<p>Application Pack Ref No.ASM.5.6 Assistant Service Manager </p><p>The Freespace Recruitment Pack consists of 6 parts:</p><p>Part 1 – Freespace Information & Aims and Objectives </p><p>Part 2 – Job Description & Person Specification</p><p>Part 3 – Summary of Terms & Conditions</p><p>Part 4 – Application Form Advice</p><p>Part 5 – Assistant Service Manager Application Form </p><p>Part 6 – Equal Opportunity Form</p><p>Please complete both the Application Form and the Equal Opportunities Form and return to: </p><p>Freespace Recruitment 28 Westfield Avenue Edinburgh EH11 2QH</p><p>Or fill in the application form online and email to [email protected]</p><p>If you require further information please call 0131 346 9030.</p><p>Closing date for receipt of applications: 9.00am, Friday 20th May 2016. Information session will be held on Tuesday 24th May 2016 at 2pm- 4pm. Interviews will be held on Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th May 2016. Freespace is a company with charitable status which supports people with complex needs to live in their own homes in the community.</p><p>Support is available in two ways:</p><p>1. At a number of sites in central Edinburgh, clients share a team of staff based in an adjacent staff flat. This model provides</p><p> Staff available 24 hours a day to be used flexibly when required.</p><p> Privacy not to have staff in the person’s home when they do not wish them to be there.</p><p> Guarantee of staff that have been selected by the person we support, familiar with their routines, always available and trained to a high standard.</p><p> Waking night staff available every night.</p><p>2. Support is also available to people who already have their own homes. This is provided on a one to one basis and according to the amount of time required by each individual.</p><p>Freespace aims to promote user involvement at all stages of the organisation:</p><p> At least one half of our Board are disabled people or their representatives.</p><p> The people we support select all their own staff.</p><p> Regular meetings between staff and the people we support determine the service delivery.</p><p> Care plans are regularly monitored and updated to meet changing needs.</p><p> People we support are involved in staff appraisals. FREESPACE BELIEFS, AIMS & OBJECTIVES</p><p>Our Beliefs:</p><p>At Freespace we believe that:</p><p> Every person has the right to choice, dignity, privacy and individuality.</p><p> All people are equal and are entitled to live their lives the way they choose, without pre-judgement or interference.</p><p> A person’s worth is not determined by his or her physical abilities.</p><p> Anyone who needs assistance should be wholly involved in its planning.</p><p> A person’s rights should be protected and maintained at all times.</p><p>Our Aims and Objectives:</p><p>We seek to achieve our Aims by achieving the following Objectives. These are not listed in any order or priority:</p><p> Providing the highest quality and most appropriate type and level of support to each service user – a ‘person-centred’ service.</p><p> Giving service users a high level of control over how their support is managed, through participation in drawing up individual care and support plans and in the appointment of staff.</p><p> Providing service users with the opportunity to influence the management of Freespace, through participation in client/staff meetings and through election of the Board Directors.</p><p> Ensuring that the work of Freespace is governed by a Board and undertaken by staff with the necessary skills, experience and knowledge, including the setting of high standards and the monitoring of performance.</p><p> Promoting ‘excellence’ in every area of activity and continuing to be regarded by other agencies as having specialist knowledge and expertise in the area of ‘independent living’.</p><p> Securing the financial viability and long-term future of the organisation by operating efficiently with proper controls.</p><p> Liaising with people with disabilities, City of Edinburgh Council, adjacent Councils, local Health Boards and other appropriate agencies to identify needs, establish priorities and develop strategies to meet these needs. FREESPACE JOB DESCRIPTION </p><p>JOB TITLE: Assistant Service Manager</p><p>RESPONSIBLE TO : SERVICE MANAGER</p><p>RESPONSIBLE FOR : SUPPORT WORKERS and THE PEOPLE WE SUPPORT</p><p>JOB PURPOSE : To work alongside the Service Manager to develop, lead and manage services in an innovative way and have the ability to support and coach support staff teams to plan, deliver, review and monitor person centred support to ensure people get the best lives they can.</p><p>INTRODUCTION:</p><p>Main Duties & Responsibilities </p><p>Managing and Leading People</p><p>1.1 Line management responsibility to ensure that staff teams are well supported, communicated and engaged with. Assessing and meeting induction and training needs, direct formal and informal supervision and assisting the Service Manager in the day to day management and development of a support team. You will be expected to ‘act up’ in the absence of the Service Manager and may be asked to work in other services in Freespace to meet the needs of the organisation.</p><p>1.2 Be involved in the design and production of work schedules, and monitor their effectiveness, adapting these as necessary. Ensuring schedules enable support teams to provide individualised person centred support (within that person’s budget), in the most cost effective way to ensure the person’s needs are met and we are working towards their identified outcomes ensuring that supported people get the best life they can.</p><p>1.3 To assist the Service Manager to ensure recruitment plans are put in to action to minimise staffing level shortfall and oversee the interviewing, selection and matching of appropriate staff and ensure induction and other training programmes and assessments are implemented and delivered. Central to Freespace values is that supported people, their families and representatives have opportunities to be involved in the recruitment and selection process.</p><p>1.4 To assist the Service Manager in ensuring support teams are given the appropriate tools to identify their development needs through support and supervision/appraisal/personal development plans, small and full team meetings and development days. </p><p>1.5 To assist the Service Manager in annual budget planning, involving and engaging with staff teams as appropriate.</p><p>1.6 You will support staff teams to be prepared for the implementation of Self Directed Support (Individualised budgets).</p><p>1.7 You will be involved in effectively managing staff’s performance to ensure a consistently high quality service is being provided. You will be involved in ensuring that this is met through our personnel procedures including recruitment, induction, probation, support and supervision, appraisals, personal development plans, training and performance management framework (e.g. disciplinary & absence management) procedures. You will promote and ensure knowledge, awareness understanding and adherence to Freespace policies and procedures.</p><p>Service Delivery</p><p>1.8 To assist the Service manager in designing, co-ordinating, managing and leading the provision of existing and new care and support services with the involvement of the people we support and their families or representatives.</p><p>1.9 To assist the Service Manager in organising the effective distribution of such services, to meet national care standards, those set by the person themselves and the organisation, through support teams. </p><p>To ensure that the individuals you support (and their representatives) are 1.10 regularly consulted with to identify their own personal outcomes, aims, wishes and needs ,which will be documented in their support plans. To assist in managing and monitoring the implementation of outcome based support plans and supports to ensure they are being met and reflect changing needs.</p><p>To assist in the monitoring of the quality of the support through regular 1.11 person centred review and actively seeking, responding and acting on supported peoples’ and their representatives feedback.</p><p>You will support people, their families and support teams to be prepared for 1.12 the implementation of self-directed support (Individualised budgets).</p><p>Ensure confidentiality at all times and set and agree boundaries with 1.13 employees and supported people.</p><p>To be involved in the delivery of the out of hours emergency assistance & 1.14 weekend on call service as and when required on the managers rota for providing this service across the organisation. </p><p>Quality and Standards to meet organisation’s needs</p><p>Understand, promote and engage with the aims, objectives and strategy of 1.15 Freespace. Ensure effective two way communication so that support teams, supported people and their representatives and families are appropriately communicated with regarding organisational developments and vice versa.</p><p>Actively seek and review feedback from stakeholders to improve quality. Act 1.16 on this feedback and plan forward to ensure quality standards are met and improving.</p><p>To embrace and implement the criteria set by the Statutory bodies (such as 1.17 the Care Inspectorate National Care Standards, SSSC Code of Conduct for Employees and Employers, Local Authorities). </p><p>To assist the Service Manager in the calculation of hours worked and the 1.18 submission of wage information for support staff. You will be involved in the approval and authorisation of rotas and timesheets for wage information that are prepared for staff you line manage.</p><p>To work as part of the management and leadership team to ensure all our 1.19 services continue to function at a high standard and continuously look for areas of improvement. To be involved in developing and delivering on organisational improvements. 1.21 Managing Self</p><p>Build positive and collaborative relationships with all internal and external 1.22 stakeholders.</p><p>Leadership by example and responsible for personal knowledge and skill 1.23 set. Delivering on your responsibilities, being accountable for yourself and your active involvement in personal development. Asking for support when required.</p><p>Other Key Performance Responsibilities</p><p>Financial Responsibility and Non-financial asset responsibility 2.1 Responsible for:- As and when required, whilst on duty, ensuring the safe keeping and security of the belongings of the people we support. To assist the service manager to set and work within annual budgets. The assets of Freespace, including maintenance of properties, radios, keys and furniture in ‘core’ flats. Financial control and administration as required including assisting in the authorisation of wage information for support staff.</p><p>2.2 Accountability, Judgement and Decision Making Responsible for:-</p><p> The direction and responsibility for support workers, students, volunteers and placements. The promotion of independent living to suit the needs of the people we support using appropriate judgment and initiative and at all times acting with accountability. Recognising the changing needs of the people we support on a day to day basis to protect their desire to live the life they wish and to ensure appropriate medical intervention, or other services as required. The awareness of flexibility whilst attending to the needs of the people we support and for shift cover to be in place at all times to ensure continuity of service provision.</p><p>Communications and Relationships - External and Internal</p><p>2.3 Responsible for:-</p><p> The establishing of effective and appropriate two -way communications with support workers, supported people and families or representatives. Assisting the Service Manager to take a lead role in monitoring support based outcomes and ensure implementation of plans and actions. Assisting the Service Manager in the establishing of emergency arrangements with Support Workers and the people we support. Developing a good positive understanding of Person centred working and to work at all times from its value base. Assisting the Service Manager in the identification and implementation of training needs and work place assessments for support workers. Attending, contributing to and making effective use of the supervision and appraisal system, team and other meetings and undertake training sessions as required Assisting with communications and building appropriate relationships with the people we support, their families and external agencies. Ensuring colleagues are informed of appropriate information relating to the well being of the people we support. Attend and contribute to meetings.</p><p>A Presence on Shift for staff and supported people – this will be a key- role for the service with Assistant Service Manager supporting others to take the lead ‘on-shift’ and developing the potential in other staff by coaching and encouraging.</p><p>Responsible for:- 2.4 Being on support shift with Supported People as per the allocation of management shifts & support shifts. To get feedback from Supported People (or their reps) with the emphasis on quality assurance and making improvements. To empower staff and Supported People to make decisions that will enhance their service. Support & encourage support staff to look for areas of improvement through observed practice sessions and coaching. The focus is on support staff having the skills and information they need to do the best job they can and making sure people are getting high quality, personalised support service. Monitor service delivery ensuring the best quality.</p><p>Health and Safety</p><p>2.5 Responsible for ensuring a safe working environment; Ensure that support staff and supported people are aware and adhere to all relevant health and safety policies, procedures and systems; Conduct health and safety assessments and implement recommendations and actions; Ensure accurate recording and reporting of health and safety matters such as incidents and accidents, ensuring that any follow up action is completed within timescale required.</p><p>INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, REPORTING AND IT</p><p>2.6 Assisting the Service Manager to ensure for the services you work in that that all paper and electronic information is suitably stored, adhering to privacy and confidentiality guidelines whilst ensuring those who require access can.</p><p> Assisting the Service Manager to ensure that all internal/external individual and service reports are accurately completed and made available to those requiring reports within the set or agreed timescales.</p><p> Be familiar with, and able to work effectively with the Freespace Information Management System, Outlook, Word and Excel. Special Conditions 2.7 To be aware and maintain the confidentiality and data protection policy of Freespace especially in connection with the affairs of the people we support and the organisation. To maintain an awareness at all times of the importance of implementing Heath and Safety policies and to promote safe working practices at all times. Implementation of safe moving and assisting techniques of significant importance. To understand and accept the conditions of being invited into and working in supported people’s accommodation and an acceptance of their rights. </p><p>General</p><p>2.8 -To promote the mission of Freespace at all times in a caring, safe and secure environment to the benefit of the aims of the people we support. </p><p>-To work in a non judgemental manner respecting and valuing diversity, building on strengths and promoting the right to choice, privacy and self-determination. To respect the life choices of the people we support e.g. smoking, use of alcohol. To manage risk in a positive manner. </p><p>-To undertake training and development, as necessary, to maintain high standards in the quality of work, as outlined in the Job Description, meeting the competencies identified in Freespace Competency framework.</p><p>-To adhere to the spirit and requirements of the Organisation’s employment policies including the Equalities and Diversity policy.</p><p>The following responsibilities from the Job Description for Support Workers (approved by Board 29.07.14) also apply to Assistant Service Managers:- 3 Service Delivery to Supported Person Assist and encourage supported person to get the most they want out of life and the life they choose Assist supported person with all aspects of personal care Assist supported person with all aspects of household care Ensure supported person have access to the support they need to make informed decisions and problem solve as required Provide emotional support in a variety of sets of circumstances Promote social inclusion by assisting, and encouraging when appropriate, the supported person to engage socially with family, friends and the local community Accompany supported person and participate along with them in recreational activities according to the individual service user’s likes and dislikes Plan and prepare holidays with supported person and accompanying them on holidays Organise and administer medication to supported person Prepare and update care and support plans Document and record information such as incident reports, accident reports, food diaries etc. Collaborate with other health care professionals and members of external agencies who assist supported person Work with the supported person to seek ways to identify and respond to meeting their personal outcomes and improving the quality of their support service General administrative duties as required FREESPACE – Assistant Service Manager, Personal Specification</p><p>CRITERION ESSENTIAL DESIRABLE Qualifications Qualification as set out in SSSC requirements at supervisor level: you will have this qualification if not you will be required to work towards it ( Examples of qualifications: SVQ3 or HEC and ‘Leading Others’ or a management qualification containing supervision or management theory.) Experience/Knowledge Previous experience of building good and effective working relationships. Experience of managing and promoting team working and group participation. Experience in planning, organising and delegating. Using and working on own initiative. Knowledge of Social Care. Knowledge of housing, health, economic and social factors including health and safety. Experience of working with people with disabilities. Knowledge of Self Directed support and personal budgets. </p><p>Skills Managing and team working. Working in a flexible and non judgemental way. Able to assess needs and respond accordingly. Ability to physically cope with supported peoples moving and assisting requests. Ability to communicate, listen and negotiate. Computer literate. Experience of managing budgets. </p><p>Ability to identify areas for improvement and plan actions </p><p>Others Disclosure Scotland PVG </p><p>Full driving licence </p><p>Ability to travel </p><p>Flexibility on duties undertaken, hours worked, to meet service users and colleagues needs. SUMMARY OF OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS</p><p>Right to work in the UK Under the Asylum and Immigration legislation, it is unlawful for an individual to be employed by the organisation unless they have a permit for working in the UK. All members of the European Union are permitted to work in the UK providing they have the relevant documentation. Shortlisted applicants must provide evidence of their eligibility to work in the UK on the day of interview.</p><p>PVG Registration Please note all new Freespace employees are required to be/become registered under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups scheme introduced from February 2011. In addition to registration, a Scheme Record and/or Scheme Record Update will be requested for the successful applicant. </p><p>References Any offer of employment by Freespace will be subject to the receipt of two satisfactory written references, at least one of which must be from the prospective employee’s most recent employer.</p><p>Place of Work It is part of your terms and conditions that you may be asked with due notice to work at another of Freespace’s locations when necessary, to maintain the required level of service, and it is expected that you will be able to do so.</p><p>Probationary Period Your employment will be subject to a 6-month probationary period.</p><p>Annual Leave The Annual leave entitlement, inclusive of public and statutory holidays, is 32 days (6.4 weeks) rising to 37 days (7.4 weeks) on completion of 5 years service. Annual leave entitlement for each staff member is calculated in hours by multiplying the weekly contracted hours by 6.4 or 7.4 as appropriate.</p><p>Absence Freespace operates a sick pay scheme which entitles you to varying lengths of paid sick leave depending on your length of service.</p><p>Confidentiality All information about individual tenants, other members of staff and Freespace’s organisation will be regarded as confidential, unless prior approval has been given by your manager to release or share any such information. Freespace adheres to the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.</p><p>Standards and Conduct You will be required to maintain the standards of work and conduct as specified from time to time by Freespace, and in particular to ensure that you conduct yourself in a manner that does not bring Freespace into disrepute.</p><p>Qualifications If a qualification is an essential or desirable requisite for the post, the successful applicant must provide evidence of the relevant qualification before commencing employment.</p><p>Pension Scheme Freespace operates a defined contribution Pension Scheme. GUIDANCE NOTES FOR COMPLETING YOUR APPLICATION </p><p>We have provided the following guidance notes to assist you in completing your application form.</p><p>Please note that in order to keep our administration costs to a minimum, Freespace Ltd. will only contact applicants who are to be invited for interview. </p><p>1. The Application Form must be completed in black or blue ink or typed and then signed and dated. (unless completing electronically)</p><p>Please do not send a CV instead of completing the form.</p><p>2. Read all information carefully, paying particular attention to the:</p><p>- Job Description: brief details of the post - Person Specification: selection criteria - Summary of other Terms and Conditions</p><p>3. All relevant experience gained must be included; this includes voluntary/ community work and/or student placements.</p><p>4. References – you must provide details of two referees. One of these must be your present or most recent employer.</p><p>5. Please complete and sign the Equal Opportunities form. This is for statistical purposes only.</p><p>6. Please return both the completed Application Form and Equal Opportunities Form to: </p><p>Freespace Recruitment 28 Westfield Avenue Edinburgh EH11 2QH</p><p>Should you have any queries or would like any further information about this post, please contact Recruitment on 0131 346 9030. For office use only Date Received: Applicant No:</p><p>Application Form Ref No: ASM.5.6 Service: St. Leonards Hrs per week: 39 hours</p><p>Full Name (including title) Address including postcode</p><p>Telephone Home Number(s): Mobile</p><p>Email address:</p><p>Please state where you saw this post advertised:</p><p>Relevant Qualifications & Training (Successful applicants will be asked to produce relevant certificates) Name of Qualification Date achieved</p><p>Relevant Training - e.g: first aid, moving &handling, mental health</p><p>Present Employment</p><p>Employers name ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………. Position Held …………………………………………………………………………. Start Date ………………………………… Salary £..…………………………….. Reason for leaving …………………………………………………………………...... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………….... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………….</p><p>Please give brief details of your present duties (Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..</p><p>Do you suffer from any health problems which may affect your ability to carry out the duties intrinsic to this post as outlined in the Job Description? Yes No </p><p>If yes, please give brief details: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… Previous Employment You need only fill in the last ten years unless you feel you would like to detail earlier posts. Please explain any gaps in your employment on a separate sheet. Employer Position Held From To Reason for leaving Name & Address</p><p>Please refer to the advertised post, Person Specification and Job Description and detail how you would meet the requirements of this post, detailing any skills and abilities and knowledge gained in previous employment, voluntary work or elsewhere.</p><p>………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………</p><p>(Please answer the following questions in the box provided and continue on a separate sheet if necessary) 1. Please give a brief outline of the experience and qualities you will bring to the post of Assistant Service Manager. Please detail any other work experience which you feel may be relevant.</p><p>2. Why do you want the position? 3. How do you see yourself performing in this role?</p><p>4. What is your understanding of this job? 5. What would you bring to the post of Assistant Service Manager?</p><p>6. What do you see as the main challenges in the work Freespace does at the moment? 7. What support would you require to fulfil this role?</p><p>8. Thinking ahead one year from now – what is your your vision/expectations of the services, staff, service manager and yourself? 9. Please rate yourself on the following and make comment on your score: 1-Poor, 2–Fair, 3- Adequate, 4-Good, 5-Very Good, 6-Excellent 1 2 3 4 5 6 Comment Coping skills</p><p>Dependability</p><p>Flexibility</p><p>Confidentiality</p><p>Sensitivity</p><p>Communication skills</p><p>Willingness to learn Time management</p><p>Honesty & Integrity</p><p>Working in a team</p><p>References</p><p>Please give details of 2 Referees who are able to comment on your work ability. One Referee must be your current/most recent employer. It is the practice of Freespace that Referees will only be contacted if you are successful at interview and prior to commencing employment. Professional Email addresses should be provided not personal email addresses. Employment is subject to 2 satisfactory references.</p><p>Name of 1st Referee: Position Held: Company Name: Email address: Address (inc postcode) & Phone No.</p><p>Name of 2nd Referee: Position Held: Company Name: Email address: Address (inc postcode) & Phone No.</p><p>Do you hold a current valid UK Driving Licence? Yes / No (please circle)</p><p>Please note all new Freespace employees are required to be/become registered under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups scheme introduced from February 2011. In addition to registration, a Scheme Record and/or Scheme Record Update will be requested for the successful applicant. If you are aware of any information that may come to light, it would be beneficial to discuss this at the interview stage of the application process.</p><p>Are you a current member of the PVG Scheme? Yes / No (please circle)</p><p>Declaration</p><p>I confirm that I am of suitable physical and mental health to undertake the role I have applied for. I declare that the information on this Application Form is correct. I understand that false or misleading information or failure to disclose a conviction, caution or arrest may lead to the Offer of Employment being withdrawn or to dismissal. I also understand that the information may be entered onto a computer and under the Terms and Conditions of the Data Protection Act will be treated in a secure and confidential manner.</p><p>Signature:</p><p>Print Name:</p><p>Date: Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form </p><p>We hope you will assist us by completing this form. This information is being gathered to monitor the operation of Freespace Equal Opportunities policies and the effectiveness of advertising and media used, and for no other reason.</p><p>This data will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and will not be seen by the person/s considering your application. It will not therefore be taken into account in assessing information on your application.</p><p>Name: ______</p><p>Position Applied for: Assistant Service Manager ASM.5.6</p><p>Are you: Male Aged between: 16-25 51-60 Female 26-50 61+</p><p>Are you registered disabled? Yes No</p><p>Martial Status: Married Single Other</p><p>Ethnic Origin How would you describe your ethnic origin? Ethnic origin refers to members of an ethnic group who share the same cultural background and identity. Please note the categories listed below are approved by the Commission for Racial Equality:</p><p>White Asian Indian Black Caribbean White Scottish Asian Pakistani Black African White British Asian Bangladeshi Other Black White Irish Asian Chinese Other Ethnic Group Other White Other Asian Mixed Black/Black Scottish/ Black British Asian/Asian Scottish/Asian British </p><p>If other, please specify ………………………………………………………….</p><p>How did you hear about this vacancy?</p><p>Job Centre Friend Relative Freespace Website </p><p>Magazine Newspaper Name of publication (if appropriate)……………………..</p><p>Internet (please specify ……………………………………)</p><p>Other (please specify…………………………………….)</p><p>Please would you also provide us with the following information which can be asked about our staff by the Care Commission or other outside agencies.</p><p>Languages Spoken ……………………………………………………..</p><p>Can you use sign language? ……………………………………………………. Signature ………………………………………………………….. Date …………………….</p>
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