
<p>TEMPUS PROJECT JPCR 530194-2012</p><p>Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Sources and Environmental Impacts-master study, "ENERESE”</p><p>BOOK OF SUBJECT CONTENTS</p><p>1.</p><p>1 Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and its Study programme: environmental impacts Type and study level: Academic master study Course title: Energy and exergy sources Lecturer: Gradimir S. Ilić, Dragoljub S. Živković Subject’s code: ЕЕОИ11 Year: 1 Semester: 1 Subject’s type: Obligatory ECTS credits: 6 Subject's purpose: A student is expected to acquire basic knowledge of energy and energy sources. Subject's outcome: Raising students' awareness of the fact that human civilization is based on energy and that energy has always been and will always be a global issue. Introducing students to the subject of energy sources, techniques of energy transformation from one form into another and state-of-the-art indicators for the assessment of the effectiveness of production and use of energy. Subject content: Theory classes Energy as a primitive concept. Principle of energy preservation, type and quality of energy, exergy and anergy. Solar energy, geothermal energy, wind energy as renewable energy sources. Fossil energy. Thermal energy as the lowest quality energy. Guy-Stodola principle. Referential environment, `Dead State` and balanced state concepts. Exergy dropping - entropy generation principle. Exergy share (part of energy to be converted into another form of energy) in physical, thermal, mechanical and chemical energy. Exergy analysis. Exergy production and consumption. Energy balancing for certina production systems and at the Serbian level as well. Elements of energy policy and strategy. Practical classes Computation (auditive) exercises Sugested literature: 1. Ilić G., Radojković N., Stojanović I., Termodinamika II – osnove prostiranja toplote, Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, Niš, 1996. 2. Bejan A., Tsatsaronis G., Moran M., Thermal Design and Optimization, Wiley & Sons; 1996 3. Szargut J., Morris D., Steward F., Exergy Analysis of Thermal, Chemical and Metalurgical processes, New York, Hemisphere Publ. Corp. 1986. 4. Bejan A., Entropy Generation Through Heat and Fluid Flow, Wiley & Sons, 1982 5. Brodyanskii M., Exergy Method of Thermodynamic Analysis, Energiya, Moscow, 1973 Active teaching (hours per week): 4 Lectures: 2 Excercises: 2 Lecturing methods: Lectures, exercises, home works, colloquia Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre exam activities points Final exam points Activity during the course 10 Writing exam 25 Practical training 10 Oral exam 25 Colloquia 30 Student’s duties: Attendance at all lectures and exercises, compulsory tests at colloquia</p><p>2 2. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and its Study programme: environmental impacts Type and study level: Academic master study Concept of energy efficiency and management - EU and Course title: national legislation`s prospective Lecturer: Ćemal B. Dolićanin, Bojan Kovačićć Subject’s code: ЕЕОИ12 Year: 1 Semester: 1 Subject’s type: Obligatory ECTS credits: 6 Subject's purpose: A student is expected to acquire basic knowledge of energy efficiency and energy management and to get acquainted with Serbian and EU regulations in those fields. Subject's outcome: Students will master the theoretical and practical knowledge required for understanding the energy efficiency and energy management concept and will be qualified for the practical application of acquired knowledge in their professional practice. Students will be introduced to current regulations in the field of energy efficiency in Serbia and the European Union. Subject content: Theory classes Concept and significance of energy efficiency. Fields and methods of the application of energy efficiency on the consumption side (buildings, industry, transport, communal energy, households). Co-generation. Energy efficiency indicators. Energy management principles. Role of energy managers. Directions for energy management at the local level. Regulations in the field of energy efficiency in Serbia and the European Union. ESCO models of EE financing. Еnergy efficiency awareness raising campaigns. Examples of successful practice in Serbia and the world. Practical classes Computation exercises totally adapted to lectures. Sugested literature: 1. Strategija razvoja energetike Republike Srbije do 2015. godine, Ministarstvo rudarstva i energetike Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2005. 2. Capehart B., Turner W. Kennedy W., Guide to Energy Management, Fourth ed., The Fairmont Press, 2003. 3. http://ec.europa.eu/policies/energy_natural_resources_en.htm 4. Lambić M. i dr., Energetska efikasnost, Srbija solar, Zrenjanin, 2004. Kerzner H. Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling, VIII издање, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2003. Active teaching (hours per week): 4 Lectures: 2 Excercises: 2 Lecturing methods: Lectures, exercises, home works, consulting, colloquia Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre exam activities points Final exam points Activity during the 10 Writing exam 30 course Practical training Oral exam 20 Colloquia 20+20 Student’s duties: Attendance at all lectures and exercises, compulsory tests at colloquia</p><p>3.</p><p>3 Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and its Study programme: environmental impacts Type and study level: Academic master study Course title: Energy efficiency in buildings Lecturer: Dragoslav M. Šumarac, Milivoje M. Milanović Subject’s code: ЕЕОИ13 Year: 1 Semester: 1 Subject’s type: Obligatory ECTS credits: 6 Subject's purpose: A student is expected to acquire basic knowledge of energy efficiency in buildings. Subject's outcome: Students will master the required knowledge in various fields related to energy efficiency in buildings. They will be qualified to assess in technical and economic terms and propose measures required for issues of efficient use of energy in building and to use hardware and software technologies in the analysis of the energy efficiency of buildings. The subject will described required procedures for licencing engineers qualified for the certification of the energy efficiency of buildings and for licencing companies in charge of issuing certificates for the energy efficiency of buildings. Subject content: Theory classes Energy balance of buildings. Building envelope. Ventilation and air-conditioning, heating and cooling systems in buildings. Light in buildings. Energy efficiency of electrical devices. Centralized energy management in buildings and control. Microcogeneration. Renewable energy sources application in buildings. Comfort parameters. Energy efficiency measures in buildings. Енеrgy examinations and certification of buildings. Green and passive buildings. Examples of successful practice in Serbia and the world. Practical classes Computation exercises totally adapted to lectures. Sugested literature: 1. Todorović B., Projektovanje postrojenja za centralno grejanje, Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd, 2009 2. Sašo Medved, Građevinska Fizika (prevod sa slovenačkog), Državni univerzitet u Novom Pazaru, 2013 3. Strategija razvoja energetike Republike Srbije do 2015. godine, Ministarstvo rudarstva i energetike Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2005. 4. DIRECTIVE 2010/31/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings, 2010 Active teaching (hours per week): 4 Lectures: 2 Excercises: 2 Lecturing methods: Lectures, exercises, home works, colloquia Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre exam activities points Final exam points Activity during the course 10 Writing exam 30 Practical training Oral exam 20 Colloquia 20+20 Student’s duties: Attendance at all lectures and exercises, compulsory tests at colloquia</p><p>4 4. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and its Study programme: environmental impacts Type and study level: Academic master study Course title: Digital systems of automatic control Lecturer: Vlastimir D. Nikolić, Ivan T. Ćirić Subject’s code: ЕЕОИ14 Year: 1 Semester: 1 Subject’s type: Obligatory ECTS credits: 6 Subject's purpose: Introducing students to various techniques of analysis and design of state-of-the-art digital control systems, with special emphasis on supervisory control in the field of energy systems. Subject's outcome: The content of this subject enables student to get acquainted with the basic approaches to the analysis and design of digital systems and their application aimed at raising energy efficiency. Subject content: Theory classes Digital and computation control. Digital control systems, structure and components. Discreet signals theory elements. Signal selection and reconstruction process. Transformation methods in the analysis of discreet systems. Discreet transmission function. State space concept in automatic control discreet systems modelling. Automatic control discreet systems stability. Digital systems components in energy. Industrial automatic control in energy based on PLC controller application. Distributed control, measuring and monitoring in energy, SCADA systems in energy. Practical classes Computation (auditive) exercises. Exercises on computers - working with Matlab programme package and its accessories for simulation, analysis and projection of digital automatic control systems. Sugested literature: 1. Nikolić V., Ćojbašić Ž., Pajović D., Automatsko upravljanje - analiza sistema, Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, Niš, 1996. 2. Stojić M. R., Digitalni sistemi automatskog upravljanja, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 1998. 3. Nikolić V., Ćojbašić Ž., Simonović M., Zbirka rešenih zadataka iz upravljanja sistemima, Mašinski fakultet u Nišu, 2007. 4. Naumović M., Zbirka rešenih zadataka iz digitalnih sistema upravljanja, Elektronski fakultet, Niš 5. Matijević M., Jakupović G., Car J., Računarsko podržano merenje i upravljanje, Mašinski fakultet u Kragujevcu, 2008 Active teaching (hours per week): 4 Lectures: 2 Excercises: 2 Lecturing methods: Lectures, exercises, home works, colloquia Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre exam activities points Final exam points Activity during the course 10 Writing exam 25 Practical training 10 Oral exam 25 Colloquia 30 Student’s duties: Attendance at all lectures and exercises, compulsory tests at colloquia</p><p>5 5а. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and its Study programme: environmental impacts Type and study level: Academic master study Course title: Energy impacts on environment Lecturer: Radomir R Biočanin, Irfan Ferhatović Subject’s code: ЕЕОИ15 Year: 1 Semester: 1 Subject’s type: elective ECTS credits: 6 Subject's purpose: Introducing students to various aspects of the energy sector's environmental impact Subject's outcome: Students will master the required knowledge in various fields related to energy environmental impact and will become qualified to envisage potentials and assess needs in terms of definition of relevant concrete actions of mitigation and adaptation in the sphere of climate changes. Subject content: Theory classes Basic aspects of environment protection. Regulations in the field of environment in Serbia and the EU. General framework of Serbia's and EU policy in the field of environment. Definition and importance of climate changes. Impacts and policies in the sphere of climate changes. Mitigation and adaptation actions, with special emphasis on energy. Examples from global practice. Practical exercises Practical exercises with case studies. Homework. Computation exercises totally adapted to lectures. Sugested literature: 1. Healey J., Climate Change, issues in society 184, The Spriney Press, Sydney, 2003. 2. Strategija razvoja energetike Republike Srbije do 2015. godine, Ministarstvo rudarstva i energetike Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2005. 3. Nacionalna strategija održivog razvoja do 2017., Vlada Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2008. 4. Zelena knjiga Elektroprivrede Srbije, Elektroprivreda Srbije, Beograd, 2009. Vodiči kroz EU politike – životna sredina, Evropski pokret u Srbiji, 2012. Active teaching (hours per week): 4 Lectures: 2 Excercises: 2 Lecturing methods: Lectures, exercises, home works, colloquia Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre exam activities points Final exam points Activity during the course 10 Writing exam 30 Practical training Oral exam 20 Colloquia 20+20 Student’s duties: Attendance at all lectures and exercises, compulsory tests at colloquia</p><p>6 5б. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and its Study programme: environmental impacts Type and study level: Academic master study Course title: Energy efficiency in transport Lecturer: Miroljub Tomić Subject’s code: ЕЕОИ16 Year: 1 Semester: 1 Subject’s type: elective ECTS credits: 6 Subject's purpose: A student should acquire and adopt the basic theoretical and practical knowledge of energy efficiency in road transport and the raising of energy efficiency of motor vehicles, as a dominant factor of the road transport and a negative environmental impact through exhaust fumes. That entails analysis of the economy of motor vehicle driving systems: internal combustion engines, electric driving systems and various types of hybrid driving systems. Subject's outcome: General skills: Understanding basic factors increasing the energy efficiency of a motor vehicle through its structure and organization of exploitation. Analyzing the degree of usefulness of internal combustion engines and alternative driving systems: electric driving systems and hybrid driving systems. Possibilities of application of alternative fuels and fuels from renewable sources and their impact on energy efficiency and environment.</p><p>Professional and subject skills: A student becomes qualifies for conducting basic calculations and analysis of energy losses in a vehicle and its driving systems, calculations for determining characteristics of a vehicle's driving system and structure, the basic calculation of the assessment of energy saving in hybrid driving systems and/or vehicle braking energy recuperation systems. Subject content: Theory classes 1. Introduction and basic concepts, 2. Required driving energy and fuel consumption; 3. Internal combustion engines and factors determining its economy; 4. Internal combustion engine fuels; 5. Electric driving systems and electric hybrid driving systems; 6. Energy recuperation in means of transport and machinery; 7. Hidraulic and pneumatic hybrid driving systems; 9. Fuel cells; 10. Latest trends in the development of driving systems; 11. Vehicle structure factors influencing energy efficiency; 12. Influence of maintenance and exploitation factors on a vehicle's energy efficiency</p><p>Practical classes Аuditory exercises: 1.Energy storage; 2. Аnаlysis of a model for the assessment of energy required for vehicle driving; 3. Analysis of working parameters of internal combustion engines 4. Еcological characteristics and fuels for internal combustion engines ; 5. Electrical hybrid driving systems; 6. Energy recuperation during vehicle braking; 6. Hidraulic and pneumatic hybrid driving systems, 8. Fuel cells; 9. Motor vehicle maintenance organization Sugested literature: 1. Miroljub Tomić, Stojan Petrović: Motori sa unutrašnjim sagorevanjem,Mašinski fakultet u Beogradu,ISBN 978-86-7083-646-4 2. L. Guzzella, A. Sciarretta: Vehicle Propulsion Systems, Springer Verlag 2007., ISBN 978-3-540-74691-1 3. R. Hodkinson, J. Fenton: Lightweight Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Design, Butterworth-Heinemann, A division of Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd, ISBN 0 7506 5092 3 Active teaching (hours per week): 4 Lectures: 2 Excercises: 2 Lecturing methods: Lectures, exercises, home works, colloquia Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre exam activities points Final exam points Activity during the course 10 Writing exam 30 Practical training Oral exam 20 Colloquia 20+20 Student’s duties: Attendance at all lectures and exercises, compulsory tests at colloquia</p><p>7 5в. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and its Study programme: environmental impacts Type and study level: Academic master study Course title: Urban and architectural aspects of energy efficiency Lecturer: Brano D. Glumac, Danilo Dragović Subject’s code: ЕЕОИ17 Year: 1 Semester: 1 Subject’s type: Elective ECTS credits: 6 Subject's purpose: A student should acquire basic knowledge in urban planning and architectural aspects of energy efficiency Subject's outcome: Mastering knowledge and methods for analysis and practical application in understanding, resolving technical issues, urban planning and design of buildings in accordance with the principles and techniques of energy efficiency and sustainable architecture. Subject content: State-of-the-art concepts in urban planning. Sustainable urban development. Energy efficiency principles in building plans. Integrated approach to building design. Elements of construction physics. Thermal characteristic of the building envelope. Thermal insulation. Windows, providing heat from solar radiation. Light in buildings. Energy certification of facilities. Green and passive buildings. Examples of successful practice of Serbia and the world. Practical exercises Practical exercises with case studies. Homework. Sugested literature: 1. Strategija razvoja energetike Republike Srbije do 2015. godine, Ministarstvo rudarstva i energetike Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2005. 2. Тhomas R., Sustainable urban design: an environmental approach, Spon Press, London, New York, 2005 3. Sašo Medved, Građevinska Fizika (prevod sa slovenačkog), Državni univerzitet u Novom Pazaru, 2013 4. Roaf S., Crichton D., Nicol F., Adapting buildings and cities for climate change: a 21st century survival guide, Architectural Press, Burlington, 2005 5. Grupa autora: Održiva gradnja i urbane oaze, OCD „Ecoist“, Beograd, 2012. 6. DIRECTIVE 2010/31/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings, 2010 Active teaching (hours per week): 4 Lectures: 2 Excercises: 2 Lecturing methods: Lectures, exercises, home works, colloquia Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre exam activities points Final exam points Activity during the course 10 Writing exam 30 Practical training Oral exam 20 Colloquia 20+20 Student’s duties: Attendance at all lectures and exercises, compulsory tests at colloquia</p><p>8 6. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and its Study programme: environmental impacts Type and study level: Academic master study Course title: Energy efficient and environmentally friendly construction materials Lecturer: Vera Nikolić Stanojevič, Milivoje M. Milanović Subject’s code: ЕЕОИ21 Year: 1 Semester: 2 Subject’s type: Obligatory ECTS credits: 6 Subject's purpose: A student should acquire basic knowledge in the application of energy efficient and environmentally friendly building materials, their physical and mechanical characteristics, production technology and testing. Subject's outcome: Students will master the knowledge required for various fields related to the application of energy efficient and ecological building materials and will be qualified to assess in technical and economic terms and propose the required measures for resolving the issues of efficient use of these materials. Students will be also qualified to verify the characteristics and efficiency of such materials. Subject content: Theory classes Historical review of the use of building construction materials. Characteristics of energy efficient and eco-friendly building materials. Thermoterm panel application with a view to energy performances improvement. Filling Trimoterm panels of mineral wool and "P line by Trimo" polyurethane. Application of cold concrete as an innovative and energy efficient solution (its structure) for the construction of buildings. Smart materials - advanced materials - self-healing materials-industrial coatings. Application of Trespa Meteon panels (for facades, balconies and a wide range of other external applications). Bubble Deck panels. Adaptation of a geometric ball and network in concrete structures. Maximal use of the breaking zone and moment. Self- forming structure resulting from the geometry of two well-known components: reinforcement and a hollow plastic ball. YTONG матерials fulfilling standards that enable buildings to have LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certifications. LEED standards and regulations for the building of facilities that are ecological and sustainable in terms of energy consumption and the consumption of all the natural resources involved in the realization process. Energy efficient building and raising ecological standards. Lowering carbon monoxide emission (CO2). Examples of successful practice in Serbia and the world. Practical classes: Computation exercises totally adapted to lectures. Sugested literature: 1. М. Мурављов: Грађевински материјали (уџбеник), Научна Књига, Београд, 2000. 2. М. Мурављов, И. Стојиљковић, С. Живковић, Д. Јевтић, Т. Ковачевић, М. Красуља: Практикум за вежбања из Грађевинских материјала 1, Грађевински факултет, 2007. 3. М. Мурављов: Грађевински материјали - збирка решених испитних задатака, ГросКњига, Београд, 1994. 4. М. Мурављов, С. Живковић: Грађевински материјали - збирка решених испитних задатака, Грађевинска књига, Београд, 001. 5. С. Живковић: Грађевински материјали - збирка решених тестова, Грађевинска књига, Београд, 1998 Материјал са Интернета. Active teaching (hours per week): 4 Lectures: 2 Excercises: 2 Lecturing methods: Lectures, exercises, home works, colloquia Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre exam activities points Final exam points Activity during the course 10 Writing exam 30 Colloquia 20+20 Oral exam 20 Student’s duties: Attendance at all lectures and exercises, compulsory tests at colloquia</p><p>9 7. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and its Study programme: environmental impacts Type and study level: Academic master study Course title: HVAC Lecturer: Maja Todorović Subject’s code: ЕЕОИ22 Year: 1 Semester: 2 Subject’s type: Obligatory ECTS credits: 6 Subject's purpose: Acquisition of knowledge of thermal parameters of the environment, comfort conditions, central heating, air-conditioning, cooling and ventilation systems and the preparation of sanitary hot water and the methodology of calculation of annual consumption of energy required for the functioning of technical systems in a building. Subject's outcome: Use of acquired knowledge in engineering practice. A student is competent for the use of methodology of the calculation of energy required for heating, cooling, ventilation and the preparation of sanitary hot water and for the preparation of measures of improvement of the energy efficiency of technical systems, is acquainted with the methods of calculation of indicators for determining a building's energy category and can apply them in practice, connects basic knowledge and applies it to projects of improvement of a building's energy efficiency. Subject content: Theory classes Тhermal comfort: environmental parameters, comfort conditions, meteorological and climate concepts and solar radiation, designing conditions. Heat transfer through building envelope: transmission, radiation and ventilation; thermal bridges, condensation. Central heating systems: system types, elements and accompanying equipment, central and local regulations of the system's work, measuring heat spent on heating and methods of calculation of annual heating energy required. Ventilation and air-conditioning systems: individual and central air preparation devices; elements and equipment of air and water air-conditioning systems, calculation of thermal encumbrance and air flow required for air- conditioning, protection from solar radiation in summer. Sanitary hot water preparation systems: design conditions and dynamics of sanitary hot water consumption, system losses, solar systems for sanitary hot water preparation. Annual consumption of cooling and ventilation energy: cooling heat and cooling machines, energy degree of usefulness, final and primary energy. Optimization of work of thermal engineering systems, use of waste heat, regeneration, recuperation, adiabatic cooling, passive cooling and night ventilation, system work maintenance and control. Practical classes Аuditory exercises consist of units: examples of calculation of thermal characteristics of build envelope elements - determining heat transfer quotients, specific transmission and ventilation losses, building form factors, design conditions and technical systems usage regimes, determining energy requirements and indicators defining energy efficiency degree, application of measures of promoting energy efficiency of a building - individual measures and sets of promotion measures, financial analysis. Independent work - seminar paper. Sugested literature: 1. Б. Тодоровић: Пројектовање постројења за централно грејање, МФ у Београду, 2006 2. Б. Тодоровић: Климатизација, СМЕИТС, Београд 1998. 3. М. Тодоровић: Енергетска ефикасност система грејања и климатизације, скрипта са предавања и вежби са прилогом из приручника Active teaching (hours per week): 4 Lectures: 2 Excercises: 2 Lecturing methods: Lectures, exercises, home works, colloquia Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre exam activities points Final exam points Colloquia 30 Writing exam 30 Seminars 20 Oral exam 20 Student’s duties: Attendance at all lectures and exercises, compulsory tests at colloquia</p><p>10 8. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and its Study programme: environmental impacts Type and study level: Academic master study Course title: Energy efficiency in municipal services Lecturer: Aleksandar Jovović Subject’s code: ЕЕОИ23 Year: 1 Semester: 2 Subject’s type: Obligatory ECTS credits: 6 Subject's purpose: Enabling students for work in energy efficiency and environment protection fields in industrial and communal systems and especially for work on energy balances, programmes and projects of energy efficiency measures, energy use plans and work on energy audits for industrial and communal enterprises. Subject's outcome: Ability to work on the improvement of process energy system efficacy, in the field of energy management in industrial and communal enterprises and on the promotion of work of energy system in industrial enterprises. Using acquired knowledge in engineering practice. Subject content: Theory classes Basic concepts on system efficacy. Energy efficiency measures in various industry sectors; Introduction of energy management and environment protection management in industrial companies; energy efficiency in heat energy production in industrial companies; efficient use of energy in steam distribution and condensate recovery systems, efficient use of energy in compressed air systems, bases of work on energy balances in industrial companies; the concept of the best available technologies and concepts of the best available technologies in some industry sectors. Practical classes Display of process and energy systems and examples of calculation of energy efficiency indicators; display of energy management projects and activities; calculation of potentials for raising energy efficiency in heat energy production and distribution systems; calculation of energy losses in compressed air systems; display of methodology for work on energy audits in industrial companies; preparation of energy audit in a selected industrial company; presentation of methodology of work on a report on a conducted energy audit; demonstration of work with measuring instruments for screening process parameters within an energy audit; work on a report and presentation of energy audit results. Sugested literature: 1. Г.Јанкес, М.Станојевић, М.Каран, М.Стаменић: Индустријске пећи и котлови приручник за вежбања са решеним задацима, Машински факултет, Београд, 2001. 2. Термотехничар, том 1 и 2, Пословна политика, Београд, 1992. 3. Ј.,Henri, Brunklaus, F. J. Stepanek: Industrieofen bau und betrieb, 5 Auflage, Vulkan Essen, 1986 4. Seam its generation and use, 41 Edition, Babcock and Wilcox, 2005. 5. Допунска литература: 1. Термотехничар, том 1 и 2, Пословна политика, Београд, 1992. (том 1 - поглавља 3, 5 и 6, том 2 - поглавље 2. Software за прорачун процеса сагоревања и израду топлотних биланса индустријских пећи и котлова Active teaching (hours per week): 4 Lectures: 2 Excercises: 2 Lecturing methods: Lectures, exercises, home works, colloquia Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre exam activities points Final exam points Activity during the course 10 Writing exam 30 Colloquia 20+20 Oral exam 20 Student’s duties: Attendance at all lectures and exercises, compulsory tests at colloquia</p><p>11 9. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and its Study programme: environmental impacts Type and study level: Academic master study Course title: Use of renewable energy sources Lecturer: Jelena N. Nanevski. Dejan M. Mitrović Subject’s code: ЕЕОИ24 Year: 1 Semester: 2 Subject’s type: Obligatory ECTS credits: 6 Subject's purpose: Conveying subject information on renewable energy sources to students. (on solar, geothermal, biomass, wind and water energy) and their application in plants for transformation in heat and electric energy. Raising students' awarness of the necessity and significance of use of renewable energy sources and environment protection. Acquainting students in detail with the methods of work of plants and economic aspects of the application of renewable energy sources. Subject's outcome: Connecting the theoretical and practical approach in the use of renewable energy sources. Acquiring practical experience in work with plants using renewable energy sources. Raising and permanently preserving awareness of the necessity and significance of the use of renewable energy sources and environment protection. Subject content: Theory classes Introduction to renewable energy sources. Requirement for renewable energy sources. Basic energy sources and formsе. Properties of renewable energy sources. Greenhouse effect. Global heating. Extreme meteorological conditions. Participation of renewable energy sources' use in the production of greenhouse effect gases. ефектом стаклене баште. Participation of renewable energy sources' use in the production of primary and secondary contaminators of environment. Regulation of renewable energy sources. European Union directive on renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources in Serbian legislation. Solar energy. The sun as a source of energy. Direct conversion of solar radiation into thermal and electric energy. Application of solar energy and its impact on environment. Solar panel energy. Setting up solar palens. Active and passive systems. Geothermal energy. Basic concepts. Geothermal energy sources. Equipment for collection and transport. Application of geothermal energy. Direct application to heating and electric energy production. Wind energy. Basic concepts. Wind generators, aero dynamics, types, dimensions and selection. Basic elements. Security and control systems. Placement. Wind generators application and their environmental impact. Water energy. Available energy resources. Energy of waves. High and low tide energy. Biomass energy. Basic concepts. Biomass sources. Energy potential. Biomass potential in Serbia. Biomass processing technology (briquet, pellet, chip production...). Timber waste, farming waste and communal waste energy. Biomass transport and storage. Environmental impact. Animal husbandry production biomass. Application in biogas production. Application of grown biomass for biodiesel production. Advanced energy systems (fuel cells, hydrogen fuel). Waste recycling. Processes of thermal and electric energy production from renewable energy sources. Biomass boilers. Combined production of thermal and electric energy. Social and economic indicators of the use of renewable energy sources. Market development. Price policy. Regulatory measures. Impact on social and sociological parameters (secure energy supplies, employment, living standard). Practical classes: Computation exercises totally adapted to lectures. Sugested literature: 1. Laughton M. A., Renewable Energy Sources, Taylor & Francis London, 2003. 2. Sorensen B., Renewable Energy, Academic Press, London, 3rd Ed., 2004. 3. Berinstein P., Alternative Energy: Facts, Statistics and Issues, Oryx Press, 2001. Active teaching (hours per week): 4 Lectures: 2 Excercises: 2 Lecturing methods: Lectures, exercises, home works, colloquia Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre exam activities points Final exam points Seminars 25+25 Oral exam 50</p><p>12 10а. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and its Study programme: environmental impacts Type and study level: Academic master study Course title: Use of solar and wind energy Lecturer: Predrag Osmokrović, Dolićanin Ć. Edinћанин Ћ. Един Subject’s code: ЕЕОИ25 Year: 1 Semester: 2 Subject’s type: elective ECTS credits: 6 Subject's purpose: A student is expected to acquire basic knowledge in the field of the use of solar energy and wind energy. Subject's outcome: Students will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of issues related to solar energy and wind energy use, their theoretical and technical potentials and conditions for the application of technologies for their use. Subject content: Theory classes Potentials and methods of solar energy use. Passive solar systems. Thermal solar collectors. Concentrators. Photovoltage conversion. Application of solar energy in Serbia and the world. Methods of wind energy use. Wind power/speed curve. Statistical distribution of wind speed. Potential and application of wind energy in Serbia and the world. Препоручена литература: 1. Wind Energy International 2011/2012, World Wind Energy Association, 2011 2. Duffie J., Beckman W., Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA, 2006 3. Kreider Ј., Kreith F., Solar Energy Handbook, Mc Graw-Hill Book Comp., New York, 1985 4. Uredba o uslovima za sticanje statusa povlašćenog proizvođača električne energije i kriterijuma za ocenu ispunjenosti tih uslova, Ministarstvo rudarstva i energetike Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2008. (2013.) 5. Bela knjiga Elektroprivrede Srbije, Elektroprivreda Srbije, 2011 Grupa autora: ENWIND - Program korištenja energije vjetra, En. institut Hrvoje Požar, Zagreb Active teaching (hours per week): 4 Lectures: 2 Excercises: 2 Lecturing methods: Lectures, exercises, home works, colloquia Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre exam activities points Final exam points Activity during the course 10 Writing exam 30 Practical training Oral exam 20 Colloquia 20+20 Student’s duties: Attendance at all lectures and exercises, compulsory tests at colloquia</p><p>13 10б. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and its Study programme: environmental impacts Type and study level: Academic master study Course title: Geothermal and biomass energy Lecturer: Miloš Banjac, Dragoslava Stojiljković Subject’s code: ЕЕОИ26 Year: 1 Semester: 2 Subject’s type: elective ECTS credits: 6 Subject's purpose: Acquisition of knowledge of basic geophysical processes leading to the creation of geothermal energy and groundwater, knowledge of geothermal research methods and technologies, systems and cycles for converting geothermal energy into electric one, systems and cycles and technical properties of systems for its direct of indirect use as thermal energy. Acquisition of knowledge of biomass as a fuel, classification, characterization of solid, liquid and gaseous biofuels. State-of-the-art procedures of analysis and characterization. Standardization of fuels obtained from biomass. Significance of biomass from environmental aspects, sustainability criteria. Bases of calculation of combustion processes and emission of contaminating substances. Possibilities of biomass usage in future. Subject's outcome: Usage of acquired knowledge in engineering practice. Students will get to know the bases of geothermal energy and possibilities and systems of its usage. The knowledge acquired will serve them for thermal and hydraulic calculations of systems using the near surface low temperature geothermal energy for heating rooms - directly or indirectly - by means of a geothermal heat pump. A student will master the basic methods of characterization of biomass and engineering calculations of the combustion process. Acquisition of basic knowledge of biomass, its types and properties and production processes. A student will get to know raw materials producing biomass and methods of its production and application, the environmental impact of biomass and the positive experience in the application of biomass for energy purposes. Subject content: Theory classes: Types of geothermal energy: energy of dry layers of earth crust - petrothermal energy, energy of groundwater - hydrotermal energy, deep geothermal and near surface geothermal energy, division into high temperature and low temperature geothermal energy; methods of using geothermal energy; plants for converting geothermal energy into electric energy; thermodynamic cycles - subcritical and supercritical Clausius-Rankine cycle and Kalina cycle, organic working fluids; use of near surface geothermal energy via heat pumps; thermodynamic cycle of work of heat pumps, working fluids; types of thermal sources of the heat pump; thermophysical properties of soil; types and dimensioning of heat exchangers dug into ground, methods and technologies of laying them into ground, materials and fillings, definition of their mutual distance and distribution, determining the required generosity of a hydrogeothermal source of heat, thermal friction of soil, underground reservoirs of thermal energy. Biomass and biofuels (pellets, briquets, chips, bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas, etc.) and basic characteristics. Specific features of biomass and fuels obtain from biomas as compared with fossil fuels (solid, liquid and gaseous). Raw materials and procedures of obtaining fuel from biomass. Possibilities of biomass application (furnaces, boliers, engines). Influence of biomass properties (original raw material) on the selection for the production of biomass fuel. Influence of biomass and fuels produced from biomass on the selection of the best combustion technology. Calculation of the combustion process and biomass combustion phases. State-of-the-art devices for biomass combustion and the environmental impact. Sustainability criteria in biomass application. Energy costs and trends in the use of biomass for energy purposes. Practical classes: Examples of calculation of dimensioning of heat exchangers dug into ground, thermal and hydraulic calculations, determining the required generosity of a hydrogeothermal source of heat and energy requirements for heating rooms using low temperature heating systems with a heat pump. Determining physical and chemical characteristics of biomass and biomass fuels. Recalculation of biomass composition fo various working masses. Measuring units and energy values of biomass. Quality requirements and referential standards. Calculation of quantity and composition of combustion products. Bases of measurements in state-of-the-art biomass combustion systems. Regulations for building biomass</p><p>14 combustion plants. Financial analysis. Sugested literature: 1. VDI Thermal use of the underground - Fundamentals, approvals, environmental aspects, Part 1,2 and 3 2. ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications, 2011 3. European Standard, prEN 15316-4-2:2006 (E): Heating systems in buildings — Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies — Part 4-2: Space heating generation systems, heat pump systems 4. М. Радовановић: Горива, МФ у Београду, 1994. 5. Loo S., Koppejna J.: The Handbook of Biomass Combustion & Co-firing, Earthscan, 2007. 6. Rutz D., Janssen: BioFuel Technology Handbook, Intelligent Energy Europe, 2007. 7. Д. Стојиљковић: Биогорива, скрипта са предавања и вежби са прилогом из приручника Active teaching (hours per week): 4 Lectures: 2 Excercises: 2 Lecturing methods: Lectures, exercises, home works, colloquia Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre exam activities points Final exam points Activity during the course 10 Writing exam 30 Practical training Oral exam 20 Colloquia 20+20 Student’s duties: Attendance at all lectures and exercises, compulsory tests at colloquia</p><p>15 11. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and its Study programme: environmental impacts Type and study level: Academic master study Course title: Energy monitoring and system control Lecturer: Vlastimir Nikolić, Ivan Ćirić Subject’s code: ЕЕОИ31 Year: 1 Semester: 3 Subject’s type: Obligatory ECTS credits: 6 Subject's purpose: Acquainting students with techniques of design and development of supervisory control systems (SCADA) in the field of energy systems, as a constituent part of energy management (EMS). Subject's outcome: The content of this subject enables student to get acquainted with the components, design and development of a system for the monitoring and control of energy systems the application of which increases energy efficiency. Subject content: Theory classes Introduction - industrial automatic control in energy, based on the application of the SCADA system and PLC controllers. Distributed management, measurement and monitoring in energy. SCADA system components. Central station and remote stations. Remote input and output modules, measuring equipment and executive bodies. Communication system. SCADA application development software. Programmable logical controllers. PLC programming. Intelligent buildings and energy efficiency. Intelligent building automation. Optimal control with a view to raising energy efficiency. Practical classes Computation (auditive) exercises. Exercises on computers - working with LabView, Matlab programme packages and their accessories for simulation, analysis and projection of supervisory control systems in energy. Laboratory exercises - development of SCADA application, PLC controller programming, development of supervisory control application in LabView. Sugested literature: Basic:: 1. Nikolić V., Ćojbašić Ž., Pajović D., Automatsko upravljanje - analiza sistema, Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, Niš, 1996. 2. Nikolić V., Ćojbašić Ž., Simonović M., Zbirka rešenih zadataka iz upravljanja sistemima, Mašinski fakultet u Nišu, 2007. 3. Matijević M., Jakupović G., Car J., Računarsko podržano merenje i upravljanje, Mašinski fakultet u Kragujevcu, 2008. Additional literature: 1. Stuart A. Boyer, SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, 4th edition, ISA, 2010. 2. Dorf R. C., Modern Control Systems, 9th edition, Reading MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company INc., 2001. 3. Ogata K., Modern Control Engineering, third edition, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1997. Active teaching (hours per week): 4 Lectures: 2 Excercises: 2 Lecturing methods: Lectures, exercises, home works, colloquia Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre exam activities points Final exam points Activity during the course 10 Writing exam 25 Practical training 10 Oral exam 25 coloquia 20 Student’s duties: Attendance at all lectures and exercises, compulsory tests at colloquia</p><p>16 12. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and its Study programme: environmental impacts Type and study level: Academic master study Economical and environmental aspects of energy efficiency Course title: and renewable energy sources – cost-effectiveness and СО2 emission Lecturer: Milica S. Vujičić, Ernad Kahrović Subject’s code: ЕЕОИ32 Year: 1 Semester: 3 Subject’s type: Obligatory ECTS credits: 6 Subject's purpose: A student is expected to acquire basic knowledge in economic and environmental aspects of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources. Subject's outcome: Students will master the required knowledge of economic and environmental aspects of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources, with emphasis on assessment of cost-effectiveness of projects and determination of СО2 emission. Subject content: Justifiability analysis. Profit and loss account and balance sheet. Discount rates. Profitability analysis. Vulnerability and probability analyses. Basic aspects of environment protection. Kyoto Protocol and СО2 emission. Environmental laws in Serbia and the EU. Protection of water springs. Water treatment technology and equipment. Air protection, air purification plants. Use of modern software in the design and analysis of these plants. Practical examples. Sugested literature: 1. Vodiči kroz EU politike – životna sredina, Evropski pokret u Srbiji, 2012. 2. Đukanović S.: Obnovljivi izvori energije – ekonomska ocena, AMG knjiga, Beograd, 2009. 3. Dubonjić R., Milanović Lj. D., Inženjerska ekonomija, Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd, 1997. 4. Sullivan G. W., Wicks E., Luxhoj T. J., Engineering economy, Qinghua University Press, 2003 5. CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion 2012 – Highlights, International Energy Agency, Paris, 2012 6. Uredba o merama podsticaja za proizvodnju električne energije korišćenjem obnovljivih izvora energije i kombinovanom proizvodnjom električne i toplotne energije, Ministarstvo rudarstva i energetike Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2008. (2013.) Nacionalna strategija održivog razvoja do 2017., Vlada Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2008. Active teaching (hours per week): 4 Lectures: 2 Excercises: 2 Lecturing methods: Lectures, exercises, home works, colloquia Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre exam activities points Final exam points Activity during the course 10 Writing exam 30 Practical training Oral exam 20 Colloquia 20+20 Student’s duties: Attendance at all lectures and exercises, compulsory tests at colloquia</p><p>17</p>
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