Appendix Table C76. Treatment Characteristics: Glial Tumors

Appendix Table C76. Treatment Characteristics: Glial Tumors

<p>Appendix Table C76. Treatment characteristics: Glial tumors G r Study o Stem Immunosuppress (Investi Compar- Record Num- u Cell Conditioning ive therapy for Supportive gator, Type of HSCT ative ber p Sour Regimen GVHD prophylax- Care country, Treatment ( ce is year) N )</p><p>A n a pl a st ic E Ayan, "8 in 1" p Turkey, 74690 chemother e 1995 apy n d y m o m a 4</p><p>H S Conventio C nal T chemother C apy was P given to C 17 of 20 ( remaining 2 patients. 2 ) 1 HSCT patient of the C received: patients o carboplatin, who did n procarbazine, not v etoposide, receive e Berger, Perip cisplatin, chemother nt France, 75380 heral Autologous vincristine, apy had io 1998 blood cyclophosphamid radiothera n e. 1 patient py, and al received two had th etoposide, no e ifosfamide and treatment r carboplatin other than a partial p surgical y resection. C Chemothe P rapy C regimen ( varied by 2 patient. 0 ) G r Study o Stem Immunosuppress (Investi Compar- Record Num- u Cell Conditioning ive therapy for Supportive gator, Type of HSCT ative ber p Sour Regimen GVHD prophylax- Care country, Treatment ( ce is year) N )</p><p>Standard Chemothe rapy Bertolon Regimen e, (A) vs. 1 United 10380 Experime 8 States, ntal 8-in-1 2003 Chemothe rapy Regimen (B)</p><p>Bouffet, Bone France, 78760 5 Marr Single Autologous 1997 ow</p><p>RT initiated as soon as possible after post-op recovery in surgery or after -6, and -5. And radiologic Thiotepa 300 diagnosis. 50- mg/m^2/d -4, -3, 50Gy given over and -2. Bouffet, Bone 2 6 weeks at a rate clonazepam .1 France, 78770 Marr Autologous 4 of 8-9 Gy per mg/kg/day Day -8 2000 ow week in 5 daily to -1. ABM fracs. HDC reinfused 48 initiated 40-60 hours after days after RT. chemo. HDC consisted of busulfan 150mg/m^2/d on -8,-7, G r Study o Stem Immunosuppress (Investi Compar- Record Num- u Cell Conditioning ive therapy for Supportive gator, Type of HSCT ative ber p Sour Regimen GVHD prophylax- Care country, Treatment ( ce is year) N ) E p e n d y m o m a 2, A n a pl a st HEPA ic filtered A room, low st microbial r diet, IV o acyclovir, c oral yt nonabsorb o able m antibiotics, a Two regimen: A, and 1, BCNU 2x/d for 3 cotrimoxaz G days and ole. Busca, li ABM etoposide 1x/d Broad- Italy, 73190 Autologous o T for 3 days (n=5). spectrum 1997 bl B, Thiotepa and antibiotics a etoposide 1x/d were st for 3 days (n=6) administer o ed to m febrile a patients. M Blood ul component tif therapy to o keep r elevated m platelet e count 2, O li g o d e n d r o gl io m a 1 G r Study o Stem Immunosuppress (Investi Compar- Record Num- u Cell Conditioning ive therapy for Supportive gator, Type of HSCT ative ber p Sour Regimen GVHD prophylax- Care country, Treatment ( ce is year) N )</p><p>E p e n Surgical d resection Conter, y followed France, 73540 m by 2009 o radiothera m py a 2 4</p><p>Doireau, chemother France, 55990 8 apy 1998</p><p>6 Thiotepa Etoposide, 2 Dunkel, Bone BCNU Thiotepa United 1 78780 Marr Single Auto Etoposide, 2 States, 0 ow Carboplatin 1998 Thiotepa Etoposide G r Study o Stem Immunosuppress (Investi Compar- Record Num- u Cell Conditioning ive therapy for Supportive gator, Type of HSCT ative ber p Sour Regimen GVHD prophylax- Care country, Treatment ( ce is year) N ) ThioTEPA 900 mg/m^2 w/ etoposide 750 or 1,500 mg/m^2 over 3 days (n=11), 600 Finlay, Bone mg/m^2 over 3 2 Chemothe United 1300 marr Autologous days preceded NR NR 7 rapy Only States ow by carmustine (n=5), or carboplatin 1,500 mg/m^2 over 3 days (n=11) w/ AEUC of 7 mg/ml/min day E Isolated Bone p laminar air Marr e flow rooms ow n with atrial Stem d catheters. Grill, Cells y Busulfan, Parenteral France, 73240 in 15 Autologous m Thiotepa, nutrition 1996 pts o and broad and m spectrum PBS a antibiotics C in 1 when 1 pt. 6 needed.</p><p>Resection and Chemothe rapy followed Grill, 7 by France, 74360 3 irradiation 2001 in the event of progressio n or relapse G r Study o Stem Immunosuppress (Investi Compar- Record Num- u Cell Conditioning ive therapy for Supportive gator, Type of HSCT ative ber p Sour Regimen GVHD prophylax- Care country, Treatment ( ce is year) N ) Corticoster oids for control of tumor mass effect and cerebral edema. Pts not given carmustine, corticoster 2 thiotepa, and oids had PBS etoposide. dexametha Grovas, C Carmustine at sone 5 United 1 (18), dose of 100 mg/m^2/d 16600 single autologous States, 1 9 mg/m^2 for six *3. 6 Pts 1999 ABM doses, Thiotepa given G- T 300 mg/M^2/d * 3 CSF on (82) , Etoposide 250 reinfusion mg/m^2/d *3 (55). All pts received RT on approximat ely day +42. 30 fracs 180 cGy 5200 cGy w/ 540 boost</p><p>E p e n Grundy, d Chemothe United y 73750 rapy w or Kingdo m w/o RT m, 2007 o m a 8 9 G r Study o Stem Immunosuppress (Investi Compar- Record Num- u Cell Conditioning ive therapy for Supportive gator, Type of HSCT ative ber p Sour Regimen GVHD prophylax- Care country, Treatment ( ce is year) N )</p><p>Chemothe Grundy, rapy with United 4 51800 or without States, 1 radiothera 2010 py G r Study o Stem Immunosuppress (Investi Compar- Record Num- u Cell Conditioning ive therapy for Supportive gator, Type of HSCT ative ber p Sour Regimen GVHD prophylax- Care country, Treatment ( ce is year) N ) N = 7, 1 c p c, 1 e p e n d y m o m Varied by a, treatment 4 protocol. gl Patients io Four patients had received bl carboplatin, antifungal a thiotepa, and and Gururan st etoposide, one antibiotics gan, o Bone patient had if febrile United 18000 m marr Autologous thiotepa and and States, a ow etoposide only, neutropeni 1998 m and one patient c. ul had carboplatin, Maintenan tif thiotepa and ce of o carmustine platelet r counts. m GCSF use e, varied by 1 protocol. a n a pl a st ic a st r o c yt o m a G r Study o Stem Immunosuppress (Investi Compar- Record Num- u Cell Conditioning ive therapy for Supportive gator, Type of HSCT ative ber p Sour Regimen GVHD prophylax- Care country, Treatment ( ce is year) N )</p><p>Patients in this multicente r retrospecti ve study E were p classified e as having n either Horn, d surgery Untied y alone 6 74470 States, m (7), 1999 o chemother m apy alone a 17 (20), 8 radiation 3 alone 31 (37), or radiation and chemother apy 29 (35).</p><p>Hurwitz, United 4 Chemothe 53330 States, 5 rapy 2001 G r Study o Stem Immunosuppress (Investi Compar- Record Num- u Cell Conditioning ive therapy for Supportive gator, Type of HSCT ative ber p Sour Regimen GVHD prophylax- Care country, Treatment ( ce is year) N ) Surgical excision followed by 30 Gy irradiation w/ 20-25 Gy boost E to the p primary e tumor n area d [spinal Jaing, y mets Taiwan, 74030 m irradiated 2004 o with a m total dose a of 30-45 4 Gy]. 9 pts 3 did not receive RT due to >3 years old. 13 pts received chemother apy</p><p>CCNU 130mg/m^2, vincristine 1.5mg/m^2 on Pts who day 0 and developed procarbazine 150 a mg/m^/d on 1- procarbazi 7.PBSC infusion Jakacki, Autologous given in four ne related was infused 36- United 1 PBS doses concurrent with rash 15920 72 hrs after States, 1 C chemotherapy and received procarbazine. RT 1999 radiotherapy diphenhydr began 48-72 hrs amine prior after PBSC to 180cGY (5040- subsequen 5940 cGy).2nd, t doses 3rd, and 4th chemotherapy regimens started 4 wks after prev G r Study o Stem Immunosuppress (Investi Compar- Record Num- u Cell Conditioning ive therapy for Supportive gator, Type of HSCT ative ber p Sour Regimen GVHD prophylax- Care country, Treatment ( ce is year) N ) H ig h g r a d e a st r o c yt Kobrins o Etoposide ky, m or United 53560 a etoposide/ States, 2 mannitol 1999 0, b r ai n st e m gl io m a 2 2 Korones , United Chemothe 52670 9 States, rapy 2006 G r Study o Stem Immunosuppress (Investi Compar- Record Num- u Cell Conditioning ive therapy for Supportive gator, Type of HSCT ative ber p Sour Regimen GVHD prophylax- Care country, Treatment ( ce is year) N ) Chemothe rapy: procarbazi ne, ifosfamide , mesna, vp-16, methotrex ate, CF- rescue, cisplatin, cytarabine Kuhl, followed 2 German 17700 by 1 y, 1998 radiothera py of 35.2 gy in 22 frac and maintenan ce chemother apy in some patients (% unknown for EPD)</p><p>Corticoster oids used at clinician recommen dation; Macdon recommen Chemothe ald, ded for 7 rapy with United 55000 raised 6 Radiother States, intracranial apy 2005 pressure and adrenal insufficienc y restriction G r Study o Stem Immunosuppress (Investi Compar- Record Num- u Cell Conditioning ive therapy for Supportive gator, Type of HSCT ative ber p Sour Regimen GVHD prophylax- Care country, Treatment ( ce is year) N ) Amino Acid withholding during melphalan CTX 4 days, treatment. Melphalan 3 days Irradiated Mahone following marrow CMV for y, Bone infusion patients hematocrit United 73250 7 Marr Autologous were given level States, ow escalating CTX maintenan 1996 dose with mesna ce, support Fluconazol e, Acyclovir in pts. With positive HSV platelet counts maintained above 50,000, hemoglobi n maintained E above p 8.0g/dL, e 5 patients febrile n received neutropeni Mason, d thiotepa/etoposid c patients United y ABM e (33), 10 treated 73180 Autologous States, m R received with broad- 1998 o thioTEPA/etoposi spectrum m de/carboplatin antibiotics a (67) and 1 antifungal 5 agents. Pts received trimethopri m- sulfametho xazole prophylaxi s from day 30 CDDP plus VP- 16 week 1 and 4; Single Auto, in 4 pts two Massimi VCR plus CTX 2 cycles due to residual no, Italy, 55220 PBC and hd-MTX 1 tumor response after first 2005 week 7 and 10, course hd-Thiotepa and G-CSFT week 13 G r Study o Stem Immunosuppress (Investi Compar- Record Num- u Cell Conditioning ive therapy for Supportive gator, Type of HSCT ative ber p Sour Regimen GVHD prophylax- Care country, Treatment ( ce is year) N )</p><p>E p e Radiother n Mercha apy with d nt, three y United 74280 dimension m States, al o 2002 treatment m planning a 6 4</p><p>Rifampin, trimethopri Cyclophosphami m/sulfamet de 4-6 g/m^2 with Ozkayn hoxazole, G-CSF 10 ak, gentamicin PBS ug/kg/d, Thiotepa United 7850 6 Tandem Autologous , C 240 mg/m^2/d * States, amphoteric 3, carboplatin 2004 in-B, 400 mg/m^2/d * fluconazol 3, e, acyclovir. G r Study o Stem Immunosuppress (Investi Compar- Record Num- u Cell Conditioning ive therapy for Supportive gator, Type of HSCT ative ber p Sour Regimen GVHD prophylax- Care country, Treatment ( ce is year) N )</p><p>E p Maximal e surgical n resection, Roberts d randomize on, y d United 74630 m assignme States, o nt to one 1998 m of two a treatment 3 arms. 2</p><p>1 Busulfan and Thiotepa for EPD, 2 Thiotepa and Shih, cyclophosphamid Bone United e for AA, 1 2530 5 Marr Single Autologous States, carboplatin and ow 2008 etoposide for GBM, and 1 Thiotepa and cyclophosphamid e for GBM G r Study o Stem Immunosuppress (Investi Compar- Record Num- u Cell Conditioning ive therapy for Supportive gator, Type of HSCT ative ber p Sour Regimen GVHD prophylax- Care country, Treatment ( ce is year) N )</p><p>Authors not explicit; antibiotics, blood products were administer ed when required Sio, and steroid 1 Chemothe Italy, 6950 therapy 4 rapy 2006 was limited to treatment of raised intracranial pressure or cerebral edema in brain tumor pts.</p><p>3 cycles induction cisplatin, Thorarin cyclophosphamid sdottir, PBS e, etoposide, United 73050 6 Autologous C vincristine. 3 States, cycles 2007 consolidation carboplatin, thiotepa 6 cycles chemother apy 31 3 (91%), Wrede, 4 radiothera German 75590 C py in y, 2009 P children C over 3 years of age G r Study o Stem Immunosuppress (Investi Compar- Record Num- u Cell Conditioning ive therapy for Supportive gator, Type of HSCT ative ber p Sour Regimen GVHD prophylax- Care country, Treatment ( ce is year) N ) oral dexametha sone before 2 dose CTX CTX 10 accompanied by mg/m^2/d, mesna at 160%. Yule, prophylacti Starting dose United c acyclovir 18960 5 BMP Tandem Autologous CTX was Kingdo 1,500 2.5m/m^2/d and m, 1997 mg/m^2/d) escalated at . and 5m/m^2/d to 2 ciprofloxaci g/m^2. stem n (10 mg/kg/d), and oral nystatin. platelet counters were Maximal surgical maintained resection above followed by 10,00/mm induction E with (vincristine, p transfusion etoposide, e as cyclophosphamid n necessary. Zacharo e w/ mesna, d Febrile ulis, methotrexate) y PBS neutropeni United 73020 Autologous and consolidation m C c pts were States, (carboplatin, o given 2007 thiotepa, m broad etoposide) a spectrum chemotherapy 2 IV with radiotherapy 9 antibiotics. when indicated Pts by tumor received response, age, PCP and location pneumonia prophylaxi s G r Study o Stem Immunosuppress (Investi Compar- Record Num- u Cell Conditioning ive therapy for Supportive gator, Type of HSCT ative ber p Sour Regimen GVHD prophylax- Care country, Treatment ( ce is year) N ) A n a pl a st ic A st r o c yt o m a ( 1 ); O li g o a Thiotepa st 300mg/m^2 day Gilheen r -8, -7, -6; Granulocyt ey, o topotecan 2 e colony- United 2187 Autologous c mg/m^2 day -8, stimulating States, yt -7, -6, -5, -4; factor 2010 o carboplatin ~500 m mg day -5, -4, -3 a ( 1 ); G li o bl a st o m a m ul tif o r m e ( 2 )</p>

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