Business Intelligence Reporting and Analysis Tools Provide the Following Fundamental

Business Intelligence Reporting and Analysis Tools Provide the Following Fundamental

<p>Product MOTIVATION PREREQUISITES Web Intelligence XI R3 SAP Business Objects Universe has been Jeff is a Business Analyst working for designed and exported to the Business Level Bike Company. Bike Company has Objects Repository. Undergraduate recently acquired SAP Business Objects suite of software. HINTS Beginner This case study was created using Bike Company’s IT department has Business Objects Enterprise XI R3 Focus already helped to build an SAP BI Reporting Business Objects Universe. The Universe is modeled on top of an SAP Business Warehouse. Author Prasanna Rao Jeff has been tasked to explore SAP Cheng Huey Chen BO’s Web Intelligence software. Web Intelligence is part of the SAP BO suite Version and is ideal for query and analysis of data. 1.0 Jeff is knowledgeable regarding the concepts of Business Intelligence in relation to data analysis. However, he is not sure how Web Intelligence implements these concepts. He is keen to explore this and the other features of this tool...</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG</p><p>Business Intelligence Reporting and Analysis tools provide the following fundamental functionalities... 1) Data retrieval from the database 2) Workspace to design reports 3) Features to perform data analysis (pre and post data retrieval) and 4) Features to enhance the presentation of reports</p><p>Web Intelligence is a Reporting and Analysis tool that retrieves data through a Universe. The Universe is a semantic layer that isolates report designers from the complexities of databases.</p><p>Bike Company’s IT department has created an SAP Business Objects Universe (as shown below)...</p><p>Bike Company Universe</p><p>Jeff is now going to explore how Web Intelligence allows people to design reports and perform analysis of data. He is also planning to see how</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 2 presentation of reports can be enhanced to make it easier for management users, like his CEO John Smith, to understand the reports. </p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 3 Task 1 (Practice): To design a Web Intelligence report and perform data analysis</p><p>Jeff has decided to start off by creating a simple Web Intelligence report showing the Revenue of Bike Company.</p><p>To log in, Jeff needs to first view the InfoView Log On page (shown below). InfoView is the part of Web Intelligence that acts as a portal to all the information available to Jeff.</p><p>1. Log In to Business Objects Infoview by supplying User Name and Password. </p><p>2. Click on the Document List button (as shown below).</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 4 This takes Jeff to the Document List page (shown below). The left pane shows the folders in which the files are organized. Public Folders is a catalog of all documents that Jeff is allowed to access in the corporate repository. My Favorites folder is a catalog of all the documents that he can choose to save for his own personal use.</p><p>3. Create a new Web Intelligence document by clicking on the New button (in the toolbar) and selecting Web Intelligence Document (as shown below)</p><p>4. Select the relevant Universe on which this report is to be created. In the figure below, the Universe selected is SAPGlobalBikeFixedUSDV01.</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 5 Jeff now sees the Java Report Panel that is composed of TWO separate views:</p><p> the Edit Query view and  the Edit Report view (See below)</p><p>He can also see the Universe objects in the Data tab as shown below...</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 6 © 2010 SAP AG Page 7 5. Create a new query and run it by... a. Drag the Calendar Year, Calendar Month and Country dimension objects into the Result Objects pane (as shown below). b. Drag the Revenue measure object into the Result Objects pane. c. Click Run Query.</p><p>An SQL query is now sent to the database to retrieve data mapped to objects that were selected. Information is returned as a Microcube also called Data Provider. This information is displayed as a simple table in the Report (as shown below).</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 8 Slicing is the act of applying a filter to create a slice of data. </p><p>Jeff now wants to explore the concept of slicing by viewing Revenue data for Year 2006 only.</p><p>1. Go back to Edit Query view. 2. Create a filter to restrict the revenues for 2006 only by... a. Drag the Calendar Year dimension object into the Query Filters pane (as shown below)</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 9 b. Choose Equal To operator from the drop-down list (as shown below)</p><p> c. Select Value(s) from list, choose 2006 and click OK (as shown below)</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 10 © 2010 SAP AG Page 11 3. Run the query.</p><p>Dicing is the act of applying a filter on more than one dimension to create a smaller subset of data.</p><p>Jeff wants to look at the concept of dicing by viewing Revenue data for Year 2006, Month of April only. 1. Go back to Edit Query view. 2. Create another filter (as shown in figure below) to view revenues for year 2006, month APR only.</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 12 3. Run the Query.</p><p>Drilling Across involves switching the axes. By default, data in the Report View is shown in a Vertical Table format.</p><p>Jeff needs to remove the filters, convert the Vertical Table into a Crosstab and then switch the axes. </p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 13 1. Go back to Edit Query view. 2. Delete all filters (by dragging the filters and dropping them onto the Data Tab area) as shown below. Re-run the query.</p><p>3. Remove the Calendar Month column from the Vertical Table by dragging the column and dropping it into the Data tab area (as shown below).</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 14 4. Convert the Vertical table to a Crosstab by selecting the Vertical Table, right- clicking and choosing Turn To. Select Crosstab and click Ok. (as shown below)</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 15</p><p>5. Switch the axes by dragging the Calendar Year column header and dropping it onto the Country row header (as shown below).</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 16 6. Drag the Calendar Month dimension object (from the Data Tab) and drop it onto the Country column header in the Crosstab. The result should be as shown below. What does the analysis now show?</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 17 © 2010 SAP AG Page 18 Drilling Down is the act of displaying more detailed information. This involves navigating from data that is aggregated at a higher level to data aggregated at a lower level.</p><p>Jeff decides to explore this concept by creating a new report. 1. Close the previous document. You may be prompted (as below). Click OK.</p><p>2. Create a new Web Intelligence document and choose the appropriate universe 3. Create a new query with the Calendar Year, Country and Revenue objects (as shown below). </p><p>4. Run the query.</p><p>In order to activate the Drill feature in Web Intelligence, Jeff needs to activate the “Show/Hide Scope of Analysis Pane” which is currently greyed out. </p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 19 5. Activate Scope of Analysis by... a. Click on Edit Report to go to report view b. Select the report name tab, right-click it and select Document Properties (as shown below)</p><p> c. Under Document Options, uncheck Use Query Drill (as shown below)</p><p> d. Close the Document Properties and go back to Edit Query view. </p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 20 e. Click Show/Hide Scope of Analysis Pane button in the Toolbar (as shown below)</p><p>6. Select the Display by Hierarchies radio button on the Data Toolbar. Note the Hierarchies that are defined for the Time, Material and Sales Oraganization classes.</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 21 7. In the Scope of Analysis pane, select Two Levels from the drop-down list. Note the change in the Scope of Analysis pane.</p><p>8. Click Run Query. Note the Dimensions and Measure objects that now appear in the Data tab in the Edit Report view. Change the Horizontal Table to a Crosstab (as shown below)</p><p>9. Save the document to your My Favourites folder as “Task 1 Report” (as shown below)</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 22 10. Click Drill button to activate Drill Mode (as shown below). Note the Hyperlinks that appear in the various fields of the Crosstab</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 23 11. Drill down to Sales Organization by clicking on Australia hyperlink.</p><p>12. Roll-up to Country by clicking on the UP arrow (as shown below)</p><p>Drilling Across TWO hierarchies at once is also possible.</p><p>13. Position mouse over Revenue amount for Australia in 2006. Click the cell to drill down to both Country and Quarter level at once (as shown below)</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 24 Jeff is thrilled with the Drill-Down features in the tool but he is wondering if Drill Down is also allowed with Charts. To explore this, he decides to create a new report with a chart.</p><p>1. Close the previous report and do not save it. 2. Create a new Web Intelligence document. Choose the appropriate Universe. 3. Create a new query with the Country and Sales Quantity objects. 4. In Edit Report view, open Document Properties and uncheck Use Query Drill (as shown earlier). Close Document Properties and return to Edit Query view.</p><p>5. Click Show/Hide Scope of Analysis pane 6. In the Scope of Analysis pane, select Two Levels and run the Query (as shown below). Run the Query.</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 25 7. Turn the Vertical Table to a Pie Chart by... a. Select the Vertical Table, right click and choose Turn To. </p><p> b. Select Pie from the Pie tab and click OK. (as shown below)</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 26 8. Modify Pie Chart by... a. Select the pie chart and click on the Properties Tab b. Expand Data, expand Values and check Show Data and Show Segment Labels (as shown below)</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 27 © 2010 SAP AG Page 28 c. Enlarge the Pie Chart by dragging the chart handles if required</p><p>9. Activate Drill Mode by clicking on the Drill button in the toolbar 10. Move the mouse over Australia and click into it to drill down to Sales Organization (as shown below)</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 29 11. Drill Up to Country by clicking any Sales Organization (as shown below)...</p><p>12. Save and replace the “Task 1 Report” document in the Favourites folder</p><p>=====END OF TASK 1=====</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 30 Task 2 (Practice): To enhance the presentation of a Web Intelligence report </p><p>Jeff is now interested in features that will help him enhance the presentation of his reports. These features include the use of Breaks and Sections to logically group data in tables and reports respectively. They also include the use of Charts and Alerters to add more visual elements to a report.</p><p>Breaks allow data in tables to be broken up into groups. Using Breaks has 2 main advantages... a) You can more efficiently organize how your data is represented and b) You can display subtotals</p><p>Jeff proceeds to create Breaks in a new report... 1. Create a new Web Intelligence document using the appropriate Universe 2. Create a new Query by selecting Calendar Year, Calendar Month, Country and Revenue objects (as shown below) 3. Run the Query.</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 31 4. Insert a Break on the Calendar Year column by... a. Select the Calendar Year column values b. Click Insert/Remove Break button on the Report Toolbar</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 32 5. Create a Custom Sort on the Calendar Month column by... a. Select the Calendar Month column b. Click the Apply/Remove Sort button and choose Custom Sort option (see following figure)</p><p> c. Order the months from Jan, Feb...Nov, Dec (using the UP, DOWN buttons as shown below) and click OK.</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 33 6. Insert another Break on the Calendar Month column (see below)</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 34 Standard calculation functions (SUM, AVG, COUNT, MAX, and MIN) allow quick calculations to be made on data.</p><p>1. Select the Revenue column 2. From the Report Toolbar, click the Insert Sum button (as shown below)</p><p>3. From the Report Toolbar, click the Insert Count button</p><p>The resulting report should look as figure below. Notice the Sum and Count values that have been inserted for Revenues for each month of the year (for all countries).</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 35 4. Remove the break on the Calendar Month column by... a. Click on the Calendar Month column. b. Click on the Insert/Remove Break button in the toolbar. 5. Remove the break on the Calendar Year column similarly 6. Delete the rows containing the Sum and Count values (as shown below)</p><p>Sectioning can also be used to group data. A break only groups data within a block whereas sectioning groups the entire report. </p><p>Sectioning has a number of advantages... a) You can have multiple blocks within a single report, all sub-grouped to the sectioned level b) You can insert sub-total cells, repeated in each section</p><p>Jeff now proceeds to create Sections in his report.... 1. Select the values in the Country column. Right click and select Set as Section (as shown below)</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 36 2. Select the Revenue column 3. From the Report Toolbar, click the Insert Sum button (to insert a SUM) 4. Click on the Templates Tab 5. Expand Charts 6. Expand Bar 7. Click and drag Vertical Grouped to the report area and drop it to the right of the data table (as shown below)</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 37 © 2010 SAP AG Page 38 8. Click the Data tab and drag the Revenue object, drop it on the Y-axis of the chart (as shown below)</p><p>9. Drag the Calendar Year object and drop it on the X-axis of the chart (as shown below)</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 39 10. In the Report Toolbar, click View Results (as shown below)</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 40 Sectioning also allows easier navigation in a long report. Report Map can be used to quickly move to a section in the report. 1. Click on the Map Tab in the Edit Report view 2. Choose Map, expand Report 1 and click on United States to navigate to the last section of the report</p><p>Formulas allow complex calculations to display data that are not available by retrieving existing objects in the Universe. Jeff wants to display the Discount Per Item (=discount/sales quantity). However, there are no Universe objects that allow him to display this data. Thus, he has to create a new Variable and input the formula into this variable. 1. In the Edit Query panel, add the Sales Quantity and Discount measure objects (as shown below). Re-run the query.</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 41 2. In the Report Panel, create a new variable named “Discount Per Item” by... a. Click on the Variable Editor button (as shown below)</p><p> b. In the Name filed, enter Discount Per Item (as shown below) c. In the Formula field, input the formula: discount / sales quantity d. Validate the formula and click Ok</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 42 This will create a new Dimension object in the Data Tab. 3. Drag the new object “Discount Per Item” into the report and drop it to the right of the Revenue column (as shown below). Re-position the figures if required.</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 43 Finally, Jeff is very interested in highlighting Revenue values that are below a certain figure. He feels that this will be very useful to the CEO as it will allow him to monitor when Revenue is not meeting expectations. </p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 44 For this purpose, Alerters in Web Intelligence can be used to set conditions on selected data in the report. Data meeting these conditions are highlighted in different colors to make it easier for the user to see them.</p><p>1. Select the Revenue column 2. From the Report Toolbar, click the Alerters button (as shown below)</p><p>3. Click New (to create a new alert)</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 45 4. Create the alerter “Sales Revenue Alert” that turns cell contents RED when Sales Revenue falls below 5,000,000 (as shown below). Click OK.</p><p>5. Click OK again. Certain cells will have turned RED (as shown below)</p><p>6. Save the report in “My Favorites” folder as “Task 2 Report”</p><p>=====END OF TASK 2=====</p><p>© 2010 SAP AG Page 46</p>

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