E1706 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 16, 2012 discharged from the Marines in 1948 as a Monticello High School in 1989. She then at- Services from Brookdale Community College, Staff Sergeant. Upon his return home, he went tended and graduated Magna Cum Laude which helped her to excel at her work at into the dairy business with his brothers. from Alcorn State University with a Bachelor of Checkmate Fort Monmouth Homeless Shelter Mary Dorothy Couto was born in Kerman, Science Degree in Elementary Education. in Oceanport, New Jersey. California, on October 18, 1922. In the 7th While at Alcorn, she also joined Zeta Phi Beta After teaching briefly at the primary edu- grade, Mary was pulled out of school, so she Sorority, Inc. She later graduated from the cation level, Ms. D’Averso went on to teach at could contribute all of her time and energy into University of Mississippi with a Master of Edu- Brookdale Community College at Long Branch the family farm. In 1944, Mary bravely joined cation Degree in K–12 Educational leadership. in 1981. Combining her educational studies in the Navy where she served our country for Ms. McCord began her career as an educa- Spanish and teaching, Ms. D’Averso taught two years. In 1946 she returned home; a few tor in the Vicksburg-Warren School District, English as a Second Language, GED studies years later, she met Tony at a local dairy. teaching fifth grade. She later relocated to in Spanish and Citizenship Studies. Her com- Tony and Mary were married on October East Tallahatchie School District and served mitment to helping others through her various 18, 1952. In the early years of their marriage, as a teacher of first and second grade stu- positions is admirable, and the impact she has Tony and Mary owned a dairy farm. The farm dents and eventually the assistant principal. had on the Brookdale Community College was sold in 1959, and they opened a liquor The desire for professional growth then led community is immeasurable. store in Biola, California. Over the years, they her to West Tallahatchie School District where experienced great success and had the oppor- she served as Assistant Principal of R.H. Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- tunity to expand their store, which was aptly Bearden Elementary School for three years lating Nancy Lynn Ann D’Averso on her retire- named the Biola Variety Liquor Store. Tony and later became the Principal. After serving ment. Her commitment to the Brookdale Com- and Mary were proud owners of the store for as the Principal at R.H. Bearden, she became munity College at Long Branch community is over 20 years. They worked long hours and the Principal at West Tallahatchie High School truly deserving of this body’s recognition. were open seven days a week. for two years. Currently, she is the Director of In the past six decades they owned and op- Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment for f erated three businesses, raised their children, the West Tallahatchie School District. Antoinette and Charles, remained active in the Ms. McCord has been an asset to the West HONORING THE CHRISTIAN community, and have acted as loving and car- Tallahatchie School District because of the re- HARMONIZERS ing grandparents and great grandparents. lationships she has developed with local Clearly, their marriage not only reflects a part- stakeholders and throughout Tallahatchie nership filled with deep affection and love, but County serving in various capacities in both HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON also one that enjoys the intelligence of two West Tallahatchie School District and East OF MISSISSIPPI business savvy people. Tallahatchie School District. She has been in- Tony joined the Biola Chamber of Com- volved in initiatives and partnerships that have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES merce in 1959, and was a past president in been critical to meeting the educational needs Tuesday, October 16, 2012 1963. He was a past commander of the Biola of school-age children in surrounding commu- VFW Post. Tony is extremely proud of a vet- nities. These partnerships include collaborative Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- erans’ memorial that was put up near an ele- professional development sessions between er, I rise today to honor a gospel singing mentary school in Biola. He believes it is a elementary school teachers and Head Start group, The Christian Harmonizers. They were perfect location because children can walk by teachers. As a result of this collaboration, organized in the late 1980s by Jerome Wil- and better understand the sacrifices men and more students are entering kindergarten ready liams along with Bobby Bailey and Ellison women make to serve our country. Tony is to learn at the necessary academic level. Ad- Brown. also a member of the Biola American Legion ditionally, she was instrumental in securing the The group began to grow over the years, Post and the Kerman American Legion Post. district in-house GED Option Program which adding such singers as Thomas Murray, Larry He has proudly served as Grand Marshal at assists students who have academic defi- Thompson, Jerry Davis, Ronnie Polk, Calvin the Biola Raisin Day Parade. ciencies in meeting the requirements nec- Harris, Frank McGriggs, Jr., Xavier Hampton, The Cardosos retired in 1979. They stay essary for obtaining their general education di- Frank Curtis, Maurice Buck, and the late Sher- busy by working in their vegetable garden, ploma. man King, Sr., who sang with the group for being involved in the community, and spend- f ing time with family. Having a cohesive and over 22 years, and Antoine Eakins, who sang close-knit family is very important to Tony and IN RECOGNITION OF NANCY LYNN with them for over 17 years. The current mem- Mary. As a grandmother, Mary made it a point ANN D’AVERSO bers of the group are Elder Frank Curtis, Elder to bring all of her grandchildren together Antoine Eakins, Bobby Bailey, and of course, whenever possible, so all the cousins would HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. the founder and organizer, Jerome Williams. In the earlier years, the late Walter Griffin and have close relationships. Mary and Tony truly OF NEW JERSEY the late Robert Moore served as the group’s understand what is important in life. On a per- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES teachers and advisors. sonal note, Mary and Tony have served as ex- Tuesday, October 16, 2012 ceptional role models for me—their nephew. In 1988, the Christian Harmonizers recorded Their work ethic and commitment to service Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to popular songs such as ‘‘Consideration’’ and allowed me to witness first-hand the best of recognize Nancy Lynn Ann D’Averso on her ‘‘Don’t Doubt the Lord’’ which were penned by what our nation has to offer and encouraged retirement from Brookdale Community College Jerome Williams. Their current album is ‘‘30 me to do the same. at Long Branch, New Jersey. Ms. D’Averso Years Live’’ which is comprised of 10 songs Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me dedicated over 31 years to Brookdale Commu- and features two of Williams’ originals: ‘‘Some- congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Tony and Mary nity College, and her many achievements day’’ and ‘‘Grateful.’’ The remaining tracks of Cardoso for their 60 years of commitment to should be celebrated. the album were rearranged by Jerome Wil- one another and for their long lives that exem- Nancy Lynn D’Averso’s commitment to edu- liams. cation is not only evident in her years as a plify the genuine meaning of hard work and The Harmonizers are known worldwide for dedication. teacher, but also in her many personal aca- demic achievements. A graduate of Long their performances and have shared the stage f Branch High School, Ms. D’Averso went on to with such great gospel artists as: Lucille Polk HONORING EDDIE MCCORD earn a ‘‘Certificate of Culture’’ from the Univer- & Pearly Gates, the Jackson Southernaires, sity of Madrid, Spain as well as a Bachelor’s The Angelic Gospel Singers, The Swanee HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON of Arts Degree in Spanish and a Grade 7–12 Quintet, the Sensational Nightingales, Debra Teaching Certificate from Montclair State Col- Snipes, Ronica & The Blazing Stars, The OF MISSISSIPPI Mighty Clouds of Joy, Willie Banks & The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lege. After 6 years of teaching at Memorial School in Eatontown, New Jersey, Ms. Messengers, the Canton Spirituals, and Gold Tuesday, October 16, 2012 D’Averso continued her studies at Montclair City. Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Ms. Eddie State College, graduating with a Master’s of Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me M. (Thompson) McCord was born in Lake Arts Degree in Spanish Literature. She later in honoring The Christian Harmonizers, a Mis- Providence, Louisiana. She graduated from also received an Associate Degree in Human sissippi gospel singing group. VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:27 Oct 17, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16OC8.020 E16OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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