<p> PEOPLESOFT PAYROLL FOR NORTH AMERICA</p><p>TAX UPDATE 11-C TAX UPDATE NOTES - RELEASE 9</p><p>PeopleSoft Payroll for North America Tax Update 11-C includes updates to U.S. and Canadian tax and U.S. garnishment tables, COBOL program and store statement changes, and re-delivered SQRs for U.S. and Canadian payroll reporting. These tax update notes include:</p><p> Instructions for updating your system’s tables and a summary of the table changes A list of COBOL program and store statement changes A summary of the SQRs delivered with this tax update An appendix of object changes delivered with this tax update</p><p>For Release 9, the tax update package also includes the following documentation files:</p><p>UPD860805_INSTALL.htm “PeopleSoft Application Update Installation Instructions” UPD860805_CODECHANGES.rtf PS Print Project Report for Release 9</p><p>You must follow the instructions in the UPDxxxxxx_INSTALL.htm document to apply the object changes listed in the appendix of this document before applying the COBOL and store statement changes, running the DataMover scripts, or using the SQRs delivered in this tax update. Before applying Tax Update 11-C, you must apply all previous tax updates.</p><p>Unless otherwise indicated by a specific posting date, Report IDs referenced in these tax update notes have not been posted to My Oracle Support.</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T A X 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.</p><p>This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.</p><p>The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.</p><p>If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable:</p><p>U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial technical data" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, the use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation shall be subject to the restrictions and license terms set forth in the applicable Government contract, and, to the extent applicable by the terms of the Government contract, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227- 19, Commercial Computer Software License (December 2007). Oracle America, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.</p><p>This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.</p><p>Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.</p><p>Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.</p><p>This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.</p><p>2 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>Updating Your Tables</p><p>Tax Update 11-C includes the following files for updating the tables in your PeopleSoft system. </p><p>File Contents upd860805_01.dat U.S. tax table updates upd860805_01.dms</p><p> upd860805_02.dat Canadian tax table updates upd860805_02.dms</p><p> upd860805_03.dat Garnishment table updates upd860805_03.dms</p><p> upd860805_04.dms Database stamp (There is no .dat file associated with this .dms file.)</p><p> upd860805_05.dat Strings table upd860805_05.dms</p><p> upd860805_06.dat Add the new relationship “AC” (Adult Child) to upd860805_06.dms PS_DEPBEN_TYPE_TBL</p><p>(Report ID 12427496)</p><p> upd860805_msg.dat Message catalog upd860805_msg_i.dms</p><p>Both U.S. and Canadian customers should apply the garnishment, database stamp, strings table, PS_DEPBEN_TYPE_TBL update, and message catalog updates.</p><p>The DataMover script (.dms) files identify the input data file (.dat) as well as the output log message file. The directory where DataMover looks for the input data file and the log file is specified in your Configuration Manager.</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 3 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>Special Note – North America</p><p>PeopleSoft Vulnerability – Unauthorized Access</p><p>A critical security update that was posted to Updates and Patches on My Oracle Support on April 19 is also being delivered with this tax update. For the protection of our customers, it is PeopleSoft policy not to provide detailed information on the location and nature of the incident and fix.</p><p>(Report ID 11805978 posted to My Oracle Support on 19 April 2011)</p><p>4 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>Special Notes – U.S. </p><p>Pennsylvania Act 32</p><p>Tax Update 11-C delivers product updates to assist employers impacted by Pennsylvania counties that require early implementation of the provisions of Pennsylvania Act 32. Pennsylvania Act 32, enacted in 2008, changes the way employers must withhold, remit, and report Pennsylvania local earned income taxes. Statewide implementation of Act 32 begins with wages paid on or after January 1, 2012, but the counties of Chester, Lebanon, and Wyoming have indicated that they will require employers to comply with Act 32 requirements in 2011.</p><p>Details of the new product functionality are provided in the separate documentation file delivered with this tax update:</p><p>PA Act 32-11C.doc</p><p>(Report ID 11847440 posted to My Oracle Support by 19 May 2011.)</p><p>State Taxation of Adult Child Healthcare Premiums</p><p>Tax Update 11-C delivers new product functionality to allow employers to comply with state-specific taxation requirements for healthcare premiums representing coverage provided to adult children, for states that do not conform to the Internal Revenue Code tax exemption of these premiums under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111-149) and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-152).</p><p>Details of the new product functionality are provided in the separate documentation file delivered with this tax update:</p><p>Taxability_Adult_Child_Benefit_Non-Conforming_States_Rel90.pdf</p><p>(Payroll for North America Report ID 12427496)</p><p>Note: Benefits Report ID 11649055 posted to My Oracle Support by 25 May 2011 delivered the same product modifications that are delivered in Payroll for North America Tax Update 11-C. </p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 5 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>Quarterly Reporting - Ohio</p><p>The Reporting Medium and Diskette Type fields are removed from the run control page for creating the file to report quarterly wage and tax data to Ohio. Only electronic filing will be supported. The following additional fields are also no longer required and are removed: Taxes Due, Previous Underpay, Interest Due, Penalty Due, Previous Credit, Total Payment Due, and Doc Control Nbr.</p><p>Added to the run control page is a new field “Third Party Admin ID” and a new “Out of State Wages Indicator” checkbox for each Company for which data will be reported on the file. </p><p>For details on the new Ohio quarterly reporting requirements, see the description of modifications made to TAX810OH.SQR in the later section of this document listing the U.S. SQRs Delivered with Tax Update 11-C.</p><p>Ohio Run Control page BEFORE Tax Update 11-C changes:</p><p>Fields removed</p><p>Fields removed</p><p>Field removed</p><p>Ohio Run Control page AFTER Tax Update 11-C changes:</p><p>New field added </p><p>New field added </p><p>(Report ID 11925419)</p><p>6 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>New Error Message – Self-Service Direct Deposit</p><p>The new error message shown below is added to the Self Service Direct Deposit page. </p><p>The new error message is added to limit employees to one single completed self-service transaction of updating direct deposit data per day. An employee may add or edit information for multiple direct deposit accounts in a single self-service transaction, but once the transaction’s changes are entered and saved and the employee has navigated off the Self Service Direct Deposit page, the employee cannot make further additional changes in Self Service Direct Deposit on the same day.</p><p>This restriction is added to prevent an employee from making changes to Self Service Direct Deposit data that could cause an override of existing data on the DIRECT_DEPOSIT and DIR_DEP_DISTRIB records, which could result in the employee’s deposit information being excluded from the direct deposit file if changes were made after Payroll Confirm was processed but before the direct deposit file was created.</p><p>(Report ID 11711721)</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 7 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>New Wage Statement Data for New York and California Employees </p><p>Tax Update 11-C delivers product modifications to display additional items of required data on employee wage statements for New York and California employees.</p><p>New York</p><p>To comply with the wage statement requirements of the New York Wage Theft Prevention Act, Tax Update 11-C delivers modifications to PAY003.SQR, DDP003.SQR, pages PY_IC_PI_DATA and PY_SSP_VIEW_DATA, work record PY_IC_PI_WRK, view PY_IC_PI_ERN_VW, PY_IC_PI_SUM_VW.OPRID(FieldFormula) PeopleCode, PY_IC_PI_DATA and PY_SSP_VIEW_DATA(Activate) PeopleCode, and changes to the PRTCAADV, PRTCACHK, SSPCAADV, and SSPCACHK XMLP templates. These product modifications provide for displaying these additional items of data on both printed wage statements and self-service paychecks for New York employees:</p><p>1. Pay Period Begin and Pay Period End Date for prior period pay adjustments. 2. Regular hours and hourly rates for salaried, non-exempt employees. 3. Employer telephone number (the number entered as the “Main” telephone number on the Company Table).</p><p>California</p><p>To comply with the wage statement requirements of California Labor Code Sec. 226(a), Tax Update 11-C delivers modifications to PAY003.SQR, DDP003.SQR, pages PY_IC_PI_DATA and PY_SSP_VIEW_DATA, work record PY_IC_PI_WRK, view PY_IC_PI_ERN_VW, PY_IC_PI_SUM_VW.OPRID(FieldFormula) PeopleCode, PY_IC_PI_DATA and PY_SSP_VIEW_DATA(Activate) PeopleCode, and changes to the PRTCAADV, PRTCACHK, SSPCAADV, SSPCACHK and XMLP templates. These product modifications provide for displaying this additional item of data on both printed wages statements and self-service paychecks for California employees:</p><p>Regular hours and hourly rates for salaried, non-exempt employees</p><p>The wage statement modifications described above are illustrated on the following page.</p><p>8 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>Wage Statement before Tax Update 11-C:</p><p>Wage Statement after Tax Update 11-C:</p><p>Employer Telephone (NY only)</p><p>Begin Date and End Date for Prior Period Adjustments Rate and Hours associated with Regular (Previously Earnings for Salaried Non-exempt Employees displayed only (newly added for both CA and NY) for CA, now added for NY)</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 9 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>For Customers Using XMLP to Create Checks and Advices</p><p>Regardless of whether or not they are paying New York or California employees, all customers using XMLP to create checks and advices must use the Report Definitions PRTCAADV and PRTCACHK for printing, and the Report Definitions SSPCACHK and SSPCAADV for employee self-service, as shown in the Paycheck Options Table below. These are the only supported XMLP templates for U.S. paychecks and advices. </p><p>With the modifications delivered in Tax Update 11-C, the Descriptions of these Report Definitions are updated to reference the new modifications for “CA and NY” as shown in the final two screenshots below.</p><p>Before Tax Update 11-C:</p><p>As Delivered in Tax Update 11-C with modified Descriptions:</p><p>1 0 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>For Customers Not Using XMLP to Create Checks and Advices</p><p>For customers not using XMLP to create checks and deposit advices, Tax Update 11-C redelivers updated versions of the programs PAY003.SQR (which prints checks) and DDP003.SQR (which prints deposit advices). Checks and advices produced by these programs will include the same new wage statement data items for New York and California employees that are described and illustrated on the preceding pages. </p><p>(Report IDs 11887703 and 11692749 posted together to My Oracle Support by 22 April 2011)</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 11 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>U.S. Changes</p><p>Federal / State Tax Table</p><p>State Effective Table Update Description</p><p>FL 06/01/2011 The Florida state minimum wage increase to $ 7.31 per hour effective June 1, 2011.</p><p> http://floridajobs.org/minimumwage/index.htm</p><p>(Report ID 12534991)</p><p>ND 01/02/2011 North Dakota withholding tax changes effective January 1, 2011. The table entry is dated 01/02/2011 to preserve the values in the existing table entry dated 01/01/2011 (which have already been used in the calculation of 2011 payrolls) for audit history purposes. </p><p> http://www.nd.gov/tax/indwithhold/pubs/withholdingbooklet2011.pdf</p><p>(Report ID 12567259)</p><p>Z2 05/01/2011 City of Yonkers withholding tax changes effective May 1, 2011. Yonkers NY http://www.tax.ny.gov/pdf/publications/withholding/nys50_t_y.pdf</p><p>Note: COBOL program changes delivered in this tax update are also required to implement the Yonkers withholding tax changes. See the entry for Report ID 12317380 in the later section of this document describing COBOL and Store Statement Changes delivered in Tax Update 11-C.</p><p>(Report ID 12321962 posted to My Oracle Support by 15 April 2011.)</p><p>Note: On May 18, 2011, the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services published withholding tax changes which are effective August 1, 2011. Due to the complex nature of the changes, development and testing of the product modifications required to implement the changes could not be completed in time to include them in Tax Update 11-C. Product modifications for the August 1, 2011, Connecticut withholding tax changes will be posted separately to My Oracle Support once development and testing efforts are completed, and the modifications will also be delivered in Tax Update 11-D.</p><p>1 2 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>Taxable Gross Definition Table</p><p>Note: Any user-defined entries you may have previously added to the Taxable Gross Definition Table entries for the jurisdictions listed below will need to be re-added after applying this tax update. User- defined entries are not carried forward when Taxable Gross Definition Table entries are re-delivered.</p><p>State/ Effective Table Update Description Locality Date of Table Entry IL 06/01/2011 A new table entry is added to indicate that, beginning June 1, 2011, benefits provided to an employee’s civil-union partner are excluded from the definition of wages subject to Illinois state income tax, as per Illinois S.B. 1716 signed into law on February 1, 2011.</p><p>Taxable Gross = Withholding Base Gross = FWT Taxable Gross Component ID = DPB Tax Gross Effect = Subtr From</p><p> http://legacy.americanpayroll.org/paystate/pdfs/PSU_10_2.pdf</p><p>(Report ID 11874252)</p><p>PA 01/01/2011 A new table entry is delivered to duplicate existing Taxable Gross Definition Table 510101 functionality for Philadelphia referencing the Locality code on the new Local Tax Table Philadelphia entry based on the Act 32 PSD code.</p><p>Taxable Gross = Withholding Taxable Gross Component ID = GTL Tax Gross Effect = No Effect Withholding Follows Fed Rules = No</p><p>Taxable Gross = Withholding Taxable Gross Component ID = 125 Tax Gross Effect = Adds To Withholding Follows Fed Rules = No</p><p>Taxable Gross = Withholding Taxable Gross Component ID = 401K Tax Gross Effect = Adds To Withholding Follows Fed Rules = No</p><p>See the separate documentation file PA Act 32-11C.doc for complete information on the product updates delivered in this tax update for Pennsylvania Act 32.</p><p>(Report ID 11847440 posted to My Oracle Support by 19 May 2011.)</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 13 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>State/ Effective Table Update Description Locality Date of Table Entry WI 01/01/2011 A new table entry is added to indicate that the cost of healthcare benefits provided to an employee’s adult child who does not qualify as a dependent for income tax purposes is included in the definition of wages subject to Wisconsin state income tax, per the Wisconsin Department of Revenue.</p><p>Taxable Gross = Withholding Base Gross = FWT Taxable Gross Component ID = ACT Tax Gross Effect = Adds To</p><p> http://www.revenue.wi.gov/taxpro/news/100727.html</p><p>See the entry for Report ID 12427496 in the later section of this document describing COBOL and Store Statement Changes delivered in Tax Update 11-C, and the entries for PAY705A.SQR and PAYGL01.SQR in the later section of this document U.S. SQRs Delivered with Tax Update 11-C for information on related program modifications. Also see the separate documentation file provided with this tax update for complete information on the product modifications delivered in this tax update related to this new functionality:</p><p>Taxability_Adult_Child_Benefit_Non-Conforming_States_Rel90.pdf</p><p>(Report ID 11650604)</p><p>WV 07/01/2011 A new table entry is added to indicate that employee before-tax deductions for 39460 benefits offered in a Sec. 125 cafeteria plan are included in the definition of wages Huntington subject to the new municipal occupation tax imposed by the City of Huntington, West Virginia, beginning on July 1, 2011.</p><p>Taxable Gross = Withholding Base Gross = FWT Taxable Gross Component ID = 125 Tax Gross Effect = Adds To</p><p> http://www.cityofhuntington.com/pages/pdfs/MOTFAQ-0311.pdf</p><p>(Report ID 11633396)</p><p>1 4 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>Local Tax Table</p><p>Sta Locality Locality Name OLD Rate/Amt NEW Rate/Amt Effective D at e</p><p>AL 073 Jefferson County 0.004500 / Resident 0.000000 / Resident 01/01/2010 (Report ID 12347215) 0.004500 / Nonresident 0.000000 / Nonresident</p><p>The Jefferson County Revenue Department instructs employers to stop withholding the Jefferson County occupational tax which was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of Alabama.</p><p> http://jeffconline.jccal.org/home/jcinfo/occ-tax0311A.pdf</p><p>IL 14000 Chicago Low Gross = $900.00 Low Gross = $4,300.00 07/01/2011 (Report ID 12535932)</p><p>The Employers Expense Tax Ordinance was amended to increase the salary threshold from $900 per calendar quarter to $4,300 per calendar quarter.</p><p> http://www.cityofchicago.org/city/en/depts/rev/provdrs/tax/alerts/2011/mar/eet_announcement.html</p><p>KY 015A Boone County Maximum tax = $423.94 Maximum tax = $429.18 01/01/2011 (Report ID 11932266)</p><p>13492 Cave City 0.015000 / Resident 0.020000 / Resident 01/01/2008 (Report ID 11932266) 0.015000 / Nonresident 0.020000 / Nonresident</p><p>191 Pendleton County 0.015000 / Resident 0.005000 / Resident 01/01/2011 (Report ID 11932266) 0.015000 / Nonresident 0.005000 / Nonresident</p><p>215 Spencer County 0.010000 / Resident 0.008000 / Resident 01/01/2011 (Report ID 11932266) 0.010000 / Nonresident 0.008000 / Nonresident</p><p>231 Wayne County 0.010000 / Resident 0.009000 / Resident 10/01/2007 (Report ID 11932266) 0.010000 / Nonresident 0.009000 / Nonresident</p><p>25300 Erlanger 0.010000 / Resident 0.015000 / Resident 07/01/2010 (Report ID 11932266) 0.010000 / Nonresident 0.015000 / Nonresident</p><p>37918 Hopkinsville 0.020000 / Resident 0.019500 / Resident 01/01/2011 (Report ID 11932266) 0.020000 / Nonresident 0.019500 / Nonresident</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 15 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>Sta Locality Locality Name OLD Rate/Amt NEW Rate/Amt Effective D at e</p><p>39952 Jackson 0.010000 / Resident 0.020000 / Resident 03/03/2011 (Report ID 11932266) 0.010000 / Nonresident 0.020000 / Nonresident</p><p>KY 59268 Park Hills 0.010000 / Resident 0.015000 / Resident 10/01/2010 (Report ID 11932266) 0.010000 / Nonresident 0.015000 / Nonresident</p><p>Maximum tax = $ 0.00 Maximum tax = $750.00</p><p>OH 00198 Ada 0.011500 / Resident 0.016500 / Resident 07/01/2011 (Report ID 12609929) 0.011500 / Nonresident 0.016500 / Nonresident</p><p>28476 Franklin 0.015000 / Resident 0.020000 / Resident 07/01/2011 (Report ID 12609929) 0.015000 / Nonresident 0.020000 / Nonresident</p><p>69526 Saint Clairsville New entry 0.007500 / Resident 04/01/2011 (Report ID 11892898) 0.007500 / Nonresident</p><p>Taxing Entity Code = 701 W2 Reporting Agency = RITA</p><p>76876 Tipp City 0.012500 / Resident 0.015000 / Resident 07/01/2011 (Report ID 12609929) 0.012500 / Nonresident 0.015000 / Nonresident</p><p>82642 Wellington Village New entry 0.010000 / Resident 01/01/2002 (Report ID 12544655) 0.010000 / Nonresident</p><p>The new Local Tax Table entry for Locality OH-82642 (Wellington Village) is delivered to replace the existing Local Tax Table entry for Locality OH-82656 (Wellington) which was delivered in error. 82656 is the code for Wellington Township, which does not impose a tax. 82642 is the correct code for Wellington Village, which does impose a tax. Any employees subject to taxation by Wellington Village who are currently setup with Locality OH-82656 should be re-assigned to the correct Locality OH-82642 no later than before the first payment of wages on or after January 1, 2012. Tax Update 11-F will deactivate the erroneous table entry for Locality OH-82656 effective December 31, 2011.</p><p>1 6 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>Sta Locality Locality Name OLD Rate/Amt NEW Rate/Amt Effective D at e</p><p>WV 39460 Huntington Local Tax Calculation Local Tax Calculation 07/01/2011 (Report ID 11633396) Type = Amount per Type = period Rate x Taxable Gross ($3.00 per week annualized) 0.010000 / Resident 156.00 / Resident 0.010000 / Nonresident 156.00 / Nonresident Maximum Tax = Maximum Tax = $156.00 $1,250.00</p><p>Beginning July 1, 2011, the City of Huntington tax is calculated as 1.0 % of taxable wages instead of as a flat rate of $3.00 per week.</p><p> http://www.cityofhuntington.com/pages/pdfs/taxreform/OccupationTax.pdf http://www.cityofhuntington.com/pages/pdfs/MOTFAQ-0311.pdf</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 17 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>Local Tax Table – Pennsylvania</p><p>Tax Update 11-C includes updates to Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax entries in the Local Tax Table based on data downloaded from the “Real-time Register” on the website maintained by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Table updates are delivered for Local Tax Table entries for local Earned Income Taxes for which withholding tax rates do not match the current information downloaded from the “Real-time Register” on the website. All updates to Pennsylvania entries in the Local Tax Table delivered in this tax update are effective-dated 01/01/2011.</p><p> http://www.newpa.com/get-local-gov-support/tax-information/earned-income-tax</p><p>These Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax rate changes downloaded from the Real-time Register on the Pennsylvania website are documented separately in these files delivered with this tax update:</p><p>PA11CEIT.doc Word document PA11CEIT.xls Excel spreadsheet</p><p>In addition to the table entries in the files listed above, Tax Update 11-C also delivers the Local Tax Table entries listed below for Pennsylvania. These new table entries are for Local Earned Income Taxes and Local Services Taxes for new municipality/school district jurisdictions which appear in the tax register on the Pennsylvania website for the first time in 2011: </p><p>Sta Locality Locality Name Rate Effective D a t e PA I320125C2 Black Lick Twp New entries 0.005000 / Resident 01/01/2011 I320125M2 0.005000 / Nonresident</p><p>I320125S2 Apollo-Ridge School District 0.000000 / Resident 0.000000 / Nonresident</p><p>O320125C2 Black Lick Twp New entries $ 5.00 / Resident 01/01/2011 O320125M2 $ 5.00 / Nonresident</p><p>O320125S2 Apollo-Ridge School District $ 0.00 / Resident $ 0.00 / Nonresident</p><p>I610695C2 President Twp New entries 0.005000 / Resident 01/01/2011 I610695M2 0.000000 / Nonresident</p><p>I610695S2 Oil City Area School District 0.000000 / Resident 0.000000 / Nonresident</p><p>O610695C2 President Twp New entries $ 0.00 / Resident 01/01/2011 O610695M2 $ 0.00 / Nonresident</p><p>O610695S2 Oil City Area School District $ 0.00 / Resident $ 0.00 / Nonresident</p><p>1 8 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>(Report ID 12608792)</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 19 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>Local Tax Table – Pennsylvania Act 32</p><p>Tax Update 11-C also delivers a new complete set of Local Tax Table entries for local earned income taxes imposed under Act 32 by Pennsylvania municipalities and school districts. The information in these table entries were also downloaded from the “Real-time Register” on the website maintained by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The new Local Tax Table entries for Act 32 are documented separately in these files which are delivered with this tax update: </p><p>PA32EIT11C.doc Word document PA32EIT11C.xls Excel spreadsheet</p><p>In addition to the table entries in the files listed above, these additional Local Tax Table entries for Pennsylvania Act 32 are also delivered in Tax Update 11-C:</p><p>Sta Locality Locality Name Rate Effective D a t e PA 510101 Philadelphia New entry 0.039280 / Resident 01/01/2011 0.034985 / Nonresident</p><p>880000 Resident of State Other than PA New entry 0.000000 / Resident 01/01/2011 0.000000 / Nonresident</p><p>990000 Unknown New entry 0.000000 / Resident 01/01/2011 0.000000 / Nonresident</p><p>See the separate documentation file PA Act 32-11C.doc for complete information on the product updates delivered in this tax update for Pennsylvania Act 32.</p><p>(Report ID 11847440 posted to My Oracle Support by 19 May 2011.)</p><p>2 0 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>Local Tax Reciprocity Table - Ohio</p><p>Action: New table entry</p><p>Reciprocity Rule:</p><p>OH OH 07/01/2010 100.00 0.022500 Withhold 100% of calculated work locality 31304 - $DFLT withholding on work locality wages. Then Grandview calculate residence locality withholding by the Heights applicable method (depending on whether residence locality tax rate exceeds work locality tax rate).</p><p>(Report ID 12578461)</p><p>OH OH 01/01/2010 n/a n/a Withhold on total wages in both localities. 39886 - $DFLT Kenton (Report ID 12609771)</p><p>OH OH 04/01/2011 100.00 0.003750 Withhold 100% of calculated work locality 69526 - $DFLT withholding on work locality wages. Then Saint calculate residence locality withholding by the Clairsville applicable method (depending on whether residence locality tax rate exceeds work locality tax rate).</p><p>(Report ID 11892898)</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 21 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>Local Tax Reciprocity Table – Pennsylvania Act 32</p><p>New Local Tax Reciprocity Table entries are delivered to duplicate existing specific local tax reciprocity functionality referencing the Locality codes on the new Local Tax Table entries which are based on the Act 32 PSD codes.</p><p>Action: New table entry</p><p>Reciprocity Rule (wording based on Release 9.1) NJ PA 01/01/2011 100.00 n/a Withhold 100% of calculated work locality STATERC 510101 withholding on work locality wages. Then Philadelphia calculate residence locality withholding: When residence locality tax rate exceeds work locality tax rate, calculate residence locality withholding on work locality wages, then reduce residence locality withholding by the specified percent of the work locality withholding, to the extent permitted by the credit limit rate. </p><p>PA PA 01/01/2011 100.00 n/a Withhold 100% of calculated work locality $DFLT 510101 withholding on work locality wages. Then Philadelphia calculate residence locality withholding: When work locality tax rate equals or exceeds residence locality tax rate, calculate residence locality withholding on work locality wages, then reduce residence locality withholding by the specified percent of the calculated residence locality withholding, to the extent permitted by the credit limit rate.</p><p>PA PA 01/01/2011 n/a n/a Withhold both work locality tax and residence 700102 510101 locality tax on work locality wages. Pittsburgh Philadelphia</p><p>PA PA 01/01/2011 n/a n/a Withhold both work locality tax and residence 700102 I510012C locality tax on work locality wages. Pittsburgh Philadelphia</p><p>PA PA 01/01/2011 n/a n/a Withhold both work locality tax and residence 730105 510101 locality tax on work locality wages. Pittsburgh Philadelphia</p><p>PA PA 01/01/2011 n/a n/a Withhold both work locality tax and residence 730105 I510012C locality tax on work locality wages. Pittsburgh Philadelphia</p><p>See the separate documentation file PA Act 32-11C.doc for complete information on the product updates delivered in this tax update for Pennsylvania Act 32.</p><p>2 2 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>(Report ID 11847440 posted to My Oracle Support by 19 May 2011.)</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 23 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>Garnishment Rules Table (U.S.)</p><p>State Rule ID Effective Action</p><p>MA TRUSTEE 04/07/2011 Effective April 7, 2011, the amount of an employee’s wage exempt PROP EXEMP from creditor garnishment is changed from the first $125 of weekly wages to the greater of: (1) 85% of the debtor's gross wages, or (2) 50 times the greater of the federal or the Massachusetts minimum wage rate, per the enactment of Massachusetts Senate Bill S2557 on January 7, 2011.</p><p> http://www.malegislature.gov/Bills/186/Senate/S2557 </p><p>(Report ID 12567584)</p><p>2 4 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>Canadian Changes</p><p>Canadian Tax Table Changes</p><p>Page Province Field Old New Effective A A m m o o u u n n t t Provincial Rate MB Basic Tax Credit Amt $8,134.00 $8,634.00 01 Jul 2011 (TCP) Provincial Rates NB Prov Tax Rate (V) 0.12700 0.15900 01 Jul 2011 Provincial Rates NB Prov Constant (KP) $1,700.00 $5,565.00 01 Jul 2011 Provincial Rates NS Basic Tax Credit Amt $8,231.00 $8,731.00 01 Jul 2011 (TCP) Provincial Rates SK Basic Tax Credit Amt $13,535.00 $14,535.00 01 Jul 2011 (TCP)</p><p>(Report ID 12558321)</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 25 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>Tax Update 11-C - COBOL and Store Statement Changes for Release 9 </p><p>All payroll users must apply all COBOL and store statement changes included in Tax Update 11-C.</p><p>Changed COBOL Modules This tax update includes the modified COBOL programs and copy members listed below. Customers should incorporate the source programs into their source libraries and recompile and relink. For delivered copy members, any modules affected by the changed copy members must also be recompiled. For your installation, if you do not have a tool to determine which COBOL modules are affected by the changed copy member(s), we recommend that you recompile all modules.</p><p>Changed Store Statements This tax update includes the modified store statements listed below. They are located in the COBOL directory. Replace your current version and rerun your store statements using DataMover.</p><p>For Release 9 Changes are made to COBOL programs:</p><p>PSPBENRT.CBL PSPMFLSA.CBL PSPTCALC.CBL PSPTGCTB.CBL PSPUSTAX.CBL</p><p>Changes are made to copy member:</p><p>PSCBENRT.CBL</p><p>Changes are made to store statements:</p><p>PSPBENRT.DMS PSPMFLSA.DMS</p><p>Report IDs</p><p>COBOL and Store Statement changes for the following Report IDs are included in this tax update.</p><p>Unless otherwise indicated by a specific posting date, Report IDs referenced in these tax update notes have not been posted to My Oracle Support.</p><p>E&G = PeopleSoft Payroll for North America for Education & Government USF = PeopleSoft Payroll for North America for U.S. Federal Government </p><p>2 6 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 27 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>Report ID Description</p><p>11643131 Report ID 11643131 modifies PSPUSTAX.CBL to correctly calculate Pennsylvania state withholding tax on supplemental earnings in the two scenarios described in the charts below. Prior to the modifications, Pennsylvania withholding tax may not have been correct in these situations when the Pay Period End Date was the same for on-cycle and off-cycle checks. The potential problem was unique to the Pennsylvania withholding tax calculation because Pennsylvania is the only state for which (a) Tax Type = “Percent of Taxable Gross” and (b) the delivered Supplemental Methods = “Aggregate”.</p><p>Scenario 1:</p><p>Cycle Type Sep Earnings Tax Tax Tax Calculated Chk Method Override Off-cycle Supplemental Yes Correct</p><p>On-cycle Annualized No Correct</p><p>1 Supplemental No $0.00 tax was incorrectly withheld. The tax on the on- cycle supplemental check was reduced by the tax on the first off-cycle check, but the earnings on the first off- cycle check were not taken into consideration. </p><p>Scenario 2:</p><p>Cycle Type Sep Earnings Tax Tax Tax Calculated Chk Method Override Off-cycle Supplemental Yes Correct</p><p>* The amount of this tax override was incorrectly excluded from the subsequent On-cycle Separate Check 1 and 2 supplemental tax calculations below.</p><p>1 Supplemental Yes Correct</p><p>On-cycle Annualized No Correct</p><p>1 Supplemental No Tax was incorrectly underwithheld by the amount of the tax override entered on the previous off-cycle check. (See the * note above.)</p><p>2 Supplemental No Tax was incorrectly underwithheld by the amount of the tax override entered on the previous off-cycle check. </p><p>2 8 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>Report ID Description</p><p>11644601 Report ID 11644601 modifies PSPUSTAX.CBL to correctly calculate Oregon state withholding tax on earnings taxed using the cumulative tax method. Prior to the modifications, the Oregon state withholding tax was over-calculated on earnings taxed using the cumulative tax method.</p><p>11646941 Report ID 11646941 modifies PSPMFLSA.CBL and PSPMFLSA.DMS to include the evaluation of the earnings type’s associated Combination Codes to determine whether FLSA processing requires a new pay earnings row to store the correct Combination Code for processing. Prior to the modifications, the Combination Code was inconsistently populated in the following scenario:</p><p>An employee subject to FLSA is initially paid overtime earnings with an override Combination Code (e.g., 001) entered on PAY_EARNINGS. Subsequently, when the employee is paid bonus earnings assigned to a different Combination Code (e.g., 002), the previous overtime earnings were backed out with the correct Combination Code, but in some cases the recalculated FLSA amount was not assigned to the correct Combination Code. Now the program will assign the correct Combination Code in this scenario (e.g., 001).</p><p>12317380 Report ID 12317380 modifies PSPUSTAX.CBL to support May 1, 2011, withholding tax changes for the City of Yonkers issued by the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance in Publication NYS-50-T-Y.</p><p> http://www.tax.ny.gov/pdf/publications/withholding/nys50_t_y.pdf</p><p>For tax year 2011 the Yonkers tax rate is increased from 10% to 15% of New York state tax. To retroactively collect the tax for the period from 01/01/2011 through 04/30/2011, the Yonkers withholding tax rate is increased to 17.5 % for the period 05/01/2011 through 12/31/2011. </p><p>See the previous section of this document U.S. Table Changes for the associated State Tax Table entry dated 05/01/2011 for State = Z2 (Yonkers) that must be applied in conjunction with the COBOL program changes. In this State Tax Table entry, Special Tax Amount 1 is changed from 0.100000 to 0.175000, and the General Supplemental Wage Rate is changed from 0.009770 to 0.170975. Program PSPUSTAX.CBL is modified to multiply the Supplemental Wage Rate of 0.170975 by 0.10 in order to use the correct required tax rate of 0.0170975, since the Supplemental Wage Rate field can hold a maximum of only six digits to the right of the decimal point.</p><p>(Report ID 12321962 posted to My Oracle Support by 15 April 2011)</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 29 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>Report ID Description</p><p>12377673 Report ID 12377673 modifies PSPTCALC.CBL and PSPTGCTB.CBL to correctly calculate the State Unemployment Taxable/No Limit Gross (SUI), State Disability (SDI/VDI), and Family Leave Insurance (FLI/VFLI) dollar amounts in the following scenarios:</p><p>1. The employee has a deduction that is excluded from wages subject to federal unemployment tax but which is included in wages subject to state unemployment and/or state disability taxes. A Taxable Gross Component ID (TGCID) is entered on the Tax Effect page of the Deduction Table and referenced/linked in a Taxable Gross Definition Table entry, where the Tax Gross Effect is defined as “Adds To”. Prior to the modifications, in some cases the program failed to add the deduction amount to the state unemployment taxable wages and the state disability taxable wages, which resulted in these taxes being undercalculated for the employee.</p><p>Example: In Arkansas, Illinois, and Massachusetts, Sec. 401(k) employer matching contributions are not subject to federal unemployment tax but are subject to state unemployment tax. Taxable Gross Component ID “401R” is set up to include Sec. 401(k) employer matching amounts in the employee state unemployment taxable wages for these states. Prior to the modifications, if an employee’s UI Jurisdiction state was AR, IL, or MA, the Sec. 401(k) employer matching amount was not correctly included in the state unemployment taxable wages. </p><p>2. The employee is paid an earnings type that is subject to Federal Unemployment Tax but which is excluded from wages subject to state disability taxes. A Taxable Gross Component ID (TGCID) is entered on the Tax Effect page of the Deduction Table and referenced/linked in a Taxable Gross Definition Table entry, where the Tax Gross Effect is defined as “Subtracts From”. The employee has multiple state disability deductions such as those which occur in New Jersey (e.g., NJ SDI or VDI and NJ FLI or VFLI). Prior to the modifications, when the employee was issued a manual check, the NJ SDI/VDI and FLI /VFLI taxable wages were incorrectly calculated as negative values.</p><p>3. The employee’s pay calculation includes the following: a. A small amount of REG earnings; b. Another earnings type (e.g., “ABC”) which is not subject to California SDI/VDI or CA SUI; c. A large before-tax deduction. Prior to the modifications, the CA SDI/VDI and CA SUI taxable wage and no-limit gross amounts were overstated, and the taxable gross wages for earnings type “ABC” were understated in this scenario.</p><p>Note: The above-described issues occurred only after applying Tax Update 11-B.</p><p>(Report ID 12395518 posted to My Oracle Support by 26 May 2011)</p><p>3 0 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>Report ID Description</p><p>12427496 Report ID 12427496 modifies PSPBENRT.CBL, PSPBENRT.DMS, and copy member PSCBENRT.CBL, and delivers other product enhancements, to provide for state-specific taxation of healthcare premiums for coverage provided to adult children, for states which do not conform to the Internal Revenue code tax exemption of such premiums.</p><p>A new Tax Adjustment field is added to the Benefits Flat Rate Table where a deduction rate can be entered for adult child healthcare premiums (see the entry for BEN741.SQR in the following section of this document listing U.S. SQRs Delivered with Tax Update 11-C ). </p><p>The Pay Calculation process is modified to generate a separate deduction with the appropriate rate on the paycheck. Through the existing Taxable Gross Component ID functionality, the adult child premium can be treated as imputed income for state taxation purposes. Taxable Gross Component ID “ACT” is delivered in Taxable Gross Definition Table entries for states that have confirmed they currently do not conform to the Internal Revenue Code’s exemption of these amounts from federal taxation. Tax Update 11-C delivers a Taxable Gross Definition Table entry for Wisconsin, which currently is the only state to have made such a declaration instructing employers to treat the amount as imputed taxable income.</p><p>Because the imputed income amount is not regarded as a true expense for General Ledger accounting purposes, a new “Suppress Posting to GL” checkbox which can be selected at the Deduction Class level is added to the Deduction Table. The GL Interface processes are modified to recognize this new checkbox, and will suppress posting data to General Ledger accordingly.</p><p>See the following section of this document U.S. SQRs Delivered with Tax Update 11-C for information on reporting programs modified for this new functionality: BEN741.SQR Benefits Flat Rate Table Report PAY705A.SQR Deduction Classes Report</p><p>See the separate documentation file provided with this tax update for complete information on the product modifications delivered in this tax update related to this new functionality:</p><p>Taxability_Adult_Child_Benefit_Non-Conforming_States_Rel90.pdf</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 31 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>U.S. SQRs delivered with Tax Update 11-C for Release 9</p><p>Descriptions of SQR modifications are followed by the Report ID. Unless otherwise indicated by a specific posting date, Report IDs referenced in these tax update notes have not been posted to My Oracle Support.</p><p>U.S. Quarterly Reporting SQRs</p><p>(see following page)</p><p>3 2 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>SQR Description</p><p>TAX810OH.SQ TAX810OH.SQR, in conjunction with TXRNCTL.SQC, reports quarterly wage and tax R data to Ohio in the ICESA format. The following changes are implemented to TXRNCTL1.SQC comply with revised Ohio specifications dated 3/11:</p><p> http://jfs.ohio.gov/ouc/uctax/magmedia.stm</p><p>1. The Reporting Medium and Diskette Type fields are removed from the Ohio run control page. Only electronic filing will now be supported.</p><p>2. A new “Third Party Administrator ID” is added to the Ohio run control page. If this field is populated, the value is reported on the “A” Record in positions 266-275. If the value in this field is not entered as 10 digits, the following message will be issued:</p><p>Ohio Third Party Administrator Code must be 10 digits (2000,838). </p><p>If this field is left blank, the 10-digit State Employer Account Number for the Company designated as the Transmitter Company will be reported in positions 144-153 of the “A” Record. </p><p>A value must be for either Employer SEAN (positions 144-153) or TPA ID (positions 266-275). Data cannot be present in both fields.</p><p>3. A new “Out of State Wages Indicator” checkbox is added to the run control for each Company. If the employer paid wages to any of the same employees reported on the file for work in another state and reported the wages to the other state for unemployment tax purposes, the checkbox should be selected. The program will report a “Y” in position 15 of the “E” record for each Company for which the checkbox is selected.</p><p>4. Because ACH Debit Payments are not supported, eight unused fields are removed from the Ohio run control page: Taxes, Interest, Penalty, Previous Underpay, Previous Credit, Total Payment Due, and Doc Control Nbr. Corresponding modifications were made to the “T” record.</p><p>5. The “F” record is no longer included on the file, and other minor miscellaneous changes are also made, such as zero-filling certain fields.</p><p>Note: The Ohio specifications for positions 55-68 of the “T” record are misleading and would appear to indicate that this field is only populated if position 15 of the “E” record is populated with a “Y” for the current or prior quarters in the calendar year. However, Ohio has confirmed in writing and by phone that positions 55-68 should always include Ohio QTD Taxable Wages, regardless of the status of position 15 of the “E” record. This means that there are no changes to this field. </p><p>See the Special Notes – U.S. section earlier in this document for an illustration of the modifications made to the Ohio run control page.</p><p>(Report ID 11925419)</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 33 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>SQR Description</p><p>TAX810PA.SQR TAX810PA.SQR reports quarterly wage data to the state of Pennsylvania in the SSA format. The program is modified to comply with the requirements of Pennsylvania’s new Unemployment Compensation Management System (UCMS), which Pennsylvania is implementing beginning with the reporting of data for the quarter ending June 30, 2011. Electronic filing is now the only supported filing method.</p><p> http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/uc_management_system/18222</p><p>Verify that the Federal EIN is entered on the Company Table without hyphens or dashes. “B” record positions 6-14 will be populated with the Federal EIN of the Transmitting Company. “E” record positions 6-14 will be populated with the Federal EIN of the Company for which the following employee detail records are being reported.</p><p>The employer’s Pennsylvania UC Employer Account Number must be reported as 7 digits in positions 176-184 of the “E” record (left justified, right filled with spaces). When entering this number in the State Unemployment Employer ID field on the Company State Tax Table page, remove any check digits and hyphens or dashes. The alpha character that in some cases follows the numerical digits should no longer be entered. Any number shorter than 7 digits in length must be expanded as shown below:</p><p>PA UC Employer Account Number Enter on Company State Tax Table for PA as State Unemployment Employer ID 2-143 0200143 2-143M 1 0200143 (remove “M” and check digit) 99-16789R 9916789 (remove “R”) 11-1549M & 1101549 (remove “M” and check digit) 81-2345 0812345</p><p>If the number is entered as anything other than 7 digits, the following warning message is issued in the log file: Format error in State Unemployment ID for company: ABC Pennsylvania State Unemployment ID in Company State Tax Table must be 7 digits: 9999999</p><p>(Report ID 11637194)</p><p>3 4 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>Other U.S. SQRs</p><p>SQR Description</p><p>BEN741.SQR BEN741.SQR produces the Benefits Rate Table report. The program is modified to display the Tax Adjustment column on the far right side of the report. Amounts in the Tax Adjustment column are separated from the other tax class rates by a vertical separator; because the tax adjustment is a memo rate only, it is not included in the Total Rate.</p><p>See the entry for Report ID 12427496 in the earlier section of this document describing COBOL and Store Statement Changes delivered in Tax Update 11- C, as well as the entries in this section for PAY705A.SQR and PAYGL01.SQR, and see the separate documentation file provided with this tax update for complete information on the product modifications delivered in this tax update related to this new functionality:</p><p>Taxability_Adult_Child_Benefit_Non-Conforming_States_Rel90.pdf</p><p>(Report ID 12427496)</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 35 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>SQR Description</p><p>DDP001.SQR DDP001.SQR creates the Direct Deposit Transmittal File. The program is modified to remove the join between the DIR_DEP_DISTRIB and PS_PAY_DISTRIBUTN records when determining which records need to be included in the Direct Deposit file and Direct Deposit register. The new logic will use information from the PS_PAY_DISTRIBUTN record since that is the account information that is created at the time the deposit advice is confirmed, and will do a separate call to DIR_DEP_DISTRIB to get the IAT indicator.</p><p>PY_IC_DD_LIST.Activate PeopleCode is also modified to issue a new message (2001,746) when an employee attempts to make changes to Self Service Direct Deposit that will cause an override of existing data on the DIRECT_DEPOSIT and DIR_DEP_DISTRIB records:</p><p>Multiple Direct Deposit changes are not allowed in the same day. As you have already entered a Direct Deposit change today, please try again tomorrow.</p><p>See the Special Notes – U.S. section earlier in this document for more information on this new message.</p><p>Prior to the modifications, it was possible to override the information in DIR_DEP_DISTRIB, and in some cases this resulted in the employee’s direct deposit information being excluded from the file if changes were made to the direct deposit information after Confirm was processed but before the Direct Deposit file (DDP001.SQR) was created.</p><p>(Report ID 11711721)</p><p>The program is also modified to remove the initialization of variable #TotIATBatchDebitAmt in the Start-New-File procedure. Because this variable is relevant only to the IAT file, it should only be initialized in the Start-New-File-IAT procedure.</p><p>Prior to the modifications, in some scenarios, when the direct deposit file was created for a single Company with multiple pay groups with separate DDP and IAT files specified, the debit total was not correct in the file control record of the IAT file.</p><p>(Report ID 11823137)</p><p>DDP002.SQR DDP002.SQR produces the Direct Deposit Register. See the previous entry for DDP001.SQR for a description of the modifications made to DDP002.SQR.</p><p>(Report ID 11711721)</p><p>3 6 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>SQR Description</p><p>DDP003.SQR DDP003.SQR generates printed pay advices and wage statements for employees who have elected direct deposit. The program is modified to display additional items of required data on wage statements for New York and California employees.</p><p>See the Special Notes – U.S. section earlier in this document for more information on these changes.</p><p>(Report IDs 11887703 and 11692749 posted together to My Oracle Support by 22 April 2011)</p><p>PAY003.SQR PAY003.SQR generates printed paychecks and earnings statements for employees. The program is modified to display additional items of required data on wage statements for New York and California employees.</p><p>See the Special Notes – U.S. section earlier in this document for more information on these changes.</p><p>(Report IDs 11887703 and 11692749 posted together to My Oracle Support by 22 April 2011)</p><p>PAY705A.SQR PAY705A.SQR prints the contents of the Deduction Class Table. The program is modified to report the new “Suppress Posting to GL” value for every deduction code/deduction class.</p><p>See the entry for Report ID 12427496 in the earlier section of this document describing COBOL and Store Statement Changes delivered in Tax Update 11- C, as well as the entries in this section for BEN741.SQR and PAYGL01.SQR, and see the separate documentation file provided with this tax update for complete information on the product modifications delivered in this tax update related to this new functionality:</p><p>Taxability_Adult_Child_Benefit_Non-Conforming_States_Rel90.pdf</p><p>(Report ID 12427496)</p><p>PAYGL01.SQR PAYGL01.SQR produces the Payroll General Ledger Interface Process. The program is modified to recognize the new “Suppress Posting to GL” checkbox added to the Deduction Table. If the checkbox is selected, General Ledger posting data will be suppressed.</p><p>(Report ID 12601165 posted to My Oracle Support by 01 June 2011)</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 37 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>Canadian SQRs delivered with Tax Update 11-C for Release 9</p><p>Descriptions of SQR modifications are followed by the Report ID. Unless otherwise indicated by a specific posting date, Report IDs referenced in these tax update notes have not been posted to My Oracle Support.</p><p>SQR Description</p><p>PYSSPXML.SQC PYSSPXML.SQC contains routines used for constructing the XML data files for paycheques and direct deposit advices. This SQC was modified to add in the XML data variable labels for PTO & SICK information.</p><p>(Report ID 11644839)</p><p>3 8 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>Previous Updates</p><p>Tax Update 11-B U.S. – Withholding tax changes for Illinois, Oregon, and Puerto Rico; 2011 unemployment taxable wage base increase for U.S. Virgin Islands; 2011 Massachusetts unemployment health insurance tax rate increase; Local Tax Table changes for Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia; Local Tax Reciprocity Table update for Ontario, Ohio; Taxable Gross Definition Table changes for New Jersey and Wisconsin; Garnishment Rules Table changes for Maine, Missouri, and U.S. Federal and Arizona tax levies; redelivered SQR programs.</p><p>Canada – Redelivery of year-end SQR programs for the T4A slip.</p><p>Tax Update 11-A U.S. – Social security employee tax rate reduction and related Massachusetts withholding tax calculation adjustment; 2011 U.S. Federal withholding tax changes (including for nonresident alien employees); 2011 withholding tax changes for Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Missouri, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Vermont, and New York City; new Arizona tax withholding percentage election option; 2011 state unemployment taxable wage base change for Alaska; 2011 state disability taxable wage base change for Hawaii; new Tax Marital Status value for employees claiming exemption from state withholding tax; Local Tax Table changes for Indiana, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania; Local Tax Reciprocity Table update for Ohio; redelivered SQR programs.</p><p>Canada – Provincial tax changes for Quebec and the Northwest Territories; redelivery of year-end SQR programs.</p><p>Tax Update 10-F U.S. – 2011 withholding tax changes for California, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota; state minimum wage rate changes for Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Ohio, Oregon, Vermont, Washington; 2011 state disability wage and/or tax rate changes for California, New Jersey, Rhode Island; 2011 state unemployment taxable wages base changes for Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming; State Tax Table updates for $E, IN, and WI to discontinue Advance Earned Income Credit payment processing; Taxable Gross Definition Table updates for Arkansas, Illinois, Massachusetts; Local Tax Table updates for Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania; Local Tax Reciprocity Table updates for Ohio; 1042 Country Code updates; redelivered SQR programs.</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 39 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>Canada – 2011 CPP, QPP, EI, QPIP and federal tax rate changes; provincial tax changes for Alberta, BC, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan and Yukon Territory; redelivery of year-end SQR programs.</p><p>4 0 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>Appendix: Object Changes delivered in Tax Update 11-C</p><p>Application Engine Programs: Program Description 801 831 881 890 900 910 PY_RETROPAY_EVENT Report ID 12357067 Modified Application Package PeopleCode UpdateRetropay.</p><p>Components: Name Description 801 831 881 890 900 910 PY_IC_DIR_DEP Report ID 11818522 Modified component properties to prevent display of extraneous toolbar button on page transfer. PY_IC_PAY_INQ Report ID 11818522 Modified component properties to prevent display of extraneous toolbar buttons on page transfer, and enhanced navigation between pages. PY_IC_VOL_DEDS Report ID 11818522 Modified component properties to prevent display of extraneous toolbar buttons on page transfer. PY_IC_W2 Report ID 11818522 Modified component properties to prevent display of extraneous toolbar buttons during page transfer. PY_IC_W4 Report ID 11818522 Modified component properties to prevent display of extraneous toolbar buttons on page transfer. PY_SS_YE_CONS_CAN Report ID 11818522 Modified component properties to prevent display of extraneous toolbar buttons on page transfer. PY_SS_YE_CONS_USA Report ID 11818522 Modified component properties to prevent display of extraneous toolbar buttons on page transfer. PY_SS_YE_FORM_CAN Report ID 11818522 Added code to enhance navigation between pages. PY_SS_YE_FORM_USA Report ID 11818522 Added code to enhance navigation between pages. </p><p>Fields: Field Description 801 831 881 890 900 910 BN_P_TAX_RATE Report ID 11620739 Added new field. OTH_LOCALITY Report ID 11847436 Modified label. OTH_LOCALITY_ABBRV Report ID 11847436 Modified label. PARTIAL_IND Report ID 11847436 Modified label. SUPPRESS_GL Report ID 11620739 Added new field. THIRD_PARTY_ID Report ID 11925419 Added new field for RC_QTR_UI.</p><p>TX810_3_BTN3 Report ID 11637194 Removed 'PA' from the label Long and Short names.</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 41 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>4 2 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>Message Catalog: Message Set Message Description 801 831 881 890 900 910 Number Number 2000 838 Report ID 11925419 Modified message. 2001 746 Report ID 11711721 Added new message. 2003 Report ID 12408818 Added new message set. 2003 1 Report ID 12408818 Added new message. 2003 2 Report ID 12408818 Added new message. 2003 3 Report ID 12408818 Added new message. 2003 4 Report ID 12408818 Added new message. 2003 5 Report ID 12408818 Added new message. 2003 6 Report ID 12408818 Added new message. 2003 7 Report ID 12408818 Added new message. 2003 8 Report ID 12408818 Added new message. 2003 9 Report ID 12408818 Added new message. 3002 469 Report ID 11620739 Added new message.</p><p>Pages: Name Description 801 831 881 890 900 910 BAS_FLAT_RATE_TBL Report ID 11620739 Added new field BN_P_TAX_RATE. BN_RATE_TABLE Report ID 11620739 Added new field BN_P_TAX_RATE. DEDUCTION_TABLE4 Report ID 11620739 Added reference to new SUPPRESS_GL field. DIRECT_DEPOSIT Report ID 12408818 Added embedded help. DIRECT_DEPOSIT_CAN Report ID 12408818 Added embedded help. LOCAL_TAX_TABLE1 Report ID 11847436 Relocated fields for PA only. PY_IC_DD_LIST Report ID 11711721 Modified Page Activate PeopleCode. PY_IC_PI_DATA Report IDs 11692677 & 11642868 Added the Phone number under Company Address and modified Page PeopleCode. PY_IC_PI_DATA Report ID 11818522 Enhanced navigation between pages. PY_IC_PI_LIST Report ID 11818522</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 43 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>Name Description 801 831 881 890 900 910 Enhanced navigation between pages. PY_SS_CONSENT_CAN Report ID 11818522 Added a 'Return' to previous page hyperlink. PY_SS_CONSENT_USA Report ID 11818522 Added a 'Return' to previous page hyperlink. PY_SS_YE_FORM_CAN Report ID 11818522 Added a 'Return' to previous page hyperlink. PY_SS_YE_FORM_USA Report ID 11818522 Added a 'Return' to previous page hyperlink. PY_SSP_VIEW_DATA Report IDs 11692677 & 11642868 Added the Phone number under Company Address and modified Page PeopleCode. PY_TAX_LIST_CAN Report ID 11818522 Added a 'Return' to previous page hyperlink. PY_TAX_LIST_USA Report ID 11818522 Added a 'Return' to previous page hyperlink. RUNCTL_PAY_REV Report ID 12408818 Added embedded help. RUNCTL_TAX810OH Report ID 11925419 Added THIRD_PARTY_ID and OUT_OF_STATE_WAGES. RUNCTL_TAX810PR Report ID 11637194 Modified Page Activate PeopleCode.</p><p>Portal Registry Structures: Name Description 801 831 881 890 900 910 HC_PY_SS_YE_CONS_CAN_GBL Report ID 11818522 Added a parameter to the definition to clear the navigation stack. HC_PY_SS_YE_CONS_CAN_GBL Report ID 11818522 Added a parameter to the definition to clear the navigation stack. HC_PY_SS_YE_FORM_CAN_GBL Report ID 11818522 Added a parameter to the definition to clear the navigation stack. HC_PY_SS_YE_FORM_USA_GBL Report ID 11818522 Added a parameter to the definition to clear the navigation stack.</p><p>Records:</p><p>Name Field Description Create/ 801 831 881 890 900 910</p><p>BN_RATE_DATA BN_P_TAX_RATE Report ID 11620739 Alter Modified due to new field in BN_RATE_SBR. BN_RATE_SBR BN_P_TAX_RATE Report ID 11620739 Added new field. DEDUCTION_CLASS Report ID 11620739 Alter SUPPRESS_GL Added new field SUPPRESS_GL. Modified DED_CLASS DED_CLASS FieldChange and RowInit PeopleCode.</p><p>4 4 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>Name Field Description Create/ 801 831 881 890 900 910</p><p>DERIVED_PAY TX810_3_BTN3 Report ID 11637194 Modified FieldChange PeopleCode. DIR_DEP_DISTRIB PRENOTE_REQD Report ID 11804183 Modified SaveEdit PeopleCode. FLAT_RATE_TBL BN_P_TAX_RATE Report ID 11620739 Alter Added new field. FUNCLIB_RETRO UPDATE_RQST Report ID 12357067 Modified FieldFormula PeopleCode. LOCAL_TAX_TBL STATE Report ID 11847436 Modified RowInit PeopleCode. PY_IC_DED_VW EMPLID Report ID 11805005 Modified SaveEdit PeopleCode. PY_IC_PI_ERN_VW REG_EARN_HRS Report IDs 11692677 & Create STATE 11642868 View FLSA_STATUS Added fields to the view Modified SQL. PY_IC_PI_SUM_VW OPRID Report IDs 11692677 & 11642868 Modified FieldFormula PeopleCode. PY_IC_PI_WRK PHONE Report IDs 11692677 & 11642868 Added field to the work record. RC_QTR_UI REPORTING_MEDIUM Report ID 11637194 Modified SaveEdit PeopleCode.</p><p>Report ID 11925419 Modified SaveEdit and Alter SavePreChange PeopleCode.</p><p>Added new field THIRD_PARTY_ID.</p><p>THIRD_PARTY_ID Modified FieldChange and SaveEdit PeopleCode. RC_TAX810OH OUT_OF_STATE_WAGES Report ID 11925419 Alter Added field to this record. ROE_SRCH Report ID 11805978 Modified search record. UPG_BN_RATE_DTA Report ID 11620739 Alter Modified due to new field in BN_RATE_SBR.</p><p>Strings Table:</p><p>Program ID String ID Description 801 831 881 890 900 910</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 45 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>BEN702 Report ID 11620739 Added new string table IDs 'A-TAX', 'B-TAX', 'N-TAX', 'P-TAX' and 'T-TAX'. BEN741 Report ID 11620739 Added new string table ID 'P-TAX'. PAY705A Report ID 11620739 Added new string table ID 'SUPPRESS_GL'.</p><p>4 6 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C – R E L E A S E 9</p><p>Translate Values:</p><p>Field Description 801 831 881 890 900 910</p><p>BN_CVPERSTYP_KEY01 Report ID 11620739 Added 'AC' translate value. COVERED_PERSON_TYP Report ID 11620739 Added 'AC' translate value. RELATIONSHIP Report ID 11620739 Added 'AC' translate value.</p><p>XMLP Data Definition:</p><p>Data Source ID Description 900 910</p><p>CNADVICES Report ID 11644839 Added PTO and Sick row labels to the advice XML data. CNCHEQUES Report ID 11644839 Added PTO and Sick row labels to the advice XML data. CAADVICES Report IDs 11692677 & 11642868 Added Phone number label to the advice XML data. CACHECKS Report IDs 11692677 & 11642868 Added Phone number label to the advice XML data.</p><p>XMLP Report Definition:</p><p>Report Name Description 900 910</p><p>PRTCAADV Report IDs 11692677 & 11642868 Updated template to include Phone number. PRTCACHK Report IDs 11692677 & 11642868 Updated template to include Phone number. PRTCNADV Report ID 11644839 Replaced print advice template. PRTCNCHQ Report ID 11644839 Replaced print cheque template. SSPCAADV Report IDs 11692677 & 11642868 Updated template to include Phone number. SSPCACHK Report IDs 11692677 & 11642868 Updated template to include Phone number. SSPCNADV Report ID 11644839 Replaced ePay view advice template. SSPCNCHQ Report ID 11644839 Replaced ePay view cheque template.</p><p>P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C - 47 P E O P L E S O F T P A Y R O L L F O R N O R T H A M E R I C A T A X U P D A T E 1 1 - C - R E L E A S E 9 J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 1</p><p>XMLP Template Definition:</p><p>Template ID Description 900 910</p><p>PRTCAADV_1 Report IDs 11692677 & 11642868 Updated template to include Phone number. PRTCACHK_1 Report IDs 11692677 & 11642868 Updated template to include Phone number. PYCNADVB Report ID 11644839 Modified template to accommodate variable PTO and Sick row labels. PYCNADVP Report ID 11644839 Modified template to accommodate variable PTO and Sick row labels. PYCNCHQB Report ID 11644839 Modified template to accommodate variable PTO and Sick row labels. PYCNCHQP Report ID 11644839 Modified template to accommodate variable PTO and Sick row labels. SSPCAADV_1 Report IDs 11692677 & 11642868 Updated template to include Phone number. SSPCAHCK_1 Report IDs 11692677 & 11642868 Updated template to include Phone number.</p><p>4 8 – T AX 11C900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L</p>
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