Glasgow City Council s1

Glasgow City Council s1

<p> EARLY YEARS ADMISSIONS AND CHARGING</p><p>INFORMATION FOR PARENTS/CARERS Understanding your invoice</p><p>1. What will I be invoiced for?</p><p>1.1 Eligibility of Children Aged 3 Years Dates (As Determined by Scottish Government)</p><p>Children aged 3 years of age become eligible for government funded places at the start of the term following their third birthday. However, there are some restrictions upon this:</p><p>Child’s Date of Birth is on or between: Date Eligible for a free part time nursery place: 1 March to 31 August August (Autumn Term) 1 September to 31 December January (Spring Term) 1 January to 28 February April (Summer Term)</p><p>In Council nurseries, where capacity allows, children may be admitted from the day of their third birthday and will be charged for the total hours used up to the date funding is applied. </p><p>1.2 Eligible Three Year Olds and Four Year Olds</p><p>All eligible children aged three, and all children aged four are currently entitled to a free part time nursery place of 15 hours under the government’s arrangements for pre school education. In excess of national guidance, Glasgow City Council establishments provide a free nursery place for up to five three hour sessions per week, term time only during the course of the academic year. Any additional hours accessed over and above a child’s free entitlement will be chargeable. </p><p>There are 3 ’terms’ in an academic year, typically August-December; January-March; April-June. Collectively, these periods are referred to as ‘term time’. During school holiday periods there is NO entitlement to free part time provision for three and four year olds. Families will be required to pay for ALL hours of nursery provision accessed during this time. </p><p>From the first day of the new term when a child becomes eligible for their free part time nursery place, a maximum of 15 hours per week reduction will be made from the chargeable provision. This reduction will be applied on the first invoice after the new term has begun. </p><p>1.3 Children under the Age of Three</p><p>There is NO entitlement to free provision for children under the age of three years. Families will be required to pay for ALL hours of nursery provision accessed, in line with the Admissions and Charging Policy.</p><p>1.4 Deferred Entry to School </p><p>A ‘recommendation for deferred school entry’ form should be completed for All deferred entry children birthdates and passed to the Early Years Service Manager for authorisation. </p><p>Children with January/February birthdates are entitled to defer entry to school should their parents wish it and will receive a continued, funded, part-time place at either a GCC nursery OR a partner nursery. </p><p>Applications for children outwith January/February birthdates will also be considered however there is no automatic entitlement to funding. </p><p>Any additional hours over the funding entitlement will be charged at the appropriate rate.</p><p>Where an application to defer is NOT agreed, or where it is simply a matter of parental preference (i.e. there is no involvement from Education Psychological Services), the parent will be required to fund the place themselves.</p><p>1.5 Meals and Snacks</p><p>Additional charges may be applied for meals and snacks provided by Cordia.</p><p>2 2. How will my invoice be calculated?</p><p>There are two different types of place available at Early Years Establishments; your invoice will be calculated based either as a term time provision or as a full year provision.</p><p>Where your child’s placement commences part way through a year, you will be invoiced in advance from the commencement date and at 4 weekly intervals thereafter. The total number of invoices you receive will be adjusted accordingly. </p><p>Where a placement terminates part way through the year, the number of invoices you receive will be adjusted accordingly. You must note that at least 4 weeks notice should be given to terminate a placement. If you do not give 4 weeks notice of termination, charges will still apply for this period. </p><p>2.1 Term Time Provision This is when your child only attends during the school term. There are 38 chargeable weeks in the term time year. Over this time you will receive 10 invoices, the first 9 invoices will be calculated on the basis of the provision of the service over a 4 week period based on the number of additional hours you have agreed to purchase. The final invoice will represent the remaining 2 weeks and will include any adjustments that require to be made such as the provision of additional hours, meals or snacks. The invoices are issued 4 weekly and in advance of the provision of service. </p><p>The meals or snacks your child receives will be calculated in the same way. The total number of meals or snacks over the 38 weeks will be averaged over the invoices you receive. </p><p>The averaging of all charges across the number of invoices you will receive ensures the amount payable will not significantly change, unless adjustments are made to number of hour’s provision you access. </p><p>2.2 Full Year Provision This is when your child attends all year round, i.e. during term time and school holiday periods. There are 44 chargeable weeks for full year provision ie 52 weeks minus 8 weeks where the service is not available. The 8 weeks deduction includes 4 weeks for Public holidays and in-service days and includes the 4 “payment holiday” weeks when you will not be charged for service provision. The “payment holiday” is automatically deducted, irrespective of when you actually take these holidays. Over this time you will receive 11 invoices for 4 weeks provision based on the number of additional hours you have agreed to purchase. </p><p>There will be a 12 th invoice issued if your child is three or four years old and entitled to the free 15 hours part time nursery place. As the free 15 hours part time place is applicable during term time only, this 12 th invoice will represent the 15 hours for the 6 week period where funding is not available ie 44 chargeable weeks for full year provision less 38 weeks term time = 6 weeks. This final invoice will contain hourly charges of 90 hours (6 weeks x 15 hrs) at the applicable rate. </p><p>The meals or snacks your child receives will be calculated in the same way. The total number of meals or snacks over the 44 weeks will be averaged over the invoices you receive. You should note that if you choose to send your child to the early years establishment during “payment holiday” weeks you will be charged for any meals or snacks. Charges for these meals and snacks will be added to your final invoice of the year. </p><p>2.3 Conditions of Placement Form You should be asked to sign a ‘conditions of placement’ form at the nursery which will provide you with your total weekly charge. The information on your invoice should be this weekly charge x 4 weeks</p><p>3. How do I pay? </p><p>There are a number of ways to pay your Early Years Charges. Full details of how to pay are detailed on the back of your invoice or are available from Please ensure evidence of payment is retained as this may be required if payment disputes arise.</p><p>Direct Debit – The Easiest and Most Convenient Way to Pay! Direct Debit is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to pay your early years charges. When you choose this method of payment it means:  No queues, No paperwork, No cheques, No postage , No need for internet access</p><p>3 When you receive your invoice you will be advised when the payment will come out of your bank account. This will save you time and means you don’t have to worry about forgetting to pay. Even if your charges change, we will automatically change the amount we deduct, so there is no need for you to contact your bank. </p><p>Every Direct Debit is protected by three main safeguards: an immediate money back guarantee from the bank or building society if an error is made, advance notice from the organisation if the date or the amount of the Direct Debit changes and ultimately, the right to cancel.</p><p>You can access a direct debit mandate from your early years establishment, or telephone the Customer Business Services on 0141 287 8316 to request this. </p><p>You should return completed Direct Debit Mandate in Freepost envelope to: Freepost Glasgow City Council Customer Business Services DD</p><p>A Direct Debit Mandate must be received by Customer Business Services two weeks before the Direct Debit uplift date to ensure the Direct Debit is collected from your bank account on uplift date.</p><p>Any outstanding payments due prior to Direct Debit uplift date: must be paid manually or arrangements can be agreed with Customer Business Services to uplift payments. </p><p>No acknowledgement is sent to you by Customer Business Services on receipt of completed Direct Debit Mandate. Direct Debits can be set up: * at 4 weekly intervals (not monthly or weekly). * to pay aged debt where the total invoice amount is due. * to pay part paid invoices E.g. Invoice total £100 of which £50 has been paid. Direct Debit can be set up to pay balance of £50. (arrangements for this facility can be set up by calling the Customer Business Services)</p><p>Direct Debits cannot be set up: * To pay part payments to invoices due other than above. E.g. invoice total £100 of which customer wishes to pay £50 by Direct Debit leaving a balance of £50 to pay.</p><p>You will receive notification confirming your Direct Debit is set up in the form of a Statement, not an invoice. The base section of statement shows details of when Direct Debit will be deducted and amount. (On or around date) </p><p>When a Direct Debit is set up for, this method of payment will continue to be used to pay invoices raised against your account until invoices cease to be issued. E.g. Direct Debit set up for last term invoices: If your child returns to Nursery new term, Direct Debits will continue to be deducted from your bank account for invoices raised. No revised Direct Debit Mandates will be required by SSC.</p><p>If child does not return to nursery for the new August term, Direct Debits will cease on payment of final invoice for the last term. Please note: Customers should ensure they instruct the bank to cancel any further Direct Debits when child has left nursery. </p><p>3.2 Internet Payments Payments can be made online using credit or debit card by visiting Glasgow City Council web site online services section. Select Online payment, choose Pay a Bill. Follow the instructions for invoice payments to pay your early years invoice.</p><p>3.3 Telephone Payments Telephone 0845 609 4040, where staff can accept payments from 09:00hrs to 16:45hrs (Monday to Thursday) and 09:00hrs to 16:00hrs (Friday).</p><p>3.4 Bank Giro Credit Each invoice issued to you will contain a Bank Giro Credit tear off slip. You can take this with your payment in cash or cheque to any bank or Post Office. Please note that a charge may be levied for this service. </p><p>4 3.5 Postal Payments Payments by cheque and Postal Order should be sent to the Collecting Office, PO Box 36, 45 John Street, Glasgow, G1 1JE. Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable to Glasgow City Council and crossed. Please remember to include the Bank Giro Credit tear off slip which is on the invoice you receive. You must also ensure you write your unique SAP Reference Number, name and invoice number on the back of your cheque or Postal Order. </p><p>3.6 Payment in Person Payments by cash, cheque, Postal Order, debit and credit card are accepted at the Collecting Office, 45 John Street, Glasgow, G1 1JE. Opening hours are from 09.00 to 16.00 (Monday to Thursday) and 09.00 to 15.30 (Friday).</p><p>3.7 BACS/CHAPS Payments Payments can be made using the following details, quoting your unique SAP Reference Number and invoice number: Bank: Royal Bank of Scotland Account Name: GCC SAP Accounts Receivable Sort Code: 834400 Bank Account No: 00217691</p><p>3.8 Childcare Vouchers Glasgow City Council is currently registered with 14 childcare voucher providers. Your invoice can be settled using such vouchers in the following way:</p><p> By Post: These should be submitted to the Early Years Voucher Payments, Glasgow City Council, Education Services, Centenary House, 100 Morrison Street, Glasgow G5 8LN.  Electronically: Via your childcare provider.  When submitting vouchers by either method, you must always provide your unique customer number (found on the top right corner of your invoice) along with your child’s name and establishment. Allocation of your payments will be delayed without this information.</p><p>It is worthwhile noting that using electronic vouchers is a more secure and timelier process than using papers vouchers. When using childcare vouchers, it normally takes 3/5 days for your payment to reach our bank account and from the date your vouchers are received, it can take up to 7 working days to process the payment to your account.</p><p>If the value of your vouchers is less than the amount on your invoice, you must settle the balance of the invoice immediately. If you do not do so, this will result in arrears, causing your placement to be withdrawn, or in the case of eligible three and four year olds, reduced to statutory entitlement. </p><p>Finally, always keep a record/reference number for all payments made.</p><p>3.9 College/University Placements £2.20 rate applies if colleges/university are paying the childcare element. £1.10 rate applies where the college/university are not funding the childcare element and the student is funding childcare themselves. </p><p>Student should advise the establishment of the following: Name, address and telephone number of contact at College/University, course of study and attendance (part time /full time course)</p><p>A copy of Conditions of Placement form should be submitted to the college/university</p><p>Students should receive written confirmation of charges to be paid by college/university and should ensure college/university forward written confirmation to Early Years Team, 100 Morrison Street, G5 8LN to ensure accuracy of invoicing sent to student. </p><p>Students will receive all Early Years invoices and are responsible for payment. </p><p>4. Who Do I Contact if I have any Queries about my Invoice?</p><p>In the first instance all queries should be made to the head of the early years’ establishment your child attends. Where the head of establishment is unable to fully answer your enquiry they will consult with the Early Years Team to ensure you receive a response. </p><p>5 5. What happens if I don’t pay my Early Years Charges?</p><p> o You will receive contact from Customers Business Services by telephone to alert you of arrears and encourage payment for each outstanding invoice o You will receive a Final Demand after 21 days of non payment o You will receive a Notice of Recovery Proceedings letter after 42 days of non payment o Thereafter, Legal and Debt Management procedures will apply</p><p>If payment is not subsequently forthcoming, you will receive notification that your placement has been withdrawn, or in the case of eligible three and four year olds, reduced to the statutory entitlement. Subsequent payment does not guarantee the reinstatement of your place or pattern of attendance.</p><p>No additional hours will be offered where customers have any outstanding debt.</p><p>For any further information please contact: Glasgow City Council Early Years Team 100 Morrison Street Glasgow G5 8LN Telephone: 0141 287 4702</p><p>6. Early Years Charging Rates 2010/2011</p><p>The charges for early year’s provision will vary according to family circumstances. Your early year’s establishment will clarify the charging rate applicable to you. </p><p>Glasgow Resident Standard Rate £2.20 per Hour Glasgow Resident Reduced Rate £0.55 per Hour Glasgow Resident Kinship Carer Rate £0.55 per Hour Glasgow Resident College/University Rate £2.20 per Hour Glasgow Resident UK Student Rate £1.10 per Hour Glasgow Resident Second Child Rate £1.75 per Hour Glasgow Resident Third Child Rate £1.40 per Hour Non Glasgow Resident Rate £3.30 per Hour</p><p>Meals and Snacks Lunch £1.15 per Meal Snacks £0.25 per Snack Breakfast £0.50 per Meal</p><p>All charges, including those for meals and snacks are subject to annual review and any changes will be notified by the head of your early years’ establishment. </p><p>6.1 Invoice and uplift dates No of invoices 4 Weekly Direct Debit Uplift Dates Issued Invoice Dates (on or around)</p><p>1. 16/08/2010 10/09/2010 2. 13/09/2010 08/10/2010 3. 11/10/2010 05/11/2010 4. 08/11/2010 03/12/2010 5. 06/12/2010 31/12/2010 6. 03/01/2011 28/01/2011 7. 31/01/2011 25/02/2011 8 28/02/2011 25/03/2011 9. 28/03/2011 22/04/2011 10. 25/04/2011 20/05/2011 (Final invoices for term time attendance) 11. 23/05/2011 17/06/2011 (Final invoice full year – non funded children) 12. 20/06/2011 15/07/2011 (Final invoice for full year –funded children) </p><p>6</p>

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