<p>THE ANNUAL QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT (AQAR 2010-11)</p><p>Part - A</p><p>PLAN OF ACTION</p><p>1. Admission of Students. The institution provides a transparent admission process. Students seeking admission to BA/B.Sc./BBM I year, are enrolled in the institution according to the master norms of the affiliated university and state Government. As per the bio- data forms received, selected list of students based on Merit is notified on the Notice board. As per the choice of course of study and subject, the list of admitted students is displayed. Hence, the total process of admission is transparent</p><p>2. Calendar of Events: The process of admission to BA.B.Sc.and BBM first year course for the year 2010-11 is as below.</p><p> a) Issue of Bio-data forms from the date of PUC results.</p><p> th b) Last date for submission of Bio-data forms, on or before 30 may 2010</p><p> c) Commencement of Admission 01-06-2010 </p><p> d) Re-opening of the college 1-7-2010</p><p> st e) Last date for admission to all the semester courses ( except 1 semester ) 31-07-2010</p><p> f) Last date for admission to I semester 31-8-2010</p><p> g) Commencement of classes – 2-8-2010.</p><p> th 3. On 12 July,2010, Orientation for B.A, B.Sc. and BBM I year students was organized. Principal of the college, along with student’s union advisor, student’s welfare officer, Librarian, NSS Officers, NCC Officer, Sports and Games Director and office superintendent, addressed the students and acquainted & appraised the newly admitted students about the college and the facilities such as different courses of studies, Government and voluntary organization’s scholarships, library facilities, students counseling centre, NSS Units, NCC, Science Club, Students Union and its activities, Games and sports facilities, Nature of Election process, Literary association and its activities. etc. The students were highlighted about discipline, cleanliness and healthy environment in the college campus.</p><p>4. Our students participated in the Inter-collegiate Mahila Youth festival conducted by Karnataka State Women’s University Bijapur from 29th to 31st July 2010.Our students participated in 14 events and bagged 11 prizes. </p><p> st th 5. On August 1 2010, the 90 Birth Anniversary of Late Shri Mahadaevappa Rampure, the Founder President of H.K.E.Society Gulbarga, was celebrated .Prof. S R Hatti Principal presided over the function.</p><p>6. Students Union Elections : The main thrust of this institution is on the “Life Training of its girl students” by providing the harmonious blending of education, along with the bonds of strong and close knit family and society. The college trains the younger generation to develop and exercise the democratic values judiciously and inculcate their political rights in choosing able representatives. Elections for student’s union for the academic year 2010-11 were conducted on 7th August 2010 on the basis of General Elections. Initially students elect their class representatives through the secret voting system. The second level of election is for the post of “ Students Union office Bearers”. The posts are –Vice President, General Secretary, Joint General Secretary, Cultural Secretary and Sports Secretary. The elected class representatives further elect able candidates for the above said posts. This process of student’s union election teaches and promotes the readiness of students, to take part in the voting system for the General Election in future.</p><p> th 7. On 12 August 2010, Librarians day was celebrated in memory of Dr.S.R. Rang Nathan’s Birthday, the father of Library Science. Essay Competition was conducted for the students on the topic “Reading Habits among college students” ,Winners were given prizes on 15th August 2010, the Independence Day.</p><p> th th 8. On 15 August 2010, 64 Independence Day was celebrated. After flag hoisting the formal Inauguration of Student’s Union Activities for the year 2010-11 was initiated by the Principal Prof. S.R. Hatti by lighting the lamp. The Office bearers of the students union and the elected class representatives were administered Oath by the principal.</p><p> th 9. On 20 August 2010, “Akhila Bharata Sharana Sanskruti Utsava” Gulbarga branch organized a Program in our college to create awareness of Sharana Sahithya among students. Professor, S.G. Melkundi Rtd Principal of S.B. Arts College, Gulbarga gave the keynote address and Dr. S. S Patil was the guest speaker.</p><p> nd 10. On 22 August 2010 Cheques were distributed to the economically backward and meritorious students by “Kottala Basaveshwara Shikshana Samsthe and Vidya Poshak”. Dr.Shalini Rajneesh President HKDB and Dr. Basavaraj Patil Sedum were the guests and Prof. S R Hatti Principal presided the function.</p><p> st 11. On 31 August 2010, an Inter-collegiate Cross Country Race was organized by our college, and a team of students from eight colleges participated.</p><p> th 12. On 5 September 2010, Teachers Day, the birthday of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan the Great educationist was celebrated. On this auspicious occasion, retired teachers and teachers who were awarded Ph.D. were felicitated. Speeches were given by the students and cultural programs were performed. As a token of love and respect the students presented their teachers with a memento. </p><p> th 13. On 17 September 2010, “Hyderabad Karnataka Vimochana Day” was celebrated by hoisting the National Flag. Prof Kalavathi Dept of History spoke on this occasion and enlightened the students about the importance of this day.</p><p> th 14. On 17 September 2010, Condolence meeting was held as a mark of respect for the departed soul of “Pandit Puttaraj Gavai” .</p><p> th 15. On 19 September 2010, “Fresher’s day” was celebrated by the Final year and second year students of B.A. ,B.Sc and B.B.M. to welcome the newly admitted students of our college.</p><p> st 16. On 21 September 2010, “Hindi Day” was celebrated. Dr V. H. Kosgi Principal C.B. Patil Degree college, Chincholi was the chief guest and Prof. S R Hatti Principal presided the function.</p><p> nd 17. On 22 September 2010, Birth anniversary of Sri P. B. Srinivas a famous play back singer was celebrated by our college in collaboration with Red FM 93.5 Radio.</p><p> th 18. On 24 Sept. 2010, Udaya TV Channel conducted selection of Anchorer for TV Program and 5 of our students got selected.</p><p> th 19. On 24 September 2010, NSS Day was celebrated in our college with great spirit. Prof. B.R. Konda Rtd Principal and Best NSS officer awardee and social worker was the guest speaker. </p><p> nd 20. On 2 October 2010, Birthday of Mahatma Gandhiji & Lal Bahadur Shastri was celebrated which began with Sarvadharma Prayer followed by speeches . Bhajans were presented by students as well as staff members. On this day, sampling plantation was done by N.S.S. Volunteers.</p><p> th 21. On 11 October 2010, a special lecture on Health was arranged by Health Unit of our college. The guest speaker was Dr. Megha Kamalapurkar and spoke on the topic “ Osteoporosis and problems of adolescence”. Bone density test was conducted for both students and staff.</p><p> th 22. On 25 October, 2010, An UGC sponsored orientation programme, for remedial coaching and entry into service for B.A./ B.Sc final year students was organized. Prof. Manjunath, Director of Gnyana Bharati, Univeristy, Bengaluru spoke and also guided the students about preparation of competitive exams. It was followed by interaction with students.</p><p> th 23. On 29 October 2010, Dr. Basawaraj Patil Sedam. Convener of Development of Hyderabad Karnataka Region – addressed the students about “ Kalaburgi Kampu” a week long, historical programme which was to be held in the month of December . This was a programme organized by Bharata Vikasa Abhiyana,to depict the picture of culture, tradition and history of Hyderabad Karnataka Region to the whole Nation.</p><p> rd 24. On 3 Nov. 2010, an innovative and unique programme which was a combination of literature and Music was organized jointly by the Department of Kannada and Hidnustani Music. Dr. D.R.Bendre’s (a renowned poet in Kannada ) poem recitation by students, critical evolution and singing the same songs was done . On this day, a book entitled “ Akasha Dara “ written by Dr. Shanta Math. H.O.D. of Kannada was released.</p><p> th 25. On 13 November 2010, on the eve of Golden Jubilee year celebration of Karnataka Gandhi Smarka Nidhi (KGSN), one day conference was organized jointly by KGSN, Khadi Gramodyoga, Karantaka State Law University Hubli and Smt. V.G. Women’s College, Gulbarga.</p><p> th 26. On 26 November 2010, Communal harmony day function was organized by N.S.S. Units. Prof. S.V.Dhulgundi, H.O.D. of Sociology , Smt.V.G.Women’s College ,Gulbarga , spoke on communal harmony.</p><p> st 27. On 1 December 2010, awareness was created among the students on AIDS, as it was a WORLD AIDS day. Dr. Sharanamma Biradar spoke on AIDS awareness. Red Cross Ribbons were pinned up by students and said the slogan “Protect yourself and be protected from AIDS & HIV”.</p><p> th st 28. From 24 to 31 December 2010, Students & Staff of our college actively participated in various events of “ Kalburgi Kampu”, like Bhakti Sangama, Gnyana Sangama, Matru Shakti Sangama, etc. This was a festive and historical event and the dream of Dr. Basavaraj Patil Sedam, Ex. M.P. and the Convener of Hyderabad Karnataka Abivridhi Mandali.</p><p> th 29. On 12 January , 2011, Swami Vivekananda Jayanti was celebrated by N.S.S. Units and Student’s Union Prof. D.F. Tutegar Nodal Officer of K.S.W.U Bijapur, spoke on life of Vivekananda and his principles.</p><p> th 30. On 17 January 2011, Department of Music organized one day workshop on Music Training . Pandit Jayatheerth Merundi spoke on this occasion .The students of other college also participated and got benefited.</p><p> th 31. On 19 January 2011, International school of Bussiness and Media ( ISBM) interacted with students and conducted Group discussion. A student of our college was selected for P.G.Course in MBA along with job offer.</p><p> rd 32. On 23 January 2011, Subhash Chandra Bose’s Jayanti was celebrated.</p><p> th 33. On 24 January 2011, at the Sad demise of renowned musician Pandit Bheemsen Joshi, Department of Music observed condolence. Smt. Renuka Hagargundgi spoke on the life and achievements of the departed soul.</p><p> th 34. On 26 January 2011, Republic day was celebrated . Students and Staff spoke on constitution of India. Sri Rajashekhar Kanaki, Convenor of Degree Colleges and also council member H.K.E. Society was the guest.</p><p> th st 35. From 27 to 31 January 2011, Inter class cultural and sports competitions were conducted on account of the Annual Social Gathering of the college.</p><p> th 36. On 29 January 2011, Karnataka Rajya Vigynana Parishat , ( KRVP ) Bangalore & Karntaka State Women’s University Bijapur conducted Inter collegiate Science seminar competition in Kannada, in our college. Both in Physical Science and Life Science, our college students won the prizes and were selected to represent our university at Inter university competition.</p><p> th 37. On 30 January 2011, Martyr’s day was observed. Photos of freedom fighters were displayed. Bhajan’s were sung by Staff and Students.</p><p> th 38. On 30 January 2011 , Vachana Kammata Examination was conducted in our college by Basava Kendra Muruga Rajendra Math, Chitradurga with the purpose of inculcating the morals and values of Vachanas of Sharanas belonging to the 12th Century. </p><p> rd 39. On 3 February , 2011, Red ribbon Club organized HIV awareness programme in our college.</p><p> th 40. On 6 February, 2011, Death Anniversary of founder President Late Sri Mahadevappa Rampure was observed in a befitting manner.</p><p> th th 41. From 7 to 13 February 2011, a special NSS camp was organized by NSS unit A & B of our college. The N.S.S. camp was inaugurated by Dr. Dilshad, Head , Dept.of Women Studies, Karntaka State Women University, Bijapur. The daily activities of the camp were commenced by flag hoisting , Yoga, Pranayama, and Meditation followed by field work. Informative speeches were delivered by eminent resource persons at the evening session, followed by cultural activities by the volunteers. The Valedictory of the N.S.S. Special camp was held on 13th February , 2011. Dr. Michael , Professor in Sanskrit, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga was the Chief Guest.</p><p> th 42. On 19 February 2011, Annual Social gathering of the college was celebrated. Shri Gonal Bhimappa , Chirman K.P.S.C. was the Chief guest and Dr. Suryakanta Patil, Vice President of H.K.E. Society, presided over the function. Meritorious students and University blues were felicitated. Prizes were distributed to the students who had won prizes in various cultural , literal and sports competitions.</p><p> th th 43. On 25 and 26 February 2011 the NAAC Peer Team visited the college. Prof.Balamohandas, former Vice-Chancellor, Nagarjun Universtiy, from Vishakapattanam was the Chairperson. Dr. Dhulasi, Birundha Varadarajan, Chairperson, Senior Professor and Head of the department of Environmental Economics, School of Economics, Madurai Kamaraj University Was the member Co-ordinator. Dr. Usha Mukundan, Principal, Ramniranjan Jhunjunwale College, Mumbai was the member </p><p> th 44. On 9 March, 2011 , Mental Health awareness programme was organized by students Union, Department of psychology, Government Hospital Gulbarga and District Health and Family Welfare . Dr. Kishore from NIMHANS Bangalore and Dr. Amol Patange psychiatrist, KBN Hospital, Gulbarga were the guest speakers </p><p> th 45. On 12 March 2011, an International Women’s Day was celebrated . on this occasion a special lecture on Legal Rights and Marriage related Laws was delivered by Smt. Arati Tiwari , Advocate Gulbarga which was organized by the Department of Political Science.</p><p> th 46. On 27 March 2011, the Executive Committee of NAAC accredited our college with CGPA of 3.06 on four point scale and awarded “A” Grade.</p><p>PART –B “Goals and objectives of the Institutions” Vision: “ To preserve and promote the finer innate qualities of a women and eternal human values, the rich heritage of our Nation, to equip her with knowledge and skills, to meet the regional and Global Challenges with Confidence”</p><p>Mission: The Mission of the institution is to infuse the Spiritual, Ethical, Moral and Social Values to disseminate in unfolding and sensitizing the integrated personality of womanhood. Providing and promoting the apt education to empower and assimilate all the innate human qualities to face the National and Global challenges with confidence.</p><p>Objectives: 1. To inculcate ethical, Moral, Social and Spiritual values in all aspects of life. 2. To train the girl students as “Career Women” with the essence of strong and close-Knit family and society.</p><p>3. To bring the harmonious blending of academic excellence leading career development on the one hand and personality development of women on the other hand.</p><p>4. All round personality development</p><p>5. To train the students of sterling character.</p><p>6. To cater to the needs of the educationally backward region of Hyderabad Karnataka Area.</p><p>7. To equip the students for enlighten, who is the source of infinite power</p><p>I): Activities reflecting the Goals and Objectives: 1. Education imparted to the girl students of the college enables them to assume more self confidence, autonomy and gender stratified settings.</p><p>2. Discipline is emphasized for self-dedication, adaptability, willing submission to the code of conduct, promoting social harmony to peaceful existence.</p><p>3. Along with academic excellence, students are trained in culture, character and curriculum which are the three facets of ideal education.</p><p>4. Attention to culture, devotion to duty , obedience to teachers, elders , hospitality, zest for life, love of the Nation, humanity, trust in God, are some of the values inculcated in students, along with academic teaching.</p><p>5. A number of National, State and Regional level seminars and workshops are arranged.</p><p>II): New Academic Programmes Initiated (UG): Special training classes were conducted for the final year students in Analytical skills, communication skills, personality development and computer skills by trained faculty members Dr. Gayatri Nataraj, Dr. Ashok Jeevangi, Prof. M.K.Vijayalaxmi, Dr. GIrija C.M, Dr. Shailaja Patil and Dr. Rajendra Konda . These classes helped the students to face the Campus Interviews, Written Competitive Examinations , Group Discussions etc. with confidence which were conducted by Multinational Companies.</p><p>III): Innovations in curricular Design and Transaction: The under graduate institutions being affiliated to their respective Universities, do not have the direct role in innovating the curricular design and transaction. According to the University norms, each subject gets reviewed in every three years and the syllabus gets updated by the committee named “Board of Studies “.</p><p>IV): Inter-Disciplinary Programme: University has made provision for students of under Graduate to study three subjects of equal importance; this opportunity widens the choice of students at their Post Graduate selection of their course of study. They can pursue their studies in any one of their core subjects.</p><p>V): Examinations Reforms Implemented: The under-graduate Institution is under the purview of the University norms. They have no direct role in implementing any kind of examination reforms. Students are well informed about the process of Annual Examination system offered by the University. The following are the periodic schedule inculcated in the college to prepare and equip the students to face the annual examination. Weekly Assignments, Monthly tests and Internal Tests. VI): Candidates Qualified NET/SLET/GATE: NET/SLET/GATE qualifications are applicable only to the P.G. Course. We do have our students, who after their Post Graduation undergo these specialized tests. We are not in a position to procure a list of such candidates. 5% of the students appearing for competitive exams. VII): Initiative towards Faculty Development Programme: The institution, since its inception has adorned the principles of academic freedom and professional excellence. Merit and Excellence, is the priority during the teaching staff recruitment. The teaching faculty members pursue their higher studies and professional advancements. The institution too arranges periodical programmes in association with the academic and professional bodies, training programmes for academic development and professional advancement of teaching and non-teaching staff is as follows. .</p><p>LANGUAGES</p><p>Department of Kannada : 1) Dr.Shanta Math, Assistant Professor & Head, Dept of Kannada. Books Published :</p><p> i) “Akasha Dhare” (Collection of Articles broadcast in AIR) 11-11- 2010</p><p> ii) Sarvagnana Vachanagala Sangraha , edited / Text book for degree students ( under publication ) </p><p>Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended : 1) State level seminar on “ Jaina Sahitya Samshkriti Mattu Mahile “ Jointly organized by Department of Kannada , KSWU Bijapur, and shruti Samwardhan Samsthana Mirat (UP) on 19th and 20th October 2010.</p><p>2) National Seminar on “ Empowerment of Woman , New Horizons emerging opportunities and potentialities in Hyderabad Karnataka regions” organized by Chambers of Commerce and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar degree college Gulbarga on 24th and 25th October 2010.</p><p>2) Dr Eshwarayya Math : Associate Professor, Dept. of Kannada. . Books Published :</p><p>1. Gurupath ( Ed) Articles on Higher Education 2010</p><p>2. Aayda Vaicharika Lekhanagala Sangaraha ( Ed ) Text book for Degree Students.</p><p>3. Janapada Siri ( Ed ) A Souvenir of All India Folklore conference, Bidar</p><p>4. Nenahu Tumbi ( Ed) A souvenir – Silver Jubilee of the Alumini Association of Basaveshwar Hostel, Sholapur.</p><p>Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / Workshops attended :</p><p>1. State Level seminar on “ Kannada Jain Sahitya Samskruti Mattu Mahile “ Department of Kannada, KSWU and Shruti Samvardhana Samsthana- Mirat ( U.P.) on 19th and 20th October 2010 at Bijapur. 2. All India Folklore Conference, Organized by Karnataka Janapada Academy Bangalore from 22nd to 25th April 2011 at Bidar.</p><p>Participated as a Resource person : Participated as a Resource Person in National and State Level Seminar and conference ( Paper Presented )</p><p>1. A State Level Workshop on Research Methodology Presented a paper on “Shastreeya Bhashe Samshodhana Sadyathegalu – Avakashagalu” Organised by Kannada Abhirudhi Pradhikar and Karnataka Samshaodhakar Okkuta- Bangalore at : Nrupathunga Degree College Sedam on 15th April 2010.</p><p>2. UGC sponsored one day State Level Seminar on Hindustani Classical Music : Challenges and opportunities “ Participated as a Chief Guest of the Valedictory Function organized by Basaveshwar Arts College Bagalkot on 29th Oct 2010.</p><p>3) Dr Sujata Biradar : Lecturer in Kannada,</p><p>Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / Workshops attended :</p><p>1. Mahadevi Akkagala Sammelana “ Akkammana Anubhava Gosti “ Organised by Basava Samatee Akkana Balaga, Gulbarga, at Khuba Kalyan Mantap Gulbarga on 30th July 2010.</p><p>2. Shravana Masada Vachanotsava Upnyasa Sarani “Arivina Maritande” Bawsaveshwar Colony , Gulbarga. On 22nd August 2010.</p><p>3. First District Level Youth Literary Conference organized by Vishwa Jyoti Pratisthan Gulbarga Presented a paper “ Naneke Bareyattene” on 22nd November 2010.</p><p>Department of English : 1) Smt. M.K. Vijayalaxmi ,Associate Professor & Head, Dept of English . Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / Workshops attended : 1. UGC sponsored 5 days workshop on “ Capacity Building of Women Managers in Higher Education “ at Karnataka State Women University, Bijapur, from 17th to 21st January 2011.</p><p>2) Dr. Shailaja Patil , Assistant Professor, Dept of English . Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. VII World Conference – WASLE XV All India English Teachers Annual Conference. Hubli A paper presented on the topic “ In the Country of Deceit by Shashi Desphande – A study” . on 23rd and 24th April 2010.</p><p> th 2. 4 Annual Conference of “ Tribal Literary Forum of India and National Seminar on “ North East India as Diverse Tribal Language Belt” organized by Gauhati University and presented a paper on “ Religious life in Indian Tribes especially in Karnataka” on February 2011.</p><p>3. Two Days, UGC sponsored International world conference on “Recent Trends in English Novels” Organized by Nehru Arts, Science and Commerce College, Hubli on 3rd and 4th April 2010. Presented a paper on “Shashi Deshpande’s “In the Country of Deceit” a Study.</p><p>Department of Hindi :</p><p>1) Prof. D.F. Tutegar, Associate Professor, Head , Department of Hindi . Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. One day Seminar on “ Hyderabad Karnataka Mukthi Sangama and Hindi Language” Organised by Gulbarga University, Gulbarga on 5th October 2010.</p><p>2. A National Level Seminar on “ Privatization of Higher Education in India Inclusiveness and Access” organized by North Maharasthra University , Jalgaon, on 19th to 21st November 2010.</p><p>3. An Workshop on “ NSS Leadership Camp” organized by Karantaka State Women University, Bijapur, from 3rd to 9th August 2010.</p><p>2) Prof. Rajashekhar Peddi : Associate Professor , Dept of Hindi. Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. One day Seminar on “ Hyderabad Karnataka Hindi Teachers and Sahitya Sangha Gulbarga “ on 5th May 2010.</p><p>2. One day seminar on “Hyderabada Kanataka Hindi Bhasha” organized by Gulbarga University,Gulbarga on 5th October 2010.</p><p>3. Three days National Level seminar on “ Privatization of Higher Education in India Inclusiveness and Access” organized by North Maharasthra University , Jalgaon, on 19th to 21st November 2010. 3) Shri V.G. Parute Associate Professor, Dept of Hindi. . Books Published :</p><p>1. Loke Siri ( Ed ) A Souvenir of All India Folklore Conference , Bidar District -2011</p><p> th 2. A Souvenir ( Ed) 12 District Kannada Sahitya Sammelana</p><p>3. Hejje Gurutu – Gulbarga –June.2011.</p><p>Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. UGC sponcered one day state level seminar on “Hindi Women writing Limitations and Restrictions” ––Organized by Department of Hindi , Gulbarga University, Gulbarga on 5th May 2010.</p><p>2. UGC sponsored National Seminar on Hindi and Kannada Literature and its translation – Organized by Basaweshwar College , Bagewadi and Hindi Literature Association on 25th &26th September 2010 and presented a paper on “Anuvad kshetra me Sri Kashinath Ambalagi Ka Yogadan”</p><p>3. UGC sponsored One day State Level Semianr on Hyderabad Karnataka Liberation Movement and Hindu Language – Organised by Department of Hindi Gulbarga University , Gulbarga , on 5th October 2010. Department of Urdu 1) Dr. Zarina Naheed : Associate Professor & Head , department of Urdu . Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / Workshops attended :</p><p> st rd 1. Attended All India Poet Conference from 1 to 3 May 2010.at Pune.</p><p>Department of Political Science : 1) Smt. Ratna Priyadarshini : Associate Professor & Head, Department of Political Science . Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended : 1. UGC sponsored two days National Seminar on “Gender equity and Women Empowerment” organized by SSRG Women College Raichur in collaboration with K.S.W.U. Sociology Teachers Association ( R ) Bijarpur on 27th and 28th Septermber 2010 paper presented on “ Gender equity and Government Policies” 2. Karnataka State Political Science Teachers Association XII Conference was organized on 5th February 2011, Organised by Department of Political Science , Gulbarga University , Gulbarga and Bhudh Vihar Trsut, Gulbarga . Presented a paper on “ Challenges to Indian Democracy” 3. Karnataka State Women University, Bijapur , Political Science Forum , Organised one day seminar on Women Empowerment on 9th January , 2011.</p><p>2) Smt. Sumangala Harwal : Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science .</p><p>Article Published in National Journals:</p><p>1. Article “ Raj Rammohun Roy and Humanism” published in Orient Law and Social Science Journal, Hyderabad ,2011, Vol. V pp. 129.132</p><p>2. Article “ Raj Rammohun Roy and Internationalism ” published in Oriental Law and Social Science Journal, Hyderabad.Vol.5. issue 8, July 2011.pp.128-131 Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. Attended two days National Seminar on Gender Equity and Women Empowerment and presented a paper entitled “ Women in Administration “ organized by S.S.R.G. College for Women Raichur in collaboration with Karnataka State Womens’s University Sociology Teachers Association, Bijapur. On 27th and 28th Septermber 2010,</p><p>2. Two days National Seminar on “ Empowerment of Women – New Horizons : Emerging Opportunities and potentialities in Hyderabad Karnataka Region and Presented a paper entitled “ Women Empowerment – New Horizons”, organized by Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts and Commerce, Gulbarga and Hyderabad Karnataka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Gulbarga on 24th &25th October 2010 at Gulbarga.</p><p>3. A seminar on “ Empowerment of Women “ organized by Political Science college Teachers Forum Karnatka , State Women’s University , Bijapur on 9th January 2011. 4. Attended XII Karnataka State Political Science Teachers Conference and presented a paper on “ Electoral System in India” organized by Department of Studies and Research in Political Science, Gulbarga University Gulbarga and Siddarth Vihar Trust ,Gulbarga on 5th and 6th February 2011.</p><p>3) Sri Sangappa A Badawadagi : Lecturer department of Political Science . 1. Two days National Seminar on “ Empowerment of Women – New Horizons : Emerging Opportunities and potentialities in Hyderabad Karnataka Region and Presented a paper entitled “ Women Empowerment – New Horizons”, organized by Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts and Commerce, Gulbarga and Hyderabad Karnataka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Gulbarga on 24th & 25th October 2010 at Gulbarga. 2. A seminar on “ Empowerment of Women “ organized by Political Sicnec college Teachers Forum Karnataka , State Women’s University , Bijapur on 9th January 2011. 3. Attended XII Karnataka State Political Science Teachers Conference and presented a paper on “ Electoral System in India” organized by Department of Studies and Research in Political Science, Gulbarga University Gulbarga and Siddarth Vihar Trust ,Gulbarga on 5th and 6th February 2011. 4. Attended UGC sponsored two days National Seminar on “ Child Labour”. and Presented a paper entitled “Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009” ,on 12th &13th March 2011 at SSL Law College , Gulbarga.</p><p>Department of Economics : 1) Prof. S.R. Hatti : Principal and Head Dept. of Economics : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended : 1) Participated in International Symposium on Women Achievers, organized by the Karntaka State Women’s University, Bijarpur on 13th January 2010. Faculty Achievement :</p><p> a) Syndicate member , KSWU Bijarpur, b) Academic Council Member, KSWU Bijarpur,</p><p> c) Member of Committees of KSWU Bijarpur, 1. Library Advisory Committee 2. Regulation Drafting Committee 3. Exam Reforms Committee 4..Malpractice Consideration Committee ( Students)</p><p>2) Dr. Gouradevi S. Katnalli, Assistant Professor Dept. of Economics : Books Published : 1.“Agro Based Industries in India – An Economic Analysis”, Oxford Book Company, Jaipur, Rajasthan ( India), 2011, ISBN 978-81-8376-283-0.</p><p>2. “Belakindi” – A collection of Chintanas in Kannada, Siddalingeshwar Publication ,Gulbarga -2010 .ISBN-81-910535-7- 8.</p><p>3. Hanamthrao Desai life and history ( Ed) </p><p>4. Bori Teerada Maha Tapasvi ( Ed) Articles Published in Edited Books :</p><p>1. “Scenario of Horticulture Development in Karnataka”, Published in the book “ Sustainable Agricultural Development “ edited by Dr. K.A.Rasure, Published by Oxford Book Company, Jaipur, 2010, ISBN: 978-93-80179-64-3.</p><p>2. “ Human Resource Development and Marginalized Groups in Karnataka” published in the book ‘Inclusive Growth Challenges and Opportunities’ , edited by Dr. K.A.Rasure, Published by Oxford Book Company, Jaipur, 2010, ISBN: 978-93-80179-90-2</p><p>3. Six research articles are accepted for publications in edited books with ISBN number which are under printing. Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended : 1. Attended two days National Seminar on “Gender Equity and Women Empowerment” and presented a paper entitled “ Socio Economic Empowerment of Women through SHG’s in Gulbarga District of Karnataka” organized by S.S.R.G. College for Women Raichur in collaboration with Karnataka State Womens’s University Sociology Teachers Association, Bijapur. On 27th and 28th September 2010, 2. Two days National Seminar on “ Empowerment of Women – New Horizons : Emerging Opportunities and potentialities in Hyderabad Karnataka Region” and Presented a paper entitled “Empowerment of Women through SGH’s ”, organized by Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts and Commerce, Gulbarga and Hyderabad Karnataka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Gulbarga on 24th & 25th October 2010 at Gulbarga. 3. 52nd Annual Conference of “Indian Society of Labour Economics” presented a paper on “ Migrant Construction Workers in Gulbarga City” Organised by Dept. of Economics , Karnataka University, Dharwad, on 17th to 19th December 2010. 4. Attended 5 days works shop on “ Capacity building of Women Managers in Higher Education” organized by K.S.W.U. Bijapur , from 17th to 21st January 2011.</p><p>Department of Sociology : 1) Sri S.V.Dhulgundi : Associate Professor and Head , Dept. of Sociology :</p><p>Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. Attended two days National Seminar on “Gender Equity and Women Empowerment” and presented a paper entitled “ Women and Health ” and chaired the session - organized by S.S.R.G. College for Women Raichur in collaboration with Karnataka State Womens’s University Sociology Teachers Association, Bijapur. On 27th and 28th September 2010,</p><p> th 2. Attended AIFUCTO’s 27 Academic Conference held in North Maharastra University Jalagaon From 19th to 21st November 2010.</p><p>3. Attended two days National Seminar held in Govt. Degree College Bailhongal on 28th and 29th January 2011 and Chaired the Session.</p><p>2) Sri Annarao Dhuttargaon : Assistant Professor Dept. of Sociology : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p> th 1. Attended AIFUCTO’s 27 Academic Conference held in North Maharastra University Jalagaon From 19th to 21st November 2010.</p><p>Department of History : 1) Sri K.M.Math : Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of History : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. Attended one day training programme on AIDs prevention organized by District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit of Gulbarga and delivered a speech on “Importance of Rudrakshi”. Faculty Achievements : 1. Sri K.M. Math is nominated as President of History Teachers Association of Karnataka State Women University, Bijapur.</p><p>2) Smt. Kalavati : Associate Professor Dept. of History : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p> th 1. Attended AIFUCTO’s 27 Academic Conference held in North Maharastra University Jalagaon From 19th to 21st November 2010.</p><p>Department of Education : 1) Smt. Sabiha R. : Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of Education :</p><p>Books Published :</p><p>1. “Great Educators and Historical Development of Education” Siddalingeshwar Publications ,Gulbarga ( Text Book for B.A.Degree Students)</p><p>2. Psychological Foundation of Education (under publication)</p><p>3. Contemporary Issues in Education (under publication).</p><p>Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended : 1. Attended two days National Seminar on Gender Equity and Women Empowerment and presented a paper entitled “ Strategies for Women Empowerment” organized by S.S.R.G. College for Women Raichur in collaboration with Karnataka State Women’s University Sociology Teachers Association, Bijapur. On 27th and 28th September 2010,</p><p>2) Sri M.M. Bonal : Associate Professor Dept. of Education </p><p> th 1. Attended AIFUCTO’s 27 Academic Conference held in North Maharastra University Jalagaon from 19th to 21st November 2010.</p><p>Department of Psychology : 1) Dr.Shobha Salagar : Associate Professor and Head , Dept. of Psychology : . Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. Attended VII National Conference of Indian Association of Mental Health at Karnataka University , Dharwad on 28th and 29th March 2011.</p><p>2. Participated in the Seminar on “ Empowerment of Women” organized by Karataka State Women’s University, Bijapur ( Karnataka) , Political Science College Teacher’s Forum on 9-1-2011.</p><p>3. Attended a conference on “Restructuring and Privatization of Higher Education in India- Inclusiveness and Access” organized by North Maharastra University Jalgoan, and college Teachers organization ( NMUCTO) Jalgoan on 19th to 21st November 2010. Faculty Achievement : 1. Nominated as Executive Body Member of Indian Association of Mental Health</p><p>2) Smt. Akkamahadevi Shivakumar : Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychology :.</p><p>Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. Attended VII National Conference of Indian Association of Mental Health at Karnataka University , Dharwad on 28th and 29th March 2011.</p><p>Department of Music : 1) Sri Mahmood Miyan : Associate Professor and Head,Dept. of Hindustani Music : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. Attended One day National Seminar on “Hindustani Classical Music” , organized by P.P.G. Music College Gadag in Joint Venture with Karnataka Sangeeta Nritya Academy Bangalore., at Gadag on 28th September 2010. 2. Attended UGC sponsored State level one day Seminar on “Hindustani Classical Music , Challenges and Opportunities” organized by Basaveshwar Arts College Bagalkot, on 29th October 2010.</p><p>3. One day workshop on “ Hindustani Classical Music” Organized by Hindustani Music department , Smt. V.G.College for Women Gulbarga on 17th January , 2011.</p><p>2) Sri Mohd Mukeem Miyan : Lecturer, Dept. of Hindustani Music : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. Attended One day National Seminar on “Hindustani Classical Music” , organized by P.P.G. Music College Gadag in Joint Venture with Karnataka Sangeeta Nritya Academy Bangalore., at Gadag on 28th September 2010.</p><p>2. Attended UGC State level one day Seminar on “Hindustani Classical Music , Challenges and Opportunities” organized by Basaveshwar Arts College Bagalkot, on 29th October 2010.</p><p>3. One day workshop on “ Hindustani Classical Music” Organized by Hindustani Music Dept. , Smt. V.G. College for Women Gulbarga on 17th January ,2011. Faculty Achievements : 1. Special invitee on the occasion of Gulbarga Fest as a Jury for the Classical Wind Instrument Competition held on 5th April 2010. 2. Special invitee by the Gublarga Youth Festival organizer to compose and perform Nada Geete on the inaugural function of Gulbarga Fest held on 15th April 2011.</p><p>3) Smt. Renuka S.Hagargundagi. : Lecturer , Dept. of Hindustani Music :. Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. Attended One day National Seminar on “Hindustani Classical Music” , organized by P.P.G. Music College Gadag in Joint Venture with Karnataka Sangeeta Nritya Academcy Bangalore., at Gadag on 28th September 2010.</p><p>2. Attended UGC sponsored one day state level Seminar on “ Classical Music : Challenges and opportunities , at Basaveshwar Arts College , Bagalakot on 29th November 2010.</p><p>3. Attended one day workshop on “Voice training in Hindustani Classical Music”. On 17th January 2011, organised by Smt. V.G.College for Women ,Gulbarga in collaboration with Nadalahari Charitable Trust and Research Centre Gulbarga. Faculty Achievements : 1. On 16th January 2011 one hour light Classical songs were presented in the music programme organized by Nadalahari Charitable Trust ,Gulbarga.</p><p>2. One hour light Music Programme was rendered on “ Yuva Sourabha Music Programme”– organized by Department of Kannada and Culture Gulbara. On 13th January 2011 at Kasturaba Gandi Women’s Hostel Chaudapur.</p><p> th 3. Participated in “Centenary Celebration of International Women’s Day on 8 March 2011- organized by Besava International Organisation by BIO Club Gulbarga..</p><p>Department of Physics : 1) Sri Ramesh Patil : Associate Professor , Dept. of Physics : Articles published in International Journals : 1. “ Studies on FTIR SEM and DC conductivity of Polyaniline doped Zinc</p><p>Ferriles ( ZnFe2O4) published in international journal of applied polymer science .Vol.121, pp-262-266</p><p>2. Electrical Conductivity of PANI / NIZNO3 composites A solid state electrolyte communicated to International Journal. 3. Synthesis , Characterrization and D.C. Conductivity studies on polyaniline doped with nano-copper oxide ISSN 0974-0678 in Bionano frontier</p><p>Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. Attended National symposium on Advances in Material Science organized by Gulbarga University, Gulbarga on 26th April 2011.</p><p>2. Attended International Conference on “ Latest Trends in Nano Science and Nano Technology” organized by K.B.N. Engineering College ,Gulbarga on 28th and 29th March 2011.</p><p>2) Dr. Girija C.M. : Associate Professor , Dept. of Physics : Articles published in International Journals : 1. “ H-Bridge IGBT inverter drive for single phase induction motor in proceedings, Two days National Seminar on “ VSLI and VHDI at Shree Veerendra Patil degree College Bangalore. Pg. 15,on 29-30 January 2010. Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. Attended International Conference on “ Latest Trends in Nano Science and Nano Technology” organized by K.B.N. Engineering College ,Gulbarga on 28th and 29th March 2011.</p><p>2. Attended National symposium on “Advances in Material Science” organized by Gulbarga University, Gulbarga on 26th April 2011.</p><p>3) Sri Shivaraj Gounalli . : Assistant Professor , Dept. of Physics : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended : 1.Attended National symposium on “Advances in Material Science” organized by Gulbarga University, Gulbarga on 26th April 2011.</p><p>Orientation Programme : 1. Attended Orientation Programme from 03-06-2011 to 30-06-2011,at Academic Staff College , Kumacin University, Nainital.</p><p>Department of Chemistry :</p><p>1) Dr. Shivaraj Mulagi :Associate Professor Dept. of Chemistry. : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. UGC sponsored National Conference on “Advanced Nano Material, Sensors and Instrumentation” Organized by D.B.F. Dayanand College of Arts and Science , Solapur on 21st and 22nd January 2011.</p><p>2. One day National Symposium on Advances in Materials Science on “ High Energy Materials” organized by Dept of Materials Science, Gulbarga , University, Gulbarga in collaboration with Premier Explosives limited Hyderabad - conducted on 26-04-2011 2) Smt. Parvati : Assistant Professor Dept. of Chemistry. : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. International Conference on “ Latest Trends Nano Science and Nano Technology – ICNSNT-2011 , on 28th and 29th , March 2011. nd 2. 2 International “ Seminar on Medicinal Plants and Herbal Products – Jointly Organised by Dept. of Botany, Sri Venkateshwra University Tirupati, Andra Pradesh, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Board, Hydrabad, A.P. State Council of Science and Technology ( APCOST) , Hyderabad and Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India, A.P. State Branch, Hyderabad during 27th to 29th December 2010.</p><p>3. One day National Level Symposium on Advances in Materials Science on “ High Energy Materials” organized by Dept of Materials Science, Gulbarga , University, Gulbarga in collaboration with Premier Explosives limited Hyderabad - conducted on 26-04-2011</p><p>3) Dr. Jayashree Badager : Assistant Professor , Dept. of Chemistry. : Publications of Articles :</p><p>1. Inhibition of SIRTI by a small molecule induces apoptosis in breast cancer cells. Published in “ Bio-chemical and Bio-physical Research Communications” 401, 2010, 13-19.</p><p>2. Antibacterial activity of Polyanitine / Ethyal-5-Choloro-3-methyal indol -2 – carboxylate composites against Methicillin Resistant S. Aureces. Communicated to “ Journal of applied polymer Science” Orientation / Training Programme :</p><p> th th 1. UGC sponsored Orientation Course held from 14 April to 11 May 2011 at UGC Academic Staff College , Moulana Azad Urdu University, Hyderabad and obtained A Grade.</p><p>2. Participated in the Teachers Empowerment Training for Assistant Professors conducted by Department of Collegiate Education , Govt. of Karnataka in collaboration with Karnataka Gnyana Ayoga from 5th to 11th June 2011.</p><p>4) Miss Parveen Rajesab : Assistant Professor Dept. of Chemistry. : Orientation / Training Programme :</p><p> th th 1. UGC sponsored Orientation Course held from 14 April to 11 May 2011 at UGC Academic Staff College , Moulana Azad Urdu University, Hyderabad and obtained A Grade. 2. Participated in the Teachers Empowerment Training for Assistant Professors conducted by Department of Collegiate Education , Govt.of Karnataka in collaboration with Karnataka Gnyana Ayoga from 5th to 11th June 2011.</p><p>. :</p><p>Department of Mathematics : 1) Dr. Gayatri Nataraj :Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of Mathematics. : Publications of Articles :</p><p>1. A Mathematical Model for the study of two layered Model of blood flow with Micro organisms through a narrow diverging vessel. Published in International Journal of Maths Science and Engineering Applications ( IJMSEA) ISSN 0973-9424, Vol.5 No. II. ( March 2011 pp. 167-179)</p><p>Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended : 1. Attended National Conference on Frontiers in Fluid Dynamics at Gulbarga University on 23rd & 24th February 2011.</p><p>2) Dr. Veena P.H. :Associate Professor , Dept. of Mathematics. : Publications of Articles :</p><p>1. Fluid Flow and Dump gap Optimization of a Aero Gas Combustor Model Using Experimental Hydraulic Analogy- Published in International Journal of Dynamics of Fluids –Research India Publications – 2010.</p><p>2. Flow Optimization Heat Transfer Analysis of a Burning Chamber Using CFD- Published in International Journal of Dynamics of Fluids –Research India Publications – 2010.</p><p>3. Diffusion of Chemically reactive species of an electrically conducting non- newtonian fluid immersed in a porous medium over a stretching sheet with suction. Published in International Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Jul-Dec,2010.</p><p>4. MHD Flow and Heat Transfer with temperature Gradient Dependent heat sink in a porous medium past a stretching surface IJSME- 2010. 5. MHD VISCO-ELASTIC FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER WITH TEMPERATURE GRADIENT DEPENDENT HEAT SINK IN A POROUS MEDIUM PAST A STRETCHING SHEET- Published in International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Engineering Science, Jul-Dec,2010.</p><p>6. Non –Darey forced convection and MHD free convective mass transfer flow with heat source and thermal diffusion over a stretching sheet embedded in a porous medium.- Published in International Journal of Dynamics of Fluids- 2010.</p><p>7. MHD Heat Transfer Flow past a Stretching Porous Sheet with Temperature Gradient Dependent Heat Sink with Prescribed Surface Temperature – Published in International Journal of Mathematics and Applications – 2010</p><p>8. MHD and Heat Transfer Flow with Temperature Gradient Dependent Heat Sink with Variable Thermal Conductivity. Published in International Review of Fuzzy Mathematics – 2010.</p><p>Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended : 1. Attended National Conference in Mathematics at A.S.M. College Bellary on 27th &28th April 2010 and presented a paper on “Unsteady Flow of and electrically conducting fluid through Porus medium” </p><p>2. Attended National Conference on “ Frontiers in Fluid Dnamics at Gulbarga University, Gulbarga on 23rd &24th February -2011.</p><p>Department of Electronics : 1) Sri Y.N.Ravindra :Assistant Professor and Head Dept. of Electronics. Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended : 1. Attended one day National Symposium on Advances in Materials Science ( AMS-2011) on High Energy Materials on 26th April 2011 organised by Department of Materials Science, Gulbarga University Gulbarga. 2) Dr. Mallikarjun Chickpatil :Associate Professor , Dept. of Electronics. : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended : 1. Attended one day National Level Symposium on Advances in Materials Science ( AMS-2011) on High Energy Materials on 26th April 2011 organised by Department of Material Science, Gulbarga University Gulbarga. Orientation Programme : 1 Attended orientation programme from 03-06-2011 to 30-06-2011 at Academic Staff College, Kumacin University Nainital.</p><p>3) Dr. Rajendra B. Konda :Assistant Professor ‘ Dept. of Electronics. : Publications of Articles :</p><p>1. “ Effect of open stub slots for enhancing the impedance band width of dual band microstrip antenna Journal of Instrumentation society of India, Vol. No. 3. pp 179-182 Dec. 2010.</p><p>2. “ Air Gap Rectangular Microstrip Antenna for wide Impedance Band width, High Gain and effective Reduction of Size “ ICFAI University of Science and technology, Vol. 6 NO. 2 pp 68-74, June 2010.</p><p>3. “H Bridge IGBT Inverter Drive for single phase induction motor” Presented at State level workshop / seminar on VLSI and VHDI shree Veerandra Patil Degree College of Science , Bangalore P- 15, 29 & 30th Jan 2010.</p><p>Department of Zoology : 1) Smt Sangamma Itgi :Associate Professor Dept. of Zoology. : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. Attended and presented a paper on “ Distribution of various castes in different parts of mounds of Termites “ at International conference on Environmental pollution, water conservation and Health , at Bangalore University, Bangalore held from 29th July 2010 to 31st July 2010.</p><p>2. A Research paper entitled “ Effect of different parameter on the production of intracellular protease by Asperigilles riger is communicated to Bio sean Journal.</p><p>3. The Abstract of “Production of Industrially important Protedytic enzyme from staphylocecus species on milk powder and soybean meal based medium” is communicated to international conference on Biotechnology for better tomorrow ( BTBT-2011) organized by Department of Microbiology Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathawada University, Aurangabad.( Maharastra)</p><p>4. Attended 5 days UGC sponsored workshop on “ Capacity building of Women in Higher Education from 17th January 2011 to 21st January 2011 at Karantaka State Women University, Bijapur.</p><p>2) Dr. Chandrakala Patil :Associate Professor Dept. of Zoology. : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p> th 1. Attended AIFUCTO’s 27 academic conference on “ Restructuring and Privatization of Higher Education of India” at Jalagon 19th – 21st Nov-2010.</p><p>3) Smt. Farzana Jabeen :Associate Professor Dept. of Zoology. : Article Published : 1. “Nesting pattern of the termites – O brunnens and O. Waloneries” ISSN 0973- 9505, in Electronic Journal of Environmental Science. Vol.3 , 2010 , pp. 49-54</p><p>Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. Attended and presented a paper on “ Nesting pattern of the termite species O. burners and wallonesis – at International conference on Environmental pollution, water conservation and Health , at Bangalore University, Bangalore held from 29th to 31st July 2010.</p><p>Department of Botany : 2) Sri N.G.Patil :Asst. Professor Dept. of Botany : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. Attended National Seminar on “ Green Technology for Sustainable development and role of women” in Hoshangabad (MP) on 11th May 2011. and Presented a paper.on “ Constraints experienced by onion growers from Gulbarga district of Karnataka”</p><p>2. Attended 3 days Bonsai Making Training Conducted by Agri Horticultural Society Hyderabad “From 8th 10 June 2010.</p><p>Department of Microbiology : 1) Dr. C.C.Patil :Associate Professor and Head Dept. of Microbiology : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. Attended UGC sponsored One Day State Level Conference on “ Recent Trends in Environmental Studies” held on 12th March 2010 at Smt. A.S.M. College for women , Bellary Faculty Achivement: Dr. C.C. Patil, Associate Professor and Head Dept. of Microbiology has been upgraded to the post of The Principal of the college from 1st March 2011. </p><p>2) Dr. Sharada Beknal :Associate Professor , Dept. of Microbiology : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. Attended Two days National Level Seminar on “ Global warming & Water Crisis” organized by C.B.College Bhalki on 6th &7th March 2010.</p><p>2. Attended UGC sponsored One Day State Level Conference on “ Recent Trends in Environmental Studies” held on 12th March 2010 at Smt. A.S.M. College for women , Bellary </p><p> th th st 3. Attended “ AIFUCTO” 27 Academic Conference 19 to 21 Nov 2010, held at North Maharastra University Jalgaon ( M.S.)</p><p>4. Attended UGC sponsored “ Capacity Building for Women Managers in Higher Education –Sensitivity/Awareness /Motivation” A workshop organized by Karnataka State Women’s University, Bijapur from 17th to 21st Jan 2011 .</p><p>3) Dr. Sumangala Deshmukh :Associate Professor Dept. of Microbiology : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. Attended UGC sponsored One Day State Level Conference on “ Recent Trends in Environmental Studies” held on 12th March 2010 at Smt. A.S.M. College for women , Bellary .</p><p>2. Attended International Conference on “Environmental Pollution, water conservation and Health”. Presented a Paper on “ Impact Assessment of the Solid Waste Landfill in the Municipality of Gulbarga” on 29th -31st, July 2010 at Bangalore.</p><p>3. Attended Two days National Level Seminar on “ Global warming & Water Crisis” organized by C.B.College Bhalki on 6th &7th March 2010.</p><p>Department of Computer Science : 1) Mrs. Premilia S. Toran : Lecturer Dept. of Computer Science : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended : 1. Attended a workshop “ ARM MICROCONTROLLERS AND APPLICATIONS” organized by Gulbarga University, Gulbarga , from 29th to 31st March 2011.</p><p>Department of Commerce and Management : 1) Sri A.G. Police Patil : Lecturer and Head, Dept. of Commerce and Management : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. UGC sponsored two days National Seminar on “ Empowerment of Women- New Horizons: Emerging Opportunities & Potentialities in Hyderabad- Karnatak Region” Organised by Karnataka People’s Education Society’s Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts & Commerce, Gulbarga from 24th and 25th October 2010.</p><p>2. UGC sponsored two days National Symposium on World Trade Organization and restructure of Cooperatives ( WTO-ROC-2011) organized by Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Colege, Omerga from 29th and 30th March 2011 presented a paper on “ World Trade Organisation and its Impact on Primary Agricultureral , Credit Co-operatives.</p><p>2) Smt Uma Minajigi : Lecturer Dept. of Commerce and Management : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended : 1. UGC sponsored two days National Symposium on World Trade Organization and restructure of Cooperatives ( WTO-ROC-2011) organized by Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji College, Umerga from 29th , 30th March 2011 .</p><p>3) Miss Aparna Mathpathi : Lecturer, Dept. of Commerce and Management : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. UGC sponsored two days National Symposium on World Trade Organization and restructure of Cooperatives ( WTO-ROC-2011) organized by Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji College, Umerga from 29th to 30th March 2011. </p><p>4) Miss Savitri Shantagiri : Lecturer, Dept. of Commerce and Management : Conference / Seminars/ Symposium / workshops attended :</p><p>1. UGC sponsored two days National Symposium on World Trade Organization and restructure of Cooperatives ( WTO-ROC-2011) organized by Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji College, Umerga on 29th and 30th March 2011 </p><p>VIII Research Projects:</p><p> i) University Grants Commission sponsored Major/Minor Research Projects to faculty members. </p><p> a) The UGC Minor Research Projects completed and Settled during X & XI Plan period. Sl. Name of the Staff Title of the project Remarks 1 Dr.Veena H. Mathematical analysis on Heat andCompleted and settled SGL,Mathematics Mass transfer in Non-Nutonanianduring Xth Plan Boundary Layer theory on continuous social surface – xth plan</p><p>2 Dr. Gouradevi S.Rain Harvesting in GulbargaCompleted and settled Katnalli Lecturer inDistrict in the Xth plan during Xth Plan Economics 3 Dr. Gayatri Nataraj A Numerical Study of pulsatile flowCompleted and settled HOD-Mathematics of couple –stress fluid through aon 27th January 2010 tube with mila stenosis, andduring XIth Plan Magnetic field. 4 Dr. Shailaja A Patil ,Feminism and Post-colonialCompleted and settled Lecturer in English Arguments in the Novels of Shashion 30-12-2010 during Deshpande XIth Plan 5 Smt.Sangamma Itagi,Production of IndustriallyCompleted and settled SGL Zoology Important Proteolytic Enzyme fromon 23-12-2010 during Staphyllococcus species on MilkXIth Plan powder and Soyabean Meal based media 6 Smt. Pratibha G.Tissue Culture studies and GeneticCompleted and settled Sangapurkar SGLTransformation in Chilli ( Capsicumon 30-12-2010 during Botany. Annual ) XIth Plan 7 Dr. Shanta Math SrKulburgi Zilleya DevadasiCompleted and settled Lecturer in Kannada Sampradayada Hadugalaon 29-12-2010 during Sangarah Mathu Vishleshane XIth Plan 8 Shri N.G. Patil Sr.Crop Cultivation & SeedIn progress Lecturer in Botany Production Practices in Bulb Onion.</p><p>I</p><p> i) The following faculty members have taken up the Major/Minor Research Projects during the UGC XIth financial plan period.</p><p>Sl.No. Name of the Staff Title of the project Remarks 1 Dr.Sharada BeknalMolecular Characterization & PartialPursuing Associate Professor Purification of Lipase from Lipolytic in Microbiology Bacteria for Industrial Applications Rs. 1,15,000-00 ( Jan-2011) 2 Dr. Sumangala D.Destimination of Microbial structure Pursuing Associate Professor Productive potential of Black and Red Soil in Microbiology Rs. 85,000-00 ( Jan-2011) 3 Dr. Chandrakala Patil Effect of Carboryl toxicity on a fresh waterPursuing Associate Professor crab Barytelphusa guerini .in Zoology. Rs. 1,00,000-00 ( Feb-2011) 4 Dr. Jayashree BadigerSynthesis & Broad spectrum AntimicrobialPursuing Assistatant Professor inactivity of Novel I Satin Derivatives Chemistry Rs. 1,95,000-00 ( Jan-2011) 5 Ms Parveen RajesabSynthesis of Novel Indolyl Pyrimidines &Perusing Assistatant Professor intheir Biological Evaluation. Chemistry Rs. 1,75,000-00 ( Jan-2011) 6 Dr Veena P.H. Harmonic and Non harmonic Free andProposal Associate Professor in Forced convective Boundary Layer Flows. submitted for Mathematics Major Research Project. 7 Dr. Gouradevi Katnalli ‘Six Thinking Hats’ as an intervention in toProposal Asst. Professor in socio, economic & Psychological submitted for Economics development of farmers in HyderabadMajor Research Krantaka region. Project.</p><p>IX. Patents Generated in any: ---NIL----</p><p>X. New collaborative Research Programme. The institution is in the process of preparation for new collaborative Research Program with UGC financial assistance.</p><p>XI. Research Grants Received from Various Agencies: The Under graduate institution with 2(f) and 12(b) recognition, receives grants for construction of building, Books and equipments to start new courses, Remedial Coaching and to organize National Seminars and Conferences etc. The institution receives grants for Major and Minor Research Projects by the UGC.</p><p>The details of Grants received under the following heads are as follows.</p><p>Sl.No. Different Heads Amount Amount Received Remarks Sanctioned Rs in Lakhs Rs. in lakhs 1 Grant Allocated in Rs. 65,56,000-00 Rs. 37,92,000-00 Different Schemes 2 Minor Research Project Rs 6,70,000-00 RS 4,92,000-00 [MRP] Total Rs. 72,26,000/- Rs. 42,84,000-00 </p><p>XII. Details of Research scholars. :</p><p>1. Smr. Pratibha Sangapurkar, Assistant Professor in Botany Submitted Ph.D. Thesis</p><p>2. Smt. Akkamahadevi, S. Associate Professor in Psychology is pursuing her Research study.</p><p>3. Smt. Basamma Gobur, Part-time lecturer in Kannada is pursuing her research study</p><p>4. Shri Ramesh Patil, Associate Professor in Physics has submitted his Ph.D. Synopsis</p><p>5. Smt. Sangamma Itgi, Associate Professor of Zoology has submitted her Ph.D. Thesis.</p><p>6. Smt. Farzana Jabeen. Associate Prof. of Zoology has submitted her Ph.D.Thesis.</p><p>7. Smt Sumangal Harwal Assistant Professor, in Political Science is pursuing her Research Studies. XIII. Citation Index of faculty members and impact factor:</p><p>Sl.NO. Name of the staff Department No. of publications in referred Journals 1 Dr. Girija C.M. Physics 01 2 Dr. Veena P.H. Mathematics 07 3 Smt. Akkamahadevi S. Psychology 01 5 Dr.Rajendra Konda Electronics 03 8 Dr. Jayashree B Chemistry 02 10 Dr. Gayatri Natraj Mathematics 01 11 Sri Ravindra Y.N. Electronics 01 12 Sri Ramesh Patil Physics 02 13 Smt. Sumangala H. Political Science 02 14 Dr. Gouradevi Katnalli Economics 01 15 Smt Sangamma Itagi Zoology 01 16 Smt. Farzana Jabeen Zoology 01</p><p>XV. Internal Resources Generated:</p><p>The institution has Consultancy Services in the department of Microbiology, Electronics, Bio-Technology, Chemistry, and psychology. The Consultancy services are campus based and are charged nominal. The resources generated by these consultancies are utilized by the respective departments . XVI. Details of departments Getting SAP/COSIST/ (ASSIST) /DST/FIST etc Assistance and Recognition: The institution has only undergraduate course hence; this is applicable to the University level.</p><p>XVII. Community Services: 1. Our college Health Unit along with the welfare officer, Student’s Union advisor and the Office bearers, visited blind school and tested the blood group of the blind children. . They distributed eatables , gifts and special badminton rackets, which were designed for blind students as per the children wish.</p><p>2. Students and faculty members of Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, History and English, visited “Indra Dhanu Vradha Seva Kendra” Gunjoti, near Umarga, Maharastra. They visited to study the problems of the senior citizens, staying in this vradha Seva Kendra.The students along with their theoretical study in the classrooms, had first hand practical knowledge of the problems faced by these old age group.</p><p>3. Our students along with faculty members had arranged Informative speech series on H1N1 and actively participated in distribution of Homeopathic Tablets.</p><p>4. During the flood-hit period, staff members and students visited the worst hit village “Shakapur” and distributed garments, cloths, food and utensils.</p><p>5. A study tour was arranged for students to get first hand information about the natural vegetation of interior south India</p><p>6. The NCC cadets actively participated in pulse polio programme, blood donation camp, and all other rallies in creating awareness about Global Warming and Health & Hygiene. XVIII: Teachers and officers newly recruited: In this academic year , no member of the staff were either newly recruited nor transferred.</p><p>XIX. Teaching and Non-Teaching staff Rating: The total number of teaching staff is 51, with 19 non-teaching staff with 4 technical posts. Thus the Teachers students’ ratio is 3: 1 : ( 3:4:1)</p><p>XX. Improvements in the Library Services: Library rendered yeoman services to students and staff. The Library is kept open from 9 am to 6 pm daily. The library services are fully computerized. The book accession numbers and Bar code No’s are entered. The list of books received by the staff and students, the list of books returned by the staff and student, the list of dues, has been computerized. The access of the online and internet services is provided in the library to both the students and members of the staff on priority basis. A Xerox machine is installed as an added facility to the students.</p><p>XXI. New Books, Journals and their Values: The college monitors the Teaching –Learning process, by way of introducing and purchasing more new books to the library. Books not only pertaining to the syllabus, but also the books which widen the knowledge and open many new avenues to the students are purchased in all subjects .The value of these books amounts to Rs.89,879.The Journals prescribed are.</p><p>1. The Science Reporter</p><p>2. Electronics for you</p><p>3. Journal of Science education.</p><p>4. Environmental Biology</p><p>5. Economics and Political weekly</p><p>6. Journal of Microbial world</p><p>7. Journal of Physics.</p><p>8. Journal of Bio-Sciences</p><p>9. Viveka Deepti</p><p>10. Association of India University</p><p>11. Journal of Literature In English</p><p>12. Resources –A Journal in Physics and Chemistry.</p><p>13. Indian Journal of Social work 14. Yojana</p><p>15. Kurukshetra</p><p>16. Research Journal of Bio-technology</p><p>17. Indian Economic Review</p><p>18. Education world</p><p>19. Journal of Information Management</p><p>20. Journal of Marketing</p><p>21. Indian Journal of Political Science</p><p>22. Journal of Genetics</p><p>23. Journal of Education world </p><p>24. Hansa</p><p>25. Parliamentary Affairs</p><p>26. International Journal of Humanism</p><p>XXII. Feedback from students : 1. Students evaluate the teacher’s performance by filling up a questionnaires</p><p>2. Assessment of teacher’s performance is done by the students & is an integral part of teaching- learning process. Evaluation of teachers is normally done in their respective departments by distributing a thoroughly scheduled questionnaire to the students which is filled by them. A committee is formed to take the feedback from the students & in case of any untoward evaluation of a teacher, brings it to the knowledge of the concerned staff .All support and assistance is provided for the improvement of the staff performance.</p><p>XXIII. Unit Cost of Education : a) Unit Cost of Education = Total annual recurring expenditure ------Total Number of students enrolled</p><p> b) Including The salary Component ( 2009-2010) Salary 1,97,44,301-00 ------= Rs.25,216-00 783</p><p>Students c) Excluding The salary Component ( 2009-2010) 10,24,966-00 ------= Rs. 1309-00 783 Students</p><p>XXIII. Computerization of administration and the process of admissions and examinations results, issue of certificates:</p><p>The computerization of administration in the office is maintained with the Tally accounting Software.</p><p>XXIV. Increase in Infrastructure facilities :</p><p>1] Purchase of more cupboards and open shelves for the library and to other departments. 2] Renovation of science departments –Botany, Zoology, Electronics &Physics 3] Construction of lunch platform. 4] Purchase of new computer systems 5] Installed two water cooler for students and staff.</p><p>XXV. Technology Up- gradation:</p><p>1. The college is upgraded with Automatic Electronic periodic Belling system</p><p>2. All the departments are interconnected with inter-com to facilitate communication.</p><p>3. Computers are made available to all the departments.</p><p>4. Internet is provided to many departments.</p><p>5. Installation of Bio Metrics system.</p><p>XXVI. Computer and Internet Access and Training to teachers and students. The institution with the generous help from the Management has provided computer to all the departments, ten internet facilities have been provided for staff and students. The office staff is regularly sent to training courses arranged by our H.K.E. Society. Gulbarga.</p><p>XXVII. Financial aid to students: Economically poor and meritorious students are financially supported generously by the faculty members, retired teachers and NGO’s . </p><p>XXVIII. Activities and support from the Alumni Association: th 1. On 14 Sept 2010, an executive body meeting was held .It was decided by the Alumnis to donate a mineral cool drinking water plant, to the college.</p><p> th 2. The General body meeting was held on 24 October 2010. The programme began with the inauguration of mineral cool drinking water plant, donated by the alumnies, to the college.</p><p>3. An executive body meeting was held on 15-2-2011 .It was decided to send letter of invitation to all the alumnies about the NAAC peer team visit which was scheduled on 25th &26th February 2011.</p><p>4. Alumnies were invited for the lunch followed by the interaction with the peer team on 25th Feb 2011, They enjoyed the cultural programme, along with the peer team.</p><p>5. After receiving the NAAC reaccreditations with ‘A”grade, the happy news was conveyed to all the alumines through e-mails and SMS. The executive body thanked the aluminis for their co-operation by elevating its grade from B++ to ‘A’ grade.</p><p>XXIX. Activities and support from the Parent and Teachers Association:</p><p>The institution’s growth depends on its feed back Mechanism .The institution conducts Parents Teachers Meeting regularly to get the feedback. Students, who hesitate to give their views about the teachers or about the college, confide everything to their parents. Hence the Parents-Teachers meet smoothens out every short coming. The meeting was arranged on 24-7-2010, wherein parents give their opinion and suggestions regarding Teaching –Learning components and college activities. On 25th February 2011 , parents were invited for the interaction with the NAAC Peer Team .</p><p>XXX. Health Services: Along with imparting education to the students, the college also takes care of both physical and mental health of the students, as it is important to pursue their education successfully. The Alumni Dr. Sharanamma Biradar visits the Health Centre of Our college every Wednesday between 11 am to 1-30 pm for regular check up of our students. Apart from this some special check ups and useful lectures regarding health were arranged. 1) On 17th August .2010 a lecture was organized on “ Health & Life skills “ by Dr. Sharanamma Biradar, who spoke on the problems of adolescents . 2) On 11th October 2010, a power point presentation was arranged on osteoporosis by Dr. Megha Kamalapurkar. Bone-density test was conducted for all the students and staff by Dr Megha K. assisted by a team of Doctors of Devata Hospital Gulbarga 3) Dental checkup camp was arranged on 16th November 2010, with the help of a team of doctors of HKES Nijalingappa Dental college Gulbarga.</p><p>Services rendered by Health Centre of our college</p><p>1) An ambulance with a team of Doctors of Basaveshwar Hospital and our Medical officer, with the students extended FIRST AID service to the participants of State Level Cross Country race, on 31st August 2010.</p><p>2) The Blood Group testing was done for the children of Blind School of Aiwan-E-Shai area on 2-2-2011 XXXI. Sports Activities: For the overall personality development of the students games and Sports activities are essential. Students participate in all sports activities like District level, Dasara Sports , Athletic meet etc. Sports : Kum. Shravani N. Radha B, Shweta patil and vidya Rani were the University Blues. Sweta V Patil, VidyaRani, Radha B, Shravani N. Shweta and Ashwini were winners in the Inter collegiate Shuttle badminton conducted by Karnataka State Women’s University Bijapur and represented K.S.W.U Bijapur at Inter University competitions held at NTR University, Vijayawada. Pearl Ann peter of B.Sc. IV sem represented Karnataka State Women University, Bijapur, in Inter.University Basket Ball held at MDS University , Ajmer. Ansuya Devi, represented KSWU Bijapur in Inter University. Table –Tennis held at VTU Belguam. Kum. Geeta won Runner trophy in Inter Collegiate Chess competition organized by KSWU Bijapur.</p><p>XXXII. Incentive to outstanding sports person: 1. The college through its canteen provides a glass of milk, one boiled egg for the University blues and Athletes regularly . Apart from this arrangement, special coaching classes are engaged in academic sections for these students who miss their regular classes during sports activities/ competitions. Track suits and blazers are given to them XXXIII. Students achievements, Awards and Ranks, NCC: 1. Ms Vanishree of .B.Sc. V & VI Semester has been awarded Karnataka Shreegandha Award. 2. Ms Eshwari of IV sem had secured II Rank in State Level Vachana Kammata Examination. 3.NCC. : Senior Under Officer Ms. Shruti Bhagewadi Received Best Camp Senior in CAT C Camp held at Gulbarga NSS Ms Ashwini Doddappa of B.Sc. V sem is selected and participated in Pre-R.D. Camp at Bangalore Sports. University Blues were as follows.</p><p>3) Ms Shravani N.</p><p>4) Ms. Radha B.</p><p>5) Ms. Shweta Patil</p><p>6) Ms VidyaRani.</p><p>4. The following students of our college have bagged Six (6] Ranks for the academic year 2010-11. Sl.No Name of the Candidate Class Rank 1 Ms. Nusrat Fatima \banu B.Sc. I Rank 2 Ms. Shaheen Begum B.Sc III Rank 3 Ms. Frahana Anjum B.Sc VII Rank 4 Ms. Nusrat Jahan B.Sc VIII Rank 5 Ms. Usha B.Sc XRank 6 Ms. Shalini Patil B.A. VI Rank</p><p>XXXIV. Activities for the Guidance and Counseling Unit:</p><p>The institution has guidance and counseling unit, housed in the department of psychology. Dr. Shobha Salagar and Smt. Akkamahadevi S. are student counselors trained from NIMHANS Bangalore. Apart from this facility, there is the counseling unit headed by the Principal of the college and students welfare officer.</p><p>XXXV. Placement services provided to students: Placement services provided to students : Career guidance and placement cell is actively functioning in our college. On 3rd July 2010, our college organized WIPRO-WASE 2010 job recruitment drive for VI Semester students. It provides an opportunity to pursue an VIth semester off-campus collaborative MS programme with Birla Institute of technology and science, while working with WIPRO at the same time. Two of our students, Maheshwari Ksheersagar & Vandana Ramangud were selected as Test engineers and are now placed at WIPRO Hyderabad. In the month of October , 2010, the College organized a lecture by Managers of Frank finn, an institute of Air Hostess Training and unit of Aviation services, Pvt. Ltd. In February 2011, a group discussion and personal interview was arranged by International School of Business and Management (ISBM) in our college campus, and one of our students was selected.</p><p>On 7th March 2011 , WIPRO-WASE 2011, Campus drive was conducted at N.V.degree college Gulbarga. 21 students of our college participated and four of them were selected. And they were </p><p>1) Ms Shweta P.K </p><p>2) Ms Mahalaxmi M.B.</p><p>3) Ms Rajashree C.D.</p><p>4) Ms Jayalaxmi P. Our students are specially trained in the morning hours so that they can face interviews confidently. They are trained in</p><p>1) Grammar</p><p>2) Phonetics</p><p>3) Analytical skills </p><p>4) Communication skills and </p><p>5) Personality Development.</p><p>XXXVI. Development Programme of Non-Teaching staff. :</p><p>The office staff is regularly sent to get trained in Computer Technology in order to get office automation. The H.K.E. Management is conducting regular training sessions. Thus the office staff is deputed to these training sessions.</p><p>XXXVII. Healthy Practices of the Institution:</p><p>Every activity in the campus is a healthy practice which aims at self reform and inner blossoming of creativity in students.</p><p>1) Sarva Dharma Prayer Meeting is held on every Friday important announcements are done on this day. The outstanding achievements of the students in a week in co-curricular and extra curricular activities are recognized and are honoured on the stage. Which becomes a source of inspiration to other students also.</p><p>2) A “Thought for the day” is written on a common notice board for the students to go through.</p><p>3) The department of English writes “ My word” Vocabulary on the common notice board and retains it for 2 days for all the students to go through . They write three words, phrasal verbs, idioms and phrases, synonyms and Anonyms etc. with their meanings and use them in forming sentences.This helps the students to learn new words, there by increasing their vocabulary, to improve their grammar ,which helps them to pickup language skill both in spoken and written English.</p><p>4) Conducting students Union elections in two levels for electing </p><p> a. Class Representatives and </p><p> b. Office Bearers for the Students Union Activities.</p><p>The following are the student’s Union office Bearers for 2010-11 1) Vice President : Ms Kavita B.N. B.A. Vth Sem 2) General Secretary : Ms Veena Patil B.Sc.. III sem 3) Joint General Secretary : Ms Shiney Raj B.Sc. III sem 4) Sports Secretary : Ms Anusuya H, .B.B.M.I Sem 5) Cultural Secretary : Ms Neeha S.N. B.A.I sem.</p><p>5) Attention to all sided development of students is ensured in this atmosphere of Ideal life Training Institute</p><p>6) Along with academic excellence, values and morals are imparted .They learn values of Courage, self-confidence, health and beauty consciousness, potentiality , promptness, self-reliance , service , concentration, simple living and high thinking, Group living, tolerance and other host of noble qualities .</p><p>7) Our college with active NSS volunteers, impart the sense of social and civil responsibility .They participate in the village adoption programmes to uplift the down-trodden section of the society , socially, educationally and culturally. They periodically visit the old age homes (Vardha Asharam) to learn the beauty of living together.</p><p>8) Celebration of all National Festivals, National events and cultural summits.</p><p>9) Campus interviews, institutional Industry interaction.</p><p>10) Parents-Teachers meet</p><p>11) Meeting of the Alumni Association</p><p>12) Consultancy service , campus based </p><p>13) NCC and NSS activities.</p><p>14) Vachana Kammata Exams</p><p>15) Books are issued from the Library, Departmental Library and Book Banks</p><p>16) Subsidized Xerox facility is extended</p><p>17) Internet facility is extended, free of cost to students and faculty members.</p><p>18) Health centre</p><p>19) Felicitation programmes is arranged to Rank holders, Merit Awards of Different Govt and Non-Govt. Scholarships, Gold Medals instituted by the philanthropists, stake holders and faculty members, Management Incentives and institutional financial Assistance is also provided to the respective students.</p><p>20) Acknowledgement of the achievements made by great personalities in history, National Leaders, Freedom fighters, Artists etc </p><p>XXXVIII Linkage development with National, International, Academic or Research Bodies. </p><p>------NIL ------</p><p>XXXIX. Any other relevant informations the institution wishes to add Women empowerment schemes.</p><p>“ The empowerment of women is the empowerment of humanity” apart from imparting education, our college has the vision to equip the students with apt knowledge and skills to meet the challenges of life with confidence. </p><p>Our college has a training cum production centre in which students are trained in cooking, embroidery, painting , soft-toy making , tailoring , mehandi, hair style etc. which helps the students to have the self employment avenues . Hence the college with its balanced curriculum with due importance of core subjects , enables the students to pursue higher studies and to make them self reliant . A healthy atmosphere in the college makes them perfect human beings.</p><p>PART-C</p><p>Future Plan of Action</p><p>1) Submission of proposal to start P.G.Courses</p><p>2) Preparation of proposal to start Research Centre in Social Science</p><p>3) Group Accident Insurance to the students</p><p>4) Conducting National & International Conference/ Seminar/Symposium/ Workshops etc. </p><p>5) Conducting Coaching Classes for Competitive Examinations</p>
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