Baden United Methodist Church s2

Baden United Methodist Church s2

<p>Baden United Methodist Church 420 Dippold Avenue Baden, PA 15005-1716 D. Edward Bailey, Pastor </p><p>Time Value Mail Change Service Requested</p><p>The Gleam Baden United Methodist Church Monthly Newsletter (724) 869-2720 [email protected] (Office) [email protected] (Pastor) Schedule of Services Ronda F. Curcio, Editor</p><p>Monthly Volunteers Shirley Bruce, Nancy Dominick, Carol Harmotto Joyce Ickley, Patty King</p><p>Sunday………………………………………………………………………………………………….February Issue Deadline – Feb.Chapel 16 – 8:15 a.m. Sunday……………………………………………………………………………………………..Assembly Day – Feb.Sanctuary 25 – 10:30 a.m. Saturday……………………………………………………………………….……………………Sanctuary – 6:00 p.m. Last Saturday of Each Month…………………………………………Contemporary Service - Sanctuary – 6:00 p.m. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9:30a LET Bible Study</p><p>6:00p Bell Choir 6:00p Worship Service 7:00p Trustees 7:30p Mtg Sanctuary Choir 6:00p Aldersgate practice</p><p>8 9 10 11 12 13 14 </p><p>9:30a LET Bible 6:00p 12:30p UMW Study Meeting 11:30a Scout Aldersgate 5:00p Worship Sunday practice Committee followed by meeting Sunday school 9:00a Men’s Teacher 6:00p Bell Choir prayer meeting breakfast 7:30p Sanctuary 6:00p Worship Choir Service </p><p>15 16 17 18 19 20 21</p><p>9:30a LET Bible 7:00p Friday 9a -12n Study Pancake Night Boy Scout Diners Blue & Gold Gleam Deadline 6:00p Bell Choir Club at Dinner Breakfast 5:30 – 8:30 pm 6:30p Neece’ We Care Food Christian Cafe 11:30a GEMS Distribution Believer in meeting 6:00p 7:30p Rochester 6:00p Worship Aldersgate Sanctuary Service practice Choir Fellowship Hall in use (p.m.) 22 23 24 25 26 27 28</p><p>6:00p 7:00 pm Aldersgate worship 6:00p Worship practice Service 9:30a LET Bible with Faith + 5 Study Gleam Assembly</p><p>Sunday Worship: Weight AA meets in 8:15am in Chapel Café Watchers Fellowship Eaton open from meets in Hall every Chapel 9:00am until Fellowship Sunday 10:30am in the 10:15am Hall every evening at Sanctuary Wednesday at 6:00pm 6:00pm Sunday School: 9:15am Opening in the Sanctuary 2009</p><p>Baden Church is a caring congregation dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the community through its joyful expression of love, fellowship and service. The Gleam February 2009</p><p>Baden United Methodist Church * 420 Dippold Avenue * Baden, Pennsylvania * (724) 869-2720</p><p>Dear Member and Friend of Baden UMC</p><p>It’s 9:20 P.M. January 22, 2009 and I decided to reflect on what I learned this past week at the General Board of Discipleships’ Planned Giving School. My mind is clogged with data that by lunch time today was full with more information than I will probably ever need. However, I am thinking now not so much of the event I attended, but about the people I met along the way. I made many connections with people interested and trained in institutional development…I heard dynamic speakers and even learned a few new jokes…But there were others I met along the way who showed me how blessed I am.</p><p>First there was Michelle. When I sat down at my assigned seat 15a, she was already seated in 15b. I had the window seat. I like widow seats even when I have to pay $6.00 more. When I fly I like to read or write while I am listening to Bob Marley (like I am doing now). As I got in my seat I noticed Michelle was reading a book called Nine Minutes in Heaven by John Piper. When I asked her what it was about she said, “It is about a man who had a life after death experience and who writes about it.” I didn’t talk about the book anymore. I learned she was flying back to Florida from visiting her fiancée. What I also learned about Michelle was that she was divorced. Her husband left her for a friend while she was nearly dying because of kidney problems. Michelle had two kidney transplants and is currently on dialysis three days a week for three hours each visit. To facilitate the dialysis she has ports in her arms. I learned that she is limited to fluid intake of only 32 oz. each day. At forty-two I have a few scars from a few surgeries, but Michelle at 37 has had a whirlwind of health problems. I learned I am blessed with good health. </p><p>At Thrifty Rent-A-Car I met a rental agent, Louis. He pulled up my reservation and tried to sell me the extra insurance, life insurance, navigational equipment. He was well trained and new the routine as if he had repeated it a thousand times before. I think I surprised him when I interrupted him, smiled and said, “Louis, I worked at Avis while I was in college…I wish to decline everything you have to offer except my compact rental car.” He broke out of his trained routine and replied, “I hate working here! You are so lucky not to have to work for a rental car agency.” He continued, “Did you get your degree?” I shared with him, “Yes, it was a lot of work.” As I reflect on Louis’ comment I realized I am blessed. I am blessed with a Bachelor of Arts Degree and a Master of Divinity degree from two fine institutions. I am blessed to have learned from some of the finest scholars in the world.</p><p>A third person I met whose name I cannot recall was at the Orange County Convention Center. At the Orange County Convention Center you have to pay to park. It is $11.00 each day. The attendants must have to keep track of what conference attendees are paying to park. On Thursday the parking attendant asked me, “What group are you with?” I replied, “Good morning sir! I am with the General Board of Discipleship.” He looked at his paper and seemed confused. He asked incorrectly indicating that he may not be completely literate, “diccipulship.” I said, “yes, discipleship.” Well I immediately thought about how his life is impacted from his inability to read…The opportunities that may not be available to him. How that must impact his inability to read stories to children if he has any…</p><p>My mind now takes me to my family. It has been quiet in the evenings at the hotel. I miss my wife and children. Looking at the screen on my Zune with the electronic photo album of my family is a blessing. I miss them dearly and they are a real blessing to me.</p><p>I am blessed. And if you reflect a little…You may realize you are blessed as well! </p><p>Thoughts from a redeye at 37,000 feet!</p><p>I am blessed!</p><p>Ed Bailey, Pastor</p><p>P.S. This may be a sermon in the making! 2009</p><p>All youth who will be at least 12 years of age during the 2009 year are invited to attend confirmation class. Confirmation classes will begin on Sunday March 1 during Sunday School and will continue for six weeks. Youth who decide to be confirmed will be confirmed on Easter Sunday at the 10:30 A.M. Worship Service. Also, the class will be going on a field trip to the Conference Center in Cranberry (TBA). Please complete the form below and return it no later than February 22, 2009.</p><p>Name (Last) ______, (First)______(M) ______</p><p>Address______State ______Zip Code ______</p><p>Phone______CELL ______</p><p></p><p>Birth date ______</p><p>12 Betsy Woodling 21 Rod Dwyer Nate Harmon Alan Freed</p><p>14 Samantha Dawson 22 Paul Dreisch Georgeann Elizabeth Musgrave VanDeCar Mark Wolz 28 Mike Dwyer 2 Derek Sheaffer Fran Zimmermann</p><p>3 Lynn Bogati 15 Doris Kuric Carol Giles Megan Ochs Luke Heilig Justin Tucker Lily Geweth 5 Elaine Alberts Rev. James Decker 16 Dawn Arnold 18 Jim & Marilew Jerry Ferguson Wetzel 8 Brian Storar 17 Emma Lubic 20 George & Carol 9 Robert Muders 18 Joyce Ickley Harmotto 10 Randy Dobich Cliff Meade Emily Dreisch T.J. Ochs Liturgists Ushers</p><p>1...... Christy Sheaffer 1 8:15...... Dave Woodling</p><p>8...... Jan Pasuit 10:30...... Bill Ickley, Alan Freed 15...... Fred Zajac Don Fleming, Fred 22...... Bob Blanarik Zajac</p><p>8 8:15...... Dan Wilson 10:30...... Don Fleming, Dave Smith 22...... Betsy, David & Michael Woodling John Parkhurst, Dale Sheaffer</p><p>15 8:15...... Timothy Smith 10:30…...... Brandon Short, Dave Smith Bill VanDeCar, Bobby Charlovich</p><p>22 8:15...... Paula Hazelwood 10:30...... Carol Walker, Teresa Fausti Joyce Hudson, Viki February Zajac Meetings & Events 25 7:00pm (Ash Wed.)...... Paula Hazelwood, Walt King Feb 2 7:00pm Trustees Meeting Nancy VanDeCar, Jeff Feb 8 12:30pm Sunday School McClure teachers meeting Acolytes Feb 10 12:30pm UMW meeting</p><p>1...... Need Someone, Candle Feb 11 5:00pm Worship Committee meeting Isaac Jones, Bible Feb 14 9:00am Men’s Prayer Breakfast 8...... Jacob Charlovich, Candle Need Someone, Feb 15 9a-12n Pancake Breakfast Bible 11:30am GEMS meeting 15...... Sarah Alberts, Candle Feb 16 GLEAM DEADLINE Burke Sheets, 5:30-8:30pm We Care Distribution Bible 22...... Need Someone, Candle Feb 18 6:30pm Christian Believer Need Someone, Bible Feb 20 7:00pm Friday Night Diners @ Neece’s Cafe in Rochester</p><p>Greeters Feb 25 7:00pm Ash Wednesday Service</p><p>1...... Dick & Janet Johns 8...... Dian Sherin & Dorothy Kopchick 15...... Joe & Teresa Fausti</p><p>BIBLE CARRIERS NEEDED ACOLYTES AND We are currently looking for children to serve as Acolytes for 2009. Children in Kindergarten through Sixth grade can serve as acolytes/bible carriers. If your child is interested in serving, please contact the church office or Pastor Bailey. An acolyte training class will be held for those interested.</p><p>Many thanks to our church family and friends who have given us their love A CELEBRATION FROM THE HEART and support in every way. Without your SERVICE AND MINISTRY FAIR prayers and support our struggles over March 15, 2008 following the 10:30 the past year would have been a Worship Service all committees struggle with little light. We all know our and ministry teams are invited light is the Lord Jesus Christ, but His to create a display board for the light has been made even brighter ministry fair. If you created a through your faithful service in His board last year, it has been name. Thank you for your past and saved for you. If you would ongoing prayers. Grace and Peace. like to update it or create a In Christ ~ Fred & Viki Zajac new one see Dege Smith or the Pastor. Display boards are available. What is more, as you are exploring and learning about the ministry of Christ through the church join the GEMS for soup and sandwiches. The Pastor’s email address has been changed. He can now be reached at [email protected] Bishop Bickerton’s day on the Butler District with clergy and A Worship Committee Meeting laity. Wednesday, February 11 th 5:00 P.M. March 2, 2009</p><p>First United Methodist Church in New Castle</p><p>PLEASE PRAY FOR.... Donald Bailey; Stacey Black; Christina Blinn; Judy Blinn; Pauline Bruning; Howard Carrodus; Katherine Collingwood; Dan Cook; Evelyn Domenick; Ryan Dorrier; Charles Fennell; Esther Fox; The Fritz Family; Maggie Gall; Jean Garlitz; Mary Jane Hartge; Jack Hayes; Jason Hazelwood; Luke Heilig; Mary Jo Hess; James Johnston; Ken Jones; Alice Keister; Susan Kickle; Lindsey Kinkel; Lucas Kline; John Krepps; Ellen Lawrence; Lance Cpl. Zachary Livengood; Jeff Marsh; Amber Mazur; 2nd Lt. Patrick McCreary; Spc. Jeanette McDonald; Brian Mickey; Dustin Miller; Mark Montagna; Dave Morgan; Norma Mustake; Diana Paymer; Lorraine Rhode; Virginia Salak; Lt. Col. Tim Seamon; Christine Smith; Charlotte Stumpf; Marge Tillery; Walt Tillery; Dana Tucker; Betty Vagias; Matthew Wadd; Lewis Walker; David Waxler; Ally; Carolyn; David; Doug; Lori; Shirley; Velda. Please help keep our prayer list current. If you know someone who needs prayer, call the office and let us know. If you know someone on the list who is doing better, please let us know so that we may remove his or her name. All names will remain on the list for no more than six weeks unless the office is notified otherwise</p><p>UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Tuesday, February 10, 2009 12:30 pm</p><p>Greeters...... Everyone Devotions...... Marilyn Kouvolo Hostesses...... Linda Hahn Kathleen Phillips Program...... Call to prayer and self denial led by Marilyn Kouvolo</p><p>The GEMS We will have our meeting on Sunday, February 8, 2009 after the 10:30 church service. Our program is a Call to Prayer and Self Denial. Devotions will be led by Joanne McCartney. All women are welcome to attend. Please remember to bring your thank offering.</p><p>The Busy Bees</p><p>The Busy Bee sewers will gather on the Thursdays of February 5 and 19 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the church parlor.</p><p>The greatest words ever spoken...the greatest miracles ever done...and the greatest sacrifice ever given. Let the greatness and glory of the life of Jesus Christ fill you with His life- changing love. Behold the Lamb is a powerful presentation of the timeless message of the Savior, that “whoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life!”</p><p>Baden United Methodist Church presents Behold the Lamb at the Sight and Sound Theatre</p><p>May 2-3, 2009 Join us on this fun-filled 2-day bus trip to Lancaster, PA</p><p>Trip includes: Show Ticket for May 2, @ 7:30pm Bus transportation 1 night lodging at the Heritage Hotel Dinner buffet Hot breakfast</p><p>Double Rate: $219.00 Triple Rate: $194.00 Single Rate: $269.00</p><p>Deposit of $125.00 due by February 15th. Deposit is non-refundable, but you may find someone to take your place.</p><p>Final payment is due by March 15th.</p><p>Please make checks payable to Travel Junction</p><p>Contacts: Escorted by: Bill and Elaine Alberts Travel Junction Travel Agency 724-869-2213 192 Ohio River Blvd Ambridge, PA 15003 724-266-5715 / 800-366- 5715</p><p>All proceeds will go toward the BUMC Mission Share</p><p>`</p><p>...... </p>

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