<p> APPROVED 6/9/2015</p><p>Board of Education Orland School District 135</p><p>Regular Meeting Monday, May 4, 2015, 7:00 p.m. Center School, Gym 9407 W. 151st St., Orland Park, Illinois</p><p>MINUTES</p><p>The regular meeting of the Board of Education, Orland School District 135, was held on Monday, May 4, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. at Center School, 9407 W. 151st St., Orland Park, Illinois. Notice of the meeting, along with copies of the complete agenda, was delivered to members of the Board and emailed to news media on Friday, May 1, 2015.</p><p>CALL TO ORDER</p><p>The meeting was called to order at 7:12 p.m. by President Joseph La Margo.</p><p>ROLL CALL, followed by recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.</p><p>Present: Dr. Laura Berry, Michael Carroll, Sandra Kulak, Joseph LaMargo, Michael Maratea, Greg Okon, Tina Zekich Absent:</p><p>Also present were the following:</p><p>Sue Banks, Prairie School Colleen Gavin, Orland Council of Educators Connor Begley, High Point student Pat Guinane, TribLocal Ellen Belotti, Dir., Special Education Katharine Hannigan, High Point School Laura Bingham, High Point School Rick Hansen, Assoc. Dir., Facilities, Operations & Kevin Brown, Asst. Principal, Jerling Jr. High Maintenance Eve Bukowski, President, Orland Council of Brian Horn, Principal, Century Jr. High Educators Jerry Hughes, Dir., Risk Management & Safety Tim Carroll, parent Karen Janettas, citizen Michelle Carollo, parent Colleen Joyce, Asst. Principal, High Point School Dana DeVries, Prairie School David Kennedy, Principal, Jerling Jr. High Dan Doogan, Dir., Technology Connie Koehler, Jerling Jr. High Vita Falco, Prairie School Sue Kuligoski, Principal, Park School Lisa Faulds, parent Lauren Long, Prairie School Cheryl Foertsch, Principal, High Point School Camden McElligott, Meadow Ridge student Brian Fogarty, Asst. Dir. of Curriculum Kelly McElligott, parent Carl Forn., Dir. of Finance Lauren Musielewicz, Meadow Ridge School The Negley Family Steve Neuhaus, Illinois News Orland School District 135 Minutes • Page 2 Board of Education Board & Organizational Meeting May 4, 2015</p><p>Jeff Nightingale, Principal, Prairie School David Snyder, Dir. of Curriculum Nancy Noga, Prairie School Margaret Stoklosa, parent Ken Nork, parent Mia Strolia, CJH student Kristen Noto, Prairie School Janet Stutz, Superintendent Sharon O’Laughlin, Prairie School Erica Such, CJH student Julie Oberwise, Dir., Human Resources Lee Topf, Orland Council of Educators Ami Porte-Lewis, Asst. Director, Special Education Zahra Vasi, CJH student Jan Prieto-McCarthy, Board Treasurer Molly Vazquez, parent Daniel Prorok, Principal, Liberty School Dennis Walsh, Board Attorney, KTJ, ltd. Kathy Pustz, Prairie School Dan Werfelman, Director of Facilities, Operations Shannon Roedel, Principal, Meadow Ridge School & Maintenance Ginger Schroers, parent Lynn Zeder, Asst. Supt., Teaching & Learning Angie Sexton, newly elected D135 Board member</p><p>SELECT BOARD MOTIONS – TABLED</p><p>Ms. Kulak moved (Mr. Carroll seconded) that the Board of Education table agenda items I (Salary – At-Will Staff), J (Employment – At-Will Staff), and K (Employment – Administrative Staff) under Section 15: Board Motions, for further discussion in closed session. Roll Call: Ayes: Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak, Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Zekich. Nays: None. Motions TABLED.</p><p>APPROVAL OF MINUTES</p><p>Mr. La Margo moved (Mr. Carroll seconded) that the Board of Education approve the minutes for the following Board meetings:</p><p>April 13, 2015, Committee of the Whole Meeting April 13, 2015, Regular Board of Education Meeting April 13, 2015, Closed Session</p><p>Roll Call: Ayes: Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak, Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea, Ms. Zekich. Nays: None. Abstain: Mr. Okon. Motion carried.</p><p>REPORT OF THE RESULTS OF THE APRIL 7, 2015, CONSOLIDATED ELECTION</p><p>Mr. La Margo reported that the Board of Education received the results of the April 7, 2015, School Board election, as certified by the Cook County Clerk, declaring that Joseph La Margo, Greg Okon and Angie Sexton have each been elected to serve a four-year term. Orland School District 135 Minutes • Page 3 Board of Education Board & Organizational Meeting May 4, 2015</p><p>ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF BOARD SERVICE</p><p>Mr. La Margo recited a list of achievements for retiring board member Tina Zekich, and Michael Carroll, who will serve until his seating as Village Trustee on May 18. Plaques were then presented to Ms. Zekich and Mr. Carroll on behalf of District 135 to commemorate their service. Retiring Board members expressed words of thanks and appreciation to the Board and District 135 community.</p><p>OATH OF OFFICE FOR NEWLY ELECTED BOARD MEMBERS</p><p>Interim Chair Joseph La Margo administered the oath of office to newly elected Board members Greg Okon and Angie Sexton. Michael Carroll then administered the oath to Mr. La Margo.</p><p>REVIEW OF POLICY 113—Board Member Code of Conduct</p><p>Temporary Secretary Sandra Kulak recited the Board Member Code of Conduct. No further discussion was held on this policy.</p><p>ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD—MOTIONS</p><p>Mr. La Margo presided over the meeting until the new Board Officers were elected. Ms. Kulak served as temporary Secretary to record the nominations of and votes taken for officers.</p><p>Election of President: Mr. Maratea nominated Mr. La Margo for Board President. Roll Call: Ayes: Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak, Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Sexton. Nays: None. Motion to elect Joseph La Margo as President was carried.</p><p>Election of Vice President: Mr. Maratea nominated Dr. Laura Berry for Board Vice President. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak, Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Sexton, Dr. Berry. Nays: None. Motion to elect Dr. Laura Berry as Vice President was carried.</p><p>Election of Secretary: Mr. Okon nominated Angie Sexton for Board Secretary. Roll Call: Ayes: Ms. Kulak, Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Sexton, Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll. Nays: None. Motion to elect Angie Sexton as Secretary was carried.</p><p>Mr. La Margo assumed the chair as Board President and presided over the remainder of the meeting. Orland School District 135 Minutes • Page 4 Board of Education Board & Organizational Meeting May 4, 2015</p><p>Appointment of Board Recording Secretary: Mr. La Margo moved (Mr. Carroll seconded) that Jill Olson be appointed as Board Recording Secretary. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Sexton, Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak. Motion carried.</p><p>Appointment of Board Committees/Delegates: Mr. La Margo moved (Mr. Carroll seconded) that the Board President prepare to appoint members to board committees and to name delegates to organizations to which the board belongs, said appointments to be made as soon as practicable, but no later than the regular meeting on June 8, 2015. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Sexton, Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak, Mr. La Margo. Nays: None. Motion carried.</p><p>Meeting Dates: Mr. La Margo moved (Mr. Okon seconded) that the regular meeting dates of the Board of Education of Orland School District 135, Cook County, Illinois, be established as the second Monday of each month, except as presented and as approved by this motion, with additional meetings on the fourth Monday of designated months at the discretion of the Board; all meetings to be held at a set scheduled time determined by the Board in the Board Room of the Administration Center of Orland School District 135 or at other designated locations, presented as attached for the 2015-16 school year. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Sexton, Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak, Mr. La Margo. Nays: None. Motion carried.</p><p>STUDENT & STAFF RECOGNITIONS – Board of Education and Administration</p><p>The Board commended the following students upon their noted outstanding achievements:</p><p>The following students placed in their schools’ annual Spelling Bee contests at Prairie & Liberty Schools, respectively:</p><p>Layan Ibrahim (Grade 3, Prairie) – 1st place Amal Vazquez (Grade 3, Prairie) – 2nd place Rylee Erickson (Grade 3, Prairie) – 3rd place</p><p>Grace Carollo (Grade 5, Liberty) – 1st place Andrew Simonek (Grade 4, Liberty) – 2nd place Ahmed Issa (Grade 5, Liberty) – 3rd place Orland School District 135 Minutes • Page 5 Board of Education Board & Organizational Meeting May 4, 2015</p><p>For the third consecutive year, the “Band of Baldies” team took 1st place for their stellar fundraising efforts, by raising donations for St. Baldrick’s Foundation, and shaving their heads in support of childhood cancer research and awareness. Congratulations to the following students:</p><p>Connor Begley – High Point Noah Goshen – Park Caleb Negley – High Point Ian Schroers (future D135 student) Matthew Schroers – High Point Nathan Schroers – Park Matthew Woodall – High Point</p><p>High Point 4th grade student Megan O’Sullivan was recognized for her winning poem, which received the “Best Poem in Our School” award. Megan received her award at the 11th Annual Haiku Festival on April 25 at the Harold Washington Library.</p><p>Meadow Ridge 4th grade students Nour Ayyash, Maddy Carroll, Lily Faulds, Camden McElligott, and Neil Shastri will be honored at Governors State University on May 7 as winners of Econ Illinois’ economics poster contest.</p><p>Meadow Ridge 5th grade student Kaila Nork submitted a prize-winning essay on the Peshtigo Fire to the Scholastic Storyworks essay writing contest.</p><p>Century Jr. High 7th grade students Zahra Vasi and Mia Strolia, who are both in Mrs. Morrey’s class, were recognized for their winning submissions in this year’s Illinois Coal Association’s 2016 Coal Calendar. Zahra’s essay took first place, while Mia’s poster was chosen as the calendar cover. Both students will be honored on May 8 at the Executive Mansion in Springfield.</p><p>Century Jr. High 8th grade student Aris Vainikos took 1st place in the individual category at this year’s Mathletes’ Contest. CJH’s Mathletes Team took 1st place overall.</p><p>Aris Vainikos and fellow 8th grader Erica Such took 1st place in the duet category of this year’s Declamation Contest. In addition, 7th grade student Julia Cannelis took 1st place at the Declamation Contest for her humorous interpretation piece. Century Jr. High’s Declamation Team took 1st place overall in the contest.</p><p>Congratulations to Orland Jr. High’s Declamation Team for their 3rd place finish overall! Orland School District 135 Minutes • Page 6 Board of Education Board & Organizational Meeting May 4, 2015</p><p>The following junior high athletic teams received accolades for their exceptional performances this school year:</p><p>Orland Jr High: 6 th /7 th Grade Girls Basketball: 2nd place in division, 2nd place in SWIC tournament 8 th Grade Boys Volleyball: 2nd place (3 way tie) in division, 1st place in SWIC tournament</p><p>Jerling Jr. High: 6 th /7 th Grade Girls Volleyball: 2nd place in division, 3rd place in SWIC tournament 8 th Grade Girls Volleyball: 2nd place in division, 3rd place in SWIC tournament 8 th Grade Boys Volleyball: 2nd place in division, 4th place in SWIC tournament 7 th Grade Girls Basketball: 1st place in division, 1st place in SWIC tournament (undefeated record 14-0) Girls Cross Country: 2nd place in conference Boys Cross Country: 1st place in conference</p><p>Century Jr. High: 6 th /7 th Grade Boys Basketball: 1st place in division, 3rd place in SWIC tournament 8 th Grade Boys Basketball: 1st place in division, 4th place in SWIC tournament 8 th Grade Boys Volleyball: 2nd place (3 way tie) in division, 3rd place in SWIC tournament 6 th /7 th Grade Girls Basketball: 4th place in division, 3rd place in SWIC tournament 6 th /7 th Grade Girls Volleyball: 1st place in division, 1st place in SWIC tournament (undefeated record 19-0) 8 th Grade Girls Volleyball: 1st place in division, 2nd place in SWIC tournament Girls Softball: 2nd place in division, 3rd place in SWIC tournament Girls Cross Country: 1st place in conference Boys Cross Country: 3rd place in conference 8 th grade Girls Basketball: 1st place in division, 1st place in SWIC tournament</p><p>Staff: The following staff members have been recognized as nominated ABCDE recipients in the following categories:</p><p>Effective Communication: Susan Banks, 3rd Grade, Prairie (submitted by parent, Cynthia Crane) Compassion: Kathy Pustz, Technology Aide, Prairie (submitted by parent, Cynthia Crane) Inspiration: Eleni Kolliniatis, 3rd Grade, Liberty (submitted by parent, Lynn Denn) Jeff Nightingale, Principal, Prairie (submitted by parent, Cynthia Crane) Outstanding Achievement: Connie Kohler, 7th Grade, Jerling Jr. High (submitted by parent, Cynthia Crane)</p><p>Orland School District 135 Minutes • Page 7 Board of Education Board & Organizational Meeting May 4, 2015</p><p>Motion to Recess: At this time, Mr. La Margo moved (Mr. Carroll seconded) to take a 10-minute recess. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak, Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Sexton. Nays: None. Motion carried (8:02 p.m.).</p><p>Motion to Reconvene: Ms. Kulak moved (Mr. Carroll seconded) to reconvene the meeting. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak, Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Sexton. Nays: None. Motion carried (8:12 p.m.).</p><p>CITIZENS’ REMARKS—AGENDA & NON-AGENDA ITEMS – None</p><p>SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT</p><p>FOIA Request: Dr. Stutz reported that one FOIA request had been received in the past month, and has been answered.</p><p>Consideration/ Approval – Addendum to Current Fiber Optic Contract:</p><p>District 135 was recently notified of a need to immediately relocate a portion of our underground fiber optic system, due to road work being performed in the vicinities of 151st Street and LaGrange Road. The District’s fiber optics are threaded underground in an intricate system spanning about 10 miles of phone and internet connections between the District’s 10 schools and Administration Center. The road construction requires relocation of about 1,300 linear feet of the fiber optics, which would equate to a cost of $32,500, or $25.00 per linear foot.</p><p>Dr. Stutz reported that the Maintenance and Technology Departments are coordinating with the Village of Orland Park and contractors performing the road improvements to plan for the relocation to take place during the weekend, since all services provided through the fiber (phones, data/internet, radio & security cameras) will be unavailable to all schools located west of District Office. If needed, video camera recordings could be re-routed to their local camera storage settings in order to ensure recorded content would not be lost.</p><p>The Administration requires Board approval in order to move forward with this necessary relocation.</p><p>Mr. Carroll moved (Ms. Kulak seconded) that the Board approve an addendum to the current fiber optic contract, in an amount not to exceed $35,000, effective May 4, 2015, as presented. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Okon, Ms. Sexton, Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak, Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea. Nays: None. Motion carried.</p><p>Orland School District 135 Minutes • Page 8 Board of Education Board & Organizational Meeting May 4, 2015</p><p>Update – Full-Day Kindergarten: Dr. Stutz reported that representatives from Studio GC have met with Centennial and Prairie School’s principals and kindergarten staff to present options for reorganizing classroom space in preparation for the full-day kindergarten program in 2016-17. Full-day kindergarten will be implemented at each of the primary buildings; however, construction will begin at Centennial and Prairie Schools.</p><p>Staff reviewed several options that would best fit the needs of their students and potential curricular structures. Centennial staff also considered moving current cubbyhole storage and implementing “Learning Walls,” while Prairie focused on restructuring the Media Center and implementing a “Genius Bar,” described as a long counter with stools following the perimeter of the Media Center stairs as additional space for students to read or work on classroom devices. It was noted that a majority of the expected construction could be completed in-house by the District’s Maintenance Team.</p><p>Update – Adoption of Language Arts Resources & Materials: Mr. Snyder reported that this evening’s agenda will include a recommendation for adoption of the K-5 Language Arts resources and materials. These materials, which align with the District’s curricular framework and identify a primary resource in conjunction with this framework and State standards for Language Arts, have been on public display since April 13 and were viewed by four parents. A survey was administered to Grade K-5 Language Arts teachers to gain feedback on implementation of the materials into their classrooms and the current training practices. Survey results reflected an overall positive response in support of moving forward with adoption.</p><p>The classroom resource training continues through May for K-8 teachers, and includes particular focus in ELL components. A recommendation will be brought forth this evening to approve Language Arts Grade 6-8 reading resources and materials for placement on public display, with anticipated adoption at the June 8 regular meeting.</p><p>BOARD MOTIONS</p><p>Consent Agenda: Mr. La Margo read the items on the proposed consent agenda. There being no requests for further discussion, Mr. La Margo moved (Mr. Carroll seconded) that the Board of Education approve the following consent agenda items:</p><p>1. Accounts Payable: 4/30/15 $642,080.97 2. Petty Cash/Imprest Fund: 4/30/15 $5,912.57</p><p>3. Payroll Summary: 4/30/15 $3,494,250.50 Orland School District 135 Minutes • Page 9 Board of Education Board & Organizational Meeting May 4, 2015</p><p>4. Resignation—Classified Staff, effective 4/23/15 Kimberly Riordan, Night Helper, Park</p><p>5. Acknowledgement—Receipt of Retirement: Classified Staff, effective 6/30/17 Linda Cepa, Technology Aide, Park Karen Kendall, Payroll Specialist II, District Office Monica Kurtis, Library Media Associate, Park Patricia Prost, Technical Support Specialist, District Office Mari Jayne Tittle, Executive Secretary to Instructional Services, District Office Charlotte Vasich, Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant, District Kathleen Zeimetz, Secretary, Meadow Ridge</p><p>6. Change of Classification—Certified Staff, effective the 2015-16 school year Julie Oberwise, from Director of Human Resources to Math Teacher, Orland Jr. High 7. Transfer—Classified Staff, effective the 2015-16 school year Belinda Olszewski, from Human Resources Specialist to Executive Secretary to Student Services, District Office</p><p>8. Employment—Classified Staff, for maintenance/technology work, Effective Summer 2015: </p><p>Scott Burns Ryley Lyvers Troy Furlong Austin Overby Kyle Kamp Matt Stoffle Matt Krygeris</p><p>9. Employment – Extended School Year, effective Summer 2015, presented as attached</p><p>10. Call List - Substitute Teachers & Paraprofessional, effective 5/4/2015 as amended</p><p>Substitute Teachers Substitute Paraprofessional Monique Burey Marikate Zabierek Matt Hull Jennifer McCasland Jennifer Szalko</p><p>Roll call on the consent agenda: Ayes: Ms. Sexton, Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak, Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon. Nays: None. Motion carried. Orland School District 135 Minutes • Page 10 Board of Education Board & Organizational Meeting May 4, 2015</p><p>Recognition of School Community Support: Mr. Maratea moved (Dr. Berry seconded) that the Board of Education formally recognize District 135 community members, parents, support staff, teachers, and administrators for their dedication and support in helping children achieve academic excellence. Roll Call: Ayes: Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak, Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Sexton. Nays: None. Motion carried.</p><p>Recognition of Local Agencies & Officials: Dr. Berry moved (Ms. Kulak seconded) that the Board of Education adopt a ‘Resolution Honoring Local Agencies and Officials,’ as presented.</p><p>Orland Fire Protection District Village of Orland Park Police Department Orland Hills Police Department Village of Orland Park Recreation & Parks Dept. Village of Orland Park Village of Orland Hills Orland Hills Recreation Department Orland Park Public Library Orland Park Area Chamber of Commerce Orland Park Rotary Orland Township State Senator Bill Cunningham State Senator Michael E. Hastings State Senator Emil Jones, III State Representative Fran Hurley State Representative Margo McDermed</p><p>State Representative Robert Rita Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak, Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Sexton, Dr. Berry. Nays: None. Motion carried.</p><p>Adoption – K-5 Language Arts Instructional Resources & Materials: Mr. Carroll moved (Ms. Kulak seconded) that the Board of Education adopt the following proposed instructional materials from SchoolWide, Inc., for Grades K-5 Language Arts resources and materials, at an amount not to exceed $300,000 for Grades K-8, as presented:</p><p>Subjects: 1) Reading, 2) Writing, 3) Grammar, 4) E-Reader Roll Call: Ayes: Ms. Kulak, Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Sexton, Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll. Nays: None. Motion carried.</p><p>Orland School District 135 Minutes • Page 11 Board of Education Board & Organizational Meeting May 4, 2015</p><p>Approval – Grade 6-8 Reading Instructional Materials for Public Display: Ms. Kulak moved (Mr. Okon seconded) that the Board of Education approve SchoolWide Inc., Grade 6-8 Reading instructional resources and materials to be placed on display for a 30-day period. Pending adoption of said materials will be brought forth on June 8, 2015, not to exceed the aforementioned amount for Grades K-8 resources and materials. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Sexton, Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak. Nays: None. Motion carried.</p><p>Resolution – Line Item Transfers: Mr. Okon moved (Ms. Sexton seconded) that the Board of Education adopt a ‘Resolution Approving Line Item Transfers Within the Current 2014-15 Budget of Orland School District Number 135, Cook County, Illinois,’ in accordance with 105 ILCS 5/17.1 of the Illinois School Code, effective May 4, 2015, as presented. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Sexton, Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak, Mr. La Margo. Nays: None. Motion carried.</p><p>Employment – Classified Staff: Ms. Sexton moved (Mr. Maratea seconded) that the Board of Education employ the following, effective as indicated:</p><p>Shawn Burke, Night Helper, Floater, effective TBD Gina Gaughan, Transportation Clerk, District Office, effective 6/1/15 Jill Harris, Secretary, Centennial, effective 7/1/15 Laura Ispas, Night Helper, Floater, effective TBD</p><p>Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Okon, Ms. Sexton, Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak, Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea. Nays: None. Motion carried.</p><p>Retirement – At-Will: Mr. Maratea moved (Dr. Berry seconded) that the Board of Education accept notice of retirement, subject to the terms of their signed agreement, for the following, effective June 30, 2017, as amended:</p><p>Barbara Lang, Confidential Secretary for Human Resources, District Office Andrea O’Reilly, Confidential Secretary for Business Services, District Office</p><p>Roll Call: Ayes: Ms. Sexton, Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak, Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon. Nays: None. Motion carried. Orland School District 135 Minutes • Page 12 Board of Education Board & Organizational Meeting May 4, 2015</p><p>BOARD DISCUSSION – Consideration/Possible Approval of Auditors</p><p>As Chairperson of the Finance/Facilities Committee, Mr. Carroll discussed consideration for appointing a new firm to provide auditing services for the District, as it is one of the Board’s primary functions. It was explained that the District has retained its current auditors for the past 5 years, and as good governance practice for school districts, the IRS recommends to regularly rotate audit firms every 5 years for municipalities and other non–profit organizations in order to maintain auditor independence and to provide an opportunity for the school district to be examined with a fresh pair of eyes.</p><p>Board Treasurer Jan Prieto-McCarthy provided an overview of a Request For Proposal (RFP) process conducted to determine a premier firm that would best fit the District’s criteria. Seven potential providers responded, of which three were interviewed. Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP (BT) was determined as the certified public accounting firm that best fit the District’s needs. BT was noted as one of the top 20 largest CPA firms in the US, and has provided auditing services for over 100 Illinois school districts, of which 50 are K-12 grade level - including 10 local school districts.</p><p>BOARD ACTION – Approval of Auditors</p><p>Dr. Berry moved (Mr. Carroll seconded) that the Board of Education approve a proposal submitted by Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP, to provide auditing services to Orland School District 135 for the fiscal years 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17, at an amount not to exceed $91,200, and to authorize the Superintendent of Schools to execute the same upon the approval of the Board's attorney to the terms and conditions of said agreement, effective May 4, 2015, as presented. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Sexton, Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak. Nays: None. Motion carried.</p><p>BOARD MEMBER REPORTS AND REQUESTS</p><p>Transportation Query: The Board queried if a contingency plan is established in the event that the newly appointed service provider, Positive Connections, LLC, is unable to determine a site for its facility. It was noted that the District is looking into the matter with the provider, and will provide an update to the Board within the next two weeks. Orland School District 135 Minutes • Page 13 Board of Education Board & Organizational Meeting May 4, 2015</p><p>Autism Speaks: Dr. Berry commended the Special Education Parent Advisory Committee upon their recent parent night on April 30. The event, entitled, “Resources for Supporting Your Special Education Student’s Social Interactions,” included a visit from two District social workers and an Autism Speaks representative, and also provided essential information to promote parental support.</p><p>Well Wishes: The Board expressed gratitude for Mr. Carroll and Ms. Zekich’s untiring commitment during their Board service, and wished them well in their future endeavors.</p><p>Senate Bill 1: On Monday, May 11, District 135 will participate in a public town hall meeting hosted by District 230’s Board of Education at Carl Sandburg High School, from 6:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center. Participants will hear from District 230 School Board President Rick Nogal, District 135 School Board President Joe La Margo, and EDGE Illinois Community Advocate Debbie Chafee. State Senators and Representatives have also confirmed their attendance and will answer questions from the community.</p><p>CLOSED SESSION</p><p>Mr. Carroll moved (Ms. Kulak seconded) that the Board of Education adjourn to closed session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees or legal counsel. Ayes: Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Sexton, Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak. Nays: None. Motion carried (8:44 p.m.).</p><p>RETURN TO OPEN SESSION</p><p>Mr. Carroll moved that the Board of Education, upon completion of its discussions in closed session, reconvene in public session. Voice vote: all ayes, no nays. Motion carried (11:31 p.m.).</p><p>BOARD ACTION – Select Tabled Items</p><p>Salary – At-Will Staff: Mr. Carroll moved (Mr. Maratea seconded) that the Board of Education approve a salary increase for Dan Doogan, Director of Technology, to the amount of $92,342, effective July 1, 2015. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Carroll, Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea, Ms. Sexton. Nays: Dr. Berry, Ms. Kulak, Mr. Okon. Motion carried.</p><p>Orland School District 135 Minutes • Page 14 Board of Education Board & Organizational Meeting May 4, 2015</p><p>Employment – At-Will Staff: Mr. Carroll moved (Mr. Maratea seconded) that the Board of Education employ Jennifer Beshansky as Director of Communications, effective May 11, 2015, as presented. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak, Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Sexton, Dr. Berry. Nays: None. Motion carried.</p><p>Employment – Administrative Staff: Mr. Carroll moved (Mr. Maratea seconded) that the Board of Education employ Karen Cannon-Janettas as Director of Special Education, effective July 1, 2015, as presented. Roll Call: Ayes: Ms. Kulak, Mr. La Margo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Sexton, Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll. Nays: None. Motion carried.</p><p>ADJOURNMENT</p><p>There being no further business at this time, Mr. Carroll moved (Mr. Maratea seconded) that the meeting be adjourned. A voice vote was called—all ayes, no nays. The President declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned (11:33 p.m.).</p><p>______Angie Sexton, Secretary</p><p>______Joseph S. La Margo, President </p><p>______Jill A. Olson, Recording Secretary</p>
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