<p> ATDSK1118 USER MANUAL</p><p>ATDSK1118 USER MANUAL</p><p>ATE Communications Limited Unit 9 Technology Drive, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 2ND.</p><p>Tel +44 (0) 115 922 4700 Fax +44 (0) 115 922 4726</p><p> e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.ate.co.uk</p><p>2002 ATE COMMUNICATIONS LTD PAGE 1 OF 11 ATDSK1118 USER MANUAL</p><p>Contents</p><p>1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Product Features 4 3.0 Functional Description 5 3.1 EZ USB FX USB Microcontroller 6 3.2 16-Bit Stereo Audio Codec 6 3.3 Analogue-to-Digital Converters 6 3.4 Digital-to-Analogue Converters 6 3.5 Other Features 6 4.0 Board Configuration 7 4.1 Power Supply 7 4.2 USB Configuration 7 4.3 Audio Input Biasing 8 4.4 A/D Sampling Frequency 8 5.0 Specification 9</p><p>2002 ATE COMMUNICATIONS LTD PAGE 2 OF 11 ATDSK1118 USER MANUAL</p><p>1.0 Introduction The ATDSK1118 is a combined signal acquisition and generation board and USB interface to the DSP on a C6711™ DSK. Signal acquisition and generation is handled by a stereo audio CODEC and high frequency digital-to-analogue and analogue-to- digital converters. The USB interface is handled by Cypress Semiconductors’ versatile combination USB interface and 8051 Microcontroller chip, the EZ-USB FX. The USB interface is fully compliant with the USB 1.1 specification and is capable of functioning as a full speed device offering transfer rates to the DSP on the DSK of up to 12 Mbits per second.</p><p>The manual gives a general description of the board, explaining the main on-board devices and all the user interfaces. The manual also shows all possible board configurations and includes a detailed specification of the ATDSK1118 Board.</p><p>2002 ATE COMMUNICATIONS LTD PAGE 3 OF 11 ATDSK1118 USER MANUAL</p><p>2.0 Product Connectors The features of the ATDSK1118 are detailed below:</p><p> Daughter Board Connectors [J2, J11] The Daughter Board Connectors allow the ATDSK1118 to be used in conjunction with DSP Based Products. They contain Clocks, Resets, Device Read Write Signals, A Serial Port and a 32-Bit EMIF data bus.</p><p> USB Port [J1] The USB port is the physical interface to the PC. Connect a standard USB cable to this port and to a PC to provide a physical connection to the PC.</p><p> Stereo Input Jack [J7] Stereo analogue signals are fed from this connector to the on-board CODEC. The signals fed via this connector should be at line level (2 Vrms).</p><p> Stereo Output Jack [J5] Stereo analogue signals from the on-board CODEC are fed to this connector. The signals provided by this connector will be at line level (2 Vrms).</p><p> Analogue Input Connectors [J4, J6] High-speed analogue signals are fed from these connectors to the on-board analogue- to-digital converters that are mapped onto the EMIF data bus. The signals fed via this connector may have amplitudes up to +5V.</p><p> Analogue Output Connectors [J8, J10] High-speed analogue signals from the digital-to-analogue converters are fed to these connectors. The digital-to-analogue converter is mapped onto the EMIF data bus. </p><p>2002 ATE COMMUNICATIONS LTD PAGE 4 OF 11 ATDSK1118 USER MANUAL</p><p>3.0 Functional Overview The block diagram below shows all the features of the ATDSK1118 board. The boards various connectors can be seen around the edge of the diagram.</p><p>AUDIO AUDIO USB INPUT (J7) OUTPUT (J5) PORT (J1)</p><p>J11 J2 RESET SWITCH</p><p>HOST RESET</p><p>Serial Bus CS4218 CODEC EZ-USB FX 12.288 MHz USB μC CLOCK FLAGS SEL</p><p>CLOCK ED[15:0] DIVIDER EMIF</p><p>ED[31:16] ED[15:0] ED[31:16] ED[15:0] CLOCK SELECT</p><p>AD9220 AD9220 AD768 AD768 CE 2 EXTERNAL ADC ADC DAC DAC CLOCK INPUTS WE OE</p><p>ANALOGUE ANALOGUE ANALOGUE ANALOGUE INPUT (J6) INPUT (J4) OUTPUT (J10) OUTPUT (J8)</p><p>The ATDSK1118 is primarily designed for use with a C6711™ DSK (DSP Starter Kit) as supplied by Texas Instruments. It can however be used with any host board that offers the required resources.</p><p>2002 ATE COMMUNICATIONS LTD PAGE 5 OF 11 ATDSK1118 USER MANUAL</p><p>3.1 EZ-USB FX USB Interface Device The EZ-USB FX Device provides the necessary functionality for the board to successfully interface to a USB master. The EZ-USB FX contains circuitry for communicating with a USB master using the USB protocol and electrical signal specification and is able to function as a full speed device providing theoretical data transfer rates of up to 12 Mbits per second.</p><p>To provide a flexible solution to USB system implementations, the EZ-USB FX also includes an 8051 Microcontroller. The Microcontroller can be used to coordinate the flow of data between the USB port and a number of external communication ports.</p><p>Two external 8 bit parallel ports on the EZ-USB are connected to the DSP’s EMIF and can be used to move data between the USB chip and the DSP. This in turn allows the programmer to move data between the DSP and an application running on the PC via the USB bus. </p><p>3.2 16-Bit Stereo Audio Codec The board provides two stereo jacks, one for audio input and one for audio output. The stereo audio input to the ATDSK1118 is coded into a serial format by the CS4218 codec. The stereo audio output from the ATDSK1118 is decoded from a serial format by the CS4218 codec. The particular serial format that is utilised is referred to as SM3 in the CS4218 datasheet. The serial interface of the CS4218 codec is available at one of the ATDSK1118’s host connectors. When the ATDSK1118 is docked onto a C6711™ DSK, the serial interface to the CS4218 codec is directly connected to McBSP1. The audio codec can be reset by the host board or by the ATDSK1118’s on-board reset switch.</p><p>3.3 Analogue-to-Digital Converters The ATDSK1118 has two 12-Bit, high performance analogue-to-digital converters (ADCs). The two analogue input connectors accept an input voltage range of 0 to +5 Volts. There is a choice of five different clock sources for use with the ADCs. Three are divisions of the on-board oscillator frequency and two are external signals from one of the ATDSK1118’s host connectors. The chosen sample frequency is selected by soldering the appropriate combination of links to the ATDSK1118. The ATDSK1118 will be have the links configured at the factory such that the clock for the ADCs is provided by an external signal from one of the ATDSK1118’s host connectors. When the ATDSK1118 is docked onto a C6711™ DSK, these factory settings cause TOUT0 to be the source of the ADCs clocks.</p><p>2002 ATE COMMUNICATIONS LTD PAGE 6 OF 11 ATDSK1118 USER MANUAL</p><p>3.4 Digital-to-Analogue Converters There are two 16-Bit, high-speed digital-to-analogue converters (DACs) on the daughter card. These output a voltage range of 0-5Volts to two analogue connectors. </p><p>When the ATDSK1118 is docked onto a C6711™ DSK, both the ADCs and the DACs are mapped to the host DSP’s External Memory Interface (EMIF). This allows the DSP access to read the data from the ADC and allows it to write data to the DAC.</p><p>3.5 Other Features The ATDSK1118 features two LEDs. The first (LED1) indicates that power has been supplied to the board. The second (LED2) indicates that board has been connected to a USB hub. The boards momentary reset switch (SW1) is used to reset the USB μC and the Stereo Audio Codec.</p><p>2002 ATE COMMUNICATIONS LTD PAGE 7 OF 11 ATDSK1118 USER MANUAL</p><p>4.0 Board Configuration The ATDSK1116 can be configures in the following ways:</p><p>4.1 Power Supply The ATDSK1118 requires the DSK board to be powered using J8. This provides the ATDSK1118 with +12V and –12V as well as the standard +5V.</p><p>Warning: Do not supply power to J4 and J8 at the same time.</p><p>When power is supplied to the ATDSK1118 the Green LED (LED1) will illuminate.</p><p>4.2 USB Configuration The EZ-USB FX used various signals to interface with the DSP. </p><p>4.2.1 Control Signals: The following signals in combination with some control bits in the USB 8051 determine how the internal FIFOs on the USB chip are accessed from the DSP. The FIFO select signal is connected to the DSP CE2 signal and the Output Enable signals are connected to the DSP’s RE signals. The board can be configured to route the CE2 from the DSP to either one or both of the FIFO select signals, the board can also be configured to route the RE signal to either one or both of the output enable signals.</p><p>The select signal’s usage changes depending on the internal configuration of the USB chip’s Microcontroller. When the Microcontroller is configured in double byte mode, the select signal which FIFO data is read from. When the Microcontroller is in single byte mode, the select signal is used to enable reading from or writing to a specific FIFO. </p><p>The following table shows the different configurations when using the FIFOs in double byte mode:</p><p>Select signal config Output enable signal config Result A select connected, B select not A and B output enables Reads and writes access only connected connected FIFO A, data is output on a 16 bit wide bus (two bytes for every read or write) B select connected, A select not A and B output enables Reads and writes access only connected connected FIFO B, data is output on a 16</p><p>2002 ATE COMMUNICATIONS LTD PAGE 8 OF 11 ATDSK1118 USER MANUAL</p><p> bit wide bus (two bytes for every read or write) All other configurations All other configurations Should not be used</p><p>The following table shows the possible configurations when using single byte mode:</p><p>The following table shows the possible configurations when using single byte mode</p><p>R17 R25 R18 R19 Configuration (ASEL) (BSEL) (AOE) (BOE) N.F. N.F. N.F. N.F. Should not be used N.F. 0Ω N.F. 0Ω When doing reads/writes from the USB chip, data lines 0 to 7 on the EMIF are driven by the USB chip with data coming from FIFO B in the USB chip 0Ω N.F. 0Ω N.F. When doing reads/writes from the USB chip, data lines 8 to 15 on the EMIF are driven by the USB chip with data coming from FIFO A in the USB chip 0Ω 0Ω 0Ω 0Ω When doing reads/writes from the USB chip, data lines 0 to 15 on the EMIF are driven by the USB chip, data lines 0 to 7 are driven with data coming from FIFO B and data lines 8 to 15 are driven with data coming from FIFO A in the USB chip.</p><p>4.2.2 Flags: The hardware can be configured to connect the different output flags from the USB chip to the DSP. The following table shows which flags are routed to the timer inputs on the DSP.</p><p>A/B Input Flag – Timer Input 1 A/B Output Flag – Timer Input 0</p><p>R24 R14 Input FIFO R13 R15 Output FIFO Flag Flag 0Ω N.F. A 0Ω N.F. A N.F. 0Ω B N.F. 0Ω B</p><p>2002 ATE COMMUNICATIONS LTD PAGE 9 OF 11 ATDSK1118 USER MANUAL</p><p>4.3 Audio Input Biasing The Audio Inputs can be biased to the following levels:</p><p>Left Audio Input Right Audio Input</p><p>R46 R47 Level R83 R73 Level N.F. N.F. - N.F. N.F. - 10KΩ N.F. 0V 10KΩ N.F. 0V N.F. 10KΩ 5V N.F. 10KΩ 5V 10KΩ 10KΩ 2.5V 10KΩ 10KΩ 2.5V</p><p>4.4 A/D Sampling Frequency The A/D sampling frequency can be selected from five available clocks. The desired clock can be enabled by fitting a single link in one of the five available positions.</p><p>A/D Sampling Frequency</p><p>Link Fitted Clock Source R51 CLK/2† R52 CLK/4† R53 CLK/8† R55§ Host clock 1 R12 Host clock 2 Notes: †CLK = 12.288MHz §Default Link Position</p><p>2002 ATE COMMUNICATIONS LTD PAGE 10 OF 11 ATDSK1118 USER MANUAL</p><p>5.0 Specification</p><p>USB Interface: USB port for connection to USB master/hub Programmable 8051 microcontroller External ports connected to DSP’s EMIF</p><p>Analogue Interface: Two 0-5Volt High-impedance analogue inputs Two variable output analogue outputs One stereo line level input One stereo line level output</p><p>Digital Interface: Two Samtec SFM Series 0.050” × 0.050” pitch sockets 32 Bit digital data bus for A/D & D/A converters Serial data bus for CS4218 codec 5V level digital outputs 3.3V level digital inputs (5V tolerant)</p><p>User Interface: Two LEDs One momentary reset switch for EZ-USB FX and CS4218 Codec.</p><p>CS4218 Stereo Audio Codec: 64x Over sampling Input anti-aliasing and output smoothing filters Programmable input gain Sample frequencies from 4 kHz to 50 kHz</p><p>AD768 Digital-to-analogue Converter: 16 Bit resolution 20 MSPS update rate</p><p>AD9220 Analogue-to-digital Converter: 12 Bit resolution 10 MSPS update rate</p><p>Power Requirements: +5V, 0V, -12V, +12V DSK powered using connector J8</p><p>Physical Dimensions: 105mm × 86mm</p><p>2002 ATE COMMUNICATIONS LTD PAGE 11 OF 11</p>
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