<p> REGULAR PINE RIVER CITY COUNCIL MEETING, WED NOV 9, 2016 6:00 P.M.</p><p>Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Pine River City Council met in regular session on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. Said meeting was held in Council Chambers in said City.</p><p>CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hansen</p><p>ROLL CALL: Present: Troy Gregory, Patty Melby, Tammy Hoppe, Tamara Hansen Absent: Tony Desanto</p><p>OTHERS PRESENT: Terri Dabill, Sara Poehler, Bryan Drown, Ted Lundrigan, Kevin Kleiner, Travis Grimler, Mike Hansen.</p><p>CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor states that there will be an addition under Open Forum- Sara Poehler and under New Business-Laumeyer Proposal. Melby motioned, Hoppe seconded to approve the consent calendar, the minutes from 10-11 -19 and payments from 10-12 thru 11-9- and the additions by the Mayor. All voted aye. Carried.</p><p>OPEN FORUM:</p><p>SARA POEHLER: Ms. Poehler present to address a concern that she has regarding a situation at JR’s and the 9-1-1 response time of 31 minutes. According to Ms. Poehler, a guy was in Jr’s and they refused to serve him and he was told to leave and that they were going to call the police. The guy left then returned and “was out of his mind” and was trying to get in. She had locked the door when she saw him approaching and noticed a bulge in his jacket. She stated that there were children and patrons in the establishment and she was very concerned with the welfare of her patrons. She has filed a formal complaint with no response. She feels that somebody dropped the ball and something needs to be fixed.</p><p>Mayor Hansen stated she did respond and sent a letter to the address on the complaint. At this point a copy was given to Ms. Poehler. </p><p>Mayor Hansen then explained that she had listened to the 9-1-1 tapes and made a timeline of the event. From the information she received from the 9-1-1 calls it was 12 minutes from the time the off duty officer was paged until he showed up. Hansen further explained that the City does not have nor can it afford to have 24 hour coverage and relies on the County for back up. Unfortunately at the time of this event, the closest County Officer was in Pillager. Ms. Poehler stated that she did not feel that this was adequate coverage. Upon further discussion Ms. Poehler stated that she called 9-1-1 and it was a lot longer than 12 minutes. The Mayor then stated that the tapes she listened to were from a male and she heard no tapes from Ms. Poehler. Ms. Poehler stated that she called 9-1-1 and there should be tapes from her calls. She offered to get a copy of her phone bill and provide the times that she called. Mayor Hansen stated that Ms. Poehler could contact the Sheriff’s Department and get a copy of the 9-1-1 calls for herself.</p><p>Mayor Hansen stated that she felt that the City response to the 9-1-1 of 12 minutes from the time paged out was adequate.</p><p>1 REGULAR PINE RIVER CITY COUNCIL MEETING, WED NOV 9, 2016 6:00 P.M.</p><p>POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief Sand present for the Police Dept. Reports they had a busy month with 125 calls, 28 of which were medicals. </p><p>ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Clerk Mongan reports that Cass County has hired Mike Paulus to replace Jaimee and that he stopped by and introduced himself. He plans on coming to a meeting to introduce himself to the council.</p><p>PUBLIC WORKS: Michael Hansen PWD present. Hansen reports they have been busy flushing hydrants and getting ready for the winter.</p><p>WATER TOWER: Hansen reports that since the water projects have been delayed a year he would like to purchase a mixer for Tower #2 to help aid in preventing freeze ups in the tower. The cost to thaw the tower runs around $5,000-$7,000 and the mixer would cost $15,000 installed. It comes with a 10 year warranty. There are funds in the water fund to pay for this. Gregory motioned, Melby seconded to approve this request to purchase and install a mixer in tower #2 at approximately $15,000 to come out of the water funds. All voted aye. Carried.</p><p>WASTE WATER: Hansen states they had two complaints last month, one of which was the City’s problem. Jetting of the lines has been completed.</p><p>GRANT: Hansen reports that his department in conjunction with Community Ed have applied for a Grant thru Essentia Health for skating equipment. Community Ed would use the equipment for programs and the equipment will be checked out and returned and this will be monitored by the City. Hansen feels the interview went well and the City should find out around the first of December as to whether or not we get the grant. The grant was for $6840 with the City and Community Ed both kicking in $500. </p><p>LESSONS: Councilman Gregory states that Brianna Sheley will come in and coach and give skating lessons to school aged children.</p><p>STREETS: Nothing to report.</p><p>HIRE TEMP PART TIME: Hansen states that he would like to remove the 2 individuals that are on the books as “on call” for snow removal and replace those names with Jake Freeman. Freeman also has water and sewer experience. There is already money in the budget for this expense. Melby motioned to remove the existing names of on call persons and add Jake Freeman instead. All voted aye. Carried.</p><p>FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Kleiner present. Kleiner states that since Sept 1st they have responded to 31 medicals and 7 fire related calls.</p><p>LETTERS OF INTEREST: Kleiner reports that letters of interest are being accepted thru this Friday for those fire fighters interested in the Fire Chief Position. He will keep the council informed of those letters.</p><p>ROSTER: Chief Kleiner reports that they have 23 firefighters on the roster and are looking to add another one. They will still have room for one more.</p><p>2 REGULAR PINE RIVER CITY COUNCIL MEETING, WED NOV 9, 2016 6:00 P.M.</p><p>BUILDING INSPECTOR: Mayor Hansen read a letter of resignation from Jeff Melberg. Melby motioned, Gregory seconded to accept this resignation. All voted aye, carried. </p><p>BUILDING CODES: Clerk reports that there is an option for the City to rescind the building code at this time and issue zoning permits as other small Cities do. Clerk would not like to see this happen as she feels that having the code is a benefit to the City and hopefully ensures more quality in the building. Clerk reports that she had contacted 3 other Cities that have inspectors and is recommending that the City contact Scott Sadusky who is from the Merrifield area and already does Breezy Point. The clerk states that she has spoken to him and he would be willing to do the inspections for the same terms that the current inspector is doing them. Council would like Scott to attend the planning meeting on the 22 nd of November.</p><p>HOUSING AUTHORITY: No one present.</p><p>CITY ENGINEER: Bryan Drown present:</p><p>2017 PROJECTS: Drown provided the council with information on the background of the two projects that are on the CIP for 2017; 1. SRE Carrier Vehicle Front End Loader Attachment and 20 Ft Push Blade 2. North Apron Reconstruction/Paving, Lighting, Taxi-lane Marking, Pavement Crack Repair</p><p>#1 estimated cost as follows; Equipment Costs $17,000 Grant Adm costs $5,000. Federal share is 90% or $19,800, State is 5% or $1,100 and the Local is 5% or $1,100.</p><p>#2 estimated costs as follows: Construction Costs $403,440 Pre and Final Design $53,330 Bidding and Const Services $47,330 CATEX, DBE, Grant Adm $15,500 Local Costs $ 3,500</p><p>Drown would like these to be two separate grants.</p><p>Discussion followed as to how to fund the projects and whether or not to go ahead at this time. Mayor Hansen stated she is not interested in levying $30,000 this year for the airport. PWD Hansen suggested the council take $15,000 out of the general fund for 2017 and then budget to replace it in 2018 budget. It was brought up that the current cost to the City is only 5% and may not remain that low in the coming years. </p><p>GRANT SUBMISSION FOR 2017: Hoppe motioned, Gregory seconded to approve taking $15,000 out of the General Fund and then replacing it in 2018 and going ahead with the grant submission at a cost of $8,500. All voted aye. Carried.</p><p>Gregory motioned, Melby seconded to go ahead and prepare and submit two separate grants, #1 for the SRE Carrier Vehicle Front End Loader Attachment and Push Blade and #2 for the North Apron </p><p>3 REGULAR PINE RIVER CITY COUNCIL MEETING, WED NOV 9, 2016 6:00 P.M.</p><p>Reconstruction/Paving, Lighting, Taxi-lane marking, and Pavement Crack Repair project. All voted aye, carried.</p><p>CITY ATTORNEY: Ted Lundrigan, attorney present. </p><p>BUILDING CODES: Lundrigan states that he supports the building code. He states that because we have the Building Code we can enforce zoning. Buildings brought into the City limits must be brought up to Code. He encouraged the Council to keep the Code.</p><p>ALLEY: Still waiting for Cass County to check the records and see why this street says vacated on it. Clerk states that she spoke with someone up in records and they said they were too busy with the election but they would look into it next week. This could have been a mistake on their part.</p><p>CITY CLERK’S OFFICE: Clerk Wanda Mongan present.</p><p>POLICIES: Clerk reports that there are 3 data policies that are required to be adopted by the City and the council members have received copies of these. They are as follows: Data Practices for Members of the Public Data on Individuals Data Practices for Data Subjects</p><p>Discussion on the charges for services and if the council wishes to leave them @ $40.00 an hour or not. Council wishes to leave that rate as is.</p><p>Al so discussion on the Electronic calendars in a previous Policy on Computer use. Since the City has no electronic calendars clerk would like this policy amended to exclude that section. Hansen motioned, Hoppe motioned to make the change of electronic calendars and to adopt the Data Policies listed above. All vote aye, carried.</p><p>ELECTION: Clerk Mongan states that the election went well with 307 persons voting. The judges did a terrific job once again. The City will now need to schedule a special meeting for the 17th to canvass the results. </p><p>Melby motioned, Gregory seconded to schedule this meeting for the 17th @5:00 p.m. All voted aye, carried.</p><p>THANKSGIVING: Clerk reports that City Hall will be closed Thursday and Friday as in the past.</p><p>TRANSFERS: Clerk requesting approval for the following transfers as required by the auditor:</p><p>WATER TRANS KENT ROOSEVELT 529.75 REIMB BOND INTEREST 11/9/20 2016-4 16</p><p>GENERAL TRANS SPECIAL PROJECTS 20,932.55 ZERO OUT 11/9/20 2016-5 16</p><p>WATER TRANS KENT ROOSEVELT 9,529.75 REIMB BOND PAYMENTS 11/9/20 2016-6 16</p><p>WATER TRANS 2007A WATER BOND 33,460.00 REIMB BOND PAYMENT 11/9/20</p><p>4 REGULAR PINE RIVER CITY COUNCIL MEETING, WED NOV 9, 2016 6:00 P.M.</p><p>2016-7 16</p><p>GENERAL TRANS 2015 8,840.78 ZERO OUT PROJECT 11/9/20 2016-8 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED 16</p><p>GENERAL TRANS UTILITY PROJECT 20,244.12 ZERO OUT PROJECT 11/9/20 2016-9 COMPLETED 16</p><p>GENERAL TRANS 2016-10 MUNICIPAL STATE 19,320.89 ZERO OUT PROJECT 11/9/20 AID COMPLETED 16</p><p>WATER TRANS 2016-11 GENERAL 51,000.00 PER BUDGET TO REIMB WAGES 11/19/2 016</p><p>Melby motioned, Gregory seconded to approve the transfers as presented. All voted aye, carried.</p><p>CLERK’S RESIGNATION : Mongan states that she is submitted her resignation effective 4-11-2017. She is requesting that the council consider moving Deputy Clerk Dabill into her position and then filling the Deputy Clerk position. She would like to advertise this position in January, interview in Feb and then hire in March giving them 6 weeks to work with the new employee. Hansen motion to accept Mongan’s resignation, Melby seconded with regret. All voted aye, carried. </p><p>SEWER DISTRICT: Gary Siltman not present.</p><p>AIRPORT: Gary Gardiner not present. </p><p>LEASES: Clerk reports that she has heard from the airport commission and they would like to hold off on send out the increase until the projected tax statements come out and make sure what the assessed value on the leased hangars are.</p><p>NEW BUSINESS: </p><p>BUSINESS LICENSE RENEWALS: Two renewal requests were received; Close Out City- Pawn Shop Ultimate Liquors –Off Sale Melby motioned, Hoppe seconded to approve both renewals. All votes aye, carried.</p><p>PROPOSAL FROM LAUMEYER: Mayor Hansen states that the City has received a quote from Laumeyer to update the wage classifications since it has been 4 years since the original one was done. Tammy and Patty were involved with the initial study. The fee is not to exceed $2,895.00 and they should be able to have the findings to us by January 10th. Melby motioned, Gregory seconded to accept this quote and do the update. All voted aye, carried.</p><p>COUNCIL FORUM:</p><p>Gregory- Attended the school board meeting. PRB will still have free and reduced lunches. Melby- Nothing to report Hoppe- Nothing to report Hansen- Dealt with the Police Chief on some issues</p><p>5 REGULAR PINE RIVER CITY COUNCIL MEETING, WED NOV 9, 2016 6:00 P.M.</p><p>ADJOURN: Melby motioned, Gregory seconded to adjourn this meeting. All voted aye, carried. 7:50 p.m.</p><p>______Tamara Hansen, Mayor</p><p>ATTEST: ______Wanda Mongan, Clerk Treasurer</p><p>6</p>
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