<p>Publications of B.J. Hill – Chronological order</p><p>Hill, B.J. 1963, Contributions to the morphology and histology of the tectibranch Berthella granulata (Krauss), Annals of the University of Stellenbosch 38: Series A: 5, 155-187.</p><p>Hill, B.J. 1966, A contribution to the ecology of the Umlalazi estuary. Zoologica Africana 2:1-24.</p><p>Allanson, B.R., Hill, B.J. Boltt, R.E. & Schultz, V. 1966, An Estuarine Fauna in a Freshwater Lake in South Africa, Nature 209:No 5022: 532-533.</p><p>Hill, B.J. 1969, Bathymetry and possible origin of Lakes Sibaya, Nhlange and Sifungwe in Zululand. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 38:205-216.</p><p>Boltt, R.E., Hill, B.J. & Forbes, A.T. 1969, The benthos of some southern African lakes. Part I: Distribution of aquatic macrophytes and fish in Lake Sibayi. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 38:241-248.</p><p>Breen, C.M. & Hill, B.J. 1969, A mass mortality of mangroves in the Kosi Estuary, Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 38:285-303. </p><p>Forbes, A.T. & Hill, B.J. 1969, The physiological ability of a marine crab , Hymenosoma orbiculare Desm., to live in a subtropical freshwater lake. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 38:271-284.</p><p>Potter, I.C., Hill, B.J. & Gentleman, S. 1970, Survival and behaviour of ammocoetes at low oxygen tensions, Journal of Experimental Biology 53:59-73.</p><p>Hill, B.J. & Potter, I.C. 1970, Oxygen consumption in ammocoetes of the lamprey Ichthyomyzon hubbsi Raney, Journal of Experimental Biology 53:47-57.</p><p>Hill, B.J. 1971, Osmoregulation by an estuarine and a marine species of Upogebia (Anomura, Crustacea), Zoologica Africana 6:229-236. </p><p>Hill, B.J. & Allanson, B.R. 1971, Temperature tolerance of the estuarine prawn Upogebia africana alpha nomura, Crustacea), Marine Biology 11:337-343. Caulton, M.S. & Hill, B.J. 1973, The ability of Tilapia mossambica (Peters) to enter deep water, Journal of Fish Biology 5:783-788. </p><p>Hill, B.J. & Caulton, M.S. 1974, A pressure chamber for determination of depth tolerance in teleosts, Journal of Fish Biology 6:61-65.</p><p>Hill, B.J. 1974, Salinity and temperature tolerance of zoeae of the portunid crab Scylla serrata, Marine Biology 25:21-24. </p><p>Blaber, S.J.M., Hill, B.J. & Forbes, A.T. 1974, Infratidal zonation in a deep South African estuary, Marine Biology 28:333-337.</p><p>Caulton, M.S. & Hill, B.J. 1975, The effect of temperature on the ability of Tilapia mossambica Peters to enter deep water, Journal of Fish Biology 7:221-226. </p><p>Hill, B.J. 1975, Abundance, breeding and growth of the crab Scylla serrata in two South African estuaries, Marine Biology 32:119-126. </p><p>Hill, B.J. 1975, The origin of Southern African coastal lakes, Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 41:225-240. </p><p>Hill, B.J., Blaber, S.J.M. & Boltt, R.E. 1975, The limnology of Lagoa Poelela, Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 41:263-271. </p><p>Hill, B.J. & Koopowitz, H. 1975, Heart-rate of the crab Scylla serrata (Forskal) in air and in hypoxic conditions, Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology (Pt.A) 52:385-387.</p><p>Hill, B.J. 1976, Natural food, foregut clearance-rate and activity of the crab Scylla serrata, Marine Biology 34:109-116. </p><p>Hill, B.J. 1977. The effect of heated effluent on egg production in the estuarine prawn, Upogebia africana (Ortmann). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 29:291-302.</p><p>Hill, B.J. & Ribbink, A.J. 1978, Depth equilibration of a shallow-water cichlid fish, Journal of Fish Biology 13:741-745. </p><p>Hill, B.J. 1978, Activity, Track and Speed of Movement of the Crab Scylla sorrata in an Estuary, Marine Biology 47:135-141. Hill, B.J. & Forbes, A.T. 1979, The biology of Hymenosoma orbiculare in Lake Sibaya, South African Journal of Zoology 14:75-79.</p><p>Ribbink, A.J. & Hill, B.J. 1979, Depth equilibration by two predatory cichlid fish from Lake Malawi, Journal of Fish Biology 14:507-510.</p><p>Hill, B.J. 1979, Biology of the Crab Scylla serrata (Forskal) in the St Lucia System, Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 44:55-62.</p><p>Hill, B.J. 1979, Bathymetry, morphometry and hydrology of Lake Sibaya. In: Lake Sibaya (Ed: B.R. Allanson), Monographiae Biologicae 36,34-41.</p><p>Matilda, C. & Hill, B.1980, Annotated Bibliography of the Portunid Crab Scylla serrata (Forskal), Queensland Fisheries Service Technical Report No. 3, 17pp.</p><p>Hill, B.J. 1980, Effects of temperature on feeding and activity in the crab Scylla serrata, Marine Biology 59:189-192. </p><p>Hill, B.J. 1981. Adaptatiions to temperature and salinity stress in southern African estuaries. Pp 187-196 in: Estuarine ecology with particular reference to southern Africa (Ed. J.H. Day). A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam.</p><p>Hill, B.J. 1981, Respiratory adaptations of three species of Upogebia(Thalassinidea, Crustacea) with special reference to low tide periods, Biological Bulletin 160:272- 279.</p><p>Matilda, C. & Hill, B. 1981, Commercial landings of fish in Queensland, Queensland Dep. Primary Ind., Fortitude Valley (Australia). Fisheries Research Branch. </p><p>Williams, M.J. & Hill, B.J. 1982, Factors influencing pot catches and population estimates of the portunid crab Scylla serrata, Marine Biology 71:187-192. </p><p>Hill, B.J., Williams, M.J. & Dutton, P. 1982, Distribution of juvenile, subadult and adult Scylla serrata (Crustacea: Portunidae) on tidal flats in Australia, Marine Biology 69:117-120. </p><p>Potter, M.A. & Hill, B.J. 1982, Heat mortality in the Sydney rock oyster, Saccostrea (Crassostrea ) commercialis and the effectiveness of some control methods, Aquaculture 29:101-108. Wassenberg, T.J. & Hill, B.J. 1984, Moulting behaviour of the tiger prawn Penaeus esculentus (Haswell), Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 35:561-571. </p><p>Hyland, S.J., Hill, B.J. & Lee, C.P. 1984, Movement within and between different habitats by the portunid crab Scylla serrata, Marine Biology 80:57-61.</p><p>Hill, B. J., & Wassenberg, T. J. 1984, The effects of tags on tiger prawns [abstract]. CSIRO Division of Fisheries Research. Second Divisional Research Seminar , Cronulla, NSW. p. 46.</p><p>Hill, B. J., & Wassenberg, T. J. 1984, Differences between adult and juvenile tiger prawns [abstract]. CSIRO Division of Fisheries Research. Second Divisional Research Seminar , Cronulla, NSW. p. 44.</p><p>Hill, B. J. 1984, Aquaculture of the mud crab (Scylla serrata). In: Conference and Workshop Series. Potential of Aquaculture in Queensland. Proceedings of Seminar, Brisbane, QldQueensland Department of Primary Industries. p. 29-44.</p><p>Hill, B.J. & Wassenberg, T.J. 1985, A laboratory study of the effect of streamer tags on mortality, growth, moulting and duration of nocturnal emergence of the tiger prawn Penaeus esculentus (Haswell), Fisheries Research 3:223-235.</p><p>Hill, B. J. 1985, Effect of temperature on duration of emergence speed of movement, and catchability of the prawn Penaeus esculentus. In: 2nd Australian National Prawn Seminar, Kooralbyn, Qld., P. C. Rothlisberg, B. J. Hill, and D. J. Staples (eds)Cleveland, Qld., National Prawn Seminar 2. p. 77-83.</p><p>Hill, B. J., and Wassenberg, T. J. 1986. Feeding behaviour of the tiger prawn, Penaeus esculentus [abstract]. Australian Marine Sciences Association Conference, Hobart, Tas. p. 44.</p><p>Skinner, D.G. & Hill, B.J. 1986, Catch rate and emergence of male and female spanner crabs (Ranina ranina ) in Australia, Marine Biology 91:461-465. </p><p>Hill, B.J. & Wassenberg, T.J. 1987, Feeding behaviour of adult tiger prawns, Penaeus esculentus , under laboratory conditions, Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 38:183-190. </p><p>Wassenberg, T.J. & Hill, B.J. 1987, Natural diet of the tiger prawns Penaeus esculentus and P. semisulcatus, Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 38:169- 182. Skinner, D.G. & Hill, B.J. 1987, Feeding and reproductive behaviour and their effect on catchability of the spanner crab Ranina ranina, Marine Biology 94:211-218. </p><p>Wassenberg, T. J. & Hill, B. J. 1987, Feeding by the sand crab Portunus pelagicus on material discarded from prawn trawlers in Moreton Bay, Australia. Marine Biology, 95: 387-93.</p><p>Somers, I.F., Crocos, P.J. & Hill, B.J. 1987, Distribution and abundance of the tiger prawns Penaeus esculentus and P. semisulcatus in the north-western Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia, Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 38:63-78. </p><p>Hill, B. J., editor. 1987, Biology of penaeid prawns in northern Australia. Melbourne: CSIRO Australia. xii, 190 p.</p><p>Hill, B. J. 1987, Biological aspects of management of the Declared Management Zone [restricted distribution].Northern Prawn Fishery Information Notes. Division of Fisheries Research. CSIRO Australia(10): 10-12 illus.</p><p>Rothlisberg, P. C., Staples, D. J., & Hill, B. J. 1988, Factors affecting recruitment in penaeid prawns in tropical Australia. In: Submitted Papers: IOC/FAO Workshop on Recruitment in Tropical Coastal Demersal Communities, Campeche, Mexico, A. Yanez-Arancibia, and D. Pauly (eds) (IOC Workshop Report: Supplement, 44) . p. 242-248.</p><p>Hill, B. J. 1988, Management of prawns and fish stocks in north Australia [abstract]. CSIRO Division of Fisheries. Third Divisional Research Seminar, Hobart, Tas. p. 16.</p><p>Wassenberg, T. J. & Hill, B. J. 1989, The effect of trawling and subsequent handling on the survival rates of the by-catch of prawn trawlers in Moreton Bay, Australia. Fisheries Research, 7: 99-110.</p><p>Wassenberg, T.J. & Hill, B.J. 1989, Diets of four decapod crustaceans (Linuparus trigonus, Metanephrops andamanicus, M. australiensis and M. boschmai ) from the continental shelf around Australia, Marine Biology 103:161-167. </p><p>Hill, B.J. & Wassenberg, T.J. 1990, Fate of discards from prawn trawlers in Torres Strait, Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 41:53-64. </p><p>Wassenberg, T.J. & Hill, B.J. 1990, Partitioning of material discarded from prawn trawlers in Moreton Bay, Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 41:27-36. Dall, W., Hill, B. J., Rothlisberg, P. C. & Staples, D. J. 1990, The biology of the Penaeidae. Advances in Marine Biology 27: 489.</p><p>Hill, B. J. 1992, Minimum legal sizes and their use in management of Australian fisheries [keynote]. Proceedings of the Bureau of Rural Resources. p. 9-18.</p><p>Hill, B.J. & Wassenberg, T.J. 1992, Preferences and amount of food eaten by the prawn Penaeus esculentus over the moult cycle, Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 43:727-735. </p><p>Hill, B.J. & Wassenberg, T.J. 1993, Why are some prawns found in seagrass? An experimental study of brown (Penaeus esculentus ) and grooved (P. semisulcatus ) tiger prawns, Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 44:221-227. </p><p>Wassenberg, T.J. & Hill, B.J. 1993, Diet and feeding behaviour of juvenile and adult banana prawns Penaeus merguiensis in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia, Marine Ecology Progress Series 94:287-295. </p><p>Wassenberg, T. J. & Hill, B. J. 1993, Selection of the appropriate duration of experiments to measure the survival of animals discarded from trawlers. Fisheries Research, 17: 343-352.</p><p>Wassenberg, T.J. & Hill, B.J. 1994, Laboratory study of the effect of light on the emergence behaviour of eight species of commercially important adult penaeid prawns, Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 45:43-50. </p><p>Hill, B.J. 1994, Offshore spawning by the portunid crab Scylla serrata (Crustacea: Decapoda), Marine Biology 120:379-384. </p><p>Die, D. J., Hill, B. J. & Taylor, B. R. 1997, Can biological research influence management decisions in a trawl fishery for tropical prawns? The Australian northern prawn fishery [abstract]. In: Developing and sustaining world fisheries resources: the state of science and management: 2nd World Fisheries Congress proceedings [book of abstracts], Brisbane, Qld., D. A. Hancock, and J. P. Beumer (Editors). Collingwood, Vic.: CSIRO Publishing. p. 113.</p><p>Poiner, I. R., Glaister, J., Pitcher, C. R., Burridge, C. Y., Wassenberg, T. J., Gribble, N. A., Hill, B. J., Blaber, S. J. M., Milton, D. A., Brewer D. T. & Ellis, N. 1998, Final report on effects of trawling in the far northern section of the Great Barrier Reef: 1991-1996. Cleveland, Qld: CSIRO Div of Marine Research. 2 vols .</p><p>Ward, T. J., Butler, E. C. V. & Hill, B. J. 1998, Environmental indicators for national state of the environment reporting: estuaries and the sea. (Australia: State of the Environment (Environmental Indicator Reports)) Canberra, A.C.T.: Environment Australia, Dept. of the Environment. 80 p.</p><p>Hill, B.J. & Wassenberg, T.J. 1999, The response of spanner crabs (Ranina ranina) to tangle nets - behaviour of the crabs on the nets, probability of capture and estimated distance of attraction to bait, Fisheries Research 41:37-46. </p><p>Pitcher, C.R., Poiner, I.R., Hill, B.J. & Burridge, C.Y. 2000, Implications of the effects of trawling on sessile megazoobenthos on a tropical shelf in northeastern Australia, ICES Journal of Marine Science 57:1359-1368. </p><p>Hill, B.J. & Wassenberg, T.J. 2000, The probable fate of discards from prawn trawlers fishing near coral reefs. A study in the northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia, Fisheries Research 48:277-286. </p><p>Hill, B. J., Haywood, M. D. E., Gordon, S. R., Condie, S. A., Ellis, N., Tyre, A. J., Vance, D. J., Dunn, J. R., Mansbridge, J. V., Moeseneder, C. H., Bustamante, R. H., Pantus, F. & Venables, W. N. 2002, Surrogates 1 - predictors, impacts, management and conservation of the benthic biodiversity of the Northern Prawn Fishery2000/160. Cleveland, Qld.: CSIRO Div. of Marine Research. (FRDC project). 437 pp.</p><p>Burridge, C.Y., Pitcher, C.R., Wassenberg, T.J., Poiner, I.R. & Hill, B.J. 2003, Measurement of the rate of depletion of benthic fauna by prawn (shrimp) otter trawls: an experiment in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, Fisheries Research 60:237-253. </p><p>Smit, N., Gribble, N. A., Sumpton, W. & Hill, B. J. 2004, Crabs (Brachyura: the true crabs). In: A Description of key species groups in the northern planning area: background paper. National Oceans Office Hobart, Tas.: National Oceans Office. p. 249-262.</p><p>Haywood, M. D. E., Hill, B.J., Donovan, A. G., Rochester, W. A., Ellis, N., Welna, A., Gordon, S. R., Cheers, S. G., Forcey, K., McLeod, I. M., Moeseneder, C. H., Smith, G. P., Manson, F. J., Wassenberg, T. J. & Thomas, S. (2005). Quantifying the effects of trawling on seabed fauna in the Northern Prawn Fishery. Cleveland, Qld. CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research and Fisheries Research and Development Corporation. (FRDC Project: 2002/102). 2 v. (ii, 488) pp.</p><p>Burridge, C.Y., Pitcher, C.R., Hill, B.J., Wassenberg, T.J. & Poiner, I.R. 2006, A comparison of demersal communities in an area closed to trawling with those in adjacent areas open to trawling: A study in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Australia, Fisheries Research 79:64-74. </p>
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