Property of the Watertown Historical Society TZovonwatertownhistoricalsociety.org Xlimee Vol. 50 No. 28 - PUBLISHED BY PRIME PUBLISHERS, INC. July 21,1994 i 40 Pages Price 65 cents Serving Watertown and Oakville Since 1947 Oakville Green Moves Closer to Goal Sale of Bricks as Mememtos Going Well by Susan Faber unanimously Monday to author- responsibilities including its share The Oakville Green Commit- ize Town Manager John Salo- ofCne construction cost that will tee has cleared a few more impor- monc to sign the agreement, equal 20 percent of the total tant hurdles in its quest to start which will go back for eventual S150,000 estimated expenditure. construction of the small park approval. "It won't be a cash outlay," planned for the Riverside and The project, which calls for explained Mr. Salomone, who Main streets area. the installation of trees, peren- said the $30,000 encompasses in- The town received the draft of nial plants, ground cover plant- kind services to be performed by an agreement last week between ings, sidewalks and a war memo- the town'sPublic Works Depart- the slate and the town for the rial, is in the state's final review ment construction, inspection and phase, Mr. Salomone said. Both In another long-awaited de- maintenance of the Green, which federal and state project numbers velopment, preliminary design will use federal funds under the have been assigned to the proj- plans for the park were returned enhancement component of the ect. by the state Department of Engi- Surface Transportation Program. The agreement outlines the neering with comments, which The Town Council voted town's fiscal and administrative (Continued on page 7) Recreation Area Sought on French Mountain Road by Susan Faber on Tuesday. Mr. Fisher repre- the permit, it wouldn't have a The owners of a 20-acre prop- sents the property owners, Ralph problem. We plan to open as soon erty on French Mountain Road Barilla and Joe Oliver. the building is completed. are seeking to open a recreation "We want to have a family "It should not be a problem center, in adherence to a 1973 recreation area where moms, dads for the neighbors," Mr. Fisher special permit which allows ath- and kids can come," the attorney said. "I would hope people will letic activities to be held there. continued. be reasonable. We will try to be Plans to open a country west- He said, "The commission good neighbors." em dance club on the site re- agrees as long as activities arc Planning and Zoning commis- ceived criticism from neighbors limited to those that fall within (Continued on page 8) at a recent Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, and com- mission members refused to Day Care Zoning Hearing July 27 consider opening such an estab- by Susan Faber lishment under the previous spe- A public hearing on a proposal for changing the zoning regula- cial permit which pertained only tions for day care centers will be held on Wednesday, July 27,at7:30 POWERFUL IMAGES: Actor Larry Hunt dons the mask of an old to golf, tennis, swimming and in the Polk School cafeteria, Buckingham Street. man during a performance for children at Camp Jonathan, a similar clubs. Peg Anderson, director of the Learning Circle Children's Center, programfor bereaved children run this summer by hospice, Project "There is no plan to have a her staff and many parents are fighting for an amendment to the Care, Inc. at the United Methodist Church. Masks can help people country and western establish- regulations so day care centers can be zoned through a special usage discover things about themselves, according to Mr. Hunt, who ment," said Attorney Bob Fisher (Continued on page 7) sculpts all the masks he wears during performances in this country and abroad. As he was sculpting the old man mask out of clay, Mr. Hunt said he saw different emotions and attitudes emerge. — Times When Hopes Were High .... Photo, Faber Automobile Tax Hikes Due to Statewide Change by Susan Faber Watertown taxpayers concerned thattheirautomobile taxes went up this year are not alone. In all but four municipalities, a new statewide system has adjusted the tax on some cars, resulting in increases in some cases. Resident John Quinn noticed that the assessed value of his car had gone up, producing a $3 hike in his tax bill. Watertown-Oakvillc Taxpayers Association President Frank Me Hale said his assessment increased by S475 this year. "Why weren't we told before the referendum that automobile taxes were going up?" Mr. Quinn asked Town Council members at Monday's meeting. "I think we should have been notified." Resident Daniel Zuraitis complained that a car bought for $300 may be assessed at $1,100. "It's taxation without justification," Mr. Zuraitis said. "I sympathize with them," commented Town Manager John Salomone later. "We were following the state guidelines. Only certain older models went up. Some were depreciated, some in- creased, some adjusted. The adjustments were relatively minimal." Membersof Oakville'sltalian-AmericancommunityandCercemaggiore Community Club gathered in If an assessment for a Watertown resident goes up by $500, he downtown Oakville Sunday afternoon to form a spirited caravan of cars and trucks—many decorated explained, it is multiplied by the .01923 mill rate to equal a $9.61 tax with bunting, streamers, banners and Italian flags — that would take them on a horn-blowing hike. procession to Waterbury's Pontelandolfo Club where the World Cup soccer final between Italy and The new system aims to make automobile assessments consistent d Brazil was being shown in television. To the heartbreak of many, though, the Azzwi lost to Brazil on throughout the state, town officials said. penalty kicks after a 0-0 scoreless tie during 120 minutes of play. — Times Photo, Valuckas (Continued on page 8) 2 - Town TimesProperty, July 21,1994 of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.orgHbt offth Prices on MeatCenter USDA Choice Steaks HEMINWAY PLACE Boneless 485 Main Street, Watertown, Ct. • 274-2714 PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 20 - JULY 26 SIRLOIN WED THURS FRI SAT SUN MON TUES 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 STEAK 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm $ 2.69 Ib Fresh Lean Semi-Boneless GROUND CHUCK $ $ RIB STEAK 3.89 Ib or PATTIES Ib 1.59 Top Round US * Fresh Lean LONDON BROIL. 2.49, PEPPER & ONION $ PATTIES 1.79 Thin Sliced (From the Round) SANDWICH Grade A Whole or Split g . STEAK '2.99 Ib CHICKEN BREAST 11 .29 Tender Round I $ USDA CHOICE ROASTS CUBE STEAK 2.49 Ib RUMP ROAST GREAT ON THE GRILL! EYE ROUND Kahn's NATURAL CASING ROAST Ib $ FRANKS 3ib. Box 5.99. BOTTOM RO ROAST Hillshire KIELBASA $ SIRLOIN TIP 4.99 ROAST DELI DEPARTMENT Land O' Lakes AMERICAN CHEESE *2,29 California Carando $ is .99. Iceberg $ GENOA or $ LETTUCE • 69e HARD SALAMI 2.69. GREEN $ PEPPERS Hudson gA Mts. •59 California 1 Ib. pkg. TURKEY BREAST 2.49 .b Super Select § Baby Peeled : Wunderbar $ CUCUMBERS ....3/ .99 CARROTS 99 BOLOGNA .99, I Rignt reserved tolirnit quantities • Not responsibleror typographical errors J Property of the Watertown Historical SocietyTown Times, July 21,199 4 - 3 Friendlywatertownhistoricalsociety.org Neighbors Index - Name: Andrea Evcnski Births 16 Residence: Walertown Cable 5 Shows 28 Bishop's Tavern Part Occupation: Camp Director For five summers now, one of— Calendar 30 of Town's History if not Uic most familiar face ai Waicr- Churches 15-16 page 6 town High — belongs to Andrea Classifieds 33-39 Evcnski. Over that period of time. Crossword Puzzle 21 Business Center Director Miss Evcnski has overseen the large Editorials 4 groups of youths who descend upon Addresses Group WHS for some summer recreation at Engagements 17 page 13 the Ulira-Camp. Fire Log 17 "We separate the kids according Letters 5 Local Reps at CAR to age," she said. 'The interests arc diverse, especially when you have a Legal Notices 32-33 Regional Meeting group which ranges in age from six Musical Notes 19 page 20 to 13." Obituaries 14 A typical day for Andrea and her Personal Possibilities 35 Honor Rolls for campers starts with an arts and crafts Real Estate 30-31 seminar in the morning, then some Swift and WHS soccer or kickball before a lunch Restaurants 29 page 32 break, then hit the pool. Senior Scene 18 Are the kids somewhat hot to Sports 23-26 handle at times? Weddings 16 'They're not really bad at all," she observed, who on any given day, may be overseeing a group as large as 50. Andrea is a lifelong resident of Watcrtown, and graduated from It's Outdoor Portrait Time WHS in 1992. She will be attending UConn in the fall as a pre-med ma- jor, and hopes to become a pediatri- cian. "I like living in Waterlown," says Andrea. "It's a nice town." 'A Brit Cars and 'Lithuania Now' Tonight at VFW Cycle 'Feast' The Lithuanian Heritage Group will present "Lithuania Now," a This Month talk and slide show by featured speaker Sister Barbara Valuckas, BETHLEHEM—The fourth SSND, Ph.D., today (Thursday) at 7:30 p.m. at the Oakville VFW annual British MADDness all- Post 7330,85 Davis Street, Oakville. The program is open to the public at no charge. The program has i British car and motorcycle show and fund-raiser will take place been switched from the original site of Swift Junior High School.
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