The MONITOR-LEADER • BEHIND THE SCENES McKENNY ON The MONITOR-LEADER April 27, 1943 Mount Clemens, Michigan MACOMB PUBLISHING COMPANY Page 6 IN WASHINGTON • BRIDGE PtibluhPd Tri-Weeklv—Tue»da\ ThurvUv *r.d Frirtaj »t Can Avenue and Wal- nut Street. Mount Clemep Fntrrrd as mail mat’ci o l the second claw at th# BY PETER EDSON belittle, just what is behind this BY \VM. E. McKENNEY po*toffire at Mount Clemen*. Michigan. ' Fed Up! Things have come to a pretty potato predicament? Is produc- America's Card Authority Just About pass, indeed, when you have dif- tion off? Are people eating I am sometimes asked what Tt LI TIKIMS - - getting a potato. Has the American distri- Mount Clemens 1800 * 01 . 02 03 04 ficulty in Yet more? the four suits of the deck of are bution system gone completely lor Newt Call Editorial Department the mere fact that potatoes cards represent. There are sever- Manager it the weather? Are On Other Rusinefcs Ask for Publisher or Genetal now hard to get—in some places to pot? Is al versions, bqt 1 rather like impossible to get—is perhaps the people hoarding potatoes? Are the French version, that they re- Ml Mill K OF Till ASSOCIATI D PRESS significant development of they going to lend-lease? Or AH DER G4KE AMT most all present the divisions of a medie- Cl IINT Ot I’MTIl» PR InS >l I just home has black market got 'em? the war. It isn’t a the val army: Spades, the lance The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled tr> use an: or all ne ss cred- y- LV development, cither. The The answers would seem to be * front ited to It or not otherwise n edited. m this newspaper and . > the local n» w* FIMtSHEPy points of the chivalrous knights; published herein. SIBSCKIFHON RATES B\ urnn in Mount Clemens. 1 Army, too, has had difficulty in a little of each. i bun n M•- Diamonds, the arrowheads of the for three Issues a week; *7 80 per sear. Bv ramn m an> suburb getting spuds for overseas ship- People are working harder. naintau a carrier ei\;ce, 1 ter.l- lor Clubs, comb Counts where the Monitor-Leader ment. so, of people are working hard- yeomanry or the archers; three issue a week; $7 80 per yea: Bv mail, smicv paid In advance in Maco- b And the decline More ina $2 scr stat* tiic clover leaf of husbandry or Countv where carnet service is NOT tamed 7.’ p< i Out of the potato becomes a burning er. More people working hard- s.’>oo per year. Subscriber* will confet a lasu: by icporting piomptiy anj modu- question, an issue—the hot pota- er make more money. Their en- the peasantry, and Hearts of delivery whethei hy mail, or t?s carnei. larity in to issue, you might say, and ergy requirements are up, they course representing the church. Ml Mill K MICHIGAN PR IS S ASSOCIATION fraught with social significance. have more money to buy more Some also say that diamonds Ol'T-OT TOWN OH ICES The OWI report on the U. S. potatoes and blooey! Up goes Associate*, Inc. New York .... J. J. Devine A food situation, hot off the potato consumption. 2.1 West 43rd Street wartime Associates, Inc. indi- nice theory is that when *53 Chicago J. J. Devine A the duplicating machines, A M O 2 333 North Michigan As nine cates that there should be as starchy potatose became unsty- & Associates, * 9 7 6 2 Atlanta J J Devine Inc. many potatoes this year as last. lish, production dropped off to AK In fact, more: 129.7 pounds per next to nothing, but that isn’t so. *AKQ acreage has dropped - capita in 1943 as against 125.1 Potato * K»J 8 7 N 1 * 104 only one off 3.5 million acres to 2 8 AID FOR THE CRIPPLED pounds in 1942, and from VAIO 8 5 v/V F* J4 pound (exactly) less than the million acres in the last 10 years, ? 8 e ?QJI OS while that was happening, 43 five-year average of 130.7 but - drive *8632 , The Mount Clemens Rotary Club's annual pounds per capita, 1935-39. All the yield per acre has gone up * J75 goes to how much from 100 bushels to the acre to to finance aid for crippled children is in full swing. of which show * ACSO 62 the experts know about these over 130 bushels to the acre, VKQ763 direction of Oscar Watz, commit- things, in OWI making the 1942 crop of 371 mil- Under the able the truest line the * None being magnificent gen- bushels higher than the report a lion * 4 tee chairman, the service club members have con- of the last 25 10 9 erality. “The food situation is yield of 17 out vul. not entirely predictable." Life years. Duplicate—None tracted hundreds of prospective donors —and have East is like that, too, to coin another All right, but if all those pota- South West North dug deep into their own jeans. phrase. toes were grown, where arc 1 * Pass 2 ? Pass WHYS AND WHEREFORES they? The alibis run something 2 V Pass 2N. T. Pass to doubt that the cam- Pass There seems little reason But seriously, now, and not to like this: 3 V Pass 3N. T paign will be an outstanding success even in this day Now is the tag end of the 1942 Opening—? Q. ** potato jiotatocs are drives. season. New of other vitally important • just beginning to come to mar represent titles but they were optimistic picture which Chairman Watz FLASHES ket, or should be. But the Flor- just a problem in today's hand. The ida freeze the early potato cut opening lead was won by paints is a tribute to the people of Mount Clemens. crop by 50 per cent. Louisiana The Mississippi the ace of diamonds, dummy dis- OF and crops are three spades. They have not lost sight of the children whose pain- weeks late. Texas potatoes are carding the deuce of split will be assured proper medical and • just beginning to move And the Reading the diamond from wracked bodies LIFE next tier of potato states, Ala- the fall ot the eight-spot, North surgical care. Many of those youngsters will run and By The A«»oriatrd Pre*» bama, Georgia, California, won t could not resist the temptation PROFITABLE be doing much digging till the to lead the six of diamonds. His play again just because you, Mr. and Mrs. Mount played NEW BRITAIN, Conn.-—When first of May. swindle worked, as East Clemens, have cared. that army booklet warned the THE BLACK MARKET BOYS low. Dummy discarded another North African AEF about Arabs That puts up the demand on spade. Now North led a heart general public itself have rea- • crops Idaho Rotarians and the IN HOLLYWOOD being sharp traders, perhaps it the holdover of and and tile queen fell to the acc. son to experience that inner glow of warmth which might have said something to Maine some 15,000 to 20.000 car- Back came a club, North led the BY tItSKINK JOIINSCN is pressing Laurel and Hardy for Suv who can stand next to Lana the Arabs about the boys from loads. The Army has practically other heart and let East hold the accompanies a mission well done. NLA Stuff Correspondent first Jionors in thr Latin . Ameri- Turner for five minutes without the Nutmeg State. taken over all of the remaining with the jack. East led the to trick • * « Darnell is headed for can field. They’re even naming moving is ready for immediate A local boy writes home that Maine crop, about 5000 7000 of spades,’ bringing out the Linda overseas supply. ten roundup. theaters after him in Chile. duty. he sold his dollar watch, which carloads, for king. led A lie firct She ll play the * • • queen and West * * • No one in Maine can now ship opposite Mc- wasn't running too well, to an forcing king. feminine lead Joel old potatoes without a govern- heart, South’s GENERAL LAGUARDIA Harry SERVICE SONGS Arab. Crca in Producer Sher- ARMY FILMS ment permit, and what the Ar- The ace of spades and remain- Cen- Lupino, song- “Got three dollars for it," he man's million-dollar 20th Alan Hale’s fire extinguisher Ida the amateur my doesn’t want, the Food Dis- ing clubs were cashed, leaving The Senate opposition which persuaded President tury western, “B ulf a 1 o out anew commented. Fox factory is now producing thou- writer, has turned tribution Agency does, for em- North and East with three dia- Bill.” It's her first ho-; opera. gallons tune, “He's High Falutin’ When —O—- Roosevelt not to nominate New York's Mayor La- sands of of insecticide ergency shipments. There is an monds i ach. Then North led the . Walker, . Jimmy former and spray guns for the Army. He’s Not Salutin’ the Major." FAINT DISRUPTION increased demand for Idaho, diamonds, assuring him- - even of brigadier generalship a healthy mayor of New York City, will . of the Mer- While Arturo Guardia for a is Alan himself is in uniform for Ted Me Michael NEW YORK Colorado, Oregon and north cen- more tricks in the suit. he coordi- the self two named soon as film Irving Berlin's “This Is the Ar- ry Macs has been rejected by the Toscanini was conducting tral states potatoes to keep the all of four diamond thing.
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