
<p> 1</p><p>COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES California State University, Long Beach Health Care Administration Department</p><p>Working Around the World HCA 457 022 (3 Units) Fall 2014</p><p>Instructor: Linda Martinez, Ph.D. Class Number: 5940 On Campus: [email protected] Class Meets: Online Office Hours: By phone anytime and by appointment – Mondays, Tuesdays, and Additional Contact Information: Wednesdays HCA Dept. Administrative Coordinator: Wednesdays 5:00 to 7:00 pm Deby McGill, [email protected] Office Location: HHS1 003 – Tel. 562/985-5694; fax 562/985-5886 HCA Adjunct Office Phone: (254) 493-8666 (Call or Text) INTRODUCTION</p><p>A study of the effects that religion, language and culture, political structure, economics, and physical environment have on the development of work and people’s perceptions of work and occupations in the United States and other countries around the world. </p><p>Teaching/Learning Objectives Students who have completed this course should be able to:</p><p>Learning Objectives, Domain and Competency Table</p><p>Learning Objective Domain Competency Activity (A1), Assignment (A2) or Assessment (A3) Create a climate that fosters understanding of 3 B. Professional Discussion, small cultural diversity and individual views of Development and exercises and “work” and “job” in respective workplaces; Lifelong Learning reflection/critical commentary for each major discussion post Develop a deeper understanding of cultural 2 B. Organizational Questions on Midterm diversity issues that occur in the workplace; Climate and Culture and Final Exam</p><p>Analyze and discuss the current research, 5 E. Strategic Planning Group projects, practice, and policy literatures related to and marketing discussion and short cultural diversity; how to analyze a case essay reports study and how to develop a report;</p><p>Discuss societal stereotypes of various 1 A. Relationship Group project report, cultural, ethnic, and racial groups and how Management assignment and stereotypes affect our perceptions of and BeachBoard interactions with persons from these groups; discussion 2</p><p>TEXTS </p><p>Required:</p><p>Mor Barak, M. E. (2014). Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.</p><p>O’Lawrence, H. (2013). The historical Critique of career & technical education in California from 1900 – 2000 and the status of California community colleges. Santa Rosa, CA: Informing Science Press.</p><p>Highly Recommended Additional Readings:</p><p>Harrison, L. E. & Huntington, S. P. (Eds.) (2000). Culture matters: How values shape human progress. New York, NY: Basic Books. 3</p><p>METHODS OF INSTRUCTION Discussion Analytical and reflective writing Informal peer content critique/feedback Informal and formal critique/feedback by the instructor Readings from class texts, class notes/material, and from additional sources Individual field and research activities</p><p>EVALUATION</p><p>Your unit grade will be based on the following criteria:</p><p>Profile with Picture 30 Space Between Dimensions 50 8 Discussion Board Assignment @ 10 points each 80 Discussion Participation to others’ Board Submissions – 16 @ 5 points each 80 Questions for weekly readings – 11 @ 10 points each 110 Midterm 100 Group Project Proposal 40 Group Project PowerPoint Presentation 100 Group Project PowerPoint Presentation Comments 2 @ 5 Points 10 Final Research Paper 100 Final Exam 100 Total 800</p><p>SEMESTER LETTER GRADES Course Grades will be assigned based on the following percentages/scores:</p><p>Numeric Score Letter Grade 800 - 740 A 739 - 660 B 659 - 580 C 579 - 500 D 499 - 0 F 6 The University’s General Education policy requires students in “I” courses to write a minimum of 5,000 words in the course of the semester</p><p>CLASS POLICIES:</p><p>Attendance: There is no attendance policy in this class in a traditional sense—the students are not required to participate in the class activities at any specific time each week. However, every assignment in this class has a due-date—such assignments must be submitted/presented on time. 4</p><p>Participation: In this class, Participation is a set of specific weekly activities with the established deadlines. Due dates are described above. Specific topics will be on the Assignment Board.</p><p>Withdrawal policy Withdrawal after 2nd week and before final 3 weeks “permissible for serious and compelling reasons;” include statement of how you will interpret university policy.</p><p>Cheating and plagiarism Statement referencing University policy http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/grad_undergrad/senate/documents/policy/2008/02. You may also state what you will do in case of cheating/plagiarism. </p><p>ASSIGNMENTS</p><p>All assignments except the Blackboard assignments (which are answered on Blackboard) will be submitted to the dropbox. If you need to email me something, please be sure you specify you class number and section and if there is a file, use the format below: ………………………………………………………………..</p><p>Lastname.Firstinitial.AssignmentName</p><p>Example: Jones.X.Quiz1</p><p>Please submit in word files …………………………………………………………………</p><p>Basic Technical Requirements: Internet access, E-mail account and access, Word Processing with MS Word compatibility doc file: many of the class notes, documents, and additional readings are stored as MS Word files and documents; the exam --you will need this program in order to retrieve and open these documents and files; you will also need to use a MS Word compatible program to submit some of your work to the instructor.</p><p>Individual Assignments: All individual assignments must be computer-typed and word-processed, in the format described in the latest APA manual. </p><p>Exams/Weekly Quizzes:</p><p>You will have 11 true/false/multiple choice quizzes over the reading assignments from the textbook. You will be allowed take the exam two times and the computer will save the higher score. Once you open the exam, you must finish it. You cannot save it and return later. All weekly exams and the midterm will be opened 8:00 am on Friday and closed 11:59 pm on Sunday. The final will open 8:00 am on 12/11/14 and close 11:59 pm on 12/14/14. 5</p><p>There will also be a midterm and a final exam. The exams are multiple-choice and true/false. They are a random selection from the same question pool as the weekly quizzes. The final will cover material covered after the midterm.</p><p>Discussion Questions: Discussion Board Lessons Must show a word count 350-400 word essays addressing the questions stated in the assignment. The essays should demonstrate your familiarity with the reading material and concepts, understanding of the topic discussed, and your ability to conduct additional and relevant research and integrate the knowledge from the class material and other sources with your personal and professional experience. You are expected to cite and reference a minimum three sources of information; it might include the class textbook, lecture notes, and any other sources you find during your research activities for each lesson.</p><p>You will lose one point for your postings each day after the due date. For example, if the due date is 8/30/13 and you do not post until 8/31 and your score is 10/10, you will receive 9/10 of posting a day late. If you are two days late, you will receive 8/10 and so forth.</p><p>Evaluating Criteria for Discussion Questions The responses to each lesson’s Discussion Questions will be assessed according to the following rubric:</p><p>10 points per lesson--relevant content provided to all questions for the lesson; well-organized, good writing mechanics (check spelling and grammar), evidence of relevant research; at least 3 sources are cited and referenced according to APA format 8 points per lesson—relevant content provided to all questions for the lesson, well organized, good writing mechanics, and evidence of relevant research at least 2 sources are cited and/or referenced according to APA format 6 points per lesson—relevant content provided to most of the questions for the lesson, reasonably well organized, writing mechanics is acceptable with only some spelling and grammatical errors, and at least 1 source is cited showing evidence of relevant research 5 points per lesson—relevant content provided to most of the questions for the lesson, reasonably well organized, writing mechanics is acceptable with only some spelling and grammatical errors, BUT no evidence of relevant research (no citations or references) 0 points per lesson—no response posted OR the content is insufficient, no organization, no evidence of research.</p><p>Discussion Participation Lessons Constructive comments on other classmates' postings, respectful communication style and overall active participation in the discussion board. </p><p>6</p><p>Evaluating Criteria for Discussion Participation: Must show a word count Your comments must be at least 150 words each. The comments to each lesson’s Posting will be assessed according to the following rubric:</p><p>5 points per comment—at least two comments are posted per lesson; the comments are constructive, acknowledge some of the points, arguments, propositions stated in the discussion posting(s) to which the comments are made. Comments must be at least 5 sentences for each one. 3 point per comment—3 point per comment—the comment is constructive, acknowledges some of the points, arguments, propositions stated in the discussion posting to which the comment is made. Comment does not have the required amount of words or sentences or does not acknowledge the points in the posting. 0 points per lesson—there are no comments posted; OR the comments are openly hostile; OR the comments are limited to simple greeting-like statements (“I agree/disagree”; “Well said,” etc.) without explanation or justification</p><p>Profile Page – This is the profile on the BeachBoard page- You complete it there and save it and I will grade it there. You do not need to submit it to me.</p><p>The requirements for each section of the profile page are listed below:</p><p>Must have picture for full credit Interests/Hobbies: At least 3</p><p>Favorite Music: Favorite type and favorite song</p><p>Favorite TV At least 3 Shows:</p><p>Favorite Movies: At least 3</p><p>Favorite Books: At least 3</p><p>Favorite At least 1 Quotations:</p><p>Favorite At least 3 with description – must describe even if a common site – be creative on the sites Websites:</p><p>Future Goals: At least 3</p><p>AtMost least Memorable 1 with the reason it is your most memorable experience Learning Experience:</p><p>“I don’t have one is not an acceptable answer for above.”</p><p>Space Between the Dimensions 7</p><p>Write a two page paper answering the questions below. Each section should be approximately one page. You must use at least 4 references (2 for each question) and it must be grammatically correct. Points will be deducted for grammar errors. Your references may come from your readings about sensibilities and/or globalization or from other research you complete.</p><p>1. By asking you a simple question, I want to see where the answer will take you! With all the choices out there, how can you possibly figure out what job is right for you? Think of if the new job be filled with co-workers who share your sensibilities, or will have to fake it to get along..... The key word here is “sensibilities” those values, behaviors, and personality traits that make you feel like you’re among kindred spirits. Did you think the new job will stretch your mind and build your skills and otherwise take you out of your comfort zone, or make you feel like you are entering at the top of your game?</p><p>2. What is Globalization mean to you? Globalization is one of the most charged issues of the day. It is everywhere in public discourse – in TV sound bites and slogans on placards, in web-sites and learned journals, in parliaments, corporate boardrooms and labor meeting halls. Extreme opponents charge it with impoverishing the world's poor, enriching the rich and devastating the environment, while fervent supporters see it as a high-speed elevator to universal peace and prosperity. So, what did you think? </p><p>Note: There is no right or wrong answer to these questions; however, this is a critical thinking exercise and it is important that you are operating at a post-conventional level. </p><p>This paper should be 1 ½ to 2 pages.</p><p>Please make sure that you submit your responses in a Microsoft Word document to the dropbox.</p><p>Midterm: Multiple choice and true false questions from the material covered in the first half of the class.</p><p>Final Research Paper: A 7 to 10 page, double-spaced research paper using Arial or Times Roman 12 point font. It should be one of the topics covered and discussed in this course. The paper should address the issues of cultural differences in work-related aspects of society. The focus should be on countries and/or regions other than the US; however, the comparative analysis between other nations and the US is appropriate. You may also consider such Globalization issues as the effect of Globalization on a certain professional field or similar). In general, choose a topic that is relevant to the course topics and discussions, on the one hand; and on the other, something that is relevant to your own professional, personal, and/or academic experience and interests.</p><p>The paper must be written and organized according to APA format; particularly, pay attention to citations and references of research sources, and to the correspondence between citations in the 8 text of your essay and references at the end. It is expected that you will be using 10 different sources (minimum) that will include academic publications, national/international database, media/news reports, etc. The cover sheet, abstract page, and reference pages do not count as part of the 7 to 10 pages. You do not have to must have headings and subheadings, and you do need page numbers.</p><p>Research Paper Components: Cover Page Abstract Page Content Reference Pages</p><p>Components of a Research Report</p><p> Abstract (2%) Introduction (10%) Statement of the problem/purpose of study (10%) Need of the study/report/objective (Educational Value) (8%) Literatures (10%) Findings/Analysis (35%) Conclusion (5%) Recommendations (5%) References (5%) Overall APA format (10%)</p><p>* Note: All research projects must be written in APA style</p><p>It will be submitted to the dropbox.</p><p>GROUP PROJECT</p><p>Group Project Proposal: The proposal is to be between ½ and 1 page long. Using APA style, define your topic and explain why your group chose this topic. You must have at least one reference in the proposal. The proposal will be submitted to the dropbox by the team leader. The team leader will be selected by the group and can be leader for the duration or for individual tasks. Be sure the group number and all members’ names are on the proposal. When submitting to the dropbox, be sure to list all members’ names in the comment section.</p><p>Group Project: You will be assigned to groups of 3 and together as a group you will select a topic to investigate that must be considered when working in other countries, for example cultural differences or laws particular to other countries. You can draw on your readings from this semester and on other resources. Your topic must be approved by submitting a ½ to 1 page paper describing the topic, why you chose this topic and the sources you will consult and must have at least one reference. Together you will develop a PowerPoint presentation of at least 12 slides and post it to the discussion board and to the dropbox. The reference slides are not 9 included in the 12 slide. I expect to see creativity, graphics and information that is thorough enough for the reader to understand. Since this is strictly posted and not presented in person, the information must be clear and concise. Each member of the group is responsible for at least 3 references which will be cited in the text and in a reference list on the last slide.</p><p>Group Project Responses: You have to comment on at least two of your classmate’s group projects. Your comments need to be insightful and thought provoking.</p><p>Final Exam: Your final exam will be multiple choice and true/false questions. It will cover all material covered in last half of the class.</p><p>Submission Instructions:</p><p>Discussion Questions; Discussion Participation Comments: Type (or copy/paste from a word file) your answers, comments, and bibliography entries into the class main discussion board under the forums designated by the instructor. It is to your advantage to type it into word and then copy it into the discussion board. Word will spellcheck and grammar check your document and save you losing senseless points.</p><p>HCA 457 Course Schedule</p><p>Assign Due Description Date PROFILE 8-31-14 PROFILE Page Due Complete profile Page (Be sure you have a picture of you.)</p><p>`1 9-4-14 Post Discussion Board 1 Responses Read Lesson Introduction Read Key Concepts Read Mor Barak text – Chapters 1 & 2, Pages 1-53</p><p>9-7-14 Post two comments on classmates discussion 1 Complete Weekly Quiz 1 (10 pts) (The questions over the readings are located under the quiz tab in Blackboard.) </p><p>2 9-11-14 Post Discussion Board 2 responses Read Lesson Introduction Read Key Concepts Read O’Lawrence - Chapter 1 – Pages 1-14 Read Mor Barak – Chapters 3 & 4 – Pages 55-98 10</p><p>9-14-14 Complete Weekly Quiz 2 (10 points) Post two comments on classmates discussion 2 (The questions over the readings are located under the quiz tab in Blackboard.) </p><p>3 9-18-14 Read Lesson Introduction Read Key Concepts Read O’Lawrence – Chapter 2 – Pages 15-103 Read Mor Barak – Chapter 5 – Pages 99 – 117</p><p>9-21-14 Space Between Dimensions - Write a two page paper answering the questions on the direction sheet. Each section should be approximately one page. This paper requires APA references and it must be grammatically correct. Points will be deducted for grammar errors.</p><p>Complete Weekly Quiz 3. (10 points) (The questions over the readings are located under the quiz tab in Blackboard.) Phone: (254) 493-8666 (Call or Text) 9-24-14 Space Between Dimensions – DUE – submit to the dropbox</p><p>4 9-25-14 Post Discussion Board 3 responses Read Lesson Introduction Read Key Concepts What is Work Ethic? Read Mor Barak – Chapter 6 - Pages 121 – 151 Read O’Lawrence – Chapter 3 – Pages 103 - 143</p><p>9-28-14 Post two comments on classmates discussion 3 Complete Weekly Quiz 4. (10 points) (The questions over the readings are located under the quiz tab in Blackboard.) </p><p>5 10-2-14 Post Discussion Board 4 responses North American Educator’s Forum Japan Hidden Jobless Read Lesson Introduction Read Key Concepts Read Mor Barak – Chapters 7 & 8 – Pages 153-195 Read O’Lawrence – Chapter 4 – Pages 145-163 11</p><p>10-5-14 Post two comments on classmates discussion 4 Complete Weekly Quiz 5 (10 points) (The questions over the readings are located under the quiz tab in Blackboard.) </p><p>`6 10-9-14 People Can Equal Profits or Problems Read Lesson Introduction Read Key Concepts Read Mor Barak – Chapter 9 – Pages 197-213 Read O’Lawrence – Chapters 5 & 6 - Pages 165-192</p><p>10-12-14 Complete Weekly Quiz 6 (10 points) (The questions over the readings are located under the quiz tab in Blackboard.) </p><p>GROUP 10-17-14 Group Project Proposal Due PROPOSAL Group Project Proposal: The proposal is to be between ½ and 1 page long. Using APA style, define your topic and explain why your group chose this topic. You must have at least one reference in the proposal. The proposal will be submitted to the dropbox by the team leader. The team leader will be selected by the group and can be leader for the duration or for individual tasks. Be sure the group number and all members’ names are on the proposal and members names and group number must be in comment section on the dropbox.</p><p>Group Project: You will be assigned to groups of 3 and together as a group you will select a topic to investigate that must be considered when working in other countries, for example cultural differences or laws particular to other countries. You can draw on your readings from this semester and on other resources. Your topic must be approved by submitting a ½ to 1 page paper describing the topic, why you chose this topic and the sources you will consult and must have at least one reference. Together you will develop a PowerPoint presentation of at least 12 slides and post it to the discussion board under the correct date. </p><p>Group Project Responses: You have to comment on at least two of your classmate’s group projects. Your comments need to be insightful and thought provoking. 12</p><p>EXAM 10-19-14 Midterm Exam – complete between 10/17/14 & 10/19/14 7 10-23-14 Post Discussion Board 5 responses Women Rewrite Rules Read Lesson Introduction Read Key Concepts Read Mor Barak – Chapters 10 & 11 – Pages 217-239 Read O’Lawrence - Chapter 7 – Pages 193-208</p><p>10-26-14 Post two comments on classmates discussion 5 Complete Weekly Quiz 7 (10 points) (The questions over the readings are located under the quiz tab in Blackboard.) </p><p>8 10-30-14 Post Discussion Board 6 responses Read Technology slide Read Article - Global Shift Read Lesson Introduction Read Key Concepts Read Mor Barak - Chapter 12 – Pages 241-257 Read O’Lawrence – Chapter 8 – Pages 209 – 226</p><p>11-2-14 Post two comments on classmates discussion 6 Complete Weekly Quiz 8. (10 points) (The questions over the readings are located under the quiz tab in Blackboard.) </p><p>9 11-6-14 Post Discussion Board 7 responses Read Lesson Introduction Read Key Concepts Research and read at least two articles on famous or interesting people Research and read about at least one article on unionized labor Read Mor Barak – Chapter 13 – Pages 259-275</p><p>11-9-14 Post two comments on classmates discussion 7 Complete Weekly Quiz 9 (10 points) (The questions over the readings are located under the quiz tab in Blackboard.) </p><p>10 11-13-14 Read Lesson Introduction Read Key Concepts Read Mor Barak – Chapters 14 & 15 – Pages 277-303 13</p><p>11-16-14 Complete Weekly Quiz 10. (10 points) (The questions over the readings are located under the quiz tab in Blackboard.) </p><p>11 11-20-14 Article - Europe’s Unwelcome Guests Read Six Articles under Current Immigration Reform Debates Read Lesson Introduction Read Key Concepts Read Mor Barak – Chapter 16 & Appendix – Pages 305-323</p><p>11-23-14 Complete Weekly Quiz 11. (10 points) (The questions over the readings are located under the quiz tab in Blackboard.) </p><p>Fall Break November 26, 2014 to November 30, 2014 (Use this time to work on your final research paper.)</p><p>FINAL 12-3-14 Final Paper submitted to dropbox PAPER DUE 12 12-4-14 Post Discussion Board 8 responses 12-7-14 Post two comments on classmates discussion 8 Answer Questions about course</p><p>GROUP 12-7-14 Group Project Due posted to Discussion Board PROJECT 12-9-14 Post two comments on two of your classmates group projects</p><p>FINAL 12-14-14 Final Exam – will be posted 12/11/14 to 12/14/14 EXAM *Instructor reserves the right to alter or change assignments. Changes in the syllabus will be announced via email and on the Beachboard. It is a student’s responsibility to remain updated on course changes.</p><p>Grades and Grading Procedures Definitions: The following definitions apply to grades assigned in all undergraduate and graduate courses.</p><p>A. Performance of the student has been at the highest level, showing sustained excellence in meeting all course requirements and exhibiting an unusual degree of intellectual initiative. </p><p>B. Performance of the student has been at a high level, showing consistent and 14</p><p> effective achievement in meeting course requirements.</p><p>C. Performance of the student has been at an adequate level, meeting the basic requirements of the course.</p><p>D. Performance of the student has been less than adequate, meeting only the minimum course requirements.</p><p>F. Performance of the student has been such that minimal course requirements have not been met in the format described in the latest APA manual. </p><p>NOTE: All written assignments must be word-processed and saved as a doc file. Due dates are listed on each assignment sheet and in the tentative schedule of classes. </p><p>Bibliography: </p><p>Acosta D. A. (2000). Impact of rural training on physician workforce:</p><p>The role of post-residency education. The Journal of Rural Health, 2000, 16(3):254–261.</p><p>Task force for scaling up education and training for health workers. Scaling </p><p>Up, Saving Lives. Geneva, World Health Organization / Global Health Workforce </p><p>Alliance, 2008 (http://www.who.int/workforcealliance/</p><p> documents/Global_Health%20FINAL%20REPORT.pdf. Retrieved on September 8, </p><p>2010.</p><p>Adler, N. (1996). International dimensions of organizational behavior. Cincinnati: </p><p>South-Western Publishing. </p><p>Anders, G., & Anderson, J. (2000). Managerial implications of cultural factors that </p><p> influence programs in Mexican maquiladoras. Performance Improvement Quarterly, </p><p>13(2), 71- 96.</p><p>Couper, I.D., & Worley, P.S. (2006). Health and information in Africa: The role of </p><p> the journal rural and remote health. Rural and Remote Health, 9, 644.</p><p>Dussault, G., & Franceschini, M. C. (2006). Not enough there, too 15</p><p> many here: Understanding geographical imbalances in the distribution of the health </p><p> workforce. Human Resources for Health, 2006, 4-12. Retrieved from </p><p> http://www.humanresourceshealth.</p><p>Gagnon, M. P., et al. (2007). Implementing telehealth to support medical practice </p><p> in rural/remote regions: What are the conditions for success? Implementation Science, </p><p>1(18), 1-8.</p><p>Hongoro C & Normand C. (2006). Health workers: Building and motivating the </p><p> workforce. In: Jamison DT et al. Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries, 2nd </p><p> ed. The World Bank / World Health Organization / Fogarty International Centre of the </p><p>National Institutes of Health, 2006, 71,1309–1322.</p><p>Huicho L. (2010). Increasing access to health workers in underserved areas: A conceptual </p><p> framework for measuring results. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 88(5), 357-</p><p>63.</p><p>Willis-Shattuck, M. (2008). Improving motivation and retention of health </p><p> professionals in developing countries: A systematic review. BMC Health Services </p><p>Research.</p><p>Barth, S. (1997) Bridge over troubled (cultural) water. World Trade, 10(8), 32-</p><p>33.</p><p>Hamilton K., & Yau J. (ND). The global tug-of-war for health care workers. Washington, DC, </p><p>Migration Policy Institute, 2004. Retrieved from http://www.migrationinformation.org/</p><p>Gray, K., & Herr, E. (1998). Workforce education: The basics. Boston: Allyn & </p><p>Bacon.</p><p>Hofsteed, G. (1997). Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind: </p><p>Intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival. McGraw-Hill: New York.</p><p>Reid S. (2004). Monitoring the effect of the new rural allowance for health professionals 16</p><p>– Research project report. Durban Health Systems Trust, 2004. Retrieved from </p><p> http://healthlink.org.za/uploads/files/rural_allowance.pdf.</p><p>Sanchez, C., & Curtis, D. (2000). Different minds and common problems: Geert </p><p>Hofstede’s research on culture. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 13 (2), 9-18. </p><p>Mangham L. J., & Hanson, K. (2008), Employment preferences of public sector nurses in </p><p>Malawi: results from a discrete choice experiment. Health Economics and Financing </p><p>Programs, 2008, 13(12):1433–1441.</p><p>Omole, O. B, Marincowitz, G., & Ogunbanjo, G. A. (2005). Perceptions</p><p> of hospital managers regarding the impact of doctors’ community service. South African </p><p>Family Practice. 47(6):55–59.</p><p>The World Health Report (2008). Primary health care: now more than ever. </p><p> http://www.who.int/whr/2008/whr08_en.pdf. Retrieved on September 8, 2010</p><p>Thurow, L. C. (1996). The future of capitalism. New York: Morrow and Co.</p><p>Trompenaars, A. (1998). Riding the waves of culture. Homewood IL: Irwin.</p><p>World Urbanization Prospects: The 2003 Revision Population Database. New </p><p>York, NY, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2004. Retrieved </p><p> from http:// www.un.org/esa/population/publications/wup2003/</p><p>WUP2003Report.pdf.</p><p>Appendix E</p><p>CSULB HCA COMPETENCIES - From ACHE Competencies Assessment Tool, 2010</p><p>The Healthcare Leadership Alliance (HLA) Competency Directory is comprised of 297 specific competencies, organized into 5 domains (http://www.healthcareleadershipalliance.org/). CSULB’s Health Care Administration Department has adopted these competencies as the basis for its curriculum, effective 2010. The domains are listed and defined below, with the principal areas included in each domain. HCA graduates are expected to demonstrate competence in aspects of all five domain areas. 17</p><p>Domain 1 – Communication and Relationship Management. The ability to communicate clearly and concisely with internal customers, establishes and maintains relations, and facilitates constructive interactions with individuals and groups. A. Relationship Management B. Communication Skills C. Facilitation and Negotiation</p><p>Domain 2 – Leadership. The ability to inspire individual and organizational excellence, create a shared vision and successfully manage change to attain the organization’s strategic ends and successful performance. According to the HLA model, leadership intersects with each of the other four domains. A. Leadership Skills and Behavior B. Organizational Climate and Culture C. Communicating Vision D. Manage Change</p><p>Domain 3 – Professionalism. The ability to align personal and organizational conduct with ethical and professional standards that include a responsibility to the patient and community, a service orientation, and a commitment to lifelong learning and improvement. A. Personal and Professional Accountability B. Professional Development and Lifelong Learning C. Contributions to the Community and Profession</p><p>Domain 4 – Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment. The understanding of the healthcare system and the environment in which healthcare managers and providers function. A. Healthcare Systems and Organizations B. Healthcare Personnel C. The Patient’s Perspective D. The Community and the Environment</p><p>Domain 5 – Business Skills and Knowledge. The ability to apply business principles, including systems thinking, to the healthcare environment. A. General Management B. Financial Management C. Human Resource Management D. Organizational Dynamics and Governance E. Strategic Planning and Marketing F. Information Management G. Risk Management H. Quality Improvement</p><p>"Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities who need reasonable modifications, special assistance, or accommodations in this course should promptly direct their request to the course instructors. If a student with a disability feels that modifications, special assistance, or accommodations offered are inappropriate or insufficient, s/he should seek the assistance of the Director of Disabled Student Services on campus." 18</p><p>My Rubric for Grading Research Paper</p><p>Levels of Writing Quality Research Paper for the Following Classes (HCA 417i, 410, and422i, 457i) </p><p>Writing quality research paper for my course will be evaluated using the features defining the four levels. A passing grade for the writing quality of the paper will be achieved by writing at Level 3.</p><p>Level 1 Writing (Beginner). Features of these papers: Ill-defined or no thesis Unfocused sense of audience Inadequate organization and/or development Inappropriate or insufficient details to support ideas Does not demonstrate understanding of topic beyond a surface level Multiple errors in grammar, diction, sentence structure, or spelling </p><p>Level 2 Writing (Novice). Features of these papers: Vague purpose or multiple purposes Sense of audience wavers Evident but inconsistent development Does not advance an argument with adequate support Demonstrates some understanding of the topic, but does make connections among ideas Lack of language facility with frequent errors </p><p>Level 3 Writing (proficient). Features of these papers: Expresses a clear, coherent thesis Sticks to the purpose and provides adequate transitions among ideas Connects ideas within the material and to other ideas and sources Moves beyond surface understanding and demonstrates facility with topical and disciplinary knowledge Conveys a sense of audience with appropriate use of disciplinary language Advances argument with sound evidence and references Readability enhanced by facility with language and sentence conventions </p><p>Level 4 Writing (Advanced). Features of these papers: Insightful, creative or skillfully designed purpose Sense of audience demonstrated through form and language Demonstrates disciplinary understanding and interconnections; makes links that suggest the discovery of new information or new ways of designing/displaying information Effective organization contributes to full development of presentation 19</p><p> Innovatively or expertly advances argument with well-researched evidence and documentation Work enhanced by facility in language use, range of diction, and syntactic variety </p><p>Dichotomous Scale for Evaluating Writing</p><p>Yes No Substance ______1. Paper addresses the issue. ______2. Paper has a focus, central idea. ______3. Paper develops major aspects of the central idea. ______4. Paper shows awareness of importance of main ideas. </p><p>Organization ______5. Structure or pattern of the paper is clear. ______6. Paper has an introduction, development, and conclusion. ______7. Each paragraph is coherent. ______8. Transitions from one idea to next are logical. </p><p>Mechanics ______9. Sentence structure is coherent ______10. Sentences are not awkward. ______11. Sentences are varied. ______12. Errors in use of verbs are few. ______13. Errors in use of pronouns are few. ______14. Errors in use of modifiers are few. ______15. Errors in word usage are few. ______16. Punctuation errors are few. ______17. Spelling errors are few. </p><p>Evidence ______18. Statements are accurate. ______19. Opinions are adequately supported. ______20. Sources are identified and documented appropriately.</p><p>Mechanics (alternative) ______Paper shows control of grammar. ______Paper shows control of syntax. ______Paper has few misspellings.</p><p>Appendix D</p><p>CRITERIA FOR GRADING A Grade 20</p><p> Participate in all group activities/assignments/discussions Take all quizzes (92%) Write a research paper (must include 10 references, not less than 7 pages, written in APA style, must grammatically sound, and must be a very good quality report) Take mid-term examination (must score 92%) Take final exam (must score 92%)</p><p>B Grade</p><p> Participate in all group activities/assignments/discussions Take all quizzes (85% or higher) Take mid-term examination (must score 85% or higher) Take final exam (must score 85% or higher) Research paper acceptable</p><p>C Grade Participate in all group activities/assignments/discussions Take all quizzes (75%) Take mid-term examination (must score 75% or higher) Take final examination (must score 75% or higher) Poor final research paper</p>
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