<p> Collin College Instructor’s Syllabus Fall 2010 This is a tentative schedule and I reserve the right to change dates (only to a later time) and information and to e-mail those changes without changing it in other locations except the calendar. So be sure to check the e-mail and calendar. TECA 1303 BX1 Family and the Community A study of the relationship among the child, family, community and schools, including parent education and involvement, family and community lifestyles, child abuse, and current family life issues. Lab required. 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours (Service Learning): 16 None A student may repeat this course only once after receiving a grade, including “W”.</p><p>Reading, group projects, discussion, chats, internet resources, video</p><p>Sharon Hirschy U-148 Preston Ridge Campus Preston Ridge U148: MW 12-1:00 and TTH 7:30-8:30 am and 9:45-10:45 I am also always willing to meet by appointment—just e-mail me! Telephone: 972-373-1005 (e-mail is the best way to get me) FAX: 972-881-5700 E-mail: , (Use BLACKBOARD e-mail for all correspondence but emergencies) . E-mail will be answered within 72 hours. Office e-mail: [email protected] Website: Uhttp://iws.collin.edu/shirschy/ In case of emergencies, contact the Social Sciences Division at 972-881-5800 Lab Instructor: Glenda Strange E-mail [email protected] Phone: 972-881-5944 Mrs. Strange is responsible for lab issues. She can be e-mailed in BlackBoard. Online on your own time. Assignments are subject to due dates as posted. Online 1. Gestwicki, C. 2010. Home, School and Community, 7th Edition, Thomson: Delmar Learning. 2. Lab Manual: Available from campus bookstore. None</p><p>1 Course Learning Outcomes and NAEYC Standards: 1. Examine literature on parenting styles and effective parenting techniques. (Standard 1, 2) a. Define different parenting styles. b. Describe family structures and interaction patterns and how they influence growth and development of children. c. Explain developmental stages of parenting and the effect on growth and development of children and parent d. Describe changes in parenting and family life during the 20th century. e. Describe the role of families in teaching and supporting learning. f. Identify characteristics of functional and dysfunctional families. 2. Discuss issues relating to families and communities. (Standard 2) a. Analyze current issues as they relate to families and parenting. b. Explain the importance of being sensitive to differences in family structures as well as social and cultural backgrounds as they relate to child rearing practices. c. Describe needs and challenges of families caring for children with special needs. d. Evaluate effects the community has on a child and his/her family. e. Identify community resources available to support children’s development, learning, well-being and special needs. f. Explain the importance of maintaining codes of ethical conduct when working with families and community professionals. g. Discuss legislation and public policies affecting children and families, including children with special needs. h. Advocate on behalf of early childhood issues relating to families and communities. 3. Discuss literature relating to diverse cultures and lifestyles. (Standard 2,4,5) a. Recognize human variability. b. Review professional literature on anti-biased approaches in the classroom. c. Explain how a child’s home language other than standard English affects their English language development. d. Describe ways to enhance all children’s awareness and appreciation of languages and cultures. e. Develop activities to enhance understanding of diverse cultures and lifestyles. 4. Summarize ways to communicate and interact with parents and families. (Standard 2,4,5) a. Describe how to establish and maintain strong, positive, collaborative relationships with families in early childhood/school age programs. b. Explain how teachers can work effectively with parents or primary caregivers to address children’s needs and promote their development. c. Explain the importance of respecting parents’ choices and goals for their children. d. Describe how to involve parents in planning for their individual children. e. Describe policies which promote family-friendly practices. f. Communicate with families. g. Demonstrate an ability to work effectively as a member of a professional team. 5. Recognize signs of abuse and neglect and describe ways to work effectively with abused and neglected children. (Standards 1,2,3) a. Examine statistics on abuse and neglect. b. List types of abuse and neglect and behaviors which might be indicators of such abuse/neglect. c. Explain state statutes regarding responsibilities in reporting suspected abuse and neglect. </p><p>2 d. List steps in reporting suspected abuse and neglect. e. Identify strategies that deter abusive behaviors. f. Describe caregivers’ role in helping abused and neglected children. </p><p>Course Requirements and Method of Evaluation:</p><p>Grading Policy and Method of Evaluation: Grades will be provided immediately for quizzes or within two weeks on modules and will be found in the quiz section or in Assignments. Check in the “Assignments” for your grade for each module. All elements of the module grade will be incorporated into one grade found there in “Assignments”. By clicking on the grade there you can find comments. </p><p>1 1. Service Learning/Labs 400 points 2 2.Quizzes: 150 3 3. Modules/Discussion (8) 350 </p><p>4 5. Participation/Chats U100 </p><p>U Total 1000 points Point System Grading: 900– 1000 = A 800 - 890 = B 700 -790 = C 650- 690 = D 650 and below = F 1 • Child Development/Early Childhood Education courses are competency-based, therefore, any student failing the Service Learning/Lab portion of the course, will fail the course. Turning in a lab sheet that has been falsified and/or duplicated in any way will automatically result in a failing grade for all labs.</p><p>Policies and Procedures:</p><p>*Paper Formats and Computer Programs* All assignments and papers must be double spaced, in 12 point font for regular text, and with one-inch margins (unless they are brochures or PowerPoints). All papers must be submitted in one of the following word processing or publishing formats: Word Perfect, Microsoft Works, PowerPoint, Publisher or Microsoft Word, Excel, or Access. If you do not have these programs you must use an .rtf file which is a rich text file. You can NOT use specialty programs such as scrapbooking programs, design and graphics programs etc…which I would not be able to read without the software. If a file comes that is NOT in one of these formats, you will receive a 0 for that assignment so be sure you are using one of the above. Student Expectations: Attendance/Involvement The key to success in online courses is to work steadily and not wait until the last minute to become involved. There is flexibility in this course in finishing early, but not in finishing late! I do track you, how often you log in, when you go to pages, what you look at and how long, etc…. and this is where I get your participation grade. </p><p>3 Waiting and trying to do all or most of your work the last week or two will result in a lowered or failing grade. Students are expected to log into BlackBoard a minimum of 3 times a week in this web course. I will be counting the times you log in and participate in discussions and chats, what you log into and look at, and the time you spend on the website (yes, BlackBoard gives me that information) and that will go toward your discussion and chat grade. If you have a scheduled time when you will be unable to log in, you will need to let me know by e-mail to BlackBoard and I will not count that time against you. Students are urged to discuss extenuating circumstances with their instructor. I am always willing to work with students who tell me things before they occur and right away after they occur. But I will not make allowances for those who wait until the end of the semester to tell me of problems they have had. </p><p>Netiquette, Respect and Professional Conduct: You are in courses that prepare you to be a teacher and a role model for children. You are therefore expected to conduct yourself professionally. Respect is the cornerstone of working with children. You are expected to act and dress in a professional manner when doing your service learning. You are also expected to be polite in e-mail and discussions with your professor and other students. </p><p>Course Withdrawal Policy: Students are responsible for officially withdrawing themselves from the course; failure to do so will result in a performance grade of "F". As stated in the Collin catalog, “a course in which a grade (including W) has been received can be repeated only one time to replace the grade”. Last Day to Withdraw with a grade of “W” is October 15, 2010. </p><p>Repeat Policy: As stated in the Collin catalog, "a course in which a grade (including W) has been received can be repeated only one time to replace the grade". You must drop by the census date which is September 7 in order for it not to count as one of your opportunities to take the course. </p><p>Possible Changes to Syllabus or Course: This syllabus is intended to be a set of guidelines for this course. Collin College and I reserve the right to make modifications in content, schedule, and requirements as necessary to promote the most effective learning possible within the prevailing conditions affecting the course. Changes will be announced if they are to be made. Changes will only be made in an effort to improve the course and allow students to be more successful. </p><p>ADA Statement: It is the policy of Collin College to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals who are students with disabilities. This College will adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as required to afford equal educational opportunity. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the ACCESS office, SCC-G200 or 972.881.5898 (V/TTD: 972.881.5950) in a timely manner to arrange for appropriate accommodations. </p><p>Academic Ethics: The College District may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, statements, acts, or omissions related to applications for enrollment or the award of a degree, and/or the submission as one’s own work material that is not one’s own. Scholastic dishonesty may involve, but is not limited to, one or more of the 4 following acts: cheating, plagiarism, collusion, use of annotated texts or teacher’s editions, and/or falsifying academic records. </p><p>Plagiarism is the use of an author’s words or ideas as if they were one’s own without giving credit to the source, including, but not limited to, failure to acknowledge a direct quotation. </p><p>Cheating is the willful giving or receiving of information in an unauthorized manner during an examination, illicitly obtaining examination questions in advance, copying computer or Internet files, using someone else’s work for the assignments as if it were one’s own, or any other dishonest means of attempting to fulfill the requirements of a course. </p><p>Collusion is intentionally aiding or attempting to aid another in an act of scholastic dishonesty, including but not limited to, providing a paper or project to another student; providing an inappropriate level of assistance; communicating answers to a classmate during an examination; removing tests or answer sheets from a test site, and allowing a classmate to copy answers.</p><p>Mandatory Library Tutorial: All students in Child Development and Education courses are required every semester to complete a tutorial on using library databases to access professional articles. The tutorial can be found at http://collin.libguides.com/teachers You will need to complete the tutorial and the quiz at the end and make copies of the last page to turn in to your professors. You only need to take it once each semester and then turn in copies of the last page to every professor in Child Development as they request. You should submit this online to the </p><p>Specific Course Requirements</p><p>Modules: There are 8 modules which cover two weeks each (except the last module which is shorter) and they are in BlackBoard under modules. The modules will include the readings and will remind you of the things due during the module. Be sure to print off the checklists on the modules. The modules will also include additional activities that must be completed as each module receives points. Read them carefully and complete each task. Discussions are graded separately and their grades appear on the “My Grades” section. Check the calendar and Assignments section for all due dates.</p><p>Chapter Quizzes: There are quizzes for each module. They are graded separately from the modules. They are open book, but have a time limit. You will not have enough time to complete them if you wait until the quiz to read the chapters. They cover both the chapters and the power points. You will not be able to take the quizzes after the due date unless you have a doctor’s note. The last day to take the quiz is posted on the quiz and coincides with the end of the module. If you know ahead of time you will be gone or have difficulty, be sure to take them early. Do not wait until the last day as there are NO makeups for computer problems, etc…I will drop one your lowest quiz grade or if you miss one, then that can be your lowest! Be sure that your Popup blocker is off when you take the quiz!</p><p>5 Discussion/Chat “Most modules will have discussions. You will be required to: 1. Reply to my initial posting in the discussion postings and then 2. Reply to 2 other postings. There will be chats that are conducted during the semester on topics that I will define. You will be assigned a group and can decide when they would like to meet for the chats and will let the instructor know. I will let you know later more about a chat. Grading for chat will require that you respond regularly throughout the conversation and that you respond with 2 or more sentences that extend the conversation….NOT, “Yes, I agree” or “I think so too.”</p><p>Grading Criteria for Discussions</p><p>Your posting will be graded according to the following criteria:</p><p>Full Credit Half Credit No Credit</p><p>- pose one comment and - pose one comment and - did not post comment two responses one response or response</p><p>- demonstrate excellent - demonstrate average - did not complete knowledge and knowledge and postings by deadline understanding of understanding of (late postings will question question receive no credit)</p><p>- comment or response - comment or response - did not demonstrate must be a minimum of must be a minimum of knowledge of question five complete sentences two complete sentences - did not comment or respond respectfully - comment and response - comment or response must be respectful must be respectful</p><p>- complete postings by - complete postings by the deadline the deadline</p><p>Key Assessment for Capstone Project: Advocacy This assignment should be completed and kept as part of your portfolio which is required as part of the capstone course for the AAS degree. It can be kept in a portfolio notebook, file or e-portfolio. You should follow the rubric which you will find in the “Assignments” section under “Advocacy lab” exactly in order to receive full points!</p><p>6 1303 Fall 2010 Online Schedule All module assignments are due by 11:00 p.m. on the night before the beginning of the new module! This is a tentative schedule and I reserve the right to change dates (only to a later time) and to e-mail those changes without changing it in other locations except the calendar. So be sure to check the e-mail and calendar. Modules Topic and NAEYC Standard Module Introduction and orientation/ Service Learning 1 Family interactions and parenting styles Aug 23- St. 2 Sept. 6 Orientations (see Blackboard for dates). Module Theories of Family: Families Today St. 2,5 2 Census Date: Sept. 7 Sept. 7- Sept. 20 Module Diversity: Culture, Adoption, Blended, single-parent, etc… 3 Diversity and Stress in Families St. 1,2,4 Sept 21 Parenting Styles Lab Due Oct. 11 —Oct. 4 Module Abuse and Families with Special Needs St. 1,2 4 Last Day to withdraw October 15 Oct. 5- Oct 18 Module Families, Media and Technology St. 4,5 5 Building Partnerships/ECE Programs Oct. 19- Service Learning Journal 1 Due Nov. 5 Nov. 1 Module It takes a Village: Community and Families and Advocacy St. 2 6 Nov. 2- Nov. 15 Module Parent Education/Family Life Education St. 2,4 7 Advocacy Lab Due Nov. 19 Nov. 16- Nov. 29 Module Communication with Families/Parent-Teacher Conferences/Families in 8 the classroom St 2,4,5 Nov. 30- Service Learning Journal 2 Due Dec. 1—Points will be subtracted Dec 6 for late. All materials Due on Dec. 8 No points will be given for materials later than this date. No Final!</p><p>7 Service Learning/Labs This semester you will be doing Service Learning for your lab hours (16) and will have 2 additional labs. You should refer to the Service Learning information in your lab manual. Explore the service learning information in your lab manual and on BlackBoard. You should choose to work with an organization from those that have been identified for this course. If you do not see one you would like us to consider you will need to provide contact information to us and receive prior approval and they MUST work with families, not just children or older people. Remember, tutoring, coaching, etc. are not acceptable for this lab. Some of these groups allow night and weekends while others will want daytime volunteers. The hours can be done one hour per week or several hours at a time—your choice. 2. Complete your application forms as identified in the service learning section of the lab manual. You are NOT required in this course to have a TB test UNLESS your agency tells you they require it. 3. Copy your hour sheet and be sure to get it signed. You may also want to make copies regularly in case you lose it. If you lose your hours sheet you will have to make up all of the hours lost! You turn in a copy of your signed sheet to Mrs. Strange by uploading it to “assignments”, e-mail or fax. You must complete all 16 hours to receive a passing grade in the class. If you falsify your sheet in any way, it will result in a failing grade for the course. NOTE: A copy of the generic syllabus is available in the division office and on the college web site at: Generic Syllabi . </p><p>8 NAEYC Accreditation Standards</p><p>Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning 1a: Knowing and understanding young children’s characteristics and needs 1b: Knowing and understanding the multiple influences on development and learning 1c: Using knowledge of development to create healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environments</p><p>Standard 2: Building Family and Community Relationships 2a: Knowing about and understanding family and community characteristics 2b: Supporting and empowering families and communities through respectful, reciprocal relationships 2c: Involving families and communities in their children’s development and learning</p><p>Standard 3: Observing, Documenting, and Assessing to Support Young Children and Families 3a: Understanding the goals, benefits, and uses of assessment 3b: Knowing about and using observation, documentation, and other appropriate assessment tools 3c: Understanding and practicing responsible assessment 3d: Knowing about assessment partnerships with families & other professionals</p><p>Standard 4: Teaching and Learning 4a: Knowing, understanding, and using positive relationships and supportive interactions 4b: Knowing, understanding, and using effective approaches, strategies, and tools for early education 4c: Knowing and understanding the importance, central concepts, inquiry tools, and structures of content areas or academic disciplines 4d: Using own knowledge and other resources to design, implement, and evaluate meaningful, challenging curriculum to promote positive outcomes Standard 5: Becoming a Professional 5a: Identifying and involving oneself with the early childhood field 5b: Knowing about and upholding ethical standards and other professional guidelines 5c: Engaging in continuous, collaborative learning to inform practice 5d: Integrating knowledgeable, critical & reflective perspectives on early education 5e: Engaging in informed advocacy for children and the profession</p><p>Supportive Skills Supportive Skill 1: Self –assessment and self-advocacy Supportive Skill 2: Mastering and applying foundational concepts from general education Supportive Skill 3: Written and verbal skills Supportive Skill 4: Making connections between prior knowledge/ experience and new learning Supportive Skill 5: Identifying and using professional resources</p><p>9 10</p>
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