STEPS #YCLETO 2AILTO 0ANSHANGER ELL2D 3TEVENAGE $IGSWELL (ITCHIN (ALDENS .ATIONAL#YCLE.ETWORK 4OILET 7ELWYNn7AREROUTETRAFFICFREE 3TREET-INOR2OAD IGSW 0ETERBOROUGH "ESSEMER2D 2OUTE-ILEPOST $ /AKLANDS 4EWIN2D 3PRINGMEAD #OLLEGE "ESSEMER7AY *-)3CHOOL 0UB2ESTAURANT (OSPITAL!% 7ELWYNn7AREROUTEONROAD -AIN2OAD Walking & Cycling (ARDINGS . " ! 0ANSHANGER " "RIDGE2OAD !ERODROME ROAD #OUNCIL 7 $ANIELLS 3UPERMARKET &OOTBALL'ROUNDAT #YCLE2OUTESCOUNTRYLANEORMINORROAD $UAL#ARRIAGEWAY /FFICES Sherrardspark Woods & Ayot Greenway (ERNS,ANE ER The Cole Green Way D $EPT A stoneson throwth w fromfroom the towno centrecentce is 3TORE #YCLE3HOP ,EISURE#ENTRE #YCLE2OUTESTRAFFICFREE 2AILWAY & the Hertford to Ware Towpath "RIDGE2OAD%AST SherrardsparkShS err rds ark WoodsWoodds.s. TThiss 2002000 acrea e woodwow has 3IR&REDERIC -OORS7ALK 0ARKWAY 0ANSHANGER manymam footpathsths anda bridlebridlewaysway to be explored /SBOURN3CHOOL 'UESSENS2 0ARKWAY 0RIMARY3CHOOL WelwynWeWWelwwynwy was theese secondseco of EbenezerEb nezerzer Howard’sHo GardenGar Cities,ties, after LetchLetchworth. 4OURIST)NFORMATION #HILDRENS0LAY!REA #YCLE2OUTESTRAFFICFREE PROPOSED 2IVER 2USSELCROFT2OAD amongst the oakk andan hornornbeabeam trees.es. You can An old railway line, canal towpaths, open spaces (ANDSIDE,ANETO follow the old railwayailwalw line througthrough thehe woodlandwoodlanw 0ANSHANGER TheyThehheyeyy werew e designeddessigne too include the best of bothbotbo h towntow anda d countryy livingliving. The town’stow ’s 2 E 3HERRARDSPARK7OOD 2AIL3TATION 3CHOOL#OLLEGE IV #YCLE2OUTES#ROSSING "UILDING AN (OWARD as part of the Ayot GreenwayGreen to WhWWheathampsteadhea mps "LACK&AN2OAD mainmain shoppingshshophoopppin plazaplazzaa The Howard Centre being nnamemed after the settlement’s creator.o ER- , D S .#.2OUTE E and quiet roads create a green route from Welwyn #ENTRE V 1 IMR E some 3 ⁄2 miles away.y. AccessAccesAcce is offff DigsDigswell Road, AM NE2 Welwyn Garden City ,ANE 4HI Garden City to Ware via Hertford. It also forms (YDEWAY the Campusmpu West carr park oro BridgeB Road.Road. "US3TATION 3EATING &OOTPATH ,AKE 7ELWYN #HURCH2D &RETHER 'ARDEN#ITY #AR0ARK $ISABLED!CCESS &IELD /PENACCESSLAND part of Route 61 of the National Cycle Network. 7ATCHLYTES3CHOOL -ONEYHOLE,ANE0ARK "RIDLEWAY ANSHANGER 3TATION 2IDGEW (ERNS 0 0ANSHANGER +NELLA2D 7OOD $RIVE -USEUM $ISABLED!CCESSWITH2!$!2KEY 4RACK 0ARK 2ESIDENTIAL#OMMERCIAL ! ( The Cole Green Way proper runs from the 0ARKWAY ER AY 7ELWYN ( 2IVER-IMR TING 0ARKWAY ERONSWOOD2OAD AM +NELLA2D " outskirts of Welwyn Garden City at the Black F KILOMETRE OR 'ARDEN#ITY D BUR Fan Road / Cole Green Lane junction to West AY MILE +EY Y 0EARTREE SCALE APPROX 2 Street in Hertford. This rural section follows a 3ALISBURY2OAD OAD /SBORN7 EE,ANE "IRDCROFT2OAD 7AY (ERTINGFORDBURY former railway and is suitable for walkers, cyclists (ERONS , 0EARTR UDWICK7AY WOOD2OAD +NELLA2D and horse riders. This part of the route is also "ROADWATER2OAD 0EARTREE AN 0RIMARY3CHOOL - 3YLV ! ILL' "USHEY accessible for disabled visitors at various points. Y2OAD (ERTINGFORDBURY2OAD REEN2OAD ,EYS SBUR 2OLLS Motorised scooter wheelchairs are probably the 3ALI #YPRESS! A great link existsex for walkers who wish to access the The branchra line opened in 1858 connecting 3WALLOW$ELL 7OOD (OLWELL "LACK&AN2OAD ! 3CHOOL (ERONSWOOD2OAD Cole Green WayW from the residential area of Panshanger, Hertfordtfordor with the main line junction at 0RIMARY3CHOOL "LACKTHORN2OAD best option due to the nature of the surfacing. ,ONGCROFT,ANE (OLWELL2OAD 0EARTREE connecting theth local footpath network together via a Welwynwynyn priorp to the construction of the VE OACH2OAD #OURT ,UDWICK7AY 4HE/LD# There are links at both ends that take walkers and ! (OLWELL2OAD pleasant walk between the trees. Within the woodland 3TAINES Gardendenen City. C It was closed in 1966 as part of "LACKTHORN there is a circular path and several ponds. Look out for 'REEN the BeechingBe cuts. Today, the Victorian brick cyclists into Welwyn and Hertford town centres. ! 7OODHALL -ILL' 7OOD #OURT dragonfl ies darting along the paths in thehe SSummer. bridges and the platform at Cole Green " (ERTINGFORDBUY IR REEN CH'REE #OWPER remain as the only reminders of its past. The link through Hertford joins the towpath along #OLE Rolls & Blackthorn Woods 0RIMARY3CHOOL 2 ,ANE 'REEN 0A the River Lea, taking you to Ware and beyond. OAD #OLE 'REEN NSHANGER When youou arrive at the old ColeC Green ststation you can The Old Railway ,ANE N Y 7O (ORWICKS 3TANBOROUGH2OAD take a breakbree for refreshmentst at the Cowperw Arms pub. #YCLETO ODHALL,ANE E 7OOD ,ANE It is signposted through the town centre. (OLWELL(YDE,ANE AlternativelyA ve you can bringb youry own foodo and use the EN7A 3TANBOROUGH,AKES 'REEN,AN " RE #OLE'REEN,ANE #OLE "IRCHALL,ANE ' 'REAT.ORTH7AY picnic area.a. ThereT e is alsoals a short,h easy woodlandw walk that OLE #HEQUERS # Enjoy this route for a leisurely walk or ride ,ANE includes carvedvedd statuesstatu and a pond. Carr parking is available 7OODHALL EAD /UR,ADYgS2# (ALL'ROVE 'REATER#APTAINS "IR if you wish to starttar your walklk or ride fromm this point. 7OOD CHALL,ANE "IRCH'REEN 'OSLING # alongside waterways and rural tracks. It links three 0RIMARY3CHOOL OLE' 3TADIUM (OMEST R 3 Cole Green Hertfordshire towns with some great countryside. (ALL'ROVE EE TA 2AYMONDS0LAIN SSnnaking its wayay throughhroughou HertfH rtforordshire’s N7 TION2O A #OLE'REEN You could even take a circular diversion to toownsow andnd countrysidecooun sid iss thethhee GreatG North Y (OWELLPARK AD WWay cycle route.utte. ItI is showownwn as Route 12 7OOD explore local villages near the path. ! on thethhe NationalNattionaal Cycle Cy NeNetwetwork and will -AITLAND AY #RESWICK eventuallyeventuntuallly link Londonon withw Peterborough LANDS 7OOD 'REEN7 0RIMARY3CHOOL (OWLANDS #OLE "EEHIVE,ANE -OOR #OLE'REEN Why not use the path for a journey to work? and beyond. b yondyon Lookook ouooutut for Great North 0ICNIC!REA 7AY .EWSON Way signss inn and aroound Welwyn Garden #HAPEL,ANE STEPS With traffi c congestion particularly heavy 3TA Stanborough Park 3IR *OHN Cityy where whe e thisth cyclee track connects with (ATFIELD TION2 between Hertford and Ware, make the journey the rrouteteeto to HertforHer rd. Contact Pedal Point (YDE D half mile diversionv on down the for a ffreeee leafl et on the Great North Way. %AST%ND #HAMBERS to work an enjoyable experience by cycling th alongsided Stanboroughtanboanboroughh Road 'ROVE (OWLANDS AY 'REEN l bring youou to StanborouStanb ugh Great North Way #OLE'REEN7 along side the river. (OWLANDS 3UBWAY 7 ,ETTY'REEN kes. Heree you can visit the twowo O #OMMONSWOOD OLMERS es, hire a boat, go fi shing,hing, learnleearn 3CHOOL sail or enjoyenjo roaming througugh #HEQUERS E , ,AN ANE 6 acres ofo parkland.parklan (OWLANDS LD $EADFIE 2AILTO #YCLE'REAT.ORTH7AY .#.2OUTE ,ANE 1UEEN%LIZABETH)) 0IPERS%ND ,ONDON TO(ATFIELD,ONDONOR3T!LBANS OTS (OSPITAL +INGS#ROSS VIA!LBAN7AY .#.2OUTE 4HE#OMMONS !SC ! 0ARK2D Ware Museumm houseshousesuse permanentpper nt displaysd spla 2AILTO 3TEVENAGE T includinginc a timelineim ne off WarWaWare’s social,ial,, 0ARK2OAD S,ANE (ITCHIN " IS walking & cycling R CK3 industrialtrial andnd archaeologicalcha gical historyory from ,ETCHWORTH Attractions Thisis naturalnaturaaturaltur island is (AR pre-re-historic-hisstoricc timest throught too thee SecondSe ClaimsCl to be thet oldesto ALDO . " # ! managedma as an otter 7ARE HU Woorldd War.r. Free entry. buildingbu dingng inn HertfordHertHertfo anda is ! Stanborough Lakes, www.fi nesseleisure.com RCH3 The Cole Green Way "ENGEO habitat, providingp the TREET 2IVER"EANE 0RIMARY3CHOOL a fi ne examplexample ofo Normanorman Y3 T Tel. 01707 327655 dense, unndisturbed 7EIR 0RIOR 7EST3 Ware Museum architecturea chitecture with an unusualunusua WPATH T 7ARE4O riverbannk vegetation that D (IGH3 D Hertford Castle, www.hertford.gov.uk & Hertford to Ware Towpath 7ARE OAD woodenw n spire.s re. The simplesisim e (ERTFOR 2 ' ,OCK W2 OLDINGS#ANAL they needd forfo breeding. 7ARE TREET E interiorr includesnclu s a NormNormaan ! Tel. 01992 552885 (Events) -USEUM . WLING "O font,foont a 13th3th CenturyC tury walwallall 7ARE0ARK2D ,ADYS-EAD Jacob’s Island 4 TION Hertford Museum, www.hertfordmuseum.org VIGA (ER paintingintingting andan an AnchoritA horite‘sorite‘s -ILL-EAD 2IVER,EA .A T FORD 3TAR3 cellce l wherewhehe a religiourelig ous T Tel. 01992 582686 "RAMFIELD2OAD 3ACRED(EART 7ARE *ACOBS 4OWPATH recluselu once livedd. )SLAND 3CHOOL " Ware Museum, www.waremuseum.org.uk .ORTH2OAD (ERTFORD 7AR 2IVER,EA +INGS-EADS "ROADMEADS %ND L Tel. 01920 487848 St Leonard’s Church, Bengeo EL OAD 2IV E4O EOF E WPA S (ERTFOR R, TH R MW E 7EIR U A D2 ! . Scotts Grotto (limited opening), www.scotts-grotto.org "ENGEO O OAD A -OLEWOOD2D .EW2OAD .EW # VIGA OMAN2 ! 'AUGE 2 TION EONARDS2D 0ARK-EAD OAD , 3T,EONARDS OAD # 3T RA .EW2IV NE- .EW2IVER S2 #HURCH 7ARE3TATION Walking & Cycling ON2 E T AD OTT 7INDSOR$RIVE 6 ! 3COTTS (ERTFORD IADUC OAD 3C Hertfordshire County Council, DDLE 'ROTTO ER .EW2IVER 2EGIONAL "ENGEO3TREET E2 Y 4 #HADWELL-EAD #OLLEGE E AR - N 7 T2 www.hertsdirect.org/libsleisure & click on E,A OAD ,EA6ALLEY7ALK 2OAD River Lea Gazebos (O ! 7ALK#YCLE ‘Enjoying the Countryside’ 7ARREN 0ARK 7EIRS TO,ONDON These 18th centuenturyry summerhouses summerho 2AILTO ,IMEHOUSE Tel. 01992 555262 $ICKER (ERTFORD The Meads (Kings Meads) "ROXBOURNE In adddditionn to the leisureeisuresur centre therthherre -ILL ,OCK were built in thehee gardensga sof of formerfo mer #AMBRIDGE " 3T*OSEPHS2# TheT largestl est remainingremainiremaaining
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