade 1/04 5/04 $5,000 L,S attend Math Textbook program for their levels Math A2. showcases offered on the and will present their Representatives district level to review math recommendation to the programs. council. (Completed) (Completed)</p><p>Professional Development New programs will be Principal/ will be secured for the new aligned with curriculum District 7/04 9/04 $500 L,S A3. Math Programs implemented goals and the program will Instructional at the respective grade level. be used effectively. Supervisor (Completed) (Completed)</p><p>Professional Development in Obtaining and sending math will be pursued for teachers to math trainings A4. math teachers. will be a priority. Principal 7/04 1,000</p><p>B1. Grade 5 students will be given extra computer time to Independent and group Fifth Grade work on math facts and skills work will increase student Math Personnel 5/04 On- 0 L via computer programs. skill level and confidence. & Computer going Teacher</p><p>B2. At risk Math students will be Students will participate in Classroom referred by their teachers for intervention programs Teachers and 09/04 On- $1,000 L after school ESS services during ESS to improve ESS Director going which focus on specific Math their Math Skills. Skills as defined by the classroom teacher.</p><p>The ThinkLink assessment Teachers will learn to use program will be secured and the ThinkLink Program B3. administered to fifth grade and assessments to analyze Principal, Math students to define student student needs. Instructors, and 08/07 09/07 $1,300.00 L needs. Computer Teacher</p><p>Referrals will be made to the At Risk students who do ESS Daytime Tutoring not have transportation Principal, Math 9/04 On- $5,000.00 L Program for students who will receive help from a Teachers, and going B4. need extra help in Math and certified teacher during the ESS who cannot stay for after school day. Coordinator school tutoring due to transportation difficulties. Action Component: STUDENT WELLNESS </p><p>District Name HARRISON Component Manager: Steven R. Fowler</p><p>School Name: SOUTHSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Date: FALL 2007</p><p>Priority Need Goal (Addresses the Priority Need)</p><p>The State of Kentucky has mandated a wellness policy for A wellness plan will be developed to include programs and every school in the State of Kentucky activities to provide students with choices and alternatives for exercise. </p><p>Causes and Contributing Factors Objectives with Measures of Success</p><p>Research shows that elementary students are not exercising Physical activities and programs will be designed and adequately to promote a healthy lifestyle. implemented to provide students with the choice of a healthy and active lifestyle. Wellness scorecards will reflect that 100% of the students are their exercise and fitness levels increasing. Action Component Amendment: STUDENT WELLNESS </p><p>District Name: HARRISON Component Manager: Steven R. Fowler</p><p>School Name: SOUTHSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Date: FALL 2007</p><p>Strategies/Activities Objective Strategy/Activity Expected Impact in Responsible Start End Estimated *L Label Terms of Progress Person Date Date Resources and *R and Success Costs *S</p><p>1. Teachers will provide Students will be more Homeroom organized recess time for no physically fit and will be teachers/ 8/05 On- -0- less than 15 minutes on days better able to follow Principal as Going when students do not have mandates in the classroom monitor P.E. due to added physical activity.</p><p>Students will participate in P.E. class two times per week Students will be more Scheduling for 40 minutes each session. physically fit and will have Committee 8/05 On- Part of Staffing 2. Third & Fourth grade more time to learn skills going Plan L, S students will work with the and core content as Health/PE instructor an additional 40 outlined by Kentucky’s Instructor minutes per week focusing CC 4.1. on Practical Living/Health CC 4.1.</p>
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