<p>o</p><p>June 27 – July 24, 2013 Science Matters Network in Michigan eBlast http://msta-mich.org/smn</p><p>In this E-Blast 1. Leadership 2. The Science Matters Network in Michigan a. Another FREE Gift for You in the NSTA Learning Center – STEM/Color Writing b. The Michigan Science Matters Network eBlast Takes a Summer Vacation 3. Michigan Department of Education a. Job Opening-Executive Director of the Michigan Mathematics and Science Centers NETWORK b. Science, Education, and Business Communities Widely Endorse the NGSS 4. Information for Students (and Parents too!) a. NASA GIRLS and NASA BOYS Mentoring Project b. Engage Garden Based Learning c. Bright Ideas Photo Contest d. Upcoming Deadlines 5. Grants and Opportunities for K-12 Teachers a. Free Cross Curricular Learning PD Opportunity for Northern Lower Peninsula Teachers b. DuPont Pioneer Excellence in Agricultural Science Education Award c. Robert E. Yager Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award d. Great Lakes Science for Teachers Workshop Cruise with $50 Stipend e. Summer Scholarship Opportunity Through Wildlife Conservation Society’s Online Teacher Academy f. New Science Teacher Academy g. Green Thumb Challenge Grant h. AIAA Foundation Classroom Grants i. Upcoming Deadlines 6. Information for K-12 Teachers a. Earth Science Week 2013 Toolkits Available for Order b. Michigan No Child Left Inside Summit c. 2013 – 2014 PD Schedule Announced for the Detroit Zoo d. Register Now for the DNR’s Academy of Natural Resources e. Spark Interest in STEM Careers f. Assemble a Geometric Paper Torso g. Upcoming Deadlines 7. Ideas from the Twitterverse 8. Information for High School Teachers a. Upcoming Deadline 9. Information for Middle School and High School Teachers a. Orion’s Quest Summer Workshop</p><p>David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: [email protected] -- msta-mich.org/smn b. Upcoming Vernier Workshop c. Upcoming Deadlines 10. Information for Middle School Science Teachers a. Upcoming Deadline 11. Information for Elementary School Science Teachers a. Grow Science Literacy 12. Science Humor – Funny Stuff 13. June Contest Winners</p><p>Here are your science education resources and announcements for June 27 – July 24, 2013 provided by the Michigan Science Matters Network. Please forward this eBlast on to other science educators in your school/district. If you have questions or comments, please forward them to: David Bydlowski Michigan Coordinator—Science Matters Network [email protected] http://bap.nsta.org http://www.msta-mich.org/smn or</p><p>Sue Campbell MSTA Representative [email protected] http://www.msta-mich.org</p><p>Please Note: If you do not receive the full e-blast you can view it at: http://msta-mich.org/smn or request a Word/pdf version by emailing: [email protected] </p><p>------1. Leadership</p><p>“Forget about likes and dislikes. They are of no consequence. Just do what must be done. This may not be happiness, but it is greatness.” George Bernard Shaw</p><p>Thank you to Herm Boatin, Science consultant and lecturer, University of Michigan- Dearborn, for contributing this leadership quote.</p><p>------The Science Matters Network In Michigan ------2a. Another Free Gift for You in the NSTA Learning Center – STEM/Color Writing</p><p>I hope you will enjoy this free gift that you can access in the NSTA Learning Center. The gift is a set of resources on the topic of “STEM Careers.” To access just visit: http://learningcenter.nsta.org/share.aspx?id=PI4rPJzZ8W</p><p>This collection includes a link to the NDEP LabTV webisode and related NSTA resources assembled to support the teaching of STEM careers in the classroom. In the “Color Writing” webisode a scientist describes how separating the dye colors in felt-tip markers is analogous with separating hydrocarbon compounds in jet fuels.</p><p>If you have not joined the NSTA Learning Center yet, just look at your invitation, emailed to</p><p>David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: [email protected] -- msta-mich.org/smn you on April 22, 2013. If you would like your invitation sent directly to you, just send an email to: [email protected] and an invitation will be sent directly to you.</p><p>------2b. The Michigan Science Matters Network eBlast Takes a Summer Vacation</p><p>The Michigan Science Matters Network will take a summer vacation. There will only be one eBlast in July and one in August. It is anticipated that the July eBlast will be sent out around July 25 and the August eBlast will be sent out around August 22. It is hoped that you will receive a wonderful rest during your summer vacation.</p><p>------Michigan Department of Education ------3a. Job Opening – Executive Director of the Michigan Mathematics and Science Centers Network</p><p>The Michigan Mathematics and Science Centers Network (MMSCN) is seeking nominations for the part-time position of Executive Director. The goal of the network is to build a 21st- century workforce by inspiring and nurturing excellence in mathematics and science for all Michigan students, teachers, and communities. Since 1993, the MMSCN has provided a forum for its 33 regional centers to collaborate, exchange information and develop programs. The Executive Director is responsible for the organization’s consistent achievement of its mission and financial objectives, providing leadership in developing programs and organizational plans and advocating for the network. The Executive Director will maintain relationships with funders of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) educational programs, identify grant opportunities, and develop proposals. The Director will work collaboratively with the Board to develop communication strategies that promote and enhance the organization as the expert on mathematics, science and technology issues.</p><p>Position: Executive Director. This is an Independent Contractor/part time position. </p><p>Compensation Range: $45,000-$60,000.</p><p>Qualifications: 1. Bachelor’s degree with advanced degree preferred. 2. At least 5 years experience in education, management and/or administration. 3. Knowledge and experience with STEM education. 4. Excellent interpersonal and project management skills. 5. Excellent oral and written communication skills. 6. Proficient computer skills.</p><p>Start Date: September 16, 2013. Successful candidate must be available for the fall Executive Directors’ Meeting on September 18-20, 2013.</p><p>Application Process: For a complete job description, visit the Michigan Mathematics & Science Centers Network website at www.mimathandscience.org. Qualified candidates submit application materials to Applitrack by July 25, 2013 at: http://www.applitrack.com/eup/onlineapp/jobpostings/view.asp? internaltransferform.Url=&district=All&category=All</p><p>Please be sure to name your files with your last and first names. Candidates selected for further consideration will be contacted with additional instructions on the selection process. </p><p>David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: [email protected] -- msta-mich.org/smn Interviews will be held August 12, 2013 in Jackson, Michigan.</p><p>------3b. Science, Education and Business Communities Widely Endorse the NGSS</p><p>Since the development and release of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), leaders in science, K-12 education, higher education, business, technology, and research have voiced their support for the NGSS as a high-quality set of K-12 science standards that will better prepare students for college and careers. This growing coalition of individuals and organizations from many states represents experts with deep, demonstrated knowledge and experience in the field, including several Nobel Laureates. </p><p>To date, the following groups and individuals have expressed support for states' adoption and implementation of the NGSS as a way to improve science education across the country:</p><p>State Boards of Education (voted to adopt) Kansas Kentucky Rhode Island</p><p>Scientific and Education Organizations American Chemical Society American Meteorological Society American Physical Society American Society of Plant Biologists Association of Presidential Awardees in Science Teaching Association of Public and Land Grant Universities National Association of Gifted Children National Science Teachers Association</p><p>Notable Scientists and Academics Bruce Alberts, Stanford University / Past President, National Academy of Sciences Andy Anderson, Michigan State University Wolfgang Bauer, Michigan State University Rodolfo Dirzo, Stanford University James Paul Holloway, University of Michigan Jonathan Osborne, Stanford University Helen Quinn, Stanford University Carl Wieman, Stanford University / Nobel Laureate</p><p>Businesses Autodesk, Inc. Battelle Memorial Institute Bay Area Council Baybio Baybio Institute Bayer Corporation Broadcom Burroughs Wellcome Fund Business-Higher Education Forum Carolina Biological Supply Company CA Technologies Causecast Celgene Chevron CISCO Systems</p><p>David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: [email protected] -- msta-mich.org/smn Comcast Corning, Inc. Dell Inc. DuPont Eaton Eli Lilly E-Line Media EMC2 Epic Games Hitachi High Technologies America IBM Intel Iowa Governor's STEM Advisory Council Kansas Bioscience Organization McKinstry Merck Microsoft Corporation Motorola Solutions Nature Publishing Group Optum RX Pasco Prudential Sally Ride Science Smart Technologies SSL Stellar Solutions Inc. Symantec The Travelers Companies, Inc. United Launch Alliance Ventria Bioscience Vernier Software and Technology</p><p>------Information for Students (and Parents too!) ------4a. NASA GIRLS and NASA BOYS Mentoring Project</p><p>NASA is looking for the next generation of scientists, engineers and innovators. To jump-start the future of potential explorers, Women@NASA has created a mentoring project that offers a one-of-a-kind experience for middle school students. Participants will get to explore the possibilities of a career in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.</p><p>The project will feature one-on-one mentoring from NASA employees. Participants will complete online lessons with their mentors while virtually connected through Skype or Google Chat.</p><p>Applicants must be U.S. citizens in grades 5-8 or home-school equivalent. The mentoring project will take place over a five-week period during the summer.</p><p>Applications are due July 2, 2013. For more information and to register online, visit: http://women.nasa.gov/nasagirls/</p><p>------4b. Engage Garden Based Learning</p><p>Nothing says summer like butterflies. GardenABCs’ Citizen Science Projects for School and Home offer ways for students to help scientists learn more about these important insects. For example, students can monitor patches of milkweed weekly to count monarch eggs and larvae and assess milkweed density. This data will help scientists</p><p>David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: [email protected] -- msta-mich.org/smn determine the distribution and abundance patterns of monarch butterflies in North America. They can also help offset the loss of milkweeds and nectar sources—critical monarch habitats—by creating “Monarch Waystations” in home gardens, at schools, businesses, parks, zoos, nature centers, along roadsides and on other unused plots of land. Once a “waystation” has been created, it can be certified, and a sign may be purchased from Monarch Watch. Or they can combine an annual summer evening ritual with scientific research by tracking the fate of fireflies. With the help of a network of volunteers observing fireflies in their own backyard, scientists hope to learn about the geographic distribution of fireflies, their activity during the summer season and the way they are affected by human- made light and lawn pesticides. Find these and other citizen science projects, along with monthly activities to do with children in the garden, on GardenABCs’ website. Please visit: http://www.gardenabcs.com/Citizen_Science.html#classroom</p><p>------4c. Bright Ideas Photo Contest</p><p>Bring the “Concord Consortium’s” light bulb with you on your summer vacation and take photos with it as you discover the wonders of nature, visit engineering feats of grandeur and explore science and math in the world around you. Enter your best photo in their contest at: http://facebook.com/concordconsortium or use the #ccbrightideas tag on Twitter and Instagram.</p><p>Three Easy Steps a. Cut out the light bulb and take it on your summer vacation b. Take a photo with the light bulb as you discover science and math in the world around you c. Enter your photo in our contest at facebook.com/concordconsortium or use the #ccbrightideas tag on Twitter and Instagram</p><p>All submissions must be received by August 31, 2013. Voting ends August 31, 2013. For more information, please visit: http://concord.org/bright-ideas?utm_source=The+Concord+Consortium+List&utm_campaign=fe4cb02bd3- June_2013_Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_4ca9f8d47e-fe4cb02bd3-212531541</p><p>------4d. Upcoming Deadlines</p><p>July 1, 2013: Deadline for high school students to apply for the Secretary of Transportation’s Recognizing Aviation and Aerospace Innovation in Science and Engineering (RAISE) Award. Please visit: http://dot-raise2013.challenge.gov</p><p>July 2, 2013: Deadline for Grade 5 – 8 Students to apply for the NASA GIRLS and NASA BOYS Mentoring Project. Please visit: http://women.nasa.gov/nasagirls/</p><p>July 27 – 28, 2013: Maker Faire Detroit at The Henry Ford in Dearborn, MI. Please visit: http://thehenryford.org</p><p>July 31, 2013: Deadline for students to enter the NASA LEGO Bricks Competition. Please visit: http://rebrick.lego.com/en-US/BottomMenu/Blog/06032013-nasa-missions-imagine- build.aspx</p><p>July 31, 2013: Deadline to share a Summer Solstice Snapshot. Please visit: http://budburst.org/summer</p><p>August 31, 2013: Deadline to enter the Bright Ideas Photo Contest. Please visit: http://concord.org/bright-ideas? utm_source=The+Concord+Consortium+List&utm_campaign=fe4cb02bd3- June_2013_Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_4ca9f8d47e-fe4cb02bd3-</p><p>David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: [email protected] -- msta-mich.org/smn 212531541</p><p>------Grants and Opportunities For K-12 Teachers ------5a. Free Cross Curricular Learning PD Opportunity for Northern Lower Peninsula Teachers</p><p>This summer, Cranbrook Art and Science on the Go, a collaboration between the Cranbrook Institute of Science and Cranbrook Academy of Art, is inviting all northern lower-peninsula Michigan K-12 teachers to join us at Cranbrook’s campus in Bloomfield Hills for a free four- day teacher workshop on cross-curricular learning. With funding provided by The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation, housing, meals and a travel stipend will be provided for to all registered teachers.</p><p>Remaining 2013 Summer Teacher Workshops are August 5-8 (for K-5 teachers) and August 12-25 (for 6-12 teachers). A maximum of 25 teachers may attend each session.</p><p>During their stay, teachers will have the opportunity to explore different fields of study in the sciences and arts and find how connections can be made between the two fields. Through interactive workshops and activities, teachers will have the opportunity to develop ways to better integrate these topics into your classroom. Opportunities to earn a maximum of 30 SCECHs are planned as part of this workshop.</p><p>While on campus, teachers will get to explore the Cranbrook community which includes a natural history museum, contemporary art museum, art academy, and K-12 schools. The wooded grounds are home to inspiring art and architecture created by some of the world’s most famous artists and architects of the Modern era. Several miles of walking paths, gardens and other amenities are available.</p><p>Lodging arrangements are on campus in the Academy of Art dormitories. A studio space on the Academy of Art campus will also provide teachers with workspace to create lesson plans, test ideas, and work on projects.</p><p>Spaces are available on a first come, first serve basis and are limited to teachers within lower-peninsula northern Michigan. You must teach in one of the following counties to qualify: Alcona, Alpena, Antrim, Arenac, Bay, Benzie, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Clare, Crawford, Emmet, Gladwin, Iosco, Isabella , Kalkaska, Lake, Leelenau, Manistee, Mason, Mecosta, Midland, Missaukee, Montmorency, Newaygo, Oceana, Ogemaw, Osceola , Oscoda, Otsego, Presque Isle, Roscommon, or Traverse.</p><p>A flyer and further information detailing the workshops can be found at: http://science.cranbrook.edu/for-teachers/asog/workshops Please share this opportunity with any other qualifying teachers.</p><p>To register for Cranbrook Art and Science on the Go Summer Teacher Workshops, please visit: http://science.cranbrook.edu/teachers/art-and-science-go/asog-workshop-web- registration They will contact you shortly afterward to confirm your registration and provide further information.</p><p>For more information, please contact Cranbrook Art and Science on the Go at [email protected] or 248-645-3133.</p><p>------5b. DuPont Pioneer Excellence in Agricultural Science Education Award</p><p>David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: [email protected] -- msta-mich.org/smn The DuPont Pioneer Excellence in Agricultural Science Education Award recognizes excellence and innovation in the field of agricultural science education. Applicants must be K–12 classroom teachers whose responsibilities include implementing agricultural science in their classroom. The awardee will receive a $5,000 grant for their classroom/program, paid travel expenses to attend the NSTA national conference on science education, mentoring with a DuPont Pioneer scientist, classroom resources from DuPont Pioneer, and access to a DuPont Pioneer product plant or research facility. Please visit: http://www.nsta.org/about/awards.aspx#dupont The deadline to apply is November 30.</p><p>------5c. Robert E. Yager Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award</p><p>The Robert E. Yager Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award recognizes six full-time K–12 teachers of science who successfully use innovation and excellence in their classroom. Awardees will receive $1,000 plus $1,000 toward expenses to attend the next NSTA National Congress on Science Education, which is held each summer. An identified Yager Scholar from the six awardees will be given additional support of up to $1,500 to present at a future NSTA National Conference on Science Education. Please visit: http://www.nsta.org/about/awards.aspx#yager The deadline to apply is November 30.</p><p>------5d. Great Lakes Science for Teachers Workshop Cruise with $50 Stipend</p><p>GREAT LAKES SCIENCE FOR TEACHERS WORKSHOP CRUISES -- Don’t miss the boat!</p><p>When… July 18, 2013 – 10:00am-2:00pm August 1, 2013 – 10:00am-2:00pm</p><p>Where… Lake St. Clair Metropark marina (July 18) Lake Erie Metropark marina (August 1)</p><p>Who.. Active teachers in grades 4 – 12</p><p>Why… To enhance your Great Lakes content knowledge, obtain materials for your classroom, and receive a $50 stipend</p><p>How… Register now through the Summer Discovery Cruises website at: www.discoverycruises.org to reserve your place!</p><p>------5e. Summer Scholarship Opportunity Through Wildlife Conservation Society’s Online Teacher Academy</p><p>The Wildlife Conservation Society's award-winning Online Teacher Academy is pleased to announce a new Scholarship Opportunity for teachers enrolling in its professional development courses. This summer, the scholarship will allow teachers to take any one of the following online courses for only $50* ($225 savings):</p><p>David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: [email protected] -- msta-mich.org/smn * Habitat Ecology for Educators * Nature's Thread: Weaving Environmental Education Into Your Curriculum * Our Changing Planet: Climate Change and Wildlife Connections</p><p>These courses are designed to enhance your understanding of the living world and revitalize your love for nature and science. Entirely online, these six-week courses provide unique opportunities to examine the life sciences of zoology, ecology and conservation and are rich with CCSS, NGSS, and STEM connections.</p><p>*Graduate credits are available for an additional $165.</p><p>Free resources! Cutting-edge science! Register now at: http://pd.wcs.org Questions? E-mail [email protected] or call +1-718-220-5136.</p><p>------5f. New Science Teacher Academy</p><p>The New Science Teacher Academy, cofounded by the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and Amgen Foundation, is a professional development initiative created to help promote quality science teaching, enhance teacher confidence and classroom excellence, and improve teacher content knowledge. Designed as a career-enhancing program for middle school and high school science teachers in their second through fifth year of teaching, the year-long professional development and mentoring program offers unique support and resources throughout the year, with the intention of heightening teaching skills and content knowledge and easing the often difficult initial years as a novice teacher. The Academy provides each teacher with a year-long, discipline-specific mentor; web-based content development courses and other resources; membership with full benefits in NSTA; attendance at the 2014 National Conference on Science Education, including air travel, lodging, meals and registration fees. Hundreds of teachers will be chosen to participate in the 2013–2014 Academy and take advantage of cost-free, consistent online professional development activities along with face-to-face educational experiences.</p><p>Deadline: August 1, 2013, for applications. Please visit: http://www.nsta.org/academy/</p><p>------5g. Green Thumb Challenge Grant</p><p>The Green Education Foundation (GEF) and Gardener’s Supply Company have teamed up on a funding opportunity for established youth garden projects nationwide. The organizations are calling on schools and youth groups to submit chronicles of their garden projects in a race to win a $1,000 prize. The award is designed to support the continued sustainability of an exceptional youth garden program that has demonstrated success, and has impacted the lives of kids and their community. The deadline to apply is September 30, 2013. Please visit: http://www.greeneducationfoundation.org/greenthumbchallengesub/green-thumb- challenge-winners</p><p>------5h. AIAA Foundation Classroom Grants</p><p>The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Foundation gives up to $250 for science and math programs. AIAA Educator Associates who are K-12 teachers who develop or apply science, mathematics, and technology in their curriculum are eligible. Apply to </p><p>David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: [email protected] -- msta-mich.org/smn become an AIAA Educator Associate Member by visiting: http://www.aiaa.org/SecondaryTwoColumn.aspx?id=255 There is no charge for becoming a member. </p><p>Grants may be used for classroom demonstration kits, classroom science supplies, or other materials that energize science, math, and technology hands-on learning. Grants will be considered in November, January, and April or until funding is exhausted. For more information, please visit: http://www.aiaa.org/Secondary.aspx?id=4184</p><p>------5i. Upcoming Deadlines</p><p>June 28, 2013: Deadline to apply for the 2013 – 2014 MACUL Grants. Membership in MACUL is FREE. Please visit: http://www.macul.org/grantsawards/2013-14-macul-grant-information/</p><p>June 30, 2013: Deadline to apply for a MI Learning MACUL Grant. Please visit: http://www.macul.org/milearning</p><p>July 1, 2013: Deadline to apply for the Thomas Reuters Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award. Please visit: http://www.asis.org/awards/outstandingteacher.html#Guidelines</p><p>July 1, 2013: Deadline to apply for the Action Research Project Grant from the Hoenny Center. Please send an email to: [email protected]</p><p>July 7, 2013: Deadline to enter the Classwish Grant Opportunity. Please visit: http://www.classwish.org/fuelingeducation?gclid=CKDZmKr-6rYCFc0WMgodLCIATg</p><p>July 19, 2013: Deadline for nominations for the Michigan Green Chemistry Awards. Please visit: http://www.michigan.gov/greenchemistry</p><p>July 21 – 27, 2013: Great Lakes Education Workshop on Lake Erie. Please visit: http://www.greatlakes.ws/2013/01/do-you-want-to-spend-week-on-island.html</p><p>August 1, 2013: Deadline for 2nd through 5th year middle and high school science teachers to apply for the New Science Teachers Academy. Please visit: http://www.nsta.org/academy</p><p>August 19, 2013: Deadline for the Go Green Youth Challenge Tree Planting Grants. Please visit: http://miarbordayalliance.com</p><p>August 20 – 21, 2013: Computer Science Workshop for High School Teachers at U of M – Ann Arbor. Please visit: http://www.eecs.umich.edu/cse/CS4HS/index.html</p><p>September 30, 2013: Deadline to apply for the $100 Green Thumb Challenge Grants. Please visit: http://www.greeneducationfoundation.org/greenthumbchallengesub/green-thumb- challenge-winners</p><p>October 31, 2013: Build – A – Bear Foundation Grant. Please visit:</p><p>David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: [email protected] -- msta-mich.org/smn http://www.buildabear.com/shopping/contents/content.jsp?catId=400002&id=700012</p><p>November 30, 2013: Deadline to apply for the DuPont Pioneer Excellence in Agricultural Science Education Award. Please visit: http://www.nsta.org/about/awards.aspx#dupont</p><p>November 30, 2013: Deadline to apply for the Robert E. Yager Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award. Please visit: http://www.nsta.org/about/awards.aspx#yager</p><p>------Information for K-12 Science Teachers ------6a. Earth Science Week 2013 Toolkits Available for Order</p><p>The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is now accepting advance orders for the Earth Science Week 2013 Toolkit. The toolkit contains educational materials for all ages that correspond to this year's event theme, "Mapping Our World."</p><p>Materials include the traditional program poster and school-year activity calendar, as well as materials from distinguished program partners such as NASA, the National Park Service, the U.S. Geological Survey, Esri, and professional geoscientific societies. This year's toolkit provides students with the opportunity to learn about the many exciting uses of maps and mapping technologies in the geosciences.</p><p>Earth Science Week 2013 will be celebrated October 13–19. To learn more, please visit the AGI website at: http://www.earthsciweek.org To order your toolkits, please visit: http://www.earthsciweek.org/materials/index.html You can also call AGI Publications to place your order at 703-379-2480.</p><p>------6b. Michigan No Child Left Inside Summit</p><p>Registration is open for the this year's No Child Left Inside Summit, which is being held at the Natural Resources Building on Michigan State University Monday July 29th. Cost is only $35 and includes a box lunch</p><p>Join in for a day of inspirational talks and discussions. Register at: http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,4561,7-135-3308_3333-305018--,00.html</p><p>------6c. 2013 – 2014 PD Schedule Announced for The Detroit Zoo</p><p>The Detroit Zoo just announced their 2013 – 2014 Professional Development Workshop Schedule. For a full list of workshops, please visit: http://detroitzoo.org/education/professional-development</p><p>Workshops include: Planning Your Zoo Visit; Humane Partners; Teaching for the 21st Century; Project WILD and Project Aquatic; Humane Dissection Alternatives; Growing Up WILD; Citizen Science and Climate Change; Wildlife-Friendly Gardens for Schools; Project Learning Tree; and many more.</p><p>------6d. Register Now for the DNR’s Academy of Natural Resources</p><p>David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: [email protected] -- msta-mich.org/smn EDUCATORS-why not spend July 14-19, 2013 at the DNR Ralph A. MacMullan (RAM) Conference Center for the 6th Annual Academy of Natural Resources (ANR)? During your stay expect to experience enthusiastic instructors, a beautiful location on the north shore of Higgins Lake, hands-on education, and an opportunity to integrate the outdoors into your classroom.</p><p>The Academy promises educators a week-long exposure to nature and conservation education content, applications, inspiration and fun. It allows educators to better connect their students to science, math, language arts, social studies and more. Fifteen meals, five nights lodging, instruction and materials are all included for only $250.00--thanks to scholarships offered by partner organizations. In addition, undergraduate and graduate credits are available through Ferris State University, and 36 State Continuing Education Clock Hours (formerly SBCEUs) are also available.</p><p>Three tracks are available to choose from including: 1. NEW this year—The Week for Early Elementary (WEE Ones) targeted at Prek-3rd grade educators, 2. Teachers into the WILD aimed at giving educators a beginning level of training in outdoor skills to be shared with their students, and 3. Forest, Fields and Fins which gives 4th -12th educators a chance to participate with biologists doing their day jobs—truly applying classroom knowledge. Detailed descriptions and agendas for each track can be found at: www.michigan.gov/anr Check it out! Contact ANR Coordinator Kevin Frailey at 517-373-7306 or [email protected] with questions and to register today.</p><p>------6e. Spark Interest in STEM Careers</p><p>An innovative, free resource is now available to educators across the nation to help them ignite students’ interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Spark 101 inspires students to thrive in college and future careers and helps teachers bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world applications. Spark 101 provides teachers with interactive videos from industry and instructional resources to engage their students with real-world problem solving, integrated directly into a course’s curriculum. The short, scenario-based videos are shared by industry professionals and directly aligned to national curriculum programs, such as the College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP), Project Lead the Way (PLTW) and National Academy Foundation (NAF) programs. Several organizations have already contributed content, such as Lockheed Martin, NASA, Proctor & Gamble, PepsiCo, University of California Berkeley and Deloitte. Explore the site and try a lesson. To get involved or participate in an upcoming educator or industry training webinar, email [email protected]. Please visit: http://www.spark101.org</p><p>------6f. Assemble a Geometric Paper Torso</p><p>Australian architect and paper artist Horst Kiechle recently constructed a geometric paper torso complete with modular organs, including lungs, intestines, kidneys, pancreas stomach and more. The piece was made for the Science Lab of the International School Nadi, Fiji. On completion of the model, Kiechle launched an extensive website with free downloadable templates you can print and assemble, along with photographed step-by-step instructions for every piece. Please visit: http://torso.amorphous-constructions.com</p><p>------6g. Upcoming Deadlines</p><p>David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: [email protected] -- msta-mich.org/smn June 30, 2013: Deadline to apply for the Student Experiments on the International Space Station. Please visit: http://ssep.ncesse.org</p><p>July 15, 2013: Deadline to apply to present at the MDSTA/DACTM Fall Conference at Woodhaven HS in Brownstown, MI. Please visit: http://www.mdsta.org/annual-fall-conference</p><p>July, 29, 2013: “No Child Left Inside Coalition Summit 2013” at Michigan State University in East Lansing, MI. Please visit: http://www.mncli.org</p><p>September 1 – 6, 2013: World Water Week. Please visit: http://www.worldwaterweek.org</p><p>October 4 – 5, 2013: MESTA/MAEOE Annual Conference on Belle Isle in Detroit, MI. Please visit: http://www.mestarocks.org/cms/content/conferences/mesta or visit: http://www.maeoe.com/2013_Conference.html</p><p>October 13 – 19, 2013: Earth Science Week. Please visit: http://www.earthsciweek.org</p><p>October 21 – 25, 2013: Nuclear Science Week. Please visit: http://www.nuclearscienceweek.org</p><p>November 16, 2013: MDSTA/DACTM Fall Conference at Woodhaven HS in Woodhaven, MI. Please visit: http://mdsta.org</p><p>------Twitterverse ------7a. Ideas from the Twitterverse</p><p>MichaelSmithSupt @principalspage Angry is a Habit. sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/201…</p><p>HuffPost Green @HuffPostGreen World population may hit surprising number by 2100 huff.to/19Awg2V</p><p>Kent Polen @KentPolen Difference between Projects and Project-Based Learning edudemic.com/2013/06/the-di… #bltlap #edcampcle #ohedchat #edchat #arkchat</p><p>NGSS @OfficialNGSS Teachers, engineers, researchers, state #science supervisors have signed on in support of the #NGSS bit.ly/19uW2Wn</p><p>David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: [email protected] -- msta-mich.org/smn NOAA @NOAA Great job, team! MT @noaaocean: @NOAA removed tons of fishing net & plastics from #Hawaiian #coral reefs! usresponserestoration.wordpress.com/2013/06/14/noa…</p><p> edutopia @edutopia New! #StudentDebate Deepens Thinking & Engagement edut.to/1amTSXC #studentengagement #edchat</p><p>Lindblad Expeditions @LindbladExp Yesterday in Alaska an elusive harbor porpoise caught a ride on the bow wave of our expedition landing craft. pic.twitter.com/PotNrztkoM</p><p>Nature Rocks @NatureRocks Activity Spotlight! Have your child count all the #sneakycritters in your backyard. For more activities @NatureRocks.org</p><p>ClimateChangeUS @ClimateChangeUS Could Pope Francis inspire more faith leaders to act on #climatechange? reuters.com/article/2013/0…</p><p>------Information for High School Science Teachers ------8a. Upcoming Deadline</p><p>October 23 – 24, 2013: 2013 GreenUp Michigan Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference at the Eberhard Center, Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, MI. Please visit: http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,4561,7-135-3308_3333-274602--,00.html</p><p>------Information for Middle School and High School Science Teachers ------9a. Orion’s Quest Summer Workshop</p><p>Are you looking for a way to update your skills, earn some SCECH (SB-CEU) credit, hear NASA astronauts and scientists or just meet and share with colleagues who teach in the STEM disciplines? This summer Orion’s Quest is presenting a 2 day workshop in August highlighting Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math using authentic space-based research missions for the classroom. </p><p>This may be the best professional development workshop at the most reasonable cost you’ll ever find. Please take a look at the attached flyer and share it with colleagues who may also be interested. I’ve also attached a copy of the registration form and more information is available online at www.orionsquest.org. </p><p>David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: [email protected] -- msta-mich.org/smn August 20 – 21, 2013 Meritor World Headquarters, Troy, MI For full registration information, please visit: http://www.orionsquest.org/v3/stem2013.pdf</p><p>------9b. Upcoming Vernier Workshop</p><p>There is a hands-on Vernier workshop coming to our area, and seats are still available. Reserve your seat today at:</p><p>Dearborn (Detroit), MI Friday, July 26, 2013 8:00 AM- 3:30 PM The Dearborn Inn, A Marriott Hotel Register for this workshop at: https://www.vernier.com/workshops/register/3550/?utm_campaign=130626- workshop&utm_medium=email&utm_source=customers&utm_content=html</p><p>Learn how to integrate their data-collection technology into your chemistry, biology, physics, math, middle school science, physical science, and Earth science curriculum. You will have the opportunity to explore their award-winning sensor interface, the Vernier LabQuest. For more information and online registration, go to their web site or e-mail them at [email protected]</p><p>------9c. Upcoming Deadlines</p><p>July 12, 2013: Free energy Workshop for MS and HS Teachers at Kettering University in Flint, MI. Please visit: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event? oeidk=a07e7lxzawacdc73fe8&llr=b7dyefnab</p><p>July 26, 2013: Vernier Workshop in the Metro Detroit Area. Please visit: https://www.vernier.com/workshops/register/3550/?utm_campaign=130626- workshop&utm_medium=email&utm_source=customers&utm_content=html</p><p>August 20 – 21, 2013: 21st Century STEM for Today’s Classroom Workshop at the Meritor World Headquarters in Troy, MI, sponsored by Orion’s Quest. Please visit: http://www.orionsquest.org/v3/stem2013.pdf</p><p>------Information for Middle School Science Teachers ------10a. Upcoming Deadline</p><p>July 9 – 12, 2013: Sally Ride EarthKAM Summer 2013 Mission. Register at: https://earthkam.ucsd.edu</p><p>------Information for Elementary School Science Teachers ------11a. Grow Science Literacy</p><p>Seeds of Science/Roots of Reading (Seeds/Roots) is an integrated, inquiry-based, hands-on </p><p>David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: [email protected] -- msta-mich.org/smn science and literacy program that involves students in grades 2–6 in conducting research and writing about scientific topics and discussing as scientists do. For example, in the unit on shoreline science, second and third graders learn about the properties of sand and other earth materials, erosion, organisms and the environment, and human impact on the environment. They learn and use scientific vocabulary, such as habitat, predator, evidence and compare. The program’s teacher’s guide helps teachers learn about and implement best practices when teaching English language learners. The program was developed at University of California Berkeley’s Graduate School of Education and The Lawrence Hall of Science. Please visit: http://www.scienceandliteracy.org</p><p>------Science Humor ------12. Funny Stuff</p><p>A frog went to visit a fortuneteller. "What do you see in my future?" asked the frog. "Very soon," replied the fortuneteller. "You will meet a pretty young girl who will want to know everything about you." "That's great!" said the frog, hopping up and down excitedly. "But when will I meet her?" "Next week in science class." said the fortuneteller.</p><p>The goal of science is to build better mousetraps. The goal of nature is to build better mice. </p><p>Biology is the only science in which multiplication means the same thing as division. </p><p>You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother. (Albert Einstein) </p><p>Absolute zero is cool.</p><p>------13. June Contest Winners</p><p>In June, we gave away three $10 iTunes gift cards. Here is a list of the winners:</p><p>William Holdsworth, Allen Park Public Schools – Allen Park, MI</p><p>William “Tom” Green, Knabusch Mathematics, Science and Technology Center – Monroe, MI</p><p>Ben Hondorp, Creekside Middle School – Zeeland Public Schools, Zeeland MI</p><p>If you didn’t win, try again this month. Thanks to everyone for being part of the Michigan Science Matters Network.</p><p>------To subscribe to the Science Matters Network in Michigan e-blast, please visit: http://nsta.org/sciencematters Click on Teachers, and then click on Become a Point of Contact.</p><p>To unsubscribe from the Science Matters Network in Michigan e-blast, please email David </p><p>David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: [email protected] -- msta-mich.org/smn Bydlowski, Michigan Coordinator for the Science Matters Network, at [email protected].</p><p>David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: [email protected] -- msta-mich.org/smn</p>
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