Memoirs of Museum Victoria 58(2): 247–254 (2001) REDESCRIPTION OF BUNGONA HARKER WITH NEW SYNONYMS IN THE AUSTRALIAN BAETIDAE (INSECTA: EPHEMEROPTERA) P. J. SUTER AND M. J. PEARSON CRC for Freshwater Ecology, Department of Environmental Management and Ecology, La Trobe University Albury-Wodonga Campus, PO Box 821, Wodonga, Victoria 3689, Australia [email protected] Abstract Suter, P.J. and Pearson, M.J., 2001. Redescription of Bungona Harker with new synonyms in the Australian Baetidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). Memoirs of Museum Victoria 58(2): 247–254. The monospecific genus Bungona Harker is redefined and descriptions of the imago and nymphs of Bungona narilla Harker are provided. Two species described by Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty (1998) as Cloeodes fustipalpus and C. illiesi are recognised as being conspecific and junior synonyms of Bungona narilla. Bungona narilla is distributed along the east coast of Australia from North Queensland to Tasmania and nymphs occur in shallow, slow flowing, cobble streams. Introduction papers. The two species clearly belong in Bung- ona as redefined by Dean and Suter (1996) and Harker (1957) erected the genus Bungona and subsequently verified. Bungona has numerous Bungona narilla, type species, on the basis of a nymphal and imaginal characteristics which dis- nymph and adult from Coal and Candle Creek, tinguish it from Cloeodes as defined by Traver Sydney. The adult was distinguished from the (1938) and redefined by Waltz and McCafferty genus Pseudocloeon by the shape and number of (1987a, b). Character states of C. fustipalpus and segments of the forceps and the nymphs were dis- C. illiesi are within the variation of Bungona tinguished by the shape of the labial palpi and the narilla and both are treated as junior synonyms of maxillary palpi being 3-segmented. As the Aus- Bungona narilla. tralian baetid fauna became better known through Nymphs were collected using a hand-held 250 the Monitoring River Health Initiative it was µm mesh, dip net held downstream of disturbed clear that the original description of the nymph substrate, or by hand picking of nymphs clinging was inadequate to distinguish Bungona from to the under-surface of rocks. Mature nymphs other baetid genera. The British Museum of were kept in 1L plastic rearing containers which Natural History has no record of type material had mesh lids and which contained river water having been deposited in spite of assertions that and a cobble. These were maintained in the types were lodged (J. Harker, pers. comm). Dean stream or in the laboratory until the subimago and Suter (1996) and Suter (1997) redefined the emerged. The subimago was then removed and genus in terms of the nymph, and noted that a placed in a dry rearing container to complete the number of distinguishing characters were not final moult. All specimens were preserved in recorded by Harker (1957). 75% ethanol. Direct association of an adult and nymph from Nymphs were dissected and mounted on slides the Rose River in Victoria and adults and nymphs in polyvinyl lacto-phenol mounting medium. from the New England area in New South Wales Illustrations were prepared with the aid of a has enabled verification that the nymphs camera lucida. Mouthparts were viewed ventrally described by Dean and Suter (1996) and Suter (except labrum) and the labium is illustrated with (1997) are conspecific with Bungona narilla the ventral surface shown on the right hand side Harker. of the illustration and the dorsal surface on the Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty (1998) recorded left. Comparative measurements of segments of the genus Cloeodes Traver, 1938 from Australia. labial palpi, maxillary palpi and legs are They described two new species C. fustipalpus expressed as ratios compared with the proximal and C. illiesi, without citing any Australian 247 248 P. J. SUTER AND M. PEARSON segment length, which is given in parentheses. Thorax lacking hindwing pads. Femora lack a Ranges of segment lengths are also presented in femoral patch or villopore, with long robust blunt parentheses. At least 20 specimens were used for setae on dorsal margin, apically with a pair of nymphal morphometric parameters. All measure- contiguous setae (Fig. 6). Tibiae with subproxi- ments are given in millimetres. mal arc of long fine setae, with a longitudinal row The specimens examined were collected by of long fine setae on dorsal margin, adjoining numerous people identified by initials, as follows; proximal arc (Fig. 6). Tarsi with a longitudinal AB (Andrew Boulton), BC (Bruce Chessman) row of long fine setae on dorsal margin (Fig. 6). DNR (Department of Natural Resources, Queens- Tarsal claw short, edentate (Fig. 7). land), DO (David Oldmeadows), JD (John Dean), Abdominal terga with triangular, serrated, MN (Mark Nelson), MP (Melanie Pearson), PM scales which lack fine setae (Fig. 10), posterior (Phil Mitchell), PS (Phil Suter), SB (Stuart Bunn) margins with triangular teeth (Fig. 11). Abdomi- and TC (Tim Curmi). nal sternites with scales and a row of short, fine The neotype is placed in the Australian setae on segments 4–6; posterior margins with National Insect Collection (ANIC), CSIRO, long triangular teeth. Abdominal colour pattern Canberra, and all other material is held in the with tergites 9 and 10 dark. Gills asymmetrical, senior author’s collection. ovate to pointed apically, with serrated and cili- ated inner margins (Figs 8 and 9). 3 caudal fila- Bungona Harker ments; terminal filament shorter than cerci, Bungona Harker, 1957: 73.—Campbell, 1988: 9.— fringed with setae on lateral margins; cerci Dean and Suter, 1996: 22.— Suter, 1997: 2. fringed on inner margin. Cloeodes.—Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty 1998: Remarks. While both adults and nymphs of the 122–128. (not Cloeodes Traver, 1938). type species were described, Harker (1957) did Type species. Bungona narilla Harker, 1957 not record the edentate claws, tarsal and tibial (original designation). setal fringes, sternal setae and other nymphal characters which distinguish this genus from Diagnosis. Male Imago (Figs 1–5). Forewings other Australian baetids. The problem posed by with paired marginal intercalaries from radial to the absence of type material of the type species cubital sectors (Fig. 3); pterostigmatal veinlets has been overcome by successful rearing of entire; base of vein MA2 attached to crossvein adult material. Comparison of adults with between MA1 and MP1. Hind wings absent. Harker’s descriptions has confirmed the identity Tarsal claws dissimilar. Posterior margin of of Bungona narilla. metanotum not deeply emarginate (Fig. 1); metas- Waltz and McCafferty (1987a, b) revised cutellar hump lacking a dorsoposterior projection Cloeodes and closely related genera (Waltz and (Fig. 2). Forceps 4-segmented, segment 3 elon- McCafferty, 1987b). Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty gate, segment 4 longer than wide; segment 1 lack- (1998: 122) commented that Cloeodes had “eden- ing long basal bristles; segment 2 with very short tate tarsal claws, a conspicuous arc of long, fine, bristles (Figs 4 and 5). simple setae on the tibiae and setal tufts on sterna Mature Nymph (Figs 6–22): Head hypo- 2–6.” They considered the two species they gnathous. Labrum slightly broader than long, with described from Australia to belong in Cloeodes. a shallow median notch (Fig. 13). Left mandible However, the Australian species possesses a row with incisors apically separate, prostheca robust of setae only on sterna 4–6, and can be clearly dis- and digitate, margin between incisors and molars tinguished from Cloeodes and other closely lacking tuft of setae, thumb of molar area triangu- related genera by the following combination of late and elevated above plane of incisor base (Figs adult and nymphal characters: 16 and 17). Right mandible with incisors separate Male imago with pterostigmatic veinlets entire, apically, prostheca bifid, margin between incisors base of vein MA attached to crossvein between and molars with tuft of setae present (Figs 14 and 2 MA1 and MP1. Hind wings absent. Tarsal claws 15). Maxillae palpi with 3 segments, palpi sub- dissimilar. Posterior margin of metanotum not equal to length of galeolacinia, galeolacinia with deeply emarginate, metascutellar hump lacking a 4–5 apical teeth (Figs 18–20). Labium with 3- dorsoposterior projection. Forceps four- segmented palpi, terminal segment short, segmented, segment 3 elongate, segment 4 longer bulbous, medially broader than basal width, seg- than wide, segment 1 lacking long basal bristles, ment 2 without inner apical lobe; glossae and segment 2 with very short bristles. Mature nymph paraglossae equal in length (Fig. 22). with incisors of left mandible apically separate. THE EPHEMEROPTERAN GENUS BUNGONA 249 Right mandible with incisors apically separated, 26°42´S 152°37´E, 20 May 1993, SB; 3 nymphs, Kool- prostheca bifid, margin between incisors and moon Ck near Tully, 17°45´S 145°38´E, 31 Jul 1990, molars with tuft of setae present. Labial palpi 29 Nov 1990, SB; 6 nymphs, Stony Ck, Conondale with terminal segment short, bulbous, medially Ranges, 26°50´S 152°46´E, 15 Mar 1993, 15 Nov 1993, SB; 6 nymphs, un-named Ck, Upper Conondale broader than basal width, segment 2 without inner Ranges, 26°52´S 152°44´E, 20 May 1993, SB; 5 apical lobe. Maxillae with 3 segmented palpi nymphs, Mt Barney Ck at Mt Maroon, 28°14´S which is subequal to length of galeolacinia. Legs 152°44´E, 2 Nov 1998, DNR; 1 nymph, Little Yabba with tibiae possessing proximal arc of long fine Ck at Sunday Ck Rd, 26°36´S 152°37´E, 18 May 1999, setae adjoined to longitudinal row of long fine DNR. NSW. 1 nymph, Kangaroo R., Upper Kangaroo setae and tarsi with a row of long fine setae. Valley, 34°42´S 150°35´E, 23 Sep 1972, JD; 1 nymph, Scales on abdominal tergites and sternites lacking Wollondilly R. at Murphys Crossing, 33°43´S fine setae, row of fine setae on sternites 4–6.
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