<p> MANAWATU & WEST COAST A & P ASSOCIATION 126th SHOW 2012 HORSE SECTION </p><p>Chief Steward: Jill Martin Ph: 06 3289899 or 0276 441828</p><p>SATURDAY 3rd & SUNDAY 4th November</p><p>Entries Close Friday 12th October 2012 At 5.00pm</p><p>20% Discount on Entry Fees ONLY Excludes Ground Levy / Horse Accommodation Received by 5.00pm Friday 12th October 2012 Entries made on the days of the Show will incur a 25% Surcharge</p><p>1 Entry changes on the Day will Incur a $2 Fee.</p><p>2 By-Laws Applicable For The Horse Section</p><p>44. All horses or ponies competing must be entered in the name of the bona fide owner or a member of his or her family, and all animals must be named at time of entry.</p><p>45. All leased horses or ponies competing at this Show must be registered with the Royal Agricultural Society. Such lease must be for a term of not less than 12 months, and must be registered before entries are made.</p><p>46. Although it is provided that horses may compete in more than one class, any or all such classes may be judged simultaneously at the convenience of the Judges or Stewards. In all such cases exhibitors having an exhibit entered in more than one class MUST ELECT IN WHICH CLASS THEY COMPETE.</p><p>47. All horses in classes of prescribed height must be measured, shoes or no shoes, and the person in charge must produce a current height certificate to the Ring Stewards, on request. 0.5 centimetres allowed for standard shoes, racing plates not allowed.</p><p>48. Depending on entries, classes may be cancelled, split, or combined if appropriate.</p><p>49. The locking of Horse Boxes will be at exhibitor’s risk. Stallions are eligible for all classes.</p><p>50. Brood Mares: Mare to have foal at foot or present veterinary certificate of pregnancy, that includes a projected foaling date.</p><p>51. Before any prizes are awarded in Entire Classes, horses may be liable to examination by the Veterinary Surgeon appointed by the Association. The decision of the Veterinary Surgeon shall be final and binding on all parties, and shall not be questioned by any Court. The entry by any exhibitor in any of the classes affected will be deemed as acceptance of this clause.</p><p>52. Age of all horses shall be computed as at August 1st.</p><p>53. A horse or pony being eligible for a Championship must be ridden by the same rider as in the class or classes in which it qualified unless the permission of the Chief Steward has been obtained.</p><p>3 54. The use of tranquillisers, stimulants or any drug which affects the performance of horses, ponies or riders is forbidden.</p><p>55. A Novice is a Pony/Horse or Rider that has not had more than five wins at any A & P Show, in any division at the day of the Show (Rule 65). After the sixth win, the pony/horse/rider is not eligible for Novice Classes. Novices may be ridden by a rider of any age and may also enter open classes ridden by a rider under 17 years of age. A novice champion may not compete in an Open Championship unless it has qualified through the open classes. Novice Performance record cards must be presented on request. Winners failing to produce their card when requested will forfeit their awards on the day (Rule 67). New cards are available from the Horse Caravan in the Oval.</p><p>56. NO TEMPORARY FENCING ALLOWED & ABSOLUTELY NO TAPE.</p><p>4 Information for Exhibitors Chief Horse Steward: Jill Martin. Ph: (06) 328 9899 or 0276 441828</p><p>Accommodation Steward: Jill Martin Entry Fees 20% reduction applies to Entry Fees ONLY if paid by 12th October 2012. Full Price applies to all other entries after this date. Entries made on the day of the Show will incur a 25% Surcharge.</p><p>Rules and Regulations The Rules and Regulations as issued by the Royal Agricultural Society of New Zealand (Inc) for the governance and conduct of A & P Shows have been adopted by the Manawatu & West Coast A & P Association. It is the responsibility of exhibitors to be conversant with these rules. Copies of the Rules and Regulations are available on request. The Equestrian Competitors and Judges Rule Book and amendments are available for purchase from the Office. Entries are accepted on the clear understanding that the Rules will be adhered to. (Please note Rule 51 re Hats and Safety Helmets, and the banning of electronic and audio equipment, 2005.</p><p>Limitation on Entries The Committee reserves the right to limit or refuse any entries. Exhibitors are directed to the conditions and by-laws set out in the Schedule. If any entry has to be refused, entry fees will be refunded in full. Please Note: Classes may be split, combined or cancelled if insufficient entries.</p><p>FSJC Testing (Drugs) Competitors are advised that tests for forbidden substances may be carried out during the Show and that testing of all animals is at the owner’s risk. Testing will be carried out under the Royal Agricultural Society (Inc) Forbidden Substance Judiciary Committee (FSJC) procedures and rules. See Rule 89, RAS Equestrian Rules. RAS forbidden substance has been included in the entry fees.</p><p>Trophies Manawatu A & P retains all trophies and has them engraved each year. All Trophies are available at the marquee for photographs on the day.</p><p>Accommodation Trucks & Caravans on Showgrounds Shower and ablution facilities are available. Other campgrounds available: Feilding Holiday Park 06 3235623.</p><p>A barbaque is available on Saturday night in the Stadium for exhibitors and Family.</p><p>5 NOTES:</p><p>6 Horse Accommodation</p><p>Steward: Jill Martin Phone Ph: (06) 3289899 or 0276441828</p><p>Uncovered yards as well as covered yards and a limited number of loose boxes, for Ponies and Horses are available on the Showgrounds for the Show period. While endeavouring to assist exhibitors, the Association does not guarantee to provide accommodation of any particular type. Dogs are permitted in Manfeild Park during the Show Weekend. There is a race on Saturday for the dogs to take part in.</p><p>Loose boxes and yards may also be provided off site. If required, details will be provided with your tickets.</p><p>Ground Levy $10 per horse (maximum $30 per Competitor) Plus a First Aid Fee per rider of $5 and a Catalogue Fee of $5 MUST accompany all entry fees</p><p>(Vet on-call and St John in attendance)</p><p>Horse Accommodation Charges The following charges are payable for facilities at Manfeild Park and must be paid at the time of entry. Loose Boxes and Covered Yards $15 per night Uncovered Yards $8 per night</p><p>Refunds of accommodation paid will not be made unless withdrawals are notified in writing prior to the commencement of the Show. Exhibitors must not occupy accommodation unless the allocation of same has been confirmed by the Horse Accommodation Steward or the Secretary. Competitors are asked to vacate all horse accommodation by 5.00pm on the day on which they finish competing . Please pick up dung, and place in yellow bins. L eave all boxes, yards, parking and camping areas clean and tidy.</p><p>PARKING:</p><p>Competitors trucks or vehicles may only be parked adjacent to the Ring Road NOT on the grassed competition surfaces. </p><p>Please help us to preserve our facility. (See Map on Website prior to Show for Parking and Gate Access).</p><p>7 Prize Money and Entry Fees</p><p>All Prize Awards will be paid on the day of the Show (gst inclusive). Prizes not claimed within one month of the Show will be deemed invalid.</p><p>A 60% refund of entry fees will be given if scratching is made at least 2 days before the beginning of the Show with a Vet Certificate or Medical Certificate. NO REFUNDS WILL BE PAID AT THE SHOW (Please do not ask).</p><p>PRIZE MONEY – Applies as per catalogue entries only.</p><p>The following policy will apply for all classes; except the Showjumping section.</p><p>I entry Entry fee plus Ribbon 2 - 3 entries 1st Prize Money only 4 - 5 entries 1st & 2nd Prize Money only 6 entries & over Full Prize Money Ribbons to all places *Prize Money may be substituted with Product*</p><p>ENTRIES CLOSE</p><p>FRIDAY 12th OCTOBER 2012 AT 5.00pm</p><p>20% Discount on Entry Fees ONLY received by 5.00pm Friday 12th October 2012</p><p>Entries made on the days of the Show will incur a 25% Surcharge Entry Changes on the day will Incur a $2 Fee</p><p>8 Other Arrangements</p><p> BREAST PLATE NUMBER HOLDERS: Compulsory for all showing classes, and the competitor is responsible for making the number. Working Hunters and Pleasure Horse/Pony classes are EXCEMPT. Working Hunters will be required to wear back numbers which can be picked up from the horse caravan. </p><p> BACK NUMBERS: Any back number issued and not returned will incur a charge of $5.00. These are available at the Horse caravan. </p><p> Exhibitors must be neatly attired when entering judging rings with their horses.</p><p> INFORMAL TURNOUT in Unit Classes, see pages 61-64 of the RAS Equestrian Rulebook and Guidelines.</p><p> UNITY CLASSES: Competitors will be judged together as a class with the following maximum points available. . Conformation & Soundness 30 . Turnout of Horse, Saddlery & Costume 20 . Paces & Manners 30 . Unity & Riding 20 100</p><p> HEIGHT CERTIFICATES & NOVICE PERFORMANCE CARDS must be available in the ring at the request of a steward. Failure to produce them will result in forfeiture of all awards on the day.</p><p> Catalogues are compulsory and pre-paid on entry form. They will be handed out at the Gates as you enter the Showgrounds</p><p> For all horse enquiries during the Show, please go to the Main Office situated inside the Manfeild Stadium.</p><p> A Vet will be On-Call. </p><p> Entry off KawaKawa Road & Rata Street Gates only. Please make sure you have purchased enough tickets for each person. No tickets, no entry to grounds. (Lost Tickets - A new ticket will have to be bought).</p><p>9 Measuring Rules</p><p>The measuring rules of the Royal Agricultural Society of New Zealand will apply at this Show.</p><p>Life Certificates 1. Life Certificates may be issued to open Horses/Ponies seven years old and over under the rules laid down by the Royal Agricultural Society of New Zealand. 2. Life certificates will not be issued on Show Days.</p><p>Annual Certificates I. The age of horses/ponies is calculated as from 1st August. 2. These certificates, which will be valid for 12 months from the 1st August, will be issued by an RAS Measuring Steward and his signature must be witnessed by an independent person. 3. RAS Certificates must record the horse/pony’s age, sex, name, colour, markings, brand (if any), owner’s name and address and date of measuring. 4. If normal shoes are fitted 0.5cm allowance shall be made. 5. A Young Stock Certificate may be issued for Horses/Ponies under the age of three years and will be valid as follows in any show: 1 August - 1 January</p><p>1 January - 30 April 6. The Horse/Pony to be measured shall be handled quietly and allowed a reasonable time to settle down. 7. The Horse/Pony shall stand squarely on all four legs, head in its natural relaxed position. The pole shall not be lower than the highest part of the wither. 8. The measurement shall be taken at the highest point of the wither. 9. Miniature Horses are measured according to the rules of the RAS. This measurement is in centimeters and is taken at the last true hair of the mane. The conversion to imperial measurement is to be made using the form supplied by the NZMHA. 10. If the line on the movable part of the measuring machine is even slightly above the line on the set scale, the reading shall be taken to the nearest 0.5cm above. 11. If in the opinion of the Measuring Steward, the Horse/Pony has been improperly prepared for measuring, it shall not be measured.</p><p>12. Annual Certificates, Young Stock Certificates and Life Certificates issued strictly in accordance with RAS Measuring Rules for Horses/Ponies, shall be accepted by all A & P Associations, Pony Clubs, Equestrian Sport NZ and other affiliated organizations. 13. Life, Young Stock or Annual Certificates which fail to comply with RAS measuring rules for Horses/Ponies are invalid. 14. Life Certificates may be submitted to the measuring Steward for alteration to metric equivalent in accordance with the table prepared by the RAS of NZ.</p><p>10 Measuring Fees</p><p>If you require your Horse or Pony to be measured: Please phone John WaIl (06) 329 3743 for an appointment. The following fees will be payable for measuring: (Fees include relocation and ground levies) Life Certificate (not issued on Show Days) $20.00 Annual Certificates $20.00 Measuring, on request, at any other time $40.00 Young Stock $15.00</p><p>2012 Measuring Day</p><p>SUNDAY 9th SEPTEMBER – 9.00am</p><p>By appointment – please phone John Wall (06) 3293743</p><p>Note: These measuring days will be at Manfeild Park, entry via gate 5, on KawaKawa Rd, Feilding. </p><p>(The outdoor arena is NOT to be used – you may book a time to ride on this arena by contacting Manfeild Park Office 06 3237444).</p><p>Measuring by appointment during the Show @ $40 per horse.</p><p>Saturday 3rd Nov - 7.30am to 8.00am</p><p>Sunday 4th Nov - 7.30am to 8.00am</p><p>11 20% Discount </p><p> applies ONLY to Entries</p><p> paid by </p><p>Friday 12th October, 2012</p><p>Entries made on the Show Days will incur a 25% Surcharge Entry changes on the Day will Incur a $2 Fee.</p><p>12 TIMETABLE</p><p>SATURDAY 3rd November Horse Ring I Saddle Pony Hunters – Novice ...... 8.30am Saddle Pony Hunters – Junior ...... 9.15am Saddle Pony Hunters – Senior ...... 11.00am Champion Paced and Mannered Pony Hunter ...... to follow Supreme Pony Hunter ...... to follow Working Hunter Horse ...... 1.30pm Working Pony Hunter ...... 3.00pm</p><p>Horse Ring 2 Welsh Ponies & Cobs – Youngstock Purebred & Partbred ...... 9.00am Welsh Ponies & Cobs – Adult Purebred & Partbred ...... to follow Ridden 3, 4, 5 & 6 Year Sport/Show Horses...... 11.30am</p><p>Horse Ring 3 In-Hand Horses – Adult ...... 9.00am In-Hand Horses – Youngstock ...... to follow In-Hand Horses – Breed Classes ...... to follow In-Hand Ponies – Adult ...... 11.15am In-Hand Ponies – Youngstock ...... to follow Junior Handlers ...... to follow Supreme Champion In-Hand Pony ...... to follow Best Led Horse/Pony Exhibit of Show ...... 1.30pm</p><p>Horse Ring 4 Arab or Part Arab ...... 9.00am Standardbreds Led & Ridden ...... 11.00am</p><p>Horse Ring 5 Side Saddle ...... 9.00am Coloured Horses ...... 10.00am Shetlands ...... 11.30am</p><p>Horse Ring 6 Miniatures ...... 9.00am</p><p>Showjumping Rings I & 2 (Crusher Dust Arena) Showjumping...... 8.30am</p><p>Show Hunter Ring (Crusher Dust Arena) Show Hunter Ponies Practice Round ………………………………….... 8.00am Show Hunter Ponies ………………………………………………………. 9.00am</p><p>13 SUNDAY 4th November</p><p>Horse Ring 1 Park Hacks ...... 9.00am Show Hacks ...... 12.00pm Best Paced & Mannered Horse...... 2.00pm approx Supreme Champion Saddle Horse...... 2.15pm approx</p><p>Horse Ring 2 Riding Horses...... 9.00am Saddle Hunters ...... 12.00pm</p><p>Horse Ring 3 Saddle Show Ponies Senior Novice ...... 8.30am Saddle Show Ponies Senior ...... 9.45am NZ Riding Pony Sash Class ...... 11.15am Pony Breeders of NZ Sash Class ...... to follow Best Child Rider of Show...... to follow Best paced and Mannered Pony of Show ...... to follow Supreme Champion Saddle Pony ...... to follow Leading Rein ...... 1.00pm First Ridden Pony ...... 2.30pm</p><p>Horse Ring 4 Saddle Show Ponies Intermediate/Junior Novice ...... 8.30am Saddle Show Ponies – Intermediate ...... 9.45am Pleasure Horse/Pony – 16 years & under Riders ...... 11.30pm Pleasure Horse/Pony – Adult Riders...... 1.30pm</p><p>Horse Ring 5 Saddle Show Ponies - Junior...... 9.45am</p><p>Horse Ring 6 Donkeys and Mules...... 10.00am</p><p>Horse Ring 7 Harness...... 9.30am</p><p>Showjumping Rings I & 2 (Crusher Dust Arena) Showjumping...... 8.30am Horse Grand Prix...... 2.30pm</p><p>Show Hunter Ring (Crusher Dust Arena) Show Hunter Horse Practice Round ……………………………... 8.30am Show Hunter Horse...... 9.30am</p><p>14 SADDLE HUNTER PONIES</p><p>Horse Ring 1 Saturday 3rd November 2012 8.30am Judge: Cherie Carey Entry Fee: $14 Prize Money: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10</p><p>Show Saddle Hunter Ponies shown under saddle are judged on conformation and quality, must have substance, be active and well mannered with strong easy paces. Will not be asked to jump but may be called upon to gallop.</p><p>NOTE: Ponies competing in Saddle Hunter Pony classes are not eligible for Saddle Pony Classes, except in Rider classes 2318, 2418, 2510 and Pony Breeders Society Classes 2316, 2416, 2508.</p><p>SPECIAL AWARD: Cameron Jewellers present Silver Lapel Pins to the winners of the Open Unit Classes 1116 and 1106.</p><p>NOVICE SADDLE HUNTER PONIES 148CM AND UNDER 1100 Novice Saddle Hunter Pony. 148cm and under. 0-3 wins. 1102 Novice Saddle Hunter Pony. 148cm and under. 0-5 wins.</p><p>CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION NOVICE HUNTER PONY To be judged from winners of classes 1100 and 1102. Second placed pony to the champion to be judged alongside the remaining winner for reserve. </p><p>1104 Novice Paced and Mannered Saddle Hunter Pony. 148cm and under.</p><p>JUNIOR SADDLE HUNTER PONIES UP TO 138cm 9.15am approx 1106 Open Saddle Hunter Unit Class for Ponies 148cm and under. Riders 13 years and under. 1108 Open Saddle Hunter Pony not exceeding 128cm 1110 Open Saddle Hunter Pony over 128cm and not exceeding 138cm.</p><p>CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR SADDLE HUNTER PONY To be judged from winners of classes 1108 and 1110. Second placed pony to the champion to be judged alongside the remaining winner for reserve.</p><p>1112 Open Paced and Mannered Saddle Hunter Pony 138cm and under. 1114 Best Rider, 13 years & under. (winner eligible for Champion Child Rider in Show on Sunday, Ring 3 at 11.45am approx) </p><p>SENIOR SADDLE HUNTER PONIES OVER 138CM NOT EXCEEDING 148CM 11.00am approx 1116 Open Saddle Hunter Unit Class for Ponies 148cm and under. Riders 14 years and Under 17 years. 1118 Open Saddle Hunter Pony over 138cm and not exceeding 143cm. 1120 Open Saddle Hunter Pony over 143cm and not exceeding 148cm.</p><p>CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION SENIOR SADDLE HUNTER PONY To be judged from winners of classes 1118 and 1120. Second placed pony to the Champion to be judged alongside the remaining winner for reserve.</p><p>1122 Open Paced and Mannered Saddle Hunter Pony over 138cm and not exceeding 148cm. 1124 Best Rider, 14 years and under 17. (winner eligible for Champion Child Rider in Show on Sunday, Ring 3 at 11.45am approx) 15 1126 NZ Riding Pony Saddle Hunter Class for Ponies 148cm & under. Registered with the NZRP Society, (registration number must be shown on entry form.) </p><p>Winner to receive a Sash sponsored by the NZ Riding Pony Society.</p><p>1128 Pony Breeders Society of New Zealand Sash Class. (Pony must be fully registered with the Pony Breeders Society of NZ & born in NZ. Proof of registration to be available on request. Registration number to be shown on the entry form. If it is subsequently found that the winner is not registered with the Society, the winner will be disqualified).)The winner eligible to compete in the Pony Breeders Ridden Final on Sunday To be judged 60% conformation & 40% paces & manners. </p><p>CHAMPION PACED & MANNERED SADDLE HUNTER PONY (Winners of classes 1112 & 1122) SUPREME CHAMPION SADDLE HUNTER PONY (Champion Junior and Senior to parade)</p><p>WORKING HUNTERS</p><p>Horse Ring 1 Saturday 3rd November 2012 Judge: Cherie Carey</p><p>Working hunters are required to demonstrate jumping ability and be of good strong conformation with good manners, sound paces and be a comfortable ride over long distances. They will be required to jump a minimum of two and a maximum of five fences. Jumping style and ability 40%, conformation 30%, paces and manners 30%. They will also be required to gallop.</p><p>Entry Fee: $14 Prize Money: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10</p><p>WORKING HUNTER HORSES 1.30 pm 1134 Novice Working Hunter 0-3 wins 1136 Lightweight Working Hunter 1138 Heavyweight Working Hunter. Isaacson cup.</p><p>CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION WORKING HUNTER To be judged from winners of class 1136 and 1138. Second placed horse to the champion to be judged alongside the remaining winner for reserve.</p><p>Entry Fee: $14 Prize Money: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10</p><p>WORKING HUNTER PONIES 3.00 pm 1129 Novice Working Pony Hunter 148cm & under 0-3 wins. 1130 Open Working Pony Hunter 138cm and under. 1132 Open Working Pony Hunter Over 138cm and not exceeding 148cm.</p><p>CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION WORKING PONY HUNTER To be judged from winners of class 1130 and 1132. Second placed pony to the Champion to be judged alongside the remaining winner for reserve. 16 SUPREME LED HORSE/PONY EXHIBIT – All Breeds</p><p>Horse Ring 3 Saturday 3rd November 2012 1.30pm </p><p>The following will be required for the judging of the Supreme Led Horse/Pony Exhibit of the show: All Judges. NOTE: Winners who do not come forward for the judging of this class will forfeit all prizemoney. Supreme Champion In Hand Pony Champion In Hand Standardbred Supreme Champion In Hand Led Horse Supreme Champion Welsh Pure or Partbred Champion Arab/Part Arab Champion Coloured Horse Champion Shetland Pony</p><p>A ROSETTE TO THE WINNER</p><p>WELSH PONIES & COBS (PURE AND PART BREDS)</p><p>Horse Ring 2 Saturday 3rd November 2012 9.00am Judge: Karen Blakelock</p><p>Entry Fee: $14 Prize Money: 1st $20, 2nd $15 3rd $10</p><p>Please Note: Classes may be split or combined depending on entries.</p><p>CONDITIONS: All Entries to be Registered with the WPCS or in the case of foals, must be eligible for registration. Registration Number must be given on the Show Entry Form and produced on Show Day if requested.</p><p>There - is no height restriction- in the Partbred Section and height certificates are not required for Registered Purebred and Partbred Breed Classes. </p><p>Registered Welsh Purebreds – must not be plaited - in in-hand breed classes unless exhibited in Ridden or Driven classes – on that day.</p><p>Classes may be combined if not sufficent entries.</p><p>SPECIAL AWARDS: The NZWPCS has kindly donated a Rosette for the Supreme Champion Pure or Partbred Welsh Exhibit.</p><p>PUREBRED WELSH PONIES AND COBS</p><p>Section A, B, C & D Adults 1200 Best Presented Adult Welsh Exhibit and Handler </p><p>17 (Rosettes kindly Donated by The Welsh Pony & Cob Society) 1202 Stallion 4 yrs and over 1204 Broodmare 4 yrs and over, visibly in foal or with foal at foot (See By-Law Rule 50) 1206 Dry Mare or Gelding 4yrs and over.( Mare not to foal during current season)</p><p>CHAMPION WELSH ADULT -PUREBRED RESERVE CHAMPION WELSH ADULT -PUREBRED (Judged from 1st placegetters in Classes 1202,1204 and 1206. 2nd placegetters to standby.)</p><p>PARTBRED WELSH ADULT 1208 Best Presented Partbred Exhibit and Handler ( Adult and Youngstock) 1210 Stallion 4years and over. 1212 Broodmare 4 yrs and over, visibly in foal or with foal at foot (See By-Law Rule 50) 1214 Dry Mare or Gelding 4yrs and over.( Mare not to foal during current season) </p><p>CHAMPION WELSH ADULT- PARTBRED RESERVE CHAMPION WELSH ADULT-PARTBRED (Judged from 1st placegetters in Classes 1210,1212 and 1214 . 2nd placegetters to standby.)</p><p>PUREBRED WELSH PONIES AND COBS-YOUNGSTOCK Sections A, B, C & D Youngstock</p><p>1216 Best Presented Welsh Exhibit and Handler- Youngstock 1218 Foal, any sex (not to be shown under 3 weeks of age) 1220 Yearling Colt, Filly or Gelding 1222 2 & 3 year old Colt, Filly or Gelding</p><p>CHAMPION WELSH -PUREBRED - YOUNGSTOCK RESERVE CHAMPION WELSH –PUREBRED- YOUNGSTOCK (Judged from 1st placegetters in Classes 1218,1220 and 1222. 2nd placegetters to standby.)</p><p>PARTBRED WELSH –YOUNGSTOCK 1224 Foal, any sex (not to be shown under 3 weeks of age) 1226 Yearling Colt, Filly or Gelding 1228 2 & 3 year old Colt, Filly or Gelding</p><p>CHAMPION WELSH – PARTBRED- YOUNGSTOCK RESERVE CHAMPION WELSH -PARTBRED-YOUNGSTOCK (Judged from 1st placegetters in Classes 1224,1226 and 1228. 2nd placegetters to standby.)</p><p>SUPREME CHAMPION WELSH PURE OR PARTBRED EXHIBIT Rosette sponsored by the Welsh Pony and Cob Society (Judged from Adult and Youngstock Champions ) The winner will be required for judging of the The Best Led Horse/Pony Exhibit, all Breeds. To be judged at 1.30pm in Ring 3 </p><p>WELSH CONTINUED 1230 Movement Section A, B, C & D 18 1232 Best Head- Male and Female - Section A, B, C & D ( Class may be split if excess entries) 1234 Partbred Movement 1236 Partbred- Best Head 1238 Best Pair of Ponies, All sections, Part and Purebred ( only one entry needed) 1240 Solid Colour (Includes Grey &Roan) All sections, Part and Purebred 1242 Dilute Colour (All colours down from Palomino) All sections, Part and Purebred 1244 Best Lead Rein Pony. Pony to be led from noseband NOT the bit. Riders under 7 years. RAS Ruling</p><p>YOUNG SPORT / SHOW HORSES – RIDDEN 3, 4, 5 & 6 YEAR OLDS</p><p>Hacks, Hunters, Warmbloods, Thoroughbreds, and all other Breed Stock for Sporting Purposes. (Please note these are restricted classes and do not count as a win in the novice/open Show Hack, Park Hack, Riding Horse & Saddle Hunter sections).</p><p>Saturday 3rd November 2012 11.30am Judge: Kathy Smith Horse Ring 2 Entry Fee: $14 Prize Money: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10</p><p>1244 Best Presented Exhibit & Rider 1246 Best horse judged on conformation 1248 Horse most suitable for Dressage 1250 Horse most suitable for Showing 1252 Horse most suitable for Hunter 1254 Horse most suitable for Show Jumping 1256 Horse most suitable for 3 Day Eventing 1258 Best Paced & Mannered Horse</p><p>CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION YOUNG SPORT/SHOW HORSE – RIDDEN (To be judged from winners of classes 1248, 1250, 1252, 1254, & 1256. 2nd placed horse to the champion to stand by) </p><p>IN HAND HORSES</p><p>Hacks, Hunters, Warmbloods, Thoroughbreds, and all other Breed Stock for Sporting Purposes.</p><p>Entry Fee: $14 Prize Money: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10</p><p>Horse Ring 3 Saturday 3rd November 2012 9.00am Judge: Leanne Cooke</p><p>Please Note: Classes may be combined or cancelled depending on entries.</p><p>1300 Best Presented Adult Exhibit & Handler 1302 Stallion, 4 years & over 1304 Broodmare in foal or with foal at foot (See By-Laws No 50) 1306 Dry mare 4 years & over 19 1308 Gelding 4 years & over 1310 Adult with best movement</p><p>CHAMPION ADULT IN HAND HORSE RESERVE CHAMPION ADULT IN HAND HORSE (Judged from winners of classes 1302, 1304, 1306, & 1308. 2nd placegetters to stand by)</p><p>1312 Best Presented Young Stock Exhibit & Handler 1314 Colt, Filly or Gelding, Yearling 1316 Colt, Filly or Gelding, Two Year Old 1318 Colt, Filly or Gelding, Three Year Old 1320 Young Stock with best movement</p><p>CHAMPION YOUNG STOCK IN HAND HORSE RESERVE CHAMPION YOUNG STOCK IN HAND HORSE (Judged from winners of classes 1314, 1316 & 1318. 2nd placegetters to Stand by)</p><p>SUPREME CHAMPION IN HAND HORSE (Winner required for judging of Supreme Led Horse/Pony Exhibit at 1.30pm Ring 3)</p><p>BREED CLASSES 1322 Best Hanovarian Exhibit any age, registered with NZ Hanovarian Breed Society. (Witzbold Trophy – sponsored by the NZ Hanoverian Society) 1324 Best Warmblood, any age 1326 Best Thoroughbred, any age. Must be registered or eligible for registration with NZTRA. (NZTRA Trophy) 1328 Best NZ Sport Horse any age, registered with any other Breed Society.</p><p>IN HAND PONIES</p><p>Horse Ring 3 Saturday 3rd November 2012 11.15am Judge: Leanne Cooke</p><p>Entry Fee: $14 Prize Money: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10</p><p>Please Note: Classes may be split or combined depending on entries. All ponies including Young Stock, must have a current RAS height certificate, which must be available in the judging ring at all times.</p><p>SPECIAL AWARDS: PONY BREEDERS SOCIETY OF NZ ADULT SASH: Class 1348</p><p>PONY BREEDERS SOCIETY OF NZ YOUNGSTOCK SASH: Class 1366</p><p>20 Trophies for Section Ngahere Pony Stud Silver Salver -sponsor a silver tray for the Best Young Stock exhibited by the Breeder.</p><p>1334 Best Presented Adult Pony and Handler 1336 Stallion, 4 years and over, not exceeding 148cm 1338 Broodmare, 4 years and over not exceeding 148cm (See By-Law 50) 1340 Dry Mare, 4 years and over not exceeding 148cm, not to foal during current show season 1342 Gelding, 4 years and over not exceeding 148cm 1344 Best Adult Head 1346 Best Adult Movement</p><p>CHAMPION ADULT IN HAND PONY RESERVE CHAMPION ADULT IN HAND PONY (Judged from 1st placegetters in classes 1336 & 1338. 2nd placegetters to stand-by)</p><p>1348 Pony Breeders Society of NZ Adult Sash. For stallions and broodmares not exceeding 148cm and must be 4 years and over. No geldings or dry mares are allowed in this class. Broodmares to comply with the Royal Agricultural Society ruling 59. Must be registered with the PBSNZ. Registration number to be stated on Entry Form or entry invalid. If it is subsequently found that the winner is not fully registered with the Society, the winner will be disqualified. </p><p>CHAMPION DRY MARE OR GELDING RESERVE CHAMPION DRY MARE OR GELDING (Judged from 1st placegetters in classes 1340 & 1342. 2nd placegetters to stand-by)</p><p>JUNIOR HANDLERS Judge: Leanne Cooke</p><p>A class to inspire young up and coming handlers to exhibit and show their ponies in-hand correctly exhibiting showmanship skills judged on the showing and an individual workout and also standing their ponies up at all times while showing in the ring.</p><p>1350 Junior Handler 12 years and under</p><p>1352 Junior Handler 13 - 16 years</p><p>1354 Best Presented Young Stock Exhibit and Handler 1356 Yearling, not to exceed 140cm 1358 2 & 3 year old, not to exceed 148cm 1360 Best Young Stock Head 1362 Best Young Stock Movement</p><p>CHAMPION YOUNG STOCK PONY RESERVE CHAMPION YOUNG STOCK PONY (Judged from 1st placegetters in classes 1356 & 1358. 2nd placegetters to stand-by by)</p><p>21 YOUNG STOCK AWARD: NGAHERE SALVER</p><p>1364 Progeny Group (Two ponies by the same sire or out of the same mare). 1366 Pony Breeders Society of NZ Young Stock Sash. Yearlings, two and three year olds. Foals not eligible and young stock not to mature over 148cm. Must be registered with the PBSNZ. Registration number to be stated on Entry Form or entry invalid. If it is subsequently found that the winner is not fully registered with the Society, the winner will be disqualified.</p><p>SUPREME CHAMPION IN HAND PONY EXHIBIT (Adult & Young Stock and Dry Mare or Gelding Champions to be judged at conclusion of these classes) (Winner required for judging of Best Led Horse/Pony Exhibit, All Breeds. To be judged at 1.30pm Ring 3)</p><p>ARAB OR PART ARAB</p><p>Horse Ring 4 Saturday 3rd November 2012 9.00am Judge: Cheryl Robinson</p><p>Entry Fee: $14 Prize Money: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10</p><p>CONDITIONS: All horses must be registered with the NZAHBS and the rules for showing by the NZAHBS shall prevail. All halter horses must be shown in a suitable strong halter or bridle equipped with a throatlatch and strong lead. NB: The Chief Steward reserves the right to combine or cancel classes should there be insufficient entries.</p><p>CLASSES FOR COMBINED (PART & PUREBRED) IN HAND 1400 Grooming and Turnout 1402 Two year old & under colt, filly or gelding 1404 Mare, Stallion or Gelding, three years and older 1406 Arabian Mare 3 years and over 1408 Arabian Mare (Broodmare) (See By-Law 50) 1410 Arabian Stallion, 3 years and over</p><p>CHAMPION ARAB/PART ARAB RESERVE CHAMPION ARAB/PART ARAB (To be judged from the winners of all above Arab classes EXCEPT 1400) The winner required for the judging of Supreme Led Horse/Pony Exhibit at 1.30pm Ring 3)</p><p>22 CLASSES FOR COMBINED (PART & PUREBRED) IN HAND 1412 Classic Head 1414 Classic Action 1416 Showmanship</p><p>CLASSES FOR COMBINED (PART & PUREBRED) RIDDEN 1418 Novice Mare, Gelding, Stallion Under Saddle 0-3 wins 1420 Mare, Gelding, Stallion Under Saddle 1422 Novice Paced and Mannered, 0-3 Wins 1423 Open Paced and Mannered</p><p>CHAMPION COMBINED RIDDEN ARABIAN (To be awarded to the Winner of Class 1420) RESERVE CHAMPION COMBINED RIDDEN ARABIAN (To be awarded to the 2nd placegetter of Class 1420)</p><p>1424 Ridden Costume (Preparation time allowed)</p><p>STANDARDBRED</p><p>Horse Ring 4 Saturday 3rd November 2012 11.00am Judge: Cheryl Robinson</p><p>Entry Fee: $14 Prize Money: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10</p><p>Standardbreds entering this section must be branded or tattooed. Horses should be able to walk, trot and canter, NO PACING. Snaffle Bridle only. Classes may be combined if insufficient entries.</p><p>IN HAND STANDARDBRED 1426 Best Presented 1428 Filly/Mare up to & including 5 yrs of age 1430 Colt/Gelding up to and including 5 yrs of age</p><p>1432 Gelding, 6 years and over 1434 Dry Mare, 6 years & over 1436 Mare in Foal or Foal at Foot</p><p>CHAMPION IN HAND STANDARDBRED RESERVE CHAMPION IN HAND STANDARDBRED (Winner required for judging of Supreme Led Horse/Pony Exhibit at 1.30pm)</p><p>1438 Best Head 1440 Showmanship – Youth Handler (up to and including 17yrs of age) 1442 Showmanship – Senior Handler (18yrs of age and over)</p><p>23 RIDDEN STANDARDBRED Standardbreds entering the section must be branded or tattooed. When being ridden they must walk, trot and canter, NO PACING. Snaffle Bridle only. Classes may be combined if insufficient entries.</p><p>1444 Best presented 1446 Best walking horse 1448 Best trotting horse 1450 Novice Horse (0 – 5 wins) 1452 Open Horse 1454 Paced & Mannered (0 – 5 wins) 1456 Open Paced & Mannered 1458 Rider on the Flat (Junior – up to and including 17yrs of age) 1460 Rider on the Flat (Senior – 18yrs of age and over)</p><p>CHAMPION RIDDEN STANDARDBRED RESERVE CHAMPION RIDDEN STANDARDBRED</p><p>SIDE SADDLE</p><p>Horse Ring 5 Saturday, 3rd November 2012 9.00am Judge: Kathy Smith Entry Fee: $6.00 ($1.00 RAS Levy per entry) - Ribbons only</p><p>1500 Best Turned Out 1502 Side Saddle Unity Class. To be judged on Riding, Manners & Paces, Saddlery, Habit & General Appearance 1504 Best Side Saddle Rider 1506 Best Side Saddle Horse or Pony 1508 Best Paced & Mannered Side Saddle Horse or Pony 1510 Concours DÉlegance, most elegant combination of horse & rider</p><p>CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION SIDE SADDLE HORSE/PONY (To be judged from the winners of classes 1506 & 1510. The second placegetter to stand by.)</p><p>24 COLOURED HORSES</p><p>Horse Ring 5 Saturday 3rd November 2012 10.00am </p><p>Entry Fee: $14 Prize Money: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10</p><p>All exhibits shown in Led Classes must be unplaited.</p><p>COLOURED LED CLASSES 1512 Best Presented Horse & Handler 1514 Best Foal or Yearling (Any Sex) 1516 Best 2 or 3 Year Old (Any Sex) 1518 Best Gelding, Stallion, Mare, 4 yrs & over 1520 Best Palomino 1522 Best Apaloosa 1524 Best Pinto/Skewbald 1525 Best Registered Pinto Horse must be registered with the NZ Pinto Horse Society Inc in its correct division and the owner a current financial member. Open to any height. Sash & petrol vouchers 1st to 3rd place donated by the NZ Pinto Horse Society Inc</p><p>CHAMPION COLOURED HORSE (To be judged from the winners of classes 1514, 1516, 1518, 1520, 1522, 1524 & 1525).</p><p>RESERVE CHAMPION COLOURED HORSE (To be judged from the winners of classes 1514, 1516, 1518, 1520, 1522 & 1524). (Winner required for judging of Supreme Led Horse/Pony Exhibit at 1.30pm Ring 3)</p><p>SHETLAND PONIES INHAND</p><p>Horse Ring 5 Saturday 3rd November 2012 11.30am Judge: Karen Blakelock Entry Fee: $14 Prize Money: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10</p><p>CONDITIONS: Only Shetlands registered with the NZ Shetland Pony Breeders Society are eligible for entry in this Section. Registered numbers must be stated on entry form. Ponies must be in natural coat and full feather.</p><p>Please Note: Classes may be split or combined depending on entries. All ponies including Young Stock, must have a current RAS height certificate, which must be available in the judging ring at all times.</p><p>1526 Best Presented Shetland Pony 25 YOUNG STOCK SHETLAND PONY 1528 Foal / Yearling any sex 1530 2 & 3 Year Old any sex 1532 Best Paces 1534 Best Manners</p><p>CHAMPION YOUNG STOCK RESERVE CHAMPION YOUNG STOCK (Winner required for judging of Supreme Led Horse/Pony Exhibit at 1.30pm Ring 3)</p><p>ADULT SHETLAND PONY 1536 Mare 1538 Gelding 1540 Stallion 1542 Best Paces 1544 Best Manners</p><p>CHAMPION ADULT RESERVE CHAMPION ADULT (Winner required for judging of Supreme Led Horse/Pony Exhibit at 1.30pm Ring 3)</p><p>1546 Best Child Handler 10 years and under 1548 Best Child Handler 11 years – 17 years</p><p>MINIATURE HORSES</p><p>Ring 6 Saturday 3rd November 2012 09.00am</p><p>Entry Fee: $10 Prize Money: 1st $15, 2nd $10, 3rd $7</p><p>NOTE: All parking areas MUST be left CLEAN & TIDY. Conditions: Horses must be registered with bodies affiliated to the RAS. Registration number and Association must be stated on entry form. The Miniature Horse Section of the Show will be run in accordance with NZMHA Show Rules. All horses must not exceed 38" at maturity (86.36cm). Category A horses are or will not exceed 34" at maturity. Category B horses are or will be over 34", and not exceeding 38" at maturity. NZMHA Height for Age regulations Show Guidelines apply for this show. 2009 NZMHA Show rules apply. All horses must have an official current RAS Height Certificate to show. Open to all Registered Miniature Horses. The Show Committee reserves the right to combine or split classes if entries are too 26 few or too many. All entire horses must have a stallion tag. All horses must have a current RAS height certificate and must present the RAS certificate on request. Ground Levies for Miniatures ONLY - $5 per Miniature to a maximum of $12 per Competitor. Points to go towards NZMHA A & P Awards.</p><p>CATEGORY A - 34 INCHES AND UNDER 1600 Best Presented Horse and Handler 1602 Foal, Weanling Colt OR Filly Born After 1st August 2011 1604 Yearling Filly, Born After 1st August 2010 1606 Yearling Colt, Born After 1st August 2010</p><p>CHAMPION MINIATURE YOUNG STOCK - Category A RESERVE CHAMPION MINIATURE YOUNG STOCK - Category A (Judged from 1st & 2nd placegetters)</p><p>1608 Mare, 2 years and over</p><p>CHAMPION MINIATURE MARE – Category A (Judged from 1st & 2nd placegetters) RESERVE CHAMPION MINIATURE MARE – Category A (Judged from 1st & 2nd placegetters)</p><p>1610 Stallion, 2 years and over</p><p>CHAMPION MINIATURE STALLION – Category A (Judged from 1st & 2nd placegetters) RESERVE CHAMPION MINIATURE STALLION – Category A (Judged from 1st & 2nd placegetters) 1612 Yearling Gelding, born after 1st August 2011 1614 Gelding, 2 years and over</p><p>CHAMPION MINIATURE GELDING – Category A (Judged from 1st & 2nd placegetters) RESERVE CHAMPION MINIATURE GELDING – Category A (Judged from 1st & 2nd placegetters)</p><p>SUPREME CHAMPION – Category A Miniature Horse (Champion Youngstock, Mare, Stallion and Gelding to be judged) K Keeys of Achnacarry Miniature Horses donates a trophy for Supreme Champion - Category A.</p><p>1616 Best Movement at Walk & Trot Category A</p><p>CATEGORY B - EXCEEDING 34" AND NOT EXCEEDING 38" 1618 Best Presented Horse and Handler 1620 Foal, Weanling Colt Or Filly Born After 1st August 2012 1622 Yearling Filly, Born After 1st August 2011 1624 Yearling Colt, Born After 1st August 2011</p><p>27 CHAMPION MINIATURE YOUNG STOCK – Category B RESERVE CHAMPION MINIATURE YOUNG STOCK – Category B 1626 Mare, 2 Years and over</p><p>CHAMPION MINIATURE MARE – Category B RESERVE CHAMPION MINIATURE MARE – Category B</p><p>1628 Stallion, 2 years and over</p><p>CHAMPION MINIATURE STALLION – Category B RESERVE CHAMPION MINIATURE STALLION – Category B</p><p>1630 Yearling Gelding, Born after 1st August 2011 1632 Gelding, 2 years</p><p>CHAMPION MINIATURE GELDING – Category B RESERVE CHAMPION MINIATURE GELDING – Category B</p><p>1634 Best Movement at Walk & Trot Category B</p><p>SUPREME CHAMPION MINIATURE HORSE – Category B (Champion Youngstock, Stallion, Mare and Gelding to be judged). OVERALL GELDING AWARD (to be judged from the Champion Category A and Category B Geldings). Debbie Sloan of Sherwood Stud presents the Sherwood Trophy for the Overall Gelding Award</p><p>1636 Best Movement at Walk & Trot Category A</p><p>COMBINED CLASSES – Category A & B</p><p>1638 Solid Coloured Horse (includes Bays, Black, Brown, Chestnut etc) 1640 Multi Coloured Horse (includes Pintos & Appaloosas) 1642 Best Head Male 1644 Best Head Female 1646 OBSTACLE, A & B Combined</p><p>***RIDERS MUST CLEAN UP AFTER THEMSELVES AND THEIR HORSES***</p><p>28 HACKS, PARK HACKS, SADDLE HUNTERS & RIDING HORSE SECTION</p><p>Sunday 4th November 2012</p><p>Ring 1: 9.00am Park Hacks Class 2122 (Rider) to follow 12 noon Hacks</p><p>Ring 2: 9.00am Riding Horse Class 2220 (Rider) to follow 12 noon Saddle Hunters</p><p>Height Certificates must be carried. A horse entered in Novice Classes may also enter Open classes. Rider Classes: Please note Rider Classes – Youth Rider (Class 2122) and Open Rider (Class 2220) will be judged simultaneously at the completion of Park Hacks and Riding Horse Sections.</p><p>At the completion of the section classes the Best Paced & Mannered Horse in Show and Supreme Champion Saddle Horse will be judged in Ring 1. NB. Winners who do not come forward for the judging of these classes will forfeit all prizemoney.”</p><p>BEST PACED & MANNERED HORSE IN SHOW</p><p>2.00pm approx Winners of classes 2118, 2142, 2218, 2242 Winner to receive Rosette</p><p>SUPREME CHAMPION SADDLE HORSE</p><p>2.15pm approx Judged from Champion Park Hack, Hack, Riding Horse & Saddle Hunter Winner to receive a Dress Rug & Sash</p><p>PARK HACKS</p><p>Park Hacks are over 148cm and not exceeding 158cm. Park Hacks in this ring are not eligible for Hack, Riding Horse or Saddle Hunter rings.</p><p>Horse Ring 1 Sunday 4th November 2012 9.00am Judge: Leanne Cooke Entry Fee: $14 Prize Money: 1st $20 2nd $15 3rd $10</p><p>Note: Height Certificates must be carried Definition of a Novice (see information for Exhibitors)</p><p>29 2100 Unity Class (informal) for Novice Park Hacks 2102 Novice Park Hack 0-3 wins 2104 Novice Park Hack 0-5 wins 2106 Novice Paced & Mannered Park Hack 0-5 wins</p><p>CHAMPION NOVICE PARK HACK RESERVE CHAMPION NOVICE PARK HACK (To be judged from winners of classes 2102 and 2104. Second placed horse to the champion to be judged alongside the remaining winner for reserve).</p><p>2108 Unity Class (informal) for Open Park Hacks (Ebbett Perpetual Salver) 2110 Park Hack, over 148cm and not exceeding 153cm 2112 Park Hack, over 153cm and not exceeding 158cm 2114 Lady’s Park Hack (Morgan Real Estate Perpetual (Oval Tray) – To be judged on type & suitability, exhibited by a lady or gentleman. Entries not eligible for class 2116. 2116 Gentleman’s Park Hack (Morgan Real Estate Perpetual (Round Tray) – to be judged on type & suitability exhibited by a lady or gentleman. Entries not eligible for class 2114.</p><p>CHAMPION PARK HACK (The Birchwood Perpetual Trophy) RESERVE CHAMPION PARK HACK (To be judged from winners of classes 2110 & 2112. Second placed horse to the champion to be judged alongside the remaining winner for reserve). (Champion required for Supreme Champion Saddle Horse at 2.15pm in Ring 1)</p><p>2118 Open Paced & Mannered Park Hack (Winner required for Best Paced & Mannered Horse of Show at 2pm in Ring 1) 2122 Rider Under 21 years Moutoa Cup – Riders may enter only one Rider Class at show (see also class 2220). May ride horse of choice (ie from any section)</p><p>HACKS</p><p>A Show Hack should display elegance and gaiety with very good paces. It must be well mannered and capable of giving its rider a pleasant and easy ride for a short journey. Horses in this section may not enter Park Hack, Riding Horse or Saddle Hunter classes.</p><p>Horse Ring 1 Sunday 4th November 2012 12.00 noon Judge: Leanne Cooke</p><p>Entry Fee: $14 member Prize Money: 1st $20 2nd $15 3rd $10</p><p>Definition of a novice (see information for Exhibitors) Note: Height Certificates must be carried</p><p>2124 Unity Class (informal) for Novice Hacks 2126 Novice Hack 0-3 wins 2128 Novice Hack 0-5 wins 30 2130 Novice Paced & Mannered Hack 0-5 wins</p><p>CHAMPION NOVICE HACK RESERVE CHAMPION NOVICE HACK (To be judged from winners of classes 2126 and 2128. Second placed horse to the champion to be judged alongside the remaining winner for reserve).</p><p>2132 Unity Class (informal) for Open Hacks 2134 Hack, over 158cm and not exceeding 163cm 2136 Hack, over 163cm 2138 Lady’s Hack– to be judged on type & suitability, exhibited by a lady or gentleman. Entries not eligible for class 2140. 2140 Gentleman’s Hack– to be judged on type & suitability exhibited by a lady or gentleman. Entries not eligible for class 2138.</p><p>CHAMPION HACK (Rembrant Perpetual Trophy – donated by Mr Cholmondeley- Smith) RESERVE CHAMPION HACK (To be judged from winners of classes 2134 & 2136. Second placed horse to the champion to be judged alongside the remaining winner for reserve). (Champion required for Supreme Champion Saddle Horse at 2.15pm)</p><p>2142 Open Paced & Mannered Hack (Winner required for Best Paced & Mannered Horse of Show at 2pm in Ring 1)</p><p>RIDING HORSE</p><p>This section is for horses who may not be a true Show Hack, Park Hack or Saddle Hunter in type but fit somewhere in between, and still possess the qualities of conformation, manners and paces that are desirable in a Show Horse. Horses in this section may not enter Hack, Park Hack or Saddle Hunter classes.</p><p>Horse Ring 2 Sunday 4th November 2012 9.00am Judge: Kathy Smith</p><p>Entry Fee: $14 Prize Money: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10</p><p>Note: Height Certificates must be carried Definition of a Novice (see information for Exhibitors)</p><p>2200 Unity Class (informal) for Novice Riding Horse 2202 Novice Riding Horse 0-3 wins 2204 Novice Riding Horse 0-5 wins 2206 Novice Paced & Mannered Riding Horse 0-5 wins</p><p>31 CHAMPION NOVICE RIDING HORSE RESERVE CHAMPION NOVICE RIDING HORSE (To be judged from winners of classes 2202 and 2204. Second placed horse to the champion to be judged alongside the remaining winner for reserve.</p><p>2208 Unity Class (informal) for Open Riding Horses 2210 Open Riding Horse, over 148cm & not exceeding 163cm 2212 Open Riding Horse, over 163cm 2214 Lady’s Riding Horse – to be judged on type & suitability, exhibited by a lady or gentleman. Entries not eligible for class 2216. 2216 Gentleman’s Riding Horse – to be judged on type & suitability exhibited by a lady or gentleman. Entries not eligible for class 2214.</p><p>CHAMPION RIDING HORSE RESERVE CHAMPION RIDING HORSE (To be judged from winners of classes 2210 & 2212. Second placed horse to the champion to be judged alongside the remaining winner for reserve). (Champion required for Supreme Champion Saddle Horse at 2:15pm in Ring 1)</p><p>2218 Open Paced & Mannered Riding Horse (Winner required for Best Paced & Mannered Horse of Show at 2pm in Ring 1)</p><p>2220 Rider 21 years and over – Riders may enter only one Rider Class at show (see also classes 2122). May ride horse of choice (ie from any section)</p><p>SADDLE HUNTERS</p><p>A Hunter should have substance and activity. It must be capable of carrying the weight designated, have strong easy paces, be well mannered and be capable of carrying its rider for long periods over varied country. Horses in this section may not enter Hack, Park Hack or Saddle Hunter classes.</p><p>Horse Ring 2 Sunday 4th November 2012 12.00 noon Judge: Kathy Smith</p><p>Entry Fee: $14 Prize Money: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10</p><p>Definition of a Novice (see information for Exhibitors)</p><p>2222 Unity Class (informal) for Novice Saddle Hunters 2224 Novice Saddle Hunter 0-3 wins 2226 Novice Saddle Hunter 0-5 wins 2228 Novice Paced & Mannered Saddle Hunter 0-5 wins 32 CHAMPION NOVICE SADDLE HUNTER (Ashlea Cup) RESERVE CHAMPION NOVICE SADDLE HUNTER (To be judged from winners of classes 2224 and 2226. Second placed horse to the champion to be judged alongside the remaining winner for reserve).</p><p>2230 Unity Class (informal) for Open Saddle Hunters 2232 Lightweight Saddle Hunter to carry up to 76kg 2234 Mediumweight Saddle Hunter to carry up to 83kg 2236 Heavyweight Saddle Hunter to carry over 83kg 2238 Lady’s Saddle Hunter – to be judged on type & suitability, exhibited by a lady or gentleman. Entries not eligible for class 2234. 2240 Gentleman’s Saddle Hunter– to be judged on type & suitability exhibited by a lady or gentleman. Entries not eligible for class 2238.</p><p>CHAMPION SADDLE HUNTER RESERVE CHAMPION SADDLE HUNTER (To be judged from winners of classes 2232, 2234 & 2236. Second placed horse to the champion to be judged alongside the remaining winner for reserve). (Champion required for Supreme Champion Saddle Horse at 2.15pm in Ring 1)</p><p>2242 Open Paced & Mannered Saddle Hunter (Gillies Challenge Cup) (Winner required for Best Paced & Mannered Horse of Show at 2pm in Ring 1)</p><p>LEADING REIN PONY</p><p>Ponies to be 128cm & under. Rider four years and up to & including seven years. Combinations in this section are not eligible to compete in other sections. Riders who have competed in First Ridden, Novice & Open Pony sections are no longer eligible for this section. These children are those yet unable to ride without assistance from a leader or attendant and should be judged accordingly. A relaxed happy partnership between rider, pony and leader is the aim in this section.</p><p>Horse Ring 3 Sunday 4th November 2012 1.00pm Judge: Melda Gibson</p><p>Entry Fee: $14 Prize Money: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10</p><p>Note: Height certificates must be carried</p><p>2246 Best Presented Leading Rein Pony, Rider & Handler 2248 Novice Leading Rein Pony 128cm & under 0 – 5 wins 2250 Best Leading Rein Pony 123cm & under 33 2252 Best Leading Rein Pony over 123cm & not exceeding 128cm 2254 Paced & Mannered Leading Rein Pony 128cm & under 2256 Best Combination of Rider & Pony, 128cm & under 2258 Rider 4 & 5 years 2260 Rider 6 & 7 years 2262 Pony Breeders Society of New Zealand Sash Class. (Pony must be fully registered with the Pony Breeders Society of NZ & born in NZ. Proof of registration to be available on request. Registration number to be shown on the entry form. If it is subsequently found that the winner is not registered with the Society, the winner will be disqualified).) To be judged 60% conformation & 40% paces & manners. </p><p>CHAMPION LEADING REIN PONY RESERVE LEADING REIN PONY (Judged from winners of classes 2250 & 2252. Second placed pony to champion to be judged alongside the remaining winner for reserve).</p><p>FIRST RIDDEN PONY</p><p>Ponies to be 138cm & under. Riders under 10 years. Riders who have competed in Novice & Open Sections are no longer eligible for First Ridden. The same pony may be entered in both the Leading Rein Section & First Ridden Section but with a different rider. No cantering is allowed as a class. However the judge may ask for a canter in the individual workouts.</p><p>Horse Ring 3 Sunday 4th November 2012 2.30pm Judge: Melda Gibson</p><p>Entry Fee: $14 Prize Money: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10</p><p>Note: Height Certificates must be carried</p><p>2264 Best Presented Pony & Rider 2266 Novice First Ridden Pony 138cm & under 0-5 wins 2268 Open First Ridden Pony 128cm & under 2270 Open First Ridden Pony over 128cm & not exceeding 138cm 2272 Best Combination of Pony & Rider 138cm & under 2274 Best Paced & Mannered First Ridden Pony 2276 Best Rider under 10 years (Nicole Thompson Trophy) 2278 Pony Breeders Society of New Zealand Sash Class. (Pony must be fully registered with the Pony Breeders Society of NZ & born in NZ. Proof of registration to be available on request. Registration number to be shown on the entry form. If it is subsequently found that the winner is not registered with the Society, the winner will be disqualified).) To be judged 60% conformation & 40% paces & manners. </p><p>CHAMPION FIRST RIDDEN PONY RESERVE CHAMPION FIRST RIDDEN PONY (To be judged from winners of classes 2268 & 2270. Second placed pony to champion to be judged alongside the remaining winner for reserve.) 34 SADDLE PONIES - CONDITIONS</p><p>SADDLE SHOW PONIES, SADDLE PONY HUNTERS, WORKING PONY HUNTERS, LEAD REIN & FIRST RIDDEN PONIES General: I Riders competing in Horse Classes may not compete in Saddle Pony Classes, or Saddle Pony Hunter Classes, excepting Novice Classes. 2 Ponies under three years of age shall not be ridden. 3 Ponies must be named at time of entry in all classes. 4 Adult riders may ride ponies in novice classes only. 5 Height certificates and novice performance cards must be produced on request of a Steward. 6 Definition of a Novice: A Novice is a pony, horse or rider that has not won more than five firsts at any A & P Show at the time of competition, in flat classes where conformation or paces & manners are taken into consideration; or in riding classes. 7 Pony Exhibitors - also see Dry Mare & Gelding classes in In Hand Pony Section, and Welsh Section. 8 See ‘In Hand Pony’ section for ‘Junior Handler’ Classes. 9 NB: Intermediate & Junior Novice classes are combined. </p><p>SADDLE SHOW PONIES</p><p>Entry Fee: $14 Prize Money: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10</p><p>Note: Ponies competing in Saddle Show Pony Classes are not eligible for Saddle Hunter Pony Classes. Height certificates and performance cards must be presented on request.</p><p>Unity Classes: Please note competitors as a combination (ie. Rider & Pony) may only compete in one Unit Class.</p><p>SPECIAL AWARDS: Pony Breeders Society of New Zealand presents a sash for the winner of the Ridden Sash Class final. Entries must be registered with the Society and proof of registration shown on request. Registration number to be written on entry form. If it is subsequently found that the winner is not fully registered with the Society, the winner will be disqualified.</p><p>Cameron Jewellers presents Silver Lapel Pins to the winners of Open Unit Classes 2308, 2408, 2500 and the Best Child Rider of the Show.</p><p>Trophies for Section</p><p>The Santa Rosa Salver, is presented by the Mitchell Bros of Longburn to the winner of class 2308, Senior Unit</p><p>The Manawatu Pony Club Challenge Cup is presented to the winner of class 2408 Intermediate Unit. 35 The Taurimu Riding School Trophy, is presented to the winner of class 2500, Junior Unit.</p><p>The Chantilly Trophy, is donated by the Wells Family, Hastings, to be awarded to the Senior Champion Pony.</p><p>The Santa Claus Salver, was donated by the Gorton Family of Palmerston North, to be awarded to the Intermediate Champion Pony.</p><p>The Les Wright Cup, to be awarded to the Junior Champion Pony. </p><p>The Orlando Trophy, donated by the Yorke Family, to be awarded to the Champion Paced & Mannered Pony.</p><p>The Commonwealth Dominion Line Cup which replaces the Doris Young Cup, to be awarded to the Supreme Champion Pony.</p><p>SENIOR PONY over 138cm and not exceeding 148cm</p><p>Horse Ring 3 Sunday 4th November 2012 8.30am Judge: Wendy Freeman</p><p>2300 Unity Class (informal) for Novice Ponies 148cm and under. Riders 14 years and under 17 years 2302 Novice Pony over 138cm & not exceeding 148cm, 0-3 Wins 2304 Novice Pony over 138cm & not exceeding 148cm, 0-5 Wins 2306 Novice Paced & Mannered Pony over 138cm & not exceeding 148cm, 0-5 Wins</p><p>CHAMPION NOVICE PONY RESERVE CHAMPION NOVICE PONY (Judged from 1st placegetters in classes 2302, 2304, Second place getters to stand-by)</p><p>2308 “Santa Rosa Salver”, Senior Unit Class – 9.45am approx Ponies 148cm & under. Riders 14 years and under 17 years 2310 Open Pony over 138cm & not exceeding 143cm 2312 Open Pony over 143cm & not exceeding 148cm 2314 Open Paced and Mannered Pony (Winner required for judging of Best Paced & Mannered Pony in Show)</p><p>CHAMPION SENIOR PONY – (Chantilly Trophy) RESERVE CHAMPION SENIOR PONY (Judged from1st placegetters in classes 2310, 2312. Second placegetters to stand by)</p><p>2316 Pony Breeders Society of New Zealand Ridden Sash (Pony must be fully registered with the Pony Breeders Society of New Zealand and born in New Zealand. The number must be on the entry form. Judged 60% conformation and 40% paces and manners. The winner will compete in the final class for the Pony Breeders Society Sash)</p><p>2318 Rider, 14 years and under 17 years. (Winner required for judging of best child rider in show)</p><p>36 INTERMEDIATE PONY over 128cm and not exceeding 138cm</p><p>Horse Ring 4 Sunday, 4th November 2012 8.30am Judge: Heather Grant</p><p>2400 Unity Class (informal) for Novice Ponies 148cm and under. Riders under 14 years 2402 Novice Pony 138cm and under. 0-3 Wins 2404 Novice Pony 138cm and under. 0-5 Wins 2406 Novice Paced & Mannered Pony, 138cm and under. 0-5 Wins</p><p>CHAMPION NOVICE PONY RESERVE CHAMPION NOVICE PONY (Judged from 1st placegetters in classes 2402, 2404, Second place getters to stand-by)</p><p>2408 “Manawatu Pony Club Challenge Cup”, 9.45am approx Intermediate Unit Class Ponies -148cm & under. Riders 11 years and under 14 years Ponies 148cm & under. Riders 11 years and under 14 years 2410 Open Pony over 128cm & not exceeding 133cm 2412 Open Pony over 133cm & not exceeding 138cm 2414 Open Paced and Mannered Pony (Winner required for judging of Best Paced & Mannered Pony in Show)</p><p>CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE PONY – (Santa Claus Salver) RESERVE CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE PONY (Judged from1st placegetters in classes 2410, 2412. Second placegetters to stand by)</p><p>2416 Pony Breeders Society of New Zealand Ridden Sash (Pony must be fully registered with the Pony Breeders Society of New Zealand and born in New Zealand. The number must be on the entry form. Judged 60% conformation and 40% paces and manners. The winner will compete in the final class for the Pony Breeders Society Sash)</p><p>2418 Rider, 12 years and under 14 years. (Winner required for judging of best child rider in show)</p><p>JUNIOR PONY not exceeding 128cm</p><p>NOVICE CLASSES – The Junior & Intermediate Ponies will be combined in Ring 4 at 8.30am</p><p>Horse Ring 5 Sunday, 4th November 2012 9.45am Approx Judge: Melda Gibson</p><p>2500 “Taurimu Riding School Trophy”, Junior Unit Class – Ponies 148cm & under. Riders 10 years and under 37 2502 Open Pony, not over 123cm 2504 Open Pony, over 123cm & not exceeding 128cm 2506 Open Paced and Mannered Pony (Winner required for judging of Best Paced & Mannered Pony in Show)</p><p>CHAMPION JUNIOR PONY – (The Les Wright Cup) RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR PONY (Judged from1st placegetters in classes 2502, 2504. Second placegetters to stand by)</p><p>2508 Pony Breeders Society of New Zealand Ridden Sash (Pony must be fully registered with the Pony Breeders Society of New Zealand and born in New Zealand. The number must be on the entry form. Judged 60% conformation and 40% paces and manners. The winner will compete in the final class for the Pony Breeders Society Sash)</p><p>2510 Rider, under 12 years. (Winner required for judging of best child rider in show)</p><p>SADDLE PONIES - FINALS</p><p>Horse Ring 3 Sunday 4th November 2012 11.15am approx</p><p>Judging to follow classes.</p><p>2320 NEW ZEALAND RIDING PONY SASH CLASS (1 Judge only) For Ponies under 148cm and must be registered with the New Zealand Pony Society, to be judged on conformation. Registration number must be shown on entry form. Sash to be sponsored by NZ Riding Pony Society. The New Zealand Riding Pony Society. Entry Fee: $12</p><p>PONY BREEDERS SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND RIDDEN SASH Final and presentation. (Winners from classes 2316, 2416, 2508,1128. To be judged 60% conformation and 40% paces and manners).</p><p>CHAMPION CHILD RIDER OF THE SHOW (Judged from winner of classes 2318, 2418, 2510, 1114 & 1124) (Winner to receive Sash and Cameron Jewellers Silver Lapel Pin).</p><p>CHAMPION PACED AND MANNERED PONY (This class includes the three open Saddle Pony Paced and Mannered Winners from classes 2314, 2414, 2506. To be judged by the 3 Saddle Show Pony Judges). (Winner to receive a Rossette).</p><p>SUPREME CHAMPION SADDLE PONY – (The Commonwealth Dominion Line Trophy) (This class consists of the 3 Champion Saddle Ponies. To be judged by the 3 Pony judges). A Dress Rug & Sash will be presented to the Supreme Champion Saddle Pony).</p><p>38 PLEASURE PONY: CHILD RIDERS</p><p>Horse Ring 4 Sunday 4th November 2012 11.30pm Judge: Sue Cousins Entry Fee: $8 Prize Money: 1st $10, 2nd $8, 3rd $6</p><p>Plaiting is optional</p><p>A Pleasure Pony is a mount with excellent manners, strong even free paces and with sufficiently good conformation as to be a comfortable and pleasurable ride over a long distance or in whatever activity chosen by the rider. These are restricted classes – wins do not count for Novice Performance. Child Classes for Riders 16 years and under on a pony.</p><p>2420 Best Groomed & Cared for Pony & Gear 2422 Best Combination of Pony & Rider 2424 Best Walking Pony 2426 Best Trotting Pony 2428 Best Paced and Mannered Pony 2430 Pony suitable for a Beginner 2432 Best Rider 12 years and under 2434 Best Rider 13 to 16 years</p><p>CHAMPION PLEASURE PONY RESERVE CHAMPION PLEASURE PONY (To be judged from the winners of classes 2422 – 2430. Second placegetters to standby) </p><p>2436 Bareback Rider 16 years and under 2438 Fancy Dress</p><p>PLEASURE HORSE/PONY – ADULT RIDERS</p><p>Horse Ring 4 Sunday 4th November 2012 1.30am Judge: Sue Cousins Entry Fee: $10 per Class Prize Money: 1st $15 2nd $10 3rd $7</p><p>Plaiting is optional</p><p>A Pleasure Horse/Pony is a mount with excellent manners, strong even free paces and with sufficiently good conformation as to be a comfortable and pleasurable ride over a long distance or in whatever activity chosen by the rider. These are restricted classes – wins do not count for Novice Performance. Adult Classes for Riders 17 years and over on a horse or Pony.</p><p>2440 Best Groomed & Cared for Horse/Pony & Gear 2442 Best Combination of Horse/Pony & Rider 2444 Best Walking Horse/Pony 39 2446 Best Trotting Horse/Pony 2448 Best Paced & Mannered Horse/Pony 2450 Horse/Pony suitable for a Beginner 2452 Best Rider 17 to 20 years 2454 Best Rider 21 years and over</p><p>CHAMPION PLEASURE HORSE/PONY RESERVE CHAMPION PLEASURE HORSE/PONY (To be judged from the winners of classes 2442 – 2450. Second placegetters to standby) </p><p>2456 Bareback Rider 17 years and over</p><p>DONKEYS AND MULES</p><p>Horse Ring 6 Sunday 4th November 2012 10.00am Judge: Joanne Hardy</p><p>Entry Fee: $6 per Class Prize Money: 1st to 4th placings – Ribbons Only. (No prize money)</p><p>Open to Donkeys and Mules registered or eligible to be registered with the Donkey and Mule Society of New Zealand.</p><p>SPECIAL AWARD: The Pemberton Stud Sponsor ribbons for the In-Hand Section.</p><p>PEMBERTON DONKEY STUD IN HAND SECTION 2600 Best presented Donkey & Handler (To be judged on 50% animal, 25% gear, 25% handler) 2602 Novice Donkey 0-3 wins (Donkey not to have won more than 3 first prizes in a breed class at date of the Show) 2604 Jenny, Jack or Gelding, 2 Years of Age and under (born since 1st August 2010). (To be judged on conformation and action) 2606 Open Jenny - 3 Years and over (To be judged on conformation and action) 2608 Open Jack or Gelding, 3 years and over (To be judged on conformation and action).</p><p>CHAMPION IN-HAND DONKEY RESERVE CHAMPION IN-HAND DONKEY *Geldings are to be given equal consideration with Jennies and Jacks* (Winners of class 2604, 2606 & 2608 are eligible for Championship and then the second placegetter of the class the Champion is chosen from is invited into the ring to take part in the Reserve Champion Judging)</p><p>MULE IN-HAND SECTION 2610 Best Presented Mule on Lead Rein 40 (To be judged on 50% animal, 25% gear, 25% handler) 2612 In-hand best paced and mannered mule, any age 2614 Open Mule 2 years and under (born since 1st August 2010). (To be judged on conformation and action) 2616 Open Mule 3 years and over (To be judged on conformation and action)</p><p>CHAMPION MULE RESERVE CHAMPION MULE (Winners of Classes 2614 & 2616 are eligible for Championship and then the second placegetter of the Class the Champion is chosen from, is invited into the Ring to take part in the Reserve Champion judging).</p><p>Please Note: It is compulsory for all Jacks regardless of age to wear an identification badge “S” at all shows at all times.</p><p>PERFORMANCE SECTION – DONKEYS Mules may enter this Section and compete in the classes below, but will be judged separately.</p><p>2674 Ridden Donkey (To be judged as a unit. Lead Rein permitted for small children). 2676 Bending (Led or Ridden, against time) 2678 Donkey In Hand Performance Challenge. (To be judged on style and manners through four challenges selected by the judge) 2680 Pattern (Triangle Pattern) (To be judged on willingness, style and accuracy) 2682 Long Reining (To be judged on agility and obedience, at a walk, halt, rein back, negotiating a line of poles and standing when asked)</p><p>CHAMPION IN HAND PERFORMANCE DONKEY RESERVE CHAMPION IN HAND PERFORMANCE DONKEY (Championship awarded on points system: 6 points for 1st, 4 points for 2nd, 2 points for 3rd , 1 point for 4th ) </p><p>CHAMPION PERFORMANCE MULE RESERVE CHAMPION PERFORMANCE MULE (Championship awarded on points system: 6 points for 1st , 4 points for 2nd , 2 points for 3rd , 1 point for 4th )</p><p>HARNESS SECTION – DONKEYS Mules may enter this Section and compete in the classes below, but will be judged separately.</p><p>2684 Best Paced Harness Donkey (To be judged on action at walk and trot) 2686 Set Demonstration. The unit will perform a series of circles, halts, rein back, walks and trots around set markers as directed by the Judge. (To be judged on manners, and accuracy). 2688 Driven Donkey Challenge. To be judged on willingness, style and accuracy. It will consist of four challenges which will be chosen from the Driven Challenge by the Judge 41 2690 Driven Donkey Pattern. Drivers to drive the Driven Donkey Pattern 2010 CHAMPION HARNESS and RESERVE CHAMPION HARNESS DONKEY CHAMPION HARNESS and RESERVE CHAMPION HARNESS MULE (Championship awarded on points system – note no list of Classes: 6 points for 1st, 4 points for 2nd, 2 points for 3rd, 1 point for 4th ) </p><p>Kindly sponsored by Pemberton Donkey Stud.</p><p>HARNESS – (Horses/Ponies)</p><p>Horse Ring 7 Sunday 4th November 2012 9.30am Entry Fee: $8 per class Prize Money: 1st $15 2nd $10 3rd $6 Note: Only one set of championship ribbons if insufficient entries in height divisions.</p><p>HARNESS HORSES/PONIES 2700 Best Turned Out Combination 2702 Concours D’Elegance (Judged on the move, for general impression and most pleasing picture) 2704 Paced & Mannered 127cm and under (Judged on manners and obedience at walk, trot, halt, rein back as directed by the judge) 2706 Paced & Mannered over 127cm and under 147cm (Judged on manners and obedience at walk, trot, halt, rein back as directed by the judge) 2708 Paced & Mannered over 147cm (Judged on manners and obedience at walk, trot, halt, rein back as directed by the judge)</p><p>The paced and mannered classes may be combined if not enough entries.</p><p>2710 Harness Combination 2712 Open Pony/Horse 2714 Style and Action Horse/Pony Style and action classes may be combined if not enough entries 2716 Open Whip (Judged on the driver’s ability to gain obedience and free movement from the animal) 2718 Novice Whip – (not to have won more than 3 times at any show. (Judged on the driver’s ability to gain obedience and free movement from the animal) 2720 Special Period Costume Class 2722 Unity</p><p>CHAMPION HARNESS PONY – Manawatu Aerial Topdressing Trophy RESERVE CHAMPION HARNESS PONY </p><p>CHAMPION HARNESS HORSE RESERVE CHAMPION HARNESS HORSE (Please note: There will only be one Champion & Reserve awarded over all sizes, if insufficient entries) therefore no Supreme</p><p>SUPREME CHAMPION HARNESS PONY OR HORSE</p><p>42 SHOWJUMPING</p><p>A & P ASSN MEMBER NON-MEMBER</p><p>Formal Dress – Ring 1 Only.</p><p>Crusher Dust Arena Ring 1 – 8:30am SATURDAY 3rd November 2012 4002 Pony AM5 - 1.10m IJO EF: 15 18 PM: 50, 35, 20, 15 4004 Horse AM5 -1.10m IJO EF: 15 18 PM: 50, 35, 20, 15 4006 Pony AM5 - 1.15m IJO EF: 17 20 PM: 80, 50, 30, 20 4008 Pony AM5 - 1.20m IJO EF: 17 20 PM: 80, 50, 30, 20 4010 Horse AM5 - 1.20m IJO EF: 20 24 PM: 90, 60, 40, 25 4012 Horse AM5 - 1.25m IJO EF: 20 24 PM: 90, 60, 40, 25 4014 Horse AM5 - 1.30m EF: 20 24 PM: 90, 60, 40, 25</p><p>Crusher Dust Arena Ring 2 – 8:30am 4016 Horse AM5 - .90m IJO EF: 11 14 PM: 35, 25, 15, 10 4018 Pony AM5 - .90m IJO EF: 10 13 PM: 30, 20, 15, 10 4020 Horse AM5 - 1.00m IJO EF: 11 14 PM: 35, 25, 15, 10 4022 Pony TYOL - 1m EF: 10 13 PM: 30, 20, 15, 10 4024 Horse AM5 - 1.10m EF: 15 18 PM: 50, 35, 20, 15 (power and speed)</p><p>Crusher Dust Arena Ring 1 – 8:30am SUNDAY 4th November 2012 4026 Horse AM5 1.10m EF: 17 20 PM: 80, 50, 30, 20 4028 Pony Table C 1.15m EF: 15 18 PM: 50, 35, 20, 15 4030 Amateur Rider AM5 - 1.15m EF: 21 24 PM: 100, 70, 50, 30, 30, 30 Sponsored by Iverquantel (Height Min 1.10, Max 1.20. Article 238.2.2). 4032 Horse Classic AM5 - 1.20m EF: 20 24 PM: 90, 60, 40, 25 4034 Young Rider AM5 1* EF: 33 38 PM: 150, 100, 80, 70, 50, 50 (Height Min 1.25, Max 1.35, Article 238.2.2) 4036 Horse Classic AM5 1.30m EF: 22 26 PM: 95, 65, 45, 30 4038 Pony Grand Prix AM5 1* EF: 20 24 PM: 100, 60, 40, 40, 30, 30 (Height Min 1.15, Max 1.25, Article 263.5.1). 4040 Horse Grand Prix AM5 1* EF: 55 60 PM: 330, 260, 150, 100, 80, 80 Part of the Cathay Pacific Grand Prix Series. (Height Min 1.35, Max 1.45, Article 261.5.1).</p><p>Crusher Dust Arena Ring 2 – 8.30 am 4042 AM5 IJO Pony .90M EF: 10 13 PM: 30, 20, 15, 10 4044 AM5 IJO Pony 1.00M EF: 11 14 PM: 35, 25, 15, 10 4046 AM5 IJO Horse 1.00M EF: 11 14 PM: 35, 25, 15, 10 4048 AM5 IJO Horse 1.05M EF: 11 14 PM: 35, 25, 15, 10 4050 AM5 IJO Pony 1.10M EF: 15 18 PM: 50, 35, 20, 15</p><p>43 SHOW HUNTER CLASSES</p><p>ALL SHOW HUNTER CLASSES ARE RUN UNDER ESNZ SHOW HUNTER NZ RULES 2011 V4.</p><p>Entry Fee: $14 Non- member $16 Entry Training Fee: $6 NM $8 </p><p>Prize Money: 1st $20 2nd $15 3rd $10 Training Prizes: Ribbons only</p><p>Warm up rounds 8:00am, $2 per round. Please note – classes may be split or combined depending on entries No class will be held up pending the arrival of a competitor All Open Classes carry HOY & NZ Nationals qualifying points Training & Equitation Classes do not carry HOY & NZ National qualifying points Classes of same height may be run back to back. COMPETITORS IN LOW HUNTERS CANNOT COMPETE IN ANY OTHER SHOWHUNTERS OTHER THAN TRAINING ON THE SAME HORSE.</p><p>SATURDAY 3rd November 2012 – PONIES 09.00 am 5002 Training 60cm 5004 Open Category A (10ft stride) 70cm 5006 Open Champion Category A (10ft stride) 70cm 5008 Training 70cm 5010 Open Category B (10ft 6” stride) 80cm 5012 Open Champion Category B (10ft 6” stride) 80cm 5014 Non-series Children’s Equitation Class 80cm 5016 Training 80cm 5018 Open Category C (11ft stride) 90cm 5020 Open Championship Category C (11ft stride) 90cm</p><p>SUNDAY 4th November 2012 – HORSES (Crusher Dust) 09.30am</p><p>Entry Fee: $13 Non- member $16 Entry Training Fee: $6 NM $8 Prize Money: 1st $20 2nd $13 3rd $9 Training Prizes: Ribbons only</p><p>Warm up rounds 8:30am, $2 per round. Please note – classes may be split or combined depending on entries No class will be held up pending the arrival of a competitor All Open Classes. 1st year Registered Class carry HOY & NZ Nationals qualifying points Training & Equitation Classes do not carry HOY & NZ Nationals qualifying points Classes of same height may be run back to back</p><p>5022 Training 80cm 5024 Low Hunter 80cm 5026 Low Hunter 85cm 5028 Open 90cm 5030 Non-series Junior Equitation Class 1.0m (Over Jumps Only) This class gives points towards the National Junior. 5032 Non-series Adult Equitation Class 1.0m 5034 Open 1.00m 5036 Open 1.10m</p><p>CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION – Judged from Classes 5032 and 5034 44 Manawatu & West Coast Agricultural & Pastoral Association </p><p>OFFICERS 2012 - 2013 PRESIDENT Lawrence Satherley IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Maurice Pedley SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT John Wall</p><p>HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS’ Manawatu District Council Mayor, Margaret Kouvelis Peter Gibbons, Richard Gibson, Chris Wall </p><p>HONORARY TREASURER Christine Scott</p><p>HONORARY SOLICITOR Phil Sunderland</p><p>GENERAL COMMITTEE Bev Akers, Andrew Boustridge, Mitchell Brown, Tom Carroll, Gary Child, Sylvia Claridge, Robert Cranston, Ian Cruden, David Dench, John Dunderdale, Murray Faulding, Richard Gibson, Ashley Hazlitt, Gordon Johnson, Jill Martin, Sharon Mclean, Paul Peck, Bev Williams, Peter Shirnack, David Wood </p><p>EVENTS CO-ORDINATOR Lisa Bishop / Christine Scott</p><p>45 VETERINARY SURGEONS Totally Vets </p><p>46</p>
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