Proform 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System

Proform 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System

<p>ProForm 7500</p><p>TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION</p><p>Automatic UV Exposure System with Collimated Optics</p><p>Outer Layer Imaging Buried/Micro Vias Advanced Interconnect Packaging (BGA, CSP, DCA, MCM) Sequential (Additive) Imaging</p><p>Document No. MS-008008 Rev. B Revised: March 13th, 2006</p><p>ORC Imaging Corporation 1300 Optical Drive Azusa, CA USA 91702 USA Tel: 01.626.815.3130 Fax: 01.626.815.3131 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p>TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...... 4 1.1 MACHINE OPERATION SEQUENCE ...... 5 1.2 ARTWORK LOADING SEQUENCE ...... 6 2.0 MATERIAL HANDLING ...... 7 2.1 INFEED AND OUTFEED ROLLERS...... 7 2.2 INFEED AND OUTFEED SHUTTLES...... 7 2.3 INFEED AND OUTFEED TRANSFER ARMS ...... 8 2.4 STATIC DISCHARGE SYSTEM ...... 8 3.0 EXPOSURE COMPARTMENT...... 8 3.1 PHOTOTOOL DIE SET ...... 8 3.2 TOOLING FOR ARTWORKS AND PANELS...... 9 3.3 VACUUM PUMPS FOR HOLDING ARTWORK ...... 9 3.4 COLLIMATING OPTICS ...... 9 3.5 HEPA FILTER WITH ANTI-STATIC BAR ...... 9 3.6 AUTOMATIC ARTWORK ALIGNMENT (AAA) ...... 9 SAMPLE TOOLING DRAWING FOR OUTER LAYER PCBs ...... 10 3.7 AUTOMATIC PANEL TO ARTWORK ALIGNMENT (APA) ...... 11 3.8 STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL (SPC) ...... 11 EXAMPLE OF OUTPUT DATA FOR SPC ANALYSIS ...... 12 4.0 LAMPHOUSE ...... 13 4.1 SHORT ARC SOURCES ...... 13 4.2 COLLIMATING OPTICS ...... 13 UV LIGHT PATH THROUGH THE PROFORM 7500 ...... 13 4.3 LAMP COOLING SYSTEM ...... 14 4.4 POWER SUPPLY ...... 14 5.0 DISPLAY AND CONTROL SYSTEMS ...... 15 5.1 MAIN SCREEN ...... 15 5.2 EXPOSURE CONTROLLER ...... 16 5.3 OPERATOR CONTROLS ...... 16 5.4 SAFETY INTERLOCKS ...... 17 5.5 STATUS INDICATORS ...... 17 6.0 OPTIONS...... 18 6.1 ADDITIONAL CCD CAMERAS FOR ALIGNMENT...... 18 6.2 LAN LINK TO CUSTOMER COMPUTER SYSTEM...... 18 6.3 RAPID PHOTOTOOL TRANSFER SYSTEM (RPT) ...... 18 6.4 REVERSE OPERATION (LEFT-TO-RIGHT HANDLING) ...... 19 6.5 OPTICARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS ...... 19 7.0 PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS...... 20 7.1 OPTICAL SYSTEM PERFORMANCE ...... 20 7.2 EXPOSURE COMPARTMENT ...... 20 7.3 MATERIAL TRANSPORT SPECIFICATIONS ...... 21 8.0 FACILITY REQUIREMENTS ...... 21 8.1 INPUT POWER ...... 21 8.2 PNEUMATIC ...... 21 8.3 EXHAUST FOR LAMP MODULE ...... 21 8.4 ENVIRONMENT ...... 22 8.5 THERMAL LOAD ...... 22 9.0 ADDITIONAL STANDARD FEATURES ...... 22 10.0 ORC Imaging Corporation – A Solutions-Provider ...... 23 11.0 PROFORM 7500 OUTLINE DRAWINGS ...... 24</p><p>PerkinElmer Optoelectronics Technical Specification...... 2 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p>TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION</p><p>1.0 INTRODUCTION The ProForm® 7500 UV Exposure System is ORC’s top of the line machine for precision imaging of substrates such as photoresist-covered, double-sided, outer layer Printed Circuit Boards. Additional applications include buried via / micro via inner layer imaging, advanced interconnect packaging (BGA, CSP, DCA, MCM), and sequential (additive) primary imaging applications. It uses highly collimated optics to eliminate image shift, to produce vertical side walls and to enable the system to provide high resolution for soft or vacuum contact printing. The optical system includes U.V. dichroic filtering which reduces heat generation in the image area. The ProForm® 7500 features special, patented mechanics to enable simultaneous “CCD Vision” alignment, and exposure, of panels to two artworks. Normally this would require two exposure units (one for each side of the panel). However, with the ProForm 7500, only one exposure system is required. The ProForm® 7500 can accommodate panel sizes from 12" x 14" (305 x 356 mm) up to 24” x 30” (610 x 762 mm), and total panel thickness from 0.002” to 0.160” (0.05 mm to 4.0 mm). This system is suitable for fully automated in-line processing or as an imaging “island of automation” by coupling the machine with a loader/stacker. Process control is enhanced with digital reporting on alignment accuracy, exposure count, exposure dose, lamp intensity, cycle time, lot yield, and detailed job parameters for SPC analysis. A block diagram of the system is shown below:</p><p>LAMPHOUSE (SEE SECTION 4.0)</p><p>INFEED EXPOSURE OUTFEED MATERIAL COMPARTMENT MATERIAL HANDLING (SEE SECTIONS 3.0) HANDLING (SEE SECTION 2.0) (SEE SECTION 2.0)</p><p>DISPLAY & CONTROLS (SEE SECTION 5.0) Figure 1: ProForm® 7500 System</p><p>The standard system is equipped with a dual lamphouse for simultaneous two-sided exposure, automatic artwork alignment (AAA) and automatic panel to artwork (APA) alignment features. The dual lamp system is available in either 5 or 8 kW configuration. Average intensity is a function of image format size and lamp power selected at time of order (see section 7.0 performance specifications). These and additional configuration options are described below:  Four CCD Cameras with X and Y motorized positioning: adds 2 extra CCD cameras for alignments  LAN link to customer computer for downloading job parameters to the machine during operation</p><p>PerkinElmer Optoelectronics Technical Specification...... 3 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p> Rapid Phototool Transfer (RPT): off-line phototool cleaning or exchange; automatically exchange identi-cal films during large lot size runs at operator pre- set panel counts; under 60 seconds for film exchange allows one to image, process and QC the first article of the next job while running the current job (no delays); minimize artwork set-up time when running a series of small lots.  Reverse Operation (Right-to-Left Handling) - With this option, the automatic flow is reversed for right-to-left material flow. (The standard material path is left-to- right direction). This allows pairs of facing production lines of opposite flows to be attended by just one operator.  Maintenance Agreements - ORC offers preventative maintenance and extended warranty programs referred to as our Opticare Maintenance Agreement for customers in the USA and Canada. For customers outside of North America, details of preventative maintenance and extended warranty services may be discussed with ORC’s local service representative.</p><p>PerkinElmer Optoelectronics Technical Specification...... 4 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p>1.1 MACHINE OPERATION SEQUENCE The flowchart below provides a brief overview of the ProForm® 7500 automatic machine operation sequence. The machine receives and pre-aligns a panel on the infeed conveyor, transports it to the die set, aligns and exposes it, and then places it on the outfeed. While a panel is in the die set, the next panel is accepted and pre- aligned on the infeed conveyor.</p><p>Sta rt</p><p>Sub stra te PreAligned on No Infeed?</p><p>Yes</p><p>Tra nsport Sub stra te into Exp osure Comp a rtment</p><p>CCD Align & Inspec t</p><p>Expose Both Sides Simulta neously</p><p>Move Sub strate to Outfeed Rollers</p><p>No Lot Comp lete?</p><p>Yes</p><p>Stop</p><p>Machine Operation Sequence Figure 2</p><p>PerkinElmer Optoelectronics Technical Specification...... 5 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p>1.2 ARTWORK LOADING SEQUENCE</p><p>The following flowchart shows the typical sequence for loading artwork, which requires 2 to 3 minutes. The machine guides the operator with one instruction at a time through wiping glass, placing artwork, using a tacky roller to remove air from under artwork and to clean artwork. The vision processor controls the motorized stage to align targets in a few seconds.</p><p>Sta rt</p><p>Op era tor wip es upp er/ lower gla ss</p><p>Op era tor p la c es a rtworks on p ins in lower gla ss</p><p>Wind ow a nd d ie set c lose</p><p>Va c uum is ap p lied to a rtworks</p><p>Wind ow a nd d ie set open</p><p>Operator prompted to clean artwork with tacky roller</p><p>System aligns Artwork</p><p>End</p><p>Artwork Loading Sequence Figure 3</p><p>PerkinElmer Optoelectronics Technical Specification...... 6 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p>2.0 MATERIAL HANDLING The Material Handling provides the input and output of panels and consists of the following components:  Infeed and Outfeed Rollers  Infeed and Outfeed Shuttles Figure 4  Infeed and Outfeed Transfer Arms Infeed and Outfeed Snubbing  Static Discharge system 2.1 Infeed and Outfeed Rollers Snub-to-Forward Snub-to-Rear This unit accepts panels from upstream equipment after a handshake and pre- aligns the panel for delivery into the exposure compartment. The transport mechanism consists of a series of closely spaced stainless steel rollers. Each roller is electrically grounded to eliminate static charge. It is designed to handle small and Snub-to-Centerline large panels of varying thicknesses with automatic set-up changes recalled from memory. O perator’s Position Panels of various sizes and Key Plan thicknesses enter the infeed roller and pass between anti-static bars that reduce charge and discharge surface particulate, and continue (at an adjustable speed rate), until they are sensed for pre-alignment. The conveyor stops and side snub bars gently move panels toward two optical sensors for edge alignment – the leading edge of the panel isn’t touched, therefore the panel can’t be damaged. The conveyor advances the panel slowly to two more optical sensors, then the side snub bars retract. Then a “fine adjust” is performed as the panel is gently positioned into its final x-y position. In this manner, panels are pre-aligned to two common edges, so that the infeed shuttle mechanism will precisely place them into the exposure area. The infeed pre-align rails are initially set up by placing a panel in the desired panel exposure position, and then moving back to the pickup position. After this “reverse pick”, the front and side rails are adjusted to match the panel position. In production, the system will repeatedly place panels to this adjusted position, within +0.03” (.75 mm). The outfeed roller is built similarly to the infeed, except that there are no pre- alignment mechanics. This roller merely accepts the panel from the outfeed shuttle and moves it onto the conveyor of the next piece of in-line equipment after a handshake. 2.2 Infeed and Outfeed Shuttles The infeed and outfeed shuttles are attached to the infeed/outfeed transfer arms. Their function is to pick up panels and move them to and from the exposure area. Each shuttle has 12 adjustable suction cups that are mounted on a plate in slots, so that various size and thickness panels can be conveyed, without the need for excessive set- up efforts. The shuttles move down to pick up panels, and are guided by precision cross-roller slides. Each shuttle is designed to allow positioning all cups on the panel to be picked up. Cups are easily unlocked and moved as needed (no tools are required). Each shuttle has 12 suction cups, 12 vacuum generators and 12 sensors. If</p><p>PerkinElmer Optoelectronics Technical Specification...... 7 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p> a vacuum cup failure is detected the machine will try two more times to pick up the panel before an error message is given identifying that specific cup. </p><p>2.3 Infeed and Outfeed Transfer Arms The shuttles convey the panels into, and out of, the exposure area by means of high speed transfer arms. These arms are driven by a closed loop servo motor which provides controlled acceleration and precise placement, without the need for adjustments. This motion is repeatable years after machine startup without the regular attention a pneumatic transport would require. When a panel is removed by the outfeed transfer arm, the infeed arm simultaneously delivers the pre-aligned panel from the infeed roller for the next exposure. 2.4 Static Discharge System Static bars are located above and below the point where the panel enters the infeed area of the machine. These bars deliver ionized air, which is directed onto the panel to dissipate static charges and dislodge surface particulates. A HEPA filter with anti-static bar is also provided in the exposure chamber area (see section 3.5).</p><p>3.0 EXPOSURE COMPARTMENT The Exposure Compartment is the module where the panel is exposed to UV energy and consists of the following components:</p><p> Phototool die set  Tooling for Artworks and Panels  Vacuum pumps for holding film phototools  Collimating mirrors (upper and lower)  Automatic Artwork Alignment (AAA)  Automatic Panel to Artwork Alignment (APA)  HEPA filter with anti-static bar</p><p>3.1 Phototool Die Set The die set is a servo-motor controlled design that provides high accuracy, speed and smooth operation, while conforming to clean room design principles. The upper and lower die halves are joined by four posts at the corners and guided by preloaded zero- play bearings, so that precise front to back registration is maintained between artworks. The die set is assembled on a precision fixture with pinned construction to insure consistent high accuracy. The upper die half is moved upward with respect to the lower half by a closed loop servo motor and lead screw system, that retain the close parallel relationship between the artworks for repeatable registration and stability of operation. Indicators are located at the four corners for visual recognition that the die set rises and lowers squarely. The motor and lead screw mechanisms are positioned at the bottom of the exposure compartment. In this manner, any particle generation from the movements of the die set occurs below the artworks and the product being exposed. The die set opens to facilitate cleaning and loading of artworks. The artworks are affixed to the upper and lower phototool holders by vacuum grooves. The lower phototool holder is typically supplied with artwork alignment pins that enable the operator to easily install artworks into the system. A motorized lower die half and two CCD cameras automatically set the alignment of the artworks in the system after</p><p>PerkinElmer Optoelectronics Technical Specification...... 8 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p> installation. An additional option provides 2 extra CCD cameras (a total of 4 cameras) for maximum alignment flexibility. Soft or vacuum contact exposures are accommodated in the die set. An inflatable seal around the lower phototool holder allows up to 5 – 8 inches (13 – 20 cm) of Hg (17% – 27%) vacuum level to be pulled when vacuum exposures are selected. </p><p>3.2 Tooling for Artworks and Panels Each ProForm® 7500 is “tooled” to work efficiently with the customers’ various panel sizes, thicknesses and artworks. Figure 5 depicts a sample tooling scheme for an outer layer PCB application. The artworks are prepared in one size, regardless of panel size, to fit vacuum grooves in the phototool holders. Vacuum grooves eliminate the need for tape, which reduces the set-up time and the chances of particulate contamination associated with cleaning of tape residues from the phototool holders. The lower phototool holder in the ProForm® 7500 system typically has two tapered end artwork align/install pins, precisely bonded in place with a precision template. The top and bottom artworks are placed on these pins during installation. The artwork pins in the phototool holder retract after the installation of artworks to allow the vision processor to automatically align the top and bottom registration. </p><p>Panels should be prepared to a squareness of ± 0.06” (1.5mm), and conform to an overall warp specification of less than 2%. Since panels are to be pin-registered to the artworks, the registration hole locations should not vary more than ± 0.06” (1.5mm) from the common edges used to pre-align the panel on the infeed roller (see Section 4.1, “Infeed and Outfeed Rollers”). Panels prepared in this fashion make successful “pick and place” automation feasible, with high throughput. </p><p>Panels are placed onto pins mounted into a motorized frame (pins do not contact the glass) to allow the automatic vision processor to align the panel to the top artwork. The pins are smaller than the drilled hole to allow the panel to easily drop onto them; then the pins extend (stretch) to grip the panel for alignment.</p><p>3.3 Vacuum Pumps for holding artwork Separate mechanical vacuum pumps are supplied to hold the top and bottom artwork. The minimum vacuum supplied to the artwork for holding is 22” of Hg vacuum (73%). Film phototools must overlap the vacuum groove a minimum of 0.2” (5 mm) and a maximum of 0.4” (10 mm) since oversized or undersized artwork may affect performance.</p><p>3.4 Collimating Mirrors Dual precision, proprietary glass collimating mirrors are coated to enhance UV reflectivity and to optimize performance. These mirrors reflect the light energy uniformly over the entire area of the panel. Additionally, collimated UV light will expose the photoresist, providing uniform, predictable trace widths. These mirrors reduce the effects of light declination to less than 1, which insures that the light is directed toward the panel at right angles over the entire surface.</p><p>3.5 HEPA filter with anti-static bar The exposure compartment is pressurized with clean HEPA filtered air flowing from the top of the cabinet to maintain clean, positive pressurized Class 100 air. An anti- static bar reduces static charge in air coming from the HEPA filter. This system has a high efficiency filter and dual blowers to keep particles from entering the exposure</p><p>PerkinElmer Optoelectronics Technical Specification...... 9 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p> cabinet, thus reducing contamination. The volume of air provided by the HEPA filter is 500 CFM (14 m3/minute). 3.6 Automatic Artwork Alignment (AAA) A motorized lower die set allows alignment of top to bottom registration. Alignment is accomplished by moving the lower artwork with respect to the stationary upper artwork. The lower die set is configured with a holding plate that can be moved in X, Y1 and Y2 to accomplish an alignment automatically (AAA) by the machine, during artwork load sequence or any other time that the machine is in an “idle” state.</p><p>PerkinElmer Optoelectronics Technical Specification...... 10</p><p>Figure 5 Sample Tooling Drawing for Outer-Layer PCB’s</p><p>Figure 5</p><p>Sample Tooling Drawing for Outer Layer PCBs AAA provides the necessary controls and hardware for fully automatic alignments based on a “best-fit” algorithm. The system automatically aligns the artworks during the artwork load sequence and as needed during the production cycle (artwork is verified before each exposure). If mis-registration is detected later on during production, the lower die set will be automatically manipulated in X, Y1 and Y2 to maintain the alignment specified. (See figure 6 for AAA alignment fiducials as seen on the system monitors). Figure 6: Artwork Alignment Fiducials Examples of Sets of Fiducials B/W Monitor</p><p>A B C</p><p>Good Alignment Mis-alignment Fiducial Out of (one fiducial clearly centered (fiducials are Field of View within the other) touching) (only one fiducial found)</p><p>3.7 Automatic Panel to Artwork Alignment (APA) The APA capability provides fully automatic panel to artwork alignment. This feature provides a patented mechanism that manipulates the panel between two artworks for simultaneous, double-sided CCD alignment at the final exposure position. A panel alignment frame, located beneath the die set, contains alignment pins. Three servo motors drive the pins that protrude through the glass and adjust the panel into proper alignment. Panel movement is accomplished by providing directional movement of the alignment frame.</p><p>A host of proprietary pattern recognition techniques for PCB targets have been developed at ORC. Alignment implementations are matched to each specific application's target definition and lighting system. A variety of illumination techniques are available to offer the widest tolerance for target identification. These include various light energy bandwidths outside the UV range with through- lighting and top-lighting applications. IR diodes with single or dual intensity, fiber optic bundles, and ring illuminators are available. </p><p>3.8 Statistical Process Control (SPC) This feature enhances process control with digital reporting on AAA and APA alignment accuracy, lamp intensity, exposure dose, exposure count, cycle time, lot yield, and detailed job parameters (see fig. 7 below showing sample data for SPC purposes).</p><p>ORC Electronic Products Technical Specification...... 12 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p>Figure 7: Example of output data for SPC analysis</p><p>Job Name : ABC Lot Number : 12345678 Artwork Name : Artwork 1 Exposure Side : Both Exposure Mode : Dose Exp Dose (A) : 150 mJ Exp Dose (B) : 150 mJ Contact Mode : Vacuum Chamber Vac Dly : 2.00 sec. Vac Cups : ABCDEFGHIJKL Panel Type : Thin Lot Size : 100 Align Tries : 5 AW Verify Freq : every 10 cycles AW Align Tol : 0.00050 U/L A/W Dev Tol : 0.00200 Artwork : Film AW Verify Type : Relative AW Offset (X) : 0.00000 AW Offset (Y1) : 0.00000 AW Offset (Y2) : 0.00000 AW Vac Delay : 5 Total Panels : 100</p><p>Artwork to Panel Alignment Results P/F Count X1 X2 Y1 Y2 Accuracy</p><p>P 1 -0.00033" 0.00052" 0.00014" 0.00031" 0.00024" P 2 0.00025" -0.00086" 0.00093" -0.00047" 0.00038" P 3 0.00051" -0.00069" 0.00037" 0.00023" 0.00031" P 4 -0.00046" 0.00034" -0.00052" -0.00017" 0.00035" P 5 0.00024" -0.00037" -0.00031" -0.00024" 0.00028"</p><p>      </p><p>P 36 -0.00036" 0.00041" 0.00051" 0.00036" 0.00044" F 37 0.00083" 0.00033" -0.00087" 0.00094" 0.00058" P 37 0.00016" -0.00028" 0.00042" 0.00025" 0.00034" P 38 0.00031" 0.00011" -0.00012" -0.00057" 0.00040"</p><p>      </p><p>P 100 -0.00029" -0.00019" 0.00056" -0.00071" 0.00025"</p><p>Lot started 09/05/97 11:12:19 Lot finished 09/05/97 11:47:25</p><p>Lot yield was 99.00% (99 of 100)</p><p>ORC Imaging Corporation Technical Specification...... 13 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p>4.0 LAMPHOUSE The Lamphouse produces the UV energy required to expose a panel. The ProForm 7500 Lamphouse features an optics module for double-sided exposures (see Figure 8). The system is available with the lamphouse configurations as described below.  Dual 5 kilowatt mercury-xenon sources for simultaneous double-sided exposure  Dual 8 kilowatt mercury-xenon sources for simultaneous double-sided exposure The Lamphouse consists of the following components:  5 or 8 kW Hg-Xe short arc lamp manufactured by ORC Lighting Products with Aspheric Collector  UV Dichroic mirror with heat sink  Optical Integrator  Lamphouse Cooling System  Universal voltage, highly regulated D.C. power supply manufactured by ORC</p><p>Optical Collimating Mirror Integrator (Upper) Exhauset Vent</p><p>Heatsink</p><p>Exposure Plane Hg/Xe Lamp (Phototool)</p><p>Collector Exposure Dish Cabinet (Aspheric)</p><p>Lamp Shutter House</p><p>UV Dichroic Cold Mirror Collimating Mirror (Lower)</p><p> dual 5/8 KW lamphouse</p><p>Figure 8: UV Light Path Through ProForm 7500</p><p>4.1 Short Arc Sources The lamphouse module provides a high-intensity beam of UV energy in the 330 to 450 nm spectrum. The UV light source is either a 5 or 8 kW lamp dual configuration. These lamps are high-pressure, short-arc, ozone free mercury-xenon (Hg-Xe), coaxially mounted in a deep-dish (aspheric), aluminized collector.</p><p>ORC Imaging Corporation Technical Specification...... 14 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p>4.2 Collimating Optics The aspheric collector, manufactured by ORC Electroformed Products, collects over 80% of the light energy and sends it to a dichroic mirror. The focused beam from the collector is spectrally filtered by the dichroic mirror which passes the non-useful long wavelength energy through to a heat sink, which is cooled by the exhaust air. Useful energy in the 330 to 450 nm spectrum is reflected to an optical integrator. The optical integrator is composed of a multi-lens rectangular array of clear fused silica elements. It insures that UV energy will be distributed uniformly at the exposure plane, accomplishing the 1.5 collimation angle of the exposure light rays and determining the beam size at the image plane.</p><p>4.3 Lamp Cooling System The light leaving the upper and lower optical integrators on a dual lamphouse configuration will be directed to the aluminized collimating mirrors located in the exposure compartment. The ProForm lamp module includes a self-contained cooling system. A centrifugal blower provides the proper amount of cooling air to keep the lamp operating at peak efficiency. Sensors monitor plenum and outlet exhaust pressures with differential pressure switches, and automatically shut off the lamp if proper operating parameters are not present. In addition to the self-contained cooling system, an external exhaust for the lamp module must be provided by the facility to remove the heat absorbed by the heat sink (infrared and visible wavelengths of light) behind the dichroic mirror. The lamphouse draws in air from a louvered panel on the rear of the cabinet, or through a duct that can be attached if cooling air is desired from a source outside the clean room. The lamphouse is sealed, so that air is not drawn from the exposure compartment, which is typically pressurized above atmospheric and HEPA-filtered. See “Facility Requirement” section for specific exhausts and heat load information.</p><p>4.4 Power Supply A universal voltage, highly regulated power supply manufactured by ORC provides the necessary power requirements for the ProForm 7500 exposure system. The Power Supply accepts a 3-phase, 50/60 Hz input ranging from 208 - 480 VAC. (See Section 7, “Performance Specifications”)</p><p>ORC Imaging Corporation Technical Specification...... 15 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p>5.0 DISPLAY AND CONTROL SYSTEMS A user-friendly touch screen is used by the operator to run the machine and to indicate the current machine status. This is designed with a tabbed file card style of interface to allow selection of functions with a logical grouping.</p><p>5.1 Main Screen The touch screen has a color display, and the operator interface is menu-driven and user-friendly. Below is the what the operator will first see on the touch screen display when the system is initially powered up:</p><p>Lamp MAIN MANUAL CONTROL JOB SETUP REPORTS ENGINEERING</p><p>(Touch a TAB for other Screens) Job Name:______Start Auto Active Bypass Modes CURRENT JOB PARAMETERS Cycle Exposure Mode / Side : Time / Both Inspect Exposure Time (T/B) : 2.0 / 2.0 Artwork Contact Mode : Hard Vacuum Cups : AB D FGHIJ L Panel Thickness : Thin Load Panel Size : 14W x 16L Artwork Panel Placement : IS centered Lot Size : 50 Panel Exposed : 1</p><p>MACHINE STATUS</p><p>Lamp Hours (T/B) : 0.0 / 0.0 Exposure Time (T/B) : 0.0 / 0.0 Chamber Vacuum Delay : 5.0 sec. Machine Cycle Time : 16.1 sec. Total Machine Cycles : 10</p><p>Software:______FIGURE 9 5.1.1 Start Auto Cycle When the START AUTO CYCLE touch key is selected from the Main screen, the key will turn to green and the system will start the automatic exposure cycle. The cycle goes through a sequence of operations dependent on the setup parameters, such as exposure dose, vacuum delay time, etc. The cycle automatically stops when the specified lot number of advances have been performed, or when the “END CYCLE” button is pressed.</p><p>5.1.2 Load Artwork The LOAD ARTWORK touch key would allow the operator to load the upper and lower artworks to the die set. The system will display instructional messages and the operator will go through these computer prompts to load the upper and lower artworks. The prompts include wiping glass after removing old artwork and using a tacky roller to remove air from beneath the new artwork.</p><p>ORC Imaging Corporation Technical Specification...... 16 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p>5.1.3 Lamp This touch key will allow the operator to turn on/off the UV lamp(s) and will also display the current status of both lamps. Green light means the lamps are ON and blue light means the lamps are OFF.</p><p>NOTE – Cooling fans will run for at least 15–20 minutes after turning the lamps off</p><p>5.1.4 Bypass Mode Window The Bypass mode window will show the operator the various bypass modes selected at the MANUAL CONTROL, DIE SET screen. Bypass modes that were not selected will not appear on this window, and those selected will appear blinking. These selected bypass modes will allow the machine to run cycles with these special features. 5.1.5 Current Job Parameters and Machine Status Window This window (Figure 9) will show the operator the job parameters currently in use to run a cycle and the current status of the ProForm exposure system. To change the job parameters, the operator needs to go to the JOB SETUP screen by touching the JOB SETUP tab. This will allow the operator to choose from a selection of job profiles previously entered and stored by a key operator or process engineer, reducing the chance of an operator error. White, yellow and red colors indicate the progression of lamp life. 5.1.6 AAA Status This touch key will show the operator the current status of the automatic artwork alignment configuration.</p><p>5.2 Exposure Controller The Exposure Controller provides two modes to expose panels:</p><p>5.2.1 Automatic Constant Joule Mode The Automatic Constant Joule Mode compares the preset exposure value (mJ/cm2) with the measured intensity value (mW/cm2) and automatically performs the shutter sequence with the correct exposure time to achieve the preset dose. This mode compensates for lamp aging, so that exposures are kept uniform over the life of the lamp. The exposure dose in mJ may be set over the range from 0 to 5000 mJ. 5.2.2 Time Exposure Mode The Time Exposure Mode performs an exposure equal to the time that is preset in the system. The time range is from 0 to 100 seconds.</p><p>5.3 Operator Controls The following operator controls for the ProForm® 7000 series are provided:  Power On/Off  Emergency Stop – Palm-actuated mushroom shut-off button at front of system  Touch Screen Interface  Machine Start  End Cycle  Infeed Shuttle Substrate/Panel Release  Infeed/Outfeed Speed Controls  Window Up/Down</p><p>ORC Imaging Corporation Technical Specification...... 17 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p>5.4 Safety Interlocks The following safety interlocks are provided:  Open exposure cabinet door - all access doors interlocked to shut off the lamp.  Insufficient exhaust  Insufficient lamp cooling  System air pressure low  Material handling checks</p><p>5.5 Status Indicators The following Status Indicators are provided:  Artwork Vacuum Gauges (Upper/Lower)  Panel Expose Vacuum Gage  Machine Status Beacon - Green/Yellow/Red  Current Setup - shown on color display</p><p>ORC Imaging Corporation Technical Specification...... 18 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p>6.0 OPTIONS</p><p>6.1 Additional Two CCD Cameras for Artwork Alignment This option adds the necessary controls and hardware for two additional CCD cameras located inside the exposure cabinet to facilitate the operator’s flexibility of aligning artworks and panels.</p><p>6.2 LAN link to customer computer system A LAN link option from the exposure machine to the customer’s Local Area Network enables downloading of job parameters to the machine during operation. </p><p>6.3 Rapid Phototool Transfer System (RPT ) 6.3.1 The Rapid Phototool Transfer (RPT) system provides the operator with the means of automatically transferring, loading and aligning user-defined artworks without having to reach into the expose chamber and severely impacting productivity and particle control. By minimizing the non-productive time consumed by the artwork transfer process (the RPT reduces this time up to 70%), the system’s productivity is dramatically increased. The inclusion of this option onto a ProForm 7500 base model will allow the operator to transfer, load and align their artwork to a pre-set alignment tolerance in less than 60 seconds. Panels larger than 20” x 24” (508 x 610 mm) require a larger system weld-frame to accommodate RPT for large format phototools (outline dimensions larger than shown in figure 10). 6.3.2 The RPT option is a value-added feature for those operators that need to perform:  First article panel processing – the system can be productive within 60 seconds after setting-up and processing a first article panel.  Large lot size panel processing – the RPT system will automatically transfer like-part number artworks (due to wear, particle accumulation, etc.) at an operator-defined panel count.  Small lot size panel processing – the RPT option will make the processing of small lot sizes requiring multiple artwork set-ups per shift more productive by minimizing the non-productive time consumed by the artwork transfer process. 6.3.3 The transfer process operates as follows: (1) The operator places one set of pre-cleaned upper and lower silver-halide artwork onto the glass platen located within the right or left-hand side RPT drawer. Two precision ground low-profile locator pins are provided to pre-align the artworks. (2) The operator engages the automatic RPT process via the system’s operator interface. (3) The upper die-set descends onto the lower die-set; pneumatic controlled rotary clamps engage the lower die-set’s glass platen, then raises it to a maximum height position. (4) Depending upon which RPT drawer is being loaded, the system’s opposite-hand servo-motor controlled transfer arm moves directly beneath the upper die-set, the upper-die set slowly lowers the glass platen onto the transfer arm’s surface.</p><p>ORC Imaging Corporation Technical Specification...... 19 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p>(5) Once the glass platen is in position, the transfer arm laterally transfers it to the RPT drawer position. Concurrently, the opposite-hand glass platen with its new artwork is positioned over the die-set area. (6) The glass platen is then engaged by the upper die-set’s rotary clamps and lowered into the bottom die-set position. A vacuum retention system is initiated to retain the glass platen onto the lower die-set surface. (7) The upper die-set lowers onto the bottom die-set, a secondary vacuum retention system is initiated to retain each artwork onto its upper and lower die-set position. (8) The upper die-set raises slightly off contact, the vision system assesses the degree of alignment required, then adjusts them in accordance with the operator’s pre-set criteria. (9) The system is now ready to begin processing panels.</p><p>6.4 Reverse Operation (Right-to-Left Handling) With this option, the automatic flow is reversed for right-to-left material flow. (The standard material path is left-to-right direction). This allows pairs of facing production lines of opposite flows to be attended by just one operator.</p><p>6.5 Opticare Maintenance Agreements ORC offers preventative maintenance and extended warranty programs referred to as our Opticare Maintenance Agreement for customers in the USA and Canada. For customers outside of North America, details of preventative maintenance and extended warranty services may be discussed with ORC’s local service representative. The Opticare Program offers two levels of service:  Opticare Preventative Maintenance Program Provides 4 Preventative Maintenance visits per year at a discounted labor rate. </p><p> Opticare Extended Warranty Program. Provides 4 Preventative Maintenance visits and any emergency service that may arise at no charge, and all replacement parts at no charge (excluding normal “wear and tear” parts)</p><p>ORC Imaging Corporation Technical Specification...... 20 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p>7.0 PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS</p><p>7.1 Optical System Performance Specifications 7.1.1 Average Beam Intensity and Uniformity Format Size dual 5 dual 8 Uniformity KW KW (all Notes: mW/cm 2 mW/cm 2 configuration s)  Intensity measured using IL1400 meter 18” x 18” > 43 > 65 ± 6% (made by (457 x International Light) 457mm) with bare 365nm probe (model XRD- 18” x 24” > 35 > 52 ± 10% 140B probe (457 x positioned above 610mm) dieset) and with system outfitted 20” x 24” > 32 > 47 ± 10% with new lamp(s). (508 x 610mm)  The method used to measure % uniformity 24” x 24” > 24 > 34 ± 10% for each side of the (610 x exposure area will 610mm) be ORC’s standard ATP method of 24” x 30” > 19 > 28 ± 12% (highest reading – (610 x lowest reading) 762mm) divided by the (highest reading + lowest reading) multiplied by 100.</p><p>7.1.2 Additional Optical Specifications Collimation Angle ± 1.5 side-to-side</p><p>Declination Angle < 1</p><p>Collector Nickel aspheric, electroformed</p><p>Dichroic Mirror Reflects 330 to 450nm UV light only</p><p>7.2 Exposure Compartment Specifications Panel to Upper Artwork Alignment < 0.0008” (20 microns) Accuracy</p><p>Upper to Lower Artwork Alignment < 0.0005” (13 microns) Accuracy</p><p>Die Set Repeatability of Aligned < 0.0002” (5 microns) Artwork</p><p>Panel sizes 12” x 14” to 24” x 30” (305 x 356 to 610 x 762 mm)</p><p>Total panel thickness 0.002” – 0.160” (0.05 - 4.0 mm) Artwork Hold Vacuum 22” Hg (73%), Minimum</p><p>ORC Imaging Corporation Technical Specification...... 21 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p>Panel Exposure Vacuum 8” Hg (27%), Maximum</p><p>Temperature Rise < 5 F (2 C) on panel during 150mJ/cm2 exposure</p><p>7.3 Material Transport Specifications The total length of the main unit from the beginning of the infeed conveyor to the end of the outfeed conveyor is 144” (366 cm) nominal. The height of the infeed and outfeed conveyors above the floor is 39.25” (99.7 cm) with an adjustment range of +1”, -.75” (+2.5 cm, -1.9 cm). 8.0 FACILITY REQUIREMENT</p><p>ORC recommends that the customer provide a board cleaner in front of the ProForm 7500 to clean the panels before they enter the exposure machine. The conveyor line coming to the exposure machine should be covered for particle control.</p><p>8.1 Input Power Input Voltage System Current (Amps) 3-Phase Interrupter (Amps) (VAC) dual 5KW dual 8KW dual 5KW dual 8KW 190 60 96 100 120 200 58 93 90 120 208 56 90 90 120 220 52 84 90 120 240 48 78 90 120 250 46 74 90 100 277 42 68 90 100 360 32 52 50 90 380 30 48 50 90 400 28 46 50 90 416 28 44 50 60 440 26 42 40 60 480 26 40 40 60 Note: Input Voltage is 3-Phase 3 wire system with safety ground, 50/60 Hz, single power source. 8.2 Pneumatic</p><p>Air supply to be 90 psi (6.2 bar) minimum of clean, dry, filtered air or (N2) @ 12 SCFM (0.34 m3/minute), dry to dewpoint of 59 F (15 C) maximum. Recommended minimum air supply line of .75” (19 mm) diameter. The system will alarm at 60 psi (4.2 bar) warning of low air pressure.</p><p>8.3 Exhaust and Air Inlet for Lamp Module Exhaust: 600-900 CFM (17 - 25 m3/min) for each of two 8”(20.3 cm) lamp exhaust ducts. Customer supplied fans and ducts for each of 2 lamps should not be connected to a common facility exhaust unless dampers are provided for each duct to balance the air</p><p>ORC Imaging Corporation Technical Specification...... 22 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p> flow in the system. Separate exhaust lines are recommended. Customer exhaust system must develop 0.8” (20mm) H20 column negative pressure measured at each lamp’s exhaust flange to develop air flow through the lamphouse. Air Inlet: 600-900 CFM (17 - 25 m3/min) class 10,000 clean air (or better) for each of two lamps. The air is drawn from the clean room through a louvered panel at the base of the lamphouse. Optionally, the customer may prefer to use a 12” (305 mm) diameter inlet duct; the pressure loss in this optional inlet is not included in the 0.8” (20mm) H20 column pressure drop specified above for the lamp module.</p><p>8.4 Environment Well lit “yellow” room, class 10,000 clean, with temperature / humidity control of  5 F (3 C) and 50-60% RH.</p><p>8.5 Thermal Load on Facility dual 5KW lamp dual 8KW lamp Lamphouse exhaust 50,000 78,000 BTU/hour (normally vented to BTU/hour (23 kJ/s) outside) (14.6 kJ/s)</p><p>Heat into facility 9,000 10,000 BTU/hour cleanroom BTU/hour (2.9 kJ/s) (2.6 kJ/s)</p><p>9.0 ADDITIONAL STANDARD FEATURES</p><p>9.1 Guards - All rotating parts. 9.2 Venting Differential pressure switch on exhaust ducts to prevent lamp operation if exhaust or lamp cooling is not present. 9.3 Shielding Internal heat and light shields to prevent UV exposure of the system operator or maintenance technician. 9.4 CE Safety Measures Complies with applicable CE safety standards, including emergency stop button, protection against electric shock hazard, prevention of accidental exposure of operator or technician to UV light, etc.</p><p>ORC Imaging Corporation Technical Specification...... 23 ...... ProForm® 7500 Collimated UV Exposure System</p><p>Figure 10 ProForm® 7500 Collimated Optics System Outline Drawings</p><p>5 kW Dual Lamp house 8 kW Dual Lamphouse with and without the Rapid Phototool Transfer System (RPT) option</p><p>ORC Imaging Corporation Technical Specification...... 24</p>

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