NHS Lanarkshire - Vacancy

NHS Lanarkshire - Vacancy

<p>NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack</p><p>POSITION: Locum Consultant in Emergency Medicine</p><p>Reference MS/1117/19 Quote on all correspondence Grade Locum Consultant Location Hairmyres Hospital Hours / PA’s 10PAs per week (Part-time may be considered) Salary Scale £78,304 - £105,570 Closing Date Friday 29th December 2017</p><p>Your Application Thank you for expressing an interest in the above post within NHS Lanarkshire. Please find all the relevant information attached to begin the application process. </p><p>Should you require further information regarding this post you can contact the Medical Staffing team or make informal enquiries with the department using the contact details below. </p><p>To ensure we can process your application as easily as possible please complete all the information required within the Application Pack and email with your CV.</p><p>Contact Details Telephone 01698 377747 Email [email protected]</p><p>Application To apply, please email your CV to the above, along with the attached Process completed Application Pack. </p><p>4 - Recruitment - Application Pack Nov 16.doc</p><p>Additional Informal enquiries regarding this post will be welcomed by:- Arrangements Mrs. J Edwards Director of Hospital Services 01355 584488 Dr. J Keaney Chief of Medical Services 01355 584488 Dr A Palombo Clinical Director 01355 584728</p><p>Date when the The post is vacant immediately and a start date will be agreed with the post is Vacant successful candidate. </p><p>NHS Lanarkshire For further information regarding NHS Lanarkshire and its hospitals, please visit our website:- www.nhslanarkshire.org.uk</p><p>We are an Equal Opportunities Employer and Positive about Disabled People.</p><p>Page 1 NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack</p><p>POSITION: Locum Consultant in Emergency Medicine</p><p>Integration of Health and Social Care Services </p><p>From the 1st of April 2016, two new legal bodies, North Lanarkshire Joint Integration Board (JIB) and South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board (IJB) have responsibility for planning, commissioning and overseeing the delivery of community health and social care services. The Boards drawn from North and South Lanarkshire Councils, NHS Lanarkshire, professional health and care disciplines and third and independent sector organisations, will plan and commission local support and care services. These will be delivered primarily by the Councils and NHS Lanarkshire working together in teams in a new integrated way, to transform, re-design and improve the outcomes for the localities across North and South Lanarkshire.</p><p>The JIB and IJB are preparing Strategic Commissioning Plans to manage and integrate functions and drive a long-term programme of service transformation, re-design and improvement, particularly seeking to address local needs, change the culture, improve corporate systems and delivery processes while achieving a range of National Outcomes related to integration. The Plans will have to be affordable and will be effective in achieving an agreed level of performance. Throughout the planning process the JIB will respect our staff, our service users, our carers, our patients, our partners and those with whom we choose to contract.</p><p>Orthopaedic Review </p><p>NHS Lanarkshire is improving patient safety and quality of care in a two phased restructuring of its trauma and orthopaedics service. Orthopaedic services were identified as an area requiring review following the recommendation of the Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) rapid review of the safety and quality of care for acute adult patients in NHS Lanarkshire. The HIS review identified the need to review the distribution of orthopaedic services and develop a service model that meets patients’ needs. </p><p>This review forms part of the overall consultation on the Lanarkshire Healthcare Strategy 'Achieving Excellence'.</p><p>Interim changes to trauma and orthopaedics have already been agreed after risks within the service which could compromise patient safety and quality of care were recognised following feedback from Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS), the Scottish Government Peer Review process Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT), the General Medical Council (GMC) and the NHS Education for Scotland (NES). Their advice led to NHS Lanarkshire carrying out a detailed review of our trauma and orthopaedic services from which these proposals have been developed.</p><p>Page 2 NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack</p><p>POSITION: Locum Consultant in Emergency Medicine</p><p>Management The supporting operational and clinical management structures are Structure focused on enhancing patient safety, quality improvement and local delivery at hospital level, with visibility of clinical leadership and support for individual professional accountability. Our Medical Managers will provide professional leadership to medical staff, ensuring that they are effectively developed, organised, integrated and managed to support the strategic aims of each Division and meet the needs of the patient.</p><p>Management Structure Overview (Acute)</p><p>Director of Acute Services</p><p>Director of Director of Director of Director of Access Divisional Hospital Services Hospital Services Hospital Services Medical Director Hairmyres Monklands Wishaw</p><p>Chief of Medical Chief of Medical Chief of Medical Associate Services Services Services Medical Directors Hairmyres Monklands Wishaw</p><p>Clinical Directors Clinical Directors Clinical Directors Deputy CD's Deputy CD's Deputy CD's Leads Leads Leads Various Specialties Various Specialties Various Specialties</p><p>Page 3 NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack</p><p>POSITION: Locum Consultant in Emergency Medicine</p><p>POST INFORMATION The Post Locum Consultant in Emergency Medicine.</p><p>The precise details of the job plan will be dependent on the successful candidate’s subspecialty training and interests.</p><p>Hairmyres Emergency Department has well established links with Acute Medicine. Several of the Emergency Medicine consultants work in both the Clinical Decision Unit and an Ambulatory Care. An interest in either of these areas would be encouraged and facilitated.</p><p>The job is offered as a full-time post on a 10 PA basis but applications will be considered from those wishing to work less than full-time. If full- time up to 2 EPA’s may be available to undertake additional outpatient and/or procedure sessions or management activity. </p><p>All new substantive Consultants are initially offered a minimum of 1 PA for SPA duties but this will be reviewed within 6 months (or earlier if required) of appointment and revised upwards if additional responsibilities have been undertaken. Additional SPA time (up to 2.5 PA’s in total) can be incorporated into the job plan depending on the time required to support the successful candidate’s professional activities and the needs of the service.</p><p>NHS Lanarkshire is supportive of applications from individuals with well developed ideas for improving services who are able to demonstrate a commitment to quality improvement, patient safety (including human factors training), Medical Education and Research & Development. </p><p>The Board has a well established, bespoke Medical Education and Training Centre with simulation facilities and is developing a faculty for Human Factors training. We have a strong commitment to Patient Safety and Quality Improvement with an increasing number of consultants who are trained Patient Safety Fellows.</p><p>Applicants who are able to demonstrate a commitment to any of the above areas and wishing to commence on more than 1 PA for SPA duties should discuss proposals with the identified Lead contact and Service Medical Manager (Associate Medical Director or Divisional Medical Director).</p><p>Page 4 NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack</p><p>POSITION: Locum Consultant in Emergency Medicine</p><p>General You will report to Clinical Director, who will agree your job plan. Provisions</p><p>Health and You are required to comply with NHS Lanarkshire Health and Safety Safety Policies.</p><p>Junior Medical You will be responsible for the training and supervision of Junior Medical Staff staff who work with you, and you will be expected to devote time to this on a regular basis. In addition, you will be expected to ensure that staff have access to advice and counseling. If appropriate, you will be named in the contracts of Doctors in training grades as the person responsible for overseeing their training and as the initial source of advice to such Doctors on their career.</p><p>Resources The following department resources are available:- Consultants Special Interest Dr P O’Connor Physician Assistant Training Dr J Keaney Chief of Medicine Dr A Palombo Clinical Director for Medicine Dr J Cash Foundation Tutor Dr D Donnelly Stroke Thrombolysis Dr G Logue College Tutor Dr F Mushtaq Paediatrics Dr D Patrick Patient Safety Dr F Burton Medical Education Dr C Lightbody Psychiatry Dr Ruiz-Buitrago Research Dr M Campbell Dr R Al-Soufi Dr M Chekroud</p><p>Specialty Doctors 0.5 Specialist Registrars on rotation from the West of 3 Scotland Training Scheme. STR’s on BST 3 STRs/FY’s 3</p><p>Secretarial Support: WTE Senior Secretary 1</p><p>Page 5 NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack</p><p>POSITION: Locum Consultant in Emergency Medicine</p><p>DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Main Duties Emergency Medicine Consultant Clinical Duties This post is a Maternity Leave Vacancy. Over the past few years NHS Lanarkshire has invested Emergency Medicine to increase the Consultant involvement in clinical care during times of peak activity. The post holder will join the existing consultants to provide increased Consultant during these periods. You will participate in a resident Consultant on call service on the nights that are staffed by junior doctors only. Weekend nights are currently staffed by a middle grade doctor. The following is a list of other functions which the post holder will provide in conjunction with the existing consultants.  Clinical management of patients attending the Emergency Department (ED), including those attending review clinics  Participation in the day to day running and administration of the department in conjunction with the present complement of staff.</p><p> Participation in the Out of Hours Rota, with prospective cover shared equally with consultant colleagues.</p><p> The department will be covered at all times by a consultant – individual consultant rotas will be agreed in conjunction with consultant colleagues during the job planning process.</p><p> Responsibility, along with colleagues, for the Hospital Major Incident Plan in consultation with other specialties, the Emergency Services and Hospital Management.</p><p> Shared responsibility for the development of contingency plans in relation to significant planned events.</p><p> Participation in the running of the departmental Clinical Decision Unit Protocols.</p><p> Participation in induction and regular weekly teaching for medical staff in addition to shop floor teaching. The successful candidate will also be expected to be involved in the teaching of medical students, paramedics and nursing staff. </p><p>Page 6 NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack</p><p>POSITION: Locum Consultant in Emergency Medicine</p><p> Participation in Clinical Audit and Clinical Governance. </p><p> Improve clinical practice by peer review and change working practices where appropriate to maintain a high standard of medical treatment and care.</p><p> Continuing Support for the Hospital Emergency Care Teams (HECT,) members of which are responsible for the emergency care of patients in the hospital overnight. </p><p> Participate in the appraisal of junior staff along with annual consultant appraisal and re-validation.</p><p> Teaching, audit and support of the ENP and MINTS service currently operational within the department.</p><p> Aspire to a standard of practice compatible with current GMC “Good Practice” and the College of Emergency Medicine clinical effectiveness guidelines - www.collemergencymed.ac.uk/ cem / . (It is recognised that these goals are resource related and assume adequate departmental staffing levels and management support.)</p><p> Initiate/take part in research within the department where appropriate.</p><p>Page 7 NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack</p><p>POSITION: Locum Consultant in Emergency Medicine</p><p>Work As required under Section 3 of the Terms and Conditions of Service, the duties Programme and responsibilities are supported by a job plan and work programme detailed as follows:</p><p>Job Planning/Programmed Activities</p><p>The job plan will be dependent on the successful candidate’s subspecialty training and interests. A minimum of 1 SPA will be included in the job plan but please refer to the guidance above under the general description of the post.</p><p>On taking up post a Job Plan will be agreed between the person appointed and the Clinical Director/Associate Medical Director. This job plan is subject to review at least once a year by the post holder and the Clinical Director/Clinical Lead as noted in the terms and conditions. The procedures set out in the ‘Terms & Conditions of Service’ must be followed if it is not possible to agree a job plan, either initially or at an annual review.</p><p>The timetable is indicative and subject to negotiation with the Clinical Director / Associate Medical Director. The core 10 PA working week will be based on 9 PA’s of Direct Clinical Care (DCC) duties and 1 PA of SPA time for a full-time post-holder. </p><p>The indicative weekly timetable included in the work programme shows likely elective PA’s within the 10 PA post and indicated the location where each activity will be undertaken and the type of work involved.</p><p>Indicative Job Plan The post is for 10PAs with and additional 2 EPAs available if mutually agreed.</p><p>An indication of how 10 PAs could be allocated is as follows;</p><p> Shop floor sessions 6.5  Clinical admin/Clinical safety 1  Unpredictable on call 0.5*  Compensatory rest/ prospective cover 1  SPA 1 *Time for unpredictable on call is only applicable while there are still commitments to doing on call from home. Once the department has a Consultant resident on call every this session will no longer be part of the job plan.</p><p>Shop floor sessions consist of seeing patients individually and supervising junior medical and MINTS staff as well as participating in Minor Injury Clinics.</p><p>Page 8 NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack</p><p>POSITION: Locum Consultant in Emergency Medicine</p><p>Resident on call presently cover weekday nights. The Consultant workforce is being expanded to extend this to cover weekend nights. During the period taken to fully expand the workforce to deliver this level of cover it is likely that some weekends will have resident on call cover and others will be covered on call from home. This will decided by the experience of the doctors on shift in the department. The resident on call nights will be shared between 15 consultants and will amount to approx 2 per month. It is likely that this will consist of working a shift from 4pm to 11pm. Any work beyond this time will depend on the patient demand and acuity. The consultant will be resident on call until 8am the following morning. The period of resident on call from 11pm – 8am is reimbursed at premium rate (time and a third) and would account for 3 PA and are included in the job plan. Being resident on-call is classified as work under the European Working Time Directive. </p><p>Consultant shop floor cover is provided from 8am to 11pm every day and the post holders will do an equitable share of this work. </p><p>The following table of indicative of a week where the post holder works does a night resident on call.</p><p>DAYS HOURS Duties Monday 9am – 3pm Clinic followed by shop floor work Tuesday 4pm - 11pm Shop floor 11pm - 8am Resident on call Wednesday Off Thursday 9am – 1pm Clinical Admin 1pm - 5pm SPA Friday Off Weekends Work on 3/15 weekends See separate table</p><p>The following table of indicative of a typical week without a night resident on call.</p><p>DAYS HOURS Duties Monday 9am – 5pm Clinic followed by shop floor work Tuesday 8am - 4pm Shop floor Wednesday 8am - 6pm Clinic followed by shop floor work Thursday Off Friday 9am – 1pm Clinical Admin 1pm - 5pm SPA Weekends Work on 3/15 weekends See separate table</p><p>Page 9 NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack</p><p>POSITION: Locum Consultant in Emergency Medicine</p><p>The following is indicative of the weekend working pattern</p><p>Cons 1 Cons 2 Cons 3 Friday 4pm-11pm & SPA, clinical shift SPA, clinical shift Resident on call or Off or Off Saturday Off 5pm-11pm & 8am-5pm Resident on call Sunday 8am-5pm Off 5pm-11pm & Resident on call</p><p>Resident on call cover every weekend is only possible once all posts are filled. For a period of time some weekend nights will be covered as resident on call and some as on call from home as an interim measure. 3 Consultants are required to cover each weekend as indicated above with each Consultant working 3 out of 15 weekends. As such the availability supplement is 5%. Time back is given for weekend work during the following week. These examples are based on a 10 PA contract.</p><p>During the week the department is covered out of hours by senior staff. Consultants supervise the Hospital Emergency Care Team (HEC TEAM) hand- over between 2100 hrs - 2200hrs. Consultants will provide onsite cover during Public holidays, Bank Holidays and provide prospective cover for A/L and study leave. There is expected to be considerable flexibility in the working pattern, subject to the agreement of the other consultants.</p><p>In addition,  Discussing management/investigation of patients with colleagues in other other appropriate Clinical Support Services activities not  Discussing patient management/ reviewing patients with doctors in training occurring at and Nursing Staff fixed times.  Expeditious completion of referral letters and clinic discharges and completion of patient administration duties e.g. verifying letters, signing off results etc.  Speaking to GP’s re results.  Work towards generic and specialty objectives.  CPD and Appraisal  Audit</p><p>Audit and The successful candidate will be expected to participate in audit processes and research there is an active clinical audit department available to assist. NHS Lanarkshire is ambitious to build a portfolio of research projects backed by Page 10 NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack</p><p>POSITION: Locum Consultant in Emergency Medicine</p><p> enthusiastic and dynamic individuals. It has an active Research and Development department and would welcome discussion regarding a potential research interest.</p><p>Continuing Study leave is available within the terms and conditions of service with the Professional approval of the Clinical Director/Clinical Lead. The appointee will be required Development to fulfill such demands for continuing professional development as the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (or other relevant bodies) may make. </p><p>Honorary If involved in undergraduate teaching status can be applied for. Applications Academic can be made via the Hospital Sub-dean and then to the appropriate academic Status department within the University.</p><p>Page 11 NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack</p><p>POSITION: Locum Consultant in Emergency Medicine</p><p>PERSON PROFILE Attributes Essential Useful Qualifications MBChB or equivalent. Higher Degree or other Diploma. </p><p>FCEM (or equivalent). ALS Provider.</p><p>Current full registration with GMC Inclusion on GMC’s Specialist with a licence to practice. Register in Emergency Medicine or within 6 months of CCT or CESR (CP) at interview.</p><p>Training In keeping with completion of Training at ST/SPR level in Specialist Training or equivalent. communication, teaching or management.</p><p>Experience within UK training establishments</p><p>Human Factors Training.</p><p>In possession of CCT or CESR in Emergency Medicine at the time of interview or in an established training programme and within six months of CCT (i.e. pending exam).</p><p>Experience Recent and relevant clinical Well developed subspecialty experience and competency in interest. Emergency Medicine with wide general experience including Administrative / Management experience in Emergency Medicine experience.</p><p>Recent and relevant experience and personal qualities to work in a busy unit dealing with the high turnover of planned and unscheduled admissions. </p><p>Ability to supervise the clinical work of doctors in training and relevant staff in other disciplines. </p><p>Page 12 NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack</p><p>POSITION: Locum Consultant in Emergency Medicine</p><p>Confident with indirect supervision of varying grades of doctors in training.</p><p>Previous experience in organising NHS Services or equivalent.</p><p>Page 13 NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack</p><p>POSITION: Locum Consultant in Emergency Medicine</p><p>Audit/Research Understanding of the principles of Experience and interest in Audit of medical audit. Emergency Medicine practice and experience of design of audit. Evidence of contribution to audit at least at local level. Research within Emergency Medicine. Awareness of principles of research with an ability to critically analyse Involved in design of research medical literature. relevant to Emergency Medicine.</p><p>Publications Presentations relevant to the Previous publications relevant to practice of Emergency Medicine. the practice of Emergency Medicine.</p><p>Presentations at national meetings relevant to the practice of Emergency Medicine.</p><p>Teaching Previous involvement in the delivery Interest in and commitment to of undergraduate or postgraduate teaching and training. teaching. Experience of providing problem- Experience of providing supervision based teaching. and or mentorship Experience of organising teaching programmes.</p><p>Formal training in educational/clinical supervision. </p><p>Knowledge and Broad based knowledge and skills in Further educational certificates, Skills diagnosis and clinical management diploma’s, etc within the Specialty and encompassing most sub-disciplines. Good IT skills.</p><p>Page 14 NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack</p><p>POSITION: Locum Consultant in Emergency Medicine</p><p>Disposition Committed to Quality Patient Care. Problem solver/diplomat/counsellor. Able to be understanding of and sensitive to the needs of patients. A natural leader.</p><p>Excellent communication skills (verbal and written)</p><p>Ability to work under pressure.</p><p>Ability to work effectively in a multidisciplinary team.</p><p>Responsive to change and innovation, promoting a culture for organisational development.</p><p>A flexible approach to duties, which satisfies the needs of the Service in a changing environment.</p><p>Ability to demonstrate reflective practice with evidence of regular appraisal with clear Personal Development Plan relating to Continuing Professional and Personal Development.</p><p>Good time management and organisation.</p><p>Demonstrates commitment and enthusiasm to service delivery. </p><p>Managerial Knowledge of service provision at a Involvement in service re-design. local level. Involvement in project delivery. Awareness of the principles and core practices involved in service Involvement in NHS-related management, project management meetings. and effective meetings.</p><p>Page 15 NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack</p><p>POSITION: Locum Consultant in Emergency Medicine</p><p>Leadership Awareness of the principles of team Evidence of role as leader within leadership and effective people groups. management.</p><p>Commitment to the Values of NHS Lanarkshire:- Fairness, Respect, Quality, Working Together.</p><p>Other Satisfactory medical clearance by Preference to work in a District NHS Lanarkshire Occupational General Hospital. Health Service. Current full driving licence. Satisfactory PVG Check. </p><p>Fluent in medical English and evidence of ability to communicate in stressful situations.</p><p>If there is any reason why a disabled person The post requires physical dexterity. should not be considered suitable for this Uncorrected visual or hearing defect post, please provide details: would be incompatible with the nature of the work. Prepared By:- Approved By:- Name Dr. A Palombo Dr. J Keaney Designation Clinical Lead Chief of Medical Services Date November 2017 November 2017 </p><p>Page 16 NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack</p><p>POSITION: Locum Consultant in Emergency Medicine</p><p>TERMS AND CONDITIONS a) This appointment is offered on the Terms and Conditions of the Consultant Contract. </p><p>Additional NHS Lanarkshire Policies which support the Contract are listed below and are available on request:</p><p> Non-Direct Clinical Care Activities  Fee-Paying Work in the New Consultant Contract  On-Call Availability and Payment of Supplement  Generic Objectives  Resident On-Call Duties  Waiting List/Additional Sessions  Job Plan Review b) On 1st April 2015 a new NHS Pension scheme (NHS 2015) was introduced. If you are joining the NHS Pension Scheme for the first time you will be in the 2015 scheme and your normal pension age (NPA) will be equal to your state pension age (SPA). If you have re- joined the scheme after a break of five years or more, you will be a member of the NHS 2015 scheme. All new employees commencing employment will automatically become a member of the pension scheme. Further information on the scheme, protection and/or members guides are available at www.sppa.gov.uk. Alternatively contact an advisor of The Scottish Public Pensions Agency (SPPA) Tel: 01896 893000. c) The employment is subject to 3 months’ notice on either side subject always to the appeal and other provisions of paragraphs 10.4 & 10.5 of the Terms and Conditions of Service of Hospital Medical and Dental Staff and Doctors in Public Health and the Community Health Service Consultant Grade. d) The successful candidate must be contactable throughout any on-call period. NHS Lanarkshire will provide the facility for this. e) The successful candidate, if not already employed by the NHS Lanarkshire, will be required to complete a medical questionnaire to obtain medical clearance from the Occupational Health Physician. f) The successful candidate will be required to complete a disclosure Scotland PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme) form. No approach will be made without written permission of the successful applicant who will be asked to sign and complete a Disclosure PVG application, giving authorization for the check to be undertaken. If you are a non EEA National and are currently based out with the UK a Country of Origin check/criminal records certificate will also be required from each country in which you have resided continuously or cumulatively for 12 months or more in the last 10 years.</p><p>Page 17 NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack</p><p>POSITION: Locum Consultant in Emergency Medicine</p><p> g) NHS Lanarkshire does not negotiate salary placements. On commencement the salary will be in line with paragraph 5.1 of the terms and conditions of the new consultant contract. Appointees start on the scale minimum except in the circumstances of paragraphs 5.1.2 – 5.1.7 of the terms and conditions of service. h) From 1st April 2017 the starting salary for the post is £78,304 per annum (based on 10 Programmed Activities per week). The successful candidate’s total salary will be dependent on his/her previous service history. Remuneration for any extra programmed activities will be dependent upon the job plan agreed at the time of appointment. i) Dependent upon present place of residence, NHS Lanarkshire may require the successful candidate to undertake to remove home to a distance acceptable to NHS Lanarkshire, normally within 10 miles of the base Hospital, in which case removal expenses will be payable in accordance with NHS Lanarkshire Policy. In some cases, however, a residence more than 10 miles distant from the base hospital will be acceptable and in this case removal expenses will be subject to the prior approval of the Associate Medical Director for such a residence. The position will be made clear to the successful candidate on application.</p><p>Page 18</p>

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