<p> DEMONSTRATED UNDERSTANDING OF AGENCY’S REQUIREMENTS</p><p>The Schiff Group has extensive expertise in a variety of institutional dynamics that play a crucial role in the success of a public housing authority. </p><p>The career of Joe Schiff includes service at the highest possible level of HUD. As the Assistant Secretary of Public and Indian Housing, Mr. Schiff had the opportunity to observe the relationship of housing authorities and HUD from this unique perspective. As a management consultant serving housing authorities across the country, Mr. Schiff has gained a different perspective. Although HUD is changing the HUD/PHA relationship (this project began under the leadership of Mr. Schiff), Mr. Schiff's experience and insight can be invaluable to the Phenix City Housing Authority, especially in this changing environment.</p><p>Our Associates have an extensive background in service as Executive Directors and in other positions in housing authorities and HUD. In total, the Associates of The Schiff Group offer over 125 years of public housing experience in dealing with HUD. This combination of backgrounds clearly evinces a very well-developed understanding of HUD oversight and relationships with housing authorities.</p><p>The same combination of backgrounds imparts an understanding of relationships an Authority must have with its city. For example, Mr. Schiff has met with numerous mayors and other local officials concerning their relationships with their local public housing authority. He has addressed the National Conference of Mayors. He has been intimately involved with the enforcement of the local cooperation agreement. Our Associates, during their extensive careers, have all had to interface with their cities, and they have been very successful in their efforts.</p><p>In addition, we believe we can offer the Phenix City Housing Authority the best possible team of professionals who understand the concerns of resident involvement. Mr. Schiff presided over the establishment of the Office of Resident Initiatives in HUD, and our Associates have been honored on numerous occasions for their resident initiative activities in their respective housing authorities. We believe very strongly in the concept of the resident as the customer and we have demonstrated this belief in our work on a number of projects for a variety of housing authorities. The Schiff Group is a member of NAHRO and PHADA and regularly attends its conferences and other training opportunities. Schiff and Associates also stay current on the latest developments in the housing and community and supportive services arenas, as well as the activities of Housing Authorities throughout the nation, by regularly reviewing HUDCLIPS, NAHRO publications, along with other special reports and housing industry clipping services and related journals. APPROPRIATENESS OF TECHNICAL APPROACH AND QUALITY OF SERVICES PROPOSED</p><p>While the full creativity of The Schiff Group will be at your disposal if Phenix City Housing Authority selects our proposal, team member Don Clem will be the primary Associate working directly with Phenix City Housing Authority staff under this contract. Don will be the overall project coordinator for our efforts with the Phenix City Housing Authority. In addition to the quality of the company you retain, we think it is critical to look at the individuals who will actually be performing the work. As highlighted within this proposal, Don’s 30+ years of experience within the public and private housing market make him competitive with any other consulting team in the country. We look forward to putting his diverse skill set to use by providing Phenix City Housing Authority with the technical services and support needed to optimize housing opportunities and Housing Authority operations in these challenging times. </p><p>The Schiff Group, Inc., headquartered in the Washington, DC area, is comprised of a diversified group of professionals with both HUD and Housing Authority experience. Principal and President Joe Schiff and his five Associates bring a range of experience within HUD (both at the National and Field Office level), in managing public housing authorities, and in the private sector (both profit and non-profit), serving housing authorities and other low-income housing providers. </p><p>Principal</p><p>Joe Schiff brings over 40 years of housing experience to the venture. In addition to 14 years as a Realtor, he served seven years in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - three years as the Kentucky Field Office Manager and four years as America's top public housing official, HUD's Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Since January 1993, he has consulted with housing authorities of all sizes across the country on a wide variety of programs and policies. He has an unequaled knowledge of HUD rules and regulations, a national perspective on public housing current events, and a private sector orientation toward practical housing authority management. An excellent speaker and trainer, Joe has presented coast-to-coast to public housing agencies and their associations on subjects ranging from HOPE VI resident training sessions to ACOP policy compliance. Furthermore, he has taught real estate law at a community college in Louisville, Kentucky.</p><p>While serving as Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, Schiff supervised the creation of numerous policies for public housing authorities. Among the most notable were:</p><p> The Public Housing Management Assessment Program (PHMAP); The Comprehensive Grants Program; A new HUD Procurement Handbook; The Resident Initiative Programs created between 1989 and 1992; A Public Housing Mission Statement for HUD; Revisions to the CIAP Program; New Guidance to Boards of Commissioners; The regulatory merger of the Section 8 Certificate and Voucher Programs; and Innumerable regulations to implement statutory changes.</p><p>Mr. Schiff will be involved on an as-needed basis.</p><p>Primary Team Associates</p><p>Don Clem will be the primary Schiff Group Associate working with the Phenix City Housing Authority under this contract. </p><p> Don Clem has over 30 years of housing experience, the last 25 spent in a variety of roles at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), most recently as Director of the Office of Public Housing for the State of Kentucky. He is considered a top Housing Choice Voucher program analyst/adviser as well as a highly regarded property manager. He is one of a very few housing professionals in the nation who combine private property management experience with both housing authority and HUD experience. </p><p>Other Associates</p><p>The following Schiff Group Associates will also be available for Phenix City Housing Authority projects that require their area of expertise or if a project requires additional staffing to meet tight deadlines. Other Associates will be involved on an as-needed basis.</p><p> Maria Cimino has over 30 years of public housing experience. A hands-on public houser, she has particular experience in the physical side of the industry (development and modernization) with a strong background in management. She has extensive experience assessing Public Housing Authority organization, staff structure and effectiveness, as well as program compliance. While primarily working for a variety of Pennsylvania housing authorities, she has consulted with agencies all across the country.</p><p> Cynthia Demitros has 20 years of public and private assisted housing experience with HUD. From 1998 to 2003, she worked in the Office of Public Housing Investments on the HOPE VI program. She ended her HUD career as a HOPE VI Team Leader, with responsibility for a portfolio of $900 million worth of HOPE VI projects.</p><p> Sarah Howard has nearly a decade of real estate and housing experience, including three years in the private sector managing a Fortune 100 real estate budget totaling more than $100 million and six years in the public sector working with public housing authorities, where she focused her efforts on Moving to Work, HOPE VI, and projects dedicated to using housing as a means to promote positive health outcomes among low-income populations.</p><p> Kathleen O’Neil has over 25 years in the housing arena - 18 years working with public housing authorities in Kentucky (eleven as an employee at the Louisville Metro Housing Authority and seven as a consultant), and seven years as a homebuilder and remodeler in the private market. She holds a Masters Degree in Social Work and has been particularly active within the HOPE VI program in Louisville and Lexington, with a special emphasis on the administration and implementation of resident community and supportive services.</p><p> Barry Troutman is a 36-year veteran of public housing with a reputation as one of America’s leading experts in Housing Choice Vouchers. He has trained HUD staff and housing authorities in six states, and published a Housing Choice Voucher Newsletter while serving at HUD. EXPERIENCE</p><p>The Schiff Group offers full-service, quality consultation and problem solving customized to fit the unique circumstances of public housing providers of all sizes across the nation. We combine vast experience working with HUD, managing public housing authorities, and serving housing authorities and other low-income housing providers in both the public and private sectors. </p><p>Our national perspective and hands-on experience with housing authority management distinctly separate The Schiff Group from our competitors. Our approach is to listen so that we can understand our clients' needs, to assess in a timely manner, and to create workable solutions in a participatory atmosphere. We can provide assistance to Housing Authorities when their needs exceed those that can be obtained from their existing staff or from HUD. Our goal is to provide the technical assistance and support necessary for the optimum, daily operation of an agency.</p><p>The following is a list of standard consulting services routinely provided by the Schiff Group:</p><p>Housing Authority Policies and Procedures Admissions and Occupancy Policies Housing Choice Voucher/Section 8 Administrative Plans Evaluation and Revisions of Housing Programs and Policies Procurement Policies and Procedures </p><p>Grant Applications and Permissive Actions HOPE VI Designated Housing Plans Demolition/Disposition Plans Homeownership Plans Conversion Plans Project-Basing Housing Choice Vouchers </p><p>Program Management and Assessment Project-Based Management Assistance HOPE VI Program Management Housing Choice Voucher/Section 8 Program Evaluation Public Housing Assessment System Training Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)</p><p>Business Management Annual and Five-Year Plans Strategic Planning Board of Commissioner Training Business Re-Engineering Executive Search Organizational Review Studies </p><p>The President of The Schiff Group, Joseph G. Schiff, has over 30 years of housing experience. In addition to 14 years as a Realtor in Louisville, he served seven years in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) -- three years as the Kentucky Field Office Manager and four years as America's top public housing official, the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Together, Joe and his Associates offer clients the benefit of a vast array of experience and detailed knowledge of HUD programs and policies.</p><p>Housing Choice Voucher/Section 8 Program During his tenure as Assistant Secretary at HUD, Mr. Schiff was responsible for the overall operation of the tenant-based Section 8 Program and was deeply involved in the development of project-based Section 8 regulations. The Schiff Group leveraged this knowledge to develop a customizable Section 8 Administrative Plan template that governs the operation of the program for hundreds of public housing authorities all across the country. The Schiff Group has also conducted numerous SEMAP Quality Assurance Reviews, and assisted housing authorities to leverage their 20% project-basing discretion in order to facilitate development projects.</p><p>During his tenure as the Director of the Louisville Office of Public Housing, team member Don Clem served on the National HUD Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) working group, which was formed to allow for better HCV fund management and program utilization. In this role, he helped develop training materials for HUD and train more than 200 HUD employees and 500 Housing Authority staff across the Country on HCV utilization. These training materials and sessions contributed to over 10,000 additional families being assisted under the HCV program in the Southeastern United States. In addition, Mr. Clem has worked with the Housing Authority in the past, most recently completing an HCV financial management review, so he is familiar with Housing Authority systems, staffing, and practices.</p><p>Public Housing Development In addition to the individual experience of its Associates overseeing the development of hundreds of units of public housing in their respective agencies, The Schiff Group supervised the development of a public housing community in Oxford, North Carolina. The Oxford Housing Authority had been awarded a public housing development allotment, but was unable to complete the project due to internal staff limitations. Several years later, HUD stated that a construction manager needed to be obtained or the funding needed to be returned. After a competitive process, The Schiff Group was selected to oversee the development project. The project was completed in a timely manner and is now fully occupied.</p><p>The Schiff Group has enabled public housing authorities to add to their stock in non- traditional ways. For instance, in Evansville, IN, working with Housing Development Partners, we helped the housing authority acquire a 24-unit apartment building in HUD's inventory, rehab the building, and partner with a local service provider to house those with chronic mental illness. Development and Financing Expertise The key to creative financing in the public housing arena is to have an open mind and not reach a predetermined conclusion on the type of financing to be used. Often the financing used dictates the product developed. It is paramount that the work team has experience in all of the available financial instruments and subsidy programs. Working with our partners, we have successfully utilized virtually every type of financing program available to non-profits, housing authorities, and their affiliates including:</p><p> Taxable bonds Tax-exempt single-family and multi-family bonds 501(c)(3) bonds Bank eligible bonds Tax Increment Financing (TIF) bonds Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) State credits Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds Section 108 Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Funds Operating Subsidy Capital Fund Program Federal Home Loan Bank Interest Reduction Payments (IRP) subsidies Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insurance Private credit enhancement Risk sharing Fixed and variable rate debt Demolition/Disposition Plans The Schiff Group is highly experienced in assisting public housing agencies with the preparation of successful demolition and/or disposition plans. During their time at the Louisville Metro Housing Authority, team members Kathleen O’Neil and Sarah Howard completed successful demolition proposals for Louisville Metro Housing Authority’s Iroquois Homes and Clarksdale public housing developments. Kathleen also prepared a successful demolition/disposition application for the Paducah Housing Authority. Additionally, the Schiff Group has prepared demolition/disposition plans for the following agencies:</p><p> Albany, NY Athens, GA (2 different sites) Decatur, AL Macon, GA Nashville, TN Ozark, AL (2 different sites) Patterson, NJ St. Louis County, MO Spartanburg, SC Developing Affordable Housing Although The Schiff Group is known primarily as a management consulting company, the firm has engaged in a number of development projects, including the following:</p><p> Working with Housing Development Partners, we helped the Evansville, IN Housing Authority acquire a 24-unit foreclosed apartment complex from HUD (Washington Court) for $1 and rehabilitate it as housing for people with disabilities.</p><p> We assisted the Northampton, PA County Housing Authority to resolve an issue with HUD that involved the layering of the LIHTC with public housing development funds for a project that could not be completed with HUD funds alone. This enabled completion of the project. </p><p> We also helped the Paterson, NJ Housing Authority in the nation’s first coupling of HUD new development funding with LIHTC by successfully preparing their disposition application.</p><p>Capital Fund Program The Schiff Group and its Associates have an exceptionally strong background in the Capital Fund Program. As a starting point, Joe Schiff was instrumental in both negotiating the legislative language that brought the program’s predecessor (the Comprehensive Grant Program or CGP) to life and creating the ensuing regulations and handbooks that fleshed out the program. Because of his extensive involvement in the creation of the CGP, he has a deep understanding of the Capital Fund program and what it can accomplish. </p><p>As a company, The Schiff Group was retained by the Tacoma, WA Housing Authority to help resolve a dispute it was having with HUD over the eligible use of CGP funds. We were able to get a waiver for THA from the Assistant Secretary that enabled them to proceed with the project and obtain additional funds. We assisted the Bremerton, WA Housing Authority with a CGP-related procurement problem and were able to avert a threatened lawsuit.</p><p>Community Development Block Grant Program The Schiff Group has a strong background in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. Joe Schiff's involvement began during his service as the Manager of the Kentucky HUD Office, where his position included enforcement responsibilities for the state. In Washington, he worked closely with the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development to develop more ways the CDBG Program and Public Housing Program could interrelate and complement one another. Since forming The Schiff Group, Joe has worked with a number of agencies to improve the operation of the CDBG Program in their communities (e.g., Nashville and Delaware). He and his Associates are very aware of ways the CDBG Program can benefit public housing authorities, especially in the development process. For instance, the Schiff Group structured a replacement housing plan in Nashville that utilized CDBG funds to acquire land for replacement units. In Spartanburg, the Schiff Group helped the HA incorporate CDBG money to pay for infrastructure costs in their replacement housing plan. Community and Supportive Services Planning The Schiff Group has extensive experience in forging partnerships between housing authorities and for-profit and non-profit entities. We have accomplished this objective on both a national and local basis. For example, while serving as HUD’s Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, Joe Schiff helped attract numerous national entities to offer their assistance to local housing authorities and resident groups, including the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, the YMCA, and the Boy Scouts of America.</p><p>At the local level, all of The Schiff Group’s Associates have experience helping housing authorities forge partnerships with outside entities to provide services to housing authority residents. The scope of entities that have forged partnerships with our clients is extremely broad. In every case, we have advocated for the establishment of performance measures so the results of the partnership can be better gauged. </p><p>Resident Self-Sufficiency Programs Joe Schiff’s interest in self-sufficiency programs predates the formation of The Schiff Group. While at HUD, he created the Office of Resident Initiatives, an entire division of Public and Indian Housing that focuses on resident self-sufficiency. Secretary Kemp and Mr. Schiff helped change the direction of the program from a bricks and mortar focus to a holistic approach that helped people help themselves.</p><p>Associates of The Schiff Group have this same focus. For example, Kathleen O’Neil was responsible for helping the Louisville Metro Housing Authority obtain a $200,000 Grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for an Active Living by Design program within its HOPE VI target area. She also helped secure funding, develop plans and coordinate a partnership with the Jefferson County school system to construct and manage childcare centers within two Louisville Metro Housing Authority developments. Sarah Howard served as the Project Director for ACTIVE Louisville, a joint Metro Louisville/LMHA initiative dedicated to increasing physical activity and access to healthy foods in three low-income neighborhoods impacted by the Clarksdale/Liberty Green HOPE VI Revitalization. The program leveraged financial and in-kind contributions to create an educational/community garden, promote neighborhood farmers’ markets, and improve the food policies of local community-based organizations.</p><p>As a corporation, The Schiff Group has been very involved in assisting clients with resident self-sufficiency matters. We have assisted clients with PHDEP, Family Investment Center and Jobs-Plus applications. In each of these situations, we built outcome-based indicators into the programs. In our extensive strategic planning efforts with housing authorities, we focus on measurable tactics that will achieve the housing authority’s goals and enable them to more fully accomplish their mission. This strategy aligns with HUD’s emphasis on outcome-based strategies and goals and utilization of LOGIC modules to measure same. Our Associates also have extensive experience in establishing baselines, benchmarks and other quantitative metrics to examine program outcomes, and working with outside program evaluators to measure outcomes of the HOPE VI and Moving to Work program. Family Self-Sufficiency Program The Schiff Group is very experienced with the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program in both theory and practice. As Assistant Secretary of HUD, Joe Schiff oversaw the development of the FSS program, including the development of the regulations that currently govern the program. </p><p>Several Schiff Group Associates have experience implementing and administering FSS programs. Team member Sarah Howard drafted a successful Public Housing FSS application for the Lexington Housing Authority and FSS Action Plans for both its Public Housing and Section 8 FSS programs. While at HUD, Don Clem was responsible for oversight of both PH and HCV FSS programs throughout the state. He also provided training to Kentucky HCV agencies on how to apply for FSS service coordinator grants, significantly increasing the application success rate for these agencies. </p><p>In addition to understanding how to structure and fund an FSS program, The Schiff Group has hands-on experience assisting housing authorities in creating the partnerships that are so critical to a successful program, helping to establish partnerships between housing authorities and service providers in Spartanburg, Nashville, Columbus, Chattanooga, Tacoma, and Albany, to name just a few sites. </p><p>The Schiff Group is also experienced with two cousins of the FSS program: Family Investment Centers and the Jobs-Plus Program. We assisted the Tacoma, WA Housing Authority in their successful quest for a Family Investment Center and the Chattanooga Housing Authority in their successful submission for the Jobs-Plus Program. In both situations, we worked with the authorities to conceptualize the program, build the necessary partnerships, and draft the applications. Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Laws The Schiff Group is very aware of the myriad fair housing and equal opportunity laws, regulations, notices, and handbooks that impact public housing authorities. Joe Schiff both supervised the implementation of these requirements while serving as Manager of the Kentucky HUD Office and helped draft them on a national basis as Assistant Secretary. The Schiff Group is dedicated to ensuring compliance with all such rules, no matter the assignment. TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES AND MANAGEMENT PLAN</p><p>Project Staffing and Organization and Quality of Work The Schiff Group is comprised of its Principal, Joe Schiff, and five Associates who operate under contractual agreements as independent contractors. The Schiff Group is headquartered in Vienna, Virginia. Associates are located throughout the country and each maintains his or her own office. Associates work in teams or independently, depending on the skills and expertise needed for each project. </p><p>The completion of HUD grant applications, plans and reports all revolve around strict deadlines; therefore, schedule management is a critical component in all Schiff Group projects. We bring many years of experience successfully retrieving information from multiple departments and outside organizations with sufficient lead-time to write, produce and submit responsive grant applications, including a total of twelve successfully awarded HOPE VI grants. The Schiff Group is also well acquainted with the various electronic and hard copy submission requirements for documents that must be sent to HUD’s National Headquarters, the local Field Office, and/or Grants.gov, and how to ensure that they meet required deadlines. </p><p>For projects requiring a team approach, Associates work together and with Housing Authority (HA) staff to develop a work plan, including a timeline for each project component and specific task assignments. Meetings and conference calls are held among Associates and scheduled with HA staff and other relevant parties on a regular basis to ensure positive project outcomes and quality control.</p><p>While the full creativity of The Schiff Group will be at your disposal if Phenix City Housing Authority selects our proposal, team member Don Clem will be the primary Associate working directly with Phenix City Housing Authority staff under this contract. Don will be the overall project coordinator for our efforts with the Phenix City Housing Authority. In addition to the quality of the company you retain, we think it is critical to look at the individuals who will actually be performing the work. As highlighted within this proposal, Don’s 30+ years of experience within the public and private housing market make him competitive with any other consulting team in the country. We look forward to putting his diverse skill set to use by providing Phenix City Housing Authority with the technical services and support needed to optimize housing opportunities and Housing Authority operations in these challenging times. </p><p>Electronic communication methods facilitate the ability of Schiff Associates to collaborate on team projects from multiple locations and to carefully review each project component to ensure quality outcomes. Associates are well aware of the protocols for circulating draft documents amongst HA staff, government departments and other organizations as needed, and build extra time into project schedules requiring this type of review and approval process. Team members use “track changes” features when circulating documents to facilitate the editing process. A shared, central document depository facilitates continuous, real-time access to draft documents by both Associates and Housing Authority staff throughout the writing process. </p><p>Outside of its Associates, the Schiff Group does not typically sub-contract with any other contractors. It does occasionally partner with other firms as needed for specific projects and would discuss this with Phenix City Housing Authority should the need arise while under contract. </p><p>Roles, Responsibilities, and Working Time of Personnel Don Clem will be the primary Schiff Group Associate working with the Phenix City Housing Authority under this contract. Other Associates will be involved on a project-by- project basis depending on the skills required to complete the tasks associated with each assignment. Don Clem will be the overall project coordinator for our work with the Phenix City Housing Authority.</p><p>Using our work with other large housing authorities as a guide, we plan to assign the following team members as primary points of contact for assignments related to specific topics:</p><p>Don Clem: Financial planning Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) general program assistance Public housing occupancy and maintenance assistance General HUD policy interpretation Updates of agency policy and planning documents including, but not limited to: o Admissions & Continuing Occupancy Policies o Section 8 Administrative Plan o Annual Plan o Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Action Plans HCV general program assistance Section 8 Administrative Plan Tenant File Review</p><p>Joe Schiff: Strategic planning Contract administration</p><p>Clarity and Responsiveness of Proposal This proposal follows the guidelines outlined within Phenix City Housing Authority’s Request For Proposals sent to The Schiff Group via email on January 8, 2014, to provide management consulting services. If any information within this proposal is unclear, please contact Joe Schiff for clarification. He can be reached at:</p><p>The Schiff Group, Inc. 501 Church Street, Suite 309 Vienna, VA 22180 (703) 938-7373 (Office) (703) 938-8558 (Fax) [email protected] DEMONSTRATED EXPERIENCE AND DEMONSTRATED SUCCESFUL PAST PERFORMANCE</p><p>The Schiff Group offers full-service, quality consultation and problem solving customized to fit the unique circumstances of public housing providers of all sizes across the nation. We combine vast experience working with HUD, managing public housing authorities, and serving housing authorities and other low-income housing providers in both the public and private sectors. </p><p>Our national perspective and hands-on experience with housing authority management distinctly separate The Schiff Group from our competitors. Our approach is to listen so that we can understand our clients' needs, to assess in a timely manner, and to create workable solutions in a participatory atmosphere. We can provide assistance to Housing Authorities when their needs exceed those that can be obtained from their existing staff or from HUD. Our goal is to provide the technical assistance and support necessary for the optimum, daily operation of an agency.</p><p>The following is a list of standard consulting services routinely provided by the Schiff Group:</p><p>Housing Authority Policies and Procedures Admissions and Occupancy Policies Housing Choice Voucher/Section 8 Administrative Plans Evaluation and Revisions of Housing Programs and Policies Procurement Policies and Procedures </p><p>Grant Applications and Permissive Actions HOPE VI Designated Housing Plans Demolition/Disposition Plans Homeownership Plans Conversion Plans Project-Basing Housing Choice Vouchers </p><p>Program Management and Assessment Project-Based Management Assistance HOPE VI Program Management Housing Choice Voucher/Section 8 Program Evaluation Public Housing Assessment System Training Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)</p><p>Business Management Annual and Five-Year Plans Strategic Planning Board of Commissioner Training Business Re-Engineering Executive Search Organizational Review Studies </p><p>The President of The Schiff Group, Joseph G. Schiff, has over 30 years of housing experience. In addition to 14 years as a Realtor in Louisville, he served seven years in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) -- three years as the Kentucky Field Office Manager and four years as America's top public housing official, the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Together, Joe and his Associates offer clients the benefit of a vast array of experience and detailed knowledge of HUD programs and policies.</p><p>Housing Choice Voucher/Section 8 Program During his tenure as Assistant Secretary at HUD, Mr. Schiff was responsible for the overall operation of the tenant-based Section 8 Program and was deeply involved in the development of project-based Section 8 regulations. The Schiff Group leveraged this knowledge to develop a customizable Section 8 Administrative Plan template that governs the operation of the program for hundreds of public housing authorities all across the country. The Schiff Group has also conducted numerous SEMAP Quality Assurance Reviews, and assisted housing authorities to leverage their 20% project-basing discretion in order to facilitate development projects.</p><p>During his tenure as the Director of the Louisville Office of Public Housing, team member Don Clem served on the National HUD Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) working group, which was formed to allow for better HCV fund management and program utilization. In this role, he helped develop training materials for HUD and train more than 200 HUD employees and 500 Housing Authority staff across the Country on HCV utilization. These training materials and sessions contributed to over 10,000 additional families being assisted under the HCV program in the Southeastern United States. In addition, Mr. Clem has worked with the Housing Authority in the past, most recently completing an HCV financial management review, so he is familiar with Housing Authority systems, staffing, and practices.</p><p>Public Housing Development In addition to the individual experience of its Associates overseeing the development of hundreds of units of public housing in their respective agencies, The Schiff Group supervised the development of a public housing community in Oxford, North Carolina. The Oxford Housing Authority had been awarded a public housing development allotment, but was unable to complete the project due to internal staff limitations. Several years later, HUD stated that a construction manager needed to be obtained or the funding needed to be returned. After a competitive process, The Schiff Group was selected to oversee the development project. The project was completed in a timely manner and is now fully occupied. The Schiff Group has enabled public housing authorities to add to their stock in non- traditional ways. For instance, in Evansville, IN, working with Housing Development Partners, we helped the housing authority acquire a 24-unit apartment building in HUD's inventory, rehab the building, and partner with a local service provider to house those with chronic mental illness. Development and Financing Expertise The key to creative financing in the public housing arena is to have an open mind and not reach a predetermined conclusion on the type of financing to be used. Often the financing used dictates the product developed. It is paramount that the work team has experience in all of the available financial instruments and subsidy programs. Working with our partners, we have successfully utilized virtually every type of financing program available to non-profits, housing authorities, and their affiliates including:</p><p> Taxable bonds Tax-exempt single-family and multi-family bonds 501(c)(3) bonds Bank eligible bonds Tax Increment Financing (TIF) bonds Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) State credits Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds Section 108 Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Funds Operating Subsidy Capital Fund Program Federal Home Loan Bank Interest Reduction Payments (IRP) subsidies Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insurance Private credit enhancement Risk sharing Fixed and variable rate debt Demolition/Disposition Plans The Schiff Group is highly experienced in assisting public housing agencies with the preparation of successful demolition and/or disposition plans. During their time at the Louisville Metro Housing Authority (LMHA), team members Kathleen O’Neil and Sarah Howard completed successful demolition proposals for LMHA’s Iroquois Homes and Clarksdale public housing developments. Kathleen also prepared a successful demolition/disposition application for the Paducah Housing Authority. Additionally, the Schiff Group has prepared demolition/disposition plans for the following agencies:</p><p> Albany, NY Athens, GA (2 different sites) Decatur, AL Macon, GA Nashville, TN Ozark, AL (2 different sites) Patterson, NJ St. Louis County, MO Spartanburg, SC Developing Affordable Housing Although The Schiff Group is known primarily as a management consulting company, the firm has engaged in a number of development projects, including the following:</p><p> Working with Housing Development Partners, we helped the Evansville, IN Housing Authority acquire a 24-unit foreclosed apartment complex from HUD (Washington Court) for $1 and rehabilitate it as housing for people with disabilities.</p><p> We assisted the Northampton, PA County Housing Authority to resolve an issue with HUD that involved the layering of the LIHTC with public housing development funds for a project that could not be completed with HUD funds alone. This enabled completion of the project. </p><p> We also helped the Paterson, NJ Housing Authority in the nation’s first coupling of HUD new development funding with LIHTC by successfully preparing their disposition application.</p><p>Capital Fund Program The Schiff Group and its Associates have an exceptionally strong background in the Capital Fund Program. As a starting point, Joe Schiff was instrumental in both negotiating the legislative language that brought the program’s predecessor (the Comprehensive Grant Program or CGP) to life and creating the ensuing regulations and handbooks that fleshed out the program. Because of his extensive involvement in the creation of the CGP, he has a deep understanding of the Capital Fund program and what it can accomplish. </p><p>As a company, The Schiff Group was retained by the Tacoma, WA Housing Authority to help resolve a dispute it was having with HUD over the eligible use of CGP funds. We were able to get a waiver for THA from the Assistant Secretary that enabled them to proceed with the project and obtain additional funds. We assisted the Bremerton, WA Housing Authority with a CGP-related procurement problem and were able to avert a threatened lawsuit.</p><p>Community Development Block Grant Program The Schiff Group has a strong background in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. Joe Schiff's involvement began during his service as the Manager of the Kentucky HUD Office, where his position included enforcement responsibilities for the state. In Washington, he worked closely with the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development to develop more ways the CDBG Program and Public Housing Program could interrelate and complement one another.</p><p>Since forming The Schiff Group, Joe has worked with a number of agencies to improve the operation of the CDBG Program in their communities (e.g., Nashville and Delaware). He and his Associates are very aware of ways the CDBG Program can benefit public housing authorities, especially in the development process. For instance, the Schiff Group structured a replacement housing plan in Nashville that utilized CDBG funds to acquire land for replacement units. In Spartanburg, the Schiff Group helped the HA incorporate CDBG money to pay for infrastructure costs in their replacement housing plan. Community and Supportive Services Planning The Schiff Group has extensive experience in forging partnerships between housing authorities and for-profit and non-profit entities. We have accomplished this objective on both a national and local basis. For example, while serving as HUD’s Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, Joe Schiff helped attract numerous national entities to offer their assistance to local housing authorities and resident groups, including the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, the YMCA, and the Boy Scouts of America.</p><p>At the local level, all of The Schiff Group’s Associates have experience helping housing authorities forge partnerships with outside entities to provide services to housing authority residents. The scope of entities that have forged partnerships with our clients is extremely broad. In every case, we have advocated for the establishment of performance measures so the results of the partnership can be better gauged. </p><p>Resident Self-Sufficiency Programs Joe Schiff’s interest in self-sufficiency programs predates the formation of The Schiff Group. While at HUD, he created the Office of Resident Initiatives, an entire division of Public and Indian Housing that focuses on resident self-sufficiency. Secretary Kemp and Mr. Schiff helped change the direction of the program from a bricks and mortar focus to a holistic approach that helped people help themselves.</p><p>Associates of The Schiff Group have this same focus. For example, Kathleen O’Neil was responsible for helping the Louisville Metro Housing Authority obtain a $200,000 Grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for an Active Living by Design program within its HOPE VI target area. She also helped secure funding, develop plans and coordinate a partnership with the Jefferson County school system to construct and manage childcare centers within two LMHA developments. Sarah Howard served as the Project Director for ACTIVE Louisville, a joint Metro Louisville/LMHA initiative dedicated to increasing physical activity and access to healthy foods in three low-income neighborhoods impacted by the Clarksdale/Liberty Green HOPE VI Revitalization. The program leveraged financial and in-kind contributions to create an educational/community garden, promote neighborhood farmers’ markets, and improve the food policies of local community-based organizations. </p><p>As a corporation, The Schiff Group has been very involved in assisting clients with resident self-sufficiency matters. We have assisted clients with PHDEP, Family Investment Center and Jobs-Plus applications. In each of these situations, we built outcome-based indicators into the programs. </p><p>In our extensive strategic planning efforts with housing authorities, we focus on measurable tactics that will achieve the housing authority’s goals and enable them to more fully accomplish their mission. This strategy aligns with HUD’s emphasis on outcome-based strategies and goals and utilization of LOGIC modules to measure same. Our Associates also have extensive experience in establishing baselines, benchmarks and other quantitative metrics to examine program outcomes, and working with outside program evaluators to measure outcomes of the HOPE VI and Moving to Work program. Family Self-Sufficiency Program The Schiff Group is very experienced with the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program in both theory and practice. As Assistant Secretary of HUD, Joe Schiff oversaw the development of the FSS program, including the development of the regulations that currently govern the program. </p><p>Several Schiff Group Associates have experience implementing and administering FSS programs. Team member Sarah Howard drafted a successful Public Housing FSS application for the Lexington Housing Authority and FSS Action Plans for both its public housing and Section 8 FSS programs. While at HUD, Don Clem was responsible for oversight of both PH and HCV FSS programs throughout the state. He also provided training to Kentucky HCV agencies on how to apply for FSS service coordinator grants, significantly increasing the application success rate for these agencies. </p><p>In addition to understanding how to structure and fund an FSS program, The Schiff Group has hands-on experience assisting housing authorities in creating the partnerships that are so critical to a successful program, helping to establish partnerships between housing authorities and service providers in Spartanburg, Nashville, Columbus, Chattanooga, Tacoma, and Albany, to name just a few sites. </p><p>The Schiff Group is also experienced with two cousins of the FSS program: Family Investment Centers and the Jobs-Plus Program. We assisted the Tacoma, WA Housing Authority in their successful quest for a Family Investment Center and the Chattanooga Housing Authority in their successful submission for the Jobs-Plus Program. In both situations, we worked with the authorities to conceptualize the program, build the necessary partnerships, and draft the applications. Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Laws The Schiff Group is very aware of the myriad fair housing and equal opportunity laws, regulations, notices, and handbooks that impact public housing authorities. Joe Schiff both supervised the implementation of these requirements while serving as Manager of the Kentucky HUD Office and helped draft them on a national basis as Assistant Secretary. The Schiff Group is dedicated to ensuring compliance with all such rules, no matter the assignment. PROPOSED QUALITY CONTROL PROGRAM</p><p>Project Staffing and Organization and Quality of Work The Schiff Group is comprised of its Principal, Joe Schiff, and five Associates who operate under contractual agreements as independent contractors. The Schiff Group is headquartered in Vienna, Virginia. Associates are located throughout the country and each maintains his or her own office. Associates work in teams or independently, depending on the skills and expertise needed for each project. </p><p>The completion of HUD grant applications, plans and reports all revolve around strict deadlines; therefore, schedule management is a critical component in all Schiff Group projects. We bring many years of experience successfully retrieving information from multiple departments and outside organizations with sufficient lead-time to write, produce and submit responsive grant applications, including a total of twelve successfully awarded HOPE VI grants. The Schiff Group is also well acquainted with the various electronic and hard copy submission requirements for documents that must be sent to HUD’s National Headquarters, the local Field Office, and/or Grants.gov, and how to ensure that they meet required deadlines. </p><p>For projects requiring a team approach, Associates work together and with Housing Authority (HA) staff to develop a work plan, including a timeline for each project component and specific task assignments. Meetings and conference calls are held among Associates and scheduled with HA staff and other relevant parties on a regular basis to ensure positive project outcomes and quality control.</p><p>Electronic communication methods facilitate the ability of Schiff Associates to collaborate on team projects from multiple locations and to carefully review each project component to ensure quality outcomes. Associates are well aware of the protocols for circulating draft documents amongst HA staff, government departments and other organizations as needed, and build extra time into project schedules requiring this type of review and approval process. Team members use “track changes” features when circulating documents to facilitate the editing process. A shared, central document depository facilitates continuous, real-time access to draft documents by both Associates and Housing Authority staff throughout the writing process. </p><p>Outside of its Associates, the Schiff Group does not typically sub-contract with any other contractors. It does occasionally partner with other firms as needed for specific projects and would discuss this with Phenix City Housing Authority should the need arise while under contract. FORMS AND REPORTS TO BE USED</p><p>The completion of HUD grant applications, plans and reports all revolve around strict deadlines; therefore, schedule management is a critical component in all Schiff Group projects. We bring many years of experience successfully retrieving information from multiple departments and outside organizations with sufficient lead-time to write, produce and submit responsive grant applications, including a total of twelve successfully awarded HOPE VI grants. The Schiff Group is also well acquainted with the various electronic and hard copy submission requirements for documents that must be sent to HUD’s National Headquarters, the local Field Office, and/or Grants.gov, and how to ensure that they meet required deadlines. </p><p>For projects requiring a team approach, Associates work together and with Housing Authority (HA) staff to develop a work plan, including a timeline for each project component and specific task assignments. Meetings and conference calls are held among Associates and scheduled with HA staff and other relevant parties on a regular basis to ensure positive project outcomes and quality control.</p><p>Electronic communication methods facilitate the ability of Schiff Associates to collaborate on team projects from multiple locations and to carefully review each project component to ensure quality outcomes. Associates are well aware of the protocols for circulating draft documents amongst HA staff, government departments and other organizations as needed, and build extra time into project schedules requiring this type of review and approval process. Team members use “track changes” features when circulating documents to facilitate the editing process. A shared, central document depository facilitates continuous, real-time access to draft documents by both Associates and Housing Authority staff throughout the writing process. DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES</p><p>The Schiff Group offers full-service, quality consultation and problem solving customized to fit the unique circumstances of public housing providers of all sizes across the nation. We combine vast experience working with HUD, managing public housing authorities, and serving housing authorities and other low-income housing providers in both the public and private sectors. </p><p>Our national perspective and hands-on experience with housing authority management distinctly separate The Schiff Group from our competitors. Our approach is to listen so that we can understand our clients' needs, to assess in a timely manner, and to create workable solutions in a participatory atmosphere. We can provide assistance to Housing Authorities when their needs exceed those that can be obtained from their existing staff or from HUD. Our goal is to provide the technical assistance and support necessary for the optimum, daily operation of an agency.</p><p>The following is a list of standard consulting services routinely provided by the Schiff Group:</p><p>Housing Authority Policies and Procedures Admissions and Occupancy Policies Housing Choice Voucher/Section 8 Administrative Plans Evaluation and Revisions of Housing Programs and Policies Procurement Policies and Procedures </p><p>Grant Applications and Permissive Actions HOPE VI Designated Housing Plans Demolition/Disposition Plans Homeownership Plans Conversion Plans Project-Basing Housing Choice Vouchers </p><p>Program Management and Assessment Project-Based Management Assistance HOPE VI Program Management Housing Choice Voucher/Section 8 Program Evaluation Public Housing Assessment System Training Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)</p><p>Business Management Annual and Five-Year Plans Strategic Planning Board of Commissioner Training Business Re-Engineering Executive Search Organizational Review Studies </p><p>The President of The Schiff Group, Joseph G. Schiff, has over 30 years of housing experience. In addition to 14 years as a Realtor in Louisville, he served seven years in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) -- three years as the Kentucky Field Office Manager and four years as America's top public housing official, the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Together, Joe and his Associates offer clients the benefit of a vast array of experience and detailed knowledge of HUD programs and policies.</p><p>Housing Choice Voucher/Section 8 Program During his tenure as Assistant Secretary at HUD, Mr. Schiff was responsible for the overall operation of the tenant-based Section 8 Program and was deeply involved in the development of project-based Section 8 regulations. The Schiff Group leveraged this knowledge to develop a customizable Section 8 Administrative Plan template that governs the operation of the program for hundreds of public housing authorities all across the country. The Schiff Group has also conducted numerous SEMAP Quality Assurance Reviews, and assisted housing authorities to leverage their 20% project-basing discretion in order to facilitate development projects.</p><p>During his tenure as the Director of the Louisville Office of Public Housing, team member Don Clem served on the National HUD Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) working group, which was formed to allow for better HCV fund management and program utilization. In this role, he helped develop training materials for HUD and train more than 200 HUD employees and 500 Housing Authority staff across the Country on HCV utilization. These training materials and sessions contributed to over 10,000 additional families being assisted under the HCV program in the Southeastern United States. In addition, Mr. Clem has worked with the Housing Authority in the past, most recently completing an HCV financial management review, so he is familiar with Housing Authority systems, staffing, and practices.</p><p>Public Housing Development In addition to the individual experience of its Associates overseeing the development of hundreds of units of public housing in their respective agencies, The Schiff Group supervised the development of a public housing community in Oxford, North Carolina. The Oxford Housing Authority had been awarded a public housing development allotment, but was unable to complete the project due to internal staff limitations. Several years later, HUD stated that a construction manager needed to be obtained or the funding needed to be returned. After a competitive process, The Schiff Group was selected to oversee the development project. The project was completed in a timely manner and is now fully occupied.</p><p>The Schiff Group has enabled public housing authorities to add to their stock in non- traditional ways. For instance, in Evansville, IN, working with Housing Development Partners, we helped the housing authority acquire a 24-unit apartment building in HUD's inventory, rehab the building, and partner with a local service provider to house those with chronic mental illness. Development and Financing Expertise The key to creative financing in the public housing arena is to have an open mind and not reach a predetermined conclusion on the type of financing to be used. Often the financing used dictates the product developed. It is paramount that the work team has experience in all of the available financial instruments and subsidy programs. Working with our partners, we have successfully utilized virtually every type of financing program available to non-profits, housing authorities, and their affiliates including:</p><p> Taxable bonds Tax-exempt single-family and multi-family bonds 501(c)(3) bonds Bank eligible bonds Tax Increment Financing (TIF) bonds Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) State credits Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds Section 108 Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Funds Operating Subsidy Capital Fund Program Federal Home Loan Bank Interest Reduction Payments (IRP) subsidies Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insurance Private credit enhancement Risk sharing Fixed and variable rate debt Demolition/Disposition Plans The Schiff Group is highly experienced in assisting public housing agencies with the preparation of successful demolition and/or disposition plans. During their time at the Louisville Metro Housing Authority, team members Kathleen O’Neil and Sarah Howard completed successful demolition proposals for LMHA’s Iroquois Homes and Clarksdale public housing developments. Kathleen also prepared a successful demolition/disposition application for the Paducah Housing Authority. Additionally, the Schiff Group has prepared demolition/disposition plans for the following agencies:</p><p> Albany, NY Athens, GA (2 different sites) Decatur, AL Macon, GA Nashville, TN Ozark, AL (2 different sites) Patterson, NJ St. Louis County, MO Spartanburg, SC Developing Affordable Housing Although The Schiff Group is known primarily as a management consulting company, the firm has engaged in a number of development projects. See Section 4.4, Demonstrated Experience and Demonstrated Successful Past Performance, for specific examples.</p><p>Capital Fund Program The Schiff Group and its Associates have an exceptionally strong background in the Capital Fund Program. As a starting point, Joe Schiff was instrumental in both negotiating the legislative language that brought the program’s predecessor (the Comprehensive Grant Program or CGP) to life and creating the ensuing regulations and handbooks that fleshed out the program. Because of his extensive involvement in the creation of the CGP, he has a deep understanding of the Capital Fund program and what it can accomplish. </p><p>As a company, The Schiff Group was retained by the Tacoma, WA Housing Authority to help resolve a dispute it was having with HUD over the eligible use of CGP funds. We were able to get a waiver for THA from the Assistant Secretary that enabled them to proceed with the project and obtain additional funds. We assisted the Bremerton, WA Housing Authority with a CGP-related procurement problem and were able to avert a threatened lawsuit.</p><p>Community Development Block Grant Program The Schiff Group has a strong background in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. Joe Schiff's involvement began during his service as the Manager of the Kentucky HUD Office, where his position included enforcement responsibilities for the state. In Washington, he worked closely with the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development to develop more ways the CDBG Program and Public Housing Program could interrelate and complement one another.</p><p>Since forming The Schiff Group, Joe has worked with a number of agencies to improve the operation of the CDBG Program in their communities (e.g., Nashville and Delaware). He and his Associates are very aware of ways the CDBG Program can benefit public housing authorities, especially in the development process. For instance, the Schiff Group structured a replacement housing plan in Nashville that utilized CDBG funds to acquire land for replacement units. In Spartanburg, the Schiff Group helped the HA incorporate CDBG money to pay for infrastructure costs in their replacement housing plan. Community and Supportive Services Planning The Schiff Group has extensive experience in forging partnerships between housing authorities and for-profit and non-profit entities. We have accomplished this objective on both a national and local basis. For example, while serving as HUD’s Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, Joe Schiff helped attract numerous national entities to offer their assistance to local housing authorities and resident groups, including the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, the YMCA, and the Boy Scouts of America.</p><p>At the local level, all of The Schiff Group’s Associates have experience helping housing authorities forge partnerships with outside entities to provide services to housing authority residents. The scope of entities that have forged partnerships with our clients is extremely broad. In every case, we have advocated for the establishment of performance measures so the results of the partnership can be better gauged. </p><p>Resident Self-Sufficiency Programs Joe Schiff’s interest in self-sufficiency programs predates the formation of The Schiff Group. While at HUD, he created the Office of Resident Initiatives, an entire division of Public and Indian Housing that focuses on resident self-sufficiency. Secretary Kemp and Mr. Schiff helped change the direction of the program from a bricks and mortar focus to a holistic approach that helped people help themselves.</p><p>Associates of The Schiff Group have this same focus. For example, Kathleen O’Neil was responsible for helping the Louisville Metro Housing Authority (LMHA) obtain a $200,000 Grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for an Active Living by Design program within its HOPE VI target area. She also helped secure funding, develop plans and coordinate a partnership with the Jefferson County school system to construct and manage childcare centers within two LMHA developments. Sarah Howard served as the Project Director for ACTIVE Louisville, a joint Metro Louisville/LMHA initiative dedicated to increasing physical activity and access to healthy foods in three low-income neighborhoods impacted by the Clarksdale/Liberty Green HOPE VI Revitalization. The program leveraged financial and in-kind contributions to create an educational/community garden, promote neighborhood farmers’ markets, and improve the food policies of local community-based organizations. </p><p>As a corporation, The Schiff Group has been very involved in assisting clients with resident self-sufficiency matters. We have assisted clients with PHDEP, Family Investment Center and Jobs-Plus applications. In each of these situations, we built outcome-based indicators into the programs. </p><p>In our extensive strategic planning efforts with housing authorities, we focus on measurable tactics that will achieve the housing authority’s goals and enable them to more fully accomplish their mission. This strategy aligns with HUD’s emphasis on outcome-based strategies and goals and utilization of LOGIC modules to measure same. Our Associates also have extensive experience in establishing baselines, benchmarks and other quantitative metrics to examine program outcomes, and working with outside program evaluators to measure outcomes of the HOPE VI and Moving to Work program. Family Self-Sufficiency Program The Schiff Group is very experienced with the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program in both theory and practice. As Assistant Secretary of HUD, Joe Schiff oversaw the development of the FSS program, including the development of the regulations that currently govern the program. </p><p>Several Schiff Group Associates have experience implementing and administering FSS programs. Team member Sarah Howard drafted a successful Public Housing FSS application for the Lexington Housing Authority and FSS Action Plans for both its public housing and Section 8 FSS programs. While at HUD, Don Clem was responsible for oversight of both PH and HCV FSS programs throughout the state. He also provided training to Kentucky HCV agencies on how to apply for FSS service coordinator grants, significantly increasing the application success rate for these agencies. </p><p>In addition to understanding how to structure and fund an FSS program, The Schiff Group has hands-on experience assisting housing authorities in creating the partnerships that are so critical to a successful program, helping to establish partnerships between housing authorities and service providers in Spartanburg, Nashville, Columbus, Chattanooga, Tacoma, and Albany, to name just a few sites. </p><p>The Schiff Group is also experienced with two cousins of the FSS program: Family Investment Centers and the Jobs-Plus Program. We assisted the Tacoma, WA Housing Authority in their successful quest for a Family Investment Center and the Chattanooga Housing Authority in their successful submission for the Jobs-Plus Program. In both situations, we worked with the authorities to conceptualize the program, build the necessary partnerships, and draft the applications. Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Laws The Schiff Group is very aware of the myriad fair housing and equal opportunity laws, regulations, notices, and handbooks that impact public housing authorities. Joe Schiff both supervised the implementation of these requirements while serving as Manager of the Kentucky HUD Office and helped draft them on a national basis as Assistant Secretary. The Schiff Group is dedicated to ensuring compliance with all such rules, no matter the assignment.</p>
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