
<p>Week 2, Problem 1: Numeric Integration [35 points; individual or pair] </p><p>Note: There is a lot of explanation and text in this lab. All the functions that you have to write in your hw2pr1.py file are labeled with PN. (where N is the problem number, e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc) and set off with a horizontal line like this: </p><p>P0. This indicates a function to write in your hw2pr1.py file. </p><p>The goal of this lab is to build a program in Python that can do numerical integration of functions. The lab is designed to exercise the following skills: </p><p> using Python to write functions </p><p> composing functions, i.e., extending or adapting old one to meet new requirements </p><p> applying functions to lists of inputs, i.e., list comprehensions or "map" </p><p> breaking down a large problem (numerical integration) into several smaller problems </p><p>Before you begin, you need to set up your new file. Please create a new file in the IDLE editor called hw2pr1.py and at the top of that file insert a header of comments that includes your name, the date, and the name of the file. For example: </p><p># April 14,2009 # John Smith # hw2pr1.py -- done in lab Overview </p><p>Integration is often described as finding the area between a mathematical function and the horizontal axis. This area is a single- value summary of the magnitude of the function across its independent variable. First, we present below a simple example of estimating an integral. Then, you will write an "integrator" function that works in general. </p><p>Recall the dbl function that we discussed last week: </p><p> def dbl(x): """ input: a number x (int or float) output: twice the input """ return 2*x Suppose you wanted to estimate the integral of the dbl function, between 0.0 and 10.0. You could do the following. </p><p>1. Divide the interval into 4 parts. Then the list [0, 2.5, 5, </p><p>7.5] represents the x value of the left-hand endpoint of each </p><p> part of the interval. </p><p>2. Find the y-values from dbl(x) for each possible x in the list of </p><p> left-hand endpoints above. These will be Y = [0, 5, 10, </p><p>15]. </p><p>3. Add up the areas of the rectangles whose upper-left-hand </p><p> corner is at these Y values. Each rectangle extends down to </p><p> the x-axis. 4. Since there are four equal-width rectangles spanning a total </p><p> of 10 units of width, each rectangle's individual width is 2.5. </p><p>We find the rectangles' areas in the usual way. Their heights </p><p> are contained in the list Y and their widths are 2.5, so the </p><p> total area is 0*2.5 + 5*2.5 + 10*2.5 + 15*2.5 or (0 + 5 + 10 + 15)*2.5 </p><p> which is (30)*2.5, or 75. </p><p>Although this is quite a rough approximation for the integral, as the width of the rectangles gets smaller and smaller, it approximates the true integral more and more closely. Furthermore, the simple example above suggests a general way we can divide the problem of general numeric integration into pieces that we know how to write programs to solve. That is: </p><p>1. Divide the interval in question into N equal parts and create a </p><p> list with the corresponding x values. </p><p>2. Find the y values of the function for each value of x calculated </p><p> in step 1 </p><p>3. Calculate the area of each rectangle under the curve </p><p>(bounded by the two x values on either side and the y value of </p><p> the leftmost x value) </p><p>4. Sum the areas and return the value </p><p>The rest of this lab involves writing functions to compute each of the four steps above (and optionally, to make the integral approximation slightly better) and then answering some questions about the results your integration approximation produces. Step 1: Calculating the x values to be evaluated </p><p>Our goal here is to write the function steps(low,hi,N), which takes in two numbers low and hi and a nonnegative integer N and returns a regularly-spaced list of N floats starting at low and going up to, but not including, hi itself. This list will give us our x values (an number we want) within a given range (whatever range we want). </p><p>At first you might think that a good way to approach this problem is to use the range function directly (recall that range(low, hi, step) returns a list of integers starting at low, up to but not including hi, step apart from each other.) Unfortunately, range returns a list of integers and we need a list of floats, so a single call to range will not suffice. Instead, we will again break up this problem into two pieces: </p><p>1. generate a list of N evenly spaced floating-point numbers </p><p> starting at 0.0 and going up to but not including 1.0 </p><p>2. adjust this list so that it spans the correct low, hi range. </p><p>P1. To solve step 1 above, in your hw2pr1.py file, write fracSteps(N), which should output a list of N evenly spaced floating-point values starting at 0.0 and going up to, but not including 1.0. N will be a positive integer. </p><p>Here are some examples: </p><p>>>> fracSteps(4) [0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75]</p><p>>>> fracSteps(8) [0.0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875]</p><p>>>> fracSteps(256) (lots of floating-point numbers!)</p><p>NOTE: You should NOT use recursion to implement this function. A good strategy here is to use a list comprehension and the range command we looked at in class. For example: </p><p>[ float(x)/2 for x in range(5) ] will produce the list </p><p>[0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0] </p><p>Recall that what's happening here is that range(5) is producing the list [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] and each of those values gets passed in as x to the function float(x) / 2, resulting in the list [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, </p><p>1.5, 2.0]. If we change either the list that gets produced, or the function that operates on the elements of the list, we will get a different result. </p><p>WARNING: Compare the above result to: [ x / 2 for x in range(5) ] which produces </p><p>[0, 0, 1, 1, 2] </p><p>Make sure you understand why. </p><p>Your list comprehension for this problem will look something like: </p><p>[ for x in range(N)] </p><p>If you want a step-by-step introduction to list comprehesions, check out the ListComprehension page. </p><p>P2. Now write steps(low,hi,N), which should take in two numbers low and hi and a nonnegative integer N. Then, steps should return a regularly-spaced list of N floats, starting at low and going up to, but not including, hi itself. </p><p>Hint: You will want to incorporate low into TWO places in your code. What is the importance of hi-low ? </p><p>We would suggest getting rid of range at this point. Try writing your return statement to include a list comprehension that looks like the following (you'll need to fill in the missing portion (marked by ___), of course!) </p><p>[______for x in fracSteps(N) ]</p><p>In essence, steps is basically a floating-point version of the built-in function, range. Here are some examples of how your steps function should work: </p><p>>>> steps(0,10,4) [0.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5]</p><p>>>> steps(41,43,8) [41.0, 41.25, 41.5, 41.75, 42.0, 42.25, 42.5, 42.75]</p><p>Step 2: Calculating the y values </p><p>Now that we have our x values, we need calculate the y value of the function at each of these x positions. We'll again use list comprehensions to make this process simple and fast! Although our goal is to handle arbitrary functions, we'll start with a concrete function and build up. </p><p>P3. Write a function dbl_steps(low,hi,N) that will double each of the values in the list that your steps function creates. Again, try to use a list comprehension that takes advantage of your steps function. That is, consider how you could use [ ... for x in steps(low,hi,N)] in writing dbl_steps. This may turn out to be less difficult than it seems at first glance. </p><p>Here is an example: </p><p>>>> dbl_steps(0,1,4) [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5] P4. Write fsteps(f,low,hi,N), which should do the same thing as dbl_steps, but with an arbitrary function f that is passed in as the first input. You might be best off copying dbl_steps and changing it. Here are some examples: </p><p>>>> fsteps(dbl,0,1,4) [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5]</p><p>>>> import math</p><p>>>> fsteps(math.sin,0,math.pi,6) [0.0, 0.5, 0.87, 1.0, 0.87, 0.5] (note: the above values are rounded versions of what actually gets displayed!)</p><p>>>> fsteps(math.exp,0,3,3) [1.0, 2.7182818284590451, 7.3890560989306504]</p><p># run dir(math) for the math functions (after "import math")</p><p># run help(math.sin) for a bit more description of any f'n</p><p>>>> fsteps(dbl,-10,10,500)</p><p>[-20.0, ... 499 more list elements ...]</p><p>You might note that if you wrote fsteps first, then you wouldn't need to write dbl_steps -- you could just use fsteps with dbl as the initial input. This kind of generality is sometimes a good thing... . However, some people find that they like to write a couple of specific examples before generalizing.</p><p>Visualizing your functions </p><p>Now that you can generate x and y values for your functions, it would be nice to see them plotted graphically. Please follow the link below that describes how to plot your functions in python. There's nothing to submit in this part, but throughout the rest of the lab it will be nice to have the ability to visualize your functions and your integration approximations. When you understand how to plot functions, please return to this page and continue the lab.</p><p>Click here to go the EECS 110 Plot Page </p><p>Steps 3+4: Calculate the area of the rectangles under the curve and putting it all together </p><p>Now that you can calculate the x values and the corresponding y values for functions of 1 input, you are ready to do the last two steps--use these values to calculate the area of the rectangles they form, and then sum these areas to compute the integral approximation. </p><p>P5. Write the function finteg (described in more detail below). Its behavior just generalizes the step-by-step integration example depicted and described above. You will want to use built-in functions and functions that you've already written in previous parts of this lab! Feel free to simply copy this function signature and docstring as-is and then fill in the return statement: def finteg(f,low,hi,N): """ finteg returns an estimate of the definite integral of the function f (the first input) with lower limit low (the second input) and upper limit hi (the third input) where N steps are taken (the fourth input) finteg simply returns the sum of the areas of rectangles under f, drawn at the left endpoint of the N steps taken from low to hi """</p><p>Hints: This function will be VERY short, but it can be a little tricky to write. Go very carefully through the example at the start of this lab, matching the concrete numbers in that example with the inputs to finteg . What corresponds to what? </p><p>Also, don't rewrite your fsteps function from the previous part of this lab - simply use it. If you use fsteps , the finteg function does not need list comprehensions or map or recursion at all...but sum will be useful. </p><p>Here is how sum works: </p><p>>>> sum( [10, 4, 1] )</p><p>15</p><p>>>> sum( range(0,101) )</p><p>5050</p><p>Here are some examples to check. >>> finteg(dbl,0,10,4) 75.0</p><p>Help - I get 60 instead of 75!! You may be dividing an int by an int with a resulting rounding error... Multiply low by 1.0 to create a float value, for example. </p><p>>>> import math >>> finteg(math.sin, 0, math.pi, 1000) 1.9999983550656628 # pretty good - should be 2.0</p><p>>>> finteg(sq,0,3,1000000) # a million steps will give it pause 8.9999865000044963 # close! - should be 9.0</p><p>Questions to answer in your hw2pr1.py file </p><p>The last required part of the lab (and HW problem 1) involves using your finteg function to answer a number of questions. You should put your answers either within comments or within triple-quoted strings in your hw2pr1.py file. Strings are easier because you don't need to preface multiple lines with the comment character, #. The first problem is done in a string as an example: </p><p>Q0. Explain why the true value of the last example should be 9. </p><p>The answer in the hw2pr1.py file would look like:</p><p>""" Q0. The "true value" of finteg(sq,0,3,1000000) -- that is, the integral of sq(x) from a low limit of 0 to a high limit of 3 -- equals x**3 / 3.0, evaluated at 3.0 MINUS x**3 / 3.0, evaluated at 0.0 These evaluate to 27.0/3.0 - 0.0, which equals 9.0 """</p><p>Q1. The following function, c, traces the upper arc of a semicircle from -2 to 2 : def c(x): return (4 - x**2)**0.5 Place this function into your hw2pr1.py file and confirm the values of </p><p>>>> finteg(c,0,2,2)</p><p>3.7320508075688772</p><p>>>> finteg(c,0,2,20)</p><p>3.2284648797549815</p><p>Next, find the values of finteg(c,0,2,200) and finteg(c,0,2,2000) . </p><p>As N goes to infinity, what does the value of this integral become? </p><p>Q2. Sometimes, integrals without closed-form solutions are so important that we simply define a function to be their solution! The natural log, sometimes written ln(x) is one such example. It is defined as This function is a built-in part of the math library under the name math.log(x).</p><p>Write a Python function ln(x,N) that uses your finteg to compute the natural log of x using N steps. How accurate are ln(4.2,100) and ln(4.2,10000) in comparison with the real value of math.log(4.2)? </p><p>Note: You should include ln(x, N) in your hw2pr1.py file, but what we are really interested in is the answer to the above question. (You just need to write this function to answer the question.) </p><p>Q3. Using finteg as a guide, write a new function, finteg_tr, that uses a trapezoid for each small interval, instead of rectangles. </p><p>Submission</p><p>You should submit your hw2pr1.py file at the Submission Site.</p><p>Next hw2pr2</p><p>Lab 2</p><p>Homework 2</p>
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