<p> 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE 16 MANUAL 17 18 19 20 21The administrative policies and procedures of the California Society of Pediatric Dentistry herein 22are developed by the Board of Directors for the administrative guidance of the Society. The 23Officers, Board of Directors, Committee Chairs and Members and Executive Director shall be 24guided by these policies and procedures in fulfilling their elective, appointive and administrative 25responsibilities on behalf of the membership. 26 27These policies and procedures shall be provided to all members of the Board of Directors and all 28committee chairs and shall be provided to interested members upon request. 29 30The Policy & Procedure Manual will be updated by the Constitution and Bylaws Committee to 31reflect leadership action/s and sent electronically to the CSPD leadership. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40March, 2015</p><p>3 4 41 42 43 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE MANUAL 44 45SECTION PAGE 46 47 I. TABLE OF CONTENTS 48 49 II. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 50 1. Warren Brandli Board Intern Program 3 51 52 III. ELECTED OFFICERS 53 1. President 1 54 a. Annual Working Calendar 1 55 2. President Elect 3 56 a. Annual Working Calendar 4 57 3. Vice President 5 58 a. Annual Working Calendar 6 59 4. Secretary 7 60 a. Annual Working Calendar 8 61 5. Treasurer 9 62 a. Annual Working Calendar 10 63 6. Immediate Past President 11 64 65 IV. APPOINTED OFFICERS 66 1. Editor 1 67 2. Website Editor 3 68 3. Public Policy Advocate 4 69 70 V. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 71 72 VI. COMMITTEES 73 1. Committee Guidelines and Policies 1 74 2. Standing Committees 75 a. Governance and Administrative Review Committee 2 76 Executive Director Evaluation Subcommittee 2 77 Constitution and Bylaws Subcommittee 78 b. Membership Services 4 79 c. Nominating Committee 4 80 d. Annual Meeting Committee 4 81 e. Peer Review 4 82 f. Finance Committee 4 83 g. Patient Services Committee 5 84 h. Leadership Development Committee 5 85 i. Audit Committee 5 86 j. Communications Committee 6 87 k. Executive Committee 6 88 3. Special Committees 6 5 Page 2 of 37 6 Section 10 7 89 90 VII. MEMBERSHIP 91 1. Procedures for Membership Application 1 92 2. General Membership Policies 4 93 94 VIII. ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING 95 1. General Policies 1 96 2. Admission and Attendance Policies 1 97 3. Voting Policies 1 98 99 IX. ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC SESSION 100 1. General Policies 1 101 2. Financial Policies 3 102 3. Hotel Arrangements 6 103 4. Site Selection 6 104 105 X. BUDGET AND FINANCES 106 1. Financial Philosophy 1 107 2. General Financial Policies 1 108 3. Accounting 3 109 4. Investment Policies on Reserves 3 110 5. Dues and Fees 5 111 6. Miscellaneous Financial Policies 6 112 113 XI. GENERAL POLICIES 114 1. CSPD Code of Ethics and Conduct 1 115 2. 990 Review 2 116 3. Whistleblower 2 117 4. Document Retention and Destruction 3 118 5. Conflict of Interest 4 119 6. Distribution of Meeting Minutes 8 120 7. Apparent Authority and Official Communication 8 121 8. Sexual Harassment 8 122 9. Antitrust Avoidance 10 123 10. Insurance Coverage 10 124 11. Public Disclosure 11 125 12. Liaison and Relationship with AAPD 11 126 13. Nominations of Candidates for AAPD Trustee Position 12 127 14. Western Society of Pediatric Dentistry 13 128 15. CSPD Liaison to AAPD 13 129 16. CSPD Liaison to WSPD 14 130 17. CSPD Liaison with the California Dental Association 14 131 18. Liaison with Other Organization 14 132 19. Smoking 14 133 20. Mailing Lists and Labels 14 134 21. CSPD Policy on Appropriate Use of Electronic Communication 17 135 22. CSPD Advertising Standards 18 136 23. CSPD Name and Logo 22 8 Page 3 of 37 9 Section 10 10 137 24. Mailing Address 22 138 25. Letters of Condolence 22 139 26. Honors and Awards 22 140 27. Distinguished Service Award 22 141 142 XII. APPENDIX 143 1. Research Grant Awards 1 144 2. LDC Policy and Procedure Manual 2 145 3. Annual Meeting Committee 28 146</p><p>11 Page 4 of 37 12 Section 10 13 14 147 SECTION II . BOARD OF DIRECTORS 148 149 150The Board: The Board is composed of seventeen members of the Society, as elected or 151appointed under the Charter of the Constitution and Bylaws. The Board shall have and exercise 152the authority of the Society in the management and business of the Society between meetings of 153the general membership. 154 155Board Meetings: The Board will meet quarterly. The first meeting is usually scheduled the 156latter half of June; the second meeting in late September/early October; the third meeting in late 157January; the final meeting in conjunction with and at the site of the Annual Meeting. Meetings 158may be conducted either in person, electronically, or by conference call at the discretion of the 159President. Appropriate notice of said meeting will be given. Each of the directors and officers 160present shall have a vote on all matters brought before the Board, except for the President, who, 161acting as the presiding officer, shall vote only in case of a tie. 162 163In addition, a new board member orientation meeting is held the day prior to the final board 164meeting at the Annual Meeting. An organizational board meeting will be held on the final day of 165the Annual Meeting. The purpose shall be organizational in nature, committee chairs and 166committee charges shall be presented, and other Society business may be conducted. 167 168Additional meetings may be conducted at the discretion of the President and may be conducted 169either in person, electronically or by conference call. Appropriate notice of said meeting(s) will 170be sent to the invited attendees. 171 172Meeting Site: The Board will normally meet at an appropriate location utilizing a site to 173minimize Society expense associated with the meeting. The last board meeting of the year will 174be held at the site of, and in conjunction with, the Annual Meeting. An option for an electronic 175meeting either through conference call technology or remote video technology may be exercised 176at the discretion of the President. 177 178Expenses: All expenses for meetings of the Board, including travel expenses, must be budgeted 179or approved by the President in advance. Members of the Board will be reimbursed for certain 180room and travel expenses according to present policy (SEE SECTION X: BUDGET AND 181FINANCES). 182 183Quorum: All members of the Board will attend all board meetings. In the event that all board 184members are not present, Society business can be conducted so long as one half plus one of the 185voting members of the Board are present. 186 187Mail or Phone Ballot: No provision exists for an absent board member to vote on matters 188before the Board at a board meeting. Electronic ballots may be secured in the event a vote is 189unable to be completed at a board meeting or deemed important by the President. In addition, ad 190interim items may be voted on electronically. 191 192Extraordinary Session: The President may, at his/her discretion, call an extraordinary session 193of the Board. A quorum must be present to conduct business. Board members are to be notified 194at least thirty days in advance of the meeting. Board members will be reimbursed for certain </p><p>15 16 195travel expenses to an extraordinary session according to current policy (SEE SECTION X: 196BUDGET AND FINANCES). 197 198Electronic Session: The President may, at his/her discretion, call an electronic session of the 199Board utilizing telephonic and/or internet conferencing. Board members are to be notified at 200least four days in advance of the meeting. A quorum must be present to conduct business and 201minutes will be taken. 202 203Committee Chairs: Committee chairs who are not members of the Board may be invited to 204Board meetings at the discretion of the President. They are to be reimbursed certain travel 205expenses by the same policy used for Board members. Committee chairs are always welcome to 206attend Board meetings at their own expense. 207 208Committee Liaison: The members of the Board of Directors will serve as Board liaison with 209the committees of the Society as appointed by the President at the beginning of the year. In the 210case where a Board member is also a committee chair, then a separate liaison appointment will 211not be necessary. Committee liaisons will be responsible for facilitating communication between 212the Board and the Committee chairs as appropriate, including committee reports to the Board. 213 214Minutes: Minutes of the Board will be compiled and distributed to Board members within three 215weeks after the Board meeting. A Pending Action Sheet will be distributed to Board members 216within three weeks after the Board meeting. 217 218Rules of Order: Board meetings will be governed by the latest edition of the Standard Code of 219Parliamentary Procedure. The Immediate Past President shall serve as Parliamentarian at Board 220meetings. 221 222Insurance: The Board will maintain and provide director and officer liability insurance through 223AAPD. The Board will also obtain liability coverage for all CSPD meetings during a calendar 224year on an annual basis. 225</p><p>17 Page 2 of 37 18 Section 10 19 226 2271. WARREN BRANDLI BOARD INTERN PROGRAM 228 229Current pediatric dental residents/postdoctoral students and individuals in their first five years of 230post-residency residing in California are eligible to apply. This opportunity was created for 231individuals in training and in the early stages of their career to participate in the CSPD 232governance and advocacy activities, attend internal organizational and inter-professional 233meetings, and complete a project designated by the CSPD President by the end of the program. 234 235Through these activities, CSPD and CDPDF hope to: 236 1. Familiarize CSPD members with the specialty, its governance and social and political 237 issues facing it in the 21st century. 238 2. Expose new members to the administrative and membership functions of the Society. 239 3. Inform members of organizational strategies, advocacy and inter-professional 240 relationships not commonly available to pediatric dentists in practice or academics. 241 4. Better prepare members to assume leadership roles in dental specialty governance, 242 particularly within the CSPD and the AAPD governance structures. 243 244 Applicants must be willing to attend all regular meetings of the CSPD Board of Directors as 245 well as the Society’s Leadership Orientation Session at the Annual Meeting and Strategic Pla 246 nning Session every third year. Other opportunities may include attendance at the meetings o 247 f the Dental Board of California, California legislative hearings, California Dental Associatio 248 n sponsored advocacy events and community leadership and/or Public Policy Advocate-relat 249 ed activities. 250 251Selection will be based on the following: 1) completion of an application, 2) submission of a 252short essay about the candidate’s interest and specific personal goals for the program, 3) relevant 253activities or roles within his/her professional sphere and 4) two required letters of reference (one 254of which should be from the program director if the applicant is a current pediatric dental 255resident/postdoctoral student). 256 257Applications are due November 10th of each year and selections will be made and announced 258prior to the next Annual Session. The internship period will begin with the final meeting of the 259Board of Directors held in conjunction with the Annual Session and will finish 12 months later at 260the final meeting of the next Board of Directors at which time the intern(s) will give a final 261report about his/her/their project(s). 262 263Announcement of Opportunity: Members of CSPD shall be notified of the existence and 264opportunity to apply for the Warren Brandli Leadership Program sponsored by CSPD and 265supported by the CSPD Foundation. 266 267Information regarding the program shall be provided at the CSPD Annual Session, in the 268Bulletin and on the CSPD Website. These notices should include information on eligibility 269requirements and how and where to obtain an application form and the deadline when the 270application is due. 271 272Application: The application form is to be obtained from the office of the CSPD Executive 273Director. The completed form and required letters of recommendation are to be returned to the 20 Page 3 of 37 21 Section 10 22 274office of the CSPD Executive Director and then forwarded to the Chair of the Leadership 275Development Committee (LDC). 276 277Selection of Applicant: The Leadership Development Committee will review all applications 278and forward their recommendations to the CSPD Board for consideration. Accepted applicants 279by the LDC will be ranked for Board consideration. 280 281The selected applicant(s) and those not selected should be notified by a letter from the CSPD 282President shortly after the January board meeting when the final selection decisions are expected 283to be made and funding from the CSPD Foundation has been approved. This schedule will allow 284the selected applicant(s) to make arrangements to attend pertinent sessions and begin the 285internship at the final board meeting at the forthcoming Annual Session. 286 287Deadline for Filing Application: The deadline for filing the internship application will be 288November 10th of each year. Executive Director will forward all applications to the LDC for 289review. The LDC will forward recommendations to the CSPD Board no later than two weeks 290prior to the January board meeting. 291 292Funding and Budgeting: CSPD will make arrangements and budget for transportation, lodging 293and all program related administrative costs and supply needs for the Leadership Intern. (SEE 294SECTION X: BUDGET AND FINANCES) 295 296CSPD shall make a request for supportive funding from the CSPD Foundation. This request 297shall be submitted for consideration and approval at the CSPDF annual January meeting. The 298request should include the fiscal year(s), the number of interns and the estimated dollar amount 299needed. 300</p><p>23 Page 4 of 37 24 Section 10 25 26 301 SECTION III . E LECTED OFFICERS 302 303General Policy: The elected officers, along with the newly elected members of the Board of 304Directors, shall be installed at the Annual Session. The President Elect shall be installed as 305President at the next Annual Session following his/her election. 306 307 3081. PRESIDENT 309 310Duties: The President shall perform all duties as delineated in Chapter IV, Section 1 of the 311Bylaws. In addition, the President shall prepare the Agenda for distribution at least two weeks 312prior to board meetings. The President shall have the authority and responsibility to act on behalf 313of the Society on matters requiring immediate response as may be necessary between board 314meetings. S/he shall act in consultation with the Executive Committee on these matters. 315 316Committee Liaison: The President, upon assuming office, will issue a written “charge” or 317assignment to each standing and ad hoc committee, delineating the goals and objectives for that 318committee for the coming year. 319 320President’s Calendar: The President will obtain a calendar of duties and responsibilities from 321the Executive Director and will discharge these actions in a timely manner. 322 323Executive Director: The President will be the director and overall supervisor of the Executive 324Director. 325 326Orientation of New Board Members: The President shall be present and assist the Executive 327Director in the orientation of new Board members prior to their first board meeting. 328 329CDA House of Delegates: The President, along with the President Elect, Vice President, Public 330Policy Advocate and Executive Director will attend the Annual Session of the CDA House of 331Delegates. The President, or his/her designate, will represent CSPD on the Floor of the CDA 332House of Delegates. 333 334Executive Committee Meeting with AAPD President elect: The outgoing President will 335conduct the Executive Committee meeting with the AAPD President elect at the site of the 336CSPD Annual Meeting. 337 338CSPD Foundation: The President will serve as a Trustee to the CSPD Foundation. 339 340 PRESIDENT’S CALENDAR May Attend the CDA Grassroots Legislative Day</p><p> Attend AAPD Annual Session a. Represent CSPD at the District VI meeting b. Introduce guests at the CSPD/WSPD reception c. Represent CSPD at the AAPD business Meeting</p><p>27 28 d. Represent CSPD at the State Leadership meeting</p><p> Write the President’s Column for the Bulletin following the annual meeting Remind Committee Chairs to submit committee reports for the June board meeting. Send any communication letters to the Executive Director and AMG for inclusion on the board packet. Prepare the President’s report for the board packet. June Prepare the board meeting agenda with the Executive Director</p><p> Attend and preside at the June Board meeting</p><p> Attend the CSPD Foundation Board meeting</p><p>July Write the President’s Column for the Bulletin</p><p> Communicate with the committee chairs individually to review committee activity and ongoing progress with duties and charges for the year.</p><p>August Remind Committee Chairs to submit committee reports for the September Board meeting</p><p> Send any communication letters to the Executive Director and association management company for inclusion in the board packet</p><p> Prepare the President’s Report for the Board Packet September Prepare the board meeting agenda with the Executive Director Attend and preside at the September Board meeting</p><p> Attend the CSPD Foundation Board meeting</p><p> Prepare the State Report for the District VI October meeting.</p><p>October Write the President’s Column for the Bulletin</p><p> Attend the District VI Board meeting</p><p> Communicate with the committee chairs individually to review committee activity and ongoing progress with duties and charges for the year. November Chair the Nominating Committee conference call meeting (or December)</p><p> Inform nominated Warren Brandli and Graduate Student Leadership interns of their nomination. December Remind Committee Chairs to submit committee reports for the January Board meeting.</p><p> Send any communication letters to the Executive Director and association management company for inclusion in the board packet</p><p> Prepare the President’s Report for the board packet</p><p>29 Page 2 of 37 30 Section 10 31 January Prepare the board meeting agenda with the Executive Director</p><p> Attend and preside at the January Board meeting a. Along with the Executive Director, administer to the Board of Directors the Board Self-Evaluation form</p><p> Attend the CSPD Foundation Board meeting Prepare and send, with the association management company, the following formal invitations for the March/April Annual Meeting: b. CDA President c. AAPD President-Elect d. CA Residency Program Directors (meeting with Ex Com) e. Nominated Directors of the Board for the upcoming year; include information on events to attend during the upcoming annual meeting as well as the dates of the Board Meetings for the upcoming year.</p><p>February Write the President’s Column for the Bulletin</p><p> Communicate with the committee chairs individually to review committee activity and ongoing progress with duties and charges for the year.</p><p> Work with the Executive Director and association management company to ensure formal recognition of the outgoing board directors and committee chairs via written communication and at the Annual Meeting Installation Luncheon</p><p>March Attend the AAPD Legislative Days</p><p> Remind Committee Chairs to submit committee reports for the March/April Board meeting</p><p> Send any communication letters to the Executive Director and the AMC for inclusion in the board packet</p><p> Prepare the President’s Report for the Board packet</p><p> Prepare the State Report for the District VI March/April meeting. March/April Prepare the board meeting agenda with the Executive Director</p><p> Prepare the Annual Business Meeting Agenda with the Executive Director</p><p> Prepare, with the President Elect, an agenda for the Ex Com meeting with AAPD President-Elect at the site of the CSPD Annual Meeting</p><p> Prepare, with the President Elect and with input from the directors of the CA residency programs, an agenda for the Ex Com meeting with the </p><p>32 Page 3 of 37 33 Section 10 34 program directors at the site of the CSPD Annual Meeting</p><p> Review with the Annual Meeting Chair the agenda for the Annual Meeting Luncheon</p><p> Along with the President Elect, review the performance evaluation and goals for the upcoming year for the Executive Director </p><p> Attend the CSPD Annual Meeting a. Preside at the March/April Board meeting b. Attend the CSPD Foundation Board meeting c. Attend and present an annual summary to the meeting of the Past Presidents d. Attend the District VI Meeting e. Preside at the Annual Business Meeting f. Emcee the Annual Meeting Luncheon g. Preside at the Executive Committee Breakfast with the AAPD President-Elect h. Preside at the Executive Committee meeting with the CA residency program directors</p><p> Attend the CDA Interdisciplinary Committee Meeting (when scheduled)</p><p>April Issue written charges or assignments to each standing and ad hoc committee, delineating the goals and objectives for that committee for the coming year. Along with the Executive Director, meet/communicate with the committee chairs individually to discuss the charges as needed.</p><p> Assign mentors/leadership projects to the Warren Brandli Intern(s)</p><p> Prepare the State Report for the District VI May meeting</p><p>341 342 3432. PRESIDENT-ELECT 344 345Duties: The President-Elect will perform all duties as delineated in Chapter IV, Section 2 of the 346Bylaws. In addition, in order to effect a smooth transition of office, the following responsibilities 347are to be discharged by the President Elect: 348 349Committee Appointments: The President-Elect shall present all committee chairs, committee 350appointments and charges at the organizational board meeting subsequent to the Annual 351Meeting. The President Elect shall consult and seek the advice of the Directors, current 352committee chairs, and other appropriate individuals in making committee appointment proposals. 35 Page 4 of 37 36 Section 10 37 353The President Elect is encouraged to select the best chairperson for each committee chair. If the 354Chair of a committee is not a Director then a Director shall be appointed to serve as a liaison to 355that committee. 356 357Liaison to Committee Chairs: The President-Elect will assume the responsibility of 358communicating with each committee chair between board meetings. S/he will function on the 359President’s behalf to inquire as to the progress of committee assignments and charges, act on the 360President’s behalf to stimulate activity where progress may appear inadequate or slow, and report 361back to the President where necessary. S/he will verify that timely quarterly reports are available 362to the Board from each committee. 363 364Committee Charges: The President-Elect is encouraged to seek the guidance of the President 365or Past Presidents in the formulation of committee charges. 366 367Installation of Officers: The incoming President (President-Elect) shall determine the 368individual who will install the incoming officers and Board members at the Annual Meeting. 369 370Strategic Planning: The President-Elect shall be responsible for long range strategic planning 371for the Society. During his/her term of office, the President Elect shall communicate with the 372President and Board regarding long term Society objectives, goals and plans. S/he will evaluate 373the Society’s effectiveness in areas in which the Society is currently involved and identify areas 374and objectives for Society involvement and concern in the future. Where necessary, and at the 375President’s discretion, s/he may chair an ad hoc committee on areas related to strategic planning. 376 377Each quarter the President-Elect will update the progress of the strategic plan to the Board. 378 379CDA House of Delegates: The President-Elect, along with the President, Vice President, Public 380Policy Advocate and Executive Director will attend the Annual Session of the CDA House of 381Delegates. 382 383 Constitution and Bylaws Committee: The President-Elect will serve on the Constitution and 384Bylaws Committee. 385 386CSPD Foundation: The President-Elect will serve as a Trustee to the CSPD Foundation. In 387addition, the President-Elect will serve as the liaison between the Foundation and the CSPD 388Board of Directors. S/he will make a written report regarding Foundation activities for each 389CSPD Board of Directors quarterly meeting in time to be included in the Board packet mailing. 390 391 PRESIDENT-ELECT CALENDAR May Confirm with Treasurer and Annual Meeting Committee Chair that the Treasurer will be submitting the AM Financial Report. (Preliminary Reconciled). Assist President in operational requirements and collection of data to conduct a facilitated conference to develop a new Strategic Plan in September 2014. For years 2015-2020, update the status of the Strategic Plan and forward to the Executive Director to email to the CSPD leadership. Communicate with each committee chair between Board meetings as to the 38 Page 5 of 37 39 Section 10 40 progress of committee assignments and charges. June Attend the June board meeting 1. Report as liaison to CSPDF Board Attend the CSPD Foundation Board meeting 1. Report as liaison to CSPD Board July Assist President in operational requirements of Strategic Planning Conference in September 2014. </p><p> For the years 2015 – 2020, the President-Elect will update the Strategic Plan and forward to the Executive Director to email to the CSPD leadership. Update the Policy and Procedure Manual based on actions at the previous board meeting and forward to the Executive Director to email the CSPD leadership. August Confirm that conference arrangements have been made for Strategic Planning session associated with the Sept. board meeting. Communicate with each committee chair between Board meetings as to the progress of committee assignments and charges. September Attend the June board meeting 2. Report as liaison to CSPDF Board Attend the CSPD Foundation Board meeting 2. Report as liaison to CSPD Board Attend the Strategic Planning Conference when held October Update the status of the current Strategic Plan and forward to the Executive Director to email to the CSPD leadership Update the Policy and Procedure Manual based on actions at the previous board meeting and forward to the Executive Director to email the CSPD leadership November Attend the annual session of the CDA House of Delegates with the President, Vice President, Public Policy Advocate and Executive Director Attend the Specialty caucus meetings at the site of the HOD December Communicate with each committee chair between Board meetings as to the progress of committee assignments and charges. January Attend the January board meeting 1. Report as liaison to CSPDF Board Attend the CSPD Foundation Board Meeting 1. Report as liaison to the CSPD Board Begin to appoint proposed committee chairs, committee appointments and charges for the following year. February For years, 2015 – 2020, update the status of the current Strategic Plan and forward to the Executive Director to email to the CSPD leadership Update the Policy and Procedure Manual based on actions at the previous board meeting and forward to the Executive Director to email the CSPD leadership Communicate with each committee chair between Board meetings as to the progress of committee assignments and charges Appoint who will install the incoming officers and board members at the 41 Page 6 of 37 42 Section 10 43 Annual Meeting luncheon. Inform the Executive Director and meeting chair March With the Executive Director, determine an agenda for the Organizational Board meeting. (assumes Annual Meeting in early April) April Attend the April board meeting at the site of the Annual Meeting 1. Report as liaison to CSPDF board Attend the CSPD Foundation board meeting 1. Report as liaison to the CSPD board Attend the Executive Committee Breakfast with the AAPD President-Elect Preside, as President, at the Organizational board meeting 1. Present committee chairs and committee members for approval 392 393 3943. VICE PRESIDENT 395 396Duties: The Vice President shall perform all duties delineated in Chapter IV, Section 3 of the 397Bylaws. 398 399Annual Meeting: The Vice President will serve as the Annual Meeting Event Coordinator 400(AMEC). The primary duties of the AMEC are described in Section XII, Appendix, the Annual 401Meeting Manual, Section 9, Primary Duties. The Vice President shall serve as the board liaison 402to the Annual Meeting Committee. 403Should the Annual Meeting Event Coordinator be unable to complete his/her term, the 404President will appoint a replacement (preferably a past president or a current member of 405the committee). 406 407CDA House of Delegates: The Vice President, along with the President, President-Elect, Public 408Policy Advocate and Executive Director will attend the Annual Session of the CDA House of 409Delegates. 410 411 4123.a. VICE PRESIDENT ANNUAL CALENDAR 413 414MAY 415 1. Prepare a report for the Annual Meeting program and a proposed budget for the June 416 board meeting 417 418JUNE 419 1. Attend the June board meeting 420 a. Report as Annual Meeting Committee liaison 421 422JULY 423 1. Prepare any Bulletin information as to the Annual Meeting 424 2. Determine opportunities to insert Annual Meeting notices in both the AAPD Update and 425 CDA Journal 426 427AUGUST 428 1. Begin to create the registration packet for mailing to the CSPD and WSPD members 429 44 Page 7 of 37 45 Section 10 46 430SEPTEMBER 431 1. Attend the September board meeting 432 a. Report as Annual Meeting Committee liaison 433 434OCTOBER 435 1. See that the Annual Meeting registration packet is sent to all CSPD and WSPD members 436 437NOVEMBER 438 1. Attend the Annual Session of the CDA House of Delegates with the President, President 439 elect, Public Policy Advocate and Executive Director 440 2. Attend the Specialty caucus meetings at the site of the HOD 441 442DECEMBER 443 1. See that a blast email reminder to is sent to the membership as a reminder to register for 444 the Annual Meeting 445 2. Place Annual Meeting registration information on the CSPD Website 446 447JANUARY 448 1. Attend the January board meeting 449 2. Report as Annual Meeting Committee liaison 450 451FEBRUARY 452 453MARCH (assumes Annual Meeting in early April) 454 455APRIL 456 1. Attend the Pre Con meeting at the site of the Annual Meeting 457 2. Attend the April board meeting at the site of the Annual Meeting 458 a. Report as Annual Meeting Committee liaison 459 3. Attend the Organizational board meeting 460 a. Present a summary of the Annual Meeting 461 462 4634. SECRETARY 464 465Duties: The Secretary shall perform all duties delineated in Chapter IV, Section 4 of the 466Bylaws. 467 468The Secretary shall direct and supervise the preparation of the minutes of the Board and the 469Minutes of the Annual Business Session in consultation with the Executive Director as 470appropriate. The Board has directed that the minutes shall be prepared and distributed within 471three weeks in order that the Board members may review the minutes while memories are still 472fresh. Included with the minutes shall be a “Pending Action Sheet” listing the assignments and 473responsibilities of each Board member due for completion or progress report at the next board 474Meeting. 475 476The Secretary shall supervise the revisions to the Motion and Board Activity Record. 477 47 Page 8 of 37 48 Section 10 49 478The Secretary shall create a “Summary of Unofficial Actions of the Board” to be placed on the w 479ebsite and in the Bulletin. 480 481Membership Services Committee: As Chair of the Committee, the Secretary shall oversee the 482following responsibilities: 483 1. Review all applications for membership and make the determination regarding eligibility. 484 2. Answer all questions regarding membership eligibility and ethics that may arise during 485 the year. 486 3. Assume responsibility for the issuance of dues and assessment notices as well as 487 delinquency notices. 488 489Membership Recruitment: As Chair of the Membership Services Committee, the Secretary shall 490also be in charge of the following aspects of membership recruitment: 491 1. Postdoctoral Student Member (Pediatric Dental Resident) recruitment. 492 2. Conversion of Postdoctoral Student Membership to Active Membership status. 493 3. Such special recruitment efforts as may occasionally occur at the direction of the 494 President or the Board. 495 496 4974.a. SECRETARY ANNUAL CALENDAR 498 499APRIL-MAY (following the Annual Meeting) 500 1. Direct and supervise the preparation of the minutes of the Board and the Minutes of the 501 Annual Business Session 502 2. Direct and supervise the preparation of a “Pending Action Sheet” listing the assignments 503 and responsibilities of each Board member 504 3. Determine that the unapproved minutes and pending action sheet is sent to the leadership 505 electronically within 3 weeks following the board meeting 506 4. With the Executive Director prepare any necessary Credentials and Membership 507 Committee reports 508 509JUNE 510 1. Attend the June board meeting 511 a. Report as Secretary 512 b. Report as Credentials and Membership chair 513 514JULY 515 1. Direct and supervise the preparation of the minutes of the Board 516 2. Direct and supervise the preparation of a “Pending Action Sheet” listing the assignments 517 and responsibilities of each Board member 518 3. Determine that the unapproved minutes and pending action sheet is sent to the leadership 519 electronically within 3 weeks following the board meeting 520 521AUGUST 522 1. With the Executive Director prepare any necessary Credentials and Membership 523 Committee reports 524 525SEPTEMBER 50 Page 9 of 37 51 Section 10 52 526 1. Attend the September board meeting 527 a. Report as Secretary 528 b. Report as Credentials and Membership chair 529 530OCTOBER 531 1. Direct and supervise the preparation of the minutes of the Board 532 2. Direct and supervise the preparation of a “Pending Action Sheet” listing the assignments 533 and responsibilities of each Board member 534 3. Determine that the unapproved minutes and pending action sheet is sent to the leadership 535 electronically within 3 weeks following the board meeting 536 537NOVEMBER 538 539DECEMBER 540 1. With the Executive Director prepare any necessary Membership Services Committee 541 reports 542 543JANUARY 544 1. Attend the January board meeting 545 a. Report as Secretary 546 b. Report as Credentials and Membership chair 547 548FEBRUARY 549 1. Direct and supervise the preparation of the minutes of the Board 550 2. Direct and supervise the preparation of a “Pending Action Sheet” listing the assignments 551 and responsibilities of each Board member 552 3. Determine that the unapproved minutes and pending action sheet is sent to the leadership 553 electronically within 3 weeks following the board meeting 554 555MARCH (assumes Annual Meeting in early April) 556 1. With the Executive Director prepare any necessary Membership Services Committee 557 reports 558 559APRIL 560 1. Attend the board meeting at the site of the Annual Meeting 561 a. Report as Secretary 562 b. Report as Membership Services Committee chair 563 564 5655. TREASURER 566 567Duties: The Treasurer shall perform all duties delineated in Chapter IV, Section 5 of the 568Bylaws. The Treasurer will continue to perform his/her duties until the end of the fiscal year 569following the end of his/her term of office. 570 571Budget: Prior to the end of each fiscal year, the current Treasurer shall solicit from each current 572committee chair, officer, and related individuals an expenditure estimate/request along with 573justification for all anticipated expenditures for the ensuing year. Using this information, the 53 Page 10 of 37 54 Section 10 55 574Treasurer and the AMC shall prepare a preliminary budget for presentation to the Board at the 575board meeting held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. 576 577The incoming Treasurer, using this information as well as input from the Board, will prepare the 578final budget for the upcoming fiscal year for presentation and approval at the first quarterly 579board meeting. 580 581Taxes: The Executive Director will direct that all appropriate and necessary tax forms and 582returns are prepared in a timely manner and will sign all such forms on behalf of the Society. All 583tax forms and returns will be prepared by a Certified Public Accountant. 584 585Financial Reports: The AMC will prepare quarterly financial reports for the Board and the 586annual financial report to the Annual Business Session. Reports to include: 587 588 Proposed Budget Yearly Excel 589 Annual Meeting Financial Report Yearly 590 Continuing Education Yearly 591 Reconciliation Summary Quarterly Excel 592 Assets Report Quarterly Excel 593 Income/Expense Report Quarterly Excel 594 Cash Flow Report Quarterly Quicken (Finance Com. Only) 595 Category Detail Report Quarterly Quicken (Finance Com. Only) 596 597Dispersal of Funds: The Executive Director will sign all checks. 598 599 6005.a. TREASURER - ANNUAL CALENDAR 601 602MAY 603 1. Receive the 4th quarter financial reports from the AMC. 604 2. Schedule and hold a Finance Committee conference call. The agenda will include: 605 a. Committee consideration and approval of the financial reports 606 b. Committee consideration and approval of the final fiscal year budget draft 607 3. Prepare a Finance Committee report for the June board meeting 608 4. Prepare a Treasurer’s report for the June board meeting 609 610JUNE 611 1. Attend the June board meeting 612 a. Report as Treasurer and Finance Committee chair 613 614JULY 615 1. With the AMC submit the fiscal year financials to the CSPD accountant to prepare the 616 necessary annual tax filings 617 618AUGUST 619 1. Receive the 1st quarter financial reports from the AMC 620 2. Schedule and hold a Finance Committee conference call. The agenda will include 621 3. committee consideration and approval of the financial reports 56 Page 11 of 37 57 Section 10 58 622 4. Prepare a Finance Committee report for the September board meeting 623 5. Prepare a Treasurer’s report for the September board meeting 624 625SEPTEMBER 626 1. Attend the September board meeting 627 a. Report as Treasurer and Finance Committee chair 628 629OCTOBER 630 631NOVEMBER 632 1. Receive the 2nd quarter financial reports from the AMC. 633 2. Schedule and hold a Finance Committee conference call. The agenda will include 634 3. committee consideration and approval of the financial reports 635 636DECEMBER 637 1. Prepare a Finance Committee report for the January board meeting 638 2. Prepare a Treasurer’s report for the January board meeting 639 640JANUARY 641 1. Attend the January board meeting 642 a. Report as Treasurer and Finance Committee chair 643 2. Contact proposed officer and committee chairs for the following fiscal year for budget 644 requests 645 646FEBRUARY 647 1. Receive the 3rd quarter financial reports from the AMC 648 2. Schedule and hold a Finance Committee conference call. The agenda will include: 649 a. Committee consideration and approval of the financial reports 650 b. Preliminary presentation of a draft budget for the following fiscal year 651 c. In the second year of the Treasurer term, include the Treasurer designate in the 652 committee conference call 653 654MARCH (assumes Annual Meeting in early April 655 1. Prepare a Finance Committee report for the April board meeting 656 2. Prepare a Treasurer’s report for the April board meeting 657 658APRIL 659 1. Attend the board meeting at the site of the Annual Meeting 660 a. Report as Treasurer and Finance Committee chair 661 b. Present the proposed budget for the following year 662 2. Attend the Organizational board meeting 663 3. Continue to perform the Treasurer duties until the end of the fiscal year following the 664 end of the Treasurer term of office. 665 666 6676. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT 668</p><p>59 Page 12 of 37 60 Section 10 61 669Parliamentarian: The Immediate Past President shall serve as Parliamentarian for the Society 670at Board and Annual Business Meetings. 671</p><p>62 Page 13 of 37 63 Section 10 64 65 672 673SECTION IV. APPOINTED OFFICERS 674 6751. EDITOR 676 677Duties: The Editor shall perform all duties delineated in Chapter IV, Section 2 (A) of the 678Bylaws and is a nonvoting ex-officio member of the Board. 679 680In addition to the responsibilities associated with publishing the Bulletin, the Editor will prepare, 681or supervise the preparation of electronic or print articles on behalf of the Society for distribution 682to other professional organizations; the news media and other such groups as may be needed. 683 684The Editor will maintain liaison with other professional publications. 685 686The Editor will maintain CSPD membership in the American Association of Dental Editors. 687 688Compensation: The editor is retained as an independent contractor and shall be paid $7,500.00 689per year in 4 equal installments ($1,875.00), paid within 30 days following the mailing of The 690Bulletin, and is subject to annual revisions at the discretion of the Board of Directors [or its 691designees, e.g. the Executive Committee]. The CSPD shall provide expense reimbursement as 692stipulated in the independent contractor agreement. 693 694Outline of the Publication Process for the Bulletin of the California Society of Pediatric De 695ntistry: 6961. Gather articles that may have relevance to our members. 697 a. Attend each Board of Directors meeting. 698 b. Solicit articles from the membership using the Editorial Committee as appropriate. 699 c. Request copy from officers, committee chairs, and members. 700 d. Stay in contact with the officers and committee chairs. 701 e. Read dental publications and related articles for general information about pediatric 702 dentistry. 703 f. Balance the content. 704 g. Coordinate efforts by committee members responsible for reporting articles. 7052. Edit the material for content, spelling and continuity. 706 a. Use spell checkers and review each article carefully. 707 b. Determine the word count and total size of each article in relation to the entire 708 publication. 7093. Take, or assign someone to take photographs of all events. 710 a. Create a photo file of officers, committee chairs and members. 711 b. Primary responsibility for photographs must rest with the editor. Digital photographs 712 are preferred, otherwise use color positive film - ASA 200. 713 c. Create a digital file system with appropriate directories to relocate photographs. 7144. Create text files of all the material in an unformatted style. 715 a. Use a spell checker without fail. 716 b. Watch for words that are used incorrectly and not identified by the spell checker… 717 such as "to", "two" and "too." 718 c. Create a back-up copy of all files either on the hard drive or on floppies or Zip disks. 719 d. Edit each article more than once. 720 e. Use the grammar checker in Word. 66 67 7215. Use Adobe InDesign software to layout the entire publication. 7226. Review the draft copy for changes including formatting, and prepress errors. 723 a. Then, create a PDF file of the entire Bulletin. 724 b. Then, submit it to the entire editorial committee and other key individuals responsible 725 for articles for editing. 7267. Submit the document for final changes and review the final copy prior to submitting to the 727 printer. 7288. Send the InDesign files to the printer. 7299. Follow the production process until it is delivered to the Executive Director. 73010. Send via PDF copy to all committee members and other interested individuals on an 731 electronic mailing list. 73211. Create a billing list to help the executive director send invoices to advertisers in the Bulletin 733 and coordinated billing for the website. 734 735General: 736 a. Follow the Code for Dental Editors. 737 b. Computer "know-how" and typing speed is a plus. 738 c. Personal contact with prepress is a necessity. 739 d. Create time schedules and encourage compliance. 740 e. Deadline for submissions is two weeks after the Board Meeting. 741 f. Keep a CD copy that is archived of the entire Illustrator file. 742 g. Use email to stay in contact. 743 h. Ask for help from the Officers and/or the Editorial Committee. 744 i. Send out reminder about deadline date to submit articles 745 746Code for Dental Editors: 747American Association of Dental Editors 748October 2001, Kansas City, Missouri 749 750The first responsibility of the editor is to the readers. 751 1. The primary criterion for selecting content, format and timing of publication should be to 752 enable readers to better function in their roles. 753 2. Active steps should be taken to ensure that content is from reputable sources, factually 754 accurate, balanced and unbiased. 755 3. Label opinions as such, disclose potential conflicts and identify sources. 756 4. Publish the mission of the journal and relevant disclaimers. 757 5. Make the publication as readable as possible through a style that is standardized for the 758 publication and careful editing for grammar and clarity. 759 6. Correct errors when recognized. 760 7. Provide and opportunity for responsible alternative opinions. 761 8. Provide references and contact information so that interested readers can verify content 762 and pursue further study. 763The second responsibility of the editor, representing the professional community, is to 764 authors. 765 1. Promote the dignity of the profession, all individuals and all groups. 766 2. Publish regularly the standards for selection of content and format for submission of 767 material. 768 3. Review submitted material in a fashion that is timely, confidential, and constructive and 769 ensures consistency in the selection process. 68 Page 2 of 37 69 Section 10 70 770 4. Work to improve the skills of authors. 771 5. If peer reviewed, standards should be stated for selection of reviewers and the rules under 772 which they operate, and efforts should be made to improve the skills of reviewers. 773The third responsibility of the editor is to the organization publishing the Journal. 774 1. Never place the sponsoring organization in a legally questionable or intentionally 775 embarrassing position. 776 2. The editor must have timely and complete access to policy, mission and important 777 emerging issues within the organization. 778 3. The organization should determine the selection and terms of employment of the editor. 779 4. Advertising must be in good taste and not false and misleading. 780 5. A policy on copyright ownership should be developed and communicated. 781The fourth responsibility of the editor is to the community of editors. 782 1. The editor must conscientiously strive to remain informed of emerging trends in the 783 fields and subjects covered in the publication. 784 2. The editor should receive training needed to perform duties assigned and should keep 785 such skills current. 786 3. The editor should have final say over content of the publication. 787 4. The editor must seek advice of and be open to guidance from peers. 788 5. A policy covering republication and other use of published material should be published 789 and sharing of material, with proper acknowledgement, is encouraged where the 790 profession benefits from this practice. 791 6. The editor should be above suspicion of party influence, conflict of interest or personal 792 agenda. 793 7. 794 EDITOR/SMITH MOORE AND ASSOCIATES CALENDAR May June Bulletin board reports are due 2-3 weeks after the Board Meeting. Once the reports are edited and sent to SMA, it typically takes about two weeks to finalize the revisions and proofing process. Have SMA E-mail Pediatric Program Directors that the CSPD Bulletin is available to download and include a Student Membership Application with the e-mail. (See sample below*) Once the Bulletin is finalized and put on the CSPD website, have SMA send out e-blast to CSPD and WSPD membership that the Bulletin is available to download. July August Have SMA begin developing the Annual Meeting Sponsor Prospectus and Sponsor Registration Form for the following year’s Annual Meeting. Should be done by the end of September. September Bulletin board reports are due 2-3 weeks after the Board Meeting. Once the reports are edited and sent to SMA, it typically takes about two weeks to finalize the revisions and proofing process Have SMA E-mail Pediatric Program Directors that the CSPD Bulletin is available to download and include a Student Membership Application with the e-mail. (See sample below*) Once the Bulletin is finalized and put on the CSPD website, have SMA send out e-blast to CSPD and WSPD membership that the Bulletin is available to download. 71 Page 3 of 37 72 Section 10 73 October November December January Bulletin board reports are due 2-3 weeks after the Board Meeting. Once the reports are edited and sent to SMA, it typically takes about two weeks to finalize the revisions and proofing process. Have SMA E-mail Pediatric Program Directors that the CSPD Bulletin is available to download and include a Student Membership Application with the e-mail. (See sample below*) Once the Bulletin is finalized and put on the CSPD website, have SMA send out e-blast to CSPD and WSPD membership that the Bulletin is available to download. February Begin collecting website addresses and logos for the current year’s advertisers for the Annual Meeting March Bulletin board reports are due 2-3 weeks after the Board Meeting. Once the reports are edited and sent to SMA, it typically takes about two weeks to finalize the revisions and proofing process Have SMA E-mail Pediatric Program Directors that the CSPD Bulletin is available to download and include a Student Membership Application with the e-mail. (See sample below*) Once the Bulletin is finalized and put on the CSPD website, have SMA send out e-blast to CSPD and WSPD membership that the Bulletin is available to download April Bulletin board reports are due 2-3 weeks after the Board Meeting. Once the (Depending reports are edited and sent to SMA, it typically takes about two weeks to upon the date finalize the revisions and proofing process of the annual Have SMA E-mail Pediatric Program Directors that the CSPD Bulletin is meeting) available to download and include a Student Membership Application with the e-mail. (See sample below*) Once the Bulletin is finalized and put on the CSPD website, have SMA send out e-blast to CSPD and WSPD membership that the Bulletin is available to download. 795 796* Good afternoon. The Fall, 2013 CSPD Bulletin is now available online. Please download the 797Bulletin for the latest industry updates and association activities. Please forward this to all your 798residents as some of them may plan on practicing in California and would like to stay abreast of 799what is happening in the Golden State. I’ve also attached an application for Student 800Membership in CSPD for any residents who may be interested in joining. 801 802 8032. WEBSITE EDITOR 804 805Duties: The Website Editor shall perform all duties delineated in Chapter IV, Section 2 (B) of 806the Bylaws and is a nonvoting ex-officio member of the Board. </p><p>807Compensation: The website editor is retained as an independent contractor and shall be paid 808$7,500.00 per year in 4 equal installments ($1,875.00), paid within 30 days following the 809quarterly Board of Directors meeting, and is subject to annual revisions at the discretion of the 74 Page 4 of 37 75 Section 10 76 810Board of Directors [or its designees, e.g. the Executive Committee]. The CSPD shall provide 811expense reimbursement as stipulated in the independent contractor agreement. 812 813Website Editor Job Description 8141. The Website Editor, as a member of the Editorial Committee, shall assist the Editor along 815 with other committee members in developing content for the website and other CSPD 816 publications. 8172. The Website Editor shall consult with and receive the oversight of the Editor and the other 818 members of the Editorial committee at regular intervals. 8193. The Website Editor should be comfortable with and adaptable to the ever-changing computer 820 technologies enough to advise leadership and accommodate their requests. 8214. The Website Editor should be able to maintain a site that is fresh, exciting, and appealing to 822 members and visitors alike. 8235. The Website Editor shall provide a quarterly report to the Board that includes an update on 824 website usage. 8256. The Website Editor’s primary responsibility shall be to manage the CSPD website by: 826 A. Gathering and receiving content of relevance to our members and to the public visitors to 827 our site. This may involve attending Board meetings, requesting copy from our officers, 828 committee chairs, and members. It may also involve searching the World Wide Web and 829 other publications. 830 B. Working with a variety of content providers to optimize the content for the best viewing 831 on the website. 832 1. Text must be converted to HTML format (Hypertext Markup Language). 833 2. Graphics must be processed for appropriate compression techniques, resolutions, 834 sizes, color maps, and depths to insure that images are delivered to viewers at 835 sufficiently high speeds and quality. 836 3. Some files should be converted to PDF format for best downloading by Adobe 837 Acrobat Reader. 838 C. Assessing new standards, technologies and trends to formulate a strategic plan for 839 enhancing the site. The Website Editor will present to and consult with the Editorial 840 Committee about this plan. 841 D. Assisting the Board with the evaluation of on-line education technologies and 842 coordinating with other vendors to provide continuing education opportunities for 843 members and designated visitors. 844 E. Producing a consistent visual image on the site by promoting uniform fonts, formatting, 845 icons, images and layout techniques that are coordinated with other CSPD publications. 846 F. Maintaining template, content, and image archives. 847 G. Managing links with other sites ensuring that these links are up to date and appropriate. 848 H. Ensuring that all leadership requests, membership requests, website mail received, and 849 website maintenance needs are cared for in a timely manner. 850 I. Acting as a liaison between CSPD and the AAPD Website Editor and our Website 851 hosting/development company. 852 853 8543. PUBLIC POLICY ADVOCATE 855 856Duties: The Public Policy Advocate shall perform all duties delineated in Chapter IV, Section 2 857(C) of the Bylaws and is a nonvoting ex-officio member of the Board. 858 77 Page 5 of 37 78 Section 10 79 859The CSPD Public Policy Advocate (PPA) shall be nominated by the President and appointed by 860majority approval of the Board of Directors. The term of appointment shall be for one year and 861shall coincide with the terms of the elected officers. The Public Policy Advocate may be re- 862appointed for an unlimited number of one-year terms at the discretion and approval of the Board 863of Directors. The President or President-Elect may utilize a search committee when appropriate 864to secure candidates and make recommendation to the Board of Directors for the appointment of 865the Public Policy Advocate. 866 867The Public Policy Advocate shall serve without stipend, but will be reimbursed costs directly 868associated with travel and lodging when representing or attending meetings of the Society, and 869paid a per diem allowance of $100 to offset personal expenses, including meals. 870 871The Responsibilities of the Public Policy Advocate shall include, but not be limited to, the 872following: 873 1. To serve as the Society’s advocate for the oral health issues of infants, children, 874 adolescents and patients with special health care and developmental needs primarily, but 875 not exclusively, at the state level. The Advocate shall interact with the legislature and 876 other elected bodies, regulatory agencies, licensing bureaus, professional health and child 877 welfare organizations, foundations, institutions of dental education, publicly-funded 878 safety net programs and the private sector benefits industry, as well as the public at all 879 levels of policy making, in representing children’s oral health issues. 880 2. To cultivate and maintain working relationships with key policy makers which allow 881 access to the decision making process of government and society in matters of children’s 882 oral health. 883 3. To coordinate in so far as possible the advocacy efforts of the California Society of 884 Pediatric Dentistry with those of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the 885 California Dental Association. 886 4. To monitor on an ongoing basis issues which affect the oral health of children and to 887 serve as an information resource to the Officers and Directors of the Society regarding 888 these issues. 889 5. To provide, upon request, recommendation for CSPD policy or action in matters 890 pertaining to oral health and public policy. 891 6. To work with the appropriate committees of the Society as directed by the Executive 892 Committee or Board of Directors in advancing the CSPD legislative, advocacy and child 893 welfare agenda. 894 7. To assist the Officers and Directors in setting advocacy goals for the Society and devising 895 strategies to achieve these goals. 896 8. To provide expert testimony in Sacramento and elsewhere as appropriate, and to make 897 proper introductions of CSPD president, or key experts on issues to the appropriate 898 lobbyists, legislative assistants, or legislators. 899 900The Duties of the Public Policy Advocate shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 901 1. To attend the meetings of the Board of Directors of the California Society of Pediatric 902 Dentistry and to provide at each meeting, or when otherwise requested, a written report of 903 the activities of the Public Policy Advocate and issues affecting children’s oral health. 904 2. To attend, at the direction of the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors, 905 meetings of other organizations and bodies as necessary to effectively advocate 906 children’s oral health issues. These may include meetings of the Dental Board of 907 California (DBC), the California Oral Health Access Council, the Dental Advisory 80 Page 6 of 37 81 Section 10 82 908 Committee to the California Dental Disease Prevention Program, the California 909 Department of Public Health / California Department of Health Care Services Dental 910 Health Workgroup and the California Dental Association House of Delegates, the CDA 911 Interdisciplinary Affairs Committee, and regularly scheduled or special meetings of other 912 healthcare organizations, government bodies or regulatory agencies. 913 3. To monitor all bills under consideration by the state legislature which affect children’s 914 oral health and to make recommendations by written report at each meeting of the Board 915 of Directors for CSPD position and possible course of action on each bill. 916 4. To prepare, at the direction of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors, written 917 correspondence or other directives necessary to the public or private discourse in matters 918 pertaining to children’s oral health policy and to provide written or oral testimony before 919 state legislative committees, governmental agencies, or regulatory bodies. 920 5. To submit quarterly articles for The Bulletin which inform and educate the membership 921 on issues of public policy and oral health. 922 6. Attend the Annual Meeting of the California Dental Association House of Delegates, at 923 the discretion of the President: 924 a. To review all resolutions before the House; to prepare for the Executive 925 Committee an analysis of those resolutions pertinent to pediatric dental care and 926 practice with a recommendation for CSPD’s position or amendment. 927 b. To represent CSPD on the floor of the House of Delegates and, where 928 appropriate, to advocate CSPD’s position on resolutions before the House. 929 c. To attend the meeting of the Interdisciplinary Affairs Committee’s Specialty 930 Groups Caucus and, with the CSPD President, communicate CSPD’s position on 931 resolutions before the House. 932 d. To attend the meeting of the CSPD Pediatric Dental Caucus and to assist the 933 CSPD president in the presentation of CSPD’s position on resolutions before the 934 House. 935 936Electronic Interim Decisions Policy: When the Public Policy Advocate desires to ascertain the 937“will of the Board” on a specific issue, he/she will send background information and a specific 938request to the entire Board. The Board will be notified of the timeframe in which a response is 939requested. During that time period, members of the Board may engage in electronic dialogue to 940raise questions or express opinions. By the end of the timeframe, members of the Executive 941Committee will make their final recommendations or opinions known. The PPA will tally these 942opinions and report the “will of the Board” to the President, including the actual vote count. If 943the President does not raise objection in a reasonable timeframe, the PPA will then act according 944to the Board’s “will.” At the next meeting of the Board of Directors, there will be a formal vote 945taken, to make any action an official action of the Board. 946</p><p>83 Page 7 of 37 84 Section 10 85 86 947 948SECTION V. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 949 950Duties and Responsibilities: The Executive Director shall be responsible for the administrative 951management of the Society and its day-to-day operations, in concert with, and at the direction of, 952the Officers and Board of Directors. The Executive Director is directly responsible to and 953supervised by the President. A complete reference guide which outlines the responsibilities of the 954Executive Director is found in the Executive Director Manual which is kept in the Society office and 955with the Governance and Administrative Review Committee within the Executive Director 956Evaluation Subcommittee. 957 958The Executive Director will be responsible for maintaining and reporting all activities of all 959Society bank accounts and investment and money market accounts and certificates of deposit as 960well as act as liaison with all financial agencies with whom CSPD does business. 961 962The Executive Director will be the custodian of all Society print and electronic records - both 963current and archived. A copy of these records will be maintained away from the Society office. 964 965The Society will maintain a detailed job description for the position of Executive Director. 966Generally, the Executive Director shall function independently to discharge his/her 967responsibilities so long as the actions are consistent with Society policy and procedures. S/he 968shall consult with the President, other Officers and Board as appropriate. 969 970The Executive Director shall sit as an ex officio member of the Executive Committee, 971Credentials and Membership and the Annual Site Selection Subcommittee. 972 973The Executive Director shall maintain a master calendar for the Society to include, but not 974limited to, duties and meeting obligations for the officers. This shall be made available to all 975Board members. 976 977The Executive Director shall have the authority to negotiate a contract with the hotel/resort site 978chosen for the Annual Session. S/he shall have the authority to sign the contract. All contracts 979shall be reviewed by the Board at the next quarterly Board meeting 980 981The Executive Director shall be responsible for preparing and providing recognition awards for t 982he Annual Meeting. 983 984The Executive Director will provide the quarterly Treasurer’s reports to the CSPD accountant. 985 986CSPD Executive Director will send the Society’s unapproved minutes to the CSPDF trustees. 987 988Contractual Considerations: The Executive Director will be retained on a yearly contractual 989basis. The contractual arrangements, compensation and performance will be reviewed annually 990by the Special Committee on Evaluation of the Executive Director and Administrative 991Operations. 992 993Qualifications: A Search Committee appointed by the Board shall construct criteria for an 994Executive Director. This criteria shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee and subject to 995approval by the Board. 87 88 996 997The Search Committee shall be delegated by the Board to review applications. It shall make a 998recommendation of the most qualified candidate(s) for the position to the Board of Directors. 999The Board of Directors reserves the right to hire or fire an Executive Director. 1000 1001In the event that the Society cannot secure an Executive Director, the Board may elect to utilize 1002the services of an Executive Secretary in the day-to-day operations of the Society’s business. 1003 1004New Board Member Orientation: The Executive Director shall prepare and deliver a new 1005Board member orientation in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. 1006 1007Credit Card: The Society will maintain a credit card for the use of the Executive Director for 1008postage, office supplies, equipment, meetings and travel and other Society approved expenses. 1009 1010AAPD Annual Meeting: The Executive Director is strongly encouraged to attend the AAPD 1011Annual Meeting. S/he shall be reimbursed for standard airfare, lodging and registration fees in an 1012amount not to exceed $2,000.00 annually. 1013 1014Computer Software: The Executive Director will obtain and maintain current software copies 1015of Quicken and Excel and supply them to the incoming Treasurer as needed. 1016 1017Policy and Procedure Manual: The Executive Director will assist the President Elect in 1018updating the Policy & Procedure Manual quarterly and send it electronically to the CSPD 1019leadership. 1020 1021CDA House of Delegates: The Executive Director, along with the President, President 1022Elect, Vice President and Public Policy Advocate, will attend the Annual Session of the 1023CDA House of Delegates. 1024 1025Constitution and Bylaws: The Executive Director shall prepare and distribute to the 1026general membership proposed changes to the Constitution and Bylaws such that they are 1027received one month prior to Annual Session both electronically and in print. 1028 1029 1030SECTION VI. COMMITTEES 1031 10321. COMMITTEE GUIDELINES AND POLICIES 1033 1034Introduction: These guidelines are intended to provide guidance for committee members and 1035chairs. Their purpose is to clarify responsibilities and to assist in meeting commitments to the 1036Society and its membership. Individuals are carefully chosen and voluntarily agree to serve. A 1037committee appointment carries a responsibility to colleagues. A professional organization can 1038only function effectively if its members participate actively. If this responsibility cannot be met, 1039then another member should be given the opportunity to participate. 1040 1041Committee Structure: Standing committees generally consist of at least three members, one of 1042whom serves as a chair. However, each committee will have the number of appointees necessary 1043to dispense its responsibilities 89 Page 2 of 37 90 Section 10 91 1044 1045Board Liaison: Should a non-Board member chair a committee a member of the Board of 1046Directors will be appointed by the President to serve as a consultant to each committee, serving 1047in an advisory and liaison capacity to facilitate communication between the Board and the 1048Committee. The liaison should be appraised of all committee activity on an ongoing basis, 1049invited to committee meetings when appropriate, and be provided a written report to distribute to 1050the Board at least fifteen days before each meeting of the Board of Directors. 1051 1052Selection of Committee Members: Except where otherwise specified in the bylaws the 1053Incoming President, as President-Elect, shall nominate standing committees and chairs. 1054Committee appointments become effective when the President-Elect becomes President. 1055Selections for committee membership arise in several ways. Recommendations may come from 1056members of the Board of Directors, Nominating Committee deliberations and from present and 1057past Board members. Members are also encouraged to volunteer their names for consideration, 1058for many times their interest might otherwise be unknown or overlooked. Geographic 1059distribution may be taken into consideration in making committee appointments; however, in the 1060final analysis, judgments regarding capability, experience and commitment are the ultimate 1061criteria for committee assignment. 1062 1063Committee Member Terms: Except where otherwise specified herein, the same individual 1064may serve as chair of a given committee for a maximum of three (3) consecutive years. An 1065individual after having served the maximum number of consecutive committee terms shall not be 1066eligible to serve again on that committee for four years. 1067 1068Chair Responsibility: The performance of a committee is usually a reflection of the leadership 1069provided by its chair. The chair has all the responsibilities of an individual committee member 1070with the further obligation of obtaining maximum participation from others on the committee. 1071This involves maintaining active communication with committee members as well as actively 1072seeking or grooming a successor to the chair. 1073 1074Annual Charge: Each committee will receive from the President at the initiation of his/her term 1075a “charge” or charter listing the goals, objectives and responsibilities of the committee for the 1076coming year. The committee will do its best to address these responsibilities and goals 1077throughout the year. In its final report to the Board at the end of the year, the committee will 1078respond to each item in its charge. 1079Quarterly Board Reports: The chair of each committee shall prepare a written report for the 1080Board prior to each quarterly board meeting. The report shall include a summary of the 1081committee’s activities for the preceding quarter. Any recommendations requiring action by the 1082Board should be noted clearly in the report and phrased as a motion where possible. The Board 1083liaison member to the committee should be completely informed on any issues requiring action 1084by the Board in order to present the committee’s viewpoint and represent the committee’s 1085knowledge before Board deliberations. 1086 1087The quarterly Board report shall be submitted to the Executive Director at least fifteen days prior 1088to the Board meeting for distribution. 1089 1090Annual Board Report: The chair of each committee shall prepare a written year-end report to 1091the Board at the final quarterly Board meeting. The report shall comment upon the disposition of 92 Page 3 of 37 93 Section 10 94 1092its charge by the President as well as chronicle its activities during the year. It should comment 1093on all subjects considered by the committee and embody such resolutions and recommendations 1094as deemed appropriate. It should indicate the direction and activities the current committee 1095suggests for the following year and include a budget request, along with justification, for the 1096following year. 1097 1098Committee Records: The chair of each committee will be responsible for maintaining the 1099Record Book of the committee during the year. The Record Book should contain not only all 1100committee reports to the Board, but all correspondence and other materials as may be helpful to 1101future committees. A duplicate copy of the committee records shall be kept by the Executive 1102Director at the central office and the original passed to the successor chair. 1103 1104 11052. STANDING COMMITTEES 1106Adoption and Amendment Dates: April, 2011 1107 11082.a. GOVERNANCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE 1109 1110Duties: 1111 1. Review (at no less than five-year intervals) the governance structure of the Society and 1112 make recommendation to the Board for any changes. 1113 2. To review and propose changes to the Policy and Procedure Manual as necessary to 1114 conform to changes in the Bylaws or Society operations. 1115 3. To develop annual goals and conduct an annual evaluation of the appointed Officers with 1116 a report to the Board. 1117 1118Executive Director Evaluation Subcommittee 1119 1120Composition: The Sub-committee shall be composed of the President Elect, President, 1121Immediate Past President, and one additional member-at-large appointed by the President. The 1122President shall serve as chair of the subcommittee. 1123 1124Duties: 1125 1. To develop annual goals and conduct an annual evaluation of the Executive Director with 1126 a report to the Board. 1127 2. To annually review the job description of the Executive Director, including contractual 1128 arrangements, compensation and performance and make appropriate recommendations for 1129 change. 1130 3. In the event the Executive Director is unable to fulfill the job, this committee will form a 1131 search committee to develop appropriate requirements based on the job description, 1132 solicit, review and interview applicants and make recommendations to the Board. 1133 1134 11352.b. MEMBERSHIP SERVICES 1136 1137 1138Duties: </p><p>95 Page 4 of 37 96 Section 10 97 1139 1. To determine the qualifications for membership in the Society subject to the provisions of 1140 the Articles of Incorporation and these Bylaws. 1141 2. To receive and certify recommendations for membership and recommend member’s 1142 suspension or expulsion from membership for cause. 1143 3. To act upon nominations for Honorary membership at the Annual Meeting; the 1144 Committee shall notify the nominating member in writing within thirty (30) days of the 1145 Annual Meeting whether the nominated person was approved by the membership’s vote 1146 at the Annual Meeting. 1147 4. To recommend, develop, and oversee membership services programs including quality 1148 educational programs for the membership. 1149 5. To coordinate Society membership recruitment and retention activities including the 1150 development of programs and membership marketing. 1151 6. To develop and present live and online continuing education courses for members, allied 1152 dental health personnel, and other health professionals. 1153 7. To develop and recommend membership-related policies. 1154 1155 MEMBERSHIP SERVICES COMMITTEE CALENDAR May Membership Services Chair contacts Chair of New Dentist Committee to make sure they are on board with their calendar of events. Membership Services Chair contacts Chair of CE Committee to make sure they are on board with their calendar of events. Secure a list of CSPD members who have not renewed their dues to urge them to continue membership. Work with the Executive Director. (Possibly a phone call from a Board member friend). Membership Services Chair contacts the CE and New Dentist subcommittee chairs to remind them to have a board report ready for the upcoming CSPD quarterly board meeting. June Submit Membership Services Committee board report for the CSPD quarterly board meeting. Ensure SMA has contacted the program directors of the California Pediatric dental residency programs to update their database containing the contact information for the 1) graduating students, and 2) incoming residents. Ideally, the contact information for the graduating dental students should be their post-graduating information (i.e., not their residency emails and addresses, which will be out of date once they graduate.) Mail congratulatory letter to the graduating residents and also invite them to maintain membership in CSPD as an active member when their dues notice arrives. First year dues are 50%. July/August Membership Services Chair contacts the CE and New Dentist subcommittee chairs to remind them to have a board report ready for the upcoming CSPD quarterly board meeting. September Submit Membership Services Committee board report for the CSPD quarterly board meeting. Contact SMA to have them ready to send out a letter to the new pediatric dentists (graduating this past May/June), urging them to continue active membership. October Mail letter (referenced in September) to pediatric dentists that have recently 98 Page 5 of 37 99 Section 10 100 completed a program in California to remind them to look for their dues envelope in November and encourage them to continue as active members. Create or review and update if necessary any insert that may be placed with the dues notices (eg. Membership Brochure, Benefits of membership, CSPD foundation info, etc). Letter should be on file with SMA and will need periodic update. Contact SMA to have them ready to send out a recent California grad (graduating the previous 2 years) letter in non-member dues statements utilizing the previous 2 year data base to catch any recent grads in the past 3 years that have not joined CSPD to once again encourage them to join CSPD. Letter should be on file with SMA and will need periodic update. November Dues notices are mailed out November 1st. Have any Membership services insert placed with the dues notice (done by the AMC). Also insert any CSPD foundation information. Have SMA Insert letter (referenced in October) and CSPD brochure with dues statements to non-member graduates of California pediatric dental residency programs of the previous 2 years that have not joined CSPD to encourage them to join as active members. December Membership Services Chair contacts the CE and New Dentist subcommittee chairs to remind them to have a board report ready for the upcoming CSPD quarterly board meeting. January Submit Membership Services Committee board report for the CSPD quarterly board meeting Have SMA send out second dues reminders via e-mail to those members who have not renewed. February Contact the CE subcommittee chair to remind them to have a board report ready for the upcoming CSPD quarterly board meeting. Contact the New Dentist subcommittee chair to remind them to have a board report ready for the upcoming CSPD quarterly board meeting. Meet with SMA to ensure proper archival of past year's documents such that annual documents/presentations reflect most up-to-date information and can be used by upcoming year's chairs (letters to residents, database of graduates, dues reminder letters, membership brochures, Lunch and Learn presentations, etc). March Submit Membership Services Committee board report for the CSPD quarterly board meeting. Have SMA send out third dues reminders via e-mail to those members who have not renewed. April Members are in default if dues are not received by March 31st. Along with the Executive Director, have SMA notify the delinquent member in writing, e-mail and via phone to inform them of their delinquency. They have 30 days to correct the default otherwise be dropped from membership. Contact (via mail/email, phone call, or survey) CSPD members who dropped their membership to explore reason for not renewing membership--> report to Board results in June Board meeting. 1156 1157 101 Page 6 of 37 102 Section 10 103 11582.c. NOMINATING COMMITTEE 1159This committee is directly responsible to the membership. At each Annual Business Meeting, 1160one member-at-large shall be nominated and voted upon by the general membership for a three- 1161year term. 1162 1163Duties: 1164 1. The Committee shall propose one name each for President Elect, Vice President, 1165 Secretary, Treasurer, and for each Director vacancy on the Board of Directors. 1166 2. The Directors shall be selected alternately from Northern and Southern California. These 1167 names shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary ninety (90) days prior to the Annual 1168 Meeting. The report will include a paragraph or CV about each of the newly nominated 1169 Directors or Officers. 1170 3. The Secretary shall then mail to the members a copy of these nominations at least sixty 1171 (60) days prior to the Annual Meeting. 1172 4. A member not nominated by the Nominating Committee but wishing to be nominated for 1173 any Board position must submit in writing his/her request to be on the ballot. A written 1174 endorsement signed by ten (10) voting members must accompany this request no less 1175 than thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting. 1176 5. The Secretary shall have ballots printed with all names nominated by either of the 1177 aforementioned methods. The names for each office shall be in alphabetical order. The 1178 election shall be held at the Annual Meeting. 1179 1180 NOMINATING COMMITTEE CALENDAR NOVEMBER/ Vet the applicants for President Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, DECEMBER and each vacant Director position on the Board of Directors</p><p>January Submit to the Board of Directors one name each for the positions of President Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and each vacant Director position on the Board of Directors</p><p>1181 1182 11832.d. ANNUAL MEETING COMMITTEE 1184 1185Duties: 1186 1. To plan, coordinate and oversee the Annual Meeting. 1187 2. To identify the location for the yearly meeting and oversee all site considerations. 1188 3. To develop and oversee the scientific program and all social and educational activities. 1189 11902.e. PEER REVIEW 1191 1192Duties: 1193 1. It shall be the duty of this committee to inform the recognized professional, lay and 1194 governmental organizations of the parameters for peer review of all phases of dentistry 1195 for infants, children, adolescents and persons with disabilities 1196 2. To identify and maintain a panel of members who will act on peer review committees of 1197 the California Dental Association.</p><p>104 Page 7 of 37 105 Section 10 106 1198 3. To perform those specialty peer review activities delineated by the CDA Council on Peer 1199 Review. 1200 12012.f. FINANCE COMMITTEE 1202 It shall be the duty of this committee to monitor and make recommendations on policy 1203concerning the management of the financial resources of the Society. 1204 1205Duties: 1206 1. To annually review the preliminary estimates of income, expenditures and additions to 1207 reserves and to review and submit a proposed budget to the Board prior to the next fiscal 1208 year. The Committee shall prepare and submit a final budget for the approval and 1209 adoption of the Board at the first meeting of the fiscal year. 1210 2. To oversee and provide guidance for the Annual Meeting and online continuing 1211 education budgets. 1212 3. To oversee and provide guidance on the investment of reserve funds. The Finance 1213 Committee shall report quarterly to the Board and annually to the membership on the 1214 Society’s financial condition. 1215 4. To monitor and make recommendations on policy concerning the management of the 1216 financial resources of the Society. 1217 5. To make recommendations on the generation of non-dues revenue for the Society 1218 including the Annual Meeting. 1219 12202.g. PATIENT SERVICES COMMITTEE 1221 1222Duties: 1223 1. To promote and make recommendations to improve patient safety specifically in to the 1224 areas of anesthesia, sedation, and other behavior guidance modalities that may be utilized 1225 in the provision of oral health services to infants, children adolescents and persons with 1226 disabilities. 1227 2. To advise recognized professional, lay and governmental organizations of the Clinical 1228 Guidelines and Oral Health Policies of this organization and the American Academy of 1229 Pediatric Dentistry as they relate to all phases of dentistry for infants, children, and 1230 adolescents including those with special health care needs. 1231 1232 12332.h. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1234 It shall be the duty of this committee to ensure that Board members and other volunteer leaders 1235develop effective leadership skills necessary to continue the growth of the Society. This 1236committee acts in an “advisory” capacity to the Board and to the Nominating Committee to 1237recruit and train members for leadership. 1238 1239Duties: 1240 1. To identify and recruit members for appointed and elected leadership positions in the 1241 Society and maintain a database of volunteers with information on their skill sets, 1242 interests and leadership experience within and outside the Society. 1243 2. To accept and review candidate applications for volunteer leadership positions. 1244 3. To recruit and forward to the Nominating Committee at least one candidate for each 1245 elected and appointed leadership position. 107 Page 8 of 37 108 Section 10 109 1246 4. To promote in elected and appointed volunteer leaders those leadership skills necessary 1247 for the continued effectiveness and growth of the Society. 1248 12492.i. AUDIT COMMITTEE 1250 1251Duties: 1252 1. To recommend to the Board the selection, retention or termination of an independent 1253 auditor. 1254 2. To negotiate the compensation of the independent auditor for approval by the Board. 1255 3. To confer with the independent auditor and satisfy the committee members that the 1256 financial affairs of CSPD are in order. 1257 4. To review and determine whether to recommend that the Board accept or reject the audit. 1258 5. To recommend to the Board procedures for the receipt, retention, and treatment of 1259 complaints regarding accounting, internal accounting controls, or auditing matters. 1260 1261 12622.j. COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE 1263 It shall be the duty of this committee to manage the Society’s print and electronic media, edit 1264any article that is to be published under the name of the Society, and complete any other duties 1265defined by the Board of Directors. 1266 1267Duties 1268 1. To publish a Society newsletter, and manage the Society’s print and electronic media. 1269 2. To approve any article that is to be published under the name of the Society and any other 1270 duties defined by the Board of Directors. 1271 3. Work with the Finance Committee to increase advertising income in the Bulletin and 1272 Website. 1273 12742.k. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1275The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President (as Chair), President-Elect, 1276Immediate Past President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer as voting members. The 1277Editor and Executive Director shall be ex officio members of the committee without the right to 1278vote. In the absence of the President, the office of Chair shall be filled by the President-elect, 1279and in his/her absence, the Vice President shall succeed as Chair. It will be the duty of this 1280committee to conduct and supervise all business and affairs of the Society and to direct the 1281officers in the exercise of their powers and duties when the Board is not in session, all on an 1282interim basis. All decisions of the Executive Committee are subject to review and approval at 1283the next meeting of the Board of Directors. 1284 12852.l. CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS COMMITTEE 1286The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall consist of five (5) voting members, including the 1287Chair appointed by the President. In addition to the Chair, the Immediate Past President, the 1288President Elect and two appointed members shall serve on the committee. Should the Immediate 1289Past President be appointed Chair a third appointed member will be selected for a one year term. 1290The Chair shall be appointed for a three year term and may serve a maximum of two consecutive 1291terms. The appointed members shall each be selected for a two-year term and may serve a 1292maximum of two consecutive terms. 1293 110 Page 9 of 37 111 Section 10 112 1294Duties: It shall be the duty of this Committee to receive all proposed amendments to the 1295Constitution and Bylaws for study and recommendations to the membership as provided in 1296Chapter VIII of these Bylaws. It shall be the additional duty of the Committee to review and 1297propose changes to the Society leadership documents as necessary to codify actions and 1298amendments by the membership and operation actions of the leadership. The Committee will 1299review Board Meeting minutes, incorporate leadership actions that require amendments to the 1300Policy and Procedure Manual and forward to the Board. The Committee will review Board 1301Meeting minutes, incorporate leadership actions that require amendments to the Policy and 1302Procedure Manual and forward to the Board. 1303 1304 1305 13063. SPECIAL COMMITTEES 1307The President may appoint special committees and their chairs as is deemed necessary and 1308directed by the Board of Directors. 1309 1310 1311Consultants, Advisors and Staff Support: The President shall have the authority to appoint 1312consultants and advisors to each committee for a term of one year, which may be renewed 1313without limit. Consultants are non-voting members who provide expertise to the committee. The 1314Executive Director shall provide each Committee with staff support.</p><p>113 Page 10 of 37 114 Section 10 115 116 1315SECTION VII. MEMBERSHIP 1316 1317 13181. PROCEDURES FOR MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION AND DUES STRUCTURE 1319 1320Active: The applicant completes a formal application, which is submitted to the Executive 1321Director with an application fee of $25.00 and payment of the full annual dues. 1322 1323The completed application is reviewed and approved or denied based upon information provided 1324by the applicant and the criteria established by the Society. 1325 1326When approved, the application is returned to the Executive Director, who will notify the 1327applicant of membership status by letter along with a membership directory and a copy of the 1328Constitution and Bylaws. If the application is approved prior to June 30th, then the dues are 1329applied to that calendar year. If the application is approved after July 1st, then the dues are 1330applied to the following calendar year. 1331 1332The applicant’s check is then deposited in the Society’s account. In the event that the applicant 1333is denied membership, then the full amount of the check, including the application fee, is 1334returned to the applicant. 1335 1336Upon notification of membership, the applicant becomes a member of the Society, with all rights 1337therein. 1338 1339A member profile update will be included in the mailing of the annual statements and may 1340include information requested by the Board which may include demographic changes and 1341practice patterns. This information will be analyzed by the appropriate requesting committee. 1342 1343If a California nonmember registers to attend the Annual Meeting, pays the membership 1344registration fee and first year’s dues, and is otherwise eligible for membership, that nonmember 1345should be extended the opportunity to join the Society by completion of the membership 1346application. This application should be ruled upon by the Credentials and Membership 1347committee prior to the Annual Meeting, and, if approved, the applicant may attend the Annual 1348Meeting as a member of the Society. 1349 1350Postdoctoral Student: Pediatric dentistry postdoctoral students enrolled in accredited 1351programs will be offered the opportunity to join the Society as Postdoctoral Student members 1352after completion of a membership application. The Executive Director will obtain a list of the 1353new postdoctoral students enrolled in California pediatric dental programs each year and will 1354extend the membership application by mail. Postdoctoral students in programs outside of 1355California may also hold Postdoctoral Student membership status. 1356 1357The application fee for postdoctoral students is waived and there are no yearly dues. 1358 1359Postdoctoral student applications will be ruled upon by the Credentials and Membership 1360committee. 1361 1362The postdoctoral student enjoys Active membership benefits throughout the calendar year of 1363his/her program completion. 117 118 1364 1365Following satisfactory completion of the postgraduate program, establishing residency in 1366California, and meeting the requirements for Active membership, Postdoctoral Student members 1367will be sent, a dues notice the following November reflecting a first year dues reduction of 50%. 1368Full dues will be charged the succeeding year. 1369 1370When transferring membership status from Postdoctoral to Active, the following will be verified: 1371 1372 Satisfactory completion of an accredited pediatric dentistry postdoctoral program 1373 Membership in both the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Ped 1374 iatric Dentistry 1375Predoctoral Student: Predoctoral students enrolled in a CODA accredited dental school in the 1376 state of California will be offered the opportunity to join the Society with a 1377 written endorsement from the director or chair of their pediatric dental 1378 department. 1379 1380The application fee for predoctoral students is waived and there are no dues. 1381 1382Membership in the Society will terminate upon graduation unless the member is enrolled in one 1383of the accredited California programs in pediatric dentistry or requests a change to Affiliate mem 1384bership (if eligible). 1385 1386Affiliate: An applicant for Affiliate membership shall be dentists who are not specialists in 1387pediatric dentistry and physicians residing in California whose interests are consistent with the 1388Mission of the Society. 1389 1390An applicant for Affiliate membership will complete and submit an application to the Executive 1391Director with an application fee of $25.00 and payment of dues in an amount equal to 50% of the 1392Active membership dues. 1393 1394If approved, the application is returned to the Executive Director who will notify the applicant of 1395membership status by letter and send a membership directory and a copy of the Constitution and 1396Bylaws. 1397 1398 1399Allied Professional: An applicant for Allied Professional membership shall be all non-dentists 1400or non-physicians residing in California whose interests are consistent with the Mission of the 1401Society. 1402 1403An applicant for Allied Professional membership will complete and submit an application to the 1404Executive Director with an application fee of $25.00 and payment of dues in an amount equal to 140550% of the Active membership dues. 1406 1407If approved, the application is returned to the Executive Director who will notify the applicant of 1408membership status by letter and send a membership directory and a copy of the Constitution and 1409Bylaws. 1410Associate: Associate membership status is intended for individuals who are otherwise eligible 1411for membership in the Society but reside outside the State of California. 119 Page 2 of 37 120 Section 10 121 1412 1413An applicant for Associate membership will complete and submit an application to the Executive 1414Director with an application fee of $25.00 and payment of dues in an amount equal to 50% of the 1415Active membership dues. 1416 1417The completed application will be processed as is the application for Active membership. 1418 1419An Active member may request a change to Associate status by submitting a letter to the 1420Society. A ruling will be made by the Credentials and Membership Committee. 1421 1422Associate members may attend the Annual Meeting, but do not enjoy the voting rights of Active 1423members or have the ability to hold office. 1424 1425Honorary: Honorary membership status may be accorded to nonmember individuals as outlined 1426in Chapter 1, Section 2(D) of the Bylaws. 1427 1428Life: Life membership is available to members who have maintained at least 20 continuous 1429years of either Active or Charter membership, reached the age of 65 and continue to otherwise 1430fulfill the requirements of Active membership. 1431 1432Upon request, the Executive Director will provide an application for Life membership. Upon 1433completion, the application will be forwarded to the Credentials and Membership Committee for 1434review. Upon the recommendation of the Committee, the application will be voted upon by the 1435Board of Directors at the next quarterly board meeting. 1436 1437A Life member will have the same rights and privileges as an Active member, except that annual 1438dues are subsequently waived so long as the member derives no income from dentistry. If a Life 1439member is still working in dentistry, annual dues shall be 50% of full Active member dues. 1440 1441Retired: Active members meeting the requirements for Retired membership as outlined in the 1442Bylaws, Chapter I, Section 2(I) may apply for such membership status by written request. The 1443request will be reviewed by the Credentials and Membership Committee and, if found eligible, 1444will be presented to the Board at its next quarterly meeting where it must be approved by Board 1445vote. 1446 1447Dues for this category shall be 25% of full Active member dues. 1448 1449Retired members shall have the same rights and privileges as Active members with the following 1450exceptions: they do not have the right to hold office, serve as chair of a committee or vote at the 1451Annual Meeting. 1452 1453Retired members who subsequently reach age 65 and would otherwise be eligible for Life 1454membership may apply for Life membership. 1455 1456Full Time Faculty: The Bylaws provide that full time dental school or hospital faculty and full- 1457time active military members are entitled to a 50% reduction in annual dues and assessments. 1458Individuals eligible for this dues reduction must 1. teach a minimum of four full days per week in 1459a university or hospital or 2. spend at least 100% of their professional activity in teaching. 122 Page 3 of 37 123 Section 10 124 1460 1461Upon written request for this dues reduction, the Executive Director will forward such request to 1462the Credentials and Membership Committee, where a determination will be made regarding the 1463applicant’s eligibility for such status. 1464 1465Upon the receipt each year of the dues of those members receiving the full time faculty dues 1466reduction, the Executive Director will confirm with the Credentials and Membership Committee 1467the continued eligibility for such reduction. In the event that the member no longer is eligible for 1468dues reduction, the member shall be sent an appropriate letter from the Committee as well as a 1469revised dues notice. 1470 1471Active Military Members: 1472Full-time active military members are entitled to a 50% reduction in annual dues and 1473assessments. 1474 14752. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP POLICIES 1476 1477Reinstatement of Membership: Should membership lapse for any reason (including 1478resignation) beyond the point of expulsion, a new application will be required when reapplying 1479for membership in the Society. A new application fee will also be required. 1480 1481Rights and Privileges: Upon approval of the Credentials and Membership Committee and 1482acceptance of the dues and application fee, an applicant becomes a member of the Society with 1483all rights, privileges and responsibilities thereof. 1484 1485Waiver of Dues: It is the policy of the Society that a member may be granted, upon written 1486request, a waiver of dues secondary to disability. Such a request must be made on a yearly basis, 1487be reviewed by the Credentials and Membership Committee and approved by the Board of 1488Directors of the Society. 1489 1490Dues Notice: A self-addressed return envelope will be provided with the annual dues notice 1491which is mailed to members in November. 1492 1493Concurrent Membership Requirements in ADA and AAPD: CSPD bylaws require that 1494Active, Postdoctoral Student, and Associate applicants for membership in the Society be a 1495member of, a student member of, or an applicant for membership of both the American Dental 1496Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. 1497 1498Membership applications will, therefore, carry the above information, along with a declaration 1499the applicant may sign. Upon receipt of the application and on behalf of the Credentials and 1500Membership Committee, the Executive Director will verify the applicant’s declaration by letter 1501or phoning the appropriate professional organizations. 1502 1503There is no policy or bylaw requirement that once accepted for membership in the Society, 1504membership must be maintained in the American Dental Association or the American Academy 1505of Pediatric Dentistry. 1506 1507 125 Page 4 of 37 126 Section 10 127 1508SECTION VIII. ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING 1509 1510 15111. GENERAL POLICIES 1512 1513Time and Place: The Bylaws provide that a meeting of the membership shall occur at least 1514annually. Current policy is that this annual business meeting be held in conjunction with an 1515annual scientific session, usually termed the “Annual Meeting.” References to the particulars of 1516the Annual Meeting will be found in that section. 1517 1518Notice and Agenda: It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary of the Society to comply with 1519the Bylaw provisions regarding notice of the Annual Meeting to the membership as well as 1520notice of the nature of the business to be conducted. 1521 1522Presiding Officer: The President shall preside over the annual business meeting and conduct 1523such business as placed on the agenda or may come before the meeting. 1524 1525Quorum: A quorum shall consist of the eligible voting members present at a business meeting. 1526 1527 15282. ADMISSION AND ATTENDANCE POLICIES 1529 1530Admission: Admission to the annual business meeting shall be available to any member and 1531invited guests. A member need not register for the Annual Meeting to attend the business 1532meeting. 1533 1534 15353. VOTING POLICIES 1536 1537Voting: At all meetings of the Society, including the Annual Meeting, it shall be the 1538responsibility of the Secretary of the Society to conduct all ballot matters that come before the 1539Board of Directors and the membership. The Secretary shall determine that only those members 1540eligible to cast votes on matters before the Society are counted in voice or by written ballot. 1541Further, the Secretary shall determine that only those members eligible to vote on matters 1542pertaining to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry are counted in ballot measures 1543pertaining to Academy business. 1544 1545Members eligible to vote should be identified at the business meeting by their badge which 1546differentiates them from members not eligible to vote. 1547 1548Mail Ballot: The by-laws provide for a mail ballot at the request of one third (1/3) of the voting 1549eligible members present = at the Annual Meeting or at the discretion of the Board of Directors.</p><p>128 Page 5 of 37 129 Section 10 130 1550 1551SECTION IX. ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC SESSION 1552 1553 15541. GENERAL POLICIES 1555 1556Time and Place: The Society conducts an annual scientific session, usually referred to as the 1557“Annual Meeting.” The bylaws make only three requirements concerning the Annual Meeting: 1558 1. The time and area of location must be approved by Board vote. 1559 2. The site must be designated at least 3036 months in advance of the meeting. 1560 3. Notice of the meeting and nature of any business to be transacted at the business session 1561 must be made in writing to each member of the Society at least 60 days prior to the 1562 meeting. 1563 1564According to the Bylaws, the Site Selection Subcommittee is responsible for site selection at 1565least three years in advance of the meeting. 1566 1567The Board has designated the Annual Meeting Site Selection Chair (Secretary or Treasurer) 1568along with the Executive Director as being responsible for preliminary meeting planning. 1569Preliminary planning should include securing hotel/resort accommodations, contractual 1570arrangements, meeting rooms, banquet facilities, and the selection of a scientific program 1571including the program speaker(s). Speakers and speaker topics will be selected by the Annual 1572Meeting Chair with input from the Annual Meeting Committee. 1573 1574The Vice President is responsible for the final program of the upcoming Annual Meeting and 1575acts as meeting chair. S/he should enter his/her office with a preliminary program in place and 1576present the program and a proposed budget to the Board for review and approval at the first 1577quarterly board meeting of his/her tenure of office. 1578 1579The Annual Meeting Chair and Committee will utilize the services of a comprehensive meeting 1580planner for planning and execution. 1581 1582The meeting is traditionally held in the spring, usually in March or April, taking into account 1583other potentially conflicting meetings and courses, holidays, school schedules, weather and 1584hotel/resort availability. 1585 1586The Annual Meeting traditionally begins on Thursday evening and ends on Sunday. 1587 1588The meeting site is traditionally alternated between the North and South, although this is not requ 1589ired by bylaws or Board policy. The meeting may be held outside of California periodically to fa 1590cilitate participation of other components of District VI. 1591 1592The President of CSPD will notify other State Units in District VI of our Annual Meetings and in 1593vite them to have their members attend. 1594 1595The Annual Meeting Chair will present the financial report of the Annual Meeting at the first 1596quarterly board meeting following the meeting. 1597 131 Page 1 of 37 132 Section 10 133 1598Registration: The Annual Scientific Session is open to all members upon payment of the 1599appropriate registration fee. 1600 1601Postdoctoral student members are invited to attend all educational and social functions and the 1602business meeting. The Annual Meeting registration fee charged to postdoctoral students will be 1603determined by the Annual Meeting Chair. CSPD will subsidize the social activities not included 1604in the registration fees of postdoctoral student members at the Annual Meeting in exchange for 1605completion of volunteer duties. They may purchase tickets for their guests to attend social 1606functions as available. 1607 1608Predoctoral student members are invited to attend all educational functions and the business 1609meeting. The Annual Meeting registration fee charged to predoctoral students will be determined 1610by the Annual Meeting Chair. They and their guests may purchase tickets to social functions as 1611available. 1612 1613Non-member pediatric dentists, who would otherwise be eligible for active membership in the 1614Society, may attend the Annual Meeting upon payment of an amount equal to the registration 1615fee, one year dues and the current application fee. 1616 1617Dentists not eligible for membership in the Society, either by virtue of limitation of practice or 1618geography, may attend the scientific portions of the meeting upon payment of the full 1619registration fee. 1620 1621Non-dentists who are not guests of a registered Society member may only attend the Annual 1622Session with the advance approval of the meeting chair and subsequent payment of the 1623registration fee. 1624 1625Upon payment of the guest registration fee determined by the meeting chair, an individual 1626registered for the Annual Meeting may register a spouse/guest. The meeting chair will determine 1627events, social functions and courses that the spouse/guest may attend. 1628 1629Registrants must register for the entire meeting; there is no provision for registering for 1630individual portions of the scientific session, 1631Out of state District VI AAPD pediatric dentist members will have the same registration fees as 1632CSPD members. 1633. 1634Table Clinics: Although not required by Board policy or bylaws, table clinics are traditionally a 1635part of the Annual Session. Table clinic participants are given certificates of recognition signed 1636by the President of the Society, the meeting chair and the Executive Director. This is usually 1637presented on the day of the table clinic presentations. 1638 1639Members desiring to present a table clinic that involves a commercial entity are required to be an 1640exhibitor, subject to availability, and to pay the full cost of such sponsorship. 1641 1642Installing Officer: The installing officer must be a member of the Society. 1643 1644Recognition Awards: Individuals completing their tenure on the Board shall receive a CSPD 1645Recognition Award in the form of a consistent type of plaque. This award shall be presented at 134 Page 2 of 37 135 Section 10 136 1646the Annual Meeting, usually in conjunction with the installation of the new Board. In addition, a 1647member or non-member who has given extraordinary time or effort on behalf of the Society may 1648be recognized by the granting of the CSPD President’s Special Recognition Award. Such 1649awards will be made following nomination and a favorable vote by the Board at any of its 1650regular meetings. The President’s Special Recognition Award is given at the discretion of the 1651President and may not be a yearly award. 1652 1653The Executive Director shall be responsible for preparing and providing these awards at the 1654Annual Session. 1655 1656 16572. FINANCIAL POLICIES 1658 1659Budget: Board policy dictates that the Annual Meeting and Scientific Session is intended as a 1660significant membership benefit and to raise funds for the Society. 1661 1662The Vice President shall prepare a preliminary budget for the Annual Meeting, to be presented to 1663the Board at the June Board meeting. 1664The registration fee will not include sporting events or tours. These events, if any, will be paid 1665for separately by those participating. The registration fee may cover social events, including the 1666reception, meals, and coffee breaks. 1667 1668The Finance Committee will review the Annual Meeting budget prior to the January board 1669meeting. 1670 1671In preparing the budget for the Annual Meeting, certain expenses must be taken into account: 1672 1673Pediatric Postdoctoral Students: Postdoctoral student members may attend the Annual 1674Meeting. An Annual Meeting registration fee will be charged to pediatric postdoctoral students 1675for the program presentation costs as determined by the Annual Meeting Chair. In exchange for 1676completing assigned duties during the Annual Meeting students will receive tickets to the social 1677events, (receptions, final night gala, etc.) Students will be asked to pay a non-refundable student 1678registration fee which will include the Welcome reception, all breakfasts, breaks, and Installation 1679Lunch. This applies only for California and District VI post-doctoral residents. 1680 1681Non Pediatric Postdoctoral Students: Non-pediatric postdoctoral students will not have their 1682attendance at the Annual Meeting underwritten by CSPD and must pay the pre-determined non- 1683refundable student registration fee. 1684 1685Predoctoral Students: Predoctoral dental students are invited to register for the Annual 1686Meeting. An Annual Meeting registration fee will be charged to predoctoral students for the 1687program presentation costs as determined by the Annual Meeting Chair. Registration will 1688include admittance to scientific programs and exhibitor room. Students must pre-register and 1689gain approval by their respective pediatric dental chairperson. 1690 1691Executive Director: The costs associated with the Executive Director at the Annual Meeting 1692will be paid by the CSPD Operating Account. 1693 137 Page 3 of 37 138 Section 10 139 1694Annual Meeting Funds: All funds received as income to the Annual Meeting, including, but 1695not limited to, registration, subsidies, grants or sponsorships will be deposited in the CSPD 1696Operating Account. 1697 1698Table Clinics: Any CSPD member, predoctoral or postdoctoral student attending the Annual 1699Session is eligible to submit a table clinic proposal for presentation. Individuals wishing to 1700display table clinics at the Annual Session shall have their projects reviewed and evaluated 1701according to criteria established by Annual Meeting Committee prior to acceptance for display at 1702the meeting. 1703With the Annual Session registration packets will be a call for table clinics, publication of 1704applicable deadlines, and a request for submission of the following information for the selection 1705process: 1706 1. Presenter(s’) name(s) 1707 2. Corresponding presenter’s contact information (phone, address, e-mail) 1708 3. Presenter(s’) affiliation 1709 4. Abstract or description of presentation 1710 5. Display requirements: table (size), poster only, electrical 1711 1712Information submitted electronically is preferable and may be required for ease of dissemination 1713to the review group. 1714 1715A predoctoral or postdoctoral student presenting a table clinic, unlike a regular member, receives 1716an appropriate honorarium to help defer expenses in presenting that table clinic. This amount is 1717to be determined each year by the meeting chair. 1718 1719The review of the table clinic submissions will be by a group of up to 3 individuals, one of whom 1720sits on the Annual Meeting Committee. This can be done electronically for expediency. 1721Selection of table clinics will be based upon: 1722 1. The appropriateness scientific soundness of the presentation 1723 2. The space available for table clinics at the meeting (in consultation with meeting 1724 planner) 1725Corresponding presenters will be notified as to acceptance or rejection of table clinic. 1726 1727Exhibitors: The meeting chair has the authority to accept commercial exhibitors at the Annual 1728Meeting, taking into account such factors as available space, suitability of material for 1729professional membership presentation, and compatibility with the scientific session content. 1730Exhibitor fees, as determined by the Non Dues Revenue Committee with input from the AM 1731Chair and Annual Meeting Committee, entitles the sponsor to exhibit space at the meeting, 1732invitation to designated social functions, recognition and acknowledgement in the Bulletin during 1733the subsequent 12 month period, and recognition and acknowledgement in the annual 1734Membership Directory. All income from the exhibitors is allocated to the Annual Session 1735budget. 1736 1737American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry: The meeting chair shall invite the President Elect 1738of the AAPD to attend the Annual Meeting and to address the membership at a time deemed 1739appropriate. Traditionally, this invitation is extended for a luncheon address. The President Elect </p><p>140 Page 4 of 37 141 Section 10 142 1740will also be scheduled to meet with the CSPD Executive Committee at a designated time. The 1741meeting chair shall offer up to two night’s lodging at the meeting site to the AAPD President 1742Elect (or designate) but no other reimbursement or honorarium will be provided and this should 1743be made clear at the time of the invitation. However, the Society will invite the President Elect 1744and his/her spouse or guest to attend all social functions and scientific sessions of the meeting as 1745guests of the Society. 1746 1747California Dental Association: The meeting chair shall invite the President of the California 1748Dental Association to attend the Annual Meeting and to address the membership at a time 1749deemed appropriate. No reimbursement or honorarium of expenses will be provided. The Society 1750will invite the CDA President and his/her spouse or guest to attend all social functions and 1751scientific sessions of the meeting as guests of the Society. 1752 1753Installing Officer: The installing officer and his or her spouse/guest are invited guests of the 1754Society for the installation function even if they are not already registered for the meeting. 1755 1756Speaker(s): The speaker(s) and their spouse/guest may be guests of the Society at social 1757functions at the discretion of the meeting chair unless they are already registered for the meeting. 1758 1759Honorary Members: If an individual is to be honored with honorary membership at an Annual 1760Meeting, the Society will pay for the function costs for that person and his/her/her guest, but not 1761for room or travel expenses. 1762 1763Complimentary Hotel Rooms: All members of the Society, including officers and Board 1764members, are expected to pay for their own accommodations at the Annual Meeting. Any 1765complimentary accommodations provided by the hotel/resort will be utilized for the Executive 1766Director or to “trade” for other hotel services, such as upgrades for the President’s room or as 1767part of the speaker honorarium. 1768 1769Registration Fee: The registration fee is a “package” which includes admission to all 1770educational aspects of the meeting as well as to designated meals and social functions. There 1771will be a separate fee for spouse or guest admission that will include social functions and/or 1772courses designated for guests. Registered members may purchase additional guest tickets to 1773designated social functions as available. 1774 1775Members are encouraged to pre-register for the meeting. On-site registration will be available as 1776space allows and it is recommended that the on-site registration fee be greater than the pre- 1777registration fee. This will allow for more accurate program and function planning for the chair 1778and hotel personnel. 1779 1780Refunds: Refunds for advance registration will not be honored unless requested prior to the first 1781day of the meeting. Exceptional circumstances may be reviewed by the meeting chair, Executive 1782Director, and Event planner who are empowered to review and make decisions regarding such 1783refund requests. 1784 1785There are no refunds for individual social functions. Members not utilizing individual social 1786function tickets are encouraged to pass these tickets to Postdoctoral Student members. 1787 143 Page 5 of 37 144 Section 10 145 1788Honoraria and Compensation of Speakers: The meeting chair, with input from the Annual 1789Meeting Committee, shall have the discretion to determining honoraria and other compensation 1790for speakers, reimbursement for travel expenses and complimentary accommodations. A contract 1791detailing the speaker’s needs and compensation shall be prepared. These arrangements shall be 1792subject to Board approval of the Annual Session budget. 1793 1794As a general policy, Society members shall not be compensated for their participation in the 1795scientific program. Exceptions to this policy may be made at the discretion of the meeting chair, 1796subject to Board approval of the Annual Session budget. 1797 1798Report to the Board: The Meeting Chair will provide a final financial statement of the Annual 1799Meeting prior to the next board meeting. This report is to be delivered to the Treasurer within 1800this same time frame. 1801 1802 18033. HOTEL ARRANGEMENTS 1804 1805Contractual Arrangements: The Executive Director, with input from the Event Planner, shall 1806have the authority to negotiate with the hotel/resort concerning arrangements for the Annual 1807Session. The Executive Director shall have the authority to sign the contract. All contracts will 1808be approved by the Board. 1809 1810 18114. SITE SELECTION 1812 1813Guidelines for Site Selection: The site of the Annual Meeting is traditionally alternated 1814between the North and the South, although this is not required by bylaws and the site may be out 1815of the state. However, the policy of North-South alteration has proven to be a wise one and the 1816Board should carefully consider before deviating from this tradition. 1817 1818The Site Selection Subcommittee is given wide latitude in site selection. There is no policy 1819regarding city versus resort location. Overall desirability of the site including cost, access, social 1820and sport facilities, meeting facilities, and nearby attractions for spouses and family members 1821should all be considered, with the objective of producing a meeting that will benefit the greatest 1822number of members.</p><p>146 Page 6 of 37 147 Section 10 148 149 1823 1824SECTION X. BUDGET AND FINANCES 1825 1826 18271. FINANCIAL PHILOSOPHY 1828 1829It is the duty of the Board of Directors to maintain the financial solvency of the Society. There 1830should be sufficient planning to include all reasonable expenses and contingencies within the 1831annual budget and the society should expend funds within the budgetary limitations as 1832established annually by the Board. 1833 1834The only acceptable exceptions to this policy will be in areas of unexpected activity not 1835predictable in advance. In a case where spending will significantly exceed a budget line item (or 1836a budget line item does not exist), it is the duty of the Treasurer to notify the Board and to obtain 1837approval for such expenditure prior to the incurrence of the expense or disbursement of funds. In 1838an emergency, where such expenditures must be made before the Board can meet and vote, 1839approval must be obtained from the Executive Committee before the incurring of the expense. 1840Such activity will be reported to the Board by the Treasurer at the next board meeting. 1841 1842In order to meet unexpected financial needs and assure its solvency, the Society should maintain 1843financial reserves equal to an average of the last two years operating expenses at all times. 1844 1845As a matter of fiscal policy, it shall also be the duty of the Board to consider all expenditures in 1846the context of providing the greatest benefit to the membership for the expense. 1847 1848 18492. GENERAL FINANCIAL POLICIES 1850 1851Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the Society shall be May 1st through April 30th. 1852 1853The preliminary budget for the upcoming fiscal year will be compiled by the Treasurer for 1854presentation at the Board’s final meeting of the fiscal year (i.e., the board meeting held in 1855conjunction with the Annual Session). Current and proposed incoming committee chairs are to 1856be polled as to their projected expenses for their committees for the coming year. The incoming 1857Treasurer, using this information as well as input from the Board, will prepare the final budget 1858for the upcoming fiscal year for presentation and approval (after modifications as the Board may 1859dictate) at the first quarterly board meeting of the fiscal year. 1860 1861Financial Reports: The Treasurer will prepare quarterly reports for the Board as well as an 1862annual financial report for the membership at the Annual Meeting. The current financial report 1863shall be available upon request to any member at any time. The outgoing Treasurer shall assist 1864with the fourth quarter report of the year of his/her term. 1865 1866Reimbursement of Expenses to Board Members: Officers and Board members serve the 1867Society without compensation. They are not paid or reimbursed for time spent at board meetings 1868or for time spent on Society business. 1869 150 151 1870When an authorized activity or meeting requires an overnight stay, members of the Board or 1871other authorized person(s) shall be reimbursed as follows: 1872 1. Hotel costs for a standard single room including internet connection not to include 1873 incidental, personal expenses. 1874 2. Fax/ printing charges related to the meeting or activity. 1875 3. Parking, ground transportation (taxi, bus, etc.) 1876 1877Travel costs to and from board meetings, other than the one held in conjunction with the Annual 1878Meeting, will be reimbursed according to the following policies: 1879 1. Ground transportation to and from a board meeting shall be reimbursed at the current IRS 1880 allowance per mile driven. 1881 2. If air travel is used, coach airfare will be reimbursed. 1882 3. Parking at the site will be reimbursed. 1883 1884Board members will not be reimbursed for expenses incurred during the Annual Meeting unless 1885they are Treasurer approved business expenses made on behalf of the Society. 1886Reimbursement of Expenses to Committee Chairs and Other Members: Committee chairs 1887and other members may attend board meetings at their own expense. If invited by the Board of 1888Directors to attend a board meeting to present material to the Board or otherwise conduct 1889business vital to the Society, travel costs shall be reimbursed as they would for members of the 1890Board. 1891 1892Leadership Training: Any board member attending CDA Regional Leadership Training will be 1893reimbursed up to $50. Total annual budget will not exceed $1,500. 1894 1895Reimbursement of Expenses of the Executive Director: All travel and lodging costs related to 1896board meetings and the Annual Meeting shall be reimbursed to the Executive Director by the 1897Society in accordance with current policy regarding members of the Board, as well as other 1898reimbursable expenses and payments as provided by the independent contractor agreement. 1899 1900The costs associated with the Executive Director’s attendance at the Annual Meeting will be paid 1901from the CSPD operating account. 1902 1903 1904Postdoctoral Students: The CSPD budget will fund the cost of the Annual Meeting registration 1905and customary social activities of the Postdoctoral student members. The amount of 1906reimbursement shall be determined yearly by the Board. 1907 1908 The CSPD budget will fund the cost of the Annual Meeting registration of the Predoctoral 1909student members. The amount of reimbursement shall be determined yearly by the Board. 1910 1911 19123. ACCOUNTING 1913 1914Society Bank Accounts: The Executive Director will administer and be responsible for all bank 1915accounts with the Society name. The Executive Director will be a signatory on all accounts. 1916</p><p>152 Page 2 of 37 153 Section 10 154 1917Operating and Reserve Funds: All investment of Society funds shall be made according to the 1918guidelines established by the Board or Executive Committee, with preservation of capital being 1919the primary objective. 1920 1921Authorization to Sign Checks and Withdraw Monies: The signature of the Executive 1922Director of the Society shall be required to withdraw monies from the Society’s Operating 1923Funds. For practical purposes, monies kept in the Society’s checking account(s) shall usually be 1924considered part of the Operating Funds and monies kept in certificates of deposit or other savings 1925or investment vehicles shall usually be considered Reserve Funds. 1926 1927 19284. FINANCIAL & INVESTMENT POLICIES AND OBJECTIVES 1929 1930Purpose: The purpose of this document is to outline the philosophy regarding the reserve fund 1931investment policy. The creation and maintenance of an adequate reserve fund is a fundamental 1932tenet of sound financial management. The purpose of the Reserve Fund(s) is to ensure that the 1933organization has the financial means to continue to provide critical support to the association 1934members in both the short and long-term. 1935 1936Objective: The overarching consideration is the preservation of principal while optimizing 1937return on investment. At minimum, the investment goal is to seek yields comparable to the rate 1938of inflation. It is the goal to strive for the best available yield in the market. However, this goal 1939must balance between minimizing the risk of principal loss versus the stability of the investment 1940institution. 1941 1942Fiscal Year: The fiscal year is June 1 through May 31. 1943 1944Accounting: A cash basis of accounting will be used. 1945 1946Financial Management: 1947 I. Reserve Account(s) 1948 a. Upon advice of the Finance Committee and in accordance with the Investment Policy 1949 and Objectives, the Board of Directors shall be responsible for determining the 1950 investment vehicles. Current investment advice, degree of financial stability of the 1951 association, liquidity demands, and asset management shall all be taken into 1952 consideration. 1953 b. The Finance Committee shall use professional financial advisors to assist in making 1954 recommendations to the Board about specific investments and purchases. Minimal 1955 fees may be paid to such advisors and should be reviewed and approved by the 1956 Executive Committee before retaining said individuals. 1957 c. The Executive Director may make account additions or transfers between established 1958 reserve accounts upon authorization and specific direction of the Treasurer and/or 1959 President. 1960 d. The aggregate amounts in any single institution shall not exceed FDIC insured limits. 1961 1962II. Investment Principles 1963 a. Purpose: To improve the funds return on investment while managing investment risk 1964 b. Objectives 155 Page 3 of 37 156 Section 10 157 1965 i. Preservation of capital while optimizing investment return 1966 ii. Time frame of investment period shall be no more than three years 1967 iii. The organization will increase total reserves each year based on the annual 1968 cost of living index 1969 iv. Distribution: The distribution of maturity of the vehicles shall be graduated 1970 depending on the annual cycle of operational expenses 1971 v. Allowable Investments shall generally be liquid such as: 1972 (i) Cash Equivalents 1973 Money Market Funds 1974 Certificates of Deposit 1975 (Suggested setting specific maturity of 24 to 36 months) 1976 Treasury Bills 1977 (ii) Fixed Income Securities 1978 U.S. Government and Agency Securities 1979 Institutional Bonds rated 1980 *Moody: Short term P-1 1981 *S&P: Short term A-1+ 1982 *Fitch: Short term A1+ 1983 c. Prohibited Investments 1984 The organization is prohibited from investing in letter stock, private placements, 1985 options, short sales, margin transactions, financial futures, commodities or other 1986 specialized investment activities. Under no circumstances will funds and assets be 1987 invested in speculative securities. 1988 d. The reserves shall be limited for the following purposes (in no particular rank order) 1989 1. Catastrophic events 1990 2. Unanticipated projects, issues, events -- not scheduled in the current budgeted 1991 year. 1992 3. Supplement other ventures (multi-year projects) 1993 4. Budget shortfalls by the end of the fiscal year 1994 5. Building a corpus for anticipated target events, issues, projects. 1995 e. Periodic review 1996 1. A primary tenet of all economic policy is: “everything is in flux.” 1997 2. The three corollaries of this investment policy are: 1998 i. All investment vehicles merit periodic review 1999 ii. All institutions that house investment vehicles merit periodic review 2000 iii. This investment policy merits a defined periodic review of the economic 2001 milieu and be adjusted accordingly 2002 f. Archival records should compare 5 year intervals 2003 2004 2005CSPD Reserve Fund(s) Policy: The creation and maintenance of an adequate reserve fund is a 2006fundamental tenet of sound financial management. The purpose of the Reserve Fund(s) is to 2007ensure that the organization has the financial means to continue to provide critical support to the 2008association members in both the short and long-term.</p><p>2009The specific objectives of the Reserve Fund(s) (in no particular rank order) are: 2010 1. To sustain basic operations and core/essential client services during a short-term 2011 economic downturn and/or during a transition to a long-term economic downturn. 158 Page 4 of 37 159 Section 10 160 2012 2. To continue the operation of those activities designed as fee for services which 2013 maintain strong income over expense. 2014 3. To cover unbudgeted and extraordinary expenditures brought about by unanticipated 2015 challenges or for emergency funding (e.g. critical activities or capital for the funding 2016 of capital expenditures.) 2017 4. To provide the organization with a source of capital for research and development of 2018 new products and/or services that have the potential to significantly benefit its 2019 membership. 2020 2021 20225. DUES AND FEES 2023 2024Application Fees: The application fee to the Society is $25.00. 2025 2026The application fee is waived for Pre and Postdoctoral student membership. 2027 2028If membership in any category should lapse, the full application fee will be required to reapply. 2029 2030Dues: The following are current annual dues: 2031 Active Membership $310.00/ year 2032 Honorary Membership No dues 2033 Pediatric Postdoctoral Membership Waiver of dues during training 2034 50% dues reduction first year following 2035graduation 2036 Non Pediatric Postdoctoral Memb. Waiver of dues 2037 Predoctoral Membership Waiver of dues 2038 Associate Membership 50% of Active dues 2039 Affiliate Membership 50% of Active dues 2040 Allied Professional Membership 50% of Active dues 2041 Full Time Faculty 50% of Active dues 2042 Full-time Active Military 50% of Active dues 2043 Life Membership Waiver of Dues if no income from dentistry 2044 50% if deriving income from dentistry 2045 Retired Member 25% of Active Member dues 2046 2047Waiver of Dues Secondary to Disability or Hardship: Upon written request, a waiver of 2048yearly dues may be granted for the reason of disability or hardship. Such a request must be made 2049on a yearly basis, is not retroactive, and may be granted by the Membership and Credentials 2050Committee upon approval of the Board of Directors. 2051 2052Dues Notices, Payments, Delinquencies: Dues notices are mailed May 1 by AAPD. 2053Membership runs from July 1 to June 30. When a new membership is approved prior to January 20541, the dues are applied to the current membership year. When membership is approved after 2055January 1, the dues are applied to the following membership year. 2056 2057A member is in default if dues are not paid by September 30. According to the bylaws, the 2058member is thereupon suspended from all privileges of membership. Following notification of 2059default, the suspended member has 30 days to correct the default or be expelled. 161 Page 5 of 37 162 Section 10 163 2060 2061 2062 2063 20646. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL POLICIES 2065 2066Society Liaison to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry: The liaison shall be 2067reimbursed certain expenses to represent the Society at AAPD board meetings. 2068 2069For the AAPD Annual Meeting, there will be no reimbursement of travel costs, but there will be 2070reimbursement of direct lodging costs for the days associated with the board meeting, as well as 2071a per diem reimbursement of $50.00/day. 2072 2073For the AAPD ad-interim board meeting, the above policy regarding lodging and per diem will 2074apply. In addition, the Society will provide coach airfare as appropriate. 2075 2076Refunds: Refund of fees paid in advance of the Annual Meeting will be governed by Annual 2077Meeting policy (see Annual Meeting section). 2078 2079The Treasurer shall decide upon all requests for refunds of other monies paid to the Society with 2080the exception being continuing education courses which will be decided upon by the Continuing 2081Education chair. 2082 2083California Pediatrician: It is CSPD’s Policy to reimburse the California Chapter of the 2084American Academy of Pediatrics those costs associated with mailing the California Pediatrician 2085to our membership, when so requested by the California Chapter of the AAP. 2086 2087Warren Brandli Internship Program: The term of the Warren E. Brandli intern(s) will begin 2088with the Board Orientation session and final meeting of the Board of Directors held in 2089conjunction with the Annual Session and will finish 12 months later at the final meeting of the 2090next Board of Directors. 2091 2092CSPD will provide transportation and lodging and will cover all program-related administrative 2093costs and supply needs. Reimbursement guidelines for board meetings are reflected in the CSPD 2094Travel Policy protocol with the following exception: 2095 2096Expenses to and from the board meeting(s) held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting will be 2097reimbursed as follow: 2098 1. Incoming Board Interns will be reimbursed for four nights lodging at the site of the 2099 Annual Meeting. 2100 2. Board Interns completing their term will be reimbursed for one nights lodging at the 2101 site of the Annual Meeting. 2102 3. Board Interns will be reimbursed for travel expenses to and from the site of the 2103 Annual Meeting. 2104 4. Interns should communicate with the CSPD meeting planner or Annual Meeting 2105 Chair to reserve sleeping rooms at the site of the Annual Meeting. 2106 5. Board Interns will be the guest of the Society at the Board dinner at the site of the 2107 Annual Meeting. 164 Page 6 of 37 165 Section 10 166 2108 2109Miscellaneous Budget Policies: The budget of the Strategic Planning Session shall be applied 2110to the budget in the year in which it is held. It shall be zero in years in which it is not held but 2111will be retained as a line item. 2112 2113</p><p>167 Page 7 of 37 168 Section 10 169 170 2114 2115SECTION XI. GENERAL POLICIES 2116 2117 21181. CSPD CODE OF ETHICS AND CONDUCT POLICY STATEMENT 2119 2120The purpose of this Ethics and Conduct Policy is to support a culture of openness, trust, and 2121integrity in all California Society of Pediatric Dentistry (CSPD) management and business 2122practices. A well-understood ethics policy requires the participation and support of every CSPD 2123staff member and volunteer. 2124 2125Additionally, the privilege of being a dentist comes with a responsibility to both society and to 2126fellow members of the profession to conduct professional activities in a highly ethical manner. 2127Members of CSPD agree to abide by the tenets embodied in the American Dental Association 2128Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct (ADA Code). 2129 2130The California Society of Pediatric Dentistry’s Code of Ethics is built on CSPD values. As such, 2131we acknowledge our individual responsibility to ensure our collective success by practicing and 2132promoting the following values which reflect a shared view of how we want to operate and be 2133seen by others: 2134 2135 2136Integrity 2137We pursue our Mission with honor, fairness and respect for the individual; ever mindful that 2138there is no “right way” to do the “wrong thing.” We uphold the values of CSPD in every action 2139and decision. We are committed to act in good faith and to comply with the rule of law and 2140CSPD policies. 2141 2142Inclusiveness 2143We are dedicated to a single purpose and fueled by a diversity of thought and action. We serve 2144responsibly as members of all the communities in which we live and work. Our intent is for 2145CSPD volunteer leaders to represent the diversity of our members and the public we serve. 2146 2147Dedication 2148CSPD remains dedicated to our members and promoting optimal health for California’s children. 2149We hold ourselves to the same standards of excellence that make CSPD a premier organization. 2150We are committed to continuous improvement in developing programs and services for our 2151members and serve as avenues for health advocacy. 2152 2153Excellence 2154We believe that striving to be the best in our work, our relationships, our ideas and our services 2155is the greatest demonstration of our pledge to member satisfaction and promoting optimal health 2156for all children. We are determined to do the best at what matters most. Our success depends on 2157our staff and volunteer’s ability to deliver the consistent level of excellence expected by all who 2158rely on us. 2159 2160Sensitivity 171 172 2161We value our CSPD staff, volunteers, members, and the public we serve and treat them with 2162respect as individuals. We operate in a climate of openness and trust whereby each of us fully 2163grants respect and cooperation to others. 2164 2165 21662. 990 REVIEW POLICY 2167 2168It is the policy of the California Society of Pediatric Dentistry to present the Form 990 to the full 2169Board of Directors including significant schedules. Each member of the board will receive a 2170copy of the Form 990 prior to the submission of the form to the Internal Revenue Service. The 2171form will not be filed until all members of the board have reviewed the completed Form 990. 2172The 990 policies include: 2173 2174 2175Adoption and Amendment Dates: March, 2009 2176Sunset Review Date 2177 2178 21793. WHISTLEBLOWER POLICY 2180 2181General 2182Our Code of Ethics and Conduct (“Code”) requires directors, officers, volunteers, and the 2183Executive Director to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of 2184their duties and responsibilities. As representatives of CSPD, we must practice honesty and 2185integrity in fulfilling our responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. 2186 2187Reporting Responsibility 2188It is the responsibility of all directors, officers, volunteers, and the Executive Director 2189independently to comply with the Code and to report violations or suspected violations in 2190accordance with this Whistleblower Policy. 2191 2192No Retaliation 2193No director, officer or volunteer who in good faith reports a violation of the Code shall suffer 2194harassment, retaliation or adverse consequences, and anyone who retaliates against someone who 2195has reported a violation in good faith is subject to discipline up to and including termination of 2196their contractual agreement or dismissal from the Board of Directors. This Whistleblower Policy 2197is intended to encourage and enable all entities to raise serious concerns within CSPD prior to 2198seeking resolution outside CSPD. 2199 2200Reporting Violations 2201The Code addresses CSPD’s open door policy and suggests that anyone may share their 2202questions, concerns, suggestions or complaints with the elected CSPD President who is 2203responsible for investigating and resolving all reported complaints and allegations concerning 2204violations of the Code and, at his/her discretion, shall advise the Executive Director. 2205 2206Acting in Good Faith 2207Anyone filing a complaint concerning a violation or suspected violation of the Code must be 2208acting in good faith and have reasonable grounds for believing the information disclosed 173 Page 2 of 37 174 Section 10 175 2209indicates a violation of the Code. Any allegations that prove not to be substantiated and which 2210prove to have been made maliciously or knowingly to be false will be viewed as a serious 2211disciplinary offense. 2212 2213Confidentiality 2214Violations or suspected violations may be submitted on a confidential basis by the complainant 2215or may be submitted anonymously. Reports of violations or suspected violations will be kept 2216confidential to the extent possible, consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation. 2217 2218Handling of Reported Violations 2219The President will notify the sender and acknowledge receipt of the reported violation 2220or suspected violation within five business days. All reports will be promptly investigated and 2221appropriate corrective action will be taken if warranted by the investigation. 2222 2223Adoption and Amendment Dates: March, 2009 2224Sunset Review Date 2225 2226 22274. DOCUMENT RETENTION AND DESTRUCTION POLICY 2228 2229This Document Retention and Destruction Policy of the California Society of Pediatric Dentistry 2230identifies the record retention responsibilities of volunteers, members of the Board of Directors, 2231and outsiders (i.e., independent contractors via agreements with them) for maintaining and docu 2232menting the storage and destruction of the Organization’s documents and records. 22331. Rules. The Organization’s volunteers, members of the Board of Directors and outsiders a 2234re required to honor these rules: 2235 a. paper or electronic documents indicated under the terms for retention below will be transf 2236 erred and maintained by the Executive Director or his/her designate; 2237 b. all other paper documents will be destroyed after three years; 2238 c. all other electronic documents will be deleted from all individual computers, data bases, n 2239 etworks, and back-up storage after one year; and 2240 d. no paper or electronic documents will be destroyed or deleted if pertinent to any ongoing 2241 or anticipated government investigation or proceeding or private litigation. 22422. Terms for retention. 2243 a. Retain permanently: 2244 Governance records – Charter and amendments, Bylaws, other organizational document 2245 s, governing board and board committee minutes. 2246 Tax records – Filed state and federal tax returns/reports and supporting records, tax 2247 exemption determination letter and related correspondence, files related to tax audits. 2248 Intellectual property records – Copyright and trademark registrations and samples of 2249 protected works. 2250 Financial records – Audited financial statements, attorney contingent liability letters, 2251 financial statements – end of year. 2252 b. Retain for ten years: 2253 Pension and benefit records -- Pension (ERISA) plan participant/beneficiary records, 2254 actuarial reports, related correspondence with government agencies, and supporting 2255 records.</p><p>176 Page 3 of 37 177 Section 10 178 2256 Government relations records – State and federal lobbying and political contribution 2257 reports and supporting records. 2258 c. Retain for six years: 2259 Employee/employment records – Employee names, addresses, social security numbers, 2260 dates of birth, INS Form I-9, resume/application materials, job descriptions, dates of hire 2261 and termination/separation, evaluations, compensation information, promotions, 2262 transfers, disciplinary matters, time/payroll records, leave/comp time/FMLA, engagement 2263 and discharge correspondence, documentation of basis for independent contractor status 2264 (retain for all current employees and independent contractors and for three years after 2265 departure of each individual). 2266 Lease, insurance, and contract/license records – Software license agreements, vendor, 2267 hotel, and service agreements, independent contractor agreements, employment 2268 agreements, consultant agreements, and all other agreements (retain during the term of 2269 the agreement and for three years after the termination, expiration, non-renewal of each 2270 agreement). 2271 d. Retain for four years: 2272 Bank records – bank statements, deposit slips, reconciliations, cancelled checks. 2273 e. Retain for one year: 2274 All other electronic records, documents and files – Correspondence files, past budgets, 2275 publications, employee manuals/policies and procedures, survey information. 2276 2277Exceptions: Exceptions to these rules and terms for retention may be granted only by the Organ 2278ization’s Executive Director in consultation with the President of the Society. 2279 2280Adoption and Amendment Dates: March, 2009 2281Sunset Review Dates 2282 2283 22845. CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY 2285 2286Directors, officers, volunteers, the Executive Director (ED), and contracted staff are to disclose 2287in writing to the entire Board if they, or any member of their immediate families, or any 2288organization/corporation with which they are affiliated, presently transact business with the 2289California Society of Pediatric Dentistry (CSPD) or might reasonably be expected to do so in the 2290future. All volunteers and the ED maintaining no such relationships will attest to that fact in 2291writing on a yearly basis and agree to notify the Board should their status change. 2292 2293An affiliation with an organization/corporation will be considered to exist when a volunteer or 2294the ED or a member of his/her immediate family is an officer, director, trustee, partner, 2295employee or agent of the organization/corporation; or owns five percent of the voting stock or 2296controlling interest in the organization; or has any other substantial interest or dealings with the 2297organization. 2298 2299Directors, officers, volunteers, ED and contracted staff should place CSPD’s interests first in 2300dealings on the Society’s behalf and be alert to possible conflicts of interest and circumstances 2301that could create even the appearance of a conflict. At a minimum, one should disclose those 2302conflicts or situations before taking part in any deliberations or decisions on subjects where 2303possible conflicts exist. All should be aware that recusal or even resignation may be appropriate 179 Page 4 of 37 180 Section 10 181 2304and in the Society’s best interests where an actual or apparent conflict of interest exists, and 2305should not expropriate corporate opportunities available to CSPD. 2306 2307Although volunteers who serve CSPD in positions of responsibility are not compelled to serve 2308and are not compensated for their service, they have certain legal obligations to the association. 2309All volunteers, as well as the ED and contracted staff, have a fiduciary responsibility to the 2310Organization and may be personally and individually legally liable for injury or damages that 2311result from their unauthorized disclosure of confidential association information. All should be 2312particularly careful not to disclose legal information that comes to CSPD through inside or 2313outside legal counsel. 2314 2315Adoption and Amendment Dates: March, 2009 2316Sunset Review Date: 2317 2318</p><p>182 Page 5 of 37 183 Section 10 184 2319 2320Conflict of Interest Statement 2321 2322 2323I have read the above Conflict of Interest Policy and agree to its terms. 2324 2325Name: ______2326 2327Signature: ______Date: ______2328 2329</p><p>2330 2331 2332I hereby state that to the best of my knowledge I maintain no relationship with a person or 2333organization (as defined in the Conflict of Interest Policy) that is currently transacting business 2334or expected to transact business with the California Society of Pediatric Dentistry. 2335 2336Name: ______2337 2338Signature: ______Date: ______2339 2340</p><p>2341 2342 2343I hereby state that I do have a relationship with persons or organizations, as defined above and 2344listed below which might constitute or lead to a conflict of interest. 2345 2346Name: ______2347 2348Signature: ______Date: ______2349 2350 23511) Entity ______2352 2353 Relationship ______2354 23552) Entity ______2356 2357 Relationship ______2358 2359</p><p>185 Page 6 of 37 186 Section 10 187 2360 2361Conflict of Interest Statement for Volunteers 2362of California Society of Pediatric Dentistry 2363 2364No Board member, Board committee member, or any member of his/her family should accept 2365any gift, entertainment, service, loan, or promise of future benefits from anyone who might 2366benefit or appear to benefit from such board or committee member’s connection with the 2367California Society of Pediatric Dentistry unless the facts of such benefit, gift, service, or loan are 2368disclosed in good faith and are authorized by the Board. Board and committee members are 2369expected to work out for themselves the most gracious method of declining gifts, entertainment, 2370and benefits that do not meet this standard. 2371 2372No Board or committee members or any member of his/her family should supply goods or 2373services for which they either receive compensation or have a commercial interest to any CSPD 2374vendor unless the transaction or contract has been disclosed in good faith and authorized by the 2375Board or committee. 2376 2377This policy statement is not intended to apply to gifts and/or similar entertainment of nominal 2378value that clearly are in keeping with good business ethics and do not obligate the recipient. 2379 2380Any matter of question or interpretation that arises relating to this policy should be referred to 2381the Executive Committee and/or to the Board of Directors for decision where appropriate. 2382 2383I have received, read and understand fully the Conflict of Interest Statement and will comply 2384with the statement by bringing any potential conflict of interest situations to the Board for 2385consideration. 2386 2387 2388______2389Date Signature Signature 2390 2391 2392</p><p>188 Page 7 of 37 189 Section 10 190 2393 23946. DISTRIBUTION OF MEETING MINUTES POLICY 2395 2396Accurate, concise, and complete minutes are of vital importance to CSPD. They are the official 2397history and legal record of the proposals, reports, and decisions of leadership. Minutes shall be 2398recorded in writing for all meetings of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee 2399including executive sessions. Only the actions, motions and statements of the Board will be 2400recorded in the minutes. Superfluous discussions will be omitted. 2401 2402Minutes shall be distributed to members of the Board of Directors and committee members 2403within 21 business days of the meeting. If any audio or video recording was made of the 2404meeting, it shall be erased, deleted or destroyed upon approval of the minutes. 2405 2406If distribution is by electronic means, the file shall be in the format of a PDF to protect against 2407unauthorized editing of the document. 2408 2409 2410Adoption and Amendment Dates: March, 2009 2411Sunset Review Date: 2412 2413 24147. APPARENT AUTHORITY AND OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION POLICY 2415 2416It is the policy of the California Society of Pediatric Dentistry (CSPD) that any official 2417communication on behalf of CSPD shall be at the direction of the President, the Executive 2418Committee, Board or Executive Director (ED). No statements shall be made, either verbal or 2419written, that conflict with the positions or policies of CSPD. By virtue of their position in the 2420community, Leadership must understand that any statements they make may be perceived as 2421being made on behalf of the Society. 2422 2423To control official communications, stationary and business cards are only for the use of the 2424Executive Director, the Public Policy Advocate, and the President. Members of the Board or 2425committees may not use stationary. In most cases, it is recommended that the Executive Director 2426prepare letters sent on behalf of the Society and keep a copy in the office. 2427 2428Exceptions may be made to the policy so long as the purpose of the letter is made known and 2429approved by the Board in advance. If the exception is approved, a copy of the outgoing letter 2430shall be provided to the Executive Director within 24 hours of dissemination for permanent file 2431retention. 2432 2433Adoption and Amendment Dates: March, 2009 2434Sunset Review Date: 2435 2436 24378. SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY 2438 2439The California Society of Pediatric Dentistry (CSPD) is committed to providing a work 2440environment that is free from discrimination. In keeping with this commitment, we maintain a 191 Page 8 of 37 192 Section 10 193 2441strict policy prohibiting any kind of unlawful harassment or discrimination, including, but not 2442limited to, racial, sexual, ethnic, handicap, age or religious harassment. This policy also 2443prohibits any verbal, physical, and visual harassment. 2444 2445The definition of sexual harassment includes: (1) quid pro quo sexual harassment where 2446employment or continuing employment is based on the granting of a sexual favor; (2) the 2447creation of a hostile work environment such that a volunteer or contracted staff member feels 2448coerced or intimidated. A hostile work environment can be created by words and/or actions. 2449Words or actions are considered unlawful sexual harassment if, among other things, they are (1) 2450sexual in nature and (2) unwelcome. 2451 2452Examples of sexually harassing conduct include: 2453 a. Unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances or propositions 2454 b. Verbal abuse of a sexual nature 2455 c. Graphic verbal comments about an individual’s body 2456 d. Sexually degrading words or gestures 2457 e. The display in the workplace of sexually suggestive objects or pictures 2458 2459Examples of other types of harassment include: 2460 a. Nicknames pertaining to any ethnic, religious, or age characteristics or stereotypes 2461 b. Racial, ethnic, age or religious jokes 2462 c. Signs, magazines, e-mails or bulletin board notices that are found offensive by a 2463 protected minority. 2464 d. Use of any racial slurs 2465 2466Any CSPD volunteer or contracted employee who believes he/she has been harassed by a co- 2467worker, supervisor, client or agent of this organization should promptly report the facts of the 2468incident or incidents and the names of the individuals involved to the President, the Executive 2469Director (ED), or to any member of the Board of Directors with whom they feel most 2470comfortable. 2471 2472Board members should report all complaints of harassment to the President to ensure that they 2473are resolved promptly and effectively. The President, ED or an outside party will investigate the 2474complaint and the complainant will be advised of the findings and conclusions. 2475 2476All actions taken to resolve complaints of harassment through internal investigations shall be 2477conducted as confidentially as possible and practical. Any volunteer or contracted staff who is 2478found, after appropriate investigation, to have engaged in harassment of another member will be 2479subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Volunteers or contracted 2480employees who utilize the complaint procedure outlined in this policy will not be retaliated 2481against and will not have their relationship with CSPD adversely affected by making such a 2482complaint. 2483 2484If you have any questions concerning this policy, please feel free to contact the President or ED. 2485 2486Adoption and Amendment Dates: March, 2009 2487Sunset Review Date 2488 194 Page 9 of 37 195 Section 10 196 2489 24909. ANTITRUST AVOIDANCE 2491 2492Because associations are vehicles for bringing competitors together and conduits for moving 2493information among competitors, we are closely scrutinized for violations of antitrust laws. This 2494unique exposure to antitrust scrutiny dictates that the California Society of Pediatric Dentistry 2495(CSPD) should take steps to minimize the danger of becoming involved in antitrust 2496investigations or litigation. 2497 2498It shall be the policy of CSPD to be in strict compliance with all Federal and State antitrust laws, 2499rules and regulations. 2500 2501Therefore: 2502 I. These policies apply to all membership, board, committee and other meetings sponsored 2503 by CSPD. 2504 II. Discussions of prices or price levels are prohibited. In addition, no discussion is 2505 permitted of any elements of a company’s operations which might influence price such 2506 as: 2507 a. Cost of operations, supplies, labor or services 2508 b. Allowance for discounts 2509 c. Terms of sale including credit arrangements 2510 d. Profit margins and mark ups provided this limitation shall not extend to discussions 2511 of methods of operation, maintenance, and similar matters in which cost or efficiency 2512 is merely incidental. 2513 III. It is a violation of antitrust laws to agree not to compete; therefore, discussions of 2514 division of territories or customers or limitations on the nature of business carried on or 2515 products sold are not permitted. 2516 IV. Boycotts in any form are unlawful. Any discussion relating to boycott is prohibited 2517 including discussions about blacklisting or unfavorable reports about particular 2518 companies including their financial situation. 2519 V. It is CSPD’s policy that any meeting attended by representatives of CSPD where 2520 discussion can border on an area of antitrust sensitivity, that the association’s 2521 representative request that the discussion be stopped and ask that the request be made part 2522 of the that meeting’s minutes. If others continue such discussion, the association’s 2523 representative should excuse himself from the meeting and request that the minutes show 2524 that he left the meeting at that point and why he left. Any such instance should be 2525 reported immediately to the President and Executive Director of the Society. 2526 VI. It is CSPD policy that a copy of these Antitrust Compliance Policies be given to each 2527 officer, director, committee member, and contracted staff annually and that the same be 2528 read or understood to be in effect at all meetings of the membership of the Society. 2529 2530Adoption and Amendment Dates: March, 2009 2531Sunset Review Date 2532 2533 253410. INSURANCE COVERAGES 2535</p><p>197 Page 10 of 37 198 Section 10 199 2536At a minimum, the California Society of Pediatric Dentistry (CSPD) will maintain the following 2537insurance coverage: 2538 2539General Liability Insurance: The Executive Director (ED) will negotiate and recommend 2540general liability insurance to the Board of Directors for approval. This insurance should be 2541sufficient to protect CSPD’s assets from general exposure. 2542 2543Directors and Officers Liability (D&O) Insurance: The ED will negotiate and recommend 2544D&O insurance to the Board of Directors for approval. The coverage should protect the Board 2545of Directors, committee chairs and the Executive Director from liability and legal defense costs 2546associated with the actions and decisions of the Board of Directors. An attorney will periodically 2547review the existing policy. 2548 2549Fiduciary Bond: Volunteer or contracted employees handling money shall be covered by a 2550fiduciary bond or employee dishonesty bond. 2551 2552Adoption and Amendment Dates: March, 2009 2553Sunset Review Date 2554 2555 255611. PUBLIC DISCLOSURE POLICY 2557 2558The Form 990 and Form 1023 are available to the public upon request. Copies will be provided 2559immediately when requested. Requests received by written, phone, fax or e-mail means will be 2560honored by directing the requestor to our website. The last 5 year’s Form 990 (not including 2561SCHEDULE B), Form 1023, Conflict of Interest Policy, and Annual Report can be found on the 2562Society’s website (www.CSPD.org in Adobe format. We reserve the right to charge a 2563reasonable copying fee plus actual postage for multiple copies requested from the same 2564individual or related group of individuals. 2565 2566Adoption and Amendment Dates: March, 2009 2567Sunset Review Date 2568 2569 257012. LIAISON AND RELATIONSHIP WITH AAPD 2571 2572As a matter of policy, the Society will endeavor to cooperate with the American Academy of 2573Pediatric Dentistry in all matters. When Society policy or interests conflict with that of the 2574AAPD, it shall be the obligation of the President of the Society to inform the AAPD of such 2575conflict. If possible, a mutually-acceptable solution should be sought. 2576 2577The Society should utilize both the District VI Trustee and the Society’s AAPD liaison when 2578communication with the Academy. 2579 2580There will be a line item in the Board meeting agenda for a report from the AAPD District VI 2581Trustee. The Trustee will be sent appropriate and timely communication requesting such reports. 2582The Trustee shall be invited to Society Board meetings and receive reimbursement the same as 2583the Directors. 200 Page 11 of 37 201 Section 10 202 2584 2585Whenever possible, the Society will designate a representative to be present at each of the AAPD 2586reference committee meetings at the AAPD Annual Session. This individual shall express the 2587views of the Society to the reference committee when so directed by the Society Board. A 2588written report to the Board will be made by each designate. The AAPD Liaison person shall be 2589responsible for a report to the Board concerning the AAPD Board of Trustees meetings and the 2590AAPD Annual Business meeting. 2591 2592 259313. NOMINATIONS OF CANDIDATES FOR AAPD TRUSTEE POSITIONS 2594 2595Policy Statement: CSPD should consider submitting candidates for nomination for the AAPD 2596District VI Trustee position, and when appropriate, for the AAPD Trustee-at-Large positions. It 2597is in CSPD’s best interests that CSPD be represented by an AAPD member who has been 2598actively involved in the AAPD as well as in his/her own component. This person should 2599understand the needs and concerns of our component and its members, be capable of 2600communicating these concerns and representing us at the AAPD Board of Trustees Meetings. 2601Each candidate shall agree to submit a written report regarding the AAPD activities for each 2602meeting of the CSPD Board of Directors. The duties and responsibilities of these positions 2603(District VI Trustee and Trustee-at-Large) are stated in the AAPD Bylaws as attached below. 2604 2605Procedures - District VI Trustee: The members of the CSPD Board of Directors, the 2606Executive Director, and the Nominating Committee shall identify and invite acceptable 2607candidates. In addition, an announcement soliciting interested AAPD members for the available 2608positions should appear in the first issue of the Bulletin each year. 2609 2610During the summer prior to the year of the open Trustee position and following the AAPD 2611Annual Meeting, the Headquarters Office will request the submission of candidate’s resumes 2612from each State Unit. This will occur every third year for the District VI Trustee. 2613 2614In response to the AAPD request and as a result of the solicitation by CSPD, the CSPD 2615Nominating Committee shall review all resumes received and recommend candidate(s) to the 2616Society Board of Directors for consideration. 2617 2618At its first quarterly meeting, the CSPD Board of Directors may select a candidate whose name 2619and resume is submitted to the AAPD Nominating Committee by September 1 of that year. 2620 2621The AAPD Nominating Committee chooses one candidate for the District VI Trustee position. 2622The name of the chosen candidate is submitted to all AAPD members of the district by the end of 2623December of the year preceding the election. Within thirty (30) days of this mailing, the CSPD 2624Board will review the recommended candidate and the CSPD Board, or any other AAPD 2625member, may submit additional nominations. Each new nomination must be supported by ten 2626(10) AAPD members of District VI. 2627 2628The Headquarters Office will then provide a ballot to all AAPD district members. At this point, 2629the CSPD Board may consider supporting one of the candidates and distributing this information 2630to CSPD/AAPD members. The election must provide a majority, therefore more than one ballot </p><p>203 Page 12 of 37 204 Section 10 205 2631may be necessary if there are several candidates. The elected Trustee will be announced at the 2632AAPD Annual Meeting. 2633 2634Summary: The process presented above allows CSPD members to consider candidates for the 2635District VI Trustee position from other State Units while also providing the CSPD Board of 2636Directors or members of CSPD/AAPD the option of strongly supporting a candidate from CSPD 2637if that is in our best interests. 2638 2639Procedures - Trustee At Large: The members of the CSPD Board of Directors, its Executive 2640Director and its Nominating Committee shall be vigilant searching for acceptable candidates. In 2641addition, an announcement soliciting interested AAPD members for the available positions 2642should appear in the first issue of our Bulletin each year. 2643 2644The CSPD Nominating Committee shall identify and review all resumes received by CSPD and 2645recommend candidate(s) to the CSPD Board for consideration. 2646 2647The CSPD Board of Directors may select a candidate whose name and resume is submitted to the 2648AAPD Nominating Committee by October 1 of that year. 2649 2650 265114. WESTERN SOCIETY OF PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY (WSPD) 2652 2653The number of Board members from each State/Province Unit will be determined by a ratio of 2654one (1) Board member for each one hundred (100) or less Active District members. 2655 2656CSPD representatives to the WSPD Board of Trustees will be the President, President-elect, Vice 2657President, the WSPD Liaison, and the number of At-Large-Trustees required to complete the 2658CSPD delegation. The President will appoint the At-Large Trustees. 2659Terms: WSPD Liaison: one year term, renewed annually on recommendation of sitting President, 2660with a maximum three year term limit. At-Large Trustees: three year term with a maximum 2661eligibility of two consecutive terms. 2662 2663 266415. CSPD LIAISON TO THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRIC 2665DENTISTRY 2666 2667Each year, the CSPD President will appoint a member to act as Liaison to the AAPD, giving 2668consideration to utilizing the same member for two to three years as appropriate to maintain 2669continuity. 2670 2671The Society will underwrite the cost of sending the AAPD Liaison to all of the AAPD Trustee m 2672eetings. In addition, the AAPD Liaison will attend other Academy meetings, including those of c 2673ommittees and reference committees, as appropriate. The AAPD Liaison will represent CSPD at 2674District VI State Unit meetings when necessary and attend any District VI caucus. 2675The AAPD Liaison will organize receptions for Society members and guests at the AAPD Annua 2676l Meetings and be responsible for procuring items for the AAPDF auctions. The Liaison will atte 2677nd Society Board meetings and provide a report of Academy activities. 2678 206 Page 13 of 37 207 Section 10 208 2679In transition years, the Society shall fund lodging and per diem for both the outgoing and 2680incoming Liaison to attend the AAPD Board of Trustees Meeting. 2681 2682The AAPD Liaison will prepare a written report to the Board following the AAPD Board of 2683Trustees meetings and AAPD Annual Business meeting. 2684 2685 268616. CSPD LIAISON TO THE WESTERN SOCIETY OF PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY 2687 2688The AAPD Liaison shall serve as the WSPD Liaison, serve on the WSPD Board, and report to 2689the CSPD Board activities of the WSPD. 2690 2691 269217. CSPD LIAISON WITH THE CALIFORNIA DENTAL ASSOCIATION 2693 2694CSPD will be represented by the President, Public Policy Advocate and Executive Director at the 2695CDA meeting of the Interdisciplinary Affairs Committee. 2696 2697CSPD will be represented by the President, Vice-President, President-Elect, Executive Director, 2698and Public Policy Advocate at the annual CDA House of Delegates. Travel and meeting expense 2699s will be paid by CSPD. 2700 2701 270218. LIAISON WITH OTHER ORGANIZATIONS 2703 2704The Society shall seek to establish good communication and liaison with all dental, health and 2705health-related organizations, groups and agencies, particularly those related to the health care of 2706children in California. 2707 2708CSPD will liaison with the Los Angeles Oral Health Foundation. The President will annually app 2709oint a CSPD member to serve on the LAOHF Advisory Committee. 2710 2711 271219. SMOKING 2713 2714There will be no smoking at Board meetings or during any session of the Annual Meeting 2715including the business meeting and scientific sessions. 2716 2717 271820. MAILING LISTS AND LABELS 2719 2720Use by members and non-members of the Society’s membership list will be governed by the 2721policy outlined below: 2722 2723The membership mailing list will be provided to interested parties, both within and outside of the 2724Society, if it is determined that distribution of the material will benefit the membership by 2725enhancing the knowledge, skills, professional, educational or business opportunities of the </p><p>209 Page 14 of 37 210 Section 10 211 2726members. An individual CSPD member may benefit by using the list to promote an educational, 2727proprietary or personal issue to other members. 2728 2729An individual, group or company wishing to use the membership list must first submit to the 2730Executive Director a copy of all of the material proposed for distribution. Upon receipt of the 2731proposed mailing, the Executive Director, in consultation with the Communication Committee, 2732will make a determination regarding its compliance with CSPD’s advertising policy. Once 2733approved, the Executive Director will provide the mailing list in the form of physical mailing 2734address labels or an electronic version. 2735 2736Material approved for mailing should have some potential benefit to the membership. This 2737benefit may be to confer information regarding a product, service, educational opportunity, 2738business opportunity or issue of interest to the profession or specialty. The material should not 2739be deceptive in any manner or demeaning to the profession or any individual, it should be in 2740good taste, it should pertain to the practice, art and science of pediatric dentistry or a related 2741field. 2742 2743The charge for non-CSPD members and for groups, organizations, and companies will be 2744$180.00 for physical mailing address labels and $150.00 for an electronic version. CSPD 2745members can receive this service at a 50% discount if it is for a non-commercial use. At his/her 2746discretion, the Executive Director may waive this charge and provide the list “at cost” or without 2747cost, if it is felt to be in the best interest of the Society or membership to do so. 2748 2749 20a: CSPD Mailing List Rental </p><p>2750Eligibility 2751Subject to review by the CSPD Communication Committee, the mailing addresses of the CSPD 2752membership may be rented by any member or nonmember that is distributing information that is 2753relevant to the practice of pediatric dentistry. At this time, the e-mail addresses of the CSPD 2754membership are not available for rent. 2755 2756Approval 2757An individual, group or company wishing to use the membership list must first submit to CSPD 2758a copy of all of the material proposed for distribution. Upon receipt of the proposed mailing, the 2759CSPD Communication Committee will make a determination regarding its compliance with 2760CSPD’s advertising policy. Once approved, CSPD will provide the mailing list in the requested 2761format. CSPD retains the right to approve all list rentals based on a review of the materials to be 2762distributed, its relevancy to pediatric dentistry, and the product or program that is being solicited. 2763 2764Mail Format 27651. Self-adhesive mailing labels (1” x 2-5/8”) 27662. Electronic – either Excel or CSV formatted files 2767 (CSPD’s membership e-mail list is not for sale) 2768 2769Cost (Entire CSPD Mailing List) 2770Self-adhesive mailing labels - $180.00 (includes shipping and handling) 2771Electronic - $150.00 2772 212 Page 15 of 37 213 Section 10 214 2773Turnaround Time 2774Your order will be processed within 7-10 business days from the day we receive your mailing list 2775contract. Labels will be sent via first class mail /USPS. Should you need rush delivery (two-day 2776service, including overnight delivery), please provide your Fed Ex or UPS account number. If 2777you do not have this available to you, we will add $50.00 to the total cost of the label order. 2778 2779Legal Notice 2780 Labels are rented for one-time use ONLY. No retention or reproduction is allowed in any 2781form. For full legal notice please see legal requirements on rental agreement. 2782 2783Payment 2784Full payment must be included with any list purchase. CSPD will not process label requests until 2785payment is received. 2786 2787Interested? 2788Please print and fill out the order form and contract and return it to the CSPD office. 2789 2790Questions? 2791Any questions regarding the mailing list may be directed to CSPD at 916-231-2142 or [email protected]. 2793 2794CSPD/WSPD Annual Meeting Sponsors 2795All sponsors for the CSPD/WSPD Annual Meeting are given one time electronic access to the 2796registered meeting attendee’s physical mailing address and their e-mail address. Please contact 2797us if you are interested in becoming a sponsor. 2798 2799 20b: California Society of Pediatric Dentistry (CSPD) Mailing List Rental 2800Agreement 2801 2802This agreement is subject to the following conditions: 2803 2804 1. This list is authorized for a one-time use only to mail the promotional or informational 2805 piece that was supplied for approval. The mailing list renter agrees that the promotional 2806 piece supplied for approval with this agreement is the piece(s) that will comprise the 2807 mailing. Upon delivery of the proposed mailing piece to the CSPD's membership, the list 2808 renter shall cease using the membership list. 2809 2810 2. The mailing list renter shall use the mailings lists and mailing labels provided by CSPD 2811 only for pre-approved promotional or informational mailings. The renter shall treat 2812 CSPD's membership list and all mailing labels as confidential information. The renter 2813 shall not under any circumstances sell, loan, or circulate such membership lists to any 2814 third party, or use such membership lists for any other purpose. The mailing list renter 2815 agrees that in utilizing CSPD membership list, he/she will not disclose, transfer, 2816 duplicate, reproduce or retain any portion of the list in any form, by photocopying, 2817 electronic or any other means. 2818 2819 3. The mailing list renter agrees to reimburse the CSPD for all costs which the CSPD may 2820 incur in enjoining unauthorized parties from using the membership list in all cases where 215 Page 16 of 37 216 Section 10 217 2821 such unauthorized parties gained access to the membership through the renter listed 2822 above or any of the renter's agents or employees. 2823 2824 4. The mailing list renter represents and warrants that its mailing pieces are not defamatory, 2825 unlawful, and do not violate the copyright or other ownership rights of any other person, 2826 organization, or entity. The mailing list renter agrees to defend, indemnify and hold 2827 harmless the CSPD against any claim, cause of action, liability, loss, damage, expense or 2828 cost of defense in any way arising from a breach of this provision. The mailing list renter 2829 further agrees that this obligation shall survive the expiration or termination of this 2830 agreement. 2831 2832 5. In consideration for the use of all or part of the mailing list, the mailing list renter releases 2833 CSPD and its officers, trustees, employees, agents, and affiliates from any and all liability 2834 whatsoever for inaccurate or incomplete information contained in the mailing list. 2835 2836 6. The mailing list renter agrees CSPD will have the right to monitor the use of the 2837 membership list. Unless expressly authorized in advance by CSPD, you may not use 2838 the CSPD name or otherwise imply that CSPD endorses the material enclosed in the 2839 mailing or the products or services therein described. 2840 2841Signature below indicates complete acceptance of the above conditions and constitutes a contract 2842between CSPD and the above stated mailing list renter. 2843 2844 2845______2846 Mailing List Renter Date 2847 2848Return this agreement and materials to: 2849 2850California Society of Pediatric Dentistry 28511215 K Street, Suite 940 2852Sacramento, CA 95814 2853Attention: Label Request 2854Or Fax: 916-231-2141 2855 2856 2857 2858 285921. CSPD POLICY ON APPROPRIATE USE OF ELECTRONIC 2860COMMUNICATION 2861 2862Use of Electronic Communication or Email Blasts by members and non-members to reach 2863Society membership will be governed by the policy outlined below: 2864 2865Email access will be granted to interested parties if the communication content benefits the 2866membership or Society at large, and supports the Society’s Mission. The following criteria will 2867be used in granting permission to email blast the Society membership based on the following 2868urgency categories: 218 Page 17 of 37 219 Section 10 220 2869 2870High Urgency: Email blasts shall be allowed as needed at the discretion of the President or, in 2871his/her absence, at least one Executive Committee member in consultation with the Executive 2872Director. If time permits, notification and assent of an Executive Committee majority is 2873preferred. 2874 1. Critical Issues Response 2875 2. Pressing Legislative Issues 2876 3. Pressing Governance Issues 2877 2878Low Urgency: Email blasts shall be limited to one low urgency email blast per month at the 2879discretion of the Society President or members of the Executive Committee. 2880 1. Requests from CSPD Committees, CSPDF, or individual members for the purpose of 2881 informing or surveying the membership. Committees are encouraged to work together on 2882 timing of surveys to minimize the number of membership exposures to email blasts. 2883 Examples of appropriate content include that which improves membership services, 2884 provides information on the Annual Meeting, or facilitates the work of a committee. 2885 2. Requests from outside organizations for the purpose of informing or surveying the 2886 membership. Examples of appropriate content include that which furthers scientific 2887 research or requests membership support for Society approved legislation. 2888 2889Interested parties shall make a request in writing clearly stating the purpose of the email blast 2890and list of benefits to the membership or Society. The request shall be submitted as far in 2891advance as possible, but not less than one week before the desired email blast date, to the 2892Executive Director who will disseminate it to the President and Executive Committee for 2893discussion. A majority of the Executive Committee must provide final approval. 2894 2895 289622. CSPD ADVERISING STANDARDS, TERMS AND CONDITIONS 2897The California Society of Pediatric Dentistry (CSPD) will provide Professional Opportunities 2898and Classified Ads listings in the Bulletin and on the CSPD Website. The Bulletin will also direct 2899reader's attention to the website for the most current Professional Opportunities and Classified 2900Ads. CSPD will provide these listings as a free service for all CSPD members, students, teachers, 2901dental schools and hospitals. All others will pay a fee to place an ad, Professional Opportunities, 2902or Classified. All listings must meet those requirements listed in the CSPD Advertising 2903Standards. 2904CSPD welcomes advertising on our web site www.cspd.org as an important means of keeping 2905pediatric dentists, allied professionals and consumers informed about new products and services 2906available in the practice of pediatric dentistry. Such advertising must be factual, dignified, 2907tasteful, and intended to provide useful product and service information. 2908CSPD will sell advertising space in its publications when the inclusion of advertising material 2909does not interfere with the purpose of the publication and adequate space is available. Products 2910and services eligible for advertising on www.cspd.org must be germane to and useful in the 2911practice of dentistry. Products or services offered by responsible advertisers that are not related 2912to dentistry but are of interest to dentists are also eligible for advertising. All advertisements 2913must comply with CSPD’s Advertising Standards.</p><p>221 Page 18 of 37 222 Section 10 223 2914California Society of Pediatric Dentistry (CSPD) shall be the sole judge of the suitability of 2915materials for advertising, and accepts advertising in the quarterly CSPD Bulletin and CSPD 2916website www.cspd.org subject to the following conditions:</p><p>2917 All advertisements submitted for display in a CSPD publication are subject to review and 2918 appropriate space available.</p><p>2919 Products that are in an ADA seal program must also satisfy all requirements of the applicable 2920 scientific council in addition to these standards governing eligibility for advertising in CSPD 2921 publications. </p><p>2922 Advertisements will not be accepted if they conflict with or appear to violate CSPD policy, 2923 the ADA Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct or its Constitution and 2924 Bylaws, or if the advertisements are deemed offensive in either text or artwork or contain 2925 attacks of a personal, racial or religious nature.</p><p>2926 By submitting advertising copy, advertisers certify that such copy and the advertised 2927 product(s) are in accord with applicable government laws and regulations (for example, equal 2928 opportunity laws and regulations covering new drug applications and prescription drug 2929 advertising). Acceptance of advertising in CSPD publications is not to be construed as a 2930 guarantee that the manufacturer has complied with such laws and regulations. </p><p>2931 The advertisement of a product within the purview of the Council on Dental Materials, 2932 Instruments, and Equipment of the American Dental Association for which an official ADA 2933 specification exists shall not be accepted unless it is classified as "Acceptable" or 2934 "Provisionally Acceptable" and the claims substantiated by the Council.</p><p>2935 Complete scientific and technical data, whether published or unpublished, concerning 2936 product safety, operation, and usefulness may be required. The CSPD reserves the right to 2937 decline advertising for any product involved with a government agency challenge or denial 2938 of product marketing and for any technique or product that is the subject of an unfavorable or 2939 cautionary report by an agency of the ADA.</p><p>2940 All claims of fact must be fully supported and meaningful in terms of performance or any 2941 other benefit. CSPD may require a minimum of one study for certain types of ads.</p><p>2942 The advertisement may cite, in footnotes, references from dental and other scientific 2943 literature provided the reference is truthful and is a fair and accurate representation of the 2944 body of literature supporting the claim made. Unwarranted disparagements or unfair 2945 comparisons of a competitor’s products or services will not be allowed.</p><p>2946 Comparative advertising is not allowed. </p><p>2947 Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, special-purpose foods and nutritional supplements 2948 (e.g., low-sugar foods, postoperative and other therapeutic diets) are not eligible for 2949 advertising.</p><p>2950 Books related to the practice of dentistry are eligible for advertising. Appropriate books of 2951 interest to dentists and their families as consumers are eligible for advertising in publications.</p><p>224 Page 19 of 37 225 Section 10 226 2952 An advertisement for an educational course is not eligible if the date of that course conflicts 2953 with a course sponsored by CSPD. An advertisement for an educational course is eligible if 2954 the course is conducted under the auspices of the ADA/CDA and is recognized by the 2955 ADA/CDA Continuing Education Recognition Program, one of its constituent or component 2956 dental societies, a national certifying board or national society for one of the specialty areas 2957 of dental practice recognized by the ADA, an accredited dental or medical school or any 2958 organization specifically referred to in the Bylaws of the American Dental Association. The 2959 CSPD reserves the right to decline advertising for any course that involves the teaching or 2960 use of a product or technique that conflicts with ADA policy or is the subject of an 2961 unfavorable or cautionary report by an agency of the ADA. The advertisement must state 2962 which of the aforementioned organizations is associated with the course and, if applicable, 2963 the number and type of continuing education credits granted on completion of the course. 2964 The eligibility of an advertisement for a course conducted by or under the auspices of an 2965 organization or commercial venture other than the aforementioned will be determined on a 2966 case-by-case basis. Acceptance of advertisements for courses and educational materials 2967 offered by commercial ventures and directed to the income of a dentist or to the commercial 2968 aspects of a dental practice will be reviewed for attractiveness, accuracy and dignity to 2969 determine eligibility.</p><p>2970 All classified listings must be 100 words or less. All listings will be charged per month or per 2971 Bulletin issue. The fees will be those listed in the Non-Dues Revenue Brochure Rate Sheet. 2972 The Web-Editor and Editor or their committee member designee will be responsible to 2973 forward this billing information to the executive director who will prepare statements and 2974 collect the fees.</p><p>2975 The appearance of advertising or marketing of any kind in any CSPD publication and/or on 2976 the CSPD Web site is not an endorsement or guarantee of the product or service being 2977 advertised or of the claims made for the product or service by the advertiser.</p><p>2978 Announcements of educational programs, equipment, or other products and services must be 2979 related in some manner to the field of pediatric dentistry.</p><p>2980 Membership recruitment or related promotions for external organizations are only permitted 2981 with CSPD’s prior written authorization.</p><p>2982 Ads supplied to CSPD which require additional typesetting, edits, layout, color separation or 2983 film work on material supplied are subject to additional charges which are the responsibility 2984 of the advertiser.</p><p>2985 Advertiser shall provide the advertisement to CSPD (including all necessary artwork) by the 2986 due date and in the format set forth in the Advertising Order form. In the event that all 2987 necessary artwork is not received in time for the due date, CSPD may at its sole option elect 2988 to use artwork from previous Advertisements placed by Advertiser (if any). Unless return is 2989 requested, original art and copy will be destroyed six months after publication.</p><p>2990 All advertisements must be reviewed by CSPD for approval prior to publication. CSPD 2991 reserves the right to accept, reject, or edit any advertisement at its sole discretion for any 2992 product or service submitted for publication. CSPD may, in its sole discretion and at any time 2993 and for any reason, cancel or refuse any advertisement, regardless of whether such 2994 advertisement previously was accepted by CSPD. 227 Page 20 of 37 228 Section 10 229 2995 Every care is taken to avoid mistakes, but responsibility cannot be accepted by CSPD for 2996 clerical or printer errors. </p><p>2997 Advertisers may not use the CSPD name or logo without prior written consent. </p><p>2998 CSPD will not be bound by conditions printed or appearing on order blanks or copy 2999 instructions that conflict with provisions of the Advertising Order form.</p><p>3000 CSPD shall not act as a broker through an advertisement for any product or service not 3001 manufactured or provided directly by the party named in the advertisement.</p><p>3002 Brokers placing advertisements on behalf of a client assume total responsibility for on-time 3003 payment to CSPD, regardless of the client’s payment standing with the broker. Payment is 3004 due upon receipt, and is past due 30 days after billing date. A client/broker with three or 3005 more unpaid invoices from any combination of CSPD advertising options will have their 3006 advertising dropped without warning. Reinstatement requires the payment of all but the last 3007 outstanding invoice.</p><p>3008 Advertiser warrants to CSPD that the Advertisement is Advertiser’s own original work; that 3009 Advertiser is the sole owner of the work and all of the rights herein granted; that the content 3010 of the Advertisement does not violate any copyright, trademark, proprietary or personal 3011 rights of others; and that the Advertisement is factually accurate and contains no matter 3012 defamatory or otherwise unlawful. </p><p>3013 Advertiser agrees to indemnify CSPD and its affiliates, employees, officers, directors, and 3014 agents from and against all liability, including attorneys’ fees, for any loss or damage or 3015 claims that arise from or are related to the use or publication of the Advertisement, including 3016 but not limited to claims for copyright or trademark infringement, unfair competition, 3017 defamation, breach of contract, Lanham Act violations, or breach of the representations and 3018 warranties provided herein.</p><p>3019 Advertiser shall comply with any and all state or federal laws governing solicitations and 3020 individual privacy information. Advertiser shall indemnify and hold harmless CSPD, its 3021 officers, directors, affiliates, agents and employees for any third-party claims arising out of 3022 alleged violations of such laws including but not limited to damages, liabilities, losses, costs 3023 and attorneys fees and legal expenses.</p><p>3024 Advertiser shall be liable for any and all amounts payable to CSPD under this Agreement. 3025 All amounts are due and payable by Advertiser within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice. 3026 If Advertiser cancels this Agreement prior to its conclusion, Advertiser shall remain liable to 3027 pay to CSPD the full amount due. In the event any collection action, by non-judicial or 3028 judicial means, is taken by CSPD against Advertiser to enforce one or more of the terms and 3029 conditions of this Agreement, it is agreed that, if CSPD is successful in such collection 3030 action, that Advertiser shall pay to CSPD all reasonable costs (including reasonable 3031 attorneys’ fees), expenses, and courts costs (if any) incurred by CSPD in pursuing such 3032 collection. 3033 3034 303523. USE OF CSPD NAME AND LOGO 230 Page 21 of 37 231 Section 10 232 3036 3037Active and Associate members in good standing may use the Society name and Logo in yellow 3038page directory listings, in accordance with the Society yellow page listing program, which is 3039available from the Executive Director. In addition, members in good standing may use the 3040Society name and Logo in association with office stationary, patient educational materials and 3041promotional efforts, so long as the use with which it is associated does not violate the ethical 3042standards of the American Dental Association or the California Dental Association. Upon 3043request, the Society will provide camera-ready copy of the Logo to members at no cost. 3044 3045 304624. MAILING ADDRESS 3047 3048Whenever possible, the mailing address of the Society, rather than that of individual officers, 3049Board members or committee chairs, etc., should be utilized for all incoming and outgoing mail. 3050 3051 305225. LETTER OF CONDOLENCE 3053 3054Upon learning of the death of a member or the loss of one of a member’s immediate family, the 3055Executive Director shall draft and execute an appropriate letter of condolence to be signed by the 3056President of the Society. 3057 3058 305926. HONORS AND AWARDS 3060 3061The members of the California Society of Pediatric Dentistry through the Board of Directors may 3062choose to recognize an individual or individuals who have made significant contributions to the 3063advancement of children's oral health either within the state of California or nationally. 3064Recipients will be announced and honored with appropriate recognition at the CSPD Annual 3065Meeting Installation Luncheon or Gala on the final evening. 3066 3067Adoption and Amendment Dates: May, 2010 3068 3069 307027. DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD 3071 3072The Distinguished Service Award is the most prestigious award conferred by CSPD and will be 3073presented to a nominee whom the CSPD Board of Directors identifies as a person who 3074exemplifies the qualities of leadership and mentorship in children’s oral health and has made 3075major contributions to the Society throughout her/his career. This award will be given when an 3076appropriate candidate is identified and nominated. The nomination must be supported by at least 3077three letters of recommendation from CSPD members or affiliates well versed in the 3078accomplishments of the candidate. Nominations and supporting documentation for the 3079Distinguished Service Award must be received by the Executive Director to be reviewed and 3080voted upon by Board of Directors no later than two weeks prior to the January Board meeting 3081preceding the Annual Meeting. The decision to bestow the Distinguished Service Award will be 3082determined by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Nominations which are not selected for </p><p>233 Page 22 of 37 234 Section 10 235 3083the Distinguished Service Award must be resubmitted in order to be considered for the award in 3084subsequent years. 3085 3086Adoption and Amendment Dates: May, 2010 3087 </p><p>236 Page 23 of 37 237 Section 10 238 239 3088 3089SECTION XII. APPENDIX 3090 30911. RESEARCH GRANT AWARDS 3092 3093Protocol: The Society will administer a grant of up to $5,000.00 per year to fund original 3094research by members in good standing, including Postdoctoral student members, that promises to 3095advance the art and science of pediatric dentistry and benefit the oral health care of infants, 3096children and adolescents. Approved grants will be funded by the CSPD Foundation. 3097 3098It shall be the responsibility of the Professional Activities Committee to administer the program 3099and award the grants, adhering to the guidelines below. 3100 3101Guidelines: The Committee will actively solicit applications for the Society research grant each 3102year via notifications in the Bulletin, website, direct mailings, and by other such means as 3103appropriate. The application deadline is April 1st of each year. The Committee will publish the 3104criteria for selection of grant recipients and this criteria will be based upon the philosophy of 3105stimulating and making possible research that otherwise would not occur without the grant. 3106Such factors as originality, uniqueness, investigator effort and difficulty of study, scientific 3107worthiness and clinical application of the anticipated results will be considered. Research 3108projects in clinical as well as non-clinical venues will be considered. Applications for individual 3109research, as well as by clinical teams, schools, program chairmen, study clubs, or other entities 3110will be eligible, so long as the requirements for Society membership are met. 3111 3112The Committee will provide a written protocol document and an application form for the grant 3113available at any time upon request by a member in good standing. All submissions must be in 3114the standard format for a research proposal (see form attached). The committee will make every 3115effort to assist members in clinical practice who wish to apply. 3116 3117Each year, CSPD will administer a budget of $5,000 funded by the CSPD Foundation for the 3118Research Award with no accumulation of funds if they are not used in any one year. Each 3119applicant will be required to submit an estimated budget and a grant request not to exceed 3120$5,000. 3121 3122Applicants will agree to abide by certain grant requirements as outlined below. 3123 3124Following the April 1st deadline, the Committee will review all requests and, based on the publis 3125hed criteria, reach a decision on the awarding of the grants. The Committee may, based on the a 3126mount needed to adequately fund meritorious projects, award grants in such number and amounts 3127not to exceed the funds available. At their discretion, they may offer lesser amounts than applied 3128for due to the limited funds. 3129 3130Selected applicants will be notified by July 1 and the monies will be immediately issued upon 3131agreement to the terms and conditions of the grant. 3132 3133In the event that no grant is made or that some monies remain available following April 1, the 3134Committee shall be free to accept applications for the grant until December 31st. Each grant will 240 241 3135then be judged on its own individual merit in the order received without regard to other potential 3136applicants and monies may be immediately granted by the Committee based on the published 3137criteria. 3138 3139Terms and Conditions: Grant recipients agree to keep the Committee informed of the progress 3140of their research by a report, albeit brief, at least semi-annually. This is especially important in 3141projects that extend beyond one year. 3142 3143Following completion of their research, the recipient agrees to provide to the Society the results 3144of his/her research in manuscript form meeting the criteria for publication as outlined in Pediatric 3145Dentistry (The Journal of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry). In addition, a separate, 3146short abstract will be prepared, suitable for publication in the Bulletin so that the Society may 3147inform the membership as to the results of such research projects. 3148 3149There is no requirement that the completed research be submitted for publication; but where such 3150research merits publication, the Committee will make every effort to encourage submission to 3151appropriate professional journals and will assist in any manner possible the preparation of the 3152manuscript. Should such manuscript be accepted for publication, or should the recipient present 3153the results of his/her research in any other form or forum, the Society’s grant support will be 3154acknowledged. 3155 3156Following completion of the project, the grant recipient agrees to present the research findings to 3157the membership at the next Annual Meeting. This may take the form of a short oral presentation 3158or a table-clinic at the discretion of the Annual Meeting chair. If the grant recipient is residing 3159outside of the State of California at the time of the Annual Meeting, s/he shall have the option of 3160utilizing a substitute presenter or preparing a poster presentation without the speaker being 3161present. 3162 3163Failure to meet the terms and conditions of the grant results in forfeiture of the award and the 3164recipient agrees to return any grant monies to the CSPD Foundation.</p><p>242 Page 2 of 37 243 Section 10 244 3165</p><p>3166</p><p>3167</p><p>3168</p><p>3169</p><p>3170</p><p>3171</p><p>3172</p><p>3173</p><p>3174</p><p>3175</p><p>3176</p><p>3177 Leadership Development Committee 3178 (LDC) 3179 Policy and Procedure Manual</p><p>3180</p><p>3181</p><p>3182</p><p>3183</p><p>3184</p><p>3185</p><p>3186</p><p>3187</p><p>3188</p><p>245 Page 3 of 37 246 Section 10 247</p><p>3189</p><p>3190</p><p>3191</p><p>3192 3193Outline 3194 3195</p><p>3196 I. Mission Statement 3197</p><p>3198 II. Objectives 3199</p><p>3200 III. Charges and Responsibilities 3201</p><p>3202 IV. Timelines and Deadlines 3203</p><p>3204 V. Procedures 3205</p><p>3206 VI. Appendix (includes Warren Brandli Leadership 3207 Intern Program) 3208</p><p>3209</p><p>3210</p><p>3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 248 Page 4 of 37 249 Section 10 250 3220 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225Mission Statement</p><p>3226 3227The mission of the LDC is to meet the current and future 3228leadership needs of the CSPD through the identification 3229and support of potential leaders to ensure the continued 3230effectiveness and growth of our organization.</p><p>3231 3232Objectives 3233 3234 3235 3236 3237The objectives of the Leadership Development Committee are: 3238 3239I. Recruitment: 3240 1. To identify and recruit members for appointed and elected leadership positions in the 3241 Society and to maintain a database of volunteers. 3242II. Advisory: 3243 2. To accept and review candidate applications for volunteer leadership positions. 3244 3. To recommend to the nominating Committee at least one candidate for each elected 3245 and appointed leadership position. 3246 4. To submit to the Board of Directors a ranked list of candidate(s), the best candidate 3247 ranked #1, for the annual Warren Brandli Internship Program. 3248 3249III. Leadership Training: 3250 5. To provide leadership and governance training opportunities for all board and 3251 committee members, including the WBI intern(s). 3252 6. To maintain a suggested reading list and other educational materials within the CSPD 3253 website that may be used for leadership training. 3254 7. To assist the Executive Director and President-Elect in developing and to maintain a 3255 relevant board orientation meeting that includes a standardized orientation packet. 3256 3257 3258 3259 Charges and Responsibilities 3260 3261I. Committee Structure: </p><p>251 Page 5 of 37 252 Section 10 253 3262 3263 The LDC shall consist of five (5) voting members which includes the President and 3264 Immediate Past President. Three at-large members will be appointed by the President. 3265 The President-Elect shall serve ex-officio without vote and will select the chair. The 3266 Executive Director shall serve ex-officio without vote. (The above specifications all refer 3267 to the sitting officer for the fiscal year in question.) 3268 Term limits: The term of office for the three at-large members shall be three years in 3269 staggered terms. A member may serve a maximum of two consecutive appointed terms. 3270 The President and President-Elect shall serve during their term of office. 3271 3272 3273 II. Board Development: 3274 3275 Brief presentation or summary of a reading assignment given at each Board of 3276 Directors meeting for governance and leadership training 3277 3278 Provide announcements regularly for leadership development conference 3279 opportunities through CDA, AAPD or other venues 3280 3281 Make available suggested reading lists on leadership topics as well as lists for CD’s 3282 or DVD’s in the CSPD web site and in the Bulletin. 3283 3284 3285 3286III. Board and Committee Assessment: 3287 3288 Board assessment forms and the board member self-assessment forms (Form #001 3289 and #002 in Appendix) will be distributed to the members of the Board prior to the 3290 January Board of Directors meeting. The completed surveys will be submitted to the 3291 Executive Director at the January Board Meeting. 3292 3293 The results of the board and board member assessment surveys will be reviewed by 3294 the President and the Executive Director. These individuals will be asked to provide a 3295 summary of the results to the Leadership Development Committee prior to the April 3296 Board Meeting so that they may plan any necessary changes for the following year. 3297 3298III. Library Resources: 3299 3300 LDC to maintain and provide an updated suggested reading list 3301 3302 Obtain other references including upcoming web based courses 3303 3304 Links to web sites that provide leadership development topics 3305 3306 IV. Recruitment and Advisory 3307 Provide announcements for volunteer positions on committees, for appointed and 3308 elected leadership positions, and for the Warren Brandli Internship Program. 3309 254 Page 6 of 37 255 Section 10 256 3310 Work with the central office to maintain a database of volunteers including 3311 information on the date of the volunteer’s application, the position(s) in which 3312 they’ve expressed interest, and the volunteer’s skill sets, general interests, and 3313 leadership experience within and outside of the Society. 3314 3315 Review candidate applications for volunteer leadership positions and annually 3316 recommend at least one candidate to the Nominating Committee for each elected and 3317 appointed leadership position opening. 3318 3319 V. Warren Brandli Leadership Intern Program: 3320 3321 To support the Warren Brandli Leadership Intern Program as described in the Policy 3322 and Procedure Manual for the program (Appendix) 3323 3324</p><p>257 Page 7 of 37 258 Section 10 259 3325 Timelines and Deadlines 3326 (Society’s operational year) 3327 3328Annual Meeting 3329 3330 Board Orientation Packet (see sample) 3331 New Dentist Program: “Governance 101” presented by LDC 3332 Intern presents a report on his/her Intern Project to the board and fills out intern survey 3333 Make announcement about the WBL Intern Program at the Installation Luncheon 3334 Survey of previous Warren Brandli Interns to assess leadership activity and existing WB Intern to 3335 assess his/her experience during the program. 3336 Results of both Board and Board Member assessments reviewed by the President and Executive 3337 Director and summary of results provided to LDC before April Board Meeting. 3338 3339June Board of Directors Meeting 3340 3341 Review the results of the Warren Brandli surveys 3342 Brief presentation on leadership or summary of reading assignment given. One topic for this 3343 presentation may be on “How to Run a Meeting.” 3344 Adjustments on LDC Annual Plan 3345 Publish the “Call for Applicants” in the Bulletin 3346 3347September Board of Directors Meeting 3348 3349 Call for WBL Intern Applications 3350 o Announce in CSPD Website 3351 o Announce in CSPD Bulletin 3352 Brief presentation on leadership or summary of reading assignment given 3353 November 10th Deadline for WBL Intern Applications 3354 November- Submit to the Nominating Committee the candidate recommendations for each 3355 elected and appointed leadership position opening 3356 December 20th – LDC report due 2 weeks prior to January BOD meeting: 3357 Submit list of ranked WBL candidate(s) for Board of Directors consideration 3358 3359January Board of Directors Meeting 3360 3361 Selection of WBL intern 3362 President-Elect appoints the “mentor” for the year and the “project” for the intern is identified. 3363 Letter(s) of acceptance/regret is mailed out within 2 weeks after this meeting. 3364 Distribute assessment of the Board and Board Member Self-Assessment to the Board members 3365 prior to January Meeting. Completed assessments will be collected by the Executive Director at 3366 the January board meeting. 3367 Brief presentation on leadership or summary of reading assignment given 3368 March- Interview committee chairs</p><p>260 Page 8 of 37 261 Section 10 262</p><p>3369 Procedures 3370 3371A report to the Board of Directors is due two weeks in advance of the January board meeting and 3372is submitted to the Executive Director’s office for inclusion in the board packet. This report will 3373contain the ranked list of Warren Brandli Internship candidate(s). LDC reports for the other 3374board meetings are also prepared by the chairman and submitted to the Executive Director’s 3375office no later than two weeks prior to the meeting. 3376 3377At each board meeting, LDC will be responsible for presenting a brief board development 3378presentation on a governance or leadership topic or a summary of an assigned reading material. 3379The LDC will determine the topic to be presented or reading material to be assigned. 3380 3381The suggested reading list or training materials will be updated and presented at the “orientation” 3382meeting of the Annual Session. Suggested references may be obtained from the CSPD 3383membership and reviewed by the LDC for appropriateness of leadership and governance subject 3384matter. 3385 3386The procedures for the WBL Intern Program are outlined in that program’s P & P manual 3387contained in this P & P. 3388 3389The chair of the committee will annually update and submit the “Call for Applicant’s” 3390announcement to the Webmaster and Editor for inclusion in the web site, the Bulletin and the 3391CSPD Foundation web site. This may be done after the January board meeting when the 3392announcement of the next Warren Brandli Leadership intern is made. 3393 3394The President of the CSPD may make a request to the CSPD Foundation to support and fund that 3395year’s intern(s). 3396 3397</p><p>263 Page 9 of 37 264 Section 10 265 3398 Appendix 3399 3400 3401 3402Forms 3403 3404# 001 – Board Evaluation Form 3405 3406#002—Board Member Self-Assessment Form 3407 3408# 003 –Board Orientation Sample Agenda 3409 3410# 004—Warren Brandli Leadership Intern Policy and Procedure Manual 3411 3412 3413</p><p>3414</p><p>3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 3422 3423 3424 3425</p><p>266 Page 10 of 37 267 Section 10 268</p><p>3426 Board Evaluation Form 3427 Before3428 the following statements, mark U if the item is Usually true, S if it is Sometimes true, and N if it 3429 is Usually Never true. UNK-don’t know. NA-not applicable 3430 _____3431Board Activities address policy issues not day-to-day management issues. 3432 _____3433Management activities are delegated to the Administrator/Executive Director. 3434 _____3435Board annually reviews corporation’s Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Policy & Procedures, 3436financial statements and budget(s). 3437 _____3438Board members understand their legal responsibilities as directors. 3439 _____3440Board retains outside experts as necessary to meet its fiduciary obligations. 3441 _____3442Full Board approves annual evaluation and compensation of Administrator. 3443 _____3444Board’s needs are clearly communicated to Administrator. 3445 _____3446New board members are oriented before their first board meeting. (Includes introduction to staff 3447and the provisions of the board orientation manual including the corporation’s Articles, Bylaws, 3448Strategic Plan, Mission Statement, budget, organizational chart, recent board minutes, financial 3449roster of committee assignments and suggested reading list.) 3450 _____3451Each board officer has a “job” description, and each board and committee member has a copy of 3452his “job” description. 3453 _____3454Board members receive regular training. 3455 _____3456Conflicts among or between Board members and Administrator are addressed by Board chair or 3457President. 3458 _____3459Board members channel communications with staff through Administrator. 3460 _____3461Board activities focus on corporation’s Mission. 3462 _____3463Board prepares a written long-range plan (>one year). 3464 _____3465Organization has achieved significant progress under Board’s leadership. 3466 _____3467Board members are satisfied with overall performance of Board. 3468 _____3469Board members conduct annual self-evaluations 3470 Name:3471 (optional)______3472 3473 Form #001 269 Page 11 of 37 270 Section 10 271</p><p>3474 3475 Orientation Meeting- Sample Agenda 3476 CSPD Officers and Board Members 3477Location 3478April 20XX 3479 3480I. Welcome to the CSPD Board (President) 3481 Introduction of Officers and Board Members 3482II. The Meaning of Leadership (LDC rep or guest) 3483 Advocacy for CA Children 3484 Meeting the needs of our membership and profession 3485 Governance Responsibilities as a Board Member 3486 o Responsible for attendance and participation at quarterly board meetings 3487 . Respect confidentiality of sensitive material 3488 . Recognize that your opinion is valued and that everyone will not always 3489 agree on all issues 3490 o Responsible for preparation for board meetings 3491 . Turning in Board Reports on time to the Executive Director 3492 Using the standardized CSPD Committee Report Form 3493 Highlight actions or motions ahead of time 3494 . Reading/studying the Board Packet ahead of meetings 3495 . Goal is to maximize your contribution and increase the productivity and 3496 efficiency of the meetings! 3497 o Responsible for becoming a leader and productive team member 3498 . Take initiative and responsibility to follow through on any charges 3499 assigned to you. 3500 . The President or Committee Chairs assign tasks to Board and Committee 3501 members. The selections for tasks are often based on the particular skills 3502 and experiences of the individual. Be prepared to accept those tasks when 3503 asked! 3504III. Warren Brandli Leadership Program: 3505 Review of duties and responsibilities of Intern (LDC rep or guest) 3506IV. Board Member Orientation (Executive Director) 3507 History of CSPD 3508 Review of Policy Manual 3509 990 Policies 3510 Arrangements for Meetings/Travel Expense 272 Page 12 of 37 273 Section 10 274 3511 Roster of Board Members 3512 History of CSPD Foundation 3513 3514V. Review of Governance Structure (President-elect) 3515 Board Meetings/Interim Ex Com Meetings 3516 o Quarterly 3517 o Conference Calls 3518 Role of Committees 3519 o Standing Committees: 3520 . Constitution and Bylaws 3521 . Credentials and Membership 3522 . Nominating 3523 . Annual Meeting Committee 3524 . Finance Committee 3525 . Patient Safety Committee (includes Peer Review) 3526 . Leadership Development 3527 . Communications Committee (includes Editorial and Curriculum and 3528 Policy Review) 3529 . Education 3530 o Special Committees 3531 3532VI. CSPD Strategic Plan (President) 3533 3534VII. Questions and Answers 3535 3536 3537 3538Form # 003 3539</p><p>275 Page 13 of 37 276 Section 10 277 3540 3541Form # 004 3542Warren Brandli Leadership Intern Program 3543 3544About the WBL Intern program 3545 3546The Warren Brandli Leadership Intern Program is named in honor of Dr. Warren Brandli who 3547served as president of the California Society Pediatric Dentistry from 1986-1987. He was on the 3548Board of Trustees of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry from 1988-1991 and was on 3549staff at UCLA School of Dentistry from 1969-2001. He passed away on October 9, 2002. 3550 3551Dr. Brandli was a visionary leader who was highly respected by his peers and whose dedication 3552to our specialty and to CSPD was inspirational to us all. 3553 3554The CSPD Board of Directors passed a resolution on 6/24/06 that established the WBL Intern 3555Program. For that year, the CSPD Foundation board passed a resolution to fund the cost of the 3556program in support of the concept of leadership training and mentorship for young pediatric 3557dentists. The expectation is that the program will develop future leaders for CSPD who may 3558serve in leadership roles of other professional organizations. 3559 3560The WBL Intern Program falls under the auspices of the Leadership Development Committee of 3561CSPD. Recommendations of viable candidates and program changes are submitted to and may 3562be ratified by the CSPD Board of Directors. 3563 3564Mission Statement 3565 3566To provide the Warren Brandli intern(s) with leadership and governance experiences in 3567 preparation for future participation in CSPD volunteer leadership. 3568 3569 3570Purpose: 3571The purpose is to identify qualified candidates, through a competitive application process, for a 3572one (1) year internship on the CSPD Board of Directors. It is the goal of CSPD to train and 3573mentor pediatric dentists to become future leaders in our specialty organization. 3574 3575Qualifications of Applicants: 3576o Applicants who are interested in leadership development. 3577o Pediatric dental residents who demonstrate an interest in CSPD governance and leadership or 3578o A recently graduated Pediatric Dentist (within their first 5 years of completing their 3579 residency) who resides and practices in California. 3580o Interested in learning about CSPD governance with a goal to serve in CSPD volunteer 3581 leadership. 3582o Enthusiastic person who may desire personal and professional leadership skills training. 3583o Current member of CSPD. 3584 Re3585 Responsibilities of the Intern:</p><p>278 Page 14 of 37 279 Section 10 280 3586 To attend all CSPD Board of Directors meetings including the Annual Meeting. The 3587 incoming intern(s) will attend both the orientation and organizational meetings while 3588 the outgoing intern(s) will attend only the organizational meeting. 3589 To actively participate in Board or Committee discussions. 3590 To provide the Board with a verbal/written report at the end of the internship year. 3591 To make himself/herself available for follow-up survey after the internship is 3592 completed. 3593 To work closely with a mentor assigned to him/her by the Board. 3594 To attend the quarterly CSPD Foundation meetings, which are held the day after the 3595 CSPD Board of Directors meetings. 3596 Re3597 Responsibilities of CSPD: 3598 To evaluate applicants through assessment by the mentor and LDC. 3599 To provide training and mentorship experiences during the internship 3600 To obtain funding for activities of the WBL Intern Program. 3601 To continuously evaluate and refine the program. 3602 To inform program directors at the dental schools about the WBL 3603 Ou3604 Outcomes of Program: 3605 Leadership training for the intern that includes CSPD governance education. 3606 Prospective committee, board or Executive Committee participation. 3607 Develop strong leaders for our profession/specialty. 3608 Fu3609 Funding for Program 3610 Financial support may be requested of the CSPD Foundation. 3611 Attract donors for this specific program. 3612 Line item on budget is currently at $4,000.00 for the annual costs. 3613 If feasible, consider annual funding of multiple qualified interns. 3614 Op3615 Operating Procedures for WBL Intern Program/Timelines 3616 Promotion of the program 3617 Design and update application process 3618 Evaluate applicants and submit a ranked list of viable candidates to CSPD Board of 3619 Directors for their consideration 3620 Assignment of mentors by the President-Elect (to be determined) 3621 Intern leadership training: Guidelines/Procedures (in progress) 3622 Intern Project/Summary Report: (in progress) 3623 Bu3624 Budgeting/Funding Process: (in progress) 3625</p><p>281 Page 15 of 37 282 Section 10 283 3626Appendix to Warren Brandli Leadership Intern Program 3627 3628 3629Forms 3630 3631# 001 – Application form 3632 3633# 002 – Call for Applicants 3634 3635# 003 – WBL Intern Application Review Form 3636 3637# 004 – Sample Letter of Acceptance 3638 3639# 005 – Sample Letter of Regret 3640 3641# 006 – WBL Intern Program Exit Survey 3642 3643# 007 – WBL Intern Annual Leadership Participation Survey 3644 3645# 008 - List of WBL Intern Program Graduates 3646</p><p>284 Page 16 of 37 285 Section 10 286 3647 3648 Application Form 3649 Warren Brandli Leadership Intern Program 3650 3651Personal Information: 3652Applicant’s Name 3653______3654(Please Print) (First) (MI) (Last) 3655Postdoctoral Program 3656______3657Address 3658______3659(City) (State) (ZIP) 3660Office Address - 3661______3662(City) (State) (ZIP)</p><p>3663Office/Work Phone ______Home Phone______E‐</p><p>3664mail Address ______3665 3666Education and Training 3667Pediatric Postgraduate Training Program 3668______3669______3670Name of Program Director 3671______3672Date of completion of Pediatric Dentistry Program 3673______3674Undergraduate Dental School 3675______3676Year of Graduation ______3677Plans or current activity after completion of training program 3678______3679______3680______3681Currently a member of CSPD? _____Yes _____No 3682Please submit an essay on: 3683Why you want to participate in the CSPD Warren Brandli Leadership Internship Program and 3684what you hope to gain from this experience. 3685(Please use a separate sheet of paper and include it with your application.) 3686Pertinent leadership activities and experiences in organized dentistry and other 3687organizations 3688Organization Positions Held/Year(s) 3689______3690______287 Page 17 of 37 288 Section 10 289 3691 (Continue on a separate sheet of paper if necessary) 3692 3693Form #001 3694 3695 3696 3697 Call for Applicants 3698 3699 2012-2013 3700 Warren Brandli Leadership Intern Program 3701 3702CSPD is accepting applications for the Warren Brandli Leadership Intern Program for 2012- 37032013. This is a program that offers a wonderful opportunity for leadership development and is 3704specifically designed for pediatric 3705dental residents who would serve as the Intern during their residency or for colleagues who are in 3706their first 5 year period after completing their postgraduate training. The objective of the 3707program is to introduce the selected intern(s) to the structure and workings of CSPD including 3708organizational governance and the importance of child advocacy. This experience will help set 3709the stage for providing young leaders the knowledge and confidence necessary to volunteer for 3710leadership role in CSPD, AAPD, CDA or other dental and related organizations. The internship 3711serves as the hands-on training for our future leaders in pediatric dentistry. Applicants must be 3712CSPD members. 3713 3714Participation in the program will require the intern to attend and participate in four (4) CSPD 3715Board of Director meetings for the year. The intern will be assigned a leadership mentor who 3716will guide him/her throughout the year. The due date for the application is November 10, 2011 3717for the 2012 -2013 year beginning in April 2012 at the CSPD Annual Meeting. 3718 3719Applications, and further information, can be obtained on the CSPD website (www.CSPD.org 3720and should be submitted electronically to: 3721Dr. Ray Stewart, CSPD’s Executive Director. 3722 3723 3724Thank you for your interest and your dedication to the Mission and Vision of CSPD. 3725 3726______3727 3728Chair, Leadership Development Committee 3729 3730 3731Form # 002 3732 3733 3734 WBL Intern Application Review Form 3735 290 Page 18 of 37 291 Section 10 292 3736Evaluator:______3737 3738Date: ______3739 3740I. Personal: 3741 3742Applicant Name: ______3743 3744Currently in Residency Program:______3745 3746Private Practice:______3747 3748Teaching Position:______3749 3750Other: (Military service)______3751 3752Section of application completed: 3753 3754Application:______Two letters of Recommendation: ______Essay:______3755 3756 3757II. Evaluator Matrix – scale 1 (lowest) – 5 (highest) 3758 r e % i The Criteria is weighted. Multiply the % by the l d p e i</p><p>Criteria t Gross Multiplier (your rating from 1-5) to give a gross t h l g u</p><p> i Score Score. Divide this score by 6 to get the Net Score e M W Application/ C.V. 10% Letter of Rec #1 20% Letter of Rec #2 20% Personal Essay 30% Leadership Roles 10% Accomplishments______10% Chairman: add the total number of net scores ______for each of the applications and divide by the TOTALS 100 number of evaluators. This becomes the final % score and the basis for the final ranking. 3759 3760III. Comments:______. IV. 3761Final Ranking:______3762 3763 3764Form #003 3765 3766 3767</p><p>3768</p><p>293 Page 19 of 37 294 Section 10 295</p><p>3769</p><p>3770</p><p>3771 Sample Letter of “Acceptance” 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776Date______3777 3778 3779 3780Dear ______, 3781 3782I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted as the CSPD {______} Warren Brandli 3783Leadership Intern. 3784 3785The Board of Directors looks forward to having you participate in discussions and deliberations 3786for the next year starting with the Board Orientation and organizational meetings at the {_____} 3787Annual Meeting. A copy of your duties and responsibilities as an intern is included with this 3788letter. 3789 3790Dr. ______has been assigned as your mentor and will work with you throughout the year. 3791As you are aware, you’ll be responsible to present a report on a project at the end of your 3792internship on the board. 3793 3794 3795 3796Sincerely, 3797 3798 3799 3800{John Doe, DDS} 3801President, CSPD 3802 3803 3804 3805 Responsibilities of the Intern: 3806 To attend all CSPD Board of Directors meetings including the Annual Meeting. The 3807 incoming intern(s) will attend both the orientation and organizational meetings, while 3808 the outgoing intern(s) will attend only the organizational meeting. 3809 To actively participate in Board or Committee discussions. 3810 To provide the Board with a verbal/written report at the end of the internship year. 3811 To make himself/herself available for follow-up survey after the internship is 3812 completed. 3813 To work closely with a mentor assigned to him/her by the Board. 296 Page 20 of 37 297 Section 10 298 3814 To attend the quarterly CSPD Foundation meetings which is held the day after the 3815 CSPD Board of Directors meeting 3816 3817 3818 3819 form #004 3820 3821 3822 3823Sample Letter of “Regret” 3824 3825 3826Date______3827 3828 3829 3830Dear ______, 3831 3832 3833Thank you for your interest in the Warren Brandli Leadership Intern Program and for taking the 3834time to submit an application. 3835 3836While your application was very well-received, we regret to inform you that after a thorough 3837review of all the applications by the Leadership Development Committee of CSPD another 3838candidate has been selected. 3839 3840However, we encourage you to apply again. The Warren Brandli Leadership Intern Program 3841guidelines state that an applicant may apply during their residency or within the five-year period 3842after completion of a residency program. 3843 3844Though CSPD is limited in the number of interns it can accept, we encourage you to apply for a 3845volunteer committee position. If you are interested, please contact our Executive Director, 3846______, or the chair of the Leadership Development Committee, 3847______. 3848 3849I wish you the best in your future endeavors. 3850 3851 3852Sincerely, 3853 3854 3855 3856______3857CSPD President 3858 3859 3860 From #005 3861 3862 299 Page 21 of 37 300 Section 10 301 3863 3864 3865 3866 3867Warren Brandli Leadership Intern Program 3868Survey/Questionnaire 3869 3870 3871 3872 Warren Brandli Leadership Intern Program 3873 Exit Questionnaire 3874 3875 3876Purpose: To survey graduating interns regarding their leadership and governance experiences 3877during the WBLI Program. Information collected from this survey will assist the Leadership 3878Development Committee in making recommendations and program changes that will help to 3879further refine and enhance the internship experience for future participants. Please attach 3880additional pages if necessary to complete any answers.</p><p>38811. The Warren Brandli Leadership Intern Program is intended to provide its interns with leadership and 3882governance experience in preparation for future participation in volunteer leadership related to pediatric 3883dentistry. Did the Warren Brandli Leadership Intern Program meet your expectations? Please rate on 3884scale of 1-5, where 1 indicates the program fell below expectations, 3 met expectations, and 5 exceeded 3885expectations.</p><p>3886a) The WBLI Program met my expectations. 1 2 3 4 5</p><p>3887b) If the WBLI Program fell below your expectations, please explain why.</p><p>3888 </p><p>3889 </p><p>38902. What were some of the strong points of the Internship?</p><p>3891 </p><p>3892 </p><p>38933. What suggestions would you have to improve and strengthen the Program </p><p>3895 </p><p>38964. Do you feel that attendance at the board meetings was a valuable experience to the WBL Intern?</p><p>3897a. Please rate on a scale of 1-5 (1 indicating no value and 5 maximum value) 1 2 3 4 5 </p><p>3898b. If you felt the board meetings were not of value, please explain why and how you feel they could have 3899been made more valuable to the intern.</p><p>302 Page 22 of 37 303 Section 10 304 3900 </p><p>3901 </p><p>39025. Are there other aspects of leadership training that you feel should be included or excluded?</p><p>3903 </p><p>3904 </p><p>39056. Mentorship:</p><p>3906a. Was your mentor helpful and available in guiding you through the internship experience? Please rate 3907 on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being not valuable at all and 5 being extremely valuable. 1 2 3 4 5</p><p>3908b. Please explain your rating.</p><p>3909 </p><p>3910 </p><p>3911c. Are there ways you feel the mentor could have been more helpful to you as an intern?</p><p>3912 </p><p>3913 </p><p>39147. Recruitment:</p><p>3915a. How did you hear of the WBL Intern Program? </p><p>3916 i. Announcement from residency director/faculty</p><p>3917 ii. Announcement made at the CSPD Annual Meeting</p><p>3918 iii. Email sent to all CSPD members</p><p>3919 iv. CSPD Resident Liaison at my Residency Program</p><p>3920 v. Other: </p><p>3921b. What do you feel is the best method to recruit applicants for the WBL Intern Program?</p><p>3922 </p><p>39238. Participation in leadership after the program:</p><p>3924a. Did the WBL Intern Program provide you with the motivation to pursue other leadership roles? 3925 Please rate on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being no motivation or discouragement and 5 being maximum 3926 motivation. 1 2 3 4 5 305 Page 23 of 37 306 Section 10 307 3927b. Please explain your response.</p><p>3928 </p><p>3929 </p><p>3930c. Did CSPD provide you with the opportunity to continue participating in leadership roles? Please rate 3931 on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being no opportunity, 3 being a fair amount of opportunity, and 5 being 3932 maximum opportunity. 1 2 3 4 5</p><p>3933d. If yes, in which roles?</p><p>3934 </p><p>3935 </p><p>3936e. How do you feel CSPD could follow-up the WBL Intern Program to further encourage leadership 3937 participation in CSPD and other organizations (such as AAPD, CDA, ADA, etc.)?</p><p>3938 </p><p>3939 </p><p>39409. What dental organizations are you currently a member of?</p><p>3941a. CSPD</p><p>3942b. CDA</p><p>3943c. ADA</p><p>3944d. AAPD</p><p>3945e. Other: </p><p>3946Thank you for your completion of this survey and participation in the Warren Brandli Leadership Intern 3947Program. The California Society of Pediatric Dentistry looks forward to your continued participation in 3948the leadership and governance roles influencing our specialty profession and the oral health of 3949California's children. </p><p>3950NOTE: The intern’s response to those questions with ratings would be scored by dividing the intern’s 3951total response by the total possible points (eg, 20/25= 80% rating of the WBLI Program).</p><p>3952</p><p>3953Form # 006 3954 3955 3956 Warren Brandli Leadership Intern Program: 3957 Annual Leadership Participation Survey 308 Page 24 of 37 309 Section 10 310 3958 3959In an effort to accurately evaluate the success of the Warren Brandli Leadership Intern Program, the California 3960Society of Pediatric Dentistry would like to invite you, as a graduate of the WBLI Program, to complete the 3961following survey on leadership participation. Your responses and comments will be used to help evaluate the 3962success of the program in helping to develop leadership skills and encourage participation in dental specialty 3963governance among CSPD members. 3964 3965For the following questions, please comment only on your own personal experience for only the past year 3966(January 2010-January 2011). 39671. What professional dental organizations have you belonged to over the past year? 3968 Circle all that apply. 3969 a) Alumni Society for Pediatric Residency Program 3970 b) Local Component Dental Society 3971 c) California Dental Association 3972 d) California Society of Pediatric Dentistry 3973 e) American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry 3974 f) American Dental Association 3975 g) Other: 39762. Have you belonged to any committees for the above associations? (please list all and 3977 circle any for which you were committee chair) 3978 39793. Have you held any of the following leadership positions? For each position, fill in the 3980 name of the associated organization(s) (e.g., CSPD, CDA, etc.) 3981 a) Secretary; Organization(s): 3982 b) Treasurer; Organization(s): 3983 c) Vice-President; Organization(s): 3984 d) President-Elect; Organization(s): 3985 e) President; Organization(s): 3986 f) Past-President; Organization(s): 39874. Please list any other leadership positions and the associated organization you have 3988 held over the past year (e.g., Editor, Public Policy Advocate, District Representative, 3989 etc.). 3990 Position and Organization(s): 3991 Position and Organization(s): 39925. Please list any leadership positions for any non-dental organizations you have held 3993 over the past year (include the associated organization.) 3994 Position and Organization(s): 3995 Position and Organization(s): 3996Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. If you have any further questions or comments 3997regarding the survey or how to get involved again in CSPD leadership, please feel free to contact either our 3998Executive Director, Dr. Ray Stewart (drrstewart@aolcom), or the CSPD Leadership and Development 3999Committee. 4000 4001Best Regards, 4002______, DDS 4003Chair, Leadership Development Committee 4004California Society of Pediatric Dentistry 4005______(email) 4006Form # 007</p><p>311 Page 25 of 37 312 Section 10 313 4007List of WBL Intern Program Graduates 40082005-2007 Anne Tornabene 40092007-2008 Alex Alcarez 40102008-2009 Diana Reyes – Sara Ghaemmaghami 40112009-2010 Jay Golinveaux 40122010-2011 Aparana Aghi 40132011-2012 Jessica De Bord 40142012-2013 Suzy Tavana – Geraldine Ruiz 40152013-2014 Alexandra Malebranche – Jordan Buzzell 40162014-2015 Sahar Hamedani – Patricia McGlory</p><p>4017</p><p>4018 CSPD ANNUAL MEETING COMMITTEE</p><p>4019 “We Bring People Together” 4020 Mission Statement : 4021The Mission of the CSPD Annual Meeting Committee is to produce a preeminent 4022educational, social, and professional CSPD Annual Meeting. 4023 Goals and Objectives : 4024It shall be the goal of this committee to: 4025 40261) Make each Annual Meeting unique by choosing desirable and easily accessible locations. 40272) Select speakers whose topics are educational, interesting, relevant, and fulfills ADA CERP 4028requirements and the Dental Board of California standards. 40293) Invite vendors and sponsors to exhibit contemporary, dental-related technology, 4030equipment, service and supplies. 40314) Produce advertisements, Annual Meeting information, registration technology, and 4032branding that make attending an enjoyable and positive experience. 40335) Produce an Annual Meeting that interests District VI pediatric dentists as well as 4034national and international dentists. 40356) Critique past annual meetings to enable the success of future meetings. 40367) Work collaboratively with other committees to ensure that the CSPD/WSPD brand is 4037highly respected and recognized for producing one of the best Annual Meetings in pediatric 4038dentistry. 40398) Provide members with a venue for Annual Meeting camaraderie, social activities, 4040learning, research, and relationship building. 40419) Produce a meeting that is fiscally affordable for both the organization and the attendees. 404210) Entice pediatric dental residents and recently graduated pediatric dentists to attend 4043and become members of the organization. 404411) Promote the CSPD Foundation and its Annual Meeting program and grants.</p><p>4045Composition and Terms of Office </p><p>314 Page 26 of 37 315 Section 10 316 4046The Annual Meeting Committee shall be composed of 7 voting members and 7 non-voting 4047members. </p><p>4048The voting members include the Annual Meeting Committee Chair (appointed by the President), 4049the Vice President (who will serve as the Annual Meeting Event Coordinator), an at-large 4050member, the chairs of the Finance and Membership Services Committees or their appointed 4051representative, and a representative appointed by the chair of each of the following 4052subcommittees: Continuing Education and New Dentist. </p><p>4053The following positions will serve as ex officio without vote members: Editor, Website Editor, 4054President-Elect, Executive Director (ED), and one representative from both the Western Society 4055of Pediatric Dentistry (WSPD) and the California Society of Pediatric Dentistry Foundation 4056(CSPDF). The President will appoint a non-voting advisory member (preferably a Past 4057President). The Board approved meeting planner (MP), will serve as a consultant to the 4058committee. The non-voting members shall serve on the committee for the duration of their 4059appointed terms or contract.</p><p>4060The appointed voting member shall serve a two year term of office that are renewable for two 4061additional two year terms. In the case of an incomplete term of their predecessor, an appointed 4062member may complete the partial term and is eligible for two additional terms of 2 years. Any 4063previously appointed members may be reappointed to the Annual Meeting Committee after a full 4064term absence. </p><p>4065The Annual Meeting Chair is appointed for a three-year term and will be reviewed annually. The 4066Chair can serve for a maximum of two consecutive three-year terms.</p><p>4067The following committees are represented in the Annual Meeting Committee:</p><p>40681) Finance Committee </p><p>4069The role of the Finance Committee will be to work with the Annual Meeting Event 4070Coordinator to monitor the Annual Meeting financial needs. </p><p>4071Primary Duties</p><p>4072 Review estimates of income and expenditures of the Annual Meeting budget once 4073 the preliminary budget has been prepared by the Annual Meeting Event Chair/Vice 4074 President. 4075 Oversee and provide guidance concerning expenditures for the Annual Meeting 4076 funds. 4077 Prepare written reports to be presented at each Board meeting. </p><p>4078Composition and Terms of Office</p><p>4079The Finance Committee representative on the Annual Meeting committee shall be the CSPD 4080Treasurer or his/her appointee. </p><p>4081The Appointee of the Finance Committee is a voting member of this committee. 317 Page 27 of 37 318 Section 10 319 40822) Membership Services Committee 4083The role of the Membership Services Committee as part of the Annual Meeting Committee 4084is to work with the CE and New Dentist subcommittees to develop, coordinate, and 4085implement Annual Meeting programs and activities intended to maximize the usefulness 4086and relevance of CSPD's services, programs, and membership benefits to increase the 4087attendance at the Annual Meeting. </p><p>4088Primary Duties</p><p>4089 Coordinate CSPD membership activities for the Annual Meeting- including the 4090 development of Annual Meeting programs- to assist in membership recruitment and 4091 retention. 4092 Develop and recommend membership activities and functions. 4093 Develop and monitor student Annual Meeting programs in collaboration with the 4094 New Dentist committee. </p><p>4095Composition </p><p>4096The Membership Services Committee is chaired by the CSPD Secretary. The representative 4097on the Annual Meeting committee shall be the CSPD Secretary or his/her appointee</p><p>4098The Appointee of the Membership Services Chair is a voting member of this committee.</p><p>4099The Annual Meeting report on Membership Services will be completed by the 4100representative on the committee. </p><p>41013) Continuing Education Subcommittee </p><p>4102The role of the Continuing Education Subcommittee is to work with the Annual Meeting 4103Event Coordinator to decide on speakers and speaker topics for the Annual Meeting. Topics 4104chosen should be meaningful and relevant to pediatric dentistry and should reflect 4105scientific research related to pediatric dentistry. Input from the CE surveys should be 4106considered as they are a reflection of the membership's interest. The Annual Meeting 4107program topics decided upon should enhance attendance at the Annual Meeting. 4108 4109Primary Duties 4110 Collaborate with the Annual Meeting Event Coordinator on speakers and speaker 4111 topics. 4112 Work with the Annual Meeting Event Coordinator to develop a speaker line-up to 4113 present to the Board for approval. 4114 Establish the time and date that the speaker(s) will be presenting with input 4115 from Event Coordinator and the Annual Meeting Chair. 4116 Discuss monetary arrangements and other speaker benefits with the Steering 4117 Committee. 4118 Assure that the Meeting Planner sends out the contracts, obtains speaker bios and 4119 high resolution head shot in digital format, and prepares a write-up for both the 4120 Bulletin and website. </p><p>320 Page 28 of 37 321 Section 10 322</p><p>4121 Work with the speaker and the Online Continuing Education Committee to 4122 determine the suitability of the lecture for video recording. 4123 Work with the Online Education Committee to sign the agreement allowing the 4124 speaker’s course to be video recorded if the content is deemed suitable. 4125 Determine if selected courses follow the ADA-CERP standards for continuing 4126 education. 4127 4128Speaker Qualifications: 4129 Must commit to the scheduled date and time of presentation. 4130 Must have good communication skills in order to interact with a large number of 4131 attendees. 4132 Must assure that lecture content qualifies for Category I or Category II continuing 4133 education units. 4134 Must complete a Conflict of Interest statement. 4135 Must agree to and sign a speaker contract and provide requested information to 4136 both the Meeting Planner and the Executive Director.</p><p>4137Composition</p><p>4138The CE Subcommittee representative of the Annual Meeting committee shall be the Chair of 4139the CE subcommittee or his/her appointee. S/he shall hold this position for the duration of 4140his/her role as CE subcommittee Chair. </p><p>4141The CE subcommittee representative is a voting member of this committee.</p><p>4142The CE subcommittee representative shall provide updates and will report to the Annual 4143Meeting Committee on the status of the speakers and their topics. S/he will work with the 4144Annual Meeting Steering Committee to design the Annual Meeting program grid for the 4145Annual Meeting. </p><p>4146 CONTINUING EDUCATION SUBCOMMITTEE CALENDAR</p><p>May Continuing Education Committee Compile and analyze information from the AM survey and present during the June board meeting SMA ● Contract speakers and arrange their travel for the next annual meeting </p><p>June Continuing Education Committee Prepare CSPD quarterly newsletter SMA ● </p><p>July Continuing Education Committee Work with the annual meeting committee to develop CE program for annual meeting for the following year Work with the finance committee to determine budget for the speakers SMA ● 323 Page 29 of 37 324 Section 10 325</p><p>August Continuing Education Committee ● Maintain and update the speaker list SMA ● </p><p>September Continuing Education Committee Prepare article for the CSPD quarterly newsletter Update CE course listings for the CDA journal SMA ● Create Contract for New Dentist Lecture Speaker and Arrange Speaker Bios for Publication in the October Journal</p><p>October Continuing Education Committee SMA ●</p><p>November Continuing Education Committee SMA ●</p><p>December Continuing Education Committee Periodically review the ADA CERP regulations and Dental Board of California Guidelines SMA ●</p><p>January Continuing Education Committee Prepare article for the CSPD quarterly newsletter SMA ●</p><p>February Continuing Education Committee ● Develop a pediatric dentistry course to be given by CSPD member dentists for the CDA Anaheim Presents (May 2014) SMA ●</p><p>March/April Continuing Education Committee (Depending on ● Schedule volunteers to manage the sign in sheets and distribution of AM Date) CE certificates ● Update annual meeting survey after the meeting SMA ● Send out annual meeting survey ● Send the CE sign in sheets to the AAPD CE director</p><p>4147</p><p>41484) New Dentist Subcommittee </p><p>326 Page 30 of 37 327 Section 10 328 4149The role of the New Dentist Subcommittee representative on the Annual Meeting 4150committee shall be to work with the Chairs of Membership Services and CE to plan 4151appropriate educational programs at the Annual Meeting for the New Dentists.</p><p>4152Primary Duties </p><p>4153 Identify and suggest speakers and topics for the Annual Meeting New Dentist 4154 Lecture that would be of interest to new dentists. 4155 Present Annual Meeting program suggestions to the Board by the September Board 4156 meeting prior to the next year’s Annual meeting. 4157 Participate in the planning of the Annual Meeting for New Dentists through a 4158 collaborative effort with the Membership Services Committee. 4159 Coordinate and plan the Poster Presentations</p><p>4160</p><p>4161 Act as the contact between the Board and the Subcommittee.</p><p>4162 Share topics of interest, trends, and innovations pertinent to the specialty with the 4163 Committee and Board.</p><p>4164Composition</p><p>4165The New Dentist representative on the Annual Meeting Committee shall be the New Dentist 4166Subcommittee Chair or his/her appointee. S/he shall hold this position for the duration of 4167his/her role as New Dentist Subcommittee representative.</p><p>4168The New Dentist representative is a voting member of this committee.</p><p>4169The New Dentist representative will complete progress reports to the Annual Meeting 4170Committee when requested and will submit updated reports to the Board.</p><p>4171 NEW DENTIST SUBCOMMITTEE CALENDAR</p><p>May New Dentist Committee ● Meet/Conference Call with Past New Dentist Chair SMA ● Update the CSPD Lunch and Learn PowerPoint Presentation ● Assist ND committee with outgoing resident contact - confirm contact information for outgoing residents.</p><p>June New Dentist Committee ● Establish Candidates for the New Dentist Lecture SMA ● Supply the New DDS chair with the contact information for the program director and department secretary.</p><p>329 Page 31 of 37 330 Section 10 331</p><p>July New Dentist Chair ● Contact Potential ND Lecture Candidates ● Contact Programs and Establish Student Liaisons ● Obtain and Update list of all Residents w/ contact information. SMA ● Update the list of Student Liaisons</p><p>August New Dentist Committee Obtain approval of ND lecturer from annual meeting committee ● Schedule Lunch and Learns ● Coordinate lunch and learns with CSPD foundation member and CSPD board member SMA</p><p>September New Dentist Committee ● SMA ● Create Contract for New Dentist Lecture Speaker and Arrange Speaker Bios for Publication in the October Journal</p><p>October New Dentist Committee ● Complete Lunch and Learns ● Email blasts for annual meeting to ○ Contact Residency Directors ○ Contact Resident Liaisons SMA ● Update website for table clinic submission deadline and email for submissions (usually the WBI intern)</p><p>November New Dentist Committee ● Annual Meetings Contacts ○ E-mail Blasts to all of the Residents for Poster Submittal SMA ● Confirm breakfast for table clinics; poster boards for presenters ● Arrange ND reception (probably done earlier in conjunction with the AM committee)</p><p>December New Dentist Committee ● SMA ●</p><p>January New Dentist Committee Recruit judges for Poster Competition SMA ●</p><p>February New Dentist Committee ● Send reminder for table clinic deadlines</p><p>332 Page 32 of 37 333 Section 10 334</p><p>● Confirm Judges ● Arrange prizes for competition (this is new this year?) SMA ●</p><p>March/April New Dentist Committee (Depending ● Compile list of presenters for table clinics on AM Date) ● Inform NuSmile of number of presenters for the honorarium SMA ● Confirm ND presenter</p><p>4172</p><p>41735) Member-At-Large </p><p>4174 The Member-At-Large position to the Annual Meeting Committee shall be an 4175 appointed position. He/she should understand the scope of the work and time 4176 commitment involved. </p><p>4177Primary Duties </p><p>4178 Take an active part in the production of the CSPD Annual Meeting. 4179 Provide expertise in the development of CSPD educational programs. 4180 Understand the CSPD Annual Meeting and the role it has in CSPD’s strategic plan. 4181 Help to evaluate the effectiveness of all programs to confirm they meet their 4182 objectives and mission. 4183 Evaluate the marketplace for speakers and topics to assist in planning for future 4184 meetings. 4185 Work collaboratively with other CSPD committees as well as outside organizations 4186 to ensure that CSPD Annual Meeting programs reflect current regulations and needs 4187 facing the specialty.</p><p>4188Qualifications</p><p>4189 Preference will be given to past CSPD Presidents. 4190 Have knowledge of new trends, innovative ideas, and current topics of interest to 4191 the specialty of pediatric dentistry. 4192 Be able to objectively evaluate different programs and speakers as to 4193 appropriateness for CSPD members. 4194 Be familiar with the potential interest of different speakers. 4195 Be willing to sacrifice personal time (when necessary) for assistance with the 4196 physical setup of the program. 4197 Be able to work closely with CSPD to finalize the Annual Meeting program. 4198 Possess the ability to anticipate membership interest in the planning of special tours 4199 and social events. Have a willingness to work with the meeting planner and Annual 4200 Meeting committee chair to plan the activities.</p><p>335 Page 33 of 37 336 Section 10 337 4201The At-Large Advisory member should be able to assume the duties of the Annual Meeting 4202Committee Chair in his/her absence.</p><p>4203The At-Large-Member is a voting member.</p><p>4204Reports and budget presentations are not required but may be requested from the 4205member.</p><p>42066) Non-voting Members</p><p>4207Composition</p><p>4208The Website Editor, Editor, President-Elect, WSPD Representative, CSPDF representative, 4209non-voting advisory member and Executive Director shall serve on the committee for the 4210duration of their appointed terms or contract. </p><p>4211Primary Duties </p><p>4212 Take an active role in the production of the CSPD Annual Meeting. 4213 Provide expertise and suggestions in the development of educational programs. 4214 Understand the importance of CSPD continuing education and the role it has in 4215 CSPD’s strategic plan. 4216 Help to evaluate the effectiveness of all educational programs. 4217 Contribute in the planning of meetings, speakers and topics. 4218 Work collaboratively with other Annual Meeting committee members to ensure a 4219 successful product. 4220 Assist in advertising and marketing the meeting. 4221 Update the website and Bulletin showcasing the Annual meeting 4222 Work with the Annual Meeting Committee to create e-blast announcements about 4223 the meeting. 4224 Develop a protocol with the Online CE committee to digitally record selected Annual 4225 Meeting lectures. </p><p>4226 Reports and budget presentations are not required but may be requested from the 4227 member. </p><p>4228</p><p>42297) Executive Director</p><p>4230 The role of the Executive Director is to serve ex-officio on the Steering committee. 4231He/she will assist in the preliminary planning and production of the Annual Meeting. 4232He/she will review speaker and hotel/resort contracts with the Steering Committee. All 4233contracts shall be submitted to the Board for approval.</p><p>4234Primary Duties</p><p>338 Page 34 of 37 339 Section 10 340 4235 Sign the Speaker(s) contract. 4236 Sign the hotel/resort contract 4237 Negotiate the speaker contract with recommendations from Annual Meeting Event 4238 Coordinator and CE Subcommittee Chair. 4239 Review and negotiate hotel/resort contract with the Meeting Planner and Annual 4240 Meeting Committee Chair. 4241 Prepare and provide recognition awards for the Annual Meeting. 4242 Schedule a meeting, to be chaired by the Vice President, for the purpose of assisting 4243 CSPD management staff in developing the preliminary budget for the following year 4244 Annual Meeting. The meeting participants shall include the CSPD staff Meeting 4245 Planner, Executive Director, the incoming President-Elect, and the Annual Meeting 4246 Chair. This shall be done before the completion of the Annual Session for which the 4247 incoming President Elect is completing his/her duties as the Annual Meeting Event 4248 Coordinator. The time and place for said meeting will be determined by the 4249 participants. </p><p>42508) President –Elect</p><p>4251 The President-Elect shall serve as an Advisory member without a vote. </p><p>4252Primary Duties</p><p>4253 Assist in the preliminary planning, production and management of the Annual 4254 Meeting 4255 Schedule and chair a meeting for the purpose of assisting CSPD management staff in 4256 developing the preliminary budget for the following year’s Annual Meeting. The 4257 meeting participants shall include the CSPD staff Meeting Planner, Executive 4258 Director, the incoming Annual Meeting Event Coordinator (incoming Vice 4259 President), and the Annual Meeting Chair. This shall be done before the completion 4260 of the Annual Session for which the Vice President is completing his/her duties as 4261 the Annual Meeting Event Coordinator. The time and place for said meeting will be 4262 determined by the participants.</p><p>42639) Vice President/Annual Meeting Event Coordinator </p><p>4264The Vice President will be the Annual Meeting Event Coordinator 4265 4266Primary Duties 4267 4268 Provide input on Site Selection at the direction of the Annual Meeting Committee 4269 Chair, Executive Director, and Meeting Planner(MP)</p><p>4270 Decide the Gala Theme in collaboration with the MP.</p><p>4271 Produce and execute the Gala</p><p>341 Page 35 of 37 342 Section 10 343 4272 Choose speakers and speaker topics with assistance from CE chair 1 ½ - 2 years 4273 prior to the Annual Meeting.</p><p>4274 Present a proposed budget to the Board for review and approval at the first 4275 quarterly board meeting of his/her tenure of office. Approve a food and beverage 4276 menu in concert with the Annual Meeting Committee Chair, and MP.</p><p>4277 Design sponsor brochures, taglines, and logo, in collaboration with a graphic 4278 designer and the Annual Meeting Committee Chair.</p><p>4279 Assign Annual Meeting Team Chairs in collaboration with Annual Meeting 4280 Committee Chair.</p><p>4281 Schedule and chair a meeting for the purpose of assisting CSPD management staff in 4282 developing the preliminary budget for the following year Annual Meeting. The 4283 meeting participants shall include the CSPD staff Meeting Planner, Executive 4284 Director, the incoming President-Elect, and the Annual Meeting Chair. This shall be 4285 done before the completion of the Annual Session for which the incoming President 4286 Elect is completing his/her duties as the Annual Meeting Event Coordinator. The 4287 time and place for said meeting will be determined by the participants.</p><p>4288 4289Should the Annual Meeting Event Coordinator be unable to complete his/her term, the 4290President will appoint a replacement (preferably a past president or a current member of 4291the committee). 4292 429310) Annual Meeting Committee Chair 4294A three year position appointed by the President. 4295 Create a template for production of the Annual Meeting</p><p>4296 Develop timelines/deadlines to track the progress of the Annual Meeting</p><p>4297 Provide vision</p><p>4298 Work hand in hand with the Meeting Planner, Executive Director, and Annual 4299 Meeting Event Coordinator to plan and produce the Annual Meeting. </p><p>4300 Design the Annual Meeting schedule /grid in collaboration with the Annual Meeting 4301 Event Coordinator, MP, and CE subcommittee representatives. </p><p>4302 Coordinate the Annual Meeting committees and teams that help to run the Annual 4303 Meeting. </p><p>4304 Produce Non-Dues Revenue brochures and advertisements for the meeting with 4305 input from the MP.</p><p>4306 Work with Communications Committee and MP to market the Annual Meeting. </p><p>4307 Oversee the management company in collaboration with the Event Coordinator to 4308 procure and manage sponsors and exhibitors. 344 Page 36 of 37 345 Section 10 346 4309 Develop an on-going, professional relationship with the sponsors.</p><p>4310 Submit reports to the Board on the progress of the Annual Meeting.</p><p>4311 Submit periodic progress reports to the Annual Meeting committee on the status of 4312 the Annual Meeting. </p><p>4313 Schedule a meeting, to be chaired by the Annual Meeting Event Coordinator, for the 4314 purpose of assisting CSPD management staff in developing the preliminary budget 4315 for the following year Annual Meeting. The meeting participants shall include the 4316 CSPD staff Meeting Planner, Executive Director, the incoming President-Elect, and 4317 the Annual Meeting Chair. This shall be done before the completion of the Annual 4318 Session for which the Vice President is completing his/her duties as the Annual 4319 Meeting Event Coordinator. The time and place for said meeting will be determined 4320 by the participants. 4321 Track the progress of the MP and management company by the use of 4322 timelines/deadlines.</p><p>4323 Call meetings as necessary to ensure the timely progression of the Annual Meeting. 4324 4325Glossary of Terms: 4326Annual Meeting Steering Committee: This committee is responsible for the overall 4327authority, planning, and management of the Annual Meeting. It is composed of the Annual 4328Meeting Committee Chair, Annual Meeting Event Coordinator, Finance Committee 4329representative, At-Large Member, Executive Director (ED), Editor, and the Meeting Planner 4330(MP). The ED, Editor, and MP are non-voting.</p><p>4331</p><p>347 Page 37 of 37 348 Section 10</p>
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