<p> CAS-RS Workshop on S&T Evaluation</p><p>Date: 25-26th April, 2013 Duration: 1.5 days Venue: Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing Sponsors: Chinese Academy of Sciences、UK Royal Society Language: English, with simultaneous interpretation</p><p>I. Preliminary Agenda: Time Speeches/Activities Speakers/Chairman Opening Ceremony 13:30-13:40 Welcome Speech 1 Mr. PAN Jiaofeng 13:40-13:50 Welcome Speech 2 Prof. Dave Garner Session I: Procedures for the evaluation of the Quality of Scientific Research Session IA 1. Procedures for the evaluation of the quality of scientific research: Experts Diagnosis Assessment in CAS Research Institutes and REF exercise in UK Chemistry Departments. 2. Strategic planning of research, including research priorities setting and the evaluation of research proposals, projects in: (a) CAS-RIs and (b) UK Chemistry Departments.</p><p>13:50-14:10 Institute Evaluation: Cases from Expert Diagnosis Dr. XU Yigang Assessment on CAS Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry 14:10-14:30 The research priorities setting of CAS Institute – Cases Prof. WAN Lijun from CAS Institute of Chemistry 14:30-14:50 The research priorities setting of CAS Institute – Cases Prof. WANG Chen from National Center for Nanoscience and Technology 14:50-15:20 UK Report 1 Prof. Richard Catlow 15:20-15:50 UK Report 2 Prof. Liu Wenbin 1 15:50-16:15 Tea/Coffee Break 16:15-17:15 Group Discussion 1 Co-chaired by Prof. WANG Chen and Group Discussion 2 Co-chaired by Prof. XU Yigang and 17:15-18:00 Discussion 18:00 Dinner Session IB: Promotion evaluation and performance evaluation of researchers in CAS-RIs and RS, emphasis will be given to further considerations including interactions of researchers with politicians, providers of research funds and the commercial development of discoveries 09:00-09:15 Promotion evaluation and performance evaluation— Prof. WANG Yuechao Cases from hi-tech research institutes 09:15-09:30 Promotion evaluation and performance evaluation— Prof. LU Ke Cases from CAS Institutes of Metal Research 09.30-09:50 UK Report 3 Prof. Dave Garner 09:50-10.10 UK Report 4 Prof. Lindsay Greer 10:10-10:40 Tea/Coffee Break 10:40-10:55 Promotion evaluation and performance evaluation— Prof. GUO Lei Cases from CAS Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science 10:55-11:10 Promotion evaluation and performance evaluation— Prof. GAO Hongjun Cases from CAS Institute of Physics 11:10-11:30 UK Report 5 Prof. Andrew Deeks 11:30-12:00 Group Discussion 1 Co-chairs: Prof.LU Ke & Group Discussion 2 Co-chairs: Prof. GUO Lei & 12:00-12:35 Discussions 12:35-13:35 Lunch Session II: Career progression of talented young scientists, including considerations of ‘diversity’ Identification and support for promising young scientists, including considerations of ‘diversity’ 13:35-13:50 How to identify and support talented young scientists? Prof. HOU Jianguo —Cases from University of Science and Technology of China 13:50-14:05 How to identify and support talented young scientists? Prof. CHEN Xiaofeng —Cases from Chinese Academy of Sciences 14:05-14:35 UK Report 6 Prof. Matt Rosseinsky 14:35-15:15 Discussions Co-chair: Prof. HOU Jianguo</p><p>2 15:15-15:45 Tea/Coffee Break and Group Photo Session III: Potential opportunities for future CAS-RI and UK-HEI collaboration in research and the evaluation of research 15:45-16:00 China-UK cooperation in Chemical fields and potential Mr. LIU Minghua opportunities for future CAS-RS collaborations in S&T Evaluation 16:00-16:10 Practice of CAS experts evaluation and expectation for Prof. LI Xiaoxuan/SHI Bing future CAS-RS cooperation 中科 16:10-16:35 UK Report 7 Prof. Sir Richard Friend 16:35-17:10 Discussion Co-chair: Mr. CAO Jinghua Closing Ceremony 17:10-17:20 Closing speech 1 Prof. Dave Garner 17:20-17:30 Closing speech 2 Mr. PAN Jiaofeng 17:30 Dinner</p><p>3 II. Participants List </p><p>1. UK Participants</p><p>NO Name Research Area Position . 1 Prof. Dave Garner FRS Biological Inorganic Chemistry Fellow of Royal society; Professor Emeritus of University of (Chair) Nottingham, FRS, President of the Royal Society of Chemistry 2 Prof. Richard Friend FRS Conjugated Polymers Fellow of Royal society; Cavendish Professor 3 Prof. Lindsay Greer FRS Microstructural kinetics Professor of Materials Science, Head of Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge 4 Prof. Richard Catlow FRS Materials and Inorganic Chemistry Fellow of Royal society; Professor of Department of Chemistry, (Solid State, Computational University College London; Dean of the Faculty of Mathematical and Chemistry, Zeolites, Catalysis) Physical Sciences (MAPS) at UCL 5 Prof. Matthew Rosseinsky Materials Chemistry, Inorganic Fellow of Royal society; Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, University FRS Chemistry of Liverpool 6 Prof. Andrew Deeks Engineering and Computing Pro Vice Chancellor for Science at Durham University Sciences 7 Prof. LIU Wenbin Mathematics, Performance Kent Business School, Kent University management 8 Ms. Rapela Zaman Research Management Royal Society</p><p>4 2. China Participants NO. Name Research Area Position Science Policy and Professor, Vice secretary-general of CAS and Director General of the Bureau of MR. PAN Jiaofeng 1 Management Planning and Strategy, CAS 2 Mr. LIU Minghua Chemistry Director General, CAS Bureau of Basic Sciences 3 Mr. WANG Yuechao Research Management Director General, CAS Bureau of High-tech Research and Development CAS Academician, Professor, President of Academy of Mathematics and Systems Prof. GUO Lei Mathematics 4 Science, CAS 5 Prof. GAO Hongjun Physics CAS Academician, Professor, Deputy director of the Institute of Physics, CAS 6 Prof. WAN Lijun Chemistry CAS Academician, Professor and Director of Institute of Chemistry, CAS CAS Academician, Professor, President of University of Science and Technology of 7 Prof. HOU Jianguo Physical science China, Vice-president of Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale CAS Academician, Professor, Director of Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Prof. LU Ke Material Science 8 Science 9 Prof. WANG Chen Material Science Professor, Director of National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China 10 Prof. XU Yigang Chemistry Professor, President, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry 11 Prof. CHEN Xiaofeng Human Resource Professor, Deputy Director General, CAS Bureau of Personnel and Education 12 Mr. CAO Jinghua Research Management Deputy Director, CAS Bureau of International Co-operation 13 Ms. YAN Lin Director, Division of Comprehensive Affairs, CAS Bureau of Basic Sciences 14 Ms. WU Yan Director, Division of European Affairs, CAS Bureau of International Co-operation 15 Prof. SHI Bin Research Evaluation Professor, Director of Evaluation Division, CAS Bureau of Planning and Strategy 16 Prof. LI Xiaoxuan Research Evaluation Professor, Director of CAS Management Innovation and Evaluation Research Center</p><p>5 Annex: Speakers Biographies UK Keynote Speakers 1. Prof. Dave Garner FRS (Chair) Dave Garner began his academic career at the University of Nottingham, where he took a BSc in Chemistry and a PhD under the supervision of Professor C C Addison. He undertook postdoctoral research at the California Institute of Technology and the University of Nottingham. Subsequently, he joined the Academic Staff at the University of Manchester where he was Professor of Inorganic Chemistry (1984-1999) and Head of Department (1988- 1996). He was the first President of the Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (1995-1998) and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1997. In 1998, Garner took up the post of Professor of Biological Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Nottingham, a post which he held until his retirement in 2010. As such he now holds the post of Professor Emeritus,[4] and is currently the editor for the Royal Society journal, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.</p><p>He has been a visiting Professor at many universities worldwide, including: Texas A & M University (1987), the University of Strasbourg (1990-2), University of Melbourne as a Wilsmore Fellow (1994), Università Degli Studi di Firenze (1995), the University of Brunei Darussalam (1996-99), University of Arizona, (1997-98), University of Cambridge as a Bye Fellow and Fellow of Robinson College (1997), and the University of Sydney as a Foundation Lecturer (2000). </p><p>His distinctions include receipt of the Royal Society of Chemistry Tilden Medal (1985) and the Inorganic Biochemistry Award (2003); he has been the RSC Joseph Chatt Lecturer (1999- 2000) and Ludwig Mond Lecturer (2007-08). </p><p>He was President of the RSC Dalton Council (2001-04) and in 2007 he was elected President of the Royal Society of Chemistry for the period 2008-10.</p><p>2. Prof. Sir Richard Friend FRS Sir Richard Henry Friend FRS is Cavendish Professor at the University of Cambridge and Tan Chin Tuan Centennial Professor at the National University of Singapore. He is a fellow of St John's College. His research concerns the physics and engineering of carbon-based semiconductors. His work has been applied to development of polymer field effect transistors, light-emitting diodes, photovoltaic diodes, optically pumped lasing and directly printed polymer transistors. He pioneered the study of organic polymers and the electronic properties of molecular semiconductors. He is also one of the principal investigators in the new Cambridge-based Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration (IRC) on nanotechnology and co-founder of Cambridge Display Technology (CDT) and Plastic Logic. Friend has over 600 publications and more than 20 patents. Friend’s research has been used to develop flat panel displays and future screens that can be rolled and transported. He is the founder of the company Cambridge Display Technology Ltd to capitalise and bring to market the first products using this latest semiconductor technology. 3. Prof. Lindsay Greer Professor of Materials Science, Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge Professor Lindsay Greer obtained a B.A. in Natural Sciences in 1976 and a Ph.D. in Metallurgy & Materials Science in 1979 from the University of Cambridge. He was a NATO Postdoctoral Fellow and then Assistant Professor of Applied Physics at Harvard University. Since 1984, he has been based at Cambridge, but he has held visiting positions at the Institut </p><p>6 National Polytechnique de Grenoble, the Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Grenoble, the Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai, and the Center for Materials Innovation, Washington University, St Louis. Lindsay edits Philosophical Magazine, a journal (founded 1798) devoted to the structure and properties of condensed matter. Among his research interests, a central theme has been solidification, with a focus on crystal nucleation. His research on grain refinement of aluminium alloys has been supported by London & Scandinavian Metallurgical Co Ltd, Alcan and Pechiney, and has gained the TMS Light Metals Award (1998), the TMS Cast Shop Technology Award (1999) and the Institute of Materials Cook-Ablett Award (2000). Lindsay has published 8 edited proceedings, 8 book chapters and approximately 300 papers. Professor Lindsay Greer’s interest is in how materials change their structures. Understanding the mechanisms of these transformations is relevant not only for assessing the stability of materials, but also for developing new microstructures, properties and functionalities. 4. Prof. Richard Catlow FRS Professor Richard Catlow has worked for over thirty years in the field of computational and experimental studies of complex inorganic materials. His group has pioneered a wide range of applications of computational techniques in solid state chemistry to systems and problems including microporous and oxide catalysts, ionic conductors, electronic ceramics and silicate minerals. This applications programme has been supported by technique and code development, including recent work on embedded cluster methodologies for application to the study of catalytic reactions. The computational work has been firmly linked with experimental studies, using both neutron scattering and synchrotron radiation techniques, where the Royal Institute group has also made notable contributions to development as well as application studies. Professor Catlow's research has led to over 800 publications, and in 2004 he was elected to Fellowship of the Royal Society for 'pioneering the development and application of computer modeling in solid state and materials chemistry. He is currently Dean of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Faculty at University College London. APPOINTMENTS: 1976-1985 University Lecturer in Chemistry, University College London. 1985-1989 Professor of Physical Chemistry, University College London. (Joint appointment with Daresbury Laboratories and University of Keele) 1989-2007 Wolfson Professor of Natural Philosophy, The Royal Institution, London. 1998-2007 Director of the Davy Faraday Research Laboratory, The Royal Institution, London. 2002-2007 Head of Chemistry Department, University College London 2007 - Dean of Mathematical and Physical Sciences Faculty, University College London. AWARDS: Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry - 1990 Royal Society of Chemistry Medal: Solid State Chemistry - 1992 Fellow of the Institute of Physics - 1995 Honorary Member of the Materials Research Society of India - 1996 Royal Society of Chemistry Interdisciplinary Medal - 1998 Honorary Degree of the University of Havana, Cuba - 2001 Fellow of the Royal Society - 2004 Fellow of the Third World Academy of Science - 2006 Liversidge medal of the Royal Society of Chemistry - 2008 5. Prof. Matthew Rosseinsky FRS Matthew will be able to give reflections from the point of view of a scientist being evaluated, and handling internal promotions. Matthew Rosseinsky obtained a degree in Chemistry from the University of Oxford and a D. Phil under the supervision of Professor P. Day, FRS in 1990. He was a Postdoctoral Member of Technical Staff at A.T.&T. Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey where his work with 7 D.W. Murphy led to the discovery of superconductivity in alkali metal fullerides. In 1992, he was appointed University Lecturer at the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford, where he remained until 1999 when he moved to the University of Liverpool as Professor of Inorganic Chemistry. He was awarded the inaugural de Gennes Prize for Materials Chemistry by the RSC in 2009. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2008. His work has spanned several fields, but is unified by the development of synthesis coupled with detailed characterisation to control the functional behaviour of materials in a chemically understandable manner. He has demonstrated the new materials properties that arise from the construction of microporous materials from molecular components, focussing on differences from the highly thermally stable aluminosilicate systems and emphasising flexibility of response to guests and chiral sorption, most recently through the construction of open frameworks from amino acid and peptide components. He has developed the metal fullerides into the best model systems for correlated electron high temperature superconductivity. He has worked extensively on transition metal oxide chemistry, developing hydride ion reduction to access novel reduced materials with high ionic mobility and recently extending this work to the identification of a new class of interstitial-based oxide ion conductor. To enable a more direct relationship between the design of complex oxide structures and real synthetic procedures, he has used layer-by-layer pulsed laser deposition to access metastable inorganic solids as thin films by sequential assembly of unit cells of the structural components. His work has been characterised by extensive collaboration with many academic and industrial colleagues. 6. Prof. Andrew Deeks Andrew was born in the UK in 1963. At the age of 6 he migrated with his parents and two brothers to Perth, Western Australia. Andrew graduated from the University of Western Australia (UWA) with First Class Honours in Civil Engineering in 1984. After completing his Masters degree and performing a variety of contract work for local engineering firms, in 1988 he became a Senior Tutor at UWA and commenced a PhD. He completed his PhD in 1992, and advanced through the academic ranks, being promoted to Professor in 2004. Andrew served as Head of the School of Civil & Resource Engineering at UWA for a five year term from 2004-2009, and during this time established productive collaborations between the School and Industry and International partners. In October 2009 he moved back to the UK, to Durham University, to take up the post Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Science). He has co-authored a book on foundation vibration, and has published more than 150 research papers in refereed scientific journals and conference proceedings. Andrew's research encompasses structural analysis, structural dynamics, structural condition assessment, computational mechanics and soil-structure interaction. He is an elected Fellow of the Australian Institution of Engineers. Andrew is in attendance at meetings of the University Council. He is a member of Senate, the University Executive Committee, Academic Progression Committee and the Research Committee.</p><p>7. Prof. LIU Wenbin Professor Steve Liu, Professor in OR & Management Science at Kent Business School, University of Kent. His research interests are Global and parallel optimization methods; Numerical simulation and modelling; Simulation and optimisation of highly complex systems; Production and operations management and Productivity analysis. Professor Liu also undertakes research with the Centre for Evaluation Research Performance in China. A large scale collaborative project, Performance Ranking for International Research Institute, with CAS, finished in 2009, and the Centre has organised international assessment for top Chinese universities such as Shanghai JaioTong University in 2007 and Zhejiang University in 2011. </p><p>8 China Speakers 1. Mr. PAN Jiaofeng Vice secretary-general of CAS and Director General of the Bureau of Planning and Strategy, CAS. </p><p>Pan, once a visiting scholar of Westminster University, received his Master's degree at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and has been engaged in education and administration for years since then. He is also the deputy director of the Center for Innovation and Development of CAS, commissioner of the committee of the Science and Technology Publication Fund, executive director of the Chinese Association of Young Scientists and Technicians, and the secretary- general of the executive board of the National Science Library. 2. Prof. LIU Minghua Professor of Chemistry Director General, CAS Bureau of Basic Sciences</p><p>1994.4-1997.7 Special Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Wako-shi, Japan 1997.8-1998.1 Researcher of Venture Business Laboratory, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan 1998.2-1999.3 Professor, Institute of Photographic Chemistry, Beijing, China 1999.4- 2006 Professor, Vice Director, Institute of Chemistry, CAS 2007 2010 Deputy director, CAS Bureau of Basics Sciences 2010-present Director, CAS Bureau of Basics Sciences</p><p>Education 1982.9-186.7, Department of Chemistry, Nanjing University. 1986.9-1988.9, Master course, Nanjing University. 1988.9. Selected as a student to study in Japan by the Ministry of Education of China. 1988.10-1994.3, Doctor course, Saitama University, Japan 1994.3, Ph. D in material science, March, 1994. Advisor: Kiyoshige FUKUDA Scientific Appointments General Secretary, Amphiphiles at interface, 1999.5.24-5.27, Beijing, China. Scientific secretary, the 10th International conference on the Organized Molecular films (LB10).10, October.6-10, 2003. Beijing, China Vice Chairman, 12th international conferences on surface and Colloid and Science, Beijing, China, October 15-20, 2006. Director, Division of organized molecular films, Chinese Chemical Society, (2002- Member of Advisory board, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2002- Member of Advisory board, ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA (2004-) International Advisory board, Soft Matter. (2006-) Honors and Awards Outstanding Youth Investigator Fund, Natural Science Foundation of China, (2000-2004) CCS-BASF Youth Knowledge Innovation Prize (2005-2006) First Prize of Science & Technology, China Association for Instrumental Analysis (2004) Research interest 1. Supramolecular chirality of the interfacial molecular assemblies: from achiral molecules to chiral molecular assemblies 2. Synthesis and Molecular assemblies based on bolaamphiphiles and gemini amphiphile 3. Low Molecular weight organogels</p><p>9 3. Prof. WANG Yuechao Doctor of Engineering </p><p>Director General, CAS Bureau of High-tech Research and Development Director of State Key Laboratory of Robotics of China Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Robot Former director of Shenyang Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Science</p><p>Research Interest: Intelligent robots Theories and practices of Robots control Intelligent machine and system Multi-robot system Micro-nano-manipulation robot</p><p>4. Prof. GUO Lei Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences President of Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) GUO Lei received his B.S. degree in mathematics from Shandong University in 1982, and Ph.D. degree in control theory from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1987. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Australian National University (1987-1989). Since 1992, he has been a Professor of the Institute of Systems Science at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), where he had been Director of the Institute (1999-2002). From 2002 to 2012 , he was the President of the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS. He is currently the Director of the National Center for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences, CAS.</p><p>Dr. Guo was elected Fellow of the IEEE in 1998, Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2001, Fellow of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) in 2002, Foreign Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in 2007, and Fellow of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) in 2007 "for fundamental contributions to the theory of adaptive control and estimation of stochastic systems, and to the understanding of the maximum capability of feedback". He was also the recipient of the 1993 IFAC World Congress Young Author Prize "for solving a long standing problem in control theory concerning convergence and convergence rate for the least-squares–based self-tuning regulators". He was a plenary speaker at the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) World Congress in 1999, and an Invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in 2002, among others.</p><p>He has served as a Council Member of IFAC (2005-2011), Member of IEEE Control Systems Award Committee (2008-2011), Member of the IFAC Award Committee (2005-2008), Associate Editor of SIAM J. Control and Optimization (1991-1993), General Co-Chair of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (2009), and Vice-President of the Chinese Mathematical Society. Currently, he serves as a Member of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (2008-), Advisor of the National Basic Research Program of China (2011-), the IEEE CSS Distinguished Lecturer (2012-), the President of the China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CSIAM), a Vice-President of the Chinese Association of Automation, and member of editorial boards of a number of academic journals in mathematics, systems and control. </p><p>He has worked on problems in adaptive control, system identification, adaptive signal processing, and stochastic systems. His current research interests include the capability of feedback, multi-agent systems, complex adaptive systems, and quantum control systems, among others.</p><p>10 5. Prof. GAO Hongjun Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Member of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World. Professor in Physics. Deputy director, the Institute of Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences. Academic Experience and Education 1994, Ph D in Physics, Peking University 1994/8, Associate Professor, Beijing Laboratory of Vacuum Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 1995/10, Professor, Beijing Laboratory of Vacuum Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 1997/08 -1999/12, Visiting Professor, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA 2000-now, Professor, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Professional Advisory Committees Associate editor , Applied Physics Letters, The Institute of Physics, USA Chair of the nanometer structures, The Executive Council of the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications (IUV-STA). Member, Editorial board, New Journal of Physics, The Institute of Physics, UK. Deputy secretary general, Chinese Vacuum Society. Honors and Awards 2012, Science and Technology Awards of the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation 2010, Humboldt Research Award 2009, Prize in Physics of TWAS (the academy of sciences for the developing world). 2008, The 2nd Place of the National Science and Technology Awards, Ministry of Science and Technology (China) . 2008, The Achievement in Asia Award (AAA) of the Overseas Chinese Physics Association (ROBERT T. POE PRIZE). 2003, "Achievement Award of vacuum science and technology" from Chinese Vacuum Society. 2001, Outstanding Young Research Foundation, Chinese National Science Foundation. 2000, "100 Talent Programme", Chinese Academy of Sciences. Research Interests Constructions and fundamental properties of basic units for nanoscale electronic devices. Self-assembly and structure characterizations of low-dimensional functional molecule systems. Materials, technology and relative physical basic in the field of ultrahigh density information storage/molecule storage. Self-organization and growth dynamics of organic-inorganic complex. Surface-supported nanostructures and their formation process by STM. Fabrications of low-dimensional biosystems and testing of their properties. 6. Prof. WAN Lijun CAS Academician 11 Research Professor, Director of Institute of Chemistry, CAS</p><p>Resume: 1978-1982: B.E. in Dept. of Material Science and Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, China 1984-1987: M.S. in Dept. of Material Science and Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, China 1993-1996: Ph D in Dept. of Materials Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan 1996-1999 : Researcher in Itaya Electrochemiscopy Project, Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology/Japan Science and Technology Corporation (ERATO/JST), Japan Visiting Professor in Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Assistant Professor in Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. 1999-present:Professor in Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences,China. 2004-present:Director of Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences Research Interests: Materials Chemistry, Physical Chemistry,Electrochemistry, Scanning Probe Microscopy </p><p>7. Prof. HOU Jianguo CAS Academician President, University of Sciences & Technology of China Deputy director, Hefei National Laboratory for the Physical Sciences at Microscale</p><p>EDUCATION AND RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 1983 B.S. University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) 1986 M.S. University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) 1989 Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics, Center for Structure and Compositional Analysis, USTC 1988 Visiting Scientist, Laboratory of Electron Microscopy, Institute of Crystallography, USSR Academy of Sciences 1989-1991 Post-Doctor in FuJian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, CAS 1991-1993 Post-doctor, Material Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and Department of Physics, University of California at Berkeley 1993-1995 Research Associate, Department of Chemistry, Oregon State University, USA 1995 Professor in University of Science and Technology of China 1999 Vice President of University of Science and Technology of China 2008 President of University of Science and Technology of China AWARDS and HONORS 2001 Distinguishing Research Award, China Association for Instrumental Analysis 2002 Achievement in Asia Award (AAA) of the Overseas Chinese Physics Association (OCPA) 2003 Academician of Chinese Academy of Science 2003 Natural Science Award (first-class) of Anhui Province 2004 Fellow of The Third World Academy of Science (TWAS) 2005 Excellent Post-Doctor Award in China 2005 National Natural Science Award (second-class) of China 2007 The Holeung Ho Lee Advancement Prize 2008 TAN KAH KEE Science Award (Chemistry) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES 2003 Member of Council of Chinese Materials Research Society (CMRS) 2002 Member of Executive Council of Chinese Physical Society (CPS) 12 2003 Member of Peer Review Colleges of Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK 2004 President, Chinese Vacuum Society (CVS) 2004 Member of China National Accreditation Board for Laboratories (CNAL) 2006 Member of China Association for Science and Technology 2007 Titular Member of the IUPAC Physical and Biophysical Chemistry Division Committee 2007 Member of International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications (IUVSTA) RESEARCH INTERESTS 1 Synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials and nanostructures ) 2 Physical and chemical properties of single molecules and their assemblies ) 3 Study of nanomaterials and nanostructures with scanning probes (STM, AFM) ) 4 Quantum phenomena in confined structures like nano-particles and single molecules ) 8. Dr. LU Ke CAS Academician Professor, Director of Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science</p><p>Research Interests: Nanostructured materials Amorphous alloys Non-equilibrium processing Melting and superheating of low-dimensional materials </p><p>(see more at http://lu-group.imr.ac.cn/english/lu.asp)</p><p>9. Prof. WANG Chen Director of National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China</p><p>C. Wang received his B.S. degree from University of Science and Technology of China in 1986. After obtaining his PhD from University of Virginia in 1992, he joined Arizona State University as a postdoctoral associate. In 1994, he became a professor of Central China Normal University. He was a faculty of the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences from 1995 to 2004, and is currently a professor and director of National Center for Nanoscience and Technology of China. Research in the Wang group focuses on many aspects of surface physical chemistry and nano-bio interface, including the principle of scanning tunneling microscopy and its applications, nanoscale physical and chemical phenomena at intersurface, and molecular self-assembly, and single molecule physics and chemistry, etc. In recent years, his group has been engaged in the molecular mechanisms of peptide assembly and its modulation, and dedicated to disease diagnosis and treatment techniques based on peptide nanostructures. He has been involved in several major projects as PI, such as National Outstanding Young Scientist Research Foundation of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Major Program of NSFC, Key Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and National Basic Research Program of China (“973” Program, Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST). Currently he is the Chief Scientist of “973” Program. In recognition of his research he has been several important awards. He has delivered many invited lectures in international academic conference. He has published more than 200 papers in international peer-reviewed journals including Chem. Soc. Rev., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Nano Lett. etc. He published 4 books in Chinese or English. </p><p>13 Direction: 1. Scanning probe microscopy and its applications 2. Single molecule chemistry and physics 3. Peptide self-assembly and its modulation 4. Design, construction and characterization of molecular nanostructures Achievements: 1. Outstanding Young Scientist of Chinese Academy of Sciences (1997) 2. Young Chemist Award of Chinese Chemical Society (1998) 3. National Outstanding Young Scientists Award of the NSFC (1998) 4. Outstanding Young Scientist of Chinese Academy of Sciences (1999) 5. Young Scholar Award of “Qiushi Technology and Science Foundation” (Hong Kong 1999) 6. The 2nd Prize for Technological Advancement of Chinese People's Liberation Army (1999) 7. The 1st Prize for Technological Advancement of the Ministry of Education (2003, the 2nd awardee) 8. Achievement Award for Science and Technology of Chinese Vacuum Society (2005) 9. Candidate of “New Century National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talents Project” (2009) 10. Prof. Yigang XU, President, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry</p><p>In charge of the general administrative affairs of the institute, and specifically of the strategic planning and establishment of rules, construction of talents and culture of the institute. Research professor and Ph.D. advisor. Born in October 1966. B. Sc. in geology (Zhejiang University, 1987) and Ph.D. in geology (University of Paris VII, 1994). Post-doc researcher in geology with Royal Holloway College of London University (1994-1995), associate research professor and research professor with GIGCAS (1995- ). Vice president of GIGCAS (April 2006 to February 2010). President of GIGCAS (March 2010- ). Dr. Xu is a member of the LIP Committee of IAVCEI and a member of the Hot Spot Dynamics Committee of IODP, Associate Chairman of CSMPG, and Associate Editor of Chinese Science Bulletin. Dr. Xu was awarded a grant by the National Foundation for Outstanding Young Scientists in 1999 and was admitted to the CAS Program for 100 Outstanding Scientists in 2003. Also, Dr. Xu was awarded the Gold Prize for Science and Technology in Guangdong Province, the SUN Xianshu Medal, and was admitted to the New Century Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand Talents Program at the national level. Additionally, Dr. Xu was awarded the May 4th Youth Medal in Guangdong Province, the Title of Outstanding Youth in Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Prize of Science and Technology for Chinese Young Scientist, the HOU Defeng Medal, and the Golden Hammer Medal, etc. Dr. Xu is mainly specialized in mantle petrology, geochemistry and earth interior dynamics, and his major achievements cover the following: (1) systematic summarization of geological, petrological and geochemical evidences for lithospheric thinning in east China, and constraints on timing and mechanism of this lithospheric thinning. (2) Systematic proving of the influence of mantle plume activity on formation of the Emeishan large igneous province, proposal for petrological classification of the Emeishan LIP, and revelation of the mantle plume activity mode and its association with formation of mineral resources. Dr. Xu has published more than 100 papers (among which 70 are published on SCI-indexed journals), and acted as editor-in-chief for two monographs published on Lithos and Episodes respectively. His work was cited by other scholars in SCI-indexed journals for more than 1,300 times, and he was listed among the category of geoscientists with high citation index in terms of Essential Science Indicator by ISI. 11. Prof. SHI Bin Director of Evaluation Division, Bureau of Planning and Strategy, CAS</p><p>14 Ms. SHI Bing is Head of Evaluation Division, Bureau of Planning and Strategy, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). She is also Deputy Director of Evaluation Research Centre, CAS. In that capacity, Ms. Shi takes a leading role in CAS evaluation work, which includes evaluation organization and management, coordination of CAS evaluation systems, organizing research on evaluation theories and methods, as well as providing professional guidance to Evaluation Research Centre, conducting CAS status analyses on related aspects and carrying out management innovation research. Ms. Shi has over 10 years’ experience in the field of science management, research evaluation, and science policy. During this period, Ms. Shi led the division’ efforts to develop the performance measures in CAS, CAS institute self–evaluation tools, institute quantity evaluation tools, and the method of data analyses on institute. She led the implementation of the CAS institutes evaluation. Ms. Shi also participates in related policy research such as IP policy in the institute and management innovation in institute. She received her Master degree from University of Science and Technology of China and she also worked for one year at University of Oregon and U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) as a visiting scholar in 2004.</p><p>12. Prof. LI Xiaoxuan Dr. Li Xiaoxuan is a professor at Institute of Policy & Management (IPM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He is also director of Innovation Management and Research Evaluation Centre, CAS. Dr. Li’s current research interest is research management, including human resource management, research evaluation and research funding management.</p><p>In the field of human resource management, Dr. Li has accumulated research experience in human resource strategy, compensation management and design, performance management, law of talent development and organizational behaviour. Dr. Li has undertaken several research projects from CAS, Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Chinese Academy of Engineering, China Association for Science and Technology, the Ministry of Personnel of China and some other agencies. </p><p>In the field of research evaluation, Dr. Li undertakes a series of evaluation work of CAS. Dr. Li carried out evaluation theory and practice research supported by NSFC and MOST. One of Dr. Li’s major work responsibilities is to carry out performance evaluation on CAS institutes, and he has established a wide range of cooperation with internationally research evaluation agencies during the work. </p><p>In the field of research funding management, Dr. Li has undertaken the China-UK joint project titled “A comparison of research costing and funding systems in the UK and China – the role of Full Economic Costs”. Currently, he is taking on the project “Cost and Management Mechanism of Government-Funded Projects” granted by NSFC. </p><p>Dr. Li received his PhD in Psychology from Peking University in 1999. He visited Kent University for three month as a visiting scholar in 2004. Dr. Li has published more than 50 papers in journals in management innovation and evaluation. </p><p>15</p>
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