<p> KEYES UNION ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES NOTICE OF REGULAR BOARD MEETING Wednesday, September 14, 2016 Closed Session – 5:30 p.m. Regular Session – 6:00 p.m.</p><p>A regular meeting of the Keyes Union Elementary School District Board of Trustees:</p><p>1. OPENING</p><p>1.1. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Jeff Reed, President, at 5:30 p.m. at Keyes Elementary School Cafeteria. 1.2 Roll Call – A quorum was established and roll was taken. Present: President, Jeff Reed; Vice-President, Wesley Greene.; Clerk, Jimmy Emmons, Sr.; Member, Harinder Grewal; Member, Bob Edwards. Tardy: None. Absent: None. Others Present on Roster: Cynthia Schaefer, Superintendent; Tim Torres, Principal; John Stuart, Principal; Rusty Wynn, Principal; Cyndi McDaniel, Curriculum/Instructional Support Coordinator; Stephanie Morris, CBO; Michelle Christiansen, Co-CBO; Marilyn Croft, Recorder. Others Present: Jerry Hines, Karen Nunes, Carolyn Stewart. </p><p>2. INVITATION TO ADDRESS THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS As provided by law, the Board of Trustees may request to meet in Closed Session for consideration of personnel qualifications, possible or pending litigation, employee grievance, student discipline or employee organization items which are timely.</p><p>Motion by Jimmy Emmons, Sr., Seconded by Harinder Grewal to go into Closed Session at 5:31 p.m.</p><p>Vote: Bob Edwards - Yes; Jimmy Emmons, Sr. - Yes; Jeff Reed - Yes; Wesley Greene – Yes; Harinder Grewal – Yes</p><p>3. CLOSED SESSION</p><p>3.1 Negotiations Update with District Chief Negotiator – By Cynthia Schaefer</p><p>Motion by Jimmy Emmons, Sr., Seconded by Bob Edwards to come out of Closed Session at 5:57p.m.</p><p>Vote: Bob Edwards - Yes; Jimmy Emmons, Sr. - Yes; Jeff Reed - Yes; Wesley Greene – Yes; Harinder Grewal – Yes</p><p>4. BOARD REPORTS OUT CLOSED SESSION ITEMS</p><p>4.1 Report Out Closed Session Items – No action taken in closed session.</p><p>4.2 Approval/Amendment of Agenda</p><p>Motion by Harinder Grewal, Seconded by Bob Edwards to approve agenda as presented. </p><p>Vote: Bob Edwards - Yes; Jimmy Emmons, Sr. - Yes; Jeff Reed - Yes; Wesley Greene – Yes; Harinder Grewal – Yes</p><p>5. FLAG SALUTE</p><p>5.1 Flag Salute - By John Stuart</p><p>Page 1 of 5 6. INVITATION TO ADDRESS THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES on any items listed or not listed on agenda. This item is placed on the Agenda so that members of the audience have an opportunity to speak regarding subjects or concerns that appear, or do not appear, on the agenda. The Board President reserves the right to limit speaking time to 5 minute per person and 20 minutes for all comments. The Board of Trustees is prohibited from discussing or acting upon matters not on the agenda. Anyone wishing to speak to the Board of Trustees is requested to fill out a form “Request to Address the Board” located at the back of the boardroom. Please submit the form to the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent.</p><p>6.1 Invitation to Address the Board of Trustees on any item listed or not listed on the agenda</p><p>7. ANNOUNCEMENTS</p><p>7.1 Parent Conferences at Spratling Middle School – September 19-20, 2016 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and September 22, 2016 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.</p><p>7.2 KTL National Honor Society Induction – September 28, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. held at Berg Hall, Covenant Village, Turlock CA.</p><p>7.3 Annual Fall School Board Dinner Meeting – Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. held at Peterson Event Center, 720 12th Street, Modesto, CA.</p><p>7.4 Keyes Elementary School 4 th /5 th Grade Leadership Performance – Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. </p><p>7.5 Spratling Middle School Pancake Breakfast – Saturday, October 1, 2016 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.</p><p>7.6 Keyes to Learning Charter School Literacy Lunch – Monday, October 3, 2016 from 12:30 to 1:30 held at KTL Charter School, Keyes, CA. </p><p>7.7 Site Visitation by Two Board Members and Superintendent – Monday, October 24, 2016</p><p>7.8 Site Visitation by Two Board Members and Superintendent – Tuesday, December 6, 2016</p><p>7.9 Site Visitation by Two Board Members and Superintendent – Thursday, March 2, 2017</p><p>8. RECOGNITION/PRESENTATION</p><p>8.1 Maintenance/Operations/Transportation Report – By Jerry Hines</p><p>8.2 Staff Reports – The Board of Trustees has received written reports by staff. At this time, we would like to invite the board to ask any questions they might have of the management and administrative team. John Stuart: Student Council President and members doing a great job. Tim Torres: New Kindergarten teacher starts tomorrow and will be available on Thursday and Friday to meet parents. Rusty Wynn: Pam Hagans is a new resource teacher for KTL. </p><p>9. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS</p><p>Actions prepared for Consent Calendar are consistent with adopted and approved policies of the District and are deemed routine in nature. They will be acted upon in one motion without discussion, unless members of the Board request that an item be removed from the Consent Calendar. In that event, it will be taken up in the order indicated on the main agenda.</p><p>Page 2 of 5 9.1 Approval of Minutes We request the Board of Trustees approve the minutes for the following: - Regular Board Meeting of August 10, 2016 - Special Board Meeting of August 15, 2016</p><p>9.2 Approval of Claims and Payroll</p><p>We request the Board of Trustees approve the Claims and Payroll for the month of August, 2016. These documents have been provided to the Board under separate cover and are available to the public upon request.</p><p>9.3 Approval of Administrative/Management Reports</p><p>We request the Board of Trustees accept the school site and management reports from schools in Keyes Union School District as presented.</p><p>9.4 Approval of Head Start Documents</p><p>9.4.1 EHS/RHS Program Information Reports</p><p>9.5 Approval of Contract for Keyes Union School District</p><p>9.5.1 Agreement for Delegation of Activities between KUSD and SCOE for the Head Start and Early Head Start Programs between September 1, 2016 through August 31, 2017.</p><p>9.6 Approval of Keyes to Learning Charter School Documents</p><p>9.6.1 KTL Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Responses Plan </p><p>9.7 Approval of Resolutions for Keyes Union School District</p><p>9.7.1 Resolution #16-17-02: Name Authorized Agents for Fiscal Year 2016-17 9.7.2 Resolution #16-17-03: School Attendance Awareness Month – September 2016 9.7.3 Resolution #16-17-04: Adopting the “GANN” Limit</p><p>9.8 Approval to Authorize Employees to Verify Student Absences</p><p>We request the Board of Trustees approve John Stuart, Timothy Torres, Lett Rouse, Mary Cantu, Stephanie Rodriguez, Khush Samra and Susan Hanson to verify student absences for the 2016-17 school year.</p><p>Motion by Bob Edwards, Seconded by Jimmy Emmons, Sr. to approve items 9.1 through 9.8.</p><p>Vote: Bob Edwards - Yes; Jimmy Emmons, Sr. - Yes; Jeff Reed - Yes; Wesley Greene – Yes; Harinder Grewal – Yes</p><p>10. ACTION ITEMS</p><p>10.1 Approval of Certificated/Classified/Confidential/Management Personnel Actions</p><p>We request the Board of Trustees approve the Personnel Actions listed on the attached document, as presented.</p><p>Motion by Harinder Grewal, Seconded by Jimmy Emmons to approve Personnel Actions as presented.</p><p>Vote: Bob Edwards - Yes; Jimmy Emmons, Sr. - Yes; Jeff Reed - Yes; Wesley Greene – Yes; </p><p>Page 3 of 5 Harinder Grewal – Yes 10.2 Approval of Signatures of Board Members and Authorized Agents</p><p>The Keyes Union School District elected positions for the KUSD board at the December 12, 2015 board meeting and authorized the superintendent and CBO as authorized to sign for the district. Stephanie Morris was hired as the new CBO for the district effective August 8, 2016. We request the Board of Trustees authorize Stephanie Morris as authorized agent for KUSD effective August 8, 2016.</p><p>Motion by Harinder Grewal, Seconded by Bob Edwards to authorize Stephanie Morris, CBO as signer for KUSD.</p><p>Vote: Bob Edwards - Yes; Jimmy Emmons, Sr. - Yes; Jeff Reed - Yes; Wesley Greene – Yes; Harinder Grewal – Yes</p><p>10.3 Public Hearing – Statement of Assurance for 2016-17 School Year</p><p>The Board President will declare a public hearing to discuss the availability of public textbooks and instructional materials. The Board will conduct this hearing as stated in Education Code 60119 to meet requirements for receiving State funding for pupil textbooks and instructional materials for Fiscal Year 2016-17.</p><p>Opened at: 6:14 p.m. Closed at: 6:15 p.m.</p><p>10.4 Approval of Resolution #16-17-05: Statement of Assurance for Fiscal Year 2016-17, Pupil Textbooks and Instructional Materials for Grades TK-12</p><p>Resolution #16-17-05 declares the Board of Trustees has conducted a Public Hearing to discuss the availability of pupil textbooks and instructional materials. The Board formally determines that the resolution that each pupil in school in the district has sufficient textbooks and instructional materials in each subject that are consistent with the cycles of the curriculum framework adopted by the State Board of Education.</p><p>Motion by Wesley Greene, Seconded by Bob Edwards to approve Resolution #16-17-05 as presented.</p><p>Vote: Bob Edwards - Yes; Jimmy Emmons, Sr. - Yes; Jeff Reed - Yes; Wesley Greene – Yes; Harinder Grewal – Yes</p><p>10.5 Approval of Resolution #16-17-06: Approving and Authorizing a Contract with Environplex for Purchase of a Modular Building Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20118</p><p>Resolution #16-17-06 declares the Board of Trustees have found it in the best interest to purchase a modular building pursuant to public contract code section 20118 and approve the contract with Environplex. We request the Board of Trustees approve the resolution as presented.</p><p>Item 10.5 was tabled.</p><p>10.6 Approval of Work Authorization and Master Agreement with Environplex</p><p>We have included a copy of the Work Authorization and Master Agreement with Environplex for a modular building for the District Office located at 4801 Lucinda Avenue, Keyes, CA. We request the Board of Trustees approve the authorization and agreement as presented.</p><p>Item 10.6 was tabled.</p><p>10.7 Approval of Unaudited Actual Financial Reports 2015-16 School Year</p><p>Page 4 of 5 The report is an annual statement of all receippts, expenditures for the year and is required to be submitted first to the Governing Board of the district and then forwarded to the county and State Superintendent of Schools. We request the Board of Trustees approve the Unaudited Actuals Financial Reports for the 2015-16 school year.</p><p>Motion by Jimmy Emmons, Sr., Seconded by Bob Edwards to approve Unaudited Actual Financial Reports for 2015-16 school year as presented.</p><p>Vote: Bob Edwards - Yes; Jimmy Emmons, Sr. - Yes; Jeff Reed - Yes; Wesley Greene – Yes; Harinder Grewal – Yes</p><p>11. REPORTS</p><p>11.1 Superintendent’s Report – By Cynthia Schaefer Keyes Elementary Modernization project is wrapping up well. The DO buildings will begin construction once the piggyback agreement is finalized. Thank you to management, administrative and confidential staff for attending the ACSA kickoff meeting as we won the participation trophy. Thank you to Michelle for her hard work and commitment to clean up the financial documents for the district. Best wishes.</p><p>11.2 Board Member Comments</p><p>11.2.1 Bob Edwards – Awesome job Michelle. Thank you. 11.2.2 Jimmy Emmons, Sr. – Thank you to Jerry and Cindy for being the project managers for the building projects. Best wishes to Michelle for her future. 11.2.3 Wesley Greene – Thank you Michelle for your professionalism. Thank you for your extra work Jerry and Cindy. 11.2.4 Harinder Grewal – Good luck Michelle. 11.2.5 Jeff Reed – Volleyball game was packed; SMS has had a lot of great functions including PACE. Thank you to Jerry and Cindy as project managers. Thank you Michelle for the trust I had in you and good luck.</p><p>12. INFORMATION</p><p>12.1 Next Board Meeting – A Regular Board Meeting will be held on October 12, 2016 at Keyes Elementary School Cafeteria. Closed Session will begin at 5:30 p.m. and Regular Session will begin at 6:00 p.m. </p><p>13. ADJOURNMENT</p><p>Motion by Harinder Grewal, Seconded by Bob Edwards to close the Regular Board Meeting at 6:32 p.m.</p><p>Vote: Bob Edwards - Yes; Jimmy Emmons, Sr. - Yes; Jeff Reed - Yes; Wesley Greene – Yes; Harinder Grewal – Yes</p><p>Prepared by,</p><p>Cynthia Schaefer Secretary to the Board of Trustees</p><p>Page 5 of 5</p>
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