HAROLD E. STASSEN REUNION SPEAKER 21 0 MINNESOTA MINNESOTA Continuing the Minnesota Alumni Weeldy which was estab­ IN THIS ISSUE- lished in 1901. Published monthly from October through April, and hi-monthly May-June and July-August, by the Minnesota Alumni Association, 205 Coffman Union, University of Minne­ sota, Minneapolis 14. Member of the American Alumni Council. Page EDITORIAL .. , .. 211 Vol. 49 April,1950 No.8 Have You Voted? THOMAS C. BUXTON, '40Ex . Edilor LETTERS . 211 THE MINNESOTA' ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Edwin L. Haisle, . 31Ed Executive Secretary Executive Committee Alumni R elations Executive Staff RELIGION ON THE CAMPUS 212 Edwin L. Haislet '3 1 Ed . Director Arthur O. Lampland Tbomas C. BuxtOn '30BBA;'34LLB . ... Presiden, '40Ex MINNESOTA Harvey Nelson Vincent R. Reis '25Md First Vice Presideo, '41-'4 7Gr Field Represe ntative SCHOLARSHIP REVIEW, 1949-50 213 Rudolph Elstad Gerald Friedel! -19IT . .. Second Vice Presiden, '47 .. Membership Secretary Accomplishments of First Alumni Scholarship Mayoard Pirsig '25LLB .. Secretary James Morris '49IT Ulldergraduace Secretary Winners Mnulf Ueland '17 ... _ . Treasurer Eleanor Willi,s, Arthur R. Hustad '19Ex . .. Records D ivision ' 16 . .. .. Past Presideo, Ruby Robbins .. Mailing Division Mrs. Leo W. Fink '21Md Teresa Fitzgerald Edwin L. Haislet ' 18Ex ... Ollice Secretary GREATER UNIVERSITY FUND REPORT 215 List of 1949 Donors Board of D irectors Term e,,(>ir8J 19.50: Valdimar Bjornson '30; Ben M. Bros '23IT; MaIcia EdwaIds '3IMA;'35PhD; Rudolph Eisrad '19IT; Mrs. Leo W . Fink '21Md; Maynard E. Pirsig '25LLB; Charles Sommers '90. TUDENT LIFE AT MINNESOTA 223 T.,m 6,,(>ir6J 1951 ' Willi am Anderson ' 13; Arthur R. Hustad '16; Lawrence E. ( Duke) Johnson '29IT; Joho F. McGovern ' llLLB; Owen H . Wangensteen '22Md;'25PbD ; HaJold E. Wood '23; Wells J. Wrigh' '36LLB. MAA ELECTION BALLOT 224 Term e"pireJ 1 952: Theodore Cbrisrianson '37LLB; Mrs. H arold S. Eberhard, '31; Anhur O. Lampland '30BBA;'34LLB; Prancis L. (Pug) Second Printing to Be Sure You Vote Lund '35Ex; Harvey Nelson '25Md; John S. Pillsbury, Jr., '40LLB; Arnulf Ueland '17. R6preI61J'aJ;1I ~J on Senate Commit"d on 1nIM,ollegial' Athletics: Roben Shay '24-27, and Don Lampland '39IT. Re(>reJensali". Of! Senate Com­ m;lIe. 0" Stud.", A/Ja;rJ: Mrs. Harold S. Eberbardt '31. RepreJ"'lali"e 1950 ALUMNI REUNION 225 0" U"iOf! Board 0/ GO"Br"orJ: Thomas Salmen '41. St",.ai"g Comm;lIe. Chairmen: A,hletics, Roben Shay '24-'27. Invesemenes, Arnulf Ueland '17. Detailed Program, Speaker, Committee on 'he Advisory Committee, George Leaby '23-'27. Calendar of Events Honorary Life Board Members PnJt PreJide"tJ: William F. Braascb 'O O;'03Md; George Earl '06;'09Md; Arthur R. Hustad ' 16; Charles F. Keyes '96;'99LLB; Ben W. Palmer ' U ;'13LLB;'14MA; Erling S. PlatOu '19;'21Md; Edgar F. Zelle '13. DISTRICT SCHOLARSHIP MEETING 228 Pail T,.aJurer: Thomas P. Wallace '93;·95LLB. Activity to Select 1950-51 Winners Honorary Life Association Members Dr. J . L. Morrill, President of 'he University; E. B. Pierce, former Director of Alumni Relations. THE ALUMNI CLUBS 230 GREATER UNIVERSITY FUND They're Booming; Four Pages of Chlb News Stanley J. Wenberg '4IEd;'47MA Fuod DirectOr Boa rd of Trustees Alumni : Arthur R. HuStad '16, Chairman; Elmer E. Engelbert '20; MINNE OT A PROFILES 234 John K. Fesler '24, '26 LLB; Parker L. Sanders ' 18; Mrs. Arnulf Ue­ land '17. Universiry Adminisuation : President J . L. Morrill, Vice President William T . Middlebrook, Vice Presiden, Malcolm M. Willey. Pred B. PORT 235 Snyder 'SI, Ch.ICman of Board nf Regents. Edwin L. Haisle, '3 1Ed Board Secre,ary Ba eball Training Trip; Winter port En[C~ red as second class matter at [he POSt office in Mioneapolis. Roundup Minn. under Act of Congress nf Marcb 3, 1879. Annual due. of tbe A ssoc ,~tion are S3 o f which $2 constitutes a year's ubsc ripcion to the MINNESOTA Subscription Inr nnn·members : $<I per YeaJ. National ad­ vertiSing representative: Amerlc3n Alumni Magazines Group. 22 \Vashiog. ARO ND AND ABO T WITH THE AL MNI 23 ton Square N, New York 11. N . Y.; phnne GRamercy 5-2039. 211 APRIL. 1950 LETTERS * To *Grearer Universicy Fund: Enclosed you will find my cbeck for che Greater Universicy Fund. orry ir couldn'r By EDWIN L. HAISLEY '31Ed be ren times the amOUD( for chis is tbe Director of Alumni Relations greatesr projecr the alumni ever undertook and I'm glad I had a parr in irs inceprion. fore power ro you. E. B. PIERCE Have You Voted? ELECTED IN ST. PAUL Theodore ChrislianJOn ' 3'B L&LlB. member of rhe MAA T'S ANNUAL eleerion time for all members of the MinnesOta Alumni board of direcrors, Association. To be able to vote for those you want to direct the activities I and two other Minne­ of your aSSoCIatiOn is a privilege and a dury. There was a time in the affairs ota alumni, Thom.as of the association when the criticism was leveled that because only life ( 50) F. Ellerbe 1913-15, members could vote, it was a closed corporation. Now the constitution calls and Carl A. BralIJober for the election of 21 Board of DirectOrs members-seven to be elected an­ 191 - -I , are among ually for three years by ballot appearing in the alumni publication. 10 men newly elected ro the board of direc­ to This year in order that you would have ample opportuniry study the rors of the ~ [. Paul nominees, the list of candidates and their accomplishments was printed in the A sociation of Com­ March issue of the magazine (pages 187-188) as well as a ballOt (page 189). merce. They will take The ballot i~ again printed in this issue of MINNE OTA-Voice of the office April 12 ar rbe Christian,on Alumni, 0 that if you didn't vote last month, you will be reminded to vote now. association's aD n u a 1 dinner. The board has 33 member . The nominees were carefully cho en by a nominating committee named by President Lampland. They met several times and deliberated carefully on each name selected-and with every effort being made to maintain balance on UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR the board in respect to graduating class, college and sex. CONTINUATION STUDY Last year, I'm ashamed to admit, only 1 % of the membership ored for the directOrs, with the majoriry of vores coming from our alumni outside the state of Minnesota. ertainly we have a much more interested and a participat­ April 17- 19-Gynecologr, for general phr­ sicians ing group than that 100 indicates. In faer, the accelerated alumni program ha been possible only because of the real interest and participation of our alumni April 20·22- rdio ascular Diseases, for general phy ician throughout the state and nation. The re pon e to the new program ha been Apnl 21-22-Centennial Insritute of peech most enthusia tic-indicating that our alumni are anxious to take part In Corre tion alum ni affairs. April 2..j·~ < - ral urger), Therefore, if you are an MAA member and haven't voted, rum to page April 24-~ - ral Diagno i 124 before y u forget. Mark the ballot with seven name of your cl10ice, clip pril _ -25- tOry Telling In nture and mail to my office. Do ;1 /lOU'. A an aerive member of the Minne ora Ahmni Association your greatest responsibility i to vote for the direeror . April 26-T -Mental Health for Pro bare Judges Take part in tRe management of the as ciation by voting /lOU'. Aprd 28·29- hool Health for chool Health Director April 29- urslng dmlOistrame Prob- NEW LIFE MEMBERS lem far 1- 5- ooperanve fanagement em- Gerold H. )'rovy' 1MechE, Richland, Wa h. Inar George R. cot! 19 0- , Minneapoli fay 11 -13- emlnar in nglneerlng ·du· J. T . Kiharo '48DD , P catello, Idaho larion lay 11 - 13-Eye, Ear. ose, and Throar, ew 411IlUol members ( not rene al ) f r ,t::eneral phr IClans Feb. 16 to March 17, 1950 1 Mar 15-16- lateraal and Infant Health for ew anllual lIIembers ( not rene al ) HospItal ur ing ' taff ince ct. 1 1949 1,_9 far 1-- aneer. for Denti t Total MAA member hip a of March 17 1 ,156 ?-!ay IH-20-lndu UI.ll ur 109 Mal' 1H - ~O - Llbrar) 1n mut 212 MINNESOTA ~~ (Ut~~et4 T wo N ew Members On Scholarship Committee Two public school executives who Protestant Youth Active also are MinnesOta alumni, have been added ro the University SCholarship Episcop alian Presbyterian Congregational Committee, making it an eight-man body for the final selection of 90 per­ This is the fifth in a series of articles on the 22 religiolls organizations sons ro receive MinnesOta Alumni acth'e on tbe University's Twin Cities campttSes, Freshman Scholarships and Josephine L Merriam Scholarships. By LUCILLE HARMEL They are Ralph W, Begstrom '40- Dan forth Graduate Fellow MA, of Hutchinson, president of the Minnesota Association of Secondary EPISCOP ALlAN Curtis Wilson is student president, School Principals, and James K , the Rev. James Boren, direcror, and i"ritchie '36MA, of Hibbing, president PISCOP AllAN students at the Mrs. Doris Anderson, associa ~ e di­ of the MinnesOta Council of School University of MinnesOta have the E rector. Executives. They were added after the opportunity for worship, instruCtion, committee was designated for selec­ giving, service, and inter-faith cooper­ tion of the Merriam scholarship win­ ation at St. Timothy's House, and Holy CONGREGATIONAL ners, as well as the alumni sponsored Trinity Church, 317 Seventeenth Ave, freshman scholarships. S.E., Minneapolis. Canterbury Club, Congregational students gather on The Others of the committee are: Episcopal student organization, ha; the third floor of the University Bap­ Morris Bye '40MA, chairman; T.
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