
<p> ~ 1 ~</p><p>Dear Parents APPRECIATION We give thanks to Almighty God for bringing the first term, 2016/2017 to an end peacefully. We wish to extend our sincere appreciation to Parents for the various roles they played to make the term a successful one. </p><p>ACADEMICS Teaching and learning was carried out successfully during the term. Despite the late resumption teachers were able to make up for lost time by not going on mid- term break. Classes went on smoothly in all subjects. There was a continuous assessment test during the term in addition to assignments/home work and practicals in the subjects requiring practicals. The first term examination was also held successfully. </p><p>EXTRA LESSON, GOOD MORNING LESSON AND NIGHT PREP: Extra lessons were organised from 4-6pm for all classes. The night prep was well supervised and monitored by Vice Principal Academics and Students Affairs and designated teachers. There were also early morning lessons for the examination classes of JS 3 and SS3. This was to aid their preparation for WASSCE, NECOSSCE & BECE.</p><p>EXTERNAL EXAMINATIONS RESULT The 2016 WASSCE, NECOSSCE & BECE results have been released and the student’s did very well. The Analysis of the WASSCE is as follows . No enrolled: 300, . No that sat for the exam: 298 . No with credit and above in mathematics 274 (91.9%) . No with credit and above in English 298 (100%) . No with five credit and above including English and Mathematics 269 (90.2%) . The school came 1st Marketing and 2nd in Radio, TV and Electronic work in WASSCE 2016.</p><p>THE ANALYSIS OF THE NECO SSCE . No enrolled: 300 . No that sat for the exam: 295 . No with credit and above in mathematics: 283 . No with credit and above in English: 291 . No with five credit and above including English and mathematics: 283</p><p>BECE ~ 2 ~</p><p>A few students had resit in mathematics and English, however, all those who sat for the resit exam passed, so no student is repeating J.S III. We give kudus to the hardworking teacher’s for the good work.</p><p>SCHOOL FEES: We appreciate the efforts of parents in the payment of their children /wards schools fees. Nevertheless, some still insist on defrauding the school by sending their children to school without paying fees. Some are even owing for last session. All payments must be paid to Federal Government College, Idoani account on Remita platform in any commercial Bank. Parents should note that payments should be made in full. Fees defaulters will not be allowed into the school compound. Parents should start paying their children’s fees during the holiday and obtain receipt from the school. This will make checking in easier for them on resumption day. VANDALISATION OF COLLEGE PROPERTY: The College has observed the destructive tendency in some students displayed in wanton vandalisation of college property especially defacing the walls of the classrooms, breaking louvers, destroying lockers among others. As a deterrent, any student caught will be surcharged five times the value of what he/she vandalized. Where the culprit is not identified, a mass surcharge will be handed to every member of the group involved. Parents are therefore enjoined to inculcate in their children the good habit of protecting college property at all times. </p><p>DISCIPLINE The college considers discipline as the bedrock for effective teaching and learning, and has made numerous efforts in ensuring that discipline is maintained. However, some students have continued to exhibit signs of indiscipline and those found guilty faced different disciplinary measures, accordingly to the guidelines on discipline by the Federal Ministry of Education. The college also has a Black Book/Punishment book to record names of offenders. Henceforth delinquent students will have such reflected in their Testimonials. HOSTEL MATTER’S It has been discovered that many of the junior student’s do not know how to take good care of their things. Some of them leave their clothes on the clothes line, when they fall on the ground they refuse to pick them up. These children will later tell their parents that those clothes have been stolen. Parent should teach their children how to wash their clothes at home and how to take better care of their things The school has zero tolerance for fagging and bullying. Parent of senior students should warn them against this act as anyone caught will face displinary action. Parents of Junior Students should encourage them to report any senior trying to bully or fag them, they should not suffer in silence. ~ 3 ~</p><p>Care of the Hair: It has been noted that some girls (especially junior ones) go around with untidy hair while some boys have bushy hair. As a remedy to this the school will have a barbing & hairdressing salon by next term. Boys are to pay N1,000.00 for this service while girls are to pay N2,000.00 (This is optional). Henceforth girls with untidy hair and boys with bushy hair will not be tolerated.</p><p>BOARDING HOUSE REQUIREMENTS . School uniform with badges (2) . School Beret (1) . 1 pair of black Shoes . 1 mattress . 1 pillow . House wears (2) . Sunday wear (1) . 1 pair of brown Treckers/Kito sandals . 2 white bed sheets . 2 check bed sheets (in house colour) . 2 check pillow cases (in house colour) </p><p>. 10 ltrs keg (to store water) . 1 set of cutlery . 1 Bucket . 2 Night gowns or pyjamas (No mufti) . 2 pairs of black hose . House church beret . School Sports wear . 1 water bottle /2 litres of keg for drinking water . 1 Blanket & 1 mosquito Net . 1 mattress cover (Zip-up mackintosh) for bed weters . 2 stainless steel flat plates . 1 cup . 2 brooms . 1 cutlass/1 Hoe . 1 mop . 1 Izal . Hypo . 1 Toilet cleaner (Harpic), 1 Toilet Brush . 2 Napkins /small Towels . 1 Toilet Brush . Torch light with battery . House dues N500.00 Note: Rakes and cobweb brooms are provided by the boarding house. Parents are advised to air the treated mosquito nets for at least one week before students return with them to prevent reactions. No student will be checked into the hostel without mosquito net, bedsheets and pillowcases. ~ 4 ~</p><p>These items will be thoroughly checked at the gate on the day of resumption by the House Staff. Any student without the required materials will have to purchase them before entrance into the college compound. Also, all students must wear the school shoes during school hours and brown sandals (Treckers or kitto sandals) after school hours. Slippers will only be allowed in the hostel. DINING HALL MATTERS</p><p>It has been noted that many of the food warmers in the dining hall have been taken away by the senior boys in the college. As a result all SS3 boys are to return to the school with large food warmers for dishing food while the SS1 and 2 boys are to return with the smaller coolers for serving soup/stew.</p><p>Parents should please warn their children against this act of smuggling food coolers out of the Dining Hall.</p><p>All students are to show their school plates and cutlery at the gate on resumption. Despite the schools concerted efforts some students still persist in coming to the Dining Hall without plates and or cutlery. Parents should talk to their children because if this persists such children will be deboarded. CLUBS AND SOCIETIES The school has over 20 clubs and societies that children can join and showcase their talents. The clubs and societies have patrons /patronesses who coordinate their activities under the supervision of the Vice Principal Student Affairs. All students are encouraged to join one or two clubs and societies. This term the Press Club celebrated Press Club Week with an Inter School Quiz competition. The GEM club also had its on week.</p><p>COMPETITIONS The school went for various competitions during the term. One of them was the Spell and Thrill competition. The school presented three candidates for the zonal competition and two won medals and qualified for the finals. At the state finals the school came tops as one of our candidates emerged as the state champion. Essien Eno Christian got a certificate of participation, Duru, Chukwuebuka and Idris Adeola won medals, while Duru Chukwuebuka got a plaque as the champion The school also presented candidates for the JETS completion.</p><p>INTERHOUSE SPORTS COMPETITION The 2017 interhouse sports competition has been fixed for Saturday March 4th 2017. Students will be required to have sportswear for that day.</p><p>CONTRABAND ITEMS</p><p>The following items are prohibited in the college: cell phones of any kind, electrical appliances, rechargeable torch/lamp, boiling rings, Discman, electric iron, coal irons, tinned food, perfumes, makeup, sardines, noodles, mufti etc. Only ~ 5 ~ torch lights with batteries will be accepted by the college. Parents should desist from giving their children cellphones and other contraband items to school. Any student found with the prohibited items shall be punished and the items shall be confiscated and burn/destroyed by the college authority. </p><p>DAY STUDENTS It has been observed that some student turn themselves into day students without the permission of the school Authority. Henceforth only students who entered this school as day student and those who were granted permission to be day students by the school management after due process has been followed will be allowed out of the gate. All others are considered boarders and are required to pay the boarding fee. It has also become necessary to have a means of identifying day students to forestall boarders breaking bounds and going into town pretending to be day students. As a result all day student will be given a day students identity card and day badge patch to be sewn on the uniform. Approved days students should hence return with a passport photograph and N1,000.00 for this purpose. </p><p>HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT (TRADE) Materials for Dyeing & Bleaching 1. 100% cotton (Teru) of Guinea (White) 2. Caustic soda and Hydrosulphite (But Advisable to pay this in cash) 3. Hand Gloves (Rubber) 4. Candle wax 5. Mesh and squeegee 6. Colour dyes in different colours 7. Starch 8. Printing ink in different colours 9. Twine 10. Scissor 11. Cellotape 1 paper tape 12. Foam stamp with Design </p><p>Technical Drawing (Board Practice) 1. Drawing Board, Tee Square, 2H, HB, H Pencils, Scale Rule, Drawing Book, Drawing Kit (with compasses & Dividers), white Eraser (etc) Block Laying And Concrete Works - Block laying tools like brick trowel, Builder square, float, Spirit level, Metallic or wooden range. All these are for weekly Building Technology Practicals, </p><p>Animal Husbandry Items ~ 6 ~</p><p>All animal husbandry students in SS3 are to pay a token of N2,500 this term. While SS1 and SS2 are to pay N1,000.00 each. This will cover layer birds, layer feeds and drugs.</p><p>Agric Science i. SS 1 & SS2 are to pay N500 each for farm practicals </p><p>Business Studies - Typewriter </p><p>[ Prevocational Studies (Home Economics) Material Needed For Second Term Practicals CLASS MATERIALS QUANTITIES JSS 1 FABRIC (CALICO) 2 YARDS PER STUDENT FOAM (AN INCH) 1 YARD PER STUDENT JSS 2 FABRIC (CALICO) 2 YARDS PER STUDENT JSS 3 FABRIC (CALICO) 1 YARD PER STUDENT RESUMPTION Junior Students and prefects are to resume on Saturday 7th January, 2017 while senior students are to resume on Sunday 8th January 2017 before 6pm. Any student that does not resume on stipulated resumption days should only come the following Saturday, 15th January 2017 as no student will be accepted into the school during the week. Sick students should not be brought to school. Parents should wait till the child is well and then bring the students to school with a medical Report. The report should state symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and whether the chid is fit to resume school or not. Parents are advised to check the school website /portal from time to time to know if a possible change on date of resumption would be announced. FEDCOL GAMES This school has always encouraged the student to participate in Sports and games. The college is attending 2016 FEDCOL Game with a contingent of 30 students. CHRISTMAS CAROLS 2016 The college held a wonderful Christmas carol service on the 14th December, 2016. SCHOOL BASED MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (SBMC) The tenure of the 3rd session of the SBMC expired in July 2016. The 4th session of the SBMC will be inaugurated soon. </p><p>PTA ~ 7 ~</p><p>Our sincere appreciation goes to the Parent-Teacher –Association for their support and various roles they have played towards the upliftment of the college. They have been of great help to the college this term. The PTA meeting during the term was very successful. ALUMNI We also appreciate the old students for all their assistance to the college this term. Special thanks to the 1988 sets for donating 360 classroom desks and lockers for SS1 students. The 2006 set had their 10th year Reunion in the college from 17th - 20th November, 2016. They also donated a brush cutter, portable sound system, siren, jerses and a football to the college. </p><p>FEDERAL MINISTRY OF EDUCATION We are very grateful to the Federal Ministry of Education for providing the resources (financial human and materials) and the necessary atmosphere for us to operate. This term two hostels are being renovated while various office equipment have been provided for the smooth running of the school. </p><p>SCHOOL PORTAL Following the introduction of the new ICT initiative to our school, our attention has been drawn to the fact that parents are not maximizing the use of our portal and website. Kindly note that there are lots of benefits attached to using the portal e.g. result checker, assignment checker, bill checker, newsletter and other updates of activities in our school. Find below six simple steps on how to log in to the portal and access these features and also view your wards result online. Launch your browser Type www.fgcidoani.com Click on student Enter your ward (s) username and password e.g. Username: FGCIDxxxxxx Password: Cabinet You will then be logged into your account successfully Click on result</p><p>Note: 1. All students without passport photographs on their report card are required to bring a copy of their passport photograph with name and class clearly written behind it on resumption. 2. All students can request for their usernames from their class teachers or from the office of the V.P. Academics. For further enquires on how to assess the portal call: Ayo Krystal - 08127822996 V.P Academics - 08036120302 THE HOLIDAY PERIOD ~ 8 ~</p><p>Parents should supervise and monitor their children very well during the holidays. Their report sheets should be checked to identify their areas of weakness and strengths. Children should participate in household chores as well as spend some time reading and preparing for the new term. Parents should encourage their children to spend the holidays productively. In addition parents (especially fathers) should interact with their children and get to know them better. Spend time with your children, it will help you to counsel and guide them effectively. Cooperate with the school to bring out the best in your children. </p><p>CONCLUSION</p><p>While thanking you for the various roles you have played towards the upliftment of the college, I wish all the parents and students journey mercies and a wonderful holiday. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in advance. </p><p>Important Dates </p><p>Resumption: </p><p>(a) Prefect and Juniors - Saturday 7th January, 2017 before 6.00pm</p><p>(b) Senior Students - Sunday 8th January, 2017 before 6.00pm</p><p>P.T.A meeting -</p><p>Mid-Term Break - 20th -21st February, 2017</p><p>Vacation - 8th April, 2017 ~ 9 ~ ~ 10 ~ ~ 11 ~ ~ 12 ~ ~ 13 ~ ~ 14 ~ ~ 15 ~ ~ 16 ~</p>
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