<p> GOVERNOR’S HONORS PROGRAM 2010 HIGH SCHOOL COORDINATOR’S INFORMATION PACKET</p><p>Contents: I. GHP Program Information II. Coordinator’s Procedures III.District Timeline IV.Sample Forms Cobb County School District ADVANCED LEARNING PROGRAMS GENERAL PROGRAM INFORMATION</p><p>THE 2010 PROGRAM WILL BE IN SESSION FROM JUNE 13 THROUGH JULY 24 The Governor's Honors Program is a six-week summer instructional program designed to provide intellectually gifted and artistically talented high school students challenging and enriching educational opportunities not usually available during the regular school year. Activities are designed to provide each participant with opportunities to acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes to become independent, life-long learners. </p><p>Who can participate? Rising juniors and seniors in Georgia's public, private high schools and students enrolled in home school may be nominated by their teachers. </p><p>Nomination Guidelines Students are nominated in a specific instructional area in which their abilities, aptitudes and interest lie. Each school system or private school is assigned a nomination quota based on the average daily attendance of its 10th and 11th grades and registered home school students. Transcripts of grades and records, nomination forms, endorsements and other pertinent information are submitted to substantiate the nominations. Local nominees are then sent to state interviews/auditions. The written evidence and data gathered in the student interview/audition are used to rank nominees and select finalists. The number of students selected in each instructional area is determined by the ratio of applicants in that area to the total number of applications received. </p><p>What are the nomination Areas? For the 2010 program there are four categories of nominations: Academic: Biology, Chemistry, Communicative Arts, French, German, Latin, Spanish, Mathematics, and Social Studies. Fine Arts: Dance, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts Technology / Career Education: Commercial and Architectural Design, Executive Business Management, Technology Agricultural Education: Agriscience/Biotechnology, Agriscience/ Environmental Science</p><p>What other activities are offered? Students also select a minor area outside their major area of study. These include all the major instructional areas as well as additional offerings which reflect the interests and abilities of the instructional staff. All performing groups are open to the entire student body. Orchestra, band, chorus and theatre productions include representatives from all major areas. Instruction is also provided in four support areas: computers, counseling, library/media, and physical fitness. </p><p>What schedule will a student usually follow? While time schedules vary, the following is similar to the schedule students will experience. The times are approximate: Interest area 1 hour Breakfast 1 hour Major area (Monday through Saturday) 4 hours Lunch 1 hour Minor area (Monday through Friday) 2.5 hours Interest area 1.5 hours Dinner 1 hour Evening activities (rehearsals, performances, seminars, 4 hours special events) </p><p>WEBSITE: The GA DOE provides additional information at the GHP website: http://admin.doe.k12.ga.us/gadoe/blogs/ghpblog.nsf/DailyBlog 2 Cobb County School District ADVANCED LEARNING PROGRAMS</p><p>GHP Coordinator PROCEDURES</p><p>Step I Timeline:</p><p>Establish a school GHP timeline that includes application deadlines, departmental interview dates, and school-wide interview dates. Be sure all dates allow time to comply with district deadlines (See Timeline pg 6).</p><p>Step II Publicity:</p><p>Publicize information about the GHP program. Recommendations: a) Provide information about the program to all teachers of advanced 10th and 11th grade courses (Honors, AP, Gifted) b) Request that teachers also make an announcement explaining the program, participant qualifications, and the interview process c) Post flyers about the program. A sample flyer at the end of this packet can be revised to fit your school’s needs. d) Broadcast information about the program on your school closed circuit television system. e) Post information on your school website </p><p>Step III. Managing Candidate Selection Provide appropriate teachers with the course descriptions and student selection criteria for their content areas. This information is contained in the state GHP document entitled Governor’s Honors Program 2010 Criteria and Descriptions Document posted on the blog..</p><p>Also, follow these general guidelines for candidate selection:</p><p>Candidate Selection Guidelines</p><p> Students are to be current 10th or 11th graders Students may be nominated for district interviews in only one subject area Students nominated for the 2010 program but not participating in the program may be nominated for the 2010 program. Students who participated in the 2009 GHP program are not eligible to participate in the program again in any area. Science and Agricultural Education nominees are required to submit a research project abstract with their applications (for both the district and state interviews) Technology/Career Education nominees must have taken or be currently enrolled in a technology/career education course. These students should carefully review the GHP 2010 Instructional Descriptions and Criteria for that content area. Communicative Arts and Foreign Language nominees will be required to produce a writing sample at the statewide interview and may be requested to do so at the district interview. Students must be willing to commit to full participation in the GHP program including interview dates and times and the program sessions running from June 13th through July 24th 2010.</p><p>3 Cobb County School District ADVANCED LEARNING PROGRAMS Students should NOT schedule ACT or SAT tests that conflict with the state interview date (see timeline pg 6)</p><p>Step IV. Local School Interviews: Organize an interview process. Schools typically provide two levels of interviews; departmental and school-wide. Remember each school has a specific allotment for the number of nominees that can go to the district interview. (See Local School Nomination Allotment information below). Recommendations: a) Request that teachers nominate students they feel are interested and competitive for the program. b) Allow students to self-nominate but recommend that they review the selection criteria with their teachers. c) Conduct a meeting for all nominees explaining the interview process, details of the program, and especially the time commitment for interviewing for and participating in GHP. d) Be sure to stress that students should NOT schedule ACT/ SAT tests that conflict with state interview dates. e) Using a school application provides an opportunity to preview qualifications prior to the interview (sample application attached). This application can be distributed at the nominee meeting. BE SURE NOMINEES HAVE STRONG OVERALL GPA’s. f) Allow students to interview at the departmental level for as many disciplines as they desire, but limit them to 2 fields if they get to the school-wide interviews. g) It is not necessary to require the official state GHP application or transcripts for the departmental interviews. h) Recruit a department chair or a departmental GHP contact to organize the departmental interview process. i) Allow two weeks for the departmental interview process. Set a deadline for departments to complete the process and submit student names (and applications if used). j) Consider limiting the number of students each department can send to the school-wide interview process. k) Schedule each department’s nominee for an interview time and inform students in writing of the time and place. l) Request that each department provide teachers to help with the school-wide interviewing. Teams of three are ideal for this process; at least one teacher should represent the student’s area of concentration. m) Set a date for announcing nominees who will go on to the county interview.</p><p>Step V. Local School Nomination Allotment Each school has been given a quota indicating the number of candidates a school can send to district interviews. This quota was calculated from school enrolment data and the GHP district allotment. This number was given to each school coordinator at the GHP meeting. </p><p>Local school coordinators can determine the most appropriate manner for allocating the school quota. Consider sending only those candidates who are academically the strongest and interview effectively regardless of content area. Your goal should be to send qualified candidates who have an excellent chance of being selected for state interviews.</p><p>4 Cobb County School District ADVANCED LEARNING PROGRAMS Schools that use their local school quotas to send foreign language candidates can earn additional allotments as follows: 1. For each allotment used for a French candidate, the school may add one additional French candidate. 2. For every two allotments used for Spanish candidates, the school may add one additional Spanish candidate. 3. For each allotment used for a Latin candidate, the school may add one additional Latin candidate. 4. German candidates are free and do not count as part of the school allotment. Each school is limited to sending no more than two German candidates.</p><p>Alternates: Schools are invited to send up to TWO (2) students to serve as alternates for district interviews in the areas of ACADEMICS ONLY. Unused academic slots will be divided among requesting schools. If there are more requests than slots, awards will be determined by lottery. Be sure students understand that they are alternates until otherwise notified. To request alternate slots, complete a separate spreadsheet (see Step VII below) for the alternates only and email it to Alison Coker no earlier than October 21st and no later than 3:00 p.m. October 23rd. Clearly label this spreadsheet ALTERNATE CANDIDATES; be sure to complete all required information for each alternate candidate submitted. Failure to follow these instructions will jeopardize your school’s receipt of additional allotments since there is a very quick turnaround on notification. You will be notified by the end of the day October 26th if your school received additional slots. </p><p>Step VI. Preparing the Nomination Packets for district/state Interviews: Students selected for district level interviews should prepare a 2010 Student Nomination Form with the supervision of their nominating teacher. This form consists of three (3) parts (sent via email attachment). The forms must be completed electronically. School Coordinators are responsible for completing Part 3 and obtaining the signatures of their school’s PRINCIAPAL and COUNSELOR where indicated. You may use the local school GHP coordinators name in the coordinator box. The Nomination Packet consists of the Student Nomination Form plus a copy of the student’s transcript plus a printout/ photocopy of the student’s PSAT/SAT scores (staple in order - transcript then scores) to the last page of the nomination form. Students in Science or Agricultural Education must also submit a research project abstract explained in the GHP Criteria and Descriptions document. </p><p>Student Nomination Packet Instructions: a) Students and nominating teachers can work together to complete the nomination form and prepare for the interview. All student portions of the form must be composed by the student. Teachers and coordinators can suggest that the students revise weak sections but must allow students to complete these revisions independently. b) It is the local school coordinator’s responsibility to review all applications to ensure they are complete before submitting them to the district coordinator. c) If PSAT scores are pending due to October 2008 test date, indicate so on the application by saying “October 2008 test scores pending.” Remember: handwritten or typed scores are NOT accepted; Printouts or photocopies from the testing service must be attached to the back of the packet.</p><p>5 Cobb County School District ADVANCED LEARNING PROGRAMS d) Request that all teachers completing recommendations on student nomination forms provide specific details about the student’s capabilities and qualifications. Please read the recommendations to ensure that they adequately represent the student. e) Make a copy of each application packet and keep them on file at your school until the end of the school year. f) Before submitting the student nomination forms, carefully review every form using the checklist provided at the end of this packet. Check off each item to verify that it is complete and attach the checklist to the front of each application. Make a note explaining the reason for ANY omitted information and the date when that information will be provided. </p><p>Step VII. Submitting Nominee Spreadsheet and Nomination Packets:</p><p>The names of candidates selected for district interviews must be entered into the Excel spreadsheet sent via email attachment. This spreadsheet requires each student’s first name, last name, home phone, school, and subject. Follow the spreadsheet direction exactly. Be sure to write only the name of your school followed by the word “High.” Do NOT include the word “School.” This spreadsheet is due to the appropriate district coordinator (Alison Coker, Elaine Shapow, Missy Arasi) via email on October 20th by 4:00 p.m. </p><p>Student Nomination Packets should be delivered to the office of the appropriate district coordinator by October 27, 2008, no later than 4:00 p.m. BE SURE TO MAKE A PHOTOCOPY OF ALL NOMINATION PACKETS, INCLUDING ASTUDENT TRANSCRIPTS AND PSAT/SAT SCORES. KEEP THESE COPIES ON FILE UNTIL THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR. Only the following documents can be attached to the student nomination form: transcript, PSAT/SAT score copy, and Science/ Agriculture Ed research project abstract. Remove all other attachments before submitting packets to the central office. </p><p>Step VIII: Preparing the Nominees for Interviews: Provide each academic nominee a completed copy of the Interview Instructions form found on page 12 of this handbook. Many coordinators review interview techniques with candidates and conduct mock interview sessions. Be sure to provide students with guidelines for proper dress and manners. </p><p>6 Cobb County School District ADVANCED LEARNING PROGRAMS Governor’s Honors Program 2009-2010 Timeline DATE EVENT September 15, 2009 Local School Coordinators meeting: 4:00 p.m. at Sprayberry High School Room 115 September 15, 2009 Local School Coordinators receive procedures and timeline via email September Coordinators review selection criteria with faculty October Coordinators conduct GHP awareness session with 10th and 11th grade students Teachers nominate qualified candidates according to local school guidelines Local schools conduct interviews and select candidates Selected candidates and their nominating teachers complete state GHP nomination forms Students take PSAT October 20, 2009 School Coordinators email list of nominated students to the appropriate district office coordinator listed below by 4:00 p.m. October 27, 2009 School Coordinators deliver to appropriate coordinator completed nomination packets for each student who will be interviewing. Forms must be completed electronically, then printed. Do not submit handwritten forms. Be sure to obtain all required signatures. NOMINATION PACKETS INCLUDE . NOMINATION FORM . Copy of Official TRANSCRIPT . PSAT or SAT score PRINTOUT from Testing Service No other attachments are permitted; Keep one copy of each packet October 30, 2009 Student interview times sent to schools District Academic and Technology/Career Education interviews Biology, Chemistry, Communicative Arts, Physics, Social Studies, Mathematics, French, German, Latin, Spanish, Commercial and Industrial Architectural Design, Executive Business Management, Technology November 10, 2009 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. Sprayberry High School Elaine Shapow, District Coordinator, Technology/Career Ed Alison Coker, District Coordinator, Academics</p><p> District Fine Arts interviews Dance, Theatre, Music and Visual Arts November 10, 2009 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Pebblebrook High School Melissa Arasi, District Coordinator November 18, 2009 Local schools receive notification of students selected for state interviews November 30, 2009 Final deadline for nomination packet revisions January 4, 2010 State interview schedule posted on GHP Website. Local school coordinators inform students of their interview times. Saturday, January 30, 2010 Statewide Interviews for Dance and Theatre: Pebblebrook High School, Mableton, GA Saturday, January 30, 2010 Statewide interviews for Communicative Arts, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Social Studies: Dutchtown Schools Complex, Hampton, Georgia Saturday, February 6, 2010 Statewide interviews for Music and Visual Arts: Pebblebrook High School, Mableton, (This is also an ACT date) Georgia Saturday, February 6, 2010 Statewide interviews for Mathematics, Design, Technology, Executive Business (This is also an ACT date) Management, French, German, Latin and Spanish: Dutchtown Schools Complex, Hampton, Georgia. Saturday, February 6, 2010 Statewide interviews for Agricultural Education: UGA, Athens, Georgia (This is also an ACT date) Friday, March 26, 2010 GHP finalists posted on the GHP website. Local school coordinators inform finalists. Monday, April 12, 2010 Student acceptance deadline June 13-July 24, 2010 GHP Program Alison Coker (Academics) [email protected] Fax: 678-429-5884 Melissa Arasi (Fine Arts) [email protected] Fax: 678-594-8571 Elaine Shapow (Career Tech) [email protected] Fax: 678-594-8569</p><p>7 Cobb County School District ADVANCED LEARNING PROGRAMS</p><p>SAMPLE FLYER GOVERNOR’S HONORS PROGRAM A CHALLENGING, ENRICHING EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE FOR GEORGIA STUDENTS</p><p>GHP provides an excellent opportunity for gifted and talented 10th and 11th grade students to: 1) Take part in an exceptional summer enrichment program 2) Spend six weeks of study on a college campus (Valdosta State) 3) Be taught by outstanding high school and college instructors 4) Study in-depth their academic or artistic field of interest 5) Enhance interpersonal skills through peer group living</p><p>GHP Candidates Should: Possess a positive commitment to learning Exhibit enthusiastic interest and personal commitment to the program Demonstrate definite desire to study in-depth during the summer vacation Exhibit high level of critical and creative thinking Possess willingness to work independently and with groups</p><p>GET MORE INFORMATION FROM YOUR TEACHERS OR THE FOLLOWING WEBSITES</p><p>State of Georgia GHP Web Page: http://admin.doe.k12.ga.us/gadoe/blogs/ghpblog.nsf/DailyBlog Valdosta State GHP Web Page: http://www.valdosta.edu/ghp</p><p>8 Cobb County School District ADVANCED LEARNING PROGRAMS</p><p>Governor’s Honors Program Departmental Application</p><p>As an applicant for GHP you must bring a completed application form to your departmental interview:</p><p>Full Name: </p><p>Address: </p><p>Date of Birth: Grade Level: 10 11 Gender: Male Female</p><p>Name of Parent or Guardian: ______Business Phone: ______</p><p>Home Telephone Number: </p><p>List the Courses You Have Taken in the Area of Nomination:</p><p>Course Title Semester/Year Was it Honors Grade Level?</p><p>Overall GPA: ______GPA in area of nomination: </p><p>Overall Numeric Average: ______Numeric Average in area of nomination: ______</p><p>I have taken the PSAT or SAT: scores ______I will take PSAT this fall</p><p>List all awards and honors won since your freshman year: ______</p><p>List awards and honors won in nomination area: ______9 Cobb County School District ADVANCED LEARNING PROGRAMS ______</p><p>List all extracurricular activities since your freshman year: ______</p><p>Why have you chosen to interview in this academic discipline? ______</p><p>What type of out-of-school involvement do you have within this discipline? ______</p><p>Have you decided on a career? If so, tell us about it. ______</p><p>Write a statement in support of your selection. What should we know about you that your responses on this application do not illustrate? ______</p><p>Please bring this completed application to your departmental interview. If you are interviewing in more than one area, you must make copies for each department 10 Cobb County School District ADVANCED LEARNING PROGRAMS</p><p>11 Cobb County School District ADVANCED LEARNING PROGRAMS</p><p>List of Interested GHP Students---Due No Later Than ______</p><p>Department: ______</p><p>STUDENT NAME NOMINATING TEACHER 1st PERIOD TEACHER</p><p>12 Cobb County School District ADVANCED LEARNING PROGRAMS</p><p>DEPARTMENTAL GHP NOMINEES—Due No Later Than ______</p><p>DEPARTMENT:______</p><p>Nominees: Please Check</p><p>1. ______APPLICATION ATTACHED</p><p>2. ______APPLICATION ATTACHED</p><p>3. ______APPLICATION ATTACHED</p><p>4. ______APPLICATION ATTACHED</p><p>13 Cobb County School District ADVANCED LEARNING PROGRAMS</p><p>GHP Application Cover Sheet</p><p>Nominee Name: ______Area: ______School: ______</p><p>Overall Appearance:</p><p>Yes No Was same font used throughout the application? Yes No Is spelling correct? Yes No Is capitalization consistent and correct? Yes No Is spacing consistent?</p><p>Part I: Student </p><p>Yes No Name of System Yes No Name of School Yes No Nominee’s Full Legal Name: Does it match the spreadsheet? Yes No Home Address Complete? Yes No Phone, Birth date, Age, Grade, Gender, Email? Yes No Father’s Information (must have one or the other if not living with both parents) Yes No Mother’s Information (must have one or the other if not living with both parents) Yes No Question 1: Student interest: is it complete? Yes No Question 2: Accomplishments Yes No Question 3: Qualifications Yes No Question 4: Career Yes No Question 5: Additional Information Yes No Date Yes No Nominees signature Yes No Parents Signature</p><p>Part 2: This section was completed by the nominating teacher (content, grammar, spelling)</p><p>Yes No Name of School, nominating teacher, and nominees full legal name Yes No Question 1: Demonstrating outstanding abilities Yes No Question 2: Evidence of attitude / independent learning Yes No Question 3: Students personal commitment Yes No Question 4: Other Yes No Question 5: Awards and honors won by student in area of nomination Yes No Question 6: List courses taught by nominating teacher and semester/ year Yes No Nominating teacher signature</p><p>Part 3: GHP Coordinator</p><p>Yes No Name of system, school, school phone, address Yes No Nominees name, full and preferred names, email Yes No Numeric Averages and GPAs Yes No PSAT information: or Student will take scores to state interview if no score is available Yes No Awards, honors, extracurricular activities Yes No Counselors name and signature Yes No Principal’s name and signature</p><p>I have reviewed the attached application and have found all of the information to be complete and correct. </p><p>Coordinator Signature: ______</p><p>14 Cobb County School District ADVANCED LEARNING PROGRAMS</p><p>15</p>
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