The Fresno Bulldog

The Fresno Bulldog

<p> THE FRESNO BULLDOG</p><p>The following information is deemed CONFIDENTIAL. The contents are the opinion of the author and not intended to be used as supporting information for debriefing/validation criteria. The purpose of this information is to enable the viewer to have a thorough understanding of the origin, behavior and common traits of the Fresno Bulldog Disruptive Group Member.</p><p>In the early 1970’s Inmates incarcerated from Fresno County referred to themselves as F14. The ‘F’ meaning ‘Fresno’ and the ‘14’ representing the letter ‘N’ for ‘Norteno’. At the time this Disruptive Group had representation both on the streets, the Department of Corrections and California Youth Authority. Various neighborhoods soon modified the F14 to include their ‘Hood”. The first four ‘Hoods’ to be identified included; F14 Eastside, F14 Parkside, F14 Sunset and F14 Pinedale. The activity of this gang was that of the typical street gang without the more serious crimes we see today. The Preston School of Industry, Youth Authority, was the first place the F14’ers, ‘would make a name for themselves’. The following more notable members would eventually become actual members, or associates of the NF; Richard ‘Kanikas’ Aguilar, Gilbert ‘Happy’ Ambalong, Sam ‘Smiley’ Estrada, Carlos ‘Payaso’ Gonzalez, Jimmy ‘Cucuy’ Gutierrez, Roy ‘Indio’ Rodriguez, Carlos ‘Casper’ Silva and Johnny ‘Johnny Boy’ Stankewitz. Over the next few years membership grew and was recognized by both the Mexican Mafia (EME) and Nuestra Familia (NF). </p><p>While the F14 was becoming recognized amongst fellow gangs and Law Enforcement the NF established their first Fresno Street Regiment. Six of the most notable members were: Ruben ‘Loco’ Garcia, Danny ‘Big Nose’ Gonzalez, Ruben ‘The Duke’ Seja, Frank ‘Sleepy’ Villagrana and Eddie ‘Crackers’ Vindiola. Their objective was to extort money (pay for protection) from Fresno prostitutes, drug dealers and store owners. Young F14 members were enlisted, gladly assisted as strong-arms and in a few cases, killed unwilling citizens who refused to pay. Youth Authority parolee, Carlos ‘Casper’ Silva, a mere 15 years old, was suspected of killing three individuals for the NF within less then two months of his release. He was found guilty of one count of second-degree murder and entered the California Department of Corrections. His arrest and convention became a catalyst for the media who immediately focused on the gang activities in the Fresno area. From 1976 to 1977 23 gang related homicides occurred in the Fresno area, the majority directly linked to the NF. By 1980, over 600 NF members were identified by law enforcement. Their practice of recruiting quantity rather then quality proved to be their downfall. Members began to defect and/or Drop out, as they did, they debriefed with law enforcement. Using the information supplied by the drop outs law enforcement were ably to successfully prosecute NF members during the first R.I.C.O. trials in 1982.</p><p>In 1983 the NF split into two factions. One faction identified with “Babo” Sosa, the other with Robert “Black Bob” Vasquez. ‘Babo’ would subsequently be accused of embezzling NF funds leaving way for the ‘Black Bob’ faction as the dominant force. Under ‘Black Bob’ the NF established a new group referred to as Northern Structure (NS) for representation on the main line and was using NF members who portrayed themselves as merely NS members to control the group. The idea was to let the NS think they were in fact a separate entity while at the same time having there own members call the shots as the NF leaders instructed. Selected NS elite’s would subsequently be selected for membership into the NF. The NF soon realized the cloak of the NS worked and resulted in an increase of Northern Hispanic representation throughout the Department. This unity resulted in the authoring of what is now known as the ‘Fourteen Bonds’ and it is NF members Michael ‘Manos’ Sosa and Hector Gallegos who are in fact the authors. In 1984 members of the NF and NS at San Quentin State Prison attempted to recruit members of the F14 for unification. The F14ers resisted; the NF had already committed numerous assaults on members of F14 like the homicide that occurred in 1978 at DVI on Inmate Carlos ‘Payaso’ Gonzales. As noted above, Payaso, was an original F14 member who became NF. He was also the half brother of Inmate Anthony ‘Big Gee’ Zataray. Big Gee, soon to become part of the First Council Members for the F14, made it well known that he was opposed to any allegiance with the NF. A war between the F14 and NF/NS ensued with numerous assaults initiated by both factions. The violence however quelled due to the F14 sympathizers with the NF.</p><p>In 1985 the F14 began to formally organize. Covertly the F14 members began to strategically place members through out the institutional settings to learn from the “opposition” while at the same time, increasing in numbers. Seeking alliance and co-exisistance with the EME and Surenos, Undercover co-exsistance with the BGF and Black gangs, while key members continued to keep members “anti- NF and sympathetic towards the F14’s oppression”. The following information was confiscated from an active Bulldog Member incarcerated in the Fresno County Jail.</p><p>FIRST COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP AT SAN QUENTIN 1984 (actually said to be early 1985) Anthony ‘Big Gee’ Zataray Ricky ‘Animal’ Garza Leonard “Rocco’ Ruiz Michael ‘Chicago’ Reyes</p><p>SAN QUENTIN COUNCIL IN THE SHU 1986 Johnny ‘G-Boy’ Contreras Alex ‘Bowser’ Castillo</p><p>Valentino ‘Shyboy’ Valdez Squad Leader Steve ‘Dopey’ Rodriguez</p><p>FOLSOM C-YARD COUNCIL 1989 Eddie ‘Poochie’ Macias George ‘Chico’ Avalos Richard ‘Boo Boo’ Ortega Squad Leader Samuel ‘Smiley’ Estrada Nieves ‘Sticks’ Rey Alphonso ‘Warlock’ Solis Jessie ‘Enforcer’ Valdez Ricky ‘Crow’ Garcia</p><p>FOLSOM B-YARD COUNCIL 89-90 Ray “RayRay’ Hernandez Johnny ‘Tiny Warlock’ Guajarro Frank ‘Solito’ Solis</p><p>Michael ‘Chinaman’ Soto 1994 Tehachappi Max</p><p>In Early 1985 the F14 gained control of the drug trade at San Quinten, using this as a means to buy people and information. With increase in numbers the F14ers started to become even more organized. Obtaining education from both the EME and NF on how to function. They were taught and developed roles for members like that taught to them from NF dropout and Ex-Leader of the NF, Babo Sosa. Implementing these methods like Zataray who was in charge of negotiation with the Aryan Brotherhood (AB), the Blacks and bank accounts. Armando ‘Mousey’ Morales became in charge of security, drug smuggling and distribution, negotiations with EME/Surenos and leader of F14 members in Ad Seg. Although the above reflects the first council started in 1984 recent intelligence suggests the original council started in early 1985. The council soon developed responsibilities for members and policies. This included who would carry out Hits and in what order it would be done. In the beginning the council members themselves agreed to carry out hits to “set an example and to earn the trust of the group”. They developed squads and squad leaders, trained in “weaponry and enemy engagement”. During this same time period inmates and staff began to refer to members of F14 as the “Fresno Car”. In 1986 the council realized the drug trade was becoming a concern because the Southern Hispanics resented their control over the trade, “Confrontation was inevitable” as one member put it. Assaults took place and the F14ers lost control over the SQ main line. Members were then scattered through out the Institutions. With this, internal conflicts also occurred. F14 member and NF drop out, Eddie ‘Crackers’ Vindiola, was the leading figurehead in the F14 rebellion. F14 members became more aggressive subsequently declaring all “Norte XIV an Enemy”, this included the NF and NS. ‘Crackers’, with fellow members like; Freddy ‘Pelon’ Aguerro, Enrique PeeWee’ Barrera, Johnny ‘Gboy’ Contreras, Rick ‘Animal’ Garza and Alex ‘Bouzer’ Castillo participated in numerous confrontations with the NF and NS. The F14 mentality was simple, “The North and South conflict was not the F14 fight”, “the NF and EME Philosophy/Propaganda” not of their choosing.</p><p>F14 members realized they needed to establish a better line of communication through out CDC and realized it when a fellow member (Block) was hit by a NF/Structure member on San Quentin’s North Block in late 1986. The F14 also realized that with any form of communication they needed a name. It is ‘Pelon’ (Freddy Aguerro) who choose the name “BULLDOG” with all members in agreement. With the name came the common BDS tattoo (BDS standing for Bulldogs). They adopted the Fresno State University Bulldog Logo as their symbol and the school color, which was red, conveniently symbolic for a Northern Mexican. Although the Bulldog is a by-product of the NF and NS and were initially subjugated by them their ties with the EME proved to be to their benefit. By July of 1988 the red light between the Bulldogs and EME/South was in effect. While the transition was taking place a handful of Bulldog members had a separate agenda as to what the Bulldogs should become. This group and their ideology called themselves the Bulldog Nation. The movement was headed by Armando ‘Mousey’ Morales who began educating fellow Bulldogs while in Count Jail from 1993 to 1995. </p><p>At the same time the Bulldogs developed a circle code as a means to identify members and their enemy:</p><p>CIRCLE CODE;</p><p>CENTRAL (HOW F14 BDS AND THE BDN REFER TO THEMSELVES IN CORRESPONDENCE, GRAFFITI AND TATTOOS)</p><p>BDN (HOW BDN MEMBERS ARE REFERRED TO BY F14 BDS MEMBERS IN CORRESPONDENCE AND GRAFFITI)</p><p>NORTENO (HOW NORTHERN/NF IS REFERRED TO IN CORRESPONDENCE AND GRAFITTI)</p><p>SURENO (HOW SOUTHERN/EME ARE REFERRED TO IN CORRESPONDENCE AND GRAFITTI)</p><p>Unbeknown to fellow members was that Morales had a personal agenda. His two biggest goals were to align with the Surenos for political reasons, profits of illegal activities and to form a structured organization with rank and file. His biggest motive was to be recognized as the founding father and leader of the BullDog Nation.</p><p>Morales subsequently authored the first ‘BullDog Concepts’. Which included the ‘Code of Conduct, a chain of command, a Declaration and an elite group referred to as ‘Sector Five’, consisting of influential members who effect policy amongst members. The following items are copies of the ‘Concepts’ which were found during searches of various inmates’ property:</p><p>THE BULLDOG NATION THRU THE BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS OF OUR DOGS A RESISTANCE HAS FORMED ENABLING US TO WALK FREE OF BONDS. HOMIES DOING FOR EACHOTHER ‘DEL CORAZON’. ‘JUNTOS NOS PARAMOS’ THRU WHATEVER TRAILS MAY CONFRONT US. OUR PRESENCE WILL CONTINUE TO BE FEAR FOR THE DOORS THAT WE OPEN TO ALL WILL SHOW THE TRUE STRENGHT AND PURPOSE OF ‘DE LOS BULLDOGS’. OUR PRESENT ‘GUERRA’ WILL SOON COME TO AN END. SO TO THOSE WHO SLEEP THE TIME HAS COME TO AWAKEN OR BE LEFT BEHIND, EL ORGULLO DEL PERRO CHATO’ WILL CONTINUE TO SURFACE AND SPREAD THRU OUT GIVING A SENSE OF DIRECTION FOR ALL TO FOLLOW. ‘TRUCHA CON LA MOVIDA DEL BULLDOG’…. CATCH IT IF YOU CAN. THE BULLDOG NATION WAS ESTABLISHED TO STOP THE OPPRESSION AND MANIPULATION OF FELLOW DOGS, TO BE AN INDEPENDENT AND PRODUCTIVE STATE.</p><p>THE BULLDOG NATION AIMS AND GOALS 1. TO CREATE A NEW AVENUE AND EXPAND TO PROFIT FROM EXISTENCE. 2. TO GIVE EFFECTIVE AND PROPER REPRESENTATION, DIRECTION AND EDUCATION TO OUR PEOPLE. 3. TO EXPAND AND HALT THE MEMBERSHIP OF OUTSIDE ELEMENTS. 4. TO MONOPOLIZE AREAS WITHIN CDC SO THAT BULLDOGISM CAN SPREAD AND EXIST. 5. TO MAKE OUR PEOPLE AWARE OF THE SUBJUGATION AND OPPRESSION BY THE ENEMY AS TO NOT FALL VICTIM TO THEIR LIES AND DECEIT SO THAT THEY MIGHT RISE UP AND BRING CHANGE TO OUR PRESENT CONDITION.</p><p>THE BULLDOG DECLARATION THE BULLDOG NATION WAS FOUNDED AND ESTABLISHED TO STOP THE OPPRESSION AND SUBJUGATION OF OUR FELLOW DOG’S WITHIN THE SYSTEM. TO BRING UNITY TO OUR STREETS AND DIRECTION TO OUR CAUSE. TO CREATE A NEW AND PRODUCTIVE STATE, A FREE NATION OF FREEDOM FIGHTERS STRIVING TOWARDS THE EMANCIPATION AND ENLIGHTENMENT OF OUR PEOPLE. IT WAS FORMED TO TEACH AND EDUCATE OUR PEOPLE OF THEIR SITUATION SO THAT THEY MIGHT RISE UP AND BRING CHANGE TO OUR PRESENT CONDITION. TO INSTILL IN OUR PEOPLE THELOVE OF WHAT WE REPRESENT, TO SPREAD FORTH THE GOSPEL OF OUR CAUSE. THIS NATION WAS TO FREE MEN FROM BONDAGE OF OUR OPPRESSORS, TO BRING OUT THE LIGHT OF TRUTH AND STRIKE DOWN THE ENEMY. WE FREEDOM FIGHTERS HAVE CHOOSN TO WALK FREE AND DECLARE THE EXISTENCE OF OUR NATION, TO UPHOLD THE PURPOSE AND FULFILL THE GOALS OF OUR CAUSE. WE SHALL CONTINUE TO SPREAD AND RISE, BRINGING ALL THAT SENSE A DIRECTION AND TRUE PURPOSE OF OUR CAUSE. VIVA LA MOVIDA DEL PERRO THE PATH TO PROSPERITY IN ORDER THAT E MIGHT FUNCTION AT A HIGHER LEVEL OF RESISTENCE AND BRING UNITY TO OUR PEOPLE THE BULLDOG NATION HAS FOUND IT NECESSARY TO CREATE A SYSTEM OF INTER-RELEATED IDEAS, RULES AND GUIDELINE TO WHICH WE WOULD APPLY OURSELVES. THIS SYSTEM COULD SERVE AS A METHOD OF OPERATION THAT WOULD DIRECT, TEACH AND TRAIN IT’S MEMBERS THE ESSENTIAL SKILLS AND CONCEPTS OF THE BULLDOG CAUSE. SO IN RELATION TO THIS IDEA A CODE OF CONDUCT FOR ALL TO FOLOW AND UPHOLD IN ORDER THAT WE MIGHT BRING UNITY AND SRTERGHT TO OUR MOVEMENT. THIS WOULD ALLOW US TO MOVE FOREWARD IN THE DETERMINATION TO FULLFILL THE GOALS OF OUR NATION. AS A SOLDIER OF THE BULLDOG NATION I WILL APPLY MYSELF TO ANY AND ALL TASK SET BEFORE ME AND I SHALL STRIVE TO FULFILL THE OBJECTIVES OF THE BULLDOG CAUSE. FREEDOM FIGHTERS COURSE OF ACTION. #1. EDUCATION; THE FIRST STEP OF EVERY DOG IS TO EDUCATE HIMSELF IN THE BULLDOG CONCEPTS AND GOALS. HE MUST UNDERSTAND AND BELIEVE IN OUR PURPOSES, WE MUST INSTILL IN HIM THE LOVE OF WHAT WE REPRESENT SO THAT HEL‘LL STRIVE WITH COMPLETE FAITH. OUR AIM IS TO MAKE OUR PEOPLE TRUE TO THE CAUSE AND LOYAL TO THE NATION. TO MAKE HIM EVER AWARE OF OUR CAUSE AND PRESENT CONDITION SO THAT HE MIGHT RISE UP AND BRING CHANGE TO IT. WE MUST ENLIGHTENED OUR MINDS AND BUILD OUR NATION, STRIVE TOWARDS THE FULFILLMENT OF OUR CAUSE. AS AN EDUCATED DOG AND SOLDADO THIS WOULD ALLOW ME TO UNDERSTAND MY RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES. IT WOULD ALLOW ME TO REACH OUT TO OUR FELLOW DOG’S AND BRING THEM INTO THE LIGHT OF TRUTH. TO GIVE US A VOICE AND SPREAD FORTH OUR GOSPEL. THIS SCHOOLING WILL CONSIST BULLDOG PHILOSOPHIES, AIMS, GOALS, CODES AND METHOD OF OPERATION. #2. TRAINING; THE SECOND STEP OF EVERY DOG IS TO TRAIN HIM IN THE ART OF WARFARE. IT IS BITTERLY ESSENTIAL THAT EVERY DOG KNOW AND RECOGNIZE THAT HE IS A SOLDADO AND HE MUST ACT ACCORDINGLY, BECAUSE HE IS A SOLDADO OF OUR NATION. HE MUST ACQUIRE THE NECESSARY SKILLS TO SURVIVE THE RIGORS OF PRISON LIFE AND ATTAIN THE DISCIPLINE TO CARRY OUT THE OBJECTIVES OF OUR CAUSE. HE MUST BE EVER PREPARED TO ENGAGE AND ELIMINATE THE ENEMY OR ANY OTHER HOSTILE ELEMENTS. OUR AIM IS TO BUILD A STRONG FREEDOM FIGHTING FORCE THAT WILL ENSURE OUR SAFETY AND CONFRONT THE ENEMY. AS A SOLDADO I WILL EXERCISE MY MIND, BODY AND SOUL SO THAT WHEN CALLED UPON I WILL MOVE WITH STRENGHT AND SKILL. BECAUSE I AM A SOLDIER I WILL PROTECT AND DEFEND MY PEOPLE AND OUR CAUSE. AS A SOLDADO I WILL BE EVER WATCHFUL AND RESPECTFUL OF MY PEOPLE. I SHALL ENFORCE AND UPHOLD THE RULES AND LAWS OF OUR NATION. AS A TRUE SOLDADO I AM OBLIGATED TO THE FULFILLMENT OF OUR GOALS. THIS SCHOOLING WILL CONSIST OF ENEMY ENGAGEMENT, SQUAD PARTICIPATION, WEAPONRY, CONDUCT, DISCIPLINE AND COURSE OF ACTION. I UNDERSTAND THE NECESSARY OF THIS TRAINING AND AM WILLING AND PREPARED TO CARRY OUT ANY TASK SET BEFORE ME. BULLDOG NATIONALIST! FREEDOM FIGHTING FRESNISTAS! The following are three codes utilized by the bulldogs for means of communication amongst members:</p><p>A B C J K L S T U</p><p>D E F M N O V W X</p><p>G H I P Q R Y Z </p><p>This code is more commonly referred to as the TIC TAC TOE code. Bulldogs call it ‘PLUS and MINUS’. ‘J’ through ‘R’ would be the plus section, ‘S’ through ‘Z’ the minus section. An example would be as follows:</p><p>B U L L D O G</p><p>Pig Pen Code: This code is similar to the tic tac toe code;</p><p>A B C D E F G H I</p><p>J K L M N O P Q R</p><p>S T U V W X Y Z</p><p>Example: </p><p>B U L L D O G</p><p>Number Code:</p><p>6 7 8 9 0 1 A B C D E 2 F G H I J 3 K L M N O 4 P Q R S T 5 U V W X Y</p><p>Example: 17,65,37,37,19,30,27 Equals ‘BULLDOG’ Note there is no letter ‘Z’, the ‘S’ takes its place. Variations of this code have been used by the NF and EME for a long time. The Bulldogs started using this in 1995. They have since adopted modified versions and use hand signs to flash numbers from cell to cells.</p><p>A new trend for communication was heard on 10-01-00. A local Fresno “Oldies” radio station that has caller ‘shout out’ or ‘dedication’ program broad-casted a female callers ‘shout out’. The caller said all was good on the calle and for those Dogs at ASP and Tehachapi, “Handle your Business”.</p><p>SECTOR FIVE CONCEPT: SEC FIVE WAS CREATED AS A SOLUTION TO THE INSTABILITY OF THE BULLDOG NATION AND LACK OF EFFECTIVE REPRESENTATION. IT’S PURPOSE IS TO PUSH TOWARDS THE CENTRALIZATION AND CREATION OF A NEW GOVERNMENT. IT IS A FANATICAL AND CLANDESTINE GROUP OF BULLDOGS DEDICATED TO THE EXPANSION OF THE NATION. IT HAS UNDERTAKEN THE AIM OF CREATING A STRONGER AND MORE EFFECTIVE MEMBERSHIP. SECTOR FIVE IS IN EFFECT AN ELITE GROUP STRIVING TOWARDS THE BUILDING AND ORGANIZING OF THE BULLDOG NATION. IT’S ULTIMATE GOAL IS TO MONOPOLIZE ALL ACTIVITIES AND DECISIONS FOR THE PURPOSE OF COMPLETE CONTROL. IT’S POLICY IS TO RECRUIT MEMBERS INTO IT’S RANK AND GAIN THE CONFIDENCE OF THE BULLDOGS SO THAT IT WILL UTILIZE IT’S POWER TO INFLUENCE THE DIRECTON OF IT’S PEOPLE. THE GOAL IS TO CREATE A NEW ORGANIZATION OUT OF THE BULLDOGS AND SEEK PROFIT FROM IT, IT IS DEDICATED TO THE ELIMINATION OF THE STRUCTURE AND WILL ENGAGE IN CONFRONTATION WITH THAT ELEMENT. IT ALSO SEEKS ALIGNMENT AND CO-EXISTENCE WITH THE EME AS A MEANS TO IT’S END. IT WILL WORK HAND AND HAND WITH THE EME TO GAIN IT’S CONFIDENCE SO THAT WE MIGHT BE ALLOWED TO FUNCTION IN THEIR AREAS. AT PRESENT THE SOUTHERN FACTION HAS ORGANIZED OUR EXISTENCE AND WE’VE BEEN ABLE TO WIN OVER HEAVY EME SYMPATHIZERS AND EME MEMBERSHIP ITSELF! THIS RELATIONSHIP HAS CREATED HARMONY AMONGST OUR PEOPLE’S AND NEW AVENUES IN WHICH TO PROFIT. </p><p>While Morales was using his influence for personal gain he initially had no resistance. In June of 1995 Roy ‘Spooky’ Vindiola and Bernard ‘Indio’ Vindiola, began waging a campaign against Morales and the BullDog Nation Concept. Both voiced their concern that the original Bulldog concept was a ‘stand alone’ policy. This meant the original concept of being without Rank and File was now being threatened. It is Spooky who presses the issue voicing not only this concern but to include his opposing the partial, or any alignment, with any Southern Hispanics. This concern still exists today with a new trend. The BDN having alliance with the EME/Sureno and the BDS having alliance with NF/NS/Norteno. With this in mind it is not uncommon to see a BDN wearing the color ‘blue’ for identification.</p><p>CODE OF CONDUCT, CONCEPT; PURPOSE; THE BULLDOG NATONAL HAS FOUND IT NECESSARY AND ESSENTIAL TO CREATE A CODE OF CONDUCT FOR IT’S MEMBERS AS A MEANS TO GIVE DIRECTION AND DISCIPLINE TO ALL THE DOGS WITHIN CDC. THIS CODE OF CONDUCT WILL EDUCATE, TRAIN AND INSTILL IN IT’S MEMBERS THE LOVE OF WHAT WE REPRESENT AND ALLOW US TO FUNCTION AT A HIGHER LEVEL OF RESISTENCE. THE CODE WILL CREATE A NEW TYPE OF FREEDOM FIGHTERS THAT WILL UPHOLD AND FULFILL THE AIMS AND GOALS OF THE BULLDOG NATION. CODE; EVERY BULLDOG WITHIN CDC WILL BE OBLIGATED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE ACTIVITIES OF THE (HIS) REGIMENT. HE MUST IDENTIFY HIMSELF TO THE BULLDOG REGIMENTAL LEADERS AND UNDERTAKE THE ROLL OF A SOLDIER, HE WILL ACT ACCORDING TO THE GUIDELENES SET FORTH AND FULFILL HIS DUTIES AS A MEMBER OF THE NATION. HE WILL STRIVE TO EDUCATE AND TRAIN HIMSELF IN THE BULLDOG PHILOSOPHIES AND PRINCIPLES, HE WILL MAKE HIMSELF AVAILABLE AND RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF THE NATION. AS A SOLDIER HE WILL AT ALL TIMES UPHOLD THE RULES AND AIMS OF THE BULLDOG NATION AT ALL TIMES AND SEEK TO BUILD AND EXPAND THAT NATION. THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THIS CODE OF CONDUCT WAS AND IS TO CREATE HARMONY AMONGST OUR DOGS AND A STRONGER FIGHTING FORCE THAT WILL ENGAGE THE ENEMY AND ALLOW US TO BUILD A FREE AND PRODUCTIVE STATE. THIS TYPE OF CONDUCT WILL BRING DIRECTION AND DISCIPLINE TO OUR PEOPLE IN HOPES OF A FINAL SOLUTION. AT PRESENT, THE BULLDOG CONCEPT IS IN EFFECT A REBELLIOUS FACTION THAT HAS SPREAD THROUGHOUT THE CDC BUT HAS NO CENTRALIZATION, THE ULTIMATE GOAL IS TO CREATE A GOVERNMENT AND FIGHTING FORCE SA THAT WE MIGHT AND WILL EXPAND AND EVENTUALLY BRING PROPER AND EFFECTIVE EXISTENCE TO OUR CAUSE. SECTOR FIVE IS AT PRESENT INFILTRATING THE COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP COVERTLY IN AN ATTEMPT TO MONOPOLIZE ALL ACTIVITIES AND DECISIONS. WHITHIN EACH REGIMENT, HAVING GAINED CONTROL OF THE COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP SECTOR WILL PUSH TOWARDS THE CREATION OF A GOVERNMENT AND ULTIMATE SEAT OF POWER. ONCE THIS ELEMENT IS IN PLACE IT WILL UTILIZE THE CODE OF CONDUCT AS A FORCE TO OUST ANY OPPOSITION AND ENFORCE THE POLICIES SET FORTH.</p><p>As institutional membership increased so did documented membership on the streets. The following reflects identified membership as of January 1997:</p><p>EASTSIDE FRESNO BULLDOGS 1,100 (63 FEMALES) FRESNO BULLDOGS WITHOUT SET 782 (30 FEMALES) NORTHSIDE BULLDOGS 137 (04 FEMALES) CALWA VARRIO LOCOS 104 (05 FEMALES) PARKSIDE BULLDOGS 51 (01 FEMALES) LATON COUNTY DOGS 31 (02 FEMALES) SELMA BULLDOGS 21 (00 FEMALES) SANGER BULLDOGS 17 (01 FEMALES)</p><p>TOTAL 2243 105 FEMALES</p><p>Update as of March 2000;</p><p>CALWA VARRIO LOCOS 151 COALINGA BULLDOGS 39 COLLEGE STREET LOCOS (FRESNO) 22 EASTON DOGS 16 EASTSIDE FRESNO BULLDOGS 2006 FIREBAUGH 14 BULLDOGS 44 FOWLER BULLDOGS 16 FRESNO BULLDOGS 1215 HANFORD BULLDOGS 19 KRAZY ASS MEXICAN BULLDOGS 16 LATON COUNTY DOGS 38 MALAGA BULLDOGS 16 MENDOTA 14 BULLDOGS 89 NORTHSIDE FRESNO BULLDOGS 223 ORANGE COVE BULLDOGS 18 PARKSIDE FRESNO 14 BULLDOGS 91 PARLIER BULLDOGS 31 PROSPECT DOGS (FRESNO) 17 REEDLY BULLDOGS 114 RUTHLESS THUG LIFE (RTL) BULLDOGS 39 SANGER LOS OLIVOS BULLDOGS 19 SANGER OLIVO STREET BULLDOGS 130 SELMA BULLDOGS 234 TRANQUILITY BULLDOGS 16 VARRIO 5TH STREET BULLDOGS 09 VARRIO KERMAN BULLDOGS 45 VARRIO PINEDALE BULLDOGS 38 WESTSIDE FRESNO BULLDOGS 29 WHITNEY STREET FRESNO BULLDOGS 16</p><p>TOTAL 4901</p><p>As noted above, the Bulldogs are growing in numbers at a fast pace. Membership has grown from the original Fresno County to surrounding Cities and Counties. Intelligence indicates the growth will continue. A recent record album produced by “Dogs 4 Life” has a notation at the bottom of the record label that reads “Dogs 4 Life - Central California’s Biggest Click”. The original gang affiliation exhibited in institutions through out the State has went from Northern (Norteno’s) and Southern (Sureno’s) to now include the Central California Bulldogs. The Red Light continues to exist between the Bulldogs and Sureno/EME. The ties they have established as one member put it ‘allows us to walk any yard at any institution in the state, I can see the entire valley becoming pro south over then next few years’. As the evolution of the Bulldog membership expands beyond 4 generations the NF/NS have yet renounce the Green Light against them. An NS member is quoted to have said ‘the open door policy is in effect, we will take them out on sight’. </p><p>BULLDOG TATTOOS:</p><p>The obvious picture of a Bulldog in any position. BDN for BullDog Nation BDS for BullDogs Any initial preceding the BD. Example FBD would mean Fresno BullDog. Dog Paw Prints. An older (veteran) may use four toes on the paw. This reflected their original affiliation with the Northern Faction. In the last few year’s three toes on the paw has been observed. This transition occurred at about the same time the association with EME/Sureno was being observed. Bar code of the MAYA culture. Dog Tags, a Dog Choker or a spiked collar</p><p>J.D. Soto LTPPT2Follow</p>

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