Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.orgmee Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County Vol. 38 No, 42 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $12,00 PER YEAR Car. Rt. P.S, PRICE 30 CENTS October 20,1983 Large Task Force Begins Process Of Education Review The 30-member task force charged with reviewing the edu- Vote Wednesday On Fencecation structure in town launched a sea of subcommittees at its And Bleachers-$47,000 organizational meeting Monday The long-awaited town meet- ••*•"Chuck• •••-<" Binald• •<•i Jr* . o-*•f th• e PBC. night. ing appropriating funds for inter- "There's no reason why the The group, •ppointed by the ior fencing and bleachers at the (old) bleachers can't be relocat- Board of Education last week, PATENTLY EXPLAINING a point relating to the high school high school athletic eomplei was ed!" has until January to come back athletic complex bleachers is Charles Monterose, left, a member of the scheduled Monday night by the PBC members protested the with recommendations that could Public Buildings Committee who spoke at Monday night's Town Town Council for Wednesday, Council's recent action of overri- affect several aspects of student Council meeting. A town meeting was set for Wednesday, Oct. 26, at 8 Oct. 26, at 8 p.m. in the high ding a committee recommenda- life and teaching In the commun- p.m. at the high school to appropriate $47,000 for improvements to school library. tion a portion of the present blea- ity. the sports complex. (Valuckas Photo) The vote will ask for an overall chers be shifted to the new site. "I see quite a group of dedi- expenditure of $47,000, which in- The Council said it would be too cated people devoting some time cludes $7,000 to relocate some of costly, and also was concerned and energy to the educational Council Helps CCM Fightthe old football field bleachers to with liability. system in Watertown," reported the new site. Charles Monterose of the com- Board member Robert Kamlnski, NUStreet Light Boost Other appropriations are mittee, who said "I've done a lit- a Mattatuck Community College Despite the urging of a local opposes the board authorizing $14,428 to put up a fence around tle work with steel," said a local counselor who was nominated industry not to do sd the Town money to help CCM fight the the running track, $21,280 for a contractor would relocate the and elected permanent chairman new 600-seat bleacher section, bleachers to a prepared site at Council Monday night ; unani- increase. , of the task force. John Mussel- mously agreed to chip in $485 "Inflation over the past five and $4,293 for a contingency ac- the complex, and replace the man, high school representative to help the Connecticut Con- years has placed the utility count. timbers for $7,000. Half the ex- on the Board, was chosen re- ference of Municipalities (CCM) company in weak financial con- Last week, the Public Build- pense, he said, would stem from corder. organize a challenge to a pro- dition," Mr. Long said. "This ings Committee, which had sev- just the wood replacement. Mr. Kaminskl said "there's posed 12 percent rate increase can only be remedied by the eral members sit In on Monday's The job, Mr. Monterose conti- a good sampling" of task force by Northeast Utilities in street maintenance of proper rates. meeting, accepted the Central nued, could be done in two members on each of the five light energy. "This is what the Depart- Fence, Southington, bid on the (Continued on page 2) subcommittees, which comprise Town Manager James Troup ment of Public Utility Control fencing ($14,428), and Ramondo a maximum of six members said the town spends about will determine. We support the Recreation's quote on the blea- Belfiore Makes each. $100,000 annually on street need for a rate increase to the chers ($21,280). He said the January deadline lighting. A12 percent hike would same degree that all businesses The bleacher structure will Youth Ensemble provides an "ambitious task" mean an increase of around have found necessary over the have wooden seats and wooden for the group, "but I think we $12,000. recent years." floorboards, with no special plat- For Third Time can do it." However, Henry L. Long, CCM said the 12 percent boost form for the press. The alterna- The overall committee stems president of KeelerA Long, Inc., means about 816774 million in tive is the cheapest of three Ra- Watertown High School senior from a plan by School Superin- a paint manufacturer, said In a revenue for NU. The munlei- mondo proposals. The firm said James Belfiore again has been tendent Dr. Richard C. Briggs. letter to the Council his firm (Continued on page 24) it could install the bleachers selected to perform in the Con- and supported by the Board, to within 30 days. necticut Valley Youth Wind En- address the issues raised in the Membersof the PBC and semble for the third year in a report from the National Com- Cut And Haul Wood Away Council traded accusations Mon- row. mission on Excellence, "A Na- day during open discussion on He was among those selected tion at Risk." the saga of the eompie*, which by audition from thousands of In his address to teachers at From, Park In November officials are hoping to ready-in high school musicians from 60 the start of the new school year, The Parks and Recreation De- will be assigned areas; no choice whole or In part-by the Nov. 24 high schools. Mr. Belflore tied Dr. Briggs said the charges partment is accepting reserva- is Involved. Thanksgiving Day football with for first place in his performance to educators are to strengthen tions from people who are willing Guidelines include: Torrington. on the flute. high school requirements, focus to cut, clear, and haul wood away -Truck limit in size to six "We've been trying to do a The ensemble comprises some curriculum on basic subjects, from the roughs on the front nine wheels or less. job, but it seems every time we of the finest high school musi- set rigorous academic standards, at Crestbrook Park. ••People must cut own wood, turn around, there's outside in- cians from Connecticut. It was create a "climate of expecta- The recreation commission has and load, plus cut and stack all tervention," lamented Francis (Continued on page 24) (Continusd on page 2) established guidelines for the brush from fallen tress, procedure, which will cost resi- --Personal liability and acci- dents about $10 a cord, depend- dent form, taking all responsibi- Three Make Last Hurrah! ing upon the number of appli- lity for all accidents or damage to cants. personal property, must be sign- The venture is the town's se- ed. cond at the park. About three •-All wood 4 inches in diameter years ago, residents were charg- or more must be taken. ed $35 a cord for wood that alrea- -•Work must be done on as- dy was cut. However, problems signed days only, and when wea- developed with the vendor, and ther permits, the program met with uneven Work will be done under the success. close supervision of park staff, "There's quite a bit of wood who will have final authority on up there," said Donald Stepa- all aspects of wood cutting and nek, recreation director. "People clearing. Fees to the customers should be aware of the guide- will be used to coyer the working lines, however, before they regi- hours of the staff involved. ster." Registration must be made In Mr. Stepanek said the final fee person or by mail at the recrea- price will be set after the signup tion office, Town^ Hall Annex, deadline. He advised people to 424 Main St., by Friday, Nov. 4. use four-wheel drive vehicles, al- Name, address, phone number, though they are not mandatory. day of the week cutting can be The clearing will begin around done, and size of vehicle to be the middle of November, he said. The front nine holes of the golf used must be supplied to the of- Scan Bntterly Dr. Novello Rngglero Norman Stephen fice. course will be closed, provided Mr, Stepanek said if a large the ground is not too muddy. BARRING A SPECIAL SESSION of the Town Council prior to the Nov. 8 election, three members of number of people sign up, resi- For information, call the re- the board attended their final regular meeting Monday night at the high school. Not seeking reelection this dents will be restricted to one creation office at 274-5411, eirfs. year for personal reasons are Democrats Sean Butterly, the vice chairman, and Dr. Novello Ruggiero, and truck load per person. People 253-255. Republican Norman Stephen. (Valuckas Photos) Page 2 Town Times (Watertown, Conn.) Oct. 20,1983 adequate is Irresponsible and man John Mills, George Cieehet- with a hired contractor. Large Task longer day and a longer year, With talk crisscrossing back but only passing comment about provides no logic," he stated. ti, Joseph Gugllottl, and Dodds (ContinuePropertyd from page 1) of the Watertown HistoricalPerrin, Dr. Briggs, and Assis- Societyand forth over the safety of the better pay, improved working Mr. Kaminski said the task tion" for performance, conduct, conditions, et cetera," Dr, force will meet the first and third tant Superintendent Dr. Philip seats, Councilman Norman Ste- homework, and effective use of Briggs said. Mondays on the month, at 7:30 Pelosi. phen advised the Board of Edu- cation to "condemn" use of the school time, and strengthen "To preach that teachers p.m.
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