<p>PART TWO</p><p>During the intermission the old radio is replaced by a jam box. Some changes are made all over the set to show the advancement in technology.</p><p>SHEL is already seated in the control booth. She reads a magazine. The door to the booth is propped open.</p><p>The beginning Part Two is soft. No audience warning. The song begins to play and the audience should come back to there seats slowly.</p><p>SONG 16: BLACK MAGIC WOMAN (Santanna)</p><p>By the end of the song, NICK appears. He is twenty-five years older. He wears a baseball cap backwards and has a pocket protector full of pencils and small tools in the breast pocket of his coveralls. He wears “Buddy Holly” glasses. He stands holding a clip board, looking up at the band.</p><p>SONG 17: GET TOGETHER (The Youngbloods)</p><p>As the song grows and more and more actors fill the stage, NICK walks through them, taking notes and smiling. None of the singers see NICK.</p><p>End of the song. MAHA enters. All exit except NICK and SHEL.</p><p>MAHA</p><p>Respect is earned, my family For, my family, being older is not a guarantee. Each of us is a leaf, a thumb print and a snowflake, These days of gangs, parties and classes.</p><p>Feel no worry. If we were all the same, what could we offer each other? Fast foods and car phones and rush... Therapy and dichotomy and slush... Solutions will meet problems. Answers will meet committees.</p><p>It is 1994. Make it happen. It can happen! What happened? This is where our innocence takes a new path. Reflect, my family, we have music. Respect is earned.</p><p>MAHA rings the finger cymbols.</p><p>Life.</p><p>MAHA exits.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>The Youngbloods-on WRQX, W-Rocks the best oldies station in the state, bringing you the sixties in the morning, afternoon and evening. W-rocks!-rocks the world and touches home.</p><p>RECORDED SONG:</p><p>SHEL steps out of the control booth and looks at NICK. Nick is busy writing on his clip board.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>Whatcha writtin’ Nick?</p><p>NICK</p><p>A book I think. Maybe it’s just a story.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>What’s it about?</p><p>NICK</p><p>Living in the music....</p><p>SHEL</p><p>Living in the music? NICK</p><p>Every day since Mr. McLarry changed the station format, twenty-five years ago, I’ve been able to see the music.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>See the music?</p><p>NICK</p><p>I quit tell telling people about ten years ago ‘cause they thought I was Goofy.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>They did?</p><p>NICK</p><p>(whispering)</p><p>I think they took drugs.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>No.</p><p>NICK</p><p>Yeah. But, I don’t do drugs and I can see the music. So, maybe it is true. Do I look like a dog to you?</p><p>SHEL looks him over.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>Bark.</p><p>NICK</p><p>Woof.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>No problem. PROF enters from the isle. He wears a different jumpsuit and his hair is up in a pony tail.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Sorry, I’m late. The boss isn’t in, is she?</p><p>NICK</p><p>No, Ms McLarry’s not in yet.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Good. So, Anita’s not here yet either?</p><p>NICK</p><p>They always come in together.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Hugging SHEL.</p><p>So, how’s it goin’ new kid?</p><p>SHEL</p><p>When are you going to stop calling me, “new kid.” I’ve been here almost a month?</p><p>PROF</p><p>Fresh meat.</p><p>Turning to NICK and shaking hands.</p><p>How’s it goin’ Goofy?</p><p>NICK</p><p>(To SHELL)</p><p>See, I shouldn’t have said anything.</p><p>NICK exits upstage. PROF</p><p>What’s wrong with Nick. We used to call him Goofy, all the time.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>Isn’t that kind of mean?</p><p>PROF</p><p>What’s he got a gripe about? I was Uncle Ludwig! We all had Disney names... We didn’t call him that because we thought he was dumb. It was because he was so happy.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>He really loves it here, doesn’t he?</p><p>PROF</p><p>Loves it? It’s his life. We also call him, Goofy ‘cause nothing he ever fixes really works.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>It doesn’t?</p><p>PROF</p><p>Have you gotten locked in the D. J. booth, yet?</p><p>SHEL</p><p>Yes.</p><p>PROF</p><p>There it is.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>I’ve got a question, Prof.</p><p>PROF Shoot.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>Why are there two toilets in that little men’s room? You can’t even stand in there.</p><p>PROF</p><p>That’s a long story.</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE and MS MCLARRY enter from the isle. They are both dressed very conservatively in business suits. Both carry brief cases. SHEL sees them and sneaks into the control booth. PROF turns to SHEL and realizes he has been left alone.</p><p>PROF</p><p>(to SHEL)</p><p>Thanks, newbie!</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>Well, Brian, I see you’re here before us today. I suppose you are going to tell us you where on time.</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>(To MS MCLARRY)</p><p>Well, we would know if it didn’t take you so long to put on your makeup!</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>Not everyone’s an efficient a primper as you. And how many times have I told you that steam in the bathroom messes up my eyes? Leave the door open or use less hot water.</p><p>PROF</p><p>If you ladies will excuse me...</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE We’re not through with you yet.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Goody.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>Has that new producer come in this morning?</p><p>SHEL comes to the rescue.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>She’s back in the lounge.</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>Did she bring the talent with her?</p><p>SHEL</p><p>There are four ladies with her?</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>Good. I’ll be in my office waiting on the clients.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>I’m not through with you , yet.</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>Don’t boss me.</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE exits upstage. SHEL sneaks into the control booth. NICK enters from upstage. MS MCLARRY looks at PROF. PROF smiles and runs back to the control booth. NICK steps into the spot where PROF had been standing. He holds a paint roller.</p><p>NICK</p><p>Good morning Ms. McLarry. MS MCLARRY</p><p>(Barking)</p><p>There’s going to be some changes made around here.</p><p>Blackout.</p><p>SONG 18: CITY OF NEW ORLEANS (Arlo Guthry)</p><p>End song.</p><p>Enter CATHERINE and WILLIAM.</p><p>CATHERINE</p><p>You’ld better sober up. I thought you where a professional.</p><p>WILLIAM</p><p>Liquid courage, little girl, that’s all. I’ll get it in one take.</p><p>CATHERINE</p><p>Do me a favor and stay away from the canadates, OK?</p><p>WILLIAM</p><p>No Problem. Kill the lawyers and the politicians first.</p><p>CATHERINE takes WILLIAM to the small stage and sits him down.</p><p>Enter MS SILVERSTONE with MOLLY and LANA.</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>Lana has been my publicist for two years now and what ever she says is fine with me.</p><p>LANA</p><p>Well...</p><p>MOLLY But still, I feel a little funny about producing my adds with the same studio my opponent is using.</p><p>LANA</p><p>I feel...</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>But, Lana says there is no conflict.</p><p>LANA</p><p>That’s right....</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>And you’ll show no prejudice one way or the other.</p><p>LANA</p><p>That is.....</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>And of course your rates are the best.</p><p>MOLLY looks at LANA for conformation. LANA doesn’t say anything.</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>(To Ms SILVERSTONE)</p><p>She’s very quiet.</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>Odd for a publicist.</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>Well, Ms. Ms SILVERSTONEstone...</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE Call me ,Anita, please. Now before we get started.... Oh, would you like some more coffee?</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>No thank you, but Lana would.</p><p>MOLLY takes LANA’s coffee cup away from her and hands it to MS SILVERSTONE.</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>She takes two creams and one sweet and low, Anita.</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>Brian!</p><p>PROF runs out on stage.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Yeah.</p><p>The singers enter onto the small atage.</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>Two creams and one sweet and low for Ms. Ross’s publicist.</p><p>PROF</p><p>I’m an engineer.</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE gives PROF the death look.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Two creams, one sweet and low.</p><p>PROF exits.</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>I want you to know that you are the canadate for which I am going to vote. CATHERINE</p><p>We’re ready now Ms. Ross, I want you to know we are partial...</p><p>CATHERINE gives the signal and the singers put on “Molly” bumper stickers that are on cardboards with strings so that they may hang from their necks. All clap except LANA.</p><p>CATHERINE</p><p>Here’s your script. Thank you.</p><p>CATHERINE hands MOLLY a script and walks her down to a microphone down stage.</p><p>CATHERINE 3, 2, ...</p><p>CATHEREINE signals, “one.”</p><p>SINGERS</p><p>(singing)</p><p>The eyes of Texas are upon you... Hmm...</p><p>They hmm the rest of the commercial.</p><p>WILLIAM</p><p>It’s time for bubba to retire. Look out good ole’ boys, here’s comes, Molly!</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>I’m Molly Ann Ross and I want to be your next governor.</p><p>WILLIAM</p><p>Molly has represented this state in several capacities over her long career of service.</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>I’m Molly Ann Ross and I want to be your next governor. WILLIAM</p><p>We’re bring politics back to the people with, Molly, if she has to knock on every door in Texas and shake every hand.</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>I’m Molly Ann Ross and I want to be your next governor.</p><p>WILLIAM</p><p>Molly’s next singing appearance will be at the North Star Mall in San Antonio. Come sing-a-long with the next Governor.</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>I’m Molly Ann Ross and I want to be your next governor.</p><p>SINGERS</p><p>The eyes of Texas are upon you...</p><p>CATHERINE</p><p>Cut!</p><p>MIKE and BUSH enter through the center isle.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>Great, Molly, great.</p><p>MOLLY thank you, B. H.</p><p>CATHERINE</p><p>I’m sorry sir, but your studio time...</p><p>BUSH</p><p>Little lady, I’m always early. You know about the early bird?</p><p>CATHERINE I don’t hunt.</p><p>MIKE</p><p>My name is Micheal, I’m B. H.’s media consultant.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>Let’s shake hands Molly and may the best MAN win. HAHAHA.</p><p>They shake hands.</p><p>LANA</p><p>I think...</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>Lana says this isn’t a photo op, so we have to go.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>Did I tell you I caught your last show?</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>You did?</p><p>BUSH</p><p>Yeah, I think I’d cut that Patsy Cline medley myself.</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>Thank you, B. H. I’ll keep that in mind. Come on Lana, we’ve got to go.</p><p>They exit.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>(To MIKE)</p><p>Doesn’t have the lungs to do Patsy, if you know what I mean.</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE Sir, it is a pleasure to meet you.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>The honor is mine ma’am.</p><p>BUSH looks at MIKE.</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>I just want you to know you are the canadate for which I’m going to vote.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>We appreciate that ma’am.</p><p>Enter PROF.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Two creams, one sweet and low.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>How did you know?</p><p>BUSH takes the coffee from PROF, who is confused. MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>We aim to please...</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE exits.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>(to PROF)</p><p>Do you think she’s funny or something?</p><p>PROF</p><p>I... ah....</p><p>CATHERINE Sir, I just want you to know we are partial...</p><p>CATHERINE signals and the singer put on HOGG bumperstickers. all except HANNAH who puts hers on backwards and it still says “MOLLY.”</p><p>BUSH</p><p>What’s that?</p><p>The singers look at each other. They see HANNAH’s sign and correct it.</p><p>CATHREINE</p><p>A little political humor.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>Very little.</p><p>CATHERINE</p><p>OK. Let’s get started.</p><p>MIKE</p><p>OK, B. H. just say what’s on the script and we can’t loose.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>Remember, I pay for it.</p><p>MIKE</p><p>Yes, sir. Just say what’s on the script.</p><p>CATHERINE</p><p>3, 2 ...</p><p>Same as before.</p><p>SINGERS</p><p>(singing) The stars at night are big and bright....</p><p>They clap.</p><p>Deep in the Heart of Texas...Hmmm</p><p>WILLIAM</p><p>What do you need in Texas politics? Great family names. Names you recognize and respect. What’s in a name? Everything. Now you can vote for two great names- Vote for Bush Hogg!</p><p>BUSH</p><p>Bush Hogg wont hedge on... heritage.</p><p>WILLIAM</p><p>A name that means education.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>Bush Hogg wont hedge on... school.</p><p>WILLIAM</p><p>A names that’s tough.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>Bush Hogg won’t hedge on... crime.</p><p>WILLIAM</p><p>Now the latest in a great line of Hoggs....</p><p>BUSH</p><p>Bush Hogg won’t hedge on... TEXAS!</p><p>CATHERINE</p><p>Cut.</p><p>Lana enters. LANA</p><p>(To MIKE)</p><p>You’re standing on my notes.</p><p>MIKE</p><p>Sorry.</p><p>LANA exits. MIKE watches LANA. BUSH puts his arm around CATHERINE. WILLIAM drinks. The SINGERS yell at HANNAH.</p><p>BLACKOUT.</p><p>SONG 19: PLESEANT VALLEY SUNDAY (The Monkeys)</p><p>SCERET AGENT MAN insert 2014 Playhouse Smithville</p><p>SONG 20: SECRECT AGENT MAN (Johnny Rivers)</p><p>MAXWELL enters with a shoe phone. He wears only one shoe and limps. He dials it and lessons. Hangs up and dials again. He does this two or three times. DEAD SPY enters holding an unusual large piece of fruit. KILLER spy enters from opposite side of stage and tips his snap brim hat at Maxwell who waves and continues to dial his shoe phone. KILLER walks up behind DEAD an puts a rope around her neck. DEAD drops the unusual large fruit. Killer drags DEAD off stage. MAXWELL exits. Enter FLINT dress in loose fitting Asian Indian style clothing and does a few yoga moves then sits in meditation. Enter GO-GO-DANCERS who take places around him. Flint does not notice him. MATA HARI agent dances in and crosses in front of FLINT. FLINT jumps up and follows MATA off stage. GO-GO-DANCERS stop dancing shrug and exit. Enter BOND dressed in a suit follow by the BOND GIRL. BOND notices the unusually large fruit and picks it up. He open the fruit and takes a micro film from it. BOND GIRL strokes his face takes the micro film then snaps her fingers. THUG enters and attacks BOND. Bond dispatches him. BAD GUY dress as Bruce lee knock off enters and attacks BOND. BOND dispatches him. THUG and BAD GUY attack together. BOND dispatches them. BOND crosses to BOND GIRL takes the micro film, kisses her folds her arm behind her back and takes her off stage. MATA enters with FLINT in tow. She leaves him center stage. He is mindless. MATA exits. MAXWELL enters talking into his shoe phone and crosses center. END SONG. MAXWELL hands the phone to FLINT. MAXWELL: It’s for you. FLINT hands MAXWELL the micro film. They exit.</p><p>NICK enters. The music stops. NICK applauds. The GOAST enters. NICK and GOAST come face to face. They can see each other. NICK is very nervous. GOAST smiles and claps his hands together.</p><p>Underdog insert 2014 Playhouse Smithville SHOESHINE enters and sets his box down and offers NICK a shine. NICK puts his foot on the box. POLLY enters in large blond wig carrying a compact and looking at herself in its mirror. SIMON enters wring her hand wearing a minimal smile. Riff-Raff enters smelling the rose on his lapel. NICK watches. SIMON and RIFF-RAFF see POLLY and gesture for their henchmen. Enter CHAD LACKEY and DINA MITE. They grab POLLY and try to slit her down the middle. SIMON crosses to RIFF-RAFF and each tries to look tougher than the other. POLLY: Help! Oh, won’t somebody Help me! Curtain enters (Linsey/Linda) SHOESHINE BOY jumps up and runs behind the curtain. NICK: There’s no need to fear! Underdog is here!</p><p>SONG: 21 THEME FROM UNDERDOG UNDERDOG chorus enters and stands upstage. When lead vocal begins curtain holders slit Velcro curtain to reveal UNDERDOG. Exit Curtain holders. UNDERDOG pulls CHAD away from POLLY then pulls POLLY away from DINA. With both hands on POLLY UNDERDOG flings POLLY to safety, unfortunately, he flings her to SIMON and RIFF-RAFF. They grab her. CHAD grabs UNDERDOG on one side and DINA grabs him on the other. UNDERDOG cannot get to his protein pill. POLLY stomps on RIFF-RAFF’s foot. RIFF- RAFF releases her. POLLY stomps on SIMON’s foot. SIMON releases her. POLLY cross to DINA and politly taps her on the shoulder. POLLY pints to RIFF-RAFF. DINA releases UNDERDOG and runs over to assist RIFF-RAFF. POLLY pulls UNDERDOG away from CHAD. POLLY beats CHAD on the chest. NICK: The protein pill, take the protein pill! UNDERDOG stumbles forward and takes the pill from his ring and swallows it. CURTAIN holders enter each holding a rope. UNDERDOG grabs DINA and drags her to POLLY. UNDERDOG taps POLLY on the shoulders and smiles. POLLY steps out of the way UNDERDOG stands DINA next to CHAD. DINA and CHAD are confused. UNDERDOG takes a rope from one curtain holder. The curtain holder exits. UN DERDOG wraps CHAD and DINA in the rope. UNDERDOG takes the other rope from the curtain holder. Curtain holder exits. UNDERDOG wraps SIMON and RIFF-RAFF in the rope then stands center in a super hero pose. Fan person (Bailee) enters with fan to blow UNDERDOG’s cape. POLLY kisses UNDERDOG on the cheek. SHEL enters. NICK shoos all the characters out.</p><p>Song ends.</p><p>SHEL enters and looks at NICK. NICK turns to SHEL NICK</p><p>(sing)</p><p>Speed of lighting, roar of thunder?</p><p>Silence.</p><p>SHEL goes into the control booth.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>(in to microphone)</p><p>Sorry. Stepped away from the planet and things seem to get a little crazy around here on auto pilot.</p><p>NICK exits.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>This is the oldies station, WRQX, W-rocks, rocks the world and touches home. Stay tuned for the “Ms McLarry McLarry Show, Good-Talk, Good-Since.”</p><p>MS MCLARRY enters the small stage with Madame Tina- who is dressed in full gypsy attire.</p><p>PROF is on his way to get a cup of coffee. SHEL stops him.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>Do you think I’m doing OK, here, Professer?</p><p>PROF</p><p>You’re doing great.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>I don’t think Ms. McLarry and Ms SILVERSTONE like me very much.</p><p>PROF</p><p>You’re in like Flint. SHEL</p><p>Who’s he?</p><p>PROF</p><p>James Colburn, Our Man Flint.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>Was he a D. J. here?</p><p>PROF</p><p>Is that your natural hair color?</p><p>SHEL</p><p>Of course.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Can I get you some coffee?</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE enters and comes down stage.</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>(To PROF)</p><p>Another break?</p><p>PROF exits to get coffee.</p><p>You’d better get back in the booth. Ms. McLarry’s just about ready to start.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>Yes, ma’am. Oh, did I ever tell you I was a big of James Flint?</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE looks at SHEL with a puzzled expression. MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>In the booth, please. MS SILVERSTONE exits. Shel goes into the booth.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>WRQX presents Ms. Ms McLarry McLarry and “Good Talk-Good-Since.”</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>Good afternoon and welcome to “Good-Talk, Good-Since.” We are talking and taking calls today with Madame Tina, The world’s first Republican Clairvoyant.</p><p>TINA</p><p>I prefer to be called a conservative clairvoyant. I make a non-partisan effort to interpret the future for the common American.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>Thank you Madame Tina.</p><p>TINA</p><p>You can call me, MTV.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>MTV?</p><p>TINA</p><p>Madame Tina, visionary.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>Isn’t that copyright infringement?</p><p>TINA</p><p>It is in litigation right now.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>You sound confidant. TINA</p><p>I’m a clairvoyant.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>I forgot.</p><p>TINA</p><p>It comes in handy.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>MT....V...</p><p>TINA</p><p>Yes?</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>A conservative clairvoyant-isn’t that off the wall? I mean...</p><p>TINA</p><p>Are you doubting it?</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>Well...</p><p>TINA</p><p>Are you questioning it?</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>Yes, our listeners...</p><p>TINA</p><p>Then you are a liberal.</p><p>MS MCLARRY Excuse, me?</p><p>TINA</p><p>You have represented yourself to MTV and your listeners as a conservative, when in fact you are a liberal. Liberals question everything. That’s the crux of being liberal. A good conservative knows the answer and faces facts that are facts.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>You are describing reactionaries more than liberals or conserva...</p><p>TINA</p><p>Labeling. You label me you negate me.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>Kirkegarrd?</p><p>TINA</p><p>It was on a sugar packet and I really liked it.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>We’ll be back to take your calls with MTV after this commercial break.</p><p>Enter singers.</p><p>SINGERS</p><p>(singing)</p><p>The stars at night are big and bright...</p><p>They clap.</p><p>Deep in the heart of Texas.</p><p>WILLIAM</p><p>With elections just around the bend, let’s talk about transportation.</p><p>BUSH Bush Hogg won’t hedge on roads.</p><p>WILLIAM</p><p>And the sagging economy.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>Bush Hogg won’t hedge on... jobs.</p><p>WILLIAM</p><p>AND...</p><p>BUSH motions for WILLIAM to stop.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>Listen folks: In Texas politics it’s not what you do, it’s who you are!</p><p>Everything stops and every one looks at BUSH. MIKE</p><p>That wasn’t in the script, B. H.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>Its OK, I pay for it.</p><p> blackout.</p><p>SONG 20: TIME OF THE SEASON (The Zoombies)</p><p>End of song.</p><p>Lights up on production booth.</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>This is Anita Silverstone with a WRQX news commentary. Actor River Phoenix died of an apparent drug over dose outside a fashionable Los Angeles night spot. Many people morn the death of the young actor. I am not one of them. Too long have we cradled the suffering artist, the unfortunate new rich boys who can’t handle success. We, those of us moving in the American ideal, aren’t impressed. Maybe success should only go to those who prove they can survive. I for one will never seek a hero in youth again. Anita Silverstone, WRQX News.</p><p>Lights fade out on the production booth and up on SHEL in the control booth.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>I know this is an oldies station, but I can’t resist telling you how excited I am about the Nirvana concert. Curt Cobain is a hunk.</p><p>Black out.</p><p>Enter SINGERS, LANA, MOLLY, CATHERINE and WILLIAM.</p><p>SINGERS</p><p>(singing)</p><p>The eyes of Texas are upon you... Hmmm....</p><p>WILLIAM</p><p>Molly speaks for west Texans.</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>I’m Molly Ann Ross and I want to be your next Governor... partner.</p><p>WILLIAM</p><p>Molly speaks for East Texans.</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>I’m Molly Ann Ross and I want to be your next Governor... I was born in Niederland.</p><p>WILLIAM</p><p>Molly speaks for North Texans.</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>I’m Molly Ann Ross and I want to be your next Governor... I attend theatre. WILLIAM</p><p>Molly speaks for South Texans.</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>Yo, soy, “Molly!”</p><p>WILLIAM</p><p>Molly...</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>Hold it. I just want to say, I’ll be a much better governor than that multi- millionaire oil baron, cattle owner. I know the common people. Texas, I don’t owe favors to big business.</p><p>Everyone looks at MOLLY.</p><p>LANA</p><p>Oh shit...</p><p>All exit. Enter JOHNNY with his hair in a pony tail, wearing a suit and carrying a brief case. SHEL comes out of the D. J. booth.</p><p>JOHNNY</p><p>Excuse me, miss?</p><p>SHEL</p><p>Yes.</p><p>JOHNNY</p><p>Is Ms. McLarry in?</p><p>SHEL</p><p>Yes, she is.</p><p>JOHNNY I would like to speak with her. Are you a D. J. here?</p><p>SHEL</p><p>Yes.</p><p>JOHNNY</p><p>I used to be a D. J. here too.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>I know who you are. You’re famous around here.</p><p>SHEL runs upstage.</p><p>Ms. McLarry, James Flint is here.</p><p>JOHNNY looks at the audience and mouths the words, “James Flint?” PROF enters with coffee.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Johnny?</p><p>JOHNNY</p><p>Professer?</p><p>They embrace.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Johnny Murchenholm.</p><p>JOHNNY</p><p>John Smith.</p><p>PROF</p><p>You couldn’t do any better than that?</p><p>JOHNNY It’s my real name.</p><p>PROF</p><p>What are you doing here?</p><p>JOHNNY</p><p>Prof, I’m a programming consultant, now. I come in and adjust the formats to suit the demographics of the target markets.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Music in a can.</p><p>JOHNNY</p><p>The right music. Music’s a big business now, a big business.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Well, I see you still got your long hair.</p><p>JOHNNY</p><p>You bet, helps make sales. I can walk in, put my hair down, get along with the heads, or the old hippies or the counter cultures alternative people, its great. And when I put my hair up, I’m a straight business man. Hell, I could walk into a room of Masons and play cards on their money.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Really?</p><p>JOHNNY</p><p>Sure, but don’t worry, at home I put my hair down and I’m the same old Johnny, I’m cool.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Yeah.</p><p>JOHNNY Prof, have you ever been gaming?</p><p>PROF</p><p>Gamie?</p><p>JOHNNY</p><p>No. Gaming. Imagination games.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Like Dungeons and Dragons?</p><p>JOHNNY</p><p>Nah, that’s kids stuff. I’m into some really good psychological stuff, heavy fantasy. And it’s some sexy stuff too.</p><p>PROF</p><p>I’ve never seen mush use for it.</p><p>JOHNNY</p><p>Oh, its great, man. You know you can’t dream in the real world. Reality is reality and it sucks. So be good at it. Then go home where you are safe and be what ever you want to be. Hell of a lot easier than trying to make unrealistic things come true. It’s just like this format here at the station. That dream stuff didn’t work in the sixties that’s why it’s dead. There’s still good money in it though.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Yeah.</p><p>Enter MS MCLARRY and MS SILVERSTONE.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>You have to talk to MTV. I tell you she could help us out.</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>You watch too much TV. MS MCLARRY</p><p>She says, we’ve got to make changes.</p><p>MS MCLARRY spots JOHNNY.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>No. Johnny?</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>Oh, it’s you.</p><p>JOHNNY</p><p>Ms. McLarry, Ms Silverstone.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>MTV said our past would bring us our future.</p><p>JOHNNY</p><p>Funny, I’m here to talk to you about your future.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>Come to my office.</p><p>JOHNNY</p><p>Thank you.</p><p>(To PROF)</p><p>Maybe we can get together later and let our hair down.</p><p>MS MCLARRY, MS SILVERSTONE and JOHNNY exit. PROF touches his pony tail and thinks. SHEL goes into the control booth. Enter BUSH and MIKE from the isle. They cross and exit back stage.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>Are you sure we shouldn’t say anything? MIKE</p><p>Don’t respond.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>I won’t.</p><p>(pause)</p><p>I won’t...</p><p>BUSH and MIKE exit.</p><p>RECORDED SONG:</p><p>All of the station employees gather on stage.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>Is every one here? Good. Here are the pay checks. I hope everyone understands that there had to be changes.</p><p>CATHERINE</p><p>CATHERINE opens her check and looks inside.</p><p>Well, it’s really no problem. I got some good experience here. Now I can finish my degree.</p><p>SHEL looks into her envolope. She sighs with relief.</p><p>NICK</p><p>Excuse me, Ms. McLarry. What does this pink slip mean?</p><p>SHEL</p><p>No...</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>Nick if you will step back into my office... PROF</p><p>It means they fired you, Nick.</p><p>NICK</p><p>Fired me?</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>Brian, this is none of your business.</p><p>PROF</p><p>To hell its not.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>You better cool down, before I fire you too.</p><p>PROF</p><p>I haven’t got time for you to fire me. There’s too much to do to keep this station on the air.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>I’m doing what’s right for the station.</p><p>PROF</p><p>You’re doing what’s right for your pocket, just like your old man. He changed to the rock and roll format because there was money in it. This station plays the same music it did twenty-five years ago because there is still money in it.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>Money keeps the station open and that’s the bottom line.</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>It’s where your pay check comes from.</p><p>PROF</p><p>How can we make it a better world when can’t even make it better here. MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>The world is not our problem.</p><p>NICK</p><p>Enough!</p><p>Every one looks at NICK. They are shocked.</p><p>It’s no big deal.</p><p>NICK exits out the isle.</p><p>Black out.</p><p>SONG 23: OHIO (Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young)</p><p>Enter BUSH.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>My opponent is a misguided alcoholic, slut! Political favors? She’s done more favors than the Godfather. She makes Xavoia Hollander look depressed! She talks about my money and my ranch. Believe me friends, she’s got the biggest spread in Texas!</p><p>Enter MOLLY and LANA.</p><p>MOLLY</p><p>OK, bush, we’re even. Let’s shake hands and call a truce.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>Kiss my elephant between the ears. I ain’t shakin’ your hand.</p><p>BUSH turns his back on MOLLY. She jumps on his back and starts beating him about the head.</p><p>BUSH</p><p>You touched my hat! Don’t you touch my hat! Nobody touches the hat! They exit. MIKE and LANA look at each other.</p><p>MIKE</p><p>Want to go get some coffee?</p><p>LANA</p><p>Yeah. I take mine black.</p><p>Black out.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>WRQX celebrates the twenty-fifth anniversary of Woodstock.</p><p>The cast enters to the Woodstock “Mud” chant. They are dressed like people at the concert. They carry things to bang together making percussion sounds in rhythm with the chant. They stop and sing the first verse of </p><p>SONG 24: THINK I’M GONNA DIE RAG. </p><p>They exit.</p><p>SONG 25: MY GENEREATION (The Who)</p><p>End of song.</p><p>NICK enters and looks at the empty stage. He sits. PROF enters and looks at NICK. He sits down beside NICK.</p><p>PROF</p><p>What are you doing, Nick?</p><p>NICK</p><p>I came back to turn in my keys.</p><p>NICK holds up a big key ring with many keys..</p><p>Now I only have two. NICK holds up two keys held together with a twisty tie.</p><p>A Man’s importance is measured by the amount of keys he’s got.</p><p>PROF</p><p>That’s not true.</p><p>NICK</p><p>But that’s not the worst part.</p><p>PROF</p><p>What is?</p><p>NICK</p><p>Livin’ in the music.</p><p>PROF</p><p>I don’t get it.</p><p>NICK</p><p>It’s just another key.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Key?</p><p>NICK</p><p>Do you hear the music?</p><p>PROF</p><p>Sure.</p><p>NICK</p><p>Do you see any one dancing or singing? Do you see happiness or hope? PROF</p><p>No.</p><p>NICK</p><p>You guys were right. I really was Goofy. You know, I was balding at twenty. It always made me look older. My mom said it made me look more mature. But, I never grew up...</p><p>(pause)</p><p>Brian.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Brian?</p><p>NICK</p><p>Brian.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Wow.</p><p>NICK</p><p>Today, I face the facts. It’s cold, it’s hard and it is all grey. There are no brilliant colors, only green grass.</p><p>PROF</p><p>You know I stopped taking acid when I was 17 because when I came down the world was dirty. And I knew I had to live here. So why torture myself?</p><p>NICK</p><p>I never even took a drink. Until today, I didn’t know how dirty the world is...</p><p>PROF</p><p>Aren’t you just feeling sorry for yourself?</p><p>NICK Don’t all grown ups?</p><p>PROF</p><p>I guess so.</p><p>NICK</p><p>Give these to Ms McLarry.</p><p>NICK hands PROF the big key ring.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Take it easy.</p><p>NICK</p><p>Yeah.</p><p>NICK exits. PROF stands and looks into the distance.</p><p>SONG 26: THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER (Jimi Hendricks)</p><p>SEGUE TO: PURPLE HAZE (Jimi Hendricks)</p><p>PROF looks around. He is trying to see the music.</p><p>PROF</p><p>Live the music. Live the music.</p><p>PROF walks all thought the audience looking. He returns to the stage.</p><p>I can’t do it.</p><p>The GOAST OF ROCK -N-ROLL PAST comes down from the stage and stands behind PROF.</p><p>SEGUE TO: WOODSTOCK IMPROVATION (Jimi Hendricks)</p><p>GOAST OF ROCK-N-ROLL PAT taps PROF on the shoulder. PROF turns and sees him. SHEL comes out of the booth and see both of them. PROF and SHEL look at each other. </p><p>The TRIBE form Woodstck enters and forms around GOAST OF ROCK-N-ROLL PAST. They clap and shout.</p><p>NICK enters from the isle.</p><p>SHEL</p><p>Nick! Nick!</p><p>The band becomes fully lit. NICK walks up to the TRIBE. He walks into them and is then lifted over their heads in a trust exercise. When they set him down NICK walks over to PROF. PROF smiles and goes into the TRIBE and is lifted. When PROF comes down SHEL jumps into the middle and is lifted quickly. JOHNNY enters and walks down the isle. He stands face to face with PROF. JOHNNY takes his hair down and jumps into the TRIBE and is lifted. JOHNNY is sat down in the isle and CHASE (from the first act) enters. He and JOHNNY hug. JOHNNY helps CHASE into the TRIBE and he is lifted.</p><p>Enter MS SILVERSTONE and MS MCLARRY.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>What’s going on here?</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>I don’t believe it.</p><p>JOHNNY , SHEL and PROF come down to MS SILVERSTONE.</p><p>MS SILVERSTONE</p><p>I’ll go.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>Wait! MS SILVERSTONE goes up to the TRIBE and is lifted. When she is put down she walks out to MS MCLARRY.</p><p>MS MCLARRY</p><p>I don’t want to. I’m afraid.</p><p>NICK comes down and offers his hand to MS MCLARRY. After a second she takes it. MS MCLARRY goes to the TRIBE and hesates. She looks at everyone and then jumps into the TRIBE. She is lifted.</p><p>Enter MAHA.</p><p>MAHA</p><p>As the sixties desolved into the seventies, so to did innocence. From Watergate to Waco, We have all died a little. When art looses its innocence it becomes business. When life looses it innocence it becomes pretentious. Everything and everybody is perfect. Grow older-grow wiser-grow innocent. We have music my family. Think about it.</p><p>MS MCLARRY is put down on the floor. Every one hugs. JOHNY takes the candle to GOAST OF ROCK-ROLL PAST. He blows it out. The music ends. Black out.</p><p>*Added in 2013 for the 2014 Playhouse Smithville production.</p><p>SONG 27: IN MY ROOM (The Beach Boys)</p><p>A group starts the song with all the harmonies as the song goes on the whole cast joins. LIGHTS: Slow fade to black.</p><p>CURTIAN CALL</p><p>SONG 28: WHIPE OUT (The Surfaries) *may segue to two other songs so that the audience can get up and dance with the cast. SONG 29: UNDERDOG ROCK / IN-A-GADDA-DA-VIDA (IRON BUTTEFLY) NEXT SHOW</p>
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