<p> Douglas W. Peters and Associates, Inc. d.b.a. Environmental Health Management</p><p>3701 Taylorsville Road, Suite 1 Louisville, Kentucky 40220 Phone: (502) 454-8530 Fax: (502) 454-8528</p><p>POC: Douglas W. Peters E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.ehmlou.com/ DUNS#: 962579173 Contract Period: Oct. 25, 2002 - Oct. 24, 2017 Business Size: Emerging Small Business</p><p>Professional Services Schedule GSA Contract #GS-10F-0049N</p><p>ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT:</p><p>Douglas W. Peters and Associates, Inc., d.b.a. Environmental Health Management was formed in 1996. Environmental Health Management is a consulting company focusing on environmental, industrial hygiene, and safety services. Environmental Health Management personnel have experience in performing hundreds of environmental surveys for numerous public and private clients.</p><p>The staff of Environmental Health Management is composed of Certified Industrial Hygienists, Certified Safety Professionals, Professional Engineers, Geologists, and field technicians with environmental, health, and safety experience. As the President and chief Certified Industrial Hygienist, Douglas W. Peters, CIH, CSP has more than thirty years of environmental, industrial hygiene, and safety experience in industrial, governmental, and commercial settings. EHM personnel have experience working in high security areas. EHM's personnel have experience performing work for numerous governmental organizations including the Louisville Regional Airport Authority, General Services Administration, United States Postal Service, and the City of Louisville. EHM has been awarded a Price Contract for Environmental and Architectural Services (#267-DP) for the City of Louisville. The United States Postal Service has issued a blanket purchase agreement with EHM beginning in 1998.</p><p>DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT:</p><p>This contract, under the General Services Administration's Federal Supply Schedule, is designed to provide Federal agencies with a quick and efficient means of addressing their environmental and safety needs. Our contract utilizes either firm-fixed price or labor- hour task orders.</p><p>AUTHORIZED USERS:</p><p>All Federal agencies and activities, mixed-ownership government corporations, and authorized government contractors.</p><p>SCOPE OF CONTRACT:</p><p>The following are examples of tasks that Environmental Health Management performs under each Special Item Number (SIN):</p><p>1. SIN 899-1 Environmental Consulting Services SIN 899-1 RC Environmental Consulting Services</p><p>Environmental Compliance Audits:</p><p>Safety and Environmental Surveys</p><p>EHM performs building inspections and evaluates the safety and environmental hazards for buildings. Administrative records are reviewed, equipment is tested, areas inspected, air quality is tested. Environmental issues such as PCBs, asbestos, lead-based paint, storage tanks, mercury and radon are reviewed. Special use areas such as childcare centers, battery charging areas, motor pool services, radiation service areas, firing ranges, photo processing, print shops, incinerators, and spray booths are considered.</p><p>Develop Plans to Meet Environmental Regulations, Compliance Management Planning, and Pollution Prevention Surveys and Plans</p><p> Asbestos</p><p>EHM draws upon a team of asbestos consulting professionals, including licensed asbestos project designers, management planners, building inspectors, survey technicians, and air monitoring technicians to provide complete asbestos consulting services. EHM's asbestos inspectors have surveyed hundreds of buildings for public and private clients. Our designers are familiar with specialized specifications from the VA, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and National Institute for Building Sciences (NIBS).</p><p> Lead </p><p>EHM has a wide range of experience in dealing with lead issues. With the advent of the EPA regulations on lead, projects involving renovations to existing facilities will need to consider the impact of lead based paint in the facility. Our team can survey buildings for lead based paint and lead in water. Our designers can develop a cost effective abatement plan. And our industrial hygienists can monitor the exposure of affected employees for lead. Our staff includes licensed and trained lead project designers, lead inspectors/risk assessors, and sampling technicians.</p><p> Radon </p><p>EHM can sample radon by liquid scintillation, Long and Short Term Ion Electret Chamber (E-Perm), alpha-track, and direct-reading instruments. EHM can perform surveys of areas and design radon mitigation systems.</p><p> Indoor Air Quality Surveys</p><p>EHM tests for airborne contaminants, evaluates the ventilation systems, reviews thermal comfort concerns, and interviews the facility occupants to identify indoor air quality problems. Over the years, EHM personnel have developed an expertise in performing indoor air quality investigations. Initial baseline testing typically involves collecting temperature, humidity, particulate, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide levels, screening for microbial growth, and inspecting the ventilation system. Detailed sampling can be performed for total organic carbons, fungal identification, and determination of dust mite, cockroach, and other allergens. </p><p>2. SIN-899-3 Environmental Training Services SIN-899-3 RC Environmental Training Services</p><p>EHM has on staff Certified Industrial Hygienists and Certified Safety Professionals that develop and present most training courses.</p><p> Training Services</p><p>Training services can be developed and presented for most OSHA compliance programs including: hazard communication, bloodborne pathogens, asbestos, lead, noise, confined space entry, respiratory and personal protection, and record keeping. Specific courses that can be taught include: OSHA 10 hour Construction Outreach Training, OSHA 30 hour Construction Outreach Training, 2 hour Asbestos Awareness Training, 16 hour Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Training, NIOSH 582 Equivalent Course for Asbestos Fiber Counting, Introduction to Indoor Air Quality Issues, and Introduction to Industrial Hygiene. EHM can use Standard Off-the-Shelf Courses or develop Customized Courses. EHM can also convert existing courses to electronic media for multi-media presentations.</p><p>3. SIN-899-8 Remediation and Reclamation Services SIN-899-8 RC Remediation and Reclamation Services</p><p>Hazard and Exposure Assessments:</p><p>In addition to the safety and environmental surveys and asbestos, lead, and radon services mentioned in SIN 899-1, EHM can provide occupational safety and health audits, employee exposure monitoring, and area monitoring for hazardous or toxic materials. </p><p> Industrial Hygiene Monitoring</p><p>EHM provides monitoring services to evaluate exposure levels of chemicals and physical agents, such as volatile organic carbons, halogens, semivolatiles, PCBs, and noise. Exposure levels are compared to OSHA PELs, ACGIH TLVs, or other recommended exposure levels to determine potential exposure problems. Engineering and administrative controls are reviewed and documented.</p><p> Noise Surveys</p><p>Using noise dosimeters and sound level meters, EHM can identify areas of high noise levels and sample personnel in accordance with OSHA regulations. Noise exposures can be graphed chronologically and by amplitude. Diagrams mapping areas of high noise levels can be prepared. EHM can implement a Hearing Conservation Program once the need for a program is determined. Environmental Consulting</p><p>Our team can provide various consulting services including: Phase I environmental assessments and safety and health services for hazardous material sites. EHM maintains environmental sampling equipment including: monitoring well sampling equipment; FID, PID, and combustible gas meters for gas detection; and high volume, programmable weatherproof sampling stations, which can provide 24 hour monitoring of hazardous remediation sites.</p><p> Waste Characterization Studies:</p><p>EHM can sample waste streams to characterize the hazardous properties of the waste.</p><p> Hazardous Materials Management Software:</p><p>EHM uses many software databases for the storage and retrieval of information regarding hazardous materials.</p><p>ADVANTAGES TO THIS CONTRACT:</p><p> Reduced procurement time, Commerce Business Daily (CBD) synopsis is not required.</p><p> Low mark-up by GSA (1%) imbedded in our rates</p><p> Volume discount pricing</p><p> Blanket Purchase Agreements available</p><p> In full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations</p><p> On-line information via http://www.gsaadvantage.gov/</p><p>CUSTOMER INFORMATION</p><p>1. Table of Awarded Special Item Special Item No. 899-1, Environmental Consulting Services Numbers (SINs): Special Item No. 899-1 RC, Environmental Consulting Services Special Item No. 899-3, Environmental Training Services Special Item No. 899-3 RC, Environmental Training Services Special Item No. 899-8, Remediation and Reclamation Services Special Item No. 899-8 RC, Remediation and Reclamation Services 1b. Price List See attached price list (below) 1c. Labor Category Descriptions See attached labor category descriptions (below) 2. Maximum Order $1,000,000 3. Minimum Order $100 4. Geographic Coverage Worldwide 5. Point(s) of Production Douglas W. Peters and Associates, Inc. d.b.a. Environmental Health Management 3701 Taylorsville Road, Suite 1 Louisville, KY 40220 6. Discount from list prices or Negotiable statement of net price 7. Quantity discounts Negotiable 8. Prompt payment terms Net 30 days 9a. Notification that Government Accepted purchase cards are accepted up to the micro-purchase threshold 9b. Notification whether Government Accepted purchase cards are accepted or not accepted above the micro-purchase threshold 10. Foreign items None 11a. Time of Delivery Will be negotiated for individual task orders 11b. Expedited Delivery Will be negotiated for individual task orders 11c. Overnight and 2-day delivery Contact Contractor 11d. Urgent Requirements Contact Contractor 12. F.O.B. Points Destination 13a. Ordering Address Douglas W. Peters and Associates, Inc. d.b.a. Environmental Health Management 3701 Taylorsville Road, Suite 1 Louisville, KY 40220 13b. Ordering procedures Contact Contractor 14. Payment Address Douglas W. Peters and Associates, Inc. d.b.a. Environmental Health Management 3701 Taylorsville Road, Suite 1 Louisville, KY 40220 15. Warranty provision None 16. Export Packing Charges Not applicable 17. Terms and conditions of Not applicable Government purchase card acceptance 18. Terms and conditions of rental, Not applicable maintenance, and repair (if applicable) 19. Terms and conditions of installation Not applicable (if applicable) 20. Terms and conditions of repair Not applicable parts indicating date of parts price lists and any discounts from list prices (if applicable) 20a. Terms and conditions for any Not applicable other services (if applicable) 21. List of service and distribution Not applicable points (if applicable) 22. List of participating dealers (if Not applicable applicable) 23. Preventive maintenance (if Not applicable applicable) 24a. Environmental attributes, e.g., Not applicable recycled content, energy efficiency, and/or reduced pollutants 24b. EIT standards EIT standards can be found at www.Section508.gov 25. Data Universal Numbering System 962579173 (DUNS) number 26. Notification regarding registration Currently registered in System for Award Management (SAM) - in Central Contractor Registration www.sam.gov (CCR) database</p><p>HOW TO HIRE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT</p><p>1. For orders up to $2,500 develop a Scope of Work (SOW) and have your procurement office place the order directly with Environmental Health Management. We accept credit cards. 2. For orders over $2,500 but less than $1,000,000 Develop a performance-based SOW, send a Request for Quote to at least three GSA contractors, evaluate quotes based on your best value criteria, and place the order with the selected contractor.</p><p>3. For orders over $1,000,000 follow the procedures as per #2 above but seek additional quotes and price reductions.</p><p>4. In order to further decrease costs, reduce paperwork, and save time, contact Environmental Health Management for details.</p><p>Examples of Environmental Health Managements Environment Compliance Services (SIN 899-1 and 899-1 RC)</p><p>1.) Project: Facility Safety and Health Inspections for GSA Region 5 in the States of Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota</p><p>Project Description: Environmental Health Management performed fire safety, health, indoor air quality, and environmental inspections of Government leased and owned buildings. Hazard risks were evaluated as to their effect to personnel as well as building property. Environmental Health Management addressed the health, indoor air quality and environmental aspects of the inspections.</p><p>2.) Project: Asbestos, Lead, Radon, and Indoor Air Quality Surveys in United States Postal Facilities in Kentucky and Southern Indiana</p><p>Project Description: Perform asbestos, lead paint, radon, noise, and indoor air quality surveys. Inventory asbestos materials into computer database. Hazard risks are evaluated as to their effect to personnel as well as building property. Environmental Health Management developed a report format that was transferred onto CD-ROM disks to decrease the amount of paperwork generated. Reports include cost estimates for abatement, digital photographs of suspect asbestos containing material and lead based paints, and CAD drawings of building layout with sample locations.</p><p>3.) Project: Asbestos Abatement from Mt. Washington Middle School, Bullitt County, Kentucky</p><p>Project Description: Surveyed, designed, and managed the asbestos abatement project at Mount Washington Middle School for the Bullitt County Board of Education. This project involved detailed coordination with the architect, school board, and principal since the asbestos abatement was performed in conjunction with a major renovation to the school while school was in session. 4.) Project: Evaluation of Asbestos, Lead, and Microbial Contamination After Flooding at Riverview School</p><p>Project Description: To determine the cost of restoration of the school after flooding, asbestos, lead-based paint, and microbial samples were collected to identify the scope of work for the project.</p><p>5.) Project: 2006, 2010, and 2013 Asbestos AHERA Inspections, District-Wide for the Bullitt County Board Of Education</p><p>Project Description: AHERA asbestos inspections were performed and Asbestos Management Plans were developed for each building.</p><p>6.) Project: Indoor Air Quality Investigation at Mt. Washington Elementary School</p><p>Project Description: A baseline indoor air quality survey was performed. Parameters tested included: temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, fungi (yeasts and molds), and bacteria.</p><p>7.) Project: Indoor Air Quality Investigation at Gheens Academy for Jefferson County Public Schools</p><p>Project Description: A baseline indoor air quality survey was performed for specific rooms in the building. Parameters tested included: temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, particulates, and fungi (yeasts and molds). Culturable fungi were evaluated using spore trap methodology. Interior wall cavity space was evaluated using Wallchek methodology.</p><p>Examples of Environmental Training Services (SIN 899-3 and 899-3 RC)</p><p>1.) Project: Resolve OSHA Citations and Develop Comprehensive Safety and Health Program at a local manufacturing facility</p><p>Project Description: Performed industrial hygiene testing, consulted to resolve OSHA citations, developed written comprehensive safety and health program, and provided training for hazard communication, energy lockout/tagout, respiratory protection, and personal protection.</p><p>Examples of Remediation and Reclamation Services (SIN 899-8 and 899-8 RC)</p><p>1.) Project: Dry Acid Ponds Remediation at Bluegrass Army Depot, Richmond, KY Project Description: Provided Certified Industrial Hygienist consulting services and periodic industrial hygiene testing during remediation of hazardous materials from the Dry Acid Pond. Meteorological measurements, total dust, and heavy metals were monitored during the project. Monitoring was performed to determine if any hazardous materials migrated off site during the remediation and to evaluate personnel exposure during the remediation.</p><p>2.) Project: Organize hazardous materials information for the United States Postal Service utilizing the Environmental Management Information System (EMIS).</p><p>Project Description: Input hazardous materials documentation, including location, quantities, remediation and disposal information into a computer database. </p><p>Douglas W. Peters and Associates, Inc. d.b.a. Environmental Health Mgmt. </p><p>Federal Supply Schedule Price List for </p><p>Special Item No. 899-1 Environmental Consulting Services Special Item No. 899-1 RC Environmental Consulting Services Special Item No. 899-3 Environmental Training Services Special Item No. 899-3 RC Environmental Training Services Special Item No. 899-8 Remediation and Reclamation Services Special Item No. 899-8 RC Remediation and Reclamation Services</p><p>NOTE: All rates are negotiable and quantity discounts are available.</p><p>Service Hourly Rate Administrative Support $25.58 Asbestos or Lead Air Monitor $33.90 Asbestos or Lead Inspection $42.38 Asbestos or Lead Project Design $55.09 Certified Safety and Health Professional $72.04 CIH for Industrial Hygiene Testing $72.04 CIH for MSDS Development $72.04 Draftsman $29.66 Indoor Air Quality Investigation $55.09 Industrial Hygiene Technician $38.14 Project Manager $55.09 Project/Program Director $72.04 Sr. Industrial Hygiene for I.H. Testing $55.09 Sr. Safety & Health Specialist $55.09 Technical Assistant $38.14 Training Coordinator $46.61</p><p>LABOR CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS</p><p>1. Project/Program Director</p><p>Minimum/General Experience: Fifteen years experience in project development from inception to deployment, demonstrated ability to provide guidance and direction in the services offered and proven expertise in the management and control of funds and resources. Functional Responsibility: Serves as the contractor’s single contract manager. Responsible for formulating and enforcing work standards, assigning schedules, supervising contractor personnel and communicating policies, purposes, and goals of the organization to subordinates. Is responsible for the overall contract performance. Minimum Education: Master’s or bachelor’s degree in one of the information technology fields such as computer science, information systems, engineering, or other contract relevant or technical discipline.</p><p>2. Certified Safety and Health Professional</p><p>Minimum/General Experience: Ten years of experience in the safety and health field. Functional Responsibility: Directs and coordinates the work activities of a group of safety and health professionals and technicians. Establishes and monitors project schedules and ensures adherence to work deadlines. May work on more complex assignments. Reviews and analyzes complex task statements, standards, specifications, and other documentation to determine requirements. Plans and conducts work requiring judgment in the independent evaluation, selection, and substantial adaptation and modification of standard techniques, procedures, and criteria. Performs system requirement analyses and specifications. Conceives system designs, performs modeling and trade-off studies, prepares recommendations and systems specifications. Establishes test plans and determines appropriate test criteria and procedures. Generally operates with appreciable latitude for unreviewed action or decision. Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in a technical field such as engineering or science. Certified Safety Professional (CSP) or Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH).</p><p>3. CIH for Industrial Hygiene Testing Minimum/General Experience: Ten years of related experience. Functional Responsibility: Directs and coordinates the work activities of a group of sampling professionals and technicians. Reviews completed work for completeness and technical accuracy. May work on more complex assignments. Selects, trains, and evaluates work of assigned staff. Plans and conducts work requiring judgment in the independent evaluation, selection, and substantial adaptation and modification of standard techniques, procedures, and criteria. Establishes test plans and determines appropriate test criteria and procedures. Generally operates with appreciable latitude for unreviewed action or decision. Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in a technical field such as engineering or science. Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH).</p><p>4. CIH for MSDS Development</p><p>Minimum/General Experience: Ten years of related experience. Functional Responsibility: Reviews completed work for completeness and technical accuracy. Plans and conducts work requiring judgment in the independent evaluation, selection, and substantial adaptation and modification of standard techniques, procedures, and criteria. Establishes test plans and determines appropriate test criteria and procedures. Generally operates with appreciable latitude for unreviewed action or decision. Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in a technical field such as engineering or science. Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH).</p><p>5. Project Manager</p><p>Minimum/General Experience: Twelve years experience, of which at least nine years must be specialized. Specialized experience includes: project development from inception to deployment, expertise in the management and control of funds and resources using complex reporting mechanisms, demonstrated capability in managing multi-task contracts and/or subcontracts of various types and complexity. General experience includes increasing responsibilities in information systems design and/or management. Functional Responsibility: Serves as the project manager for a task order (or a group of task orders affecting the same common/standard/migration system) and shall assist the Program Manager in working with the Government Contracting Officer (CO), the contract-level Contracting Officer's Representative (COR), the task order-level COR(s), government management personnel and customer agency representatives. Under the guidance of the Program Manager, responsible for the overall management of the specific task order(s) and insuring that the technical solutions and schedules in the task order are implemented in a timely manner. Performs enterprise wide horizontal integration planning and interfaces to other functional systems. Minimum Education: Bachelor's degree* in computer science, information systems, engineering, technology, business, or other related discipline. *Four years of relevant experience may be substituted for a Bachelor’s degree. 6. Sr. Industrial Hygienist for I.H. Testing</p><p>Minimum/General Experience: Ten years of related experience. Functional Responsibility: Directs and coordinates the work activities of a group of sampling professionals and technicians. Reviews completed work for completeness and technical accuracy. May work on more complex assignments. Selects, trains, and evaluates work of assigned staff. Plans and conducts work requiring judgment in the independent evaluation, selection, and substantial adaptation and modification of standard techniques, procedures, and criteria. Establishes test plans and determines appropriate test criteria and procedures. Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree* in a technical field such as engineering or science. *Four years of relevant experience may be substituted for a Bachelor’s degree.</p><p>7. Sr. Safety & Health Specialist</p><p>Minimum/General Experience: Ten years of related experience. Functional Responsibility: Conducts inspections and surveys. Reviews completed work for completeness and technical accuracy. Plans and conducts work requiring judgment in the independent evaluation, selection, and substantial adaptation and modification of standard techniques, procedures, and criteria. Establishes test plans and determines appropriate test criteria and procedures. Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree* in a technical field such as engineering or science. *Four years of relevant experience may be substituted for a Bachelor’s degree.</p><p>8. Asbestos or Lead Project Designer</p><p>Minimum/General Experience: Five years of related experience. Functional Responsibility: Designs abatement projects. Reviews completed work for completeness and technical accuracy. Plans and conducts work requiring judgment in the independent evaluation, selection, and adaptation and modification of standard techniques, procedures, and criteria. Establishes abatement plans and determines appropriate test criteria and procedures. Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree* in a technical field such as engineering or science. *Four years of relevant experience may be substituted for a Bachelor’s degree. State accreditation for asbestos designer or lead paint designer.</p><p>9. Indoor Air Quality Investigator</p><p>Minimum/General Experience: Five years of related experience. Functional Responsibility: Conducts inspections and surveys. Reviews completed work for completeness and technical accuracy. Plans and conducts work requiring judgment in the independent evaluation, selection, and substantial adaptation and modification of standard techniques, procedures, and criteria. Establishes test plans and determines appropriate test criteria and procedures. Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree* in a technical field such as engineering or science. *Four years of relevant experience may be substituted for a Bachelor’s degree.</p><p>10. Training Coordinator</p><p>Minimum/General Experience: Four years of related experience. Functional Responsibility: Develops associated media products to support courseware products, including, but not limited to: graphics, animation, audio, digital video, still images, etc. Assists professionals in conduct of training. Develops training objectives, test methods, and designs instructional training materials. Works on instructional systems design projects. Acts as a technical task lead. May supervise the work of lower-level training personnel. Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree* in or related to Instructional Design and Technology. *Four years of relevant experience may be substituted for a Bachelor’s degree.</p><p>11. Asbestos or Lead Inspector</p><p>Minimum/General Experience: Five years of related experience. Functional Responsibility: Performs inspections for asbestos or lead-based paint. Performs risk analysis. Reviews completed work for completeness and technical accuracy. Plans and conducts work requiring judgment in the independent evaluation, selection, and adaptation and modification of standard techniques, procedures, and criteria. Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree* in a technical field such as engineering or science. *Four years of relevant experience may be substituted for a Bachelor’s degree. State accreditation for asbestos inspector or lead paint inspector/risk assessor.</p><p>12. Industrial Hygiene Technician</p><p>Minimum/General Experience: Four years of related experience. Functional Responsibility: Conducts sampling under direction of a CIH. Responsible for calibration and setup of IH sampling equipment. Reviews completed work for completeness and technical accuracy. Minimum Education: College level training in a technical field such as engineering or science.</p><p>13. Technical Assistant</p><p>Minimum/General Experience: Four years of related experience. Functional Responsibility: Assists professionals with inspections or sampling. Assists in calibration and setup of sampling equipment. Minimum Education: College level training in a technical field such as engineering or science.</p><p>14. Asbestos or Lead Air Monitor</p><p>Minimum/General Experience: Two years of related experience. Functional Responsibility: Conducts sampling under direction of a CIH. Responsible for calibration and setup of IH air sampling equipment. Reviews completed work for completeness and technical accuracy. Minimum Education: College level training in a technical field such as engineering or science.</p><p>15. Draftsman</p><p>Minimum/General Experience: At least 4 years of experience in the field or a related area. Must be familiar with standard concepts, practices, and procedures within the field. Functional Responsibility: Uses knowledge of current graphic design software to produce graphic art and visual materials for informative and instructional material through reports and CD-ROMs. Generates and manipulates graphic images and text into consolidated and seamless reports. Relies on limited experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Performs a variety of tasks. Works under general supervision; typically reports to a supervisor or manager. Minimum Education: College level training in a technical field such as engineering, or graphic design.</p><p>16. Administrative Support</p><p>Minimum/General Experience: At least 4 years of experience in administration or a related area. Must be familiar with standard concepts, practices, and procedures within the environmental field. Functional Responsibility: Uses knowledge of current reporting software to produce graphic art and visual materials for informative and instructional material through reports. Generates and manipulates text and graphic images into consolidated and seamless reports. Relies on limited experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Performs a variety of tasks. Works under general supervision; typically reports to a supervisor or manager. Minimum Education: College level training in administration.</p><p>SCA Statement The Service Contract Act (SCA) is applicable to this contract and it includes SCA applicable labor categories. The prices for the cited SCA labor categories are based on the U.S. Department of Labor Wage Determination (WD) Number identified in the SCA matrix below. The prices offered are based on the preponderance of where work is performed and should the contractor perform in an area with lower SCA rates, resulting in lower wages being paid, the task order prices will be discounted accordingly. SCA Eligible Contract Labor Category SCA Equivalent Code - Title WD Number Administrative Support Word Processor II - 01612 2005-2103</p><p>Special Item No. 899-3 Environmental Training Services Special Item No. 899-3 RC Environmental Training Services</p><p>Course Price/ Price/ Course Additional Person Asbestos Awareness Course for 20 to 100 Persons $847.50 $42.38 Bloodborne Pathogens for 20 to 60 Persons $847.50 $42.38 Hazard Communications for 10 to 50 Persons $847.50 $84.75 Lockout/Tagout for 10 to 50 Persons $847.50 $84.75 Maintenance Training for 10 to 50 Persons $1,695.00 $169.50 NIOSH 582 Equivalent Course for 10 to 20 Persons $6,780.00 $678.00 OSHA 10 Hour Construction Safety Outreach Training for $1,271.30 $127.13 10 to 50 Persons OSHA 30 Hour Construction Safety Outreach Training for $5,085.00 $508.50 10 to 30 Persons</p><p>1. Travel costs will be additional to the labor rates. Travel will be in accordance with the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) and will be burdened with approved G & A.</p><p>2. The above labor rates are fully burdened and include a 1% funding fee payable directly to GSA by Environmental Health Management.</p>
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