ETA 9171 Eligible Training Provider (ETP) Definitions

ETA 9171 Eligible Training Provider (ETP) Definitions

<p>OMB Control Number 1205-0526 Expiration Date: [To be added]</p><p>ETA 9171 – Eligible Training Provider (ETP) Definitions</p><p>This table includes definitions for terms and performance indicators to be collected for ETP reporting. Some of the performance indicators are comprised of multiple data elements that will be collected separately from one another, aggregated, and then reported here. </p><p>DATA DATA ELEMENT DATA TYPE / DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS / INSTRUCTIONS CODE VALUE ELEMENT NAME FIELD NO. LENGTH 100 Name of Eligible AN 75 Record the name of the organization deemed eligible by a XXXXXXXXXX Training state to provide training services to WIOA Adult and Provider Dislocated Worker program participants. 101 Type of Entity IN 1 Record the type of training entity of the ETP as defined 1 = Higher Ed: Associate’s Degree in 20 CFR 680.410. 2 = Higher Ed: Baccalaureate or Higher Record 1 if the provider is an institution of higher 3 = Higher Ed: Certificate of education that only awards or the majority of Completion credentials awarded are Associate’s Degrees 4 = National Apprenticeship Record 2 if the provider is an institution of higher 5 = Private Non-Profit education that only awards or the majority of the 6 = Private For-Profit credentials awarded are baccalaureate or higher 7 = Public degrees 8 = Other Record 3 if the provider is an institute of higher education where the majority of credentials awarded are a community college certificate of completion Record 4 if the provider is a National Apprenticeship provider Record 5 if the provider is a private non-profit provider Record 6 if the provider is a private for-profit provider Record 7 if the provider is a public provider Record 8 if the provider is a type of institution not listed above</p><p>1 OMB Control Number 1205-0526 Expiration Date: [To be added]</p><p>DATA DATA ELEMENT DATA TYPE / DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS / INSTRUCTIONS CODE VALUE ELEMENT NAME FIELD NO. LENGTH 103 Program of IN 10 Record the potential outcome of the program of study. 1 = Industry-Recognized study – by A program of study is synonymous with a “program of Certificate or Certification potential training services” as defined at 20 CFR 680.420. 2 = Certificate of outcome Completion of an Record 1 if a program of study leads to an Apprenticeship industry-recognized certificate or certification 3 = License Recognized by the Record 2 if a program of study leads to a State Involved or the Federal certificate of completion of an apprenticeship Government Record 3 if a program of study leads to a license 4 = Associate’s Degree recognized by the State involved or the Federal 5 = A program of study Government leading to a baccalaureate Record 4 if a program of study leads to an degree associate’s degree 6 = Community College Certificate of Record 5 if a program of study leads to a Completion baccalaureate degree 7 = Secondary School Diploma or Record 6 if a program of study leads to a community Its Equivalent college certificate of completion 8 = Employment Record 7 if a program of study leads to a secondary 9 = Measureable Skill Gain school diploma or its equivalent Leading to a Credential Record 8 if a program of study leads to 0 = Measureable Skill Gain employment Leading to Employment Record 9 if a program of study leads to a measureable skill gain leading to a credential Record 0 if a program of study leads to a measureable skill gain leading to employment </p><p>Please provide all that apply in this field.</p><p>2 OMB Control Number 1205-0526 Expiration Date: [To be added]</p><p>DATA DATA ELEMENT DATA TYPE / DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS / INSTRUCTIONS CODE VALUE ELEMENT NAME FIELD NO. LENGTH 104 Program of IN 6 A program of study is identified through both the type of XXXXXX Study – CIP program outlined above (e.g. industry-recognized Code certificate) and the field of study. The taxonomy that will be used to identify fields of study will be the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP). </p><p>The CIP code can be found here:</p><p>This field should represent the 6-digit CIP code, without decimal points. 105 Total Number IN 5 The aggregated figure for the number of all individuals 00000 of Individuals (WIOA and non-WIOA) refers to any individual who was Served enrolled in a course that is part of a program of study within a quarter. For the state reporting, this will be the sum of all four quarters.</p><p>Record the total number of students enrolled in this program of study in the reporting period. 106 Total Number IN 5 The aggregated figure for the number of WIOA and 00000 of Individuals non-WIOA exiters with the ETP within the given Exited program of study during the reporting period.</p><p>Record the total number of students who completed, withdrew, or transferred from this program of study in the reporting period. 107 Total Number IN 5 Record the total number of WIOA participants, as defined 00000 of WIOA at 20 CFR part 677.150(a), who received training services Participants in this program of study through the WIOA adult or dislocated worker programs during the reporting period.</p><p>3 OMB Control Number 1205-0526 Expiration Date: [To be added]</p><p>DATA DATA ELEMENT DATA TYPE / DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS / INSTRUCTIONS CODE VALUE ELEMENT NAME FIELD NO. LENGTH 108 Total Number IN 5 Record the total number of WIOA participants, as 00000 of WIOA Exiters defined at 20 CFR 677.150(a), who received training services in this program of study through the adult or dislocated worker programs and who completed, withdrew, or transferred from this program of study in the reporting period. 109 Total Number IN 5 The aggregated figure for the total number of participants 00000 of WIOA as defined at 677.150(a), who have been identified in the Participants program of study and as receiving WIOA Title I funding via served with an an ITA during the reporting period. Individual Training Account (ITA) 110 Total Number IN 5 Record the total number of WIOA participants, as defined 00000 of WIOA Exiters at 677.150(a), who received training services in this served with an program of study through a funded ITA and who ITA completed, withdrew, or transferred from this program of study in the reporting period. 111 All Individuals: IN 5 Record the aggregated figure of the number of WIOA 00000 Program of and non-WIOA completers who did not withdraw or Study transfer out from the program of study within the Completer reporting period. 112 WIOA IN 5 Record the aggregated figure of the number of WIOA 00000 Participants: completers who did not withdraw or transfer out from the Program of program of study within the reporting period. Study Completer 113 All Individuals: IN 5 Record the aggregated number of WIOA and non- 00000 Number WIOA exiters who have been determined to be in Employed in the unsubsidized employment through a wage record second quarter match or other supplemental means within the second after exit quarter after exit.</p><p>4 OMB Control Number 1205-0526 Expiration Date: [To be added]</p><p>DATA DATA ELEMENT DATA TYPE / DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS / INSTRUCTIONS CODE VALUE ELEMENT NAME FIELD NO. LENGTH 114 All Individuals: IN 5 Record the aggregated number of WIOA and non- 00000 Number WIOA exiters who have been determined to be in Employed in the unsubsidized employment through a wage record fourth quarter match or other supplemental means within the fourth after exit quarter after exit. 115 All Individuals: DE 8.2 For all individuals in this program of study who exited 00000000.00 Median during the reporting period, report the wage that is at the Earnings midpoint between the highest and lowest wage earned in the second quarter after exit. This indicator also includes participants who are verified to be self- employed.</p><p>Record 999999.99 if data is not yet available for this item. </p><p>116 All Individuals: IN 5 Number of total individuals enrolled in this program of 00000 Obtained a study who: Credential Obtained a recognized postsecondary credential during (Numerator) the program or within one year after exit from the program; OR Obtained a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent during the program or within one year after exit AND who were also employed or enrolled in an education or training program leading to a recognized postsecondary credential within one year after exit from the program.</p><p>Record the aggregate figure of those WIOA and non- WIOA exiters that completed the program of study AND obtained a credential from the program of study.</p><p>5 OMB Control Number 1205-0526 Expiration Date: [To be added]</p><p>DATA DATA ELEMENT DATA TYPE / DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS / INSTRUCTIONS CODE VALUE ELEMENT NAME FIELD NO. LENGTH 117 WIOA IN 5 Number of total individuals enrolled in this program of 00000 Participants: study who: Obtained a Obtained a recognized postsecondary credential during Credential the program or within one year after exit from the (Numerator) program; OR Obtained a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent during the program or within one year after exit AND who were also employed or enrolled in an education or training program leading to a recognized postsecondary credential within one year after exit from the program.</p><p>Record the aggregate figure of those WIOA exiters that obtained a credential from the program of study. 118 Non-WIOA IN 5 Record the aggregated number of non-WIOA completers 00000 Completers: who have been determined to be in unsubsidized Number employment through a wage record match or other employed in the supplemental means within the second quarter after second quarter completion. after completion (Numerator) 119 Non-WIOA IN 5 Record the aggregated number of non-WIOA completers 00000 Completers: who have been determined to be in unsubsidized Number employment through a wage record match or other employed in the supplemental means within the fourth quarter after fourth quarter completion. after completion (Numerator)</p><p>6 OMB Control Number 1205-0526 Expiration Date: [To be added]</p><p>DATA DATA ELEMENT DATA TYPE / DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS / INSTRUCTIONS CODE VALUE ELEMENT NAME FIELD NO. LENGTH 120 Non-WIOA DE 8.2 For all non-WIOA completers in this program of study who 00000000.00 Completers: exited during the reporting period, report the quarterly Median earnings that is at the midpoint between the highest and Earnings in the lowest quarterly earnings in the second quarter after exit. second quarter This indicator also includes participants who are verified to after be self-employed. completion 121 Non-WIOA IN 5 Record the aggregate figure of those non-WIOA 00000 Completers: completers enrolled in this program of study who: Credential Rate Obtained a recognized postsecondary credential during (Numerator) the program or within one year after exit from the program; OR Obtained a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent during the program or within one year after exit AND who were also employed or enrolled in an education or training program leading to a recognized postsecondary credential within one year after exit from the program within the reporting period. 122 Non-WIOA IN 5 Record the aggregate figure of those non-WIOA 00000 Completers: completers in this program of study who: Credential Rate Completed a postsecondary education or training (Denominator) program; OR Completed a secondary education program (at or above the 9th grade level) without a secondary school diploma or equivalent within the reporting period. 123 Cost Per WIOA DE 8.2 Record the aggregate summation of all WIOA ITA funds 00000000.00 Participant expended by for all WIOA participants, in all programs of Served (to be study, within the reporting period. completed by States)</p><p>7 OMB Control Number 1205-0526 Expiration Date: [To be added]</p><p>DATA DATA ELEMENT DATA TYPE / DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS / INSTRUCTIONS CODE VALUE ELEMENT NAME FIELD NO. LENGTH 124 Name of AN 75 Report the name of the specific training program. XXXXXXXXXX Training Program 125 Description of AN 500 Report a short description of training program. The XXXXXXXXXX Training description can include other course prerequisites (e.g., Program driver’s license or work experience), learning outcomes, competencies gained, program accreditation, full time/part time, required books/technology, and related careers. 126 Description of AN 500 Report a short description of training provider. The XXXXXXXXXX Training description can include accreditation and program Provider offerings/specialties. 127 Address of AN 100 Report the full address of the training provider's main XXXXXXXXXX Training location, including city, state, and 5-digit zip code. Provider Please verify the address and zip code using the USPS address validation system:!input.action 128 URL of Training AN 200 Record the URL of the program-specific webpage for XXXXXXXXXX Program training seekers to find more information on program. If a program-specific page is not available, record the URL of a list of all programs for the provider.</p><p>Leave blank if no URL is available. 129 Out-of-Pocket DE 8.2 Record the program's total cost of tuition and required 00000000.00 Cost for a Non- fees for non-WIOA participants, assuming normal time to WIOA completion. Examples: Athletic center fees, technology Participant: fees, and lab fees. Tuition and Required Fees Leave blank if data element does not apply to the program.</p><p>8 OMB Control Number 1205-0526 Expiration Date: [To be added]</p><p>DATA DATA ELEMENT DATA TYPE / DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS / INSTRUCTIONS CODE VALUE ELEMENT NAME FIELD NO. LENGTH 130 Out-of-Pocket DE 8.2 Record an estimate of the program's total cost of books 00000000.00 Cost for a Non- and supplies for non-WIOA participants, assuming normal WIOA time to completion. Participant: Books and Leave blank if data element does not apply to the Supplies program. 131 Program Length IN 5 Record the length of the program in clock/contact hours. 00000 (Clock/Contact Hours) A clock/contact hour is defined as a 60-minute span of time with between 50 and 60 minutes of actual class instruction, which may include class, recitation, lecture, lab, training, or internship. No more than 1.0 clock hour can be assigned to any discrete 60-minute period.</p><p>Record 99999 if the program is a competency-based program. 132 Program Length IN 5 Record the length of the program in weeks, as completed 00000 (Weeks) by a full time student.</p><p>Record 99999 if the program is a competency-based program.</p><p>9 OMB Control Number 1205-0526 Expiration Date: [To be added]</p><p>DATA DATA ELEMENT DATA TYPE / DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS / INSTRUCTIONS CODE VALUE ELEMENT NAME FIELD NO. LENGTH 133 Program IN 1 Record one of the following program prerequisites for 0 = None Prerequisites enrollment: 1 = High School Diploma or Equivalent 2 = Associate's Degree Record 0 if the program has no educational requirements 3 = Bachelor's Degree Record 1 if the program requires a high school diploma or 4 = Course(s) its equivalent 5 = Combination of Education and Record 2 if the program requires an Associate's degree Course(s) Record 3 if the program requires a Bachelor's degree Record 4 if the program requires particular course prerequisites Record 5 if the program requires a combination of education and course prerequisites (For example: the program requires an Associate’s degree and specific prerequisite course(s)) 134 Program IN 1 Indicate the format of the program: 1 = In-person Format 2 = Online, E-learning, or Distance Record 1 if the program is in-person Learning Record 2 if the program is online, e-learning, or distance 3 = Hybrid or Blended Program learning Record 3 if the program is a hybrid or blended program with both online and in-person components 135 Name of AN 75 Record the specific name of certificate, certification, XXXXXXXXXX Associated license, or degree participants can receive. Example: Credential Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) </p><p>Leave blank if a credential is not associated with the program.</p><p>10 OMB Control Number 1205-0526 Expiration Date: [To be added]</p><p>DATA DATA ELEMENT DATA TYPE / DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS / INSTRUCTIONS CODE VALUE ELEMENT NAME FIELD NO. LENGTH 136 Reciprocal AN 112 Record two letter postal code for states with which your XXXXXXXXXX Agreements state has reciprocal agreements. Reciprocal agreements with Other are when your state recognizes the ETP lists for training States (to be providers in other states. completed by states) Leave blank if data element does not apply to the program. 137 All Individuals: DE 8.2 Average earnings of individuals in the program of study 00000000.00 Average who are in unsubsidized employment during the second Earnings (Q2) quarter after exit.</p><p>Record average total earnings for the second quarter after exit. </p><p>Record 999999.99 if data is not yet available for this item.</p><p>138 All Individuals: DE 8.2 Average earnings of individuals in the program of study 00000000.00 Average who are in unsubsidized employment during the fourth Earnings (Q4) quarter after exit.</p><p>Record average total earnings for the fourth quarter after exit.</p><p>Record 999999.99 if data is not yet available for this item.</p><p>11 OMB Control Number 1205-0526 Expiration Date: [To be added]</p><p>DATA DATA ELEMENT DATA TYPE / DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS / INSTRUCTIONS CODE VALUE ELEMENT NAME FIELD NO. LENGTH 139 O*NET-SOC IN 8 Record an 8-digit O*NET Standard Occupational XXXXXXXX Code Classification (SOC) code for which this program prepares Associated with students. Program #1 A CIP-to-SOC crosswalk can be found here:</p><p>This field should represent the 8-digit O*NET-SOC code, without dashes or decimal points. 140 O*NET-SOC IN 8 Record an 8-digit O*NET-SOC occupation for which this XXXXXXXX Code program prepares student Associated with Program #2 Record 99999999 if another SOC is not applicable.</p><p>This field should represent the 8-digit O*NET-SOC code, without dashes or decimal points. 141 O*NET-SOC IN 8 Record an 8-digit O*NET-SOC occupation for which this XXXXXXXX Code program prepares students. Associated with Program #3 Record 99999999 if another SOC is not applicable.</p><p>This field should represent the 8-digit O*NET-SOC code, without dashes or decimal points.</p><p>Public Burden Statement (1205-0526) Persons are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Respondent’s reply to these reporting requirements is required to obtain or retain a benefit (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Section 116). Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 6.25 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate to the Office of Policy Development and Research ● U.S. Department of Labor ● Room N-5641 ● 200 Constitution Ave., NW, ● Washington, DC ● 20210. Do NOT send the completed application to this address.</p><p>12</p>

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