<p> FT/GN/68/01/23.01.16</p><p>SRI VENKATESWARA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING</p><p>COURSE DELIVERY PLAN - THEORY Page 1 of 7</p><p>LP: CE 6502 Department of CIVIL ENGINEERING Rev. No: 00 B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech : Civil engineering Regulation:2013 Date: 08.07.2016 PG Specialisation : NA Sub. Code / Sub. Name : CE 6502 FOUNDATION ENGINEERING Unit : I</p><p>Unit Syllabus: SITE INVESTIGATION AND SELECTION OF FOUNDATION Scope and objectives – Methods of exploration – auguring and boring – Wash boring and rotary drilling – Depth of boring – Spacing of bore hole – Sampling techniques – Representative and undisturbed sampling – methods - Split spoon sampler, Thin wall sampler, Stationery piston sampler – Penetration tests (SPT and SCPT) - Bore log report – Data interpretation - strength parameters and Liquefaction potential - Selection of foundation based on soil condition.</p><p>Objective: To impart knowledge on common method of sub soil investigation and design of foundation. At the end of this course student acquires the capacity to investigate the soil condition, interpret the bore log details, select and design a suitable foundation.</p><p>Session Teaching Topics to be covered Ref No * Aids Scope and objectives- Steps to be carried out during site investigation Ref 1,Ch.2, Pg 1 PPT/BB 74-75 T 2,Ch.19, Pg PPT/BB 2 Methods of exploration – auguring and boring 669-671 T 2,Ch.19, Pg PPT/BB 3 Wash boring and rotary drilling 671-672 T-2, Ch 19,Pg. PPT/BB 4 Depth of boring – Spacing of bore hole 677-679 Ref-1, Ch 2, PPT/BB 5 Sampling techniques – Representative and undisturbed sampling Pg 81-90 Ref 14, Ch 1, PPT/BB 6 Sampling techniques – Representative and undisturbed sampling Pg 87-97 Ref 13, Ch 9 PPT/BB 7 Penetration tests (SPT and SCPT) Pg 327-339 Ref 14 Ch 1, PPT/BB 8 Bore log report – Data interpretation and Difficulties faced during boring Pg 121-123 PPT/BB Strength parameters and Liquefaction potential and Selection of T-2,Ch.16,Pg. 9 foundation based on soil condition 553-556 </p><p>Content beyond syllabus covered (if any): 1. Steps to be carried out during site investigation 2. Difficulties faced during boring</p><p>* Session duration: 50 minutes FT/GN/68/01/23.01.16</p><p>SRI VENKATESWARA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING</p><p>COURSE DELIVERY PLAN - THEORY Page 2 of 7</p><p>Sub. Code / Sub. Name: CE 6502 FOUNDATION ENGINEERING</p><p>Unit : II</p><p>Unit Syllabus : SHALLOW FOUNDATION Introduction – Location and depth of foundation – Codal provisions – bearing capacity of shallow foundation on homogeneous deposits – Terzaghi’s formula and BIS formula – factors affecting bearing capacity – problems – Bearing capacity from in-situ tests (SPT, SCPT and plate load)Allowable bearing pressure – Seismic considerations in bearing capacity evaluation. Determination of Settlement of foundations on granular and clay deposits – Total and differential settlement – Allowable settlements – Codal provision – Methods of minimizing total and differential settlements. Objective: To impart knowledge on common method of design of shallow foundation. At the end of this course, students acquires the capacity to select and carry over a safe and economic foundation design.</p><p>Session Teaching Topics to be covered Ref No * Aids T-2, Ch 15, Pg 474, 10 SHALLOW FOUNDATION- Introduction PPT/BB 478-479 T-2,Ch 15, Pg 476- PPT/BB 11 Location and depth of foundation – Codal provisions 478 and Ref 6,7 and 8 Ref 14,Ch 12, Pg PPT/BB Bearing capacity of shallow foundation on homogeneous deposits – 12 487-494 and Ref 2, Terzaghi’s formula and BIS formula Ch 12, Pg 177-196 PPT/BB Ref 14,Ch 12, Pg Bearing capacity of shallow foundation on homogeneous deposits – 13 495-503 and Ref 1, Terzaghi‟s formula and BIS formula Ch 3, Pg 157-164</p><p>Ref 4, Ch 14, Pg- PPT/BB 14 Factors affecting bearing capacity – problems 542-543 T-1, Ch 18,655-659 PPT/BB Bearing capacity from in-situ tests (SPT, SCPT and plate load)Allowable 15 and Ref 14, Ch 13, bearing pressure Pg 545 Ref 15,Ch 6, Pg PPT/BB 16 Seismic considerations in bearing capacity evaluation 231 T-1, Ch 18, Pg 660- PPT/BB 17 Determination of Settlement of foundations on granular and clay deposits 666 and and Ref 14, Ch 13, Pg 552 T-1, Ch 18,Pg 660- PPT/BB Total and differential settlement and methods to minimize it– Allowable 18 672 and Ref 4, Ch settlements – Codal provision 14, Pg-572-573 Content beyond syllabus covered (if any):</p><p>* Session duration: 50 mins FT/GN/68/01/23.01.16</p><p>SRI VENKATESWARA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING</p><p>COURSE DELIVERY PLAN - THEORY Page 3 of 7</p><p>Sub. Code / Sub. Name: CE 6502 FOUNDATION ENGINEERING</p><p>Unit : III</p><p>Unit Syllabus : FOOTINGS AND RAFTS Types of footings – Contact pressure distribution: Isolated footing – Combined footings – Types and proportioning – Mat foundation – Types and applications – Proportioning – Floating foundation – Seismic force consideration – Codal Provision. Objective:</p><p>Session Teaching Topics to be covered Ref No * Aids T-2, Ch 15, Pg 19 Types of footings PPT/BB 474-475 T-4, Ch 2, Pg PPT/BB 20 Contact pressure distribution: Isolated footing 37-41 PPT/BB T-4, Ch 2, Pg 21 Contact pressure distribution: Combined footings 42-43 </p><p>T-4, Ch 2, Pg. PPT/BB 22 Combined footings – Types and proportioning 44-46 Ref 1, Ch 6, Pg PPT/BB 23 Combined footings – Types and proportioning 291-294 and Ref 5, Ch 24 T-4,Ch 8,150- PPT/BB 24 Mat foundation – Types and applications 151 Ref 4 , Ch 15, PPT/BB 25 Mat foundation – Proportioning Pg 638 T-4,Ch 18,334- PPT/BB 26 Floating foundation 339 PPT/BB Ref 1, Ch 4, Pg 27 Seismic force consideration – Codal Provision 209 -211 Content beyond syllabus covered (if any):</p><p>* Session duration: 50 mins FT/GN/68/01/23.01.16</p><p>SRI VENKATESWARA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING</p><p>COURSE DELIVERY PLAN - THEORY Page 4 of 7</p><p>Sub. Code / Sub. Name: CE 6502 FOUNDATION ENGINEERING</p><p>Unit : IV</p><p>Unit Syllabus : PILE FOUNDATION Types of piles and their function – Factors influencing the selection of pile – Carrying capacity of single pile in granular and cohesive soil – static formula – dynamic formulae (Engineering news and Hileys) – Capacity from insitu tests (SPT and SCPT) – Negative skin friction – uplift capacity- Group capacity by different methods (Feld‟s rule, Converse – Labarra formula and block failure criterion) – Settlement of pile groups – Interpretation of pile load test (routine test only) – Under reamed piles – Capacity under compression and uplift. Objective:</p><p>Session Teaching Topics to be covered Ref No * Aids T-2, Ch 16,Pg 28 Types of piles and their function PPT/BB 547-552 T-4,Ch 9, Pg PPT/BB 29 Factors influencing the selection of pile 175-176 Carrying capacity of single pile in granular and cohesive soil – static T-4, Ch 9, PPT/BB 30 formula Pg180-183 PPT/BB Carrying capacity of single pile in granular and cohesive soil – static T-4, Ch 9, 31 Pg183-186 and formula Ref 9-12 T-4, Ch 10, Pg PPT/BB Carrying capacity of single pile in granular and cohesive soil – 211-216 and 32 dynamic formulae (Engineering news and Hileys) Ref 4, Ch 16,Pg 677-685 Dynamic formulae (Engineering news and Hileys)-Capacity from T-4, Ch 10, Pg PPT/BB 33 insitu tests (SPT and SCPT) 229-236 PPT/BB Negative skin friction – uplift capacity- Group capacity by different T-4, Ch 9, 34 methods (Feld‟s rule, Converse – Labarra formula and block failure Pg191-197 PPT/BB Settlement of pile groups -Interpretation of pile load test (routine test Ref-1, Ch11, Pg 35 617-629 T-4, Ch only) 14, Pg 285-293 Under reamed pile- Capacity under compression and uplift- Drilled T-2, Ch 16,Pg PPT/BB 36 piers and caissons 552 Content beyond syllabus covered (if any): 1.Drilled piers and Caissons</p><p>* Session duration: 50 mins FT/GN/68/01/23.01.16</p><p>SRI VENKATESWARA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING</p><p>COURSE DELIVERY PLAN - THEORY Page 5 of 7</p><p>Sub. Code / Sub. Name: CE 6502 FOUNDATION ENGINEERING</p><p>Unit : V</p><p>Unit Syllabus : RETAINING WALLS Plastic equilibrium in soils – active and passive states – Rankine‟s theory – cohesionless and cohesive soil – Coulomb‟s wedge theory – Condition for critical failure plane – Earth pressure on retaining walls of simple configurations – Culmann Graphical method – pressure on the wall due to line load – Stability analysis of retaining walls. Objective:</p><p>Session Teaching Topics to be covered Ref No * Aids T-2, Ch 12, Pg 390- 37 Plastic equilibrium in soils PPT/BB 394 T-2, Ch 12, Pg 395- PPT/BB 38 active and passive states – Rankine‟s theory 400 and Ref 3, Ch 20, Pg 499-512 T-2, Ch 12, Pg 401- PPT/BB 39 active and passive states – Rankine‟s theory 403 cohesionless and cohesive soil – Coulomb‟s wedge theory – Condition T-3, Ch 11, Pg 377- PPT/BB 40 for critical failure plane 379 cohesionless and cohesive soil – Coulomb‟s wedge theory – Condition T-2, Ch 12, Pg 406- PPT/BB 41 for critical failure plane 407 cohesionless and cohesive soil – Coulomb‟s wedge theory – Condition T-2, Ch 12, Pg 390- PPT/BB 42 for critical failure plane 394 T-2, Ch 12, Pg 419- PPT/BB 43 Earth pressure on retaining walls of simple configurations 431 T-3, Ch 11, Pg 379- PPT/BB 44 Culmann Graphical method- Pressure on the wall due to line load 381 Ref-1, Ch 8, Pg PPT/BB 45 Stability analysis of retaining walls 380-396 Content beyond syllabus covered (if any):</p><p>* Session duration: 50 mins FT/GN/68/01/23.01.16</p><p>SRI VENKATESWARA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING</p><p>COURSE DELIVERY PLAN - THEORY Page 6 of 7</p><p>Sub Code / Sub Name: CE 6502 / FOUNDATION ENGINEERING</p><p>TEXT BOOKS: 1. Murthy, V.N.S., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, CBS Publishers and Distributers Ltd., New Delhi, 2007. 2. Gopal Ranjan and Rao A.S.R. “Basic and Applied soil mechanics”, New Age International Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2005. 3. Purushothama Raj. P., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2013 4. Varghese, P.C., ”Foundation Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2005.</p><p>REFERENCES: 1. Das, B.M. “Principles of Foundation Engineering” 5th edition, Thompson Asia Pvt. Ltd., Singapore, 2003. 2. Kaniraj, S.R. “Design aids in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing company Ltd., New Delhi, 2002. 3. Punmia, B.C. "Soil Mechanics and Foundations”, Laxmi Publications Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi, 2005 4. Venkatramaiah, C. “Geotechnical Engineering”, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2007 (Reprint) 5. Arora K.R. “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Standard Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2005. 6. IS 6403 : 1981 (Reaffirmed 1997) “Breaking capacity of shallow foundation”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 1998 7. IS8009 (Part1):1976 (Reaffirmed 1998) “Shallow foundations subjected to symmetrical static vertical loads”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 1999 8. IS8009 (Part2):1980 (Reaffirmed 1995) “Deep foundations subjected to symmetrical static vertical loading”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 1992 9. IS2911(Part1):1979 (Reaffirmed 1997) “Concrete Piles” Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 1994 10. IS2911(Part2):1979 (Reaffirmed 1997) “Timber Piles”,Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 2007 11. IS2911(Part 3) :1979 (Reaffirmed 1997) “Under Reamed Piles”,Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 1998 12. IS2911 (Part 4) :1979 (Reaffirmed 1997) “Load Test on Piles”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 1997</p><p>OTHER REFERENCES: </p><p>13. V.N.S. Murthy “Geotechnical Engineering Principles and Practices of Soil mechanics and Foundation Engineering” , Copyrights by Marcel Dekker , New York. 14. Roy. E. Hunt “ Goetechnical Investigation Methods”, CRC Press , 2007. 15. Braja M. Das “Bearing capacity and Settlement”, CRC Press , 2009. FT/GN/68/01/23.01.16</p><p>SRI VENKATESWARA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING</p><p>COURSE DELIVERY PLAN - THEORY Page 7 of 7</p><p>Prepared by Approved by</p><p>Signature</p><p>Name C.Sandhiya E.Ravindranath</p><p>Designation Assistant Professor Professor and Head</p><p>Date 08.07.2016 08.07.2016 Remarks *:</p><p>Remarks *:</p><p>* If the same lesson plan is followed in the subsequent semester/year it should be mentioned and signed by the Faculty and the HOD</p>
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