Say-It, Spell-It, Say-It

Say-It, Spell-It, Say-It

<p>Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it heard friends water want</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words heard friends water want other your their everyone friends dead brother ready people you meadow wear</p><p>Card #5 - Phoneme Blending</p><p>Card #7 ch wh tch th sh ck tt ch ci ce tch r wh sh s l</p><p>Card #10 chip while catch thin shape back mitt pitch tape need price good</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 1; Day 1 Card #10 morning begun student sunlight graceful dancers cobbler fixing deliver arrive handcarts quickly</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction graceful cobbler strength crackle sizzle</p><p>Card #5 - Phoneme Blending</p><p>Card #10 dishes whichever stitching chicken wishful birthday bathtub music facing slither</p><p>Card #10 fresher freshest happier funny funniest funnier big bigger biggest thinner thinnest sadder saddest happiest</p><p>Card #16 - Explain & Model: sunshine (p. 231)</p><p>Card #10 shift catch thatch which men rest legs baths stores beach choose hard</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words person practices exciting cheerful</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 1; Day 1 cartwheels neatest horses cutest biggest brighter brightest brighten</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 1; Day 1 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it people was above live</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words people was above live heard friends water want other your their everyone friends dead brother ready</p><p>Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation</p><p>Card #7 ch wh tch th sh ck tt ch ci ce tch r wh sh s l</p><p>Card #10 chill white catch thrill shop sock chop shell store boy hands cross</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 1; Day 2 Card #10 sidewalk inside resting roasted outside musty bagging winter seafood fresher sizzles crackle</p><p>Card #16 - Explain & Model: graceful (p. 239)</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction graceful cobbler strength crackle sizzle</p><p>Card #17 - Word Learning Strategy Instruction delivery apartment handcarts restaurants market celebrations</p><p>Card #15 - Explain & Model: Summarize Card #15 - Guided Practice: Summarize</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 1; Day 2 Card #3 - Single Syllable Words good pitch thin price mitt catch need back while tape shape chip</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words quickly handcarts fixing cobbler sunlight student arrive deliver dancers graceful begun morning</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 1; Day 2 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it walk through hold watch</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words walk through hold watch people was above line heard friends water want other your their everyone</p><p>Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation</p><p>Card #7 ch wh tch th sh ck tt ch ci ce tch r wh wr s l</p><p>Card #10 chap whisk wrench scratch shell smack pack patch sick stood gave yet</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 1; Day 3 Card #10 market snapping dinner tasty Saturday lesson develop holiday crowded thumping marching explode</p><p>Card #16 - Guided Practice: medicinal (p. 245), crackle (p. 246)</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction graceful cobbler strength crackle sizzle</p><p>Card #15 - Guided Practice: Summarize</p><p>Card #3 - Single Syllable Words cross shell thrill catch chop hands boy sock white store shop chill</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words sidewalk inside resting roasted outside musty bagging winter seafood fresher sizzles crackle</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 1; Day 3 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it shoes move cold sometimes</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words shoes move cold sometimes walk through hold watch people was above live heard friends water want</p><p>Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation</p><p>Card #7 ch wh tch th sh ck tt ch ci ce tch r wh sh s l</p><p>Card #10 when then dish bash bath which teeth sheep town street cross side</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 1; Day 4 Card #10 puzzle hundred mention tangram seven invent sailboat person flying little running poster</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction graceful cobbler strength crackle sizzle</p><p>Card #3 - Single Syllable Words chap whisk wrench scratch shell smack pack patch sick stood gave yet</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words market snapping dinner tasty Saturday lesson develop holiday crowded thumping marching explode</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 1; Day 4 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it mother said great another</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words mother said great another shoes move cold sometimes walk through hold watch water was above live</p><p>Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation</p><p>Card #7 ch wh tch th sh ck tt ch ci ce tch r wh sh s l</p><p>Card #10 dish sheep chase teach lash bath lunch bash store say year winds</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 1; Day 5 Card #10 lion smiling happy marching trying little outdoor invent crackers visit cobbler swimming</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction graceful cobbler strength crackle sizzle</p><p>Card #10 grill lesson puppet lucky muffin</p><p>Can you buy snapping crabs and black fish at the outdoor market?</p><p>Card #10 cliff crack press message willow glasses</p><p>Card #16 - Explain & Model: sunshine (p. 231) Card #16 - Explain & Model: Mother’s Day Parade on Park Street</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 1; Day 5 Card #3 Single Syllable Words when then dish bash bath which teeth sheep town street cross side</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words puzzle hundred mention tangram seven invent sailboat person flying little running poster</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 1; Day 5 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it guess put their learn</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words guess put their learn mother said great another shoes move cold sometimes walk through hold watch</p><p>Card #5 - Phoneme Blending</p><p>Card #7 ai ay ee ng ch ng tch wh ay ee ai ay ng ch ee ai</p><p>Card #8 chain ring scratch say rain eat train trips pail pay feed wing</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 1; Day 6 Card #10 important sunset waiting exclaim visiting firehouse himself exciting helmet eaten inside eating</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction exciting neighborhood special</p><p>Card #3 - Single Syllable Words dish sheep chase teach lash bath lunch bash store say year winds</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words lion smiling happy marching trying little outdoor invent crackers visits cobbler swimming</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 1; Day 6 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it some wearing special have</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words some wearing special have guess put their learn mother sold great another shoes move cold sometimes</p><p>Card #5 - Phoneme Blending</p><p>Card #7 ai ay ee ng ch ng tch ay ay ee ai ay ng ch ee ai</p><p>Card #10 pain say beet sang church hang patch tray pack please night waves</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 1; Day 7 Card #10 looking teacher birthday event complain waiting maybe swaying sailing mailman handshakes visits</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction welcome guess explains</p><p>Card #3 - Single Syllable Words pail pay feed wing chain ring scratch say rain eat train trips</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words important sunset waiting exclaim visiting firehouse himself exciting helmet eaten inside eating</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 1; Day 7 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it come there clothes something</p><p>Card #3 Irregular Words come there clothes something some wearing special have guess put their team mother said great another</p><p>Card #5 - Phoneme Blending</p><p>Card #7 ai ay ee ng ch ng tch ay ay ee ai ay ng ch ee ai</p><p>Card #10 chain clay meet bang sing patch play hay match sail seal white</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 2; Day 1 Card #10 around seconds important explains alarm faster going pointing middle upstairs sleeping locker</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction exciting neighborhood special welcome guess explains</p><p>Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation</p><p>Card #10 mail play snail raise spray complain waiting maybe explain staying swaying pavement crutches exclaim praise</p><p>Card #16 - Explain & Model: mailman (p. 17)</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 2; Day 1 Card #3 - Single Syllable Words pain say beet sang church hang patch tray pack please night waves</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words looking teacher birthday event complain waiting maybe swaying sailing mailman handshakes visits</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 2; Day 1 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it coming carry both wherever</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words coming carry both wherever come there clothes something some wearing special have guess put their learn</p><p>Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation</p><p>Card #7 ai ea ee ng ch ng tch wh ea ee ai ea ng ch ee ai</p><p>Card #10 sail seat feet sang sting latch trip thing phone flash spot slow</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 2; Day 2 Card #10 taken dispatch complain busy never telling operate number system teacher teaching alarm</p><p>Card #16 - Explain & Model: firehouse (p. 271) & Guided Practice: seconds (p. 273)</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction exciting neighborhood special welcome guess explains</p><p>Card #17 - Word Learning Strategy Instruction chief dispatch emergencies fire engine firefighters gear</p><p>Card #15 - Explain & Model: Question Card #15 - Guided Practice: Question</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 2; Day 2 Card #3 - Single Syllable Words chain clay meet bang sing patch play hay match sail seal white</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words around seconds important explains alarm faster going pointing middle upstairs sleeping locker</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 2; Day 2 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it washing rolled done into</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words washing rolled done into coming carry both wherever come there clothes something some wearing special have</p><p>Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation</p><p>Card #7 ai ay ee ng ch ng tch ay ay ee ai ay ng ch ee ai</p><p>Card #10 stain sheet heal ping thing hatch white fling thick fast steps help</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 2; Day 3 Card #10 lever pattern punching blackboard exactly different forest equipment perfect needed ladder maybe</p><p>Card #16 - Guided Practice: condition (p. 280), rescue (p. 281)</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction exciting neighborhood special welcome guess explains</p><p>Card #15 - Guided Practice: Question</p><p>Card #3 - Single Syllable Words sail seat feet sang sting latch trip thing phone flash spot slow</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words taken dispatch complain busy never telling operate number system teacher teaching alarm</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 2; Day 3 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it watch onto do put</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words watch onto do put washing rolled done into coming carry both wherever come there clothes something</p><p>Card #6 -Phoneme Segmentation</p><p>Card #7 ai ay ee ng ch ng ai ay ay ee ai ay ng ch ee ai</p><p>Card #10 match sail seal white clay latch bang deep right down slow room</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 2; Day 4 Card #10 downstairs outside inside pretend steering siren screaming perfect checking invited playing finishing</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction exciting neighborhood special welcome guess explains</p><p>Card #3 - Single Syllable Words stain sheet heal ping thing hatch white fling thick fast steps help</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words lever pattern punching blackboard exactly different forest equipment perfect needed ladder maybe</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 2; Day 4 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it most talk your many</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words most talk your many watch onto do put washing rolled done into coming carry both wherever</p><p>Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation</p><p>Card #7 ai ay ee ng ch ng ai ay ay ee ai ay ng ch ee ai</p><p>Card #10 latch fail sealed quite play itch gang sheep shock use poles splash</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 2; Day 5 Card #10 wonderful checking finish flipping splashing exclaimed forest shocking spotted switches unchain splashes</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction exciting neighborhood special welcome guess explains</p><p>Card #10 which brush switches whoosh anything splashes dispatch unchain</p><p>Card #16 - Explain & Model: Watch Out for Thick Mud</p><p>Card #3 - Single Syllable Words match sail seal white clay latch bang deep right down slow room</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 2; Day 5 Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words downstairs outside inside pretend steering siren screaming perfect checking invited playing finishing</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 2; Day 5 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it were doing anything does</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words were doing anything does most talk your many watch onto do put washing rolled done into</p><p>Card #5 - Phoneme Blending</p><p>Card #7 ow ou ay sh ou tch ch ow th ou ow wh i_e ai ng ou</p><p>Card #8 sour mouse hay fall trails frown shout brown mouse mice count steps</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 2; Day 6 Card #10 bouncing across sounded playing jumping sadly loudly bathroom outside silent frowning without</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction exactly frowning shouted</p><p>Card #3 - Single Syllable Words latch fail sealed quite play itch gang sheep shock use poles splash</p><p>Card #3 - Multkisyllabic Words wonderful checking finish flipping splashing exclaimed forest shocking spotted switches unchain splashes</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 2; Day 6 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it could watched very yours</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words could watched very yours were doing anything does most talk your many watch onto do put</p><p>Card #5 - Phoneme Blending</p><p>Card #7 ow ou ay sh ou tch ch ow th ou ow wh ee ai ng ou</p><p>Card #10 crown pouch way stray chum couch thin plow seemed think missed those</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 2; Day 7 Card #10 peaceful missing playful seated bouncing bounding clowning reading sweetly joyful crowded inside</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction behind soldiers bound</p><p>Card #3 - Single Syllable Words sour mouse hay fail trails frown shout brown mouse mice count steps</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words bouncing across sounded playing jumping sadly loudly bathroom outside silent frowning without</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 2; Day 7 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it one into brought sword</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words one into brought sword could watched very yours were doing anything does most talk your many</p><p>Card #5 - Phoneme Blending</p><p>Card #7 ow ou ay sh ou tch ch ow th ou ow wh oo ai ng ou</p><p>Card #10 town found clay shell chop house with how thanks raised room shook</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 3; Day 1 Card #10 crossing frowning morning teacher until going victory army around purple smiling nodded</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction exactly frowning shouted behind soldiers bound</p><p>Card #10 how out gown house powder growling power loudest thousand crowded flower crown couches loud mousetrap punish</p><p>Card #16 - Explain & Model: crowded (p. 35)</p><p>Card #3 - Single Syllable Words crown pouch way stray chum couch thin plow seemed think missed those Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words peaceful missing playful seated bouncing bounding clowning reading sweetly joyful crowded inside</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 3; Day 1 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it toward something their some</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words toward something their some one into brought sword could watched very yours were doing anything does</p><p>Card #6- Phoneme Segmentation</p><p>Card #7 ow ou ay sh ou tch ch ow th ou ow wh ee ai ng ou</p><p>Card #10 cow cloud stay hatch day clown hitch out shook flag class feel</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 3; Day 2 Card #10 over leaving surprise mister firmly wooden morning rushing peeling waited problem handed</p><p>Card #16: Model tickled (p. 305) & Guided Practice: practiced (p. 305)</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction exactly frowning shouted behind soldiers bound</p><p>Card #17 - Word Learning Strategy Instruction bushy costume disguise handsome mirror mustache</p><p>Card #15 - Explain & Model: Predict/Infer Card #15 - Guided Practice: Predict/Infer</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 3; Day 2 Card #3 - Single Syllable Words town found clay shell chop house with how thanks raised room shook</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words crossing frowning morning teacher unit going victory army around purple smiling nodded</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 3; Day 2 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it soldiers tough instead front</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words soldiers tough instead front toward something their some one into brought sword could watched very yours</p><p>Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation</p><p>Card #7 ow ou ay sh ou tch ch ow th ou ow wh o_e ai ng ou</p><p>Card #10 down hound hay shop mail blouse match chow must lost home hair</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 3; Day 3 Card #10 without retracted open parted between jumping crayon opening hugging dinner shouting bedroom</p><p>Card #16 - Guided Practice: crumpled (p. 318)</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction exactly frowning shouted behind soldiers bound</p><p>Card #15 - Guided Practice: Predict/Infer</p><p>Card #3 - Single Syllable Words cow cloud stay hatch day clown hitch out shook flag class feel</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words over leaving surprise mister firmly wooden morning rushing peeling waited problem handed</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 3; Day 3 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it young laughed climbed gone</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words young laughed climbed gone soldiers tough instead front toward something their some one into brought sword</p><p>Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation</p><p>Card #7 ow ou ay sh ou tch ch ow th ou ow wh ce ai ng ou</p><p>Card #10 gown round sail ship rain pound scratch wow face clean hands door</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 3; Day 4 Card #10 paper closet polish rubber problem slowly sitting herself funny okay teacher remember</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction exactly frowning shouted behind soldiers bound</p><p>Card #3 - Single Syllable Words down hound hay shop mail blouse match chow must lost home hair</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words without retraced open parted between jumping crayon opening hugging dinner shouting bedroom</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 3; Day 4 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it eyes work shoe together</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words eyes work shoe together young laughed climbed gone soldiers tough instead front toward something their some</p><p>Card #6 -Phoneme Segmentation</p><p>Card #7 ow ou ay sh ou tch ch aw th ou ow wh i_e ai ng a_e</p><p>Card #10 couch ouch play shout train frown patch towns raised brown came mile</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 3; Day 5 Card #10 pocket chicken ginger buttered perfect broken silence sisters going caring sharing whisper</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction exactly frowning shouted behind soldiers bound</p><p>Card #16: Guided Practice: Hooray for Main Street</p><p>Card #3 - Single Syllable Words gown round sail ship rain pound scratch wow face clean hands door</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words paper closet polish rubber problem slowly sitting herself funny okay teacher remember</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 3; Day 5 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it everyone believe enough friend</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words everyone believe enough friend eyes works shoe together young laughed climbed gone soldiers tough instead front</p><p>Card #5 - Phoneme Blending</p><p>Card #7 ee ea ow sh ea ou ay ea th ee ea wh ch ai ng th</p><p>Card #8 clean keep cow shift shout eat stay tree thank each such room</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 3; Day 6 Card #10 lady reading cookout under about reaching cleaning tunnel refresh fixing person planting</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction station believe question</p><p>Card #3 - Single Syllable Words couch ouch play shout train frown patch towns raised brown came mile</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words pocket chicken ginger buttered perfect broken silence sisters going caring sharing whisper</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 3; Day 6 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it said want have sometimes</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words said want have sometimes everyone believe enough friend eyes work shoe together young laughed climbed gone</p><p>Card #5 - Phoneme Blending</p><p>Card #7 ee ea ow sh ea ou ay ea th ee ea wh ch ai ng th</p><p>Card #10 please mean brow fish seal feel stray read trains ground place hums</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 3; Day 7 Card #10 person golden better begin lacing details artist hundred pencil perfect skinny pointy</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction picture worry collection</p><p>Card #10 public happen unlock signal central contest</p><p>Card #3 - Single Syllable Words clean keep cow shift shout eat stay tree thank each such room</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words lady reading cookout under about reaching cleaning tunnel refresh fixing person planting</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 3; Day 7 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it building something does another</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words building something does another said want have sometimes everyone believe enough friend eyes work shoe together</p><p>Card #5 - Phoneme Blending</p><p>Card #7 ee ea ow sh ea ou ay aw th ee ea wh ch ai ng oi</p><p>Card #10 stream steep owl mash steal clean when team five point draw snap</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 4; Day 1 Card #10 myself cuddle quiet triangle pocket birthday present little around painting wonderful winter</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction station believe question picture worry collection</p><p>Card #10 keep neat geese please speed clean weakest freedom treetop sweetly season peaceful neatly reptile leapfrog bacon</p><p>Seagulls screech. Geese pass the cottage.</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 4; Day 1 Card #10 fixture stations nature feature introduction action lotion connection</p><p>Kit had to add red to the paint mixture, so she wore a smock for protection.</p><p>Card #16 - Explain & Model: clean (p. 49)</p><p>Card #3 - Single Syllable Words please mean brow fish seal feel stray read trains ground place hums</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words person golden better begin lacing details artist hundred pencil perfect skinny pointy</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 4; Day 1 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it minute two people because</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words minute two people because building something does another said want have sometimes everyone believe enough friend</p><p>Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation</p><p>Card #7 ee ea ow sh ea ou ay ea th ee ea wh ch ai ng th</p><p>Card #10 near heap prowl sash deal leave bang clean part dark slides drink</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 4; Day 2 Card #10 over leaving whisper subway token blending morning layered surprise clomping homemade sidewalk</p><p>Card #16 - Explain & Model: tickled (p. 305) & Guided Practice: practiced (p. 304)</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction station believe question picture worry collection</p><p>Card #17 - Word Learning Strategy Instruction booth plaque station subway token</p><p>Card #15 - Explain & Model: Evaluate Card #15 - Guided Practice: Evaluate</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 4; Day 2 Card #3 - Single Syllable Words stream steep owl mash steal clean when team five point draw snap</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words myself cuddle quiet triangle pocket birthday present little around painting wonderful winter</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 4; Day 2 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it especially color comes laugh</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words especially color comes laugh minute two people because building something does another said want have sometimes</p><p>Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation</p><p>Card #7 ee ea ow sh ea ou ay ea th ee ea wh ch ai ng th</p><p>Card #10 real knee brown sharp think reach sling jeans whole smile right steps</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 4; Day 3 Card #10 without quickly open present between jumping crayon afraid hugging dinner paintings presents</p><p>Card #16 - Guided Practice: layered (p. 350)</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction station believe question picture worry collection</p><p>Card #15 - Guided Practice: Evaluate</p><p>Card #3 Single Syllable Words near heap prowl sash deal leave bang clean part dark slides drink</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words over leaving whisper subway token blending morning layered surprise clomping homemade sidewalk</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 4; Day 3 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it holds love you everyone</p><p>Card #3 holds love you everyone especially color comes laugh minute two people because building something does another</p><p>Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation</p><p>Card #7 ee ea ow sh ea ou ay ea th ee ea wh ch ai ng th</p><p>Card #10 queen near growl shear cheese sweet thick each blue flour whisk wire</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 4; Day 4 Card #10 teaspoons mortar pestle spatula eggshells powder complete blended sticky finished drying repeat</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction station believe question picture worry collection</p><p>Card #3 - Single Syllable Words real knee brown sharp think reach sting jeans whole smile right steps</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words without quickly open present between jumping crayon afraid hugging dinner painting presents</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 4; Day 4 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it believe listen told very</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words believe listen told very holds love you everyone especially color comes laugh minute two people because</p><p>Card #6 - Phoneme Segmentation</p><p>Card #7 ee ea ow sh ea ou ay ea th ee ea wh ch ai ng th</p><p>Card #10 peach team wow trash chill heat thing cheat sack lunch house brown</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 4; Day 5 Card #10 handed skipping bounded mister morning passing reaching kissing going eating wagging pouncing</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction station believe question picture worry collection</p><p>Card #16 - Guided Practice: Big Hound’s Lunch</p><p>Card #3 - Single Syllable Words queen near growl shear cheese sweet thick each blue flour whisk wire</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words teaspoons mortar pestle spatula eggshells powder complete blended sticky finished drying repeat</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 4; Day 5 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it wanted have put your</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words wanted have put your believe listen told very holds love you everyone especially color comes laugh</p><p>Card #5 - Phoneme Blending</p><p>Card #7 ar or ai sh or ou ay ar ar or ea wh ch or ar th</p><p>Card #8 smart seat ore shot eat ouch snore car board stand chair cord</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 4; Day 6 Card #10 market meeting important pardon weedy planted garden opened happen inform house shouted</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction checked stared attention discovered</p><p>Card #3 - Single Syllable Words peach team wow trash chill heat thing cheat sack lunch house brown</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words handed skipping bounded mister morning passing reaching kissing going eating wagging pouncing</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 4; Day 6 Say-it, Spell-it, Say-it other because their laughed</p><p>Card #3 - Irregular Words other because their laughed wanted have put your believe listen told very holds love you everyone</p><p>Card #5 - Phoneme Blending</p><p>Card #7 ar or ee sh or ou ay ar ar or ea wh ch or ar th</p><p>Card #10 card torn now shell form shout tray mark part stand speech went</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 4; Day 7 Card #10 safety never swivel banner department speeches along number sitting number starting checking</p><p>Card #17 - Specific Word Instruction commands officer safety announced</p><p>Card #10 public happen unlock signal central contest</p><p>Card #3 -Single Syllable Words smart seal ore shot eat ouch snore car board stand chair cord</p><p>Card #3 - Multisyllabic Words market meeting important pardon weedy planted garden opened happen inform houses shouted</p><p>HM 2003; Grade 2; Theme 3; Week 4; Day 7</p>

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