<p> Mrs. Gillespie-ECS Junior High School English Grade 7 Summer Reading 2012 An active reading guide for: Soldier’s Heart By: Gary Paulsen</p><p>Name:______Eldred Junior High School--7th Grade English Mrs. Gillespie- Period 1</p><p> adapted from a lesson found at http://wikizaki.wikispaces.com/SoldierHeart 1 Mrs. Gillespie-ECS Junior High School English Grade 7 Summer Reading 2012</p><p>Soldier’s Heart Vocabulary</p><p>Ch.1-3: June 1861 – Toward Manassas 1. Violated To break a rule or law 2. Stout Strong and sturdy 3. Immoral Wrong behavior 4. Gamey Tastes like wild animal 5. Muck Dirt; Filth 6. Bellow To roar with a powerful sound 7. Fanfare A noisy or showy display 8. Posts Where soldiers are stationed 9. Plush Luxurious 10.Profanity Swears; bad words Ch.4-5: Bull Run – Night 1. Grade The rise of a sloping surface 2. Saber A sword with a heavy blade 3. Tinged Slightly colored 4. Private The lowest rank in the military 5. Comrades Fellow soldiers 6. Scabbard A sheath or case to hold the blade of a weapon 7. Muzzle The front end of the barrel of a gun 8. Earthworks Fortifications for defense formed of piled up dirt 9. Amid In the middle of; in the midst</p><p>Ch.6-7: Farming – Town Life 1. Prosperous Thriving; successful 2. Dysentery An intestinal disease 3. Line of battle Troops in a position ready to fight 4. Demoralized Lowered morale; weakened spirit; bummed 5. Forage To search for food 6. Shanties Huts or shabby dwellings 7. Doled Give out sparingly 8. Dire Dreadful; dismal; horrible 9. Relented Become less severe 10.Adept Skilled or well versed Ch.8-10: Winter – June 1867 1. Commandeered Take possession of something 2. Calvary Soldiers who fight on horses 3. Impending About to happen 4. Inferno A large uncontrollable fire; hell adapted from a lesson found at http://wikizaki.wikispaces.com/SoldierHeart 2 Mrs. Gillespie-ECS Junior High School English Grade 7 Summer Reading 2012</p><p>5. Droves Large numbers of people 6. Rabid Affected with rabies 7. Rasping A harsh grating noise 8. Skirmishes Episodes of irregular fighting 9. Barrage Bombardment 10.Corrosion Deterioration</p><p>Soldier’s Heart: Chapters 1-3 Active Reading</p><p>Connections: : How do the events from these chapters relate to other things you read or other things you know about history?</p><p>1. ______</p><p>2. ______</p><p>Comments: What are your thoughts and opinions?</p><p>1. ______</p><p>2. ______</p><p>Questions: What are you wondering about?</p><p>1. ______</p><p>2. ______</p><p>Predictions:</p><p>1. ______</p><p>2. ______</p><p>Vocabulary Activities Directions: Complete one vocabulary activity for each part. That means you will complete 2 activities for each word: one activity from part 1 and one activity from part 2. Part 1 Using context clues write a definition of each word. (What does the word/definition make you think of when you are reading the sentence it is in?) Write the sentence from the text that each word appears in. Give an example AND non-example for each word. adapted from a lesson found at http://wikizaki.wikispaces.com/SoldierHeart 3 Mrs. Gillespie-ECS Junior High School English Grade 7 Summer Reading 2012</p><p> Write a clue for remembering the definition of each word.</p><p>Part 2 Create your OWN sent ence for each word. Draw a symbol, graphic, or illustration representing each word (in color). These must show that you really thought about the vocabulary word and the definition (EFFORT!)- label these if they seem confusing. Compose an acrostic poem for each word, incorporating the meaning/definition of the word. Make up as many associations and connections as possible. Relate the word to words you already know. For example, the word GARGANTUAN (very large) has a similar meaning to the words gigantic, huge, large, etc. You could make a sequence: small, medium, large, very large, GARGANTUAN. List as many things as you can that could be considered GARGANTUAN: Godzilla, the circus fat lady, the zit on your nose, etc. Soldier’s Heart: Assignment #1 Ch.1-3: June 1861 – Toward Manassas</p><p>Literary Elements:</p><p>I. Setting – In literature, the setting is the time and place in which the story occurs. Setting is especially important in a historical novel such as this one.</p><p>What is the time of the novel? ______</p><p>What three different places have been described in the novel so far?</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>II. Author’s Style – Why do you think the author used the following expressions: He heard it all, Charley did; heard the drums and songs and slogans and knew what everybody and his rooster was crowing.</p><p> You could throw a cat through their house without hitting a wall. ______Literary Devices: Simile adapted from a lesson found at http://wikizaki.wikispaces.com/SoldierHeart 4 Mrs. Gillespie-ECS Junior High School English Grade 7 Summer Reading 2012</p><p>A simile is a figure of speech in which two unlike objects are compared using the words “like” or “as”. For example:</p><p>If he had profane thoughts as he went to war, they might infect his soul as the dirty clothes would infect his wound.</p><p>What is being compared in this simile?</p><p>______to ______</p><p>~and~</p><p>______to ______</p><p>What does this reveal about Charley?</p><p>______Vocabulary: Matching</p><p>1. _____ Violated A. Strong and sturdy 2. _____ Stout B. Where soldiers are stationed 3. _____ Immoral C. Tastes like wild animal 4. _____ Gamey D. Luxurious 5. _____ Muck E. Swears; bad words 6. _____ Bellow F. To roar with a powerful sound 7. _____ Fanfare G. Dirt; Filth 8. _____ Posts H. Wrong behavior 9. _____ Plush I. To break a rule or law 10._____ Profanity J. A noisy or showy display</p><p>Critical Thinking Questions: 1. How might Charley’s innocence and lack of worldly experience contribute to his desire to go to war? ______2. Could Charley’s mother have stopped her son from going to war? ______3. Is it possible that people today could be fooled by those who promise a war will be short lived?</p><p> adapted from a lesson found at http://wikizaki.wikispaces.com/SoldierHeart 5 Mrs. Gillespie-ECS Junior High School English Grade 7 Summer Reading 2012</p><p>______</p><p>Soldier’s Heart: Chapters 4-5 Active Reading Connections: How do the events from these chapters relate to other things you read or other things you know about history?</p><p>1. ______</p><p>2. ______</p><p>Comments: What are your thoughts and opinions?</p><p>1. ______</p><p>2. ______</p><p>Questions: What are you wondering about?</p><p>1. ______</p><p>2. ______</p><p>Predictions:</p><p>1. ______</p><p>2. ______</p><p>Vocabulary Activities Directions: Complete one vocabulary activity for each part. That means you will complete 2 activities for each word: one activity from part 1 and one activity from part 2.</p><p>Part 1</p><p> adapted from a lesson found at http://wikizaki.wikispaces.com/SoldierHeart 6 Mrs. Gillespie-ECS Junior High School English Grade 7 Summer Reading 2012</p><p> Using context clues write a definition of each word. (What does the word/definition make you think of when you are reading the sentence it is in?) Write the sentence from the text that each word appears in. Give an example AND non-example for each word. Write a clue for remembering the definition of each word. Part 2 Create your OWN sentence for each word. Draw a symbol, graphic, or illustration representing each word (in color). These must show that you really thought about the vocabulary word and the definition (EFFORT!)- label these if they seem confusing. Compose an acrostic poem for each word, incorporating the meaning/definition of the word. Make up as many associations and connections as possible. Relate the word to words you already know. For example, the word GARGANTUAN (very large) has a similar meaning to the words gigantic, huge, large, etc. You could make a sequence: small, medium, large, very large, GARGANTUAN. List as many things as you can that could be considered GARGANTUAN: Godzilla, the circus fat lady, the zit on your nose, etc. Soldier’s Heart: Assignment #2 Ch.4-5: Bull Run - Night</p><p>Literary Devices:</p><p>I. Personification – Personification is a literary device in which an author grants human qualities to inanimate objects. For example:</p><p>Bullets flew past him with evil little snaps and snickers.</p><p>What is being personified? ______</p><p>What is the effect? ______</p><p>II. Simile – What is being compared in the following passage?</p><p>It was like a blade cutting grain. He heard bullets hitting the men…</p><p>______to ______</p><p>~and~</p><p>______to ______</p><p>What is the effect of this comparison? adapted from a lesson found at http://wikizaki.wikispaces.com/SoldierHeart 7 Mrs. Gillespie-ECS Junior High School English Grade 7 Summer Reading 2012</p><p>______</p><p>III. Imagery – Imagery is a language that appeals to the senses. Many images are visual, creating pictures in the reader’s mind by appealing to the sense of sight. For example:</p><p>He lay by the tree and watched fireflies move over the battlefields. They were pretty, flitting here and there, and for a moment he could believe that none of it had happened.</p><p>Why does the author use this peaceful image at this point in the novel? ______</p><p>Why does the image of fireflies quickly change into a reminder of the horror that had just taken place?</p><p>______</p><p>Vocabulary: Matching</p><p>1. _____ Grade A. Slightly colored 2. _____ Saber B. In the middle of; in the midst 3. _____ Tinged C. The rise of a sloping surface 4. _____ Private D. A sheath or case to hold the blade of a weapon 5. _____ Comrades E. A sword with a heavy blade 6. _____ Scabbard F. The lowest rank in the military 7. _____ Muzzle G. Fellow soldiers 8. _____ Earthworks H. The front end of the barrel of a gun 9. _____ Amid I. Fortifications for defense formed of piled up dirt</p><p>Critical Thinking Questions: 1. Does Charley’s experience in his first battle change his beliefs about war and fighting? ______2. What is Charley’s reaction to his first battle? ______3. Why is it that Charley cannot feel sad for the dead and wounded? What might this tell you about war? adapted from a lesson found at http://wikizaki.wikispaces.com/SoldierHeart 8 Mrs. Gillespie-ECS Junior High School English Grade 7 Summer Reading 2012</p><p>______4. Why can’t Charley run away, even when he believes he will die? ______5. Why does the author give such graphic descriptions of the corpses lying on the battlefield? ______</p><p>Soldier’s Heart: Chapters 6-7 Active Reading Connections: : How do the events from these chapters relate to other things you read or other things you know about history?</p><p>1. ______</p><p>2. ______</p><p>Comments: What are your thoughts and opinions?</p><p>1. ______</p><p>2. ______</p><p>Questions: What are you wondering about?</p><p>1. ______</p><p>2. ______</p><p>Predictions:</p><p>1. ______</p><p>2. ______</p><p>Vocabulary Activities Directions: Complete one vocabulary activity for each part. That means you will complete 2 activities for each word: one activity from part 1 and one activity from part 2.</p><p>Part 1 adapted from a lesson found at http://wikizaki.wikispaces.com/SoldierHeart 9 Mrs. Gillespie-ECS Junior High School English Grade 7 Summer Reading 2012</p><p> Using context clues write a definition of each word. (What does the word/definition make you think of when you are reading the sentence it is in?) Write the sentence from the text that each word appears in. Give an example AND non-example for each word. Write a clue for remembering the definition of each word. Part 2 Create your OWN sentence for each word. Draw a symbol, graphic, or illustration representing each word (in color). These must show that you really thought about the vocabulary word and the definition (EFFORT!)- label these if they seem confusing. Compose an acrostic poem for each word, incorporating the meaning/definition of the word. Make up as many associations and connections as possible. Relate the word to words you already know. For example, the word GARGANTUAN (very large) has a similar meaning to the words gigantic, huge, large, etc. You could make a sequence: small, medium, large, very large, GARGANTUAN. List as many things as you can that could be considered GARGANTUAN: Godzilla, the circus fat lady, the zit on your nose, etc. Soldier’s Heart: Assignment #3 Ch.6-7: Farming – Town Life</p><p>Literary Devices:</p><p>I. Point of View – In literature, the point of view refers to the voice telling the story. There are three basic points of view:</p><p> First-person point of view – This is when one of the characters acts as a narrator, telling the story as he/she experiences it.</p><p> Third-person point of view – In this case, the narrator is the author as an outside observer who relates what one character is doing and thinking.</p><p> Third-person omniscient point of view – Here again the narrator is the author as an outside observer, but this narrator relates what all the characters are doing and thinking.</p><p>Which point of view is this novel? ______</p><p>How does this point of view affect the way the reader views the characters?</p><p>______</p><p>Why would Paulsen want the reader to have this view of his characters?</p><p>______</p><p> adapted from a lesson found at http://wikizaki.wikispaces.com/SoldierHeart 10 Mrs. Gillespie-ECS Junior High School English Grade 7 Summer Reading 2012</p><p>II. Irony – Irony refers to a twist of fate or a situation that is the opposite of what is expected. What is ironic about Charley’s trade with the rebel soldier?</p><p>______</p><p>Vocabulary: Matching</p><p>1. _____ Prosperous A. An intestinal disease 2. _____ Dysentery B. Troops in a position ready to fight 3. _____ Line of battle C. Lowered morale; weakened spirit; bummed 4. _____ Demoralized D. Huts or shabby dwellings 5. _____ Forage E. Skilled or well versed 6. _____ Shanties F. Dreadful; dismal; horrible 7. _____ Doled G. Become less severe 8. _____ Dire H. To search for food 9. _____ Relented I. Thriving; successful 10._____ Adept J. Give out sparingly </p><p>Critical Thinking Questions: 1. Why is Charley convinced that he is going to die? ______2. Why does Charley tell his mother very little about his first battle? ______3. Why is Charley unable to communicate to Nelson what he now knows about war? adapted from a lesson found at http://wikizaki.wikispaces.com/SoldierHeart 11 Mrs. Gillespie-ECS Junior High School English Grade 7 Summer Reading 2012</p><p>______4. Why does Charley act so differently in the second battle? What might this suggest about soldiers in war? ______5. Why does Charley cry for Nelson when he could not cry for other men who died? ______Soldier’s Heart: Chapters 8-10 Active Reading</p><p>Connections: : How do the events from these chapters relate to other things you read or other things you know about history? 1. ______</p><p>2. ______</p><p>Comments: What are your thoughts and opinions?</p><p>1. ______</p><p>2. ______</p><p>Questions: What are you wondering about?</p><p>1. ______</p><p>2. ______</p><p>Predictions:</p><p>1. ______</p><p>2. ______</p><p>Vocabulary Activities Directions: Complete one vocabulary activity for each part. That means you will complete 2 activities for each word: one activity from part 1 and one activity from part 2.</p><p>Part 1</p><p> adapted from a lesson found at http://wikizaki.wikispaces.com/SoldierHeart 12 Mrs. Gillespie-ECS Junior High School English Grade 7 Summer Reading 2012</p><p> Using context clues write a definition of each word. (What does the word/definition make you think of when you are reading the sentence it is in?) Write the sentence from the text that each word appears in. Give an example AND non-example for each word. Write a clue for remembering the definition of each word. Part 2 Create your OWN sentence for each word. Draw a symbol, graphic, or illustration representing each word (in color). These must show that you really thought about the vocabulary word and the definition (EFFORT!)- label these if they seem confusing. Compose an acrostic poem for each word, incorporating the meaning/definition of the word. Make up as many associations and connections as possible. Relate the word to words you already know. For example, the word GARGANTUAN (very large) has a similar meaning to the words gigantic, huge, large, etc. You could make a sequence: small, medium, large, very large, GARGANTUAN. List as many things as you can that could be considered GARGANTUAN: Godzilla, the circus fat lady, the zit on your nose, etc. Soldier’s Heart: Assignment #4 Ch.8-10: Winter – June 1867</p><p>Vocabulary: Matching</p><p>1. _____ Commandeered A. Large numbers of people 2. _____ Calvary B. A harsh grating noise 3. _____ Impending C. Affected with rabies 4. _____ Inferno D. Soldiers who fight on horses 5. _____ Droves E. Take possession of something 6. _____ Rabid F. About to happen 7. _____ Rasping G. Bombardment 8. _____ Skirmishes H. A large uncontrollable fire; hell 9. _____ Barrage I. Deterioration 10._____ Corrosion J. Episodes of irregular fighting Critical Thinking Questions: 1. Why does Charley feel alone even when he is surrounded by others? ______2. How does a battle scene today differ from a battle scene in the Civil War? ______3. Were the Confederates who kept coming even while being mowed down were “brave” or “foolish”? Why? adapted from a lesson found at http://wikizaki.wikispaces.com/SoldierHeart 13 Mrs. Gillespie-ECS Junior High School English Grade 7 Summer Reading 2012</p><p>______4. Why were the casualties so high in battles such as Gettysburg? ______5. Why does Charley live alone in a shack after the war ends? ______</p><p> adapted from a lesson found at http://wikizaki.wikispaces.com/SoldierHeart 14</p>
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