<p> THE THIRD SUNDAY after the EPIPHANY All persons baptized with water & the Spirit in the Name of the Trinity are invited to receive the Eucharist. Those who wish to only receive a blessing, may cross their arms. It is perfectly acceptable January 23, 2011 to receive the Eucharist in only one kind (i.e. the Host), and then decline the chalice, crossing your Year A & Daily Office Year One arms. BCP Page 323 8:00 AM HOLY EUCHARIST RITE I Celebrant & Preacher: The Rev. James N. Hunter II Page 163 Traditional Collect (insert) Page 340 Eucharistic Prayer II</p><p>9:15 & 11:15 AM HOLY EUCHARIST RITE II The WORD of GOD PROCESSIONAL HYMN 490 "I want to walk as a child of the light" BCPPage 355 Opening Acclamation Page 356 Gloria in excelsis (Hymnal S-280) Insert Collect (BCP p 215); SUNDAY SCHOOL goes to “Upper Room” Insert Lessons: Isaiah 9:1-4; PSALM 27:1, 5-13 (p 617); I CORINTHIANS 1:10-18 GRADUAL HYMN 661, verses 1-3 "They cast their nets in Galilee" Insert The Gospel (MATTHEW 4:12-23) GRADUAL HYMN 661, verse 4 The Sermon: (9:15) Fr. Layne Smith (11:15) Fr. Stephen Reed Page 358 The Nicene Creed Page 385 The Prayers of the People – Form II Page 360 The Peace Page 830/431 Announcements, Introductions, Birthdays, Anniversaries The HOLY COMMUNION OFFERTORY HYMN (9:15) R&C Choir: "Come and Fill Our Hearts" (11:15) Choir Anthem: “Jesus Calls Us” Hymnal 380, verse 3 The Doxology Page 361 The Great Thanksgiving (Eucharistic Prayer A) Page 362 Sanctus (Hymnal S-129) Page 364 The Lord's Prayer Page 364 Fraction Anthem (Hymnal S-155) COMMUNION HYMNS: Songbook 85, 14b, 99, 114, 78 Page 365/6 The Post Communion Prayer & Blessing RECESSIONAL HYMN 335 "I am the bread of life" 1-23-2011 www.stmatthewschurch.org www.episcopalak.org THIS WEEK at SAINT MATTHEW’S 2011 THE THIRD SUNDAY after the EPIPHANY Sunday, January 23 rd ( Third Sunday after the Epiphany) (National Pie Day! Bring a pie to share! We'll have an Epiphany Pie Feast!) 8 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I ~ Fr. James N. Hunter II, Celebrant/Preacher (Nursery available for Children three years & younger) 9:15 AM Holy Eucharist Rite II ~ Fr. Layne Smith, Celebrant/Preacher Sunday School goes to Upper Room after Collect 11:15 AM Holy Eucharist Rite II ~ Fr. Stephen Reed, Celebrant/Preacher Sunday School goes to Upper Room after Collect Monday, January 24 th 6 PM Education for Ministry (EFM) (Parish library) Tuesday, January 25 th 11 AM Denali Center Eucharist w/Chaplain Stephen Reed 4 PM Weed & Seed Steering Committee meeting Wednesday, January 26 th 9:30 AM Holy Eucharist w/ Healing Prayers 5:30 PM St. Matthew's Round & Chant Choir practice 6 PM Choir Rehearsal 7 PM Evening Prayer & Holy Eucharist Thursday, January 27 th 10:30 AM Pioneer Home Eucharist Friday-Saturday, January 28th-29th Diocesan Commission on Ministry meeting @ Diocesan Office</p><p>Sunday, January 30 th St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church 9:15 am ANNUAL PARISH MEETING & Potluck ~ ONE service only (Nursery available for Children three years & younger) Fairbanks, Alaska Videos & games for SUNDAY SCHOOL in the Upper Room with volunteers ~~~ Volunteers needed (teens???) The first Episcopal services in Fairbanks were in 1903. The next year, St. Matthew's Church was built. The original church building burned in 1947, and was replaced with the present St. Matthew's Church. First service in the church was Christmas Eve 1948. WELCOME to everyone visiting from throughout the Interior and Acolyte/Crucifer: Sarah Reed/Jesse Taylor beyond. You are invited to join us at our coffee hour in the parish hall Chalice: Bruce Gadwah Ron Moore Bernice Aragon/Roslyn Allen after each service. Ushers: John Parsons Gene Freeman Nursery: ------Millie Ambrose ------The Proposed 2011 St. MATTHEW'S BUDGET, various ANNUAL Organist: Laura Vines Laura Vines REPORTS, and a Sign-up for NOMINATIONS are posted in the Parish Hall. Altar Guild: Karen Kiss NOMINATIONS from the floor accepted ONLY with consent of Nominee. Coffee Hour: Helen Howard</p><p>THANK YOU to all who have submitted their annual reports. OUR PRAYERS OF INTERCESSIONS DIOCESAN 2011 CALENDARS are available ~ cost $3 each. Parish Intercessions Daniel Richard Chelsey Mary 2011 OFFERING ENVELOPES are available. Contact the Church Office if Sterling Fr. Steve Eleanor Fred interested in having a box. Rolf Nancy Franklin & Lillian Walter Kitson Hannah Gidget Curtis THANK YOU to those who provided housing this weekend for members Elisabeth Sandy Phyllis Alice of the Diocesan Commission on Ministry. Arnold Diana Joan Jenny Sharron Kyle Howard Patrick Audrey Byron Linda Courtney FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP thru December 30, 2010 Maggie Woody Harold Amanda Operating Income (Month) $39,806 (YTD) $298,220 Beau Beverly Rosalie Margaret Operating Expense 26,381 - 301,731 Vince Artha Bert Lona Surplus/(Deficit) $13,425 $ (-3,511)* Robert John Jim Doreen (*The difference was taken from the Operations Reserve Account) Jessica Sean Mandy Evelyn Weekly offering need to meet 2010 budgeted ministry needs: $5,947 MacKenzie Luke Ramona Mark Last Sunday's offering (operating fund): $3,335.13 Pay-pal donations during December: $4,914 Edna Fr Layne Casey Grace Jean Diane Leslie Isaiah Those traveling; those in recovery; all those serving overseas & THOSE ASSISTING IN THE LITURGY their families; our family in various homes and programs; and all those YOU, The COMMUNION of SAINTS and..... grieving (Please keep these people in your prayers, as we will be rotating names every three weeks or 8:00 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 11:15 a.m. so to include those currently asking for prayer.) lst Lesson: Andrea Backlund Ron Moore Bonnie Marsh Psalm: Shirley Gordon Tom Marsh Epistle: Andrea Backlund Gary Bender Bernice Aragon Prayers: Bruce Gadwah Laura Bender Helen Howard St. Matthew’s Health Ministry reminds us that JANUARY is HEALTHY NUTRITION & EXERCISE MONTH ~~~~~</p><p>Healthy food is being provided in the parish hall after services this month, along with recipes, by Health Ministry members. Sexton: MICHAEL 'TREE' NELSON Sunday School Director: PATTY MERITT O GOD, our Heavenly Father, as we enter upon this new year, we commit Co-Sacristans: CATHY GIACOMAZZI & MARY JOHNSTON ourselves to your faithful care and keeping. Give us the grace so to love you with Parish Secretary: HILARY FREEMAN all our heart and mind and strength that we may live without fear, and so to love Wardens: ROXY WRIGHT FREEDLE & KAREN KISS Deacons: THE REV'Ds MONTIE SLUSHER, BELLA JEAN SAVINO, SHIRLEY LEE our neighbors as ourselves that we may live without reproach. Grant that no Priests: THE REV’Ds STEPHEN MATTHEW, JOHN HOLZ, LEE DAVIS chance or change may turn us aside from the doing of your holy will. Amen. Rector: THE REV. SCOTT FISHER St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church Bishop of Alaska: THE RT. REV. MARK LATTIME Fairbanks, Alaska January 23, 2011</p><p>OUR PRAYERS OF INTERCESSIONS</p><p>Diocese of Alaska & Diocese of Yukon Intercessions St. Matthew’s, Beaver; St. Andrew’s, Stevens Village; Rampart; St. Jude’s, North Pole; St. John's, Eagle; St. Mark’s Nenana; St. Bartholomew's, Palmer/Communities along The Alaska Highway, Miles 150-506, British Columbia The Anglican Communion & The Indian Ministries Cycle of Prayer The Church of the Province of the Congo/the Native people in the Diocese of Fond du Lac Thanksgivings for Lane Jay (1966), James Ian (1976), whose baptismal anniversary at St. Matthew’s is January 23rd</p><p>FLOWER and CANDLE OFFERING The Altar flowers are given to the Glory of God, and in thanksgiving for all the clergy who continually assist at and for St. Matthew's. The sanctuary candle is given to the Glory of God, and in thanksgiving for Fr. Scott and his family. ~~~~~ The flowers on the Altar are prepared and provided at minimum cost by College Floral & Gift.</p>
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