Planning Development Control Committee s3

Planning Development Control Committee s3

<p> PLANNING DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE</p><p>11th DECEMBER, 2008 </p><p>PRESENT: </p><p>Councillor Mrs. Ward (In the Chair), Councillors Anstee, Bunting, Cordingley, Fishwick, Hooley, Mitchell, Mrs. Reilly, Shaw, Smith, Walsh and Whetton. </p><p>In attendance: Chief Planning Officer (Mr. S. Castle), South Area Team Leader – Planning (Mrs. A. Kite), Senior Planner (Mr. R. Gore), Traffic Manager (Mr. G. Williamson), Principal Solicitor (Ms. J. le Fevre), Democratic Services Officer (Miss M. Cody). </p><p>Also present: Councillors Acton, Butt, Lamb, Rigby and Taylor. </p><p>APOLOGY </p><p>An apology for absence was received from Councillor Malik. </p><p>81. MINUTES </p><p>RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 13th November, 2008, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. </p><p>82. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REPORT </p><p>The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report informing Members of additional information received regarding applications for planning permission to be determined by the Committee. </p><p>RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted. </p><p>83. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMISSION TO DEVELOP ETC. </p><p>(a) Permission granted subject to standard conditions prescribed by statute, if any, and to any other conditions now determined</p><p>Application No., Name of Description Applicant, Address or Site</p><p>H/68577 – Ashton on Mersey Golf Demolition of existing covered walkway; Club – Ashton on Mersey Golf Club, erection of new escape stair and balcony; Church Lane, Sale. formation of patio area and development ancillary thereto. Planning Development Control Committee 11th December, 2008 ______</p><p>H/OUT/LPA/70248 – Trafford MBC Outline planning application for residential – Renton Road/Lee Crescent, development comprising 3 no. two storey Stretford. dwellinghouses. All matters reserved for subsequent approval. </p><p>H/CC/70369 – Mr. L. Leavy, Conservation Area Consent for demolition of Oldfield Bank Residential Care existing dwelling at 7 Highgate Road. Home – Oldfield Bank, 5 Highgate Road and 7 Highgate Road, Altrincham. </p><p>H/ADV/70404 – JC Decaux UK Ltd Display of back to back internally illuminated – Land at Bridgewater Way, Old advertising panels on freestanding totem Trafford. structure. </p><p>H/ADV/70405 – JC Decaux UK Ltd Display of double sided internally illuminated – Land at Chester Road, Old advertising panel on tubular steel arch Trafford. structure. </p><p>H/70464 – Mr. Colin Cunningham – Erection of part single, part two storey side 40 Langdale Road, Sale. extension and single storey rear extension to form additional living accommodation. </p><p>H/70488 – Mr. R. Davey – 54 Conversion of existing single dwelling to Beech Road, Hale. create two separate dwellings and associated elevational alterations to doors. </p><p>H/70303 – National Trust – Alterations to existing car parking including Dunham Massey Hall, Woodhouse re-surfacing and construction of additional car Lane, Dunham Massey, Altrincham. parking spaces. </p><p>(b) Applications refused </p><p>Application No., Name of Description Applicant, Address or Site</p><p>H/68725 – Mrs. Louisa Collier – 20 Change of use from single dwelling to day Mainwood Road, Timperley. nursery for up to twenty children; erection of part single storey, part two storey rear extension and a single storey rear extension; formation of car parking area to front garden area with repositioning of access onto Mainwood Road and erection of new boundary wall. (Resubmission of H/66913). </p><p>H/70155 – Mr. John O’Toole – 55 Erection of first floor side and rear extension Cornhill Road, Davyhulme. and erection of pitched roof over existing Planning Development Control Committee 11th December, 2008 ______</p><p> single storey rear extension to form additional living accommodation. </p><p>[Note: Councillor Shaw declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in Application H/70155, as the Applicant’s Agent is a relative, and left the room during its consideration.]</p><p>(c) Applications deferred</p><p>Application No., Name of Description Applicant, Address or Site</p><p>H/70262 – Bruntwood Ltd – 126 Part single, part two storey extension to Washway Road, Sale. existing building to provide two commercial units, measuring a total of 336 square metres falling within Use Classes A1 (shops), A2 (financial and professional services) A3 (cafes and restaurants), B1 (business) and D1 (non residential institutions) and creation of a new entrance to existing offices and additional office accommodation. External alterations to all existing elevations and rearrangement of car parking areas with associated landscaping and boundary treatment. </p><p>[Consideration of Application H/70262 was deferred to allow further clarification to be sought and to assess the concerns/issues raised.] </p><p>84. APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION H/70261 – PROPERTY ALLIANCE GROUP – SPRINGBANK HOUSE, 33 STAMFORD STREET, ALTRINCHAM </p><p>The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report concerning an application for planning permission for the erection of four storey extension to existing office building, extension of existing car parking area into adjacent open space and alterations to remainder of open space including access ramp, seating, new trees and hedgerow, sculpture and repositioned memorial stone. </p><p>RESOLVED – </p><p>(1) That the application will propose a satisfactory development for the site upon completion of an appropriate Legal Agreement and that such Legal Agreement be entered into to secure:- </p><p>(i) A contribution to transport provision of £15,247 of which £5,076 would be for highways network provision and £10,171 for public transport provision in accordance with the Council’s SPD ‘Developer Contributions to Highway and Public Transport Schemes’. </p><p>(ii) A contribution to tree planting of a maximum of £14,805 in accordance with Planning Development Control Committee 11th December, 2008 ______</p><p> the Council’s SPG ‘Developer Contributions towards the Red Rose Forest’.</p><p>(2) That upon satisfactory completion of the above Legal Agreement, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions now determined and to the additional requirement to Condition 3, as follows:- </p><p>The requirement of the submission of a scheme to secure the future maintenance of the open space.</p><p>85. APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION H/69096 – TOTAL CARE SOLUTIONS – 2 ASHLANDS AND 43 ASHTON LANE, SALE </p><p>[It was noted at Committee that by reason of the lodging of an Appeal against non- determination the Committee did not have the power to determine the Application. However, an indication as to the Committee’s views on the Application was sought.]</p><p>The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report concerning an application for planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings on site and erection of a 79 bed residential care home (Use Class C2), associated car parking, landscaping and development ancillary thereto. </p><p>RESOLVED: That the Council is minded to refuse planning permission for the following reasons:- </p><p>The proposed development by reason of its scale, massing and site coverage would constitute overdevelopment of the site which would form an unduly obtrusive feature that would have a detrimental impact in the street scene and would have an overbearing impact on the surrounding residents. As such the development would be contrary to Proposals D1 and D3 of the Revised Trafford Unitary Development Plan and Policy DP7 of the North West of England Plan Regional Spatial Strategy to 2021.</p><p>[Note: Councillor Whetton declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in Application H/69096, due to his involvement with residents and the applicant prior to becoming a Member of the Planning Development Control Committee, and left the room during its consideration.] </p><p>86. APPLICATION FOR OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION H/OUT/69182 – IAN HUNTER ARCHITECTS – LAND ADJACENT TO 89 BLOOMSBURY LANE, TIMPERLEY </p><p>The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report concerning an application for outline planning permission for the erection of a dwelling house (with ancillary home working) including associated access, landscaping and parking. </p><p>RESOLVED: That outline planning permission be refused for the following reasons:-</p><p>The proposed development by reason of the intensification of the use of the Planning Development Control Committee 11th December, 2008 ______</p><p> proposed vehicular access and parking area in close proximity to 87 and 91 Bloomsbury Lane, the increased coming and goings, resultant noise and disturbance and loss of privacy would be detrimental to the amenities that the occupiers of those properties could reasonably expect to enjoy. As such the proposal would be contrary to Proposals D1 and D3 of the Revised Trafford Unitary Development Plan and the Council’s Planning Guidelines New Residential Development. </p><p>The proposed vehicular access and parking area by reason of their size and location, would prevent access to the proposed dwelling by emergency vehicles to the detriment of the amenity of future occupiers of the proposed dwelling. As such the proposal would be contrary to Proposals D1 and D3 of the Revised Trafford Unitary Development Plan.</p><p>87. APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION H/69568 – McCARTHY AND STONE (DEVELOPMENTS) LTD – 43 OAKFIELD, SALE </p><p>The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report concerning an application for planning permission for the demolition of existing RAF club and erection of part four, part three and part two storey sheltered apartments for the elderly (36 units) in two separate buildings linked by a central covered walkway with associated house manager’s accommodation, landscaping, car parking, bin store and alterations to the existing access from Oakfield. </p><p>RESOLVED – </p><p>(1) That the application will propose a satisfactory development for the site upon the completion of an appropriate Legal Agreement and that such Legal Agreement be entered into to secure:- </p><p>(i) A contribution to highway network/public transport improvements of £10,386.00 split between a highway network contribution of £2,628.00 and a public transport contribution of £7,740.00 in accordance with the Council’s SPD ‘Developer Contributions to Highway and Public Transport Schemes’. </p><p>(ii) A scheme for the provision of additional on-site parking should the car park reach capacity. </p><p>(2) That upon completion of the above Legal Agreement, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and amended Condition 13, as follows:- </p><p>No access to be permitted onto Ashlands for construction traffic, the existing access shall be closed and no access shall be permitted for pedestrians or vehicles between the application site and Ashlands.</p><p>88. APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION H/69536 – MR. M. HYLTON – 127 STAMFORD STREET, OLD TRAFFORD Planning Development Control Committee 11th December, 2008 ______</p><p>The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report concerning an application for planning permission for the change of use of first floor from an office and store room to a residential flat (Use Class C3). Installation of a new shop front and erection of single storey side/rear extension to existing café. </p><p>RESOLVED – </p><p>(1) That the application will propose a satisfactory development for the site upon the completion of an appropriate Legal Agreement and that such Legal Agreement be entered into to secure:- </p><p>(i) A contribution to children’s play space and outdoor sports provision of £1,449.29 split between a contribution of £1,082.21 for open space and £367.08 for outdoor sports in accordance with the Council’s SPG ‘Informal/Children’s Playing Space and Outdoor Sports Facilities Provision and Commuted Sums’. </p><p>(ii) A contribution to the Red Rose Forest of £235 to tree planting in accordance with the Council’s SPG ‘Developer Contributions towards the Red Rose Forest’. </p><p>(2) That upon satisfactory completion of the above Legal Agreement, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and standard reasons now determined. </p><p>89. APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION H/69658 – NEWBURY HOMES LIMITED – LAND AT 4 LOCK LANE AND LAND TO THE REAR OF 7 SCROGGINS LANE, PARTINGTON </p><p>The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report concerning an application for planning permission for the demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 27 no. two storey residential dwellings with associated garage buildings, landscaping, boundary treatment and car parking. Creation of new vehicular access from Lock Lane including new roundabout. </p><p>RESOLVED – </p><p>(1) That the application will propose a satisfactory development for the site upon the completion of an appropriate Legal Agreement and that such Legal Agreement be entered into to secure a financial contribution of £16,878.00 towards public transport and highway network improvements; £65,910.94 towards play space and outdoor sports facilities and the provision of 9 affordable housing units. </p><p>(2) That upon completion of the above Legal Agreement, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions now determined. </p><p>90. APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION H/70074 – LAKE PLACE INVESTMENTS LTD – MKM HOUSE, WARWICK ROAD, OLD TRAFFORD Planning Development Control Committee 11th December, 2008 ______</p><p>The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report concerning an application for planning permission for the demolition of existing building and erection of a 12 storey building comprising an aparthotel with 94 suites and studio apartments, car parking for 94 vehicles and associated landscaping and boundary treatment. </p><p>RESOLVED – </p><p>(1) That the application will propose a satisfactory development for the site upon the completion of an appropriate Legal Agreement and that such Legal Agreement be entered into to secure a financial contribution of £29,328.00 towards public transport and highway network improvements and £22,090.00 towards off-site tree planting. </p><p>(2) That upon completion of the above Legal Agreement, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions now determined. </p><p>91. APPLICATION FOR OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION H/OUT/70156 – PEEL DEVELOPMENTS (UK) LIMITED – LAND OFF NEARY WAY, TRAFFORD RETAIL PARK, URMSTON </p><p>The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report concerning an application for outline planning permission for the erection of a non-food retail warehouse unit (gross internal retail floorspace of 2,495 square metres) with all matters reserved for subsequent consideration. </p><p>RESOLVED – </p><p>(1) That the application will propose a satisfactory development for the site upon the completion of an appropriate Legal Agreement and that such Legal Agreement be entered into to secure financial contributions of £11,750.00 towards the Red Rose Forest, £23,228.00 towards highway infrastructure improvements and £83,907.00 towards public transport improvements. </p><p>(2) That upon completion of the above Legal Agreement, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions now determined. </p><p>92. APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION H/70158 – MR. IAN SHARMAN – GARTH, BOLLINWAY, HALE BARNS </p><p>The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report concerning an application for planning permission for the erection of a two storey side and rear extension. </p><p>RESOLVED: That planning permission be refused for the following amended reasons:- </p><p>(1) The proposed development, by virtue of its size, height, massing and position would fail to preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the South Hale Conservation Area. As such the development fails to comply with the Council’s approved guidelines for the South Hale Planning Development Control Committee 11th December, 2008 ______</p><p>Conservation Area and is contrary to Proposals D1, D6 and ENV23 or the Trafford Unitary Development Plan.</p><p>(2) The proposed extension, by virtue of its size, height, massing, design and position would represent inappropriate development in the Green Belt for which very special circumstances have not been demonstrated and would detract from the openness of the Green Belt. As such the development would be contrary to Government advice contained in 'PPG2: Green Belts' and Proposals C4, C5, and C7 of the Trafford Unitary Development Plan.</p><p>93. APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION H/70234 – MANCHESTER UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB – MANCHESTER UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB, NORTH ROAD, OLD TRAFFORD </p><p>The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report concerning an application for planning permission for the erection of a three storey building adjoining existing two storey ticket and membership services office to accommodate B1 offices and television studio. </p><p>RESOLVED – </p><p>(1) That the application will propose a satisfactory development for the site upon the completion of an appropriate Legal Agreement and that such Legal Agreement be entered into to secure:- </p><p>(i) A financial contribution of £21,823.67 towards Red Rose Forest/off-site tree planting. </p><p>(ii) A financial contribution of £22,427 towards public transport and highways improvement schemes within the locality of the development. </p><p>(2) That upon completion of the above Legal Agreement, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions now determined. </p><p>94. APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION H/70255 – MR. STUART McPHERSON – LAND ADJACENT TO 26 DELAHAYS DRIVE, HALE </p><p>The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report concerning an application for planning permission for the erection of a new dwelling. </p><p>RESOLVED – </p><p>(1) That the application will propose a satisfactory development for the site upon the completion of an appropriate Legal Agreement and that such Legal Agreement be entered into to secure a financial contribution of £2,865.18 towards the provision and maintenance of public open space. </p><p>(2) That upon completion of the above Legal Agreement, planning permission be Planning Development Control Committee 11th December, 2008 ______</p><p> granted subject to the conditions now determined. </p><p>95. APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION H/70297 – BARTON SQUARE LTD – UNIT D, BARTON SQUARE, PHOENIX WAY, TRAFFORD PARK </p><p>The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report concerning an application for planning permission for the creation of a leisure unit with ancillary retail (gross internal floorspace of 4,701 sq.m) within existing development. </p><p>RESOLVED – </p><p>(1) That the application will propose a satisfactory development for the site upon the completion of an appropriate Legal Agreement and that such Legal Agreement be entered into to secure a financial contribution of £130,735.00 towards public transport and highway network improvements and £22,090.00 towards off site tree planting. </p><p>(2) That upon completion of the above Legal Agreement, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions now determined. </p><p>96. APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION H/ADV/70355 – CONTINENTAL ADVERTISING LTD – VICTORIA WAREHOUSE, TRAFFORD PARK ROAD, TRAFFORD PARK </p><p>The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report concerning an application for planning permission for the display of 20m x 21m externally illuminated PVC advertisement on side of building previously accommodating the Trafford Park Mural (east elevation). </p><p>RESOLVED – </p><p>(1) That the application will propose a satisfactory development for the site upon the completion of an appropriate Legal Agreement and that such Legal Agreement be entered into to secure:- </p><p> The display of appropriate high quality advertisements.  The display of an image of the Trafford Park Mural when advertisements are not being displayed and for a period of no less than two months in every twelve. </p><p>(2) That upon completion of the above Legal Agreement, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions now determined. </p><p>97. APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION H/70368 – MR. L. LEAVY, OLDFIELD BANK RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME – OLDFIELD BANK, 5 HIGHGATE ROAD AND 7 HIGHGATE ROAD, ALTRINCHAM </p><p>The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report concerning an application for planning permission for the demolition of existing dwelling at 7 Highgate Road and erection of Planning Development Control Committee 11th December, 2008 ______</p><p> four storey extension (inclusive of basement) to existing care home at 5 Highgate Road. </p><p>RESOLVED – </p><p>(1) That the application will propose a satisfactory development for the site upon the completion of an appropriate Legal Agreement and that such Legal Agreement be entered into to secure a contribution to transport provision of £9,000 in accordance with the Council’s SPD ‘Developer Contributions to Highway and Public Transport Schemes’. </p><p>(2) That upon completion of the above Legal Agreement, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions now determined. </p><p>98. APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION H/70373 – LANCASHIRE COUNTY CRICKET CLUB – LANCASHIRE COUNTY CRICKET CLUB (LCCC), TALBOT ROAD, OLD TRAFFORD </p><p>The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report concerning an application for planning permission for the demolition of existing County, Jubilee and Tyldesley Suites and associated area of terraced seating and development of a new grandstand comprising a hospitality and events venue and associated section of new terraced seating (with a total capacity of approximately 2,250). Associated alterations to access road layout. </p><p>RESOLVED – </p><p>(1) That the application will propose a satisfactory development for the site upon the completion of an appropriate Legal Agreement and that such Legal Agreement be entered into to secure financial contributions of £23,071.00 towards highway network and public transport improvements and £5,405.00 towards off-site tree planting. </p><p>(2) That upon completion of the above Legal Agreement, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions now determined.</p><p>99. APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION H/70350 – CAFÉ BRIDGE LTD – 300/302 STRETFORD ROAD, URMSTON </p><p>The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report concerning an application for planning permission for the erection of a three storey block of 9 no. apartments, 4 no. two and three storey townhouses and 2 no. two storey semi-detached houses with new vehicular access an associated external works. </p><p>RESOLVED: That the Council is minded to grant planning permission subject to the receipt of a satisfactory amended parking layout and</p><p>(1) That the application will propose a satisfactory development for the site upon the completion of an appropriate Legal Agreement and that such Legal Agreement be entered into to secure:- Planning Development Control Committee 11th December, 2008 ______</p><p> A financial contribution of £10,575.00 towards Red Rose Forest/off site tree planting.  A financial contribution of £10,224.10 towards outdoor sports provision and maintenance.  A financial contribution of £3,939.00 towards public transport improvements.  A financial contribution of £1,965.00 towards highway infrastructure improvements. </p><p>(2) That upon completion of the above Legal Agreement, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions now determined.</p><p>100. PROPOSED STOPPING UP OF HIGHWAY AT BIRCH AVENUE, OLD TRAFFORD – SECTION 247 TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 </p><p>The Head of Highways, Bridges and Structures submitted a report informing Members of an application made to the Secretary of State for Transport to stop up parts of the highway at Birch Avenue, Old Trafford. </p><p>RESOLVED: That no objections be raised to the proposed Order. </p><p>SEASONAL GREETINGS </p><p>The Chairman wished all Members, Officers and members of the public a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. </p><p>The meeting commenced at 6.30 p.m. and concluded at 9.15 p.m. </p>

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